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S18.E01: Season Premiere (1): Move-in

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I liked Nicole her first time around and have no reason to dislike her yet, so I hope she stays. I think Glenn needs to go. He didn't do anything to show he's worth keeping and he complains a lot. I cannot stand Mama Day's entire team and was sooooo wishing they would lose. Mama herself can't leave fast enough for me. Michelle, the everything-phobe, is annoying, as is Bronte. It seems as though she's acting.

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Just now, Snappy said:

I liked Nicole her first time around and have no reason to dislike her yet, so I hope she stays. I think Glenn needs to go. He didn't do anything to show he's worth keeping and he complains a lot. I cannot stand Mama Day's entire team and was sooooo wishing they would lose. Mama herself can't leave fast enough for me. Michelle, the everything-phobe, is annoying, as is Bronte. It seems as though she's acting.

I thought Glenn was the only one to see what was wrong with the castle and was roundly ignored by everyone else?

He will need to let go of his bitterness over the entire thing.  Though I think his bitterness is understandable.  He has an excellent shot of going home first.  I hope its not a super physical competition since I think that would automatically put him at a disadvantage.  

If he stays, I'm not sure what his strategy could be for success.

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I think Michelle is the one who was a regular poster on the BB subreddit. I think I will be annoyed by her constant phobias for about 3 episodes, and then it will turn the corner into awesome ridiculousness.

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9 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Different format. The coaches couldn't be eliminated until well into the season and when they did become eligible, three of them were eliminated very quickly. Dan had to play his ass off not to get eliminated right away, as well. 

That's a good point. I'm starting to remember that. Honestly season 14 was mostly a blur. As was season 13, AKA Season of the Blatant Rigging. It was really funny how hard Grodner tried to get Jeff, and then Jordan, to win that season. She had to settle for Rachel at the end. But I also remember the vets in both seasons getting allies with the newbies early on. As of right now, it SEEMS like only Corey is the one trying to ally with a vet. I just find it interesting, and I'd really like to see Nicole win, just to watch the newbies scramble to make friends with them. 

Speaking of, Da'Vonne? You have to play nice, alright? You tried to do that with your team, but they all suck anyway. But you can't just whine about being paired with newbies when you were a new player last season and you didn't make it to week three. So sit down, and shut up. You only have a couple of weeks more experience than these ones. 

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16 minutes ago, Snappy said:

I liked Nicole her first time around and have no reason to dislike her yet, so I hope she stays. I think Glenn needs to go. He didn't do anything to show he's worth keeping and he complains a lot. I cannot stand Mama Day's entire team and was sooooo wishing they would lose. Mama herself can't leave fast enough for me. Michelle, the everything-phobe, is annoying, as is Bronte. It seems as though she's acting.

Had they lost one of them would be HOH so I am good with the way it is!  

The comp that will decide HOH sounds like it is physical in that the last one standing is HOH.   I am trying to think of comps that are not straight endurance that end up having one remaining player.  

12 minutes ago, RCharter said:

I thought Glenn was the only one to see what was wrong with the castle and was roundly ignored by everyone else?

He will need to let go of his bitterness over the entire thing.  Though I think his bitterness is understandable.  He has an excellent shot of going home first.  I hope its not a super physical competition since I think that would automatically put him at a disadvantage.  

If he stays, I'm not sure what his strategy could be for success.

He did see the problem but was unable to get their attention to show them.  He didn't try hard enough; we watched as his words were ignored in the frantic scrambling.  He did not speak with authority.  My guess is that he feared being an outcast with the youngsters if he pressed too hard. 

Edited by wings707
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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Speaking of, Da'Vonne? You have to play nice, alright? You tried to do that with your team, but they all suck anyway. But you can't just whine about being paired with newbies when you were a new player last season and you didn't make it to week three. So sit down, and shut up. You only have a couple of weeks more experience than these ones. 

I like Da'vonne.  I really do, and I think she could go so far if she could just keep her emotions in check and not show the world what she is thinking.

I think she is perceptive and intelligent.  But she lets her emotions get the better of her and its all downhill from there.

