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S03.E12: Founder's Brawl

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2 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Hey, Landon - no matter how much you whine and cry, Shep will never fall in love with you.  Whining to him that he will eventually wind up as someone in his 50's, and then marrying a young girl just to have kids was so off the mark.

Shep is enjoying his life, and he realizes and is okay with the fact that he is a commitment-phobe.  Shep will change his tune only when he meets the girl that will knock his socks off (when Shep does wear socks, which I don't think is often).  

First of all, I don't think that Shep would be able to handle Landon's whiny voice and dolphin laugh for more than about one week.  Plus, I think that Landon would annoy the hell out of Shep's Mom, who seems like a very nice lady.  

Next season, I think we will see Landon making a play for Whitney, because she is just that desperate.

BOTH are that desperate. Whitney is surely aware of the "beard" comments about Larissa. I think Pat's mentorship of Landon might lead to a Whitney-Landon connection, which to me would be pure setup for the show because I can't imagine either of them being attracted to the other in real life. Landon, the "wash n' wear bohemian" (as Pat called her) surfer-girl from a wealthy SC family is much more Shep's type, just as Kathryn was Whitney's, before she ditched him for Thomas.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

Oh yeah, JD will ask for a "Gentry and ginger" every  time he orders a drink. He's trying to do a Bethenny and get the name out there. I don't blame him.

As he should.  I'm not a huge fan of JD, but I think he was a bourbon drinker anyway, so it makes sense if he's going to order a drink on TV, might as well push his brand.  I'll be curious to see if it's offered for sale here in the North, though, or if it's only a regional thing.  

I'm a vodka drinker, and I have a bottle of vodka that I bought in Lake Placid, NY, that is only sold in that part of the state.  It is produced by a small distillery there, and I haven't been able to find it anywhere else.

Just as Bethenny does, Ramona does with her pinot grigio, Lisa Vanderpump does with her wines, etc, JD should take every opportunity to market his brand. It's just funny to me that you don't really see the other men ordering or drinking it when they get together, LOL!

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Glad they finally dumped the dopey fake storyline with Craigie-poo "working" for JD.  Ugh, that was so unbelievably dumb.  Paying him 15 thou was a real smart move, Craigie-poo.

Hey look, I don't really give a fuck whether he takes the bar or not, I just want them to keep him around cuz he's still adorbs.  And there ain't much else on this show as far as man candy to enjoy.  Well, at least Horseteeth finally got a haircut.  But he still looked like shit, like he'd been sleeping all day.  Ew.

OK, so Pats was not to the manor born.  So why the heck does Whit always act like he was?   Wonder where his dough comes from -- or is he just another poser too?  And why does Count Chocula always speak like he's got a mouth full of potatoes?  Weird, weird dude.

Seriously, how could Kathryn possibly not know Thom-ass's rep (as a louse with women)?  Especially in a teeny town like Charleston, where everybody probably knows every fart everyone has ever farted.  Sheesh, yet another thing that makes no sense to this Kathryn-goes-on-a-jealous-rampage fakety-fake storyline thrown at us.

I was watching that haircut, excited to at last see Shep's hair looking decent, and then... same old Shep bedhead. What did he do, go home and muss it up? Or is his hair just that unruly that it can't be tamed? 

I don't understand why people think that Whitney's father being a banker and a VP of Morgan Stanley equates having no money. Pat was not to the manor born, but it seems like Whitney's father quickly climbed the career ranks in a well-paying industry, so when Whit was young they probably entered the upper middle class and lived that lifestyle. Or possibly his father came from a well-to-do family (thus had banking connections as soon as he finished college) and Pat is just exaggerating their early "poverty". Kinda like George W. Bush and Mitt Romney were "poor" when they were young married men.  

  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

BOTH are that desperate. Whitney is surely aware of the "beard" comments about Larissa. I think Pat's mentorship of Landon might lead to a Whitney-Landon connection, which to me would be pure setup for the show because I can't imagine either of them being attracted to the other in real life. Landon, the "wash n' wear bohemian" (as Pat called her) surfer-girl from a wealthy SC family is much more Shep's type, just as Kathryn was Whitney's, before she ditched him for Thomas.

