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S03.E11: Words Of Wisdom

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Thomas wow!!! What a fecking nut job mess! Loved the jumping out the window scene. He seriously went from 0 to   60. He came off crazier than Kathryn in that scene although I think Kathryn was  just being a calm crazy. Amazing reality TV.

loved Kathryn saying she is easy to get along with. Very Donald Trump-esque.

Thomas calling himself a self made man is insane!!!! I guess he was trying to make a point that he actually works and Shep doesnt really but who cares? I don't recall Shep ever being mean to Thomas or Kathryn except for a few snarky talking heads here and there so why was Thomas even going after him?

I agree with Shep that it was Thomas causing problems between Landon and Kathryn. Landon was catty about Kathryn but she was catty about her TO THOMAS and Thomas wasn't like hey stop talking shit about the amazing beautiful totally sane mother of my child!!! He says terrible stuff about her all the time. i also think that while Landom was mean and bitchy she didn't actually DO anything to Kathryn. I don't count not inviting her to Sheps lame party as doing something horrible to her. This isn't meant as a defense of Landon in general because she is a spoiled girl who should take her sister's advice and just get a great regular job. 

In the slightest defense of Kathryn, Thomas asked her to not hang out with Jennifer anymore and she agreed to avoid Jennifer. Why couldn't Thomas just not invite Landon?  He didn't invite Whitney and Pat so he could have done the same with Landon and nicely explained to her why. But then we wouldn't have this magical episode...

And I'm so glad everyone else noticed them all almost dying via golf car accident as Landon swerves into a car!

Kathryn was fine at the party until she started reveling in Thomas insulting everyone. I thought it was okay that she didn't immediately talk to Landon but then just said hello. Loved her calling Landon a dolphin!!! So rude and immature but awesome for tv.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, olivia1 said:

Who packs a suitcase for a one night stand? 

I didn't say what the quote box is attributing to me, not sure why it's showing up as a quote from me. But in any case, Kathryn does since she was not planning on leaving.

Think about it. Whitney was producing a new reality show, right there in Charleston. She wanted to be on the show so badly, she banged the one man she thought would make it happen. Then spots a bigger wallet, Thomas.

  • Love 5

Kathryn's age is not being used as a deflection nor excuse for her 'ratchet' antics anymore than the reasons espoused and /or supported as  basis for the exhibitions of ill behaviors illustrative of the other show participants.  Obviously, being the age of 24 doesn't negate decorous actions and logical thoughts and their manifestations. Nor, is the fact that she is a parent bandied about and supported as a malignant behavior excuse. However, poor behavior performed by others is often levied against Kathryn. And, poor behavior runs amok amongst these Southern Charmers. In addition,  constant statements of any fool, rodent,...can bear offspring may be just as insulting to human mothers as as any ill conceived comment against a childless woman.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Teddybear said:

It was only a split second, but watching Danni's face change when she realized Thomas's speech was a roast not a toast was the realest thing I've ever seen on reality tv.  I think they were all blind-sighted.    

So Cooper styled that ridiculous outfit Kathryn was wearing?  I can only assume since they were shopping together.  

I love that Patricia was basically calling Landon a frumpty-dumpty and needed help.  Ha! 

That expression was pure gold - but for some reason I thought it was Naomie; this will give me a legitimate reason to re-watch!

They must have scripted the walking out, driving away because they had cameras set up in the part of the house they waited in before finally leaving, probably to allow time to set up cameras outside for the yelling and finally driving away in the golf cart.

What they didn't plan for was Landon driving that cart in front of an on rushing car and