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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Sorry, this is from a week ago and this isn't technically about a commercial, I'm just catching up.

Bastet, I was reading a story recently about an idiot parent who left their baby in a hot car and the baby died.

They had tips for not forgetting your child (if you need those tips, you shouldn't have kids). One of those tips was to put your cell phone in the back seat next to the baby, implying that the phone is something you wouldn't forget but your baby is.

It actually disgusted me to read that.

I don't have time to look up the stats right now, but the vast majority of kids dying in hot cars is because there was a change in routine; for example, dad never takes the kid to daycare, he/she is sleeping in the car seat in the back seat, and dad drives to work like he does every day.  Idiot maybe, but they are also possibly deserving of  some compassion.

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I don't have time to look up the stats right now, but the vast majority of kids dying in hot cars is because there was a change in routine; for example, dad never takes the kid to daycare, he/she is sleeping in the car seat in the back seat, and dad drives to work like he does every day.  Idiot maybe, but they are also possibly deserving of  some compassion.

Also, I don't seem to recall this happening as much before laws were enacted requiring car seats to be placed in the rear, facing backwards. I could be wrong, though.

  • Love 4

Also, I don't seem to recall this happening as much before laws were enacted requiring car seats to be placed in the rear, facing backwards. I could be wrong, though.

I was just coming to post this same thing. From what I've read this is a reasonably new phenomenon for the reason you just mentioned, it was almost unheard of before that. That's not to say putting kids in the back isn't better, don't know the statistics on that, but it's probably not that parents are suddenly more interested in their cell phones than their children.

  • Love 6

I loathe the Summer Eve's commercial with the two roomies arguing over who gets to shower first.


The one who wins already has her hair up in a towel before her freaking shower.  No one does that.


I've been exposed to the commercial a zillion times, but never realized it was for a feminine hygeine product.  I thought it was a commercial for whoever made the shower head they focus on in a shot (one of those rainfall ones I think).


Your commercial is annoying and I thought it was for a shower head.  You fail.

  • Love 3

A while back, Toyota had one. Now it looks like Honda is doing a series of them. Both went on the boycott list.

My 36-year-old sister makes up hashtags on Facebook. She'll put things like #workingatthebaralldaythestruggleisreal or #icantwaituntilschoolisbackinthesekidsaredrivingmecrazy. Of course, her 1,000+ followers from school (that she hadn't spoken to since then) think it's the greatest, but I think it's really, really stupid, and she's not in my regular feed, so I don't have to see that garbage.
  • Love 9

Also, I don't seem to recall this happening as much before laws were enacted requiring car seats to be placed in the rear, facing backwards. I could be wrong, though.


You're not (that gets some attention in the Washington Post article I posted upthread).



Which car company does the ads where everyone speaks in hashtags? I'd like to know which brand to avoid in the future.

A while back, Toyota had one.  Now it looks like Honda is doing a series of them.  Both went on the boycott list.


I've only ever owned a Honda or Toyota/Lexus, and if I was buying a new car today I'd almost certainly go with one of those.  But the commercials are making that increasingly difficult!  I figure at least Lexus is only annoying during the winter holidays.

  • Love 2

Whenever I see this commercial, I notice how pissed off two of the women are.  At the very very beginning of the commercial, you can see how annoyed the woman is at the little boy.  She does not like that he ran in front of her and tries to grab him.  Then, she and the husband give irritated looks. I want to know what the little girl whispers to him at the table (because I thrive on useless information....maybe she hated him too and told him to sit down and shut up.). 


Then, around 1:07, another woman in the commercial looks like she's pissed at the husband and how he deals with things. She's like, "Oh yeah, hurt real badly...you milked that bullshit excuse so you didn't have to do a damn thing with the baby, the house, or anything else."


Thank goodness for the woman at 1:22 and the girl who was obviously told "just color." They don't seem to be irritated by each other. 

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Then, she and the husband give irritated looks. I want to know what the little girl whispers to him at the table (because I thrive on useless information....maybe she hated him too and told him to sit down and shut up.). 

"It was no accident!"


Or, "Bitch had to be sober for the cameras."


It's weird that we've become so litigious, companies view betting on our settlements as an acceptable risk.


I wonder what's up with the fine print: "Oasis chooses not to fund cases in Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Maryland, and North Carolina."


ETA: Here are a couple of articles about the fine print.  Oasis basically engages in predatory lending:

A quick Colorado Attorney General article

A longer New York Times article

Edited by erikdepressant
  • Love 4

Never in my life have I thought, "I've had a bad day.  I need to use lavender scented genital wash to relax."  Nor have I ever hailed my "V".  And I understand enough about my anatomy to know that while showering, I am not washing my vagina, I am washing external genitalia only.  All this is to say, shut up horrible Summer's Eve crotch wash shower ads.  

  • Love 19

Never in my life have I thought, "I've had a bad day. I need to use lavender scented genital wash to relax." Nor have I ever hailed my "V". And I understand enough about my anatomy to know that while showering, I am not washing my vagina, I am washing external genitalia only. All this is to say, shut up horrible Summer's Eve crotch wash shower ads.

