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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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7 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Too bad they were never honest pop-ups: "Jana cries at night."  "Josh Duggar has molested 27% of his siblings."

When I read this, I heard a "wholesome" guitar background instrumental playing.



Scoot over Prayer Closet inhabitants! I'm coming in with ice cream! 

Edited by Marigny
  • Love 3

29 minutes ago, Marigold said:

1 hour ago, Marigold said:

how about a Jersey Wedding? 

Teresa Giudice is short on cash...maybe she would rent out the mansion for some fundalicious fun! 

 That bitch.

But what a crossover.

They could do the reception on the Brownstone's parking lot.

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Marigold said:

how about a Jersey Wedding? 

Teresa Giudice is short on cash...maybe she would rent out the mansion for some fundalicious fun! 

Kim Jung Boob would never go for that. Juicy makes wine in the basement. Can't be on the same premises as alcohol.

Could you imagine them dealing with raw, uncut Milania?

To Michelle: "You had how many babies? What are ya? Nuts?"

To the bride: "Girl, nothing about that dress is cute."

To Jessa: "What'd you apply your makeup with? A paint roller?"

  • Love 6

Is there an official wedding date yet? Sorry if I missed it but didn't remember seeing it on this thread.

I'd rather see Jinger have a more normal sized wedding of say, 150 to 200 guests and half of them being from Jeremy's side of the family rather than all of these folks from the Big Sandy homeschool convention that they see twice a year and yet are "great friends" with them. I'd also love to see some dancing! And a real sit down dinner like we do here in the Philadelphia area. If the Duggars want to stay on television, the least they can do is give their daughters a proper wedding reception. The melted ice cream root beer floats in the parking lot didn't impress any of the viewers and I hope that they were made aware of that. The Big Fat Gypsy wedding series is more fun to watch in terms of seeing the actual wedding than anything the Duggars have done so far.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, CarolMK said:

Is there an official wedding date yet? Sorry if I missed it but didn't remember seeing it on this thread.

I'd rather see Jinger have a more normal sized wedding of say, 150 to 200 guests and half of them being from Jeremy's side of the family rather than all of these folks from the Big Sandy homeschool convention that they see twice a year and yet are "great friends" with them. I'd also love to see some dancing! And a real sit down dinner like we do here in the Philadelphia area. If the Duggars want to stay on television, the least they can do is give their daughters a proper wedding reception. The melted ice cream root beer floats in the parking lot didn't impress any of the viewers and I hope that they were made aware of that. The Big Fat Gypsy wedding series is more fun to watch in terms of seeing the actual wedding than anything the Duggars have done so far.

Apologies if I'm preaching to the choir or repeating what's already been discussed, but here's the context of these Duggar weddings as I see it.

The Duggars, despite their fame and TLC money, are full on 21st Century big-family-evangelical-fundies firmly rooted in the Bible Belt. Their idea of an appropriate wedding reflects their heritage and current belief system. IMO they would sooner consider plastering "Darwin was right" bumper stickers on their Stink Bus, than having a wedding reception with dancing and booze. Jill's and Jessa's weddings were, IMO, just your basic 21st Century fundie weddings with much larger guest lists. And TLC camera crews. Because, among other things, the Duggar brand is all about "modesty," frugality, and being holier-than-thou.

I grew up in a rural/small-town part of the Bible Belt (Oklahoma, next door to Arkansas) in the 50's and 60's and know what Southern Baptist weddings were like in that time and place. AFAIK, the Duggars' heritage is Bible Belt Southern Baptist, and they seem to stick with the Southern Baptists when they attend a denominational church, although of course they long ago dived headlong into the whole Gothard/fundie edition of that belief system. 

I've seen people from other regions of the US, and different traditions and cultures within the US, be kind of gobsmacked by those old fashioned Southern Baptist weddings. What?? No booze?? No dancing?? No dinner??

You bet your *ss. Just a nice wedding cake in the church hall after the wedding, with non-alcoholic drinks and possibly some light snacks. The adults socialize, the kids run around and play, and the happy couple hops into a car decorated by their friends with a "Just Married" sign and drives off into the sunset. And that's what the Duggars come from, and AFAIK what a lot of people in the fundie-Quiverfull world still do.

EDITED to add: Not to go off topic too far, but I want to note that my 21st Century Southern Baptist relatives (who aren't outlying fundie kooks and among other things use birth control, have college educations, and hold REAL jobs) have thrown some really fancy weddings in recent decades, including catered dinner receptions. I'm sure that's the new normal in many circles, including in the Bible Belt.

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 8

That's right....typical IFB / SB weddings were: invite the whole church, cake and punch for everyone in the fellowship hall... maybe a finger sandwich. Most southerners don't expect to get fed at a wedding.

