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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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4 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Someone on FJ figured out that the engagement (likely re-enactment) happened on the rooftop of the People Magazine offices in Lower Manhattan. I guess this means they also get a spread in the upcoming issue hitting newsstands today. If not this week, then next. I wonder how much they got paid for that?

 I'm not way good at skyline and perspective, but this "gold topped building" roof, strikes me as the one on the left of Jeremy:


and the right, the MetLife tower:


but, then again, the fact that the picture with both striking towers shown says it's "Madison Square East", photographer is standing west, in order to photograph east.

Also, while I don't know what the roof of the People Magazine building looks like, I don't know if the FJ poster can guarantee their correctness unless they've been in said building, or looked at said building from high in a surrounding building.  Plenty of buildings in midtown provide that view, but many don't have roof access.

Edited by queenanne

Rewatched the video, and I really loathe those glassy-eyed stares of adoration Fundie women sport as their men spout Godly wisdom to the masses. I also did a major eye roll when Jinger said Jeremy was the man God wanted for her. Um, no honey. Jeremy wants to be a big time tee-vee stah and Boob figured you're much less valuable than Jana, so he okayed the arranged marriage. Poor girl is too naive to see she's just a pawn.

  • Love 7

The building in the daytime pose is the Empire State;  I see that People has an office in Rockefeller Center, where the group picture was taken, so that might be it.  Although the Empire State looks a bit more "offset" than that, so I dont know.  The night picture is too fuzzy and my phone screen too small to be sure where that is.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Defrauder said:

I'm putting my money on Midtown Manhattan. Good for shopping, filming or studio appearances and general walking the city.

I cannot imagine walking the hot, hard city sidewalks with sockless, support less sandals!  I would need my good, supportive Brooks running shoes!  Ginger looks good in her lighter, less covered clothing, but her hair has absolutely no shine whatsoever!  It is so incredibly dull and damaged looking, to me.

Michelle looks ridiculous in hot, humid summertime N.Y., all covered up in dark, heavy clothes!  We saw her so much thinner after the scandals.  Lately, I always wonder if SHE isn't pregnant with #20.


I love the way Ben is trying to contain Spurgeon's flaying foot!

33 minutes ago, Fosca said:

The building in the daytime pose is the Empire State;  I see that People has an office in Rockefeller Center, where the group picture was taken, so that might be it.  Although the Empire State looks a bit more "offset" than that, so I dont know.  The night picture is too fuzzy and my phone screen too small to be sure where that is.

The poster on FJ based her theory on Google World views of certain buildings from the town in New Jersey where they were spotted. Apparently, People has an office in Lower Manhattan as well. She pointed her view from the west, looking to the northeast.

It does look like the Empire State Building to me, though, and taken from not too far away. Rock Center would make more sense, IMO. I don't even know if you could see the ESB from the west side of Lower Manhattan. I doubt it. But this person also named different buildings, which I can't remember, saying they looked the same. But damn, a high rise is a high rise is a high rise for the most part in Manhattan (aside from the ESB, of course). 

All that said: We should ask Jessa if she still thinks that they are "a family who just happens to be on TV?" Not a single poster here could have scored that rooftop for a proposal, barbeque, or sunbathing. I don't think this sojurn to the Big City helps Jessa's argument much. AND SHE WAS THERE! Even worse for her. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 3
39 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Speaking of Jinger's hair, she's made the Big Time: TLC filmed a Hair Tutorial starring the future Mrs. Vuolo. Woohoo. But not really.


Wow, they really are experts on everything. Is it just me or did her hair pretty much fail to straighten? I think she might need a better quality flat iron.

  • Love 3

I find this all a bit interesting since i think in some ways JimBoob has 'cast' his children's spouses to fit whatever he sees pushing the Duggar brand forward.  Each getting a bit more calculated as they happen.   Set aside the taint that was Josh, Amy was the perfect little beaming dogmatic cheerleader at a time when JimBoob still wanted his finger in the political pie as deeply as he could shove it.  She was so peppy and adoringly stupid to the smug ass that was Josh she might as well been a Gums for Jesus outreach program.