She was one of the first people to figure out that Tiffany was Vanessa's sister, and knew better than to just put it out there.  I have no idea why she picked Paul for her team though.  

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2 minutes ago, RCharter said:

She was one of the first people to figure out that Tiffany was Vanessa's sister, and knew better than to just put it out there.  I have no idea why she picked Paul for her team though.  

To be fair, Day (and James) had a leg up in recognizing Tiffany anyway. They literally lived with her sister for weeks/months, and (I assume) have hung out with Vanessa personally, at the very least at the after parties last year. Also, Tiffany has met most of the BB17 cast for sure. Most all of the BB17 cast (sans Day and James, actually) were at Vanessa's for Halloween, and Tiffany was there too. So, while they weren't at that actual party hanging out with her, it's probable they saw her on their mutual friends' various social media updates.

I'd like the think that Day has changed and learned from her experience last season, but nothing she was saying in the DR and her attitude toward Paul makes me think she has. Not immediately blurting out that Tiffany is Vanessa's sister isn't really a plus for me. That was common sense.

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13 hours ago, JudyObscure said:


Why was Nicole so hard on Glen?  It seemed like he was the one who understood the puzzle if they had only listened to him. 


The "Old Person" curse of BB - and note, I don't think Glen is too old for this show, but he was damned-if-he-did, damned-if-he-didn't...if he speaks up too loud, he's going to be seen as bossy and obnoxious (see: Paul).  If he doesn't speak up enough, he'll be accused of not helping his team fix what was wrong.

13 hours ago, BlackMamba said:


Bronte is Tori Spelling's sister right?   I think she might be a wee bit annoying but she needs to bring it down a few. 


I  noticed that too, especially when she leans forward in her DR's and her head suddenly takes on that Tori shape, complete with overlarge eyes and mouth.

Are the cast members given cue cards to read in the DR, and told to gesticulate awkwardly, enunciate strangely, and shift their bodies so that they look like they are sitting gingerly on a cactus?  I swear, every season the DR's get more and more weird.  My fave was Jozea saying, "You know what, Julie?  YOU can go home!"  What a zinger.  Hope the Zing-Bot wrote that one down.

I kind of like Corey right now but I don't know why...maybe because he seems the most sane?  Plus I love baseball, so there's that.

Tiffany, LOL...if you close your eyes, you'd swear Vanessa was talking.  It's bizarre that they sound exactly the same.

Michelle not wanting to sit on the rocket because she's afraid of North Korea...oh boy, I can't wait to see what else she comes up with.

Edited by laurakaye
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4 minutes ago, RCharter said:

I like Da'vonne.  I really do, and I think she could go so far if she could just keep her emotions in check and not show the world what she is thinking.

I think she is perceptive and intelligent.  But she lets her emotions get the better of her and its all downhill from there.

She was one of the first people to figure out that Tiffany was Vanessa's sister, and knew better than to just put it out there.  I have no idea why she picked Paul for her team though.  

She is a one note in the emotion department and that note is anger.  That is probably how she operates in RL  and as far as she is concerned no need to keep that in check.  That is the genuine Day. 

Others know she is Vanessa's sister; it is way too obvious.  They chose Day to say that in the edit; we don't know how many others made that same observation.  

The reason she picked Paul is probably feeling more of a kinship with him than any other; he is an angry aggressive guy too!  

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14 minutes ago, RCharter said:

She was one of the first people to figure out that Tiffany was Vanessa's sister, and knew better than to just put it out there.  I have no idea why she picked Paul for her team though.  

Well, she learned how to keep her mouth shut after the disastrous twin thing last season. If she had kept her mouth shut last season about the twins, she could have watched closely, and then used Liz and Julia to her advantage. Instead, she gave away the only leverage she might have had to stay. Also, the whole thing with Audrey and Vanessa turned into a disaster. Now, she's learned to keep her mouth shut. However, is she going to use this to her advantage or will she screw it up? She's perceptive, but it doesn't mean she necessarily is smart about her moves. Plus, she was just whining throughout her DRs so that was annoying.