Wow, I haven't seen this one yet, and I really hope not to based on this post.

  • Love 3

I used to think it would be impossible for any loving parent with two brain cells to rub together to accidentally leave their child in the car until I read this Pulitzer-winning article years ago:  Fatal Distraction


(Edited to warn that article contains disturbing details and can be emotionally exhausting to read.)

Thank you for that -   what a powerful article!  

I know that I am often on "automatic pilot"  when driving to work - thinking about a client, a meeting, etc.   So I can understand how this happens.   Many of the parents mentioned in the article sounded like good people who drove to work as they usually do, and just forgot that it was their day to drop the child off at daycare. And they are devastated about their error, to the point of being suicidal. 


When my kids were in rear-facing carseats, I had them in the front with me, that's what most parents did at the time.   They didn't go in the back until they were facing forward.  I do think that having those carseats facing backwards, in the backseat, adds a lot to the issue.   With quiet kids  (mine were never quiet), it's understandable that an over-worked, tired parent could have a lapse one day because you don't SEE the child. .  to me, the best solution is to ALWAYS have your purse/briefcase in the back seat, so you will ALWAYS have to open that back door. 

  • Love 6

I know we've discussed this commercial before, but I have to say again that the Swiffer "Tobin Stance" ad is making me NUTS.  I hit the mute button every time it comes on, when normally I'm pretty tolerant at dealing with nonsense.


  And I have questions.  Is this really a family named Tobin, or is it actors?  If it's actors, did they secretly say to themselves "Somewhere along the way my life has taken horrible downward turn, but hey the money's good"??  WAS the money good for this horrendousity?  If it's a real family, did they really have a stance or did the advertisers make it up?  And thus, did the advertising firm make good money?  Arrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhh.

  • Love 3

I hate this commercial so much and it's so stupid.



This is the dumbest commercial I've ever seen. The whole family is sitting around waiting for one eggo to pop up while I see an eggo box in the background resting on the counter. So it looks like there's still some more in there that none of these lazy people bother to put in the other toaster slot. Why is the mother calling the daughter and texting each other about a waffle? They're all in the same room. 

  • Love 14

I hate this commercial so much and it's so stupid.



This is the dumbest commercial I've ever seen. The whole family is sitting around waiting for one eggo to pop up while I see an eggo box in the background resting on the counter. So it looks like there's still some more in there that none of these lazy people bother to put in the other toaster slot. Why is the mother calling the daughter and texting each other about a waffle? They're all in the same room. 

And I want to smack the smug off of all of them.

  • Love 5

I hate this commercial so much and it's so stupid.



This is the dumbest commercial I've ever seen. The whole family is sitting around waiting for one eggo to pop up while I see an eggo box in the background resting on the counter. So it looks like there's still some more in there that none of these lazy people bother to put in the other toaster slot. Why is the mother calling the daughter and texting each other about a waffle? They're all in the same room. 

I do like it when ChuckyFaith cruises by and grabs it right out from under these idiots.  They're too stupid to remember to breathe.

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I saw the Tobin Stance for the first time last night. I fervently hope it's the last time I see it too. That family desperately needs a hobby.


So I don't know why, but I youtube'd the Tobin stance commercial. Does no one else open a window and take a deep breath of the fresh air? Ever? Has the annoying dad trademarked "The Tobin Stance"? Is he planning to patent it so that other people can't open their windows and breathe in the warm spring day, with or without the pollen? I feel like I got dumber just having watched that.


I think this whole series from Swiffer uses "real" people, like the old couple (Morty and his wife) and a couple of others that I'm not remembering offhand.


Except I liked Lee and Morty and thought they were cute. The Tobins are just annoying and dumb.

  • Love 5

I know we've discussed this commercial before, but I have to say again that the Swiffer "Tobin Stance" ad is making me NUTS.  I hit the mute button every time it comes on, when normally I'm pretty tolerant at dealing with nonsense.


  And I have questions.  Is this really a family named Tobin, or is it actors?  If it's actors, did they secretly say to themselves "Somewhere along the way my life has taken horrible downward turn, but hey the money's good"??  WAS the money good for this horrendousity?  If it's a real family, did they really have a stance or did the advertisers make it up?  And thus, did the advertising firm make good money?  Arrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhh.


They're a real family.  They're talking about how Dad acts when they throw the windows open for the first time after having had the house closed up all winter.  I don't see anything wrong with it, myself, but your mileage obviously varies.  :)

  • Love 1

I hate this commercial so much and it's so


This is the dumbest commercial I've ever seen. The whole family is sitting around waiting for one eggo to pop up while I see an eggo box in the background resting on the counter. So it looks like there's still some more in there that none of these lazy people bother to put in the other toaster slot. Why is the mother calling the daughter and texting each other about a waffle? They're all in the same room.


This makes me want to hunt these assholes down and set off some kind of electrical power interruption device that will make all of their gadgets blow up and completely destroy all the wiring in their house.

I saw the Tobin Stance for the first time last night. I fervently hope it's the last time I see it too. That family desperately needs a hobby.

Pa Tobin looks like he:

1 - Needs to fart.