With Derrick, I think JimBoob thought he had someone who added a bit of legitimacy to the family grift.  Already people were seeing through the whole modesty thing.  Even fan pages were noticing all the lovely merchandise littering the family compound even as the merits of their own efforts in giving aid elsewhere were becoming a huge joke.  So Derrick the missionary who worked in missions made it seem like the whole aspect of Christianity that is based on helping those in need was getting a nice polish despite it was pretty much eaten through with the rust of famewhoring and materialism underneath all that modesty wear and same-same looks.


Ben I think was a compromise.  The Boob gets a son-in-law that totally adds to the fan allure of that only marriages and babies seem to bring, he has all the intelligence of a gnat, lacks any real independence and seems healthy enough to start Jessa popping out the next season, I mean generation. 


Now with Jeremy.  I think there is calculation here on both parts.  I think Jeremy saw the family with enough daughters as the next step up his ladder of attention since professional sports didn't work out for him, er, I mean he saw how vainglorious it was and knew he was too good a man to accept all the overwhelming adulation for his soccer studness.  Okay excuse, I'm not sure if I am going to have to recover from laughing after typing that or vomiting.  Maybe both.

But I think that maybe pre-scandal Jeremy wouldn't get a chance here.  But I think he is perfect as he dusts the Duggar brand off and tries to give it a new more modern and worldly gloss all the whole sticking to the wonderful 'christian' theme of hate those that aren't like you and shame everyone you can into thinking how much holier you are than they.  Plus wrap both hands around your ego, lube it with self-righteousness and yank as many out as you can on how special you are because God loves you better than pretty much everyone else. 

This NYC engagement screams not just of an attempt at getting as much attention mileage as possible, but it also tries to put a new spin on things.  I mean if you had met her in NYC or it held all kinds of memories for both of you yes.  But what is the agenda here.  Its Duggars after all.  There is one.  Beyond doing it for cameras.  Why NYC that den of iniquity and foolish people who can't grasp the glory of a flume ride for a uterus and how in confused they are at nineteen kids dressed a like striding out in a gawping slack jawed gaggle from the Today Show studios is seen as a thing that makes those people better than anyone else?  So like commercials that basically tell you 'product is still the same but look at the shiny new container we put it!  bet you want to buy it now don't you*"  Jeremy is the Beer being sold in a new bottle.  And NYC is the label they are slapping on it.  Modern.  Worldly.  A touch of sophistication.  It tries to sell them as just like everyone else and no hint of creepy misogynistic, hating scandal ridden cult craziness.  Its the Duggars.  Brought to you now by Applebies, Starbucks and Kohls. 

At least that is what I think they are hoping.  With Jeremy they can pretend how much mainstream they really are.  Pretend.  Real hard from the looks of things.



*container actually reduces total product weight, adds no quality to the product being sold and is not valid in fifty states.

Edited by tenativelyyours
  • Love 16


I'm pretty sure their engagement didn't happen downtown. There are various pictures, but between them they show 3 standout buildings. The building on the left of them above Jeremy's shoulder with the clock is on 23rd and Park Ave South (I call it the Credit Suisse building but as QueenAnne noted above it's the MetLife Tower), the gold triangle shaped building is the middle one and is the New York Life building and the Empire State Building is on their right so they have to be uptown of those buildings looking downtown in order for that to be possible. There are lots of rooftops in NYC - restaurants/bars/event spaces etc they could have taken the pics at



Edited by Panders
Can't figure out how to add quote to this from Sew Sumi
  • Love 2
On 7/4/2016 at 7:54 AM, Defrauder said:

I know Texas is a huge state but isn't that where they haul the stinkbus year after year for the ATI homeschool Big Sandy event?  I think Jeremy has been drinking gallons of the kool-aid already and they will be full frontal ATI, Gothardites from courtship on.  I don't see any hope here of any kind of freedom for Jinger.  I think Jeremy is going to be more strong willed than JB, Ben, and Derick, and command obedience from Jinger as they try to out-do the baby number game and holier than thou.  Jeremy from my take is going to be like JB times 50.  

Like I said Jeremy from my take is going to be like JB times 50.  I am hoping though that if he has a somewhat flexible family Jinger won't have to submit to his authority like she's less than him.  

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Defrauder said:

Like I said Jeremy from my take is going to be like JB times 50.  I am hoping though that if he has a somewhat flexible family Jinger won't have to submit to his authority like she's less than him.  