The team thing will save her for a little bit, but her team is so unstable, they'd throw her under the bus in a heartbeat. So far, she's the only one guaranteed to be thrown under the bus by her own team because of the lack of trust with them. She's got two extremely mean individuals and one that thinks she's all that (according to her talking heads), so she has three dominant personalities alongside her dominant personality. That team shouldn't bode well and is already cracking under the pressure. 

Team Big Sister? More like Team Big Whiners. Three of them just whined and complained in their DRs.

Apparently, she was impressed with Paul enough to pick him, it seems. I guess something happened that wasn't totally shown in the episode that made Da'Vonne want Paul the most. I guess dominance draws to dominance. 

That reminds me, I cracked up when Frank only chose Michelle because hers was the only name he remembered because she complimented him...followed by Da'Vonne messing up Paul and Paulie. I was waiting for the moment someone messed up the Paul/Paulie thing, but I didn't expect it this soon.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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11 minutes ago, Chrissytd said:

Glimpse of the HoH from a commercial for tonight's episode.

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Glenn may not have a chance.

I wonder how HoH is going to work in the weeks to come with 4-players teams.

Shows differ on viewing previews at the end of the show or a promo on TV as a spoiler. 

I will hide my response until a mod comes by to clarify.  It is a moot point once the feeds are on because all discussion moves to that discussion thread. Most of us who read or watch the feeds don't comment much on the live shows beyond the challenges.  


Thanks for posting this.  So it is real straight up endurance.  Tiffany could fail on this, she doesn't appear to be strong and was the first one off the rocket.   Glenn being heavier is the logical guess for first off but I am not so sure.  I do think Nichole has a good shot at this over Cory because of weight but not sure on that one either!  This is going to be a nail biter. 

Edited by wings707
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I know I'm like a broken record but I'm so sick of this show casting gay men who are stereotypical cartoons. I've put up with season after season of Regan, Andy, Lawon, Frankie, etc. Jozea reminds me mostly of Lawon - he seems to think he's a lot more clever and entertaining (and intelligent) than he actually is. Would it kill this show to cast a gay man who isn't a cartoon?

Speaking of cartoons - what exactly is wrong with Bronte's face? It looks like she's wearing makeup that's three shades too light for her complexion. It almost looks like she's a black woman disguised as a white woman. And the camera needs to back away from her face a good two or three feet. She's got a serious honker.

And, speaking of casting gay men . . . does anyone else get a closeted vibe from Corey? It was probably just unfortunate editing that made it sound like he was crushing hard on Victor in the DR, but now I can't help but look at him sideways. There's just something off about him.

Unpopular opinion - so far I don't hate Paul. Mainly because I like how he pulled three people together and solidified a "vote out the returnees" alliance. I'm not crazy about his "look" but his gameplay looks fairly strong if he can avoid annoying the crap out of everyone. Da'Vonne doesn't count, she's annoyed by everyone, apparently.

We get it Victor, you're a horndog.

I think Cody was cuter than Paulie. 


And, so far I see that I'm the only one who thinks the nutritionist looks like Sarah Palin.

You're the first to post it but not the first to think it. Nose ring aside she immediately reminded me of Palin - same voice, same accent - similar look, even.

Edited by iMonrey
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7 hours ago, RCharter said:


9.  Having said that...if I were a veteran, I would put the focus on getting out strong players.  You think the veterans have an advantage?  Not really.  Da'vonne went home the second week, James went a little further, and Nicole made it to jury and then came back and left almost immediately.  But Paulie's brother got to final 2, as did Tiffany's sister.  I would focus on how Vanessa and Derrick.....two very strategic players have probably been mentoring Paulie and Tiffany.  Which makes the two of them a far bigger threat than James, Da'vonne or Nicole (I don't really remember Frank).  Additionally, you have Corey(?) who almost won the first competition for his team.  That makes him a physical threat.  Do you really want to keep someone around that is going to dominate physical competitions?

This. I don't understand in Big Brother and Survivor why they don't go after the stronger competition. The older guy, keep him. The younger guys get rid of them. I also don't understand why the woman on these who's don't band together and get off the guys.

I really wished there was more older people on the cast. But no, they are all clones of each other. I would love to see and Older Big Brother version, instead of nothing but 20 somethings and the dumb shit they do and think is so great.