I don't really see Landon as being Shep's type, either.  Personally, I think that Cameran is more Shep's type (if she was available).  I think Shep needs a woman who is a little stronger and more intelligent than the lazy shrinking violet that is Landon.

  • Love 11

Shep is definitely not into Landon at all. I think if he didn't want to always play nice and "take the high road", he would have a lot more negative comments about Landon. I think he was correct in pointing out to Landon that if she had just taken Thomas' catty comment and rolled her eyes, the scene may have been avoided.

I am honestly surprised that Kathryn has any defenders at this point. She has got the cray IMO. Age is not an excuse to me and I really don't think there is anyone in this board slut shaming her. Even if Landon did bang Thomas, Kathyn's freak out at her was over the top. If Kathryn wants to stay in the social mix, she will have to deal with Landon saying hello to Thomas. I don't understand how she can be fine with Jennifer but want to murder Landon. Landon was actually nice to her last season. I agree with whoever said Kathryn is her own worst enemy. She seems like she can be fun and somewhat smart...but who could tolerate spending a lot of time with her? She is fascinating but also scary.

Thomas is also cray. He has more friends than Karhryn because he is more powerful and rich but also because he can recognize when he behaves badly and apologizes which Kathryn never does. However, I am on Team Cameron meaning I would want to stay the fuk away from both. 

I still hope Craig gets his shit together! Please take the bar Craig and get a job!   I actually think he and Naomi are cute together and I think they are really in love with each other. I hope it works out!

Cameron's story was contrived and boring but I still like her.

Pat is a total B but that is what makes her interesting as a TV character.

Whithey was barely in this season which is fine but I usually find his talking heads amusing.

i look forward to finding out if Landon actually slept with Thomas!!

  • Love 5

Still don't get the Landon hate.

And I don't really listen to dolphins so I don't know how they sound.  I assume that dolphins don't speak in complete sentences.  So, don't get the comparison.  I will agree that Landon's voice is a bit whiny; she sounds like a three year old.  However I can't get the image of Kathryn giving her the middle finger, last season, out of my head.  Kathryn acts like a trashy three year old who just learned the word "fuck" from her parents. 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

I am completely mystified as to why anyone would be fighting over "ownership" of a drunken, pontificating buffoon who still thinks white jeans are the height of fashion.  If you have an answer, please enlighten me.

Money, money, MON-EY!

And, in Kathryn's case, now she has two babies and no husband and no money except for what Thomas pays in child support....which is NOT ENOUGH for Kathryn.  She wants it all, and she thinks if she can only just keep all the other gold-digging floozies away from her precious baby-daddy, she will end up with it all when he marries her and quickly croaks from old age or cirrhosis of the liver, whichever comes first.  But, even if she somehow got him to marry her in a moment of drunken, coked-out stupor,  I wouldn't put it past Thomas to leave all his money to the kids - in a trust, with a specified executor and money manager so Kathryn couldn't touch it - and very, very little for Kathryn.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 11
30 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Still don't get the Landon hate.

And I don't really listen to dolphins so I don't know how they sound.  I assume that dolphins don't speak in complete sentences.  So, don't get the comparison.  I will agree that Landon's voice is a bit whiny; she sounds like a three year old.  However I can't get the image of Kathryn giving her the middle finger, last season, out of my head.  Kathryn acts like a trashy three year old who just learned the word "fuck" from her parents. 

1. her voice grates

2. her desperation to seduce Shep is nuts

3. she is catty 

4 she is needy.

5. she is lazy

On the positive, she has a really cute style and nice smiling eyes.

13 minutes ago, izabella said:

Money, money, MON-EY!

And, in Kathryn's case, now she has two babies and no husband and no money except for what Thomas pays in child support....which is NOT ENOUGH for Kathryn.  She wants it all, and she thinks if she can only just keep all the other gold-digging floozies away from her precious baby-daddy, she will end up with it all when he marries her and quickly croaks from old age or cirrhosis of the liver, whichever comes first.  But, even if she somehow got him to marry her in a moment of drunken, coked-out stupor,  I wouldn't put it past Thomas to leave all his money to the kids - in a trust, with a specified executor and money manager so Kathryn couldn't touch it - and very, very little for Kathryn.