2 - Did fart but it wasn't just gas. Looks like he has a load in his pants.

3 - Has severe hemorrhoids.

  • Love 5

I hate this commercial so much and it's so stupid.


This is the dumbest commercial I've ever seen. The whole family is sitting around waiting for one eggo to pop up while I see an eggo box in the background resting on the counter. So it looks like there's still some more in there that none of these lazy people bother to put in the other toaster slot. Why is the mother calling the daughter and texting each other about a waffle? They're all in the same room.

Terrible...just terrible. Yet still not quite as bad as the one with the family whose toaster is broken and can't fathom how the little boy is eating an Eggo (microwaveable) breakfast sandwich because the toaster is broken. You stupid motherfuckers, did you think the sandwich was supposed to go in the toaster when you bought the damn things?!

  • Love 5


This makes me want to hunt these assholes down and set off some kind of electrical power interruption device that will make all of their gadgets blow up and completely destroy all the wiring in their house.

Pa Tobin looks like he:

1 - Needs to fart.

2 - Did fart but it wasn't just gas. Looks like he has a load in his pants.

3 - Has severe hemorrhoids.


I think that Pa Tobin looks like he is writing his name in the snow. :(

  • Love 6

This is the dumbest commercial I've ever seen. The whole family is sitting around waiting for one eggo to pop up while I see an eggo box in the background resting on the counter. So it looks like there's still some more in there that none of these lazy people bother to put in the other toaster slot. Why is the mother calling the daughter and texting each other about a waffle? They're all in the same room. 

My new theory is that they were too stupid to understand that Eggos need to be kept frozen; hence the box just sitting on the counter.  So the single Eggo in the toaster is the only one now covered in mold.  


Pa Tobin looks like he:

1 - Needs to fart.

2 - Did fart but it wasn't just gas. Looks like he has a load in his pants.

3 - Has severe hemorrhoids.

And this is why I love this forum.

  • Love 5

They're a real family. They're talking about how Dad acts when they throw the windows open for the first time after having had the house closed up all winter. I don't see anything wrong with it, myself, but your mileage obviously varies. :)

I like the Tobin family. I think the "Tobin Stance" is their way of good-naturedly mocking their dad.
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There is another Eggo commercial where the toaster is broken and some random Asian kid walks in and nukes an Eggo breakfast sandwich, which is perplexing to the confused white family who apparently didn't know they bought Eggo sandwiches?



That commercial makes me think way too much.  Usually I think that he's their adopted son, and isn't it cool that this is a multi-racial family and there's no need to smack us across the face with this fact.  But your description is so much funnier!  :-) 

  • Love 2

Finally figured out what was annoying me about the "Bad Cell Recpetion for Geese" commercial (Verizon, I think?)

There are two distinct types of geese in the commercial - Canada geese and some black-and-white geese (I don't know the name, but they're definitely not Canada geese, as these guys have no brown and different markings on their heads.)

So the commercial starts by showing Canada geese flying, cuts to black-and-white geese grazing, cut to close-up of a Canada goose (when the announcer says "they hate that"), then cut to black and white geese flying off. (Now, I may have some of the editing cuts turned around, but regardless.....).

It's not the same geese! Those are two different flocks of geese having problems with their cell phone reception! But the commercial acts like it's the same group of geese for the whole commercial! What, do they think we're blind or something!!

(Such a little thing, I know, but gah! It gets under my skin!)

Edited by cstad
  • Love 7

Finally figured out what was annoying me about the "Bad Cell Recpetion for Geese" commercial (Verizon, I think?)

There are two distinct types of geese in the commercial - Canada geese and some black-and-white geese (I don't know the name, but they're definitely not Canada geese, as these guys have no brown and different markings on their heads.)

So the commercial starts by showing Canada geese flying, cuts to black-and-white geese grazing, cut to close-up of a Canada goose (when the announcer says "they hate that"), then cut to black and white geese flying off. (Now, I may have some of the editing cuts turned around, but regardless.....).

It's not the same geese! Those are two different flocks of geese having problems with their cell phone reception! But the commercial acts like it's the same group of geese for the whole commercial! What, do they think we're blind or something!?!

*blushes* I didn't notice it until you pointed it out.



  • Love 2

Finally figured out what was annoying me about the "Bad Cell Recpetion for Geese" commercial (Verizon, I think?)

There are two distinct types of geese in the commercial - Canada geese and some black-and-white geese (I don't know the name, but they're definitely not Canada geese, as these guys have no brown and different markings on their heads.)

So the commercial starts by showing Canada geese flying, cuts to black-and-white geese grazing, cut to close-up of a Canada goose (when the announcer says "they hate that"), then cut to black and white geese flying off. (Now, I may have some of the editing cuts turned around, but regardless.....).

It's not the same geese! Those are two different flocks of geese having problems with their cell phone reception! But the commercial acts like it's the same group of geese for the whole commercial! What, do they think we're blind or something!!

(Such a little thing, I know, but gah! It gets under my skin!)

This is pretty impressive to me. I've had many issues with commercials over the years. Little things set me off. General idiocy. But never about geese type or color. Must be slipping.

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