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I watched BB for the first time ever last year, starting about half-way through.  This is the first time I'll see an entire season!  So far...

  • Favorites:  James & Bronte
  • Like:  Michelle, Brigette, Frank,
  • Meh: Tiffany, All Whose Names I Can't Remember
  • Go soon, please:  Da'vonne, Paul
  • Come back, please:  Shirts
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I have no quarrel with the dog groomer, and as an older person in the game I'm rooting for him a little, but he needs to lay off the "boogie-down-Bronx" stuff a little.

I am also always intrigued when former or current law enforcement types feel the need to hide that from the contestants. A few years ago James - who I think was a glorified rent-a-cop - made a big deal out of pretending to be a teacher. Implication being, teachers are no threat. It's obnoxious.

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That Michelle from Michigan can go anytime-the sooner the better.  Paul with the beard is obnoxious too.  I actually like Bronte but I think she'll go soon because she is going to annoy the crap out of everyone else in the house.   I'm ok with everyone else so far, even playa Jon Snow hasn't bugged me yet.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:


And, speaking of casting gay men . . . does anyone else get a closeted vibe from Corey? It was probably just unfortunate editing that made it sound like he was crushing hard on Victor in the DR, but now I can't help but look at him sideways. There's just something off about him.

I don't know why, but at some point I thought it would be pretty awesome if he was gay, because, like you said, it would be so counter-stereotype.  

Don't get me wrong, I am dying for a bestie that is more along the lines of Jazon? or whatever.  A gay bestie that can do my makeup, go shopping with me, spill the tea and teach me how to shade the right way.  But, it would be nice to see the entire spectrum of gay men, I know that Frankie and Jerzon (?) don't represent all gay men.

Just now, Trixie Belden said:

That Michelle from Michigan can go anytime-the sooner the better.  Paul with the beard is obnoxious too.  I actually like Bronte but I think she'll go soon because she is going to annoy the crap out of everyone else in the house.   I'm ok with everyone else so far, even playa Jon Snow hasn't bugged me yet.

A poor woman's Jon Snow to be sure.

He isn't ugly, but he isn't as cute as he thinks he is.

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Who are you calling Jon Snow?

The 4 groups are in 4 places, Have Nots, Safe for 2 weeks, Mystery Land and what?  Maybe the 4th went to Mystery Land too. ??

Tonight we will probably see something related to these.  Anyone know more about this, I may have missed it. 

Edited by wings707
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I am also always intrigued when former or current law enforcement types feel the need to hide that from the contestants

Admittedly I haven't looked into this guy's history but there's something hinky sounding about a former narcotics officer now working as a mobile dog groomer. Just a wild guess but maybe he was fired?

Mad props to the recapper for this gem:


Behold this year's crop of self-impressed gym rats, morons, and demographic caricatures. 

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9 minutes ago, iMonrey said:



I am also always intrigued when former or current law enforcement types feel the need to hide that from the contestants

Admittedly I haven't looked into this guy's history but there's something hinky sounding about a former narcotics officer now working as a mobile dog groomer. Just a wild guess but maybe he was fired?


I had the same thoughts. If you are too old (read fat) to do the job there is usually a desk position for you if you have been a valued employee.  

I do understand why he would not want to admit he was a Narc.  People, including my law abiding self, bristle when in the presence of any law enforcer.  When I see a cop I say to myself (and often out loud), oh fuck, a cop.  I could be parked, doesn't matter.  

Edited by wings707
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12 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Who are you calling Jon Snow?

The 4 groups are in 4 places, Have Nots, Safe for 2 weeks, Mystery Land and what?  Maybe the 4th went to Mystery Land too. ?

They're referring to Victor. It's because of his hair.

The second place group won a reward: $10,000 for the entire team.


Do people have a negative opinion of Jozea because of his DR segments? Because he seemed very chill and normal in the comps and the brief moments we got to see them in the house. He seemed to be playing a character in the DR, but they all do, really. 

Edited by jonaswan2
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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

ETA: Oh also, Frank looks like he's aged about 20 years. Rough! Also I had forgotten about his blinking tick.