At this point, no doubt JinJin is elated that she finally gets to escape the circus.  Too bad she has to marry the first thing she sees to get a taste of freedom.  Hopefully, life going forward will be better than the TTH. With the divorce rate being what it is,  statistically one third to one half of the Duggar kids' marriages will end in divorce. Women of most ethnic and cultural roots nowadays have to bring more to a marriage than just their modesty and purity to guarantee a successful marriage, and even then, there are no guarantees.

Their latest pattern of exogamous marriages, particularly among the elder kids who have marinated in the Kool Aid so long, will show wear and tear once the outsider realizes the limits of his/her patience when finally seeing tha he/she has been sold a bill of goods and has actually married a stunted 12 yo with limited life experience, education, and ability to earn a living wage. This will be tougher on the boys who one day must provide for his very own brood mare and a passel of kids to feed. The Littles may still stand a chance of some semblance of a normal life if their parental units decide to finally have the sense to leave this pernicious cult.

The endogamous examples of David and Prissy and SmugAnna...well we can only hope Prissy isn't being mistreated (despite what appears to be David's annoyance with her lack of education)...and the struggles of SmugAnna are well documented and show that Growing Up Gothard doesn't guarantee happiness either.

  • Love 3

I think Jeremy can't wait to get the heck outta that mini-church in a converted bungalow in Laredo, Texas, and step up in his pursuit of fame, power, and wealth  path in this sinful world bringing souls to be saved by Jesus.

In the meantime, if he's still the pastor there after the wedding? Jinger will be the pastor's wife. Because the church's Sunday services are followed by a free lunch for anyone who wants it*, the pastor's wife is going to be cooking a big meal every Sunday, week in and week out, and no doubt cleaning up afterwards. While the pastor does his pastor-ly thing of fellowshipping with everyone. I doubt that she'll get a pass just for being pregnant, unless she's ordered to bed rest.

When the courtship was announced I looked up Jeremy's church - both his little mini-church branch and the main operation. It's clearly a male-run organization, and as has been discussed here, it's anti-gay and anti-Catholic, and AFAIK these guys are all in to the gender roles exemplified by the Duggars. Women are helpmeets to their husbands. And pastor's wives? Are traditionally looked on as unpaid labor in support of their husbands' church. I see no reason to think Jeremy's church is any different. 

Of course, besides being a meek helpmeet, Jinger brings the Duggar celebrity and those lovely checks from TLC. As with everything Duggar-related, Jeremy's little church will take a back seat to the TLC shooting schedule. I doubt Jeremy hustled back to Laredo to cover his scheduled services, from the TLC-paid trip to NY and Philadelphia. 

Maybe if Jinger has to actually live and work as the wife of a young pastor in a non-glamorous situation? Jessa Blessa will get her eyes opened as to what she might expect if Bin actually gets to be a pastor when he grows up. Jessa has really skated: living on the Duggar dime while Bin scrubs a few toilets, takes online courses, posts his religious rants online, and they both perform for the TLC cameras. I don't think Jessa would take very well to being an actual hands-on, hard-working pastor's wife in a small obscure church somewhere in SheepFart, TX. 

*The free lunch is on the church's website. Not saying it's the norm at the main church of that denomination, but I suppose it's part of their outreach in a border town with, I'm sure, a lot of poverty where a good hot meal would be welcomed by a lot of struggling folks.

Edited by Jeeves
Deleted some OT stuff which belongs in the Seewald topic
  • Love 12
7 hours ago, Panders said:

I'm pretty sure their engagement didn't happen downtown. There are various pictures, but between them they show 3 standout buildings. The building on the left of them above Jeremy's shoulder with the clock is on 23rd and Park Ave South (I call it the Credit Suisse building but as QueenAnne noted above it's the MetLife Tower), the gold triangle shaped building is the middle one and is the New York Life building and the Empire State Building is on their right so they have to be uptown of those buildings looking downtown in order for that to be possible. There are lots of rooftops in NYC - restaurants/bars/event spaces etc they could have taken the pics at

I agree (well obviously, lol) - for CreditSuisse (nee MetLife) and New York Life to be lined up a certain way, you have to be orienteered a certain way.  They themselves of course can stand facing any direction they like on a rooftop for a picture, which is where the confusion lies; but it wouldn't change the layout of said buildings around them.  