Ok then, but you aren't expected to cough up a GIFT for that kind of wedding, are you???  The unspoken rule is to at least cover the cost of your and your guest/spouse's plate at the reception. So a $5 Walmart gift card is acceptaable then??

Edited by WhineandCheez
  • Love 5

While it may be the way of weddings in the south, I can assure you that is not the way things are typically done in the north, where Jeremy's family lives.  Northern weddings (unless they are destination weddings or a civil ceremony of some sort--and even then there is usually a reception of some sort after the couple is settled after the wedding) include at least a dinner.  Along with that typically comes a bar and dancing.  It is a full-on wedding feast.  Budgets determine the number of guests that can be invited.  Jeremy's family will travel a great distance to be there, and most likely with expensive gifts.  Or a LOT of cash for the couple.  Not providing at least a meal for them will be considered a great insult.  If JinJer are not planning on feeding a meal to their guests at the reception, I hope they will spring for a special dinner for the families immediately after.  While there won't be dancing or booze, the family will still feel welcome and appreciated.  

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

Ok then, but you aren't expected to cough up a GIFT for that kind of wedding, are you???  The unspoken rule is to at least cover the cost of your and your guest/spouse's plate at the reception. So a $5 Walmart gift card is acceptaable then??

Well, I have no idea whether my experience is typical, but the weddings I've seen in this category do require gifts, and basically the same "level" of gifting as any other weddings. .... It's a gift, after all, to honor and celebrate a new marriage and help a couple get a start in life. It's not some kind of trade situation -- as in "I'll buy you a dinner that roughly approximates your spending on a gift." Honestly, that makes no sense to me. If you expect to get a return on your gift, then you're not really giving a gift, are you? (That said, I don't think relative strangers and vague acquaintances should ever be invited to a wedding, since it's really too much to expect people to hand out gifts to person after person in any large community of which they're members.)

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Seeing the culture clash will be interesting and if Jeremy speaks up during the wedding planning or how his parents react to the typical Duggar reception.

Regarding the unspoken thought of paying for your meal with the gift, in Duggar circles that would be considered to be a tacky way of looking at things.  :)

Probably 'cuz the return on their reception offerings would be meager indeed.

Hmmm, 2 glasses of powdered lemonade, a scoop of melty ice cream... 

Hey, I heard they could use a roll of toilet paper!

And if TTC is involved make that a roll of double-ply.

  • Love 1

I totally get that Duggar weddings, most likely including Jinger's soon to be wedding, can be seen as cultural. However that is not the way they are presented to the public, or at least not the way I see it.

Jim-Bob bragged about carrying around invites and choosing to 'honor' people with a last minute invitation to a wedding. I think in any culture that would be seen as tacky. Neither JB or M, nor the married girls have ever spoke of their weddings in any way as to honor a tradition other to talk about having covenant marriages. 

I think what I'm trying to say is that I have been to many weddings, and when a culture is honored you can see it & feel it at each wedding.

The Duggar weddings leave me feeling nothing at all. Well ... except for maybe ... a little bit snarky.

  • Love 9

I have been to a few Southern Baptist weddings and there was some light food (slice of a hoagie), punch and cake in a room that was properly heated and air conditioned. There were some chairs and tables.  The family decorated with some nice white christmas lights, some of those paper lanturns and flowers all around.  Simple and sweet. 

Not melting ice cream in a parking lot.  That was freezing.  WHAT IF HAD RAINED THAT DAY??????????

My own wedding was IFB (not Gothard) and we had 60 people to a nice restaraunt for an entire full lunch with cake. No alcohol or dancing.  But everyone had a nice time and the food was very good.  It was on the ocean and a nice atmosphere. I'm sure some of my non IFB friends missed the drinks but the reception was from 3-5 on a Saturday afternoon so they had plenty of time left in the weekend to drink whatever! 

I have been to other IFB (not Gothard) weddings here in the NYC area with a full fancy meal and 150 guests minus the drinking and dancing. We had a nice time.   

My point being, being a non drinking and non dancing wedding is no excuse for freezing your guests and not feeding them a meal or at least providing a nice dessert table/snack. The Duggars took that wedding to a whole new level.   I'm pretty understanding of different styles and cultures but really, that wedding was lacking in many areas. 

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Lady Edith said:

While it may be the way of weddings in the south, I can assure you that is not the way things are typically done in the north, where Jeremy's family lives.  Northern weddings (unless they are destination weddings or a civil ceremony of some sort--and even then there is usually a reception of some sort after the couple is settled after the wedding) include at least a dinner.  Along with that typically comes a bar and dancing.  It is a full-on wedding feast.  Budgets determine the number of guests that can be invited.  Jeremy's family will travel a great distance to be there, and most likely with expensive gifts.  Or a LOT of cash for the couple.  Not providing at least a meal for them will be considered a great insult.  If JinJer are not planning on feeding a meal to their guests at the reception, I hope they will spring for a special dinner for the families immediately after.  While there won't be dancing or booze, the family will still feel welcome and appreciated.  