I saw that but I was disappointed that we didn't get at least one "Preesh!" from him. You know it's coming.

19 minutes ago, jonaswan2 said:

Do people have a negative opinion of Jozea because of his DR segments? Because he seemed very chill and normal in the comps and the brief moments we got to see them in the house. He seemed to be playing a character in the DR, but they all do, really. 

He told Julie to "hit the road" during his DR session. That's an automatic dislike to me. Leave Chenbot alone! (I find it hard to believe that the DR would script that line, so he probably thought he was brilliant thinking it up all by himself.)

Edited by Callaphera
Missed a quote
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My first negative thought about Jozea came when he told Glenn that 50 was the new 20 and then DR'd that 50 was  not  the new 20. Next was telling  Julie she could go home and I began to think he was sort of mean and dumb.  I

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Jozea just doesn't seem like a nice person to me. And if you're not going to be nice, at least be funny. But he wasn't funny either. So meh.

I'm excited for the feeds to start so I can get a handle on who my faves are going to be. Michelle may be a front-runner at this point. I also may like Bridgette. I wanted to like Bronte, but she went from 0 to annoying in about 2 minutes of airtime.

Edited by delicatecutter
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I had forgotten that Frank was a blinker. Maybe, the curly hair, the tan & pecs distracted me last time. Yup! He looked a littel rough. Hopefully, he'll be back to his old reality old self in a few days. BTW! How many of the current HG do you think knew who Frank was?

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41 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Or retired.  Many municipalities offer retirement after 25 years on the job.  I can picture him becoming a cop at 25 and retiring at 50.

But I always thought they got a sweet ass pension so they wouldn't have to work.  Maybe he just wanted to stay busy, have a little extra money, and really likes dogs.

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3 hours ago, wings707 said:

So what is going to take 2 hours tonight?  Boot and noms.  Not much.  Maybe we will see them in the house as we do on the live feeds.  It will fill time and encourage viewers to sign up. ???  

I am ready to roll at 10pm.  I just moved from EST to PST so for the first time in my life I can keep a reasonable sleep schedule!

I think tonight's episode is just one hour, according to the TV schedule.

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3 hours ago, RCharter said:

She was one of the first people to figure out that Tiffany was Vanessa's sister, and knew better than to just put it out there.  I have no idea why she picked Paul for her team though.  

I think she was one of the first to suspect the Liz/Twin thing too, right? 

I believe she said she picked Paul because he seemed assertive or dominant or something. I can't remember the exact word she used, but it was something along the lines of him being good at challenges because he would attack them with all he has. Um...well....he did. But he's not exactly good at them. LOL

2 hours ago, iMonrey said:


I know I'm like a broken record but I'm so sick of this show casting gay men who are stereotypical cartoons. I've put up with season after season of Regan, Andy, Lawon, Frankie, etc. Jozea reminds me mostly of Lawon - he seems to think he's a lot more clever and entertaining (and intelligent) than he actually is. Would it kill this show to cast a gay man who isn't a cartoon?


No, I agree. Preach on. They could try to get someone like Caleb B from Survivor. He was a sweet guy, decent competitor, and not purposefully attention-hogging and obnoxious. Jozea isn't Frankie levels....yet. But he still bugs. 


1 hour ago, toodywoody said:

This. I don't understand in Big Brother and Survivor why they don't go after the stronger competition. The older guy, keep him. The younger guys get rid of them. I also don't understand why the woman on these who's don't band together and get off the guys.

It depends on how far along they are in the game, but with Survivor I understand voting out an older person first, if they truly are a weak link physically. Generally on BB, though, I would agree with you - as it's usually an individual game and it's definitely better to get rid of the strong competition. But I guess this season with the team thing, it may be a bit different. 


13 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:


My first negative thought about Jozea came when he told Glenn that 50 was the new 20 and then DR'd that 50 was  not  the new 20.


Yea, that was what really bugged me as well. I thought, "Oh he's nice, making sure Glenn doesn't feel bad about his age". Then - "Oooops. No. He's just a fake asshole who thinks he's really funny". 

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Jose is Raul from BBCan4. The exact same type of man who feels better by making fun of people just because he feels superior doing so. I wish I could see a normal gay person for once (there was Vanessa last year and Mitch from BBCan4 this year which was great to see). 

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And, speaking of casting gay men . . . does anyone else get a closeted vibe from Corey? It was probably just unfortunate editing that made it sound like he was crushing hard on Victor in the DR, but now I can't help but look at him sideways. There's just something off about him.

Heh, I was thinking the same thing, my eyebrow shot higher than Spock’s during Corey’s mooning over Victor.

Some comments....

Michelle – Her introduction rubbed me the wrong way.  As a heavy person, I resent folk that feel it is their motherfucking job to judge the obese, with ‘obesity is an epidemic/you’re killing yourself/blah-blah-blady-blue’ comments….trick, I am well aware of my weight, I’ve fucking carried it around all of my life!  Unless you are overweight STFU and gon’ about your business!  That’s right, I’ma hold that grudge and then some until that bitch is evicted!

Jozea – I like him a lot, he’s got serious clapback; hope he goes far.

Glenn – Rooting for him due to his age and he has a bit of belly….I really felt for him when he got on the rocket and apologized to the other hg’s.  While I hope they keep the fact that he did try to tell them about the sandcastle in mind during noms, I get the feeling he is going to be nominated.

Paul – I like him….yeah, I said it!  I think he’s cute (could trim the beard down just a lickity) and the best part, he cain’t stand Da’Vonne!

Frank actually looks good.  (OMG WTF did I just say!)  Anywho, he is giving off a grown up vibe but we’ll see.

Didn’t like Nicole on her season, still don’t like her now; same with James, the scaring people bit has long gotten old and I hope he's not doing that this year.

Da’Vonne is an angry person all around, I couldn’t see hanging with her at all.  And of course you wouldn’t like Paul heifer, he sees right through your defensive ass.

Did not like Vanessa last year and hoping Tiffany doesn't stay for long.

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Jozea refers to himself as a "celebrity make-up artist." Uhhh, which celebrities, exactly? The only one we saw him work his magic on was soap actress Kirsten Storms.

Edited by TimWil
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Glenn is one to keep.  He is not good at challenges but he is a vote.  He is also an outsider who will be eager to align.  Aim to vote out the natural leaders (they tend to win).  But, if you can, please take Day out first, she sucks the energy out of a room and puts everyone on edge.  What an objectionable young woman.  Too bad. 

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Based on preshow interviews, I liked Bronte, Jozea and Tiffany. Hated Michelle, Victor, and Corey. Everyone else was neutral.

Now I despise Paul...Day should've stuck with Paulie. Jozea is doing the most in the DR, and he's not 1/3 as witty as he seems to think he is. Nicole can go with her crybaby whining self, and take Michelle "I hate people who don't think they have a weight problem" with her. If I was Tiffany and Michelle threatened to reveal my secret, I would just be proactive and spread the Michelle/Nicole rumor and make it like they were both lying. Two birds with one stone. Tiff doesn't seem that quick on her feet though. She immediately froze up when Paulie revealed himself and when Michelle confronted her. You would think she would have planned for that scenario and been able to respond a little more smoothly, knowing she would inevitably be asked about it. 

I like Paulie a lot more than I thought I would, even though he's the vanilla ice milk version of Cody, looks-wise. He has a bit more personality and sense. I want to see more out of Bronte than the stupid scripted math pun DRs. I want to see her ruthless side. Frank didn't bug me as much as I anticipated, nor did Natalie. I still want him gone, just for all the fuckery Grodner put us through to keep him in BB14. I wonder how long it will take before a team attempts to throw the nominee/hoh challenge to set themselves up for HOH at expense of a weak link? It's a risk, but these challenges can be subverted just like BotB. 

The show was pretty well paced for the two hours, imo, and I was faked out by Day's crying DR sessions into thinking she was getting the boot. Julie's dress? HELL NAW.  mess. 

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Why Frank? Why? Why? Why?  I can't stand that idiot.  I can't believe he had the gall to wax on about how he was the underdog on his original season.  No, Frank, production's pet, by definition, is NOT an underdog.  Tool.  I hope he gets the chop soon or this will be a long summer.

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19 hours ago, Fex said:

So far, so good! I really enjoyed this episode. Funny how my opinion completely changed on a few people just throughout one episode. I loved Victor in his intro package, and now... not so much. Michelle really rubbed me the wrong way in her video, but she seems alright in the house.

Last time, I had to root for Frank because I drew him in the office pool (and last year I had James... weird!), but tonight I actually liked him! Did Frank get more likable somehow?

He became an adult - that's what happened!

11 hours ago, RCharter said:

8.  So, as I understand it there will be a third competition tomorrow with the losing team.  The winner of that competition wins HOH.  The person who comes in last is immediately evicted.  But then Julie said something about two people being put up for eviction.  Does that mean that HOH gets to choose from everyone except Team Unicorn?  Or does it mean that the two houseguests that didn't win HOH from the losing team, but weren't last are put up for eviction?

The loser of the 3rd comp goes home.  The remaining 3 players of the losing team get to choose who will be HOH from their group.  They get to evict anyone they please, except team unicorn (god I love that name!)

8 hours ago, Boilergal said:

Did Nicole get a nose job or something - it looked like putty and fake, especially when she wore her glasses.  She seemed whinier than usual.

maybe it's her glasses... cause I think her nose looks weird too when she's wearing them... they appear to be pinching her noise and making her voice super duper whiney.

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6 hours ago, wings707 said:

So what is going to take 2 hours tonight? 

Someone already mentioned it but tonight's ep is only 1 hour. Starts at 9 pm et.

5 hours ago, wings707 said:

The comp that will decide HOH sounds like it is physical in that the last one standing is HOH. 

Someone hear said that the 3 who don't lose will have to decide amongst themselves who is HOH. I personally hope you're right though and whoever wins the comp becomes HOH.

4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I think Cody was cuter than Paulie. 

100%. Paulie is very unfortunate looking in the face imo. Cody was too actually but he was stull cuter than Paulie. There is no male eye candy this season for me dammit! But that's been kind of the trend lately. Paul is attractive to me but then he speaks and ruins it completely.

2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I saw that but I was disappointed that we didn't get at least one "Preesh!" from him. You know it's coming.

Oh shit! I will be saying 'preesh' all summer now because yea he's definitely gonna be bringing that one back.

20 minutes ago, lilabennet said:

Why Frank? Why? Why? Why?  I can't stand that idiot.  I can't believe he had the gall to wax on about how he was the underdog on his original season.  No, Frank, production's pet, by definition, is NOT an underdog.  Tool. 

Did he say anything about being an underdog? I know Michelle went on and on about it, which was really annoying because, as you said, he was anything but an underdog.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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22 minutes ago, TV-Lurker said:

No comments about the Phallic Rockets?  And the mysterious white stuff that they called bird excrement?

It was too obvious. The train sound when Basic Becky was mentioned was more subtle. That'll never not be funny.

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1 hour ago, TV-Lurker said:

No comments about the Phallic Rockets?  And the mysterious white stuff that they called bird excrement?

It's only fun that the guys stayed on waaaay longer than the girls. I wonder if Victor will stop thinking about females long enough to realize that all three of the other members on his team who are safe for two weeks are only so based upon his performance, and therefore dead weight. That said, he comes off as a tool, so I don't want him around too long. I thought Paulie was actually as good looking as his brother in some of his old photos. I wonder if they were mislabeled, as he isn't all that in the house. And is there any cliche that Paul missed? Tats, piercings, a beard, AND a fauxhawk? Has he no friends?

   Not thrilled about any of the retreads. Is there a contingent of the viewing public that needs every single event interpreted nasally? By Nicole? I may have to watch with closed captioning until she leaves. (PLEASE let it be tonight!)

  Corey is the only real eye candy for me. Big and dumb. I could fall in love.

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One thing I shall NEVER tire of on Big Brother is Julie carefully explaining the rules of a competition to the hamsters, closely followed by one of the hamsters carefully explaining the rules of the competition. Thanks, Big Brother!

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20 hours ago, Stinger97 said:


I found myself really liking Bridgette. She's cute but not saccharine, and she looks a little like Dora the Explorer. Not typically what I look for when rooting for a HG, but here we are. 

Bronte looks a little like Tori Spelling which makes me feel... uneasy. She annoyed me tonight, but I could see myself pulling for her if she ends up becoming an underdog. 

I've been out of town so just caught up with the first episode. Lucky for me I had already started on the Limearitas when I saw BB on the DVR.  Anyways, the moment I saw Bronte I was calling her NotTori Spelling. And the minute I got a load of Michelle I was calling her NotNicole. And then Lo and Behold who should pop out of the chest but the real Nicole.  I don't mean to leave out the NotCody and NotVanessa guests. 

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Like Corey...cute! Thought I'd hate horndog faux-Snow but he's not bad and it was interesting to watch him on the Rocket. I blushed! Paulie's kinda cute. And the girl who's a dark-haired version of Meg from last season, she seems pretty likable. 

Do NOT like Mama Day (as I didn't last time either), Paul and the nose-ring chic (I think the nutritionist). Can't stand the voice and over-the-top-ness of Bronte. Jozae bugged me with his mean-girl DR comments but when he's about in the house he's not as bad. Could not stand Vanessa so I am not liking her sister, Tiffany. But maybe she won't be as paranoid and tearful as Vanessa was, so I'll give her a chance. 

I like Glenn but I think he'll be the first one to go. 

Overall...I want to see team Big Sister crash and burn...and fast! The others are pretty equal to me right now.

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4 hours ago, wings707 said:

Who are you calling Jon Snow?


4 hours ago, jonaswan2 said:

They're referring to Victor. It's because of his hair.

That's funny because I was referring to him as Daario Naharis, except without the hotness or talent.

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2 hours ago, gunderda said:

He became an adult - that's what happened!

The loser of the 3rd comp goes home.  The remaining 3 players of the losing team get to choose who will be HOH from their group.  They get to evict anyone they please, except team unicorn (god I love that name!)

maybe it's her glasses... cause I think her nose looks weird too when she's wearing them... they appear to be pinching her noise and making her voice super duper whiney.

Many thanks for explaining that!  It makes much more sense than how I was thinking it might go down!

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16 minutes ago, RCharter said:


2 hours ago, gunderda said:

He became an adult - that's what happened!

The loser of the 3rd comp goes home.  The remaining 3 players of the losing team get to choose who will be HOH from their group.  They get to evict anyone they please, except team unicorn (god I love that name!)

maybe it's her glasses... cause I think her nose looks weird too when she's wearing them... they appear to be pinching her noise and making her voice super duper whiney.

Many thanks for explaining that!  It makes much more sense than how I was thinking it might go down!


The challenge is endurance.  First one to fall off goes home, last remaining wins HOH as I understand it. 

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Maybe it's because it was a two hour premiere, but I strongly dislike many.  Top of the dislike list - Paul.  Ugh.  Napoleon Syndrome.  Never do that again.  Never pick that up again.  Unattractive, wanna be alpha male.  Thought I would like him.  Cannot stand.  Not liking the Puerto Rican Sensation.  He's not a natural narrator, nor is the makeup artist guy.  Both are very try hard, and their diary rooms sound so fake and scripted.

I agree that Bronte looks like Tori Spelling.  An undernourished Tori Spelling who has done something to her lips.  Other than her voice, I'm liking her. 

I want the mobile dog groomer to go.  It's obvious he will be blamed for every loss, and possibly ostracized like Donny.  Just save him and me the misery and cut him loose.

Didn't Nicole used to spell her name Nicholle, or Nicolle, or something?  She's lost weight.  I don't remember her voice being quite that whiny.  As an RN, I always want to root for RNs, but she and the other nurse (Bridgette?) seem so dingy.

I'm surprised most people didn't figure out Vanessa's sister.  You would have to be blind and deaf not to immediately pick up on it.  Having seen her sister, Vanessa would be wise to put down the bleach and stop trowelling on the makeup.  Her sister is gorgeous.

Only the returnees, Vanessa's sister, and maybe Bronte are natural narrators in the diary room.  The rest are trying too hard and sound too scripted.

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