39 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

With the divorce rate being what it is,  statistically one third to one half of the Duggar kids' marriages will end in divorce.

Actually, that statistic is skewed as it includes second and third marriages, which are much more likely to end in divorce.  Additionally, the divorce rate for white, middle class women who are college educated and marry after 28 is declining.

Oh wait...

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, TaxNerd said:

Actually, that statistic is skewed as it includes second and third marriages, which are much more likely to end in divorce.  Additionally, the divorce rate for white, middle class women who are college educated and marry after 28 is declining.

Oh wait...

The reasons for the divorce rate for second and third marriages being so high is that neither party is going to be willing to put up with any crap from the other, particularly if the did in their first marriage. Plus the stress of kids, step kids (his, hers, and theirs) along with in laws and outlaws and still having to deal with the ex.

16 hours ago, louannems said:

I cannot imagine walking the hot, hard city sidewalks with sockless, support less sandals!  I would need my good, supportive Brooks running shoes!  Ginger looks good in her lighter, less covered clothing, but her hair has absolutely no shine whatsoever!  It is so incredibly dull and damaged looking, to me.

Michelle looks ridiculous in hot, humid summertime N.Y., all covered up in dark, heavy clothes!  We saw her so much thinner after the scandals.  Lately, I always wonder if SHE isn't pregnant with #20.


I love the way Ben is trying to contain Spurgeon's flaying foot!

Lack of food (especially fats) will do that to hair.

  • Love 2

The 'courtship concept' as opposed to casual dating is doomed to fail for so many reasons.  The women, and the men usually, go from complete inexperience to courtship, engagement and then marriage.  The problem is they have no one to compare their prospective spouses to.  They don't know how to tell if they are compatible with someone when it's the only person they have ever courted.  It's like buying a piece of fruit, say a green banana, at the store and thinking it's the best banana ever because it's the only banana you've ever tried.  Right away they give their whole heart to someone, usually the first courtship, and that's it.  With regular dating people aren't expecting marriage from the get go so they don't give their hearts away so quickly, they test the waters before jumping in - and they have experience to know who they are compatible with and why.  Most people don't jump into bed with everyone they casually date and give them their hearts like it's nothing.  They spend time ALONE with them knowing that not every date is going to end up with a walk down the aisle.

  • Love 15
On 7/28/2016 at 10:37 AM, awaken said:

I see Jinger having her hand on his abdomen is ok during engagement.  Another example of the couple developing their own rules!  Abdomen-touching has been reserved for engagement. 

Also Binjermin is wearing his LICE hat again.

Where in NYC is that?  Just curious.  

They have to be NIKE-ing all over the place.  Standing right next to girls in shorts.  Heck, Jeremy himself is in shorts!  NIKE!  

I think its allowed for ring display purposes only.

On 7/28/2016 at 11:28 AM, queenanne said:

The new big group picture is by Rockefeller Center.  I recognize the building materials. My guess is either they did the Today Show audience, or we will see them on it as guests.

Definatly.  Think they went across the street to St Pat's? HAHAHAHAHAHA

22 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Not the Olive Garden one? LOL

I really hope the Vuolos put on an authentic Italian spread for the rehearsal dinner and show Josie's face as she samples the antipasti. 

Buy Olive Garden and pocket the difference!

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, Defrauder said:

The 'courtship concept' as opposed to casual dating is doomed to fail for so many reasons.  The women, and the men usually, go from complete inexperience to courtship, engagement and then marriage.  The problem is they have no one to compare their prospective spouses to.  They don't know how to tell if they are compatible with someone when it's the only person they have ever courted.  It's like buying a piece of fruit, say a green banana, at the store and thinking it's the best banana ever because it's the only banana you've ever tried.  Right away they give their whole heart to someone, usually the first courtship, and that's it.  With regular dating people aren't expecting marriage from the get go so they don't give their hearts away so quickly, they test the waters before jumping in - and they have experience to know who they are compatible with and why.  Most people don't jump into bed with everyone they casually date and give them their hearts like it's nothing.  They spend time ALONE with them knowing that not every date is going to end up with a walk down the aisle.