Yeah, the Duggars have really lucked out with the daughters so far, since both spouse's families are reasonably local. We really can't compare Smuggar's wedding, since they traveled to Anna's domain. 

37 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Yeah, the Duggars have really lucked out with the daughters so far, since both spouse's families are reasonably local. We really can't compare Smuggar's wedding, since they traveled to Anna's domain. 

And the church provided the reception meal.  They had a reasonable number of guests and (if I remember correctly) they had a sort of potluck provided by the ladies of the church.    Very little effort or expense on the Duggar end.  That has been the closest they've had to a "typical" reception so far.  Heck, their showers and gender reveal parties are more elaborate than their weddings.  Seems kind of backwards to me.

I wonder if JB and Michelle hosted Ben's family for dinner after the ice cream social reception?  Or if they just slapped their sides and said "okay, that's that!"  And piled into the bus and headed home?

  • Love 2

I get a tad bit bothered when the Duggar Clan never discusses changes about what they wear of how they hug, because they always make such a big deal of how they do things a little differently. If what they wear and how they hug are so important that they need to explain it over & over again, wouldn't they think an explanation would be warranted when they change things up?

Ever photo of Jin & Jer show them touching in a way that we've be advised over & over again stirs up desires that can't righteously be fulfilled. Do they have new Wisdom Booklets teaching boys to keep their mind out of the gutter and to keep their pecker in their pants?

I get changing things up, I mean I boiled my 1st born's pacifiers if they fell on a clean floor, by the last kid I remember picking one up of the ground and pouring beer over it and popping into back into her mouth. But I never made statement over statement on the virtues of keeping a pacifier clean.

So Jinger, if you wouldn't mind, could you please let us in on these new relaxed rules?

  • Love 24
31 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I get changing things up, I mean I boiled my 1st born's pacifiers if they fell on a clean floor, by the last kid I remember picking one up of the ground and pouring beer over it and popping into back into her mouth. But I never made statement over statement on the virtues of keeping a pacifier clean.

This just wins.  On every level.

  • Love 19
3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Not sure how this ended up in the schoolin' thread, but it's meant to be here. I guess Jer's filming duties are over until the wedding? I'm surprised JD doesn't fly him around. And Jill? Knock it off. 

Just gag me! Really Jill,  "goodbyes are so tough.  I remember those days."  Weren't the Dullards just separated one time, when she & Boob flew home leaving Derick in Nepal? And then it wasn't that long til he flew home.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Lady Edith said:

And the church provided the reception meal.  They had a reasonable number of guests and (if I remember correctly) they had a sort of potluck provided by the ladies of the church.    Very little effort or expense on the Duggar end.  That has been the closest they've had to a "typical" reception so far.  Heck, their showers and gender reveal parties are more elaborate than their weddings.  Seems kind of backwards to me.

I wonder if JB and Michelle hosted Ben's family for dinner after the ice cream social reception?  Or if they just slapped their sides and said "okay, that's that!"  And piled into the bus and headed home?

They had a big BBQ at the TTH. At least 100 people and I'm thinking more like 300. I'm pretty sure that's what they did for both the girls. Even that weird Rodriques family was at Jill's & posted pix.

Edited by Almost 3000
  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, Lady Edith said:

For the love of Pete, give these two some privacy.  Even though the "rules" state that couples must never be alone, they don't deserve to be photographed saying goodbye.  

It's all about promoting the show. And Jill's efforts to keep up with Jessa the Selfie Queen. But mainly, promoting the hell out of that show. Let no photo opp go unexploited.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Almost 3000 said:

They had a big BBQ at the TTH. At least 100 people and I'm thinking more like 300. I'm pretty sure that's what they did for both the girls. Even that weird Rodriques family was at Jill's & posted pix.

They had about 400 people over after Jill's "reception." I don't remember the Duggars doing this for Jessa. It was also a 40 degree day in early November, so if they had something, it would have been smaller and indoors. I don't remember any pictures from a Jessa event. Kirky Cameron showed up for Jessa's rehersal dinner, I remember that. And knowing Jessa, they didn't have anything at all. I bet she and Ben ran off to Eureka Springs tout de suite after her parking lot reception and horse-drawn carriage departure from the venue. As the second daughter, I can see Boob allowing this; after all, the first daughter didn't have her TTH party filmed. If there's not a dollar to be made, Jessa's not doing it. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Not sure how this ended up in the schoolin' thread, but it's meant to be here. I guess Jer's filming duties are over until the wedding? I'm surprised JD doesn't fly him around. And Jill? Knock it off. 

If you look closely, there's a man wearing a backpack who's about to be screamed at by the TSA. 

  • Love 4
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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