Too bad, he is cheap as hell and looks bloated too.

so this dude bags some 19 and 20 years old girls?

the heck???

Money sure talks.

  • Love 8
18 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I may be the only one, but, I wanted to slap the crap out of Shep every time he said it was so easy to just be the bigger person.  Of course it's easy if you're never involved in the conflict. Or if all you have to rise above is having your birthday party held at a skating rink.  I like you Shep, but, STFU.

Mm-hmm.  Shep wasn't so quick and didn't find it so easy to "rise above it" with Craig last season.  No, Shep was down in the dirt all season long, capped with his horrible, jealous attitude after the "date" auction.  If Kathryn was hunting him down at parties to flip him off and talk crap about him, he'd be mud-wrestling with that pig, too.

  • Love 5

So I think it IS fair to say Patricia married well even the first time, and she married UP each and every time. Golddigger? That's for each person to decide. But she herself says she has a skill for getting the attention of the right kind of man (whatever that is) .

Whitney's dad wasn't a banker when Patricia married him, he was 22/23 on the way to become what he would become. As was Patricia after she was married she continued on in school graduated and got a master's degree. There was also a nearly 20 year period when she had divorced Whitney's dad and lecturing at a university and running a successful art business before she married her 2nd husband.

Both Patricia and Whitney have spoken of his father in passing, I imagine he doesn't want the limelight. 

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, RedHawk said:

I also don't get the Landon hate. Sure, she's a bit irritating sometimes, but hate? She's done nothing to me. I don't hate Kathryn either, neither of them are that important in my life. 

Yea. I don't take reality show stars or tv characters so seriously since I don't know them personally or believe that I do. 

I find Landon far from perfect but still annoying >>>>>>>>>> than garden tool. 

Squeeky voice >>>>>>>>crack head. 

Also I find it peculiar it's always an either or lately in some forums or certain individuals and the reality stars promote this on their Twitter. Like it's not enough to think the person is amusing or cool, you must drag the other woman for filth. It shows the stars are very insecure and the fans are very binary thinkers. 

  • Love 3

Joining the quiet minority who doesn't have a problem with Landon. The most obnoxious thing she does, in my opinion, is try to be popular and liked, which is annoying but certainly not unique to her; I chalk it up to her age and stage in life, coming off a failed marriage and casting around for somewhere to direct her life. I agree with Patricia [on all things really, but also] that she's too good for Shep. He's a lazy man-child who, I'm gonna keep saying it, is just a sleazy TRav in training. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, pbutler111 said:

Is it wrong that all my private fantasies now revolve around slapping the living fuck out of Landon the Dolphin Queen? And not just regular slapping -- I'm talking Joan Crawford/Bette Davis level slapping. I hate her beyond hate.

Ha, this was gold and make me actually laugh, as they say, out loud.  

I'm with you on this. I find her so completely vacuous.  The vocal fry, the squint, the school girl giggle, the special snowflake syndrome of "I need to make some money, so instead of actually getting a job, I'll start a travel blog and voila, the money will roll in!"  Does this idiot realize (1) how many of them are out there, and (2) how many actually magazines fold?  So when all that isn't panning out, she decides to bat her squinty eyes at trust fund baby and get him to fall in love with her. 

Nothing redeeming about her.  Patricia can groom her all she wants, but Patricia was not only a beauty but an intelligent, self-made, and charming one.  Landon has none of those qualities.

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I always need to point out that Patricia didn't marry a wealthy man until she was in her mid fifties, married Whitney's dad at twenty when he was 22/23 and not wealthy. Her wealth came not from her second husband (who had a famous uncle) her third husband which she married in her mid 50s and he was very wealthy. She met Fleming and Auetschul because she was a successful art dealer selling them artt!

I apologize.  When Patricia was talking about knowing how to attract a certain type of man and get him to marry you I should have realized she was talking about teaching Landon how to run a successful art gallery.  My mistake for reading too much into what she said and assuming the mentoring was in the fine art of gold digging.  I'm a little disappointed though because I like Patricia and found the idea of her giving gold digging lessons highly entertaining.


2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

As he should.  I'm not a huge fan of JD, but I think he was a bourbon drinker anyway, so it makes sense if he's going to order a drink on TV, might as well push his brand.  I'll be curious to see if it's offered for sale here in the North, though, or if it's only a regional thing.  

I'm a vodka drinker, and I have a bottle of vodka that I bought in Lake Placid, NY, that is only sold in that part of the state.  It is produced by a small distillery there, and I haven't been able to find it anywhere else.

Just as Bethenny does, Ramona does with her pinot grigio, Lisa Vanderpump does with her wines, etc, JD should take every opportunity to market his brand. It's just funny to me that you don't really see the other men ordering or drinking it when they get together, LOL!

That's because everyone else is too busy ordering Tito's.  Everyone on all the Bravo shows always orders Tito's lately.  I'm pretty sure they have an integrated marketing contract with Bravo.

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, Southernbelle55 said:

After watching Kathryn this episode, I'm not surprised she failed her drug test. Although I feel bad for her, watching Thomas play her. Asking her to sleep over, telling her he's done with Landon and then calling her. I think he was bad mouthing Jennifer so Kathryn would reject her and not hear the gossip about Thomas.

I have wondered if Jennifer and Thomas were actually still seeing each other or at least had longer than Kathryn knew about.  Thomas seemed TO ME that he was nervous about K and J still being friends and what might slip.

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Kathryn's TH's, where she's staring crazily & silently into the cam, were just so dopey & looked so staged.  Sheesh, producers, fail on this too obviously manufactured fake shit.  OK, I know this is Bravo & we're gotta get screaming cat fights thrown at us, but at least let it be somewhat organic.  This was dumb.  Really, really, really dumb.  

I'm still not believing poor widdle Snowflake is so gaga over Horseteeth.  Then again, I can't see how anyone would be.  And what about that TH where poor widdle Snowflake is cryin' her eyes out cuz ole Horseteeth just happened to bring her friend?  Fake, fake, fakety-fake fake.  Does Snowflake actually have any friends?  She does?  Well, bust my buttons!  Maybe this gal is her only friend?

Hey, Count Chocula, the unshaven look is not a good look for you.  Creepy, creepy, creepy.  Oh & smarmy too.  Good God, Whit truly is a charmless character.  Maybe it's just as well he didn't have much to do this season.  I can't stand lookin' at him.

Cams and that fakety-fake therapy session kinda made me choke back some vomit.  Who made up this shit, Cams?  The producers, and you went along with this crapola?  Oy, more shit I didn't believe for a second.  OK, so you want us to believe you don't wanna have kids cuz you have a problem with control?   What the fuckety fuck, hun?  How about -- you don't wanna have kids cuz you don't wanna have kids, Cams?  Man, I hate fake therapy sessions on Bravo shows.

This made me laugh out loud!

  • Love 1

❗  It is not that Kathryn is oh, so innocent. She is not. She's an abject mess. ❗                             

⭐But, it IS that THE OTHERS are culpable for their OWN low-down and dirty deeds, transferring THEIR steaming pile of $μℹ+ upon Kathryn, and then holding her responsible for THEIR weak, pathetic, lying, misogynistic, misandrist SOUTHERN CHARMless behaviors.                                        Kathryn needs to grow-up, wise-up, get a firm grip, and puhlease move on with: a legitimate career (hear ?that Landon,...❗) and responsible care for the future 'nobility' of-- ''it's a great day to be in-- South Carolina". Per Kathryn, THAT is for damn sure.                                                                        HOWEVER, the older Ravening Horde need to do the same. Stop sneering and sulking about Kathryn especially when she is no where near The Charleston Cantankerous Coven.

* Oh, and, apparently, The Coven has nothing interesting to offer as their storylines have been as lame, boring, and INDECOROUS as Kathryn's. *

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 5

Even if Thomas DID sleep with Landon - it's no big deal! He was not in an exclusive relationship with Kathryn. He has no intention of being in an exclusive relationship with Kathryn, and he will NEVER marry Kathryn. They were simply f*** buddies. She got pregnant intentionally. And then got pregnant again. She has slept with all/most of Thomas' good friends - and continued to have sex with her dealer, as we now know from the court documents. Thomas is free to screw whomever he chooses. He chose Kathryn's friend, Jennifer, and she apparently had no problem with that. Why should she care about Landon? Remember, she gave Landon the finger last season and told her to F*** off. That should have been the absolute END of any interactions the two of them should ever have.

  • Love 6

Landon indeed comes across as a shrinking violet. When Patricia was advising her to dress more sexy and glam it up a little, Landon said it made her "uncomfortable" to dress that way. Which reminded me of myself in my 20s. Now I look back and realize I was very fit and had a nice figure, and was reasonably pretty, yet I also felt very uncomfortable with any effort to be "sexy" or show off my body. So I empathize with Landon, and feel that maybe her husband didn't appreciate her very much, so she either never came out of her shell or went back into it because he was too busy working to pay attention to her. (At least that's how she described it. Surely he knew she was shy when he married her.) 

Maybe she has low self-esteem due to her speech impediment -- there were posts way back when she was introduced that mentioned she had needed speech therapy when she was a child. She also definitely has issues with her mom and the "expectations" that she should live up to as a "Southern woman". Not giving her an excuse, just trying to figure her out a bit.

That said, it's way beyond time that she learned to stand up for herself, figure out how to get a real job and not depend on anyone else to fund her lifestyle, and thus gain true confidence. I'm sure there are decent guys her age in Charleston who would, like Thomas apparently is, be charmed by her "million-dollar smile" and sunny disposition.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, izabella said:

Money, money, MON-EY!

And, in Kathryn's case, now she has two babies and no husband and no money except for what Thomas pays in child support....which is NOT ENOUGH for Kathryn.  She wants it all, and she thinks if she can only just keep all the other gold-digging floozies away from her precious baby-daddy, she will end up with it all when he marries her and quickly croaks from old age or cirrhosis of the liver, whichever comes first.  But, even if she somehow got him to marry her in a moment of drunken, coked-out stupor,  I wouldn't put it past Thomas to leave all his money to the kids - in a trust, with a specified executor and money manager so Kathryn couldn't touch it - and very, very little for Kathryn.

No money except for what Thomas gives her AND a six-figure Bravo paycheck. She is not (contrary to what some of her nutty fans think) some poor little single mother financially dependent on Thomas Ravenel. If he is paying half (or possibly all) of her rent and also giving her a few thousand a month in child support, then she should be fine living off her own paycheck. The thing is, she seems to be squandering it on clothes, shoes, furniture, and allegedly, drugs. Yes, she wants it all and so much more. There will never be enough to fill up her inner emptiness.

At this point Thomas would be beyond stupid to marry her, yet I sometimes think that both are now so addicted to the Bravolebrity lifestyle that if the producers said, "The show is dying, maybe if next season ended with you two getting married..." they would agree to do it.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 10

My dvr also cut off the comment at the end so I'm rewatching.  And have noticed-

1.  In the aftermath of the blow out at TRav's dinner, why was Kathryn sitting on the floor while talking to JD, his wife and Danni?  There were a number of perfectly fine chairs in the room.

2.  Shep joking that he didn't want to get in a fight because he didn't want to pay for dry cleaning and his mom wouldn't buy him new clothes.  Ha!!

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, TexasGal said:

My dvr also cut off the comment at the end so I'm rewatching.  And have noticed-

1.  In the aftermath of the blow out at TRav's dinner, why was Kathryn sitting on the floor while talking to JD, his wife and Danni?  There were a number of perfectly fine chairs in the room.

2.  Shep joking that he didn't want to get in a fight because he didn't want to pay for dry cleaning and his mom wouldn't buy him new clothes.  Ha!!

Yes, to #1. She was down there munching on the cheese and crackers! Mama was hongry!

  • Love 1

Landon didn't fool me for one second during this finale. Kathryn, while she wasn't being very nice, Landon instigated everything that happened once Kathryn tried to talk to her. Kathryn was being decently civil, and then Landon dialed it up first. Kathryn went back inside and sat down with the girls to complain, but she wasn't trying to stir more up. Landon ran straight to Thomas and told him to get involved. Then when Kathryn kept trying to remove herself from it Landon just kept screaming and screaming for Thomas to tell her and that she'd done nothing, and had the audacity to tell Kathryn she was scared of her, after Landon had been the one screaming the whole time during that whole interaction. 

Then, Kathryn was removed from the situation AGAIN and they started trying to drag her back into it, with Landon standing in the middle of it all smirking. It was a blink and you miss it moment, but that smirk in that moment as whoever was telling Kathryn just to say hello and that everything was fine, shined a light so deep in her soul. She was trying to gaslight Kathryn just as much Thomas. Kathryn has her issues and it's easy to get people to probably brush off her claims and call her crazy, but I see Landon for just who she is. She's just as BSC as Kathryn, she's just undercover about it. 

  • Love 14

Kathryn saw red when she saw Thomas' hand on Landon's lower back/upper buttocks. After that, it's my opinion that Kathryn was mostly to blame and Landon was trying to stand up for herself. Kathryn loves making scenes, I don't get the same vibe from Landon. But ok, I do see her smirking occasionally. Given how Kathryn is so cuckoo and nasty when she loses her shit, if I could set Kathryn off with a smirk, I'd probably do it and laugh hard about it afterward! 

Edited to add: If Kathryn finds it all so hard being ostracized and possibly gas-lighted by this crew, then she could always just quit and walk away. But then, she wouldn't have Twitter fans and get free clothes, shoes, makeup, etc. from "designers" and her little fame jones wouldn't be fed. 

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 13

Also, can we talk a little about the house porm that is Thomas Ravenel's? Wow - the new place is gorgeous. That kitchen!  I could see the drool hanging out of Cooper's mouth. That particular area of Charleston is very exclusive, i.e. very pricey. Pat's house is nearby. I'm sure Kensie and Julien are going to love growing up there. And, wouldn't it be hilarious if Landon had helped him decorate? Oh wait. She picked out the color for Kensie's room - which also drives Kathryn crazy.

At least Landon isn't a coke whore like Kathryn....

  • Love 5

Cameran has some of the worst table manners I have seen on TV.  She talks with her mouth full, with food smeared on her lips making them super shiny in some spots but not others, and at the Founder's Ball she was licking her fingers.  I guess, however, they served chicken wings?  Even still I would have wiped my fingers on a napkin in that kind of situation instead of licking them.  It's the talking with her mouth full that bugs me the most.

I think that the color Landon picked out was a poor choice.  It seems really cold and not very inviting.  I've seen other shades of that color that are much nicer.

Edited by Eater of Worlds
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, RedHawk said:

I also don't get the Landon hate. Sure, she's a bit irritating sometimes, but hate? She's done nothing to me. I don't hate Kathryn either, neither of them are that important in my life. 



3 hours ago, izabella said:

Money, money, MON-EY!

And, in Kathryn's case, now she has two babies and no husband and no money except for what Thomas pays in child support....which is NOT ENOUGH for Kathryn.  She wants it all, and she thinks if she can only just keep all the other gold-digging floozies away from her precious baby-daddy, she will end up with it all when he marries her and quickly croaks from old age or cirrhosis of the liver, whichever comes first.  But, even if she somehow got him to marry her in a moment of drunken, coked-out stupor,  I wouldn't put it past Thomas to leave all his money to the kids - in a trust, with a specified executor and money manager so Kathryn couldn't touch it - and very, very little for Kathryn.


As a person of a certain age, I resent how Kathryn rants on about youth and looks.  On top of being purely rude, offensive, and hurtful, her comments are shortsighted and demonstrate a lack of both intellect and awareness. Sprinkle on two kids out of wedlock and a cocaine habit on top, and the girls has more than a mountain to climb in the redemption department.

I used to sort of like her.  I get how some of the need for security and family and do just about anything to get them - consciously or subconsciously (in Kathryn's case I think it was a little of both) so I sympathized for awhile but not so much anymore.  

2 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I may be the only one, but, I wanted to slap the crap out of Shep every time he said it was so easy to just be the bigger person.  Of course it's easy if you're never involved in the conflict. Or if all you have to rise above is having your birthday party held at a skating rink.  I like you Shep, but, STFU.


Not me.  Shep is 100% spot on about this.  I also liked his line about how grudges are for losers.  I guess only what people think of when they think of God is capable of 100% compliance, but Shep does a good job - which is probably why he's not in many conflicts. And, they are good words to live by.

14 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I don't mind Landon.  Hey! Stop throwing stuff at me!  I kind of feel sorry for her.  She seems so lost.

I relate to Landon a ton.  Being the oldest and least accomplished/focused.  As much as some may try, it's very, very hard to find/create direction if you aren't born with obvious or easy proclivities.  She gets this about herself and is working on it.  I give tons of points for both.

I do, however, heed Shep's words about her.  He chooses his statements and words carefully and thoughtfully.  

I agree that she is cute with a cute style.  I also agree that the baby talk voice has to go.  I suspect that if she worked on developing a more confident tone when speaking, we'd see her personal confidence increase as well.  

  • Love 4

I felt bad for Landon when Shep showed up with her friend as his date.  And then I noticed how every scene at the ball was so staged and choppily edited.  Shep might be a lot of things, but I think even he would realize bringing Landon's friend to the Ball would be a slap in the face to Landon.  I don't think Shep is that clueless or cold, and wouldn't be that needlessly mean to Landon.

These shows all fail when they are more staged and scripted than the first season or two.  We used to see more Charleston night life, and hanging out on boats, barbecues and beaches, some fun.  Now, it's all staged scenes and TH's, and the scripts suck and serve only to create a dramatic crazy Thomas or crazy Kathryn theme. 

  • Love 4

I enjoy Landon's scenes a lot. She seems vulnerable and shy, but at the same time, is on a reality show so that's an oxymoron. I think her bad marriage might have really thrown her for a loop and I feel I am watching a real, not manufactured, struggle to find herself. Anyway, she seems to treat everyone else well, except for Kathryn, and I don't even care to chronicle who did what to who there.

But I can do without Bam.


Also, can we talk a little about the house porm that is Thomas Ravenel's? Wow - the new place is gorgeous. That kitchen!  I could see the drool hanging out of Cooper's mouth.

It is gorgeous. Although, I noticed last night that I didn't care for the plain white walls in his kitchen...a little color would soften them up. Otherwise, yum. The sitting room looked so comfortable and classy.

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I am interested to know about the Kathryn Fans on THIS forum.  Most, myself included, have acknowledged that Kathryn is deluded and outrageous. I have yet to read statements and OPINIONS indicating these posters are FANS of Kathryn.  What I do see are some becoming a bit irate if there is ANY call for some of the other Charmless Ones to own their instigating, ludicrous behaviors even when Kathryn is completely absent from their presence.

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4 minutes ago, BookElitist said:

I am interested to know about the Kathryn Fans on THIS forum.  Most, myself included, have acknowledged that Kathryn is deluded and outrageous. I have yet to read statements and OPINIONS indicating these posters are FANS of Kathryn.  What I do see are some becoming a bit irate if there is ANY call for some of the other Charmless Ones to own their instigating, ludicrous behaviors even when Kathryn is completely absent from their presence.

I like Kathryn and I would respond to this if I had any idea what it meant. 

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I've mentioned Kathryn's fans a couple of times in recent posts because there's this thing where, if anyone says they'd love to see Kathryn and Thomas dumped from the show, someone else says "But they ARE the show, it would be nothing without them". Meaning, Kathryn has many fans/followers who are vocal and fall into the target demographic so Bravo producers, as they do with most of their reality shows, amps up the presence of that particular cast member or members and highlights their sometimes quite out-there behavior. For me, it's to the detriment of the show. For others, among them fans of Kathryn, it "makes" the show. She's a polarizing figure, for sure.


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7 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I don't really see Landon as being Shep's type, either.  Personally, I think that Cameran is more Shep's type (if she was available).  I think Shep needs a woman who is a little stronger and more intelligent than the lazy shrinking violet that is Landon.

I think Shep only likes dumb, vacuous women if it is slam-bam.  He won't marry them but once he enjoys his celebrity status and sows more wild oats, he'll meet a girl who has a brain and can challenge him.

I think Landon is as much a gold diggers as Kathryn is -- without the kids.  She won't have babies out of wedlock b/c I would bet her family has some sort of stature (in addition to funding her).  But I'm certain she is looking for that rich hubby so she could be one of those "ladies who lunch."

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