I do think that  this can be looked at in a variety of ways, though. I suppose that if it is ingrained in someone not to question things, then this sort of arrangement can work quite well...If one has no other experience and gives their heart completely to the first person to come along, then continues in a life in which there is very little contact with the opposite sex, then barring one of the couple being a truly heinous individual, it might simply not occur to them that it might be possible to be happier with someone else. Even in this day and age, even in this country, arranged marriages can and do thrive. It's still not uncommon in the Hindu culture, for example.

On the other hand, dating, even including premarital sex, can offer a perspective otherwise impossible on just who and what one is really looking for. But since it is very rare, I think, for anyone to truly find that person who completes them in every way, one either goes from partner to partner searching for something which will forever elude them, or settle down with someone who could probably make them as reasonably happy as one could expect, yet once the honeymoon is over, find themselves remembering, maybe, someone who broke their heart, and finding the current relationship empty and unsatisfying in comparison...Or just missing the "rush" of a new relationship in general.

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, lulu69 said:

Noooooo...then we'll have to listen to Boob say 'mamma mia' & 'that's italian' about 100 times. Barf.

And to that I will teach you guys an Italian word: Mi (it means WOW like WOW I'm throwing shade at you WOW) **you pronounce it ME with a lot of gusto**

So every time Boob tries to be continental and say something remotely Italian I will simply say Mi, what a dumbass. lol

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I do think that  this can be looked at in a variety of ways, though. I suppose that if it is ingrained in someone not to question things, then this sort of arrangement can work quite well...If one has no other experience and gives their heart completely to the first person to come along, then continues in a life in which there is very little contact with the opposite sex, then barring one of the couple being a truly heinous individual, it might simply not occur to them that it might be possible to be happier with someone else. Even in this day and age, even in this country, arranged marriages can and do thrive. It's still not uncommon in the Hindu culture, for example.

On the other hand, dating, even including premarital sex, can offer a perspective otherwise impossible on just who and what one is really looking for. But since it is very rare, I think, for anyone to truly find that person who completes them in every way, one either goes from partner to partner searching for something which will forever elude them, or settle down with someone who could probably make them as reasonably happy as one could expect, yet once the honeymoon is over, find themselves remembering, maybe, someone who broke their heart, and finding the current relationship empty and unsatisfying in comparison...Or just missing the "rush" of a new relationship in general.

I think we'll just have to agree to disagree.   I've been in this country my entire life so far and I haven't known anyone who was in an arranged marriage.  If arranged marriages 'can and do thrive' I have to look at the origins - the couple expected to get married by some arrangement will then be expected to never separate - happy or not.  That said I would question thriving as not having any other options open to them.  Also in regular  dating I don't know that many people are expecting to find that person who completes them in every way.  More realistically they are looking for someone who they are compatible with, who loves them, who they love, and they believe they can build a happy long life with.  I don't think that they endlessly go from partner to partner looking for something that will forever elude them.  Also, when they do settle down I don't believe that most people who have casually dated spend much time remembering someone who broke their heart and compare it to their current marriage as being empty and unsatisfying.  More likely they appreciate who they are with more from the experiences they have had in the past.  So, on all points we disagree and I think we will just have to agree to disagree.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Marigold said:

Wow. I see all of Jeremy's family has made some congratulations videos. Seems his whole family is happy to board the TLC train. 


I wonder if JimBoob is prepared for a son-in-law who truly might have been using him, and using him hard, from the start.  Jimboob might have had his gourd like howdydoody haired head completely turned by this former pro athlete who probably has seen even more of life than the Boob has sidle up and sing his praises.  Want to be a part of the Duggar magic that Boob not only orchestrated but still is trying to be ring master of.

It would be really funny if Jeremy was actually rather smart and saw the chance with the breaking scandals to make a move to get in front of Duggar oriented cameras, get legitimacy with a Duggar bride and then prove to be more interesting and someone a television audience could relate to better all for the purpose of shifting those cameras on to him.  Well him and meek Jinjer (I refuse to use a g in there Bitchelle, since with your ego driven alliterative cutsiness, you had to start with the wrong letter to begin with).  While I definitely think Boob thought he was getting a new acolyte that would raise him even higher in the land of TeeVee (I bet after Derrick and Ben, having someone who truly has been out in the world seeming to turn his back on it all and glom onto the Duggars bloated Boob's head and ego more than it already is), I think Jeremy might have other plans.  His family sure does like attention and cameras.   Since he turned away from soccer because he was getting just sooooooo much attention that was turning his head (i.e. his team failed to maintain enough sponsors and fans and no other team picked him up), I wonder where he goes if this marriage to Jinjer doesn't give him the step up to more attention.  That he so hates.  So so hates.  Those are hidden cameras after all he keeps accidentally posing for. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, JoanArc said:

Jinger is Michelle's daughter. She'll find someone else to do the cooking. It's in her DNA.

This × 1,000. Part of the reason I think Jill is complete shit as a wife and mother is that she never expected to actually have to take care of her house and child 24/7. There was supposed to be a steady stream of minions grateful for the opportunity to do her scut work while she lounged in a hammock and sipped the Danger America version of a Frappucino. 

  • Love 7

Or Jeremy will be eating loaf after loaf of that honey wheat bread Jinger was in charge of making.

Jinger may be on the courtship diet. Jessa lost a substantial amount of weight during her courtship with Ben to the point she was all chin.  Jinger lost a lot of weight since the Joshgates, but now I wonder if she'll think she has to lose even more for her wedding. I'm not sure she has anyone with common sense to intervene and make sure she is eating enough.     

  • Love 1
On July 28, 2016 at 1:52 PM, Sew Sumi said:

Not the Olive Garden one? LOL

I really hope the Vuolos put on an authentic Italian spread for the rehearsal dinner and show Josie's face as she samples the antipasti. 

Not exactly sure by what method Josie will sample the antipasti...no doubt she will be licking it...ewww.


Two "super exciteds," two references to God, and one mention of Jeremy's name near the end. With "ums," and clear evidence they skipped grammar at the SOTDRT. All in 17 seconds. Yes, I did take the time to transcribe this. Here ya go:


I just wanted to say, um, that I am super excited that I am engaged. Um. This season of life is incredible. Um. God has answered prayers all along the way and I'm just super excited to see where he's going to lead Jeremy and I in the future.

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 7
21 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I do think that  this can be looked at in a variety of ways, though. I suppose that if it is ingrained in someone not to question things, then this sort of arrangement can work quite well...If one has no other experience and gives their heart completely to the first person to come along, then continues in a life in which there is very little contact with the opposite sex, then barring one of the couple being a truly heinous individual, it might simply not occur to them that it might be possible to be happier with someone else. Even in this day and age, even in this country, arranged marriages can and do thrive. It's still not uncommon in the Hindu culture, for example.

On the other hand, dating, even including premarital sex, can offer a perspective otherwise impossible on just who and what one is really looking for. But since it is very rare, I think, for anyone to truly find that person who completes them in every way, one either goes from partner to partner searching for something which will forever elude them, or settle down with someone who could probably make them as reasonably happy as one could expect, yet once the honeymoon is over, find themselves remembering, maybe, someone who broke their heart, and finding the current relationship empty and unsatisfying in comparison...Or just missing the "rush" of a new relationship in general.

I actually DO know somone who is married to a man who was arranged for her. She is a highly educated, professional woman of Indian birth. She explained to me that the way it works is that her parents sort of "screened" candidates and then they were presented to her. She was free to say "no" and did veto their first few choices.  She is happily married with several children.


I think the key here is that what the Duggars do is basically arranged marriages, but they try to PRETEND that they are love matches.  You can't have it both ways. Either you have taken time to get to know someone intimately and decide that you love him/her and want to commit forever, or else you're not.  Walking down the aisle after "courting" for less than a year is basically commiting to someone you have a crush on, and just hoping it will become love.   The pressure to be happy is tremendous, and once you're hitched, can you imagine trying to tell your folks that you DON'T LIKE your spouse?? Look what happenned to Anna!

  • Love 12
51 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

Can someone explain to me why that video was necessary?   Everyone is "excited" after becoming engaged... not just Duggar's.   We kind of assumed you were excited, ya know, cuz we aren't stupid.

Methinks someone from the Duggar camp or TLC stalks these message boards and has read the overwhelming amount of comments calling this relationship a farce and noting how uncomfortable Jinger and Jeremy are with one another. So, voila! F.U. Interwebz video with Jinger forcefully insisting She's. So. Excited. to be marrying a creepy stranger who's using her for fame.

  • Love 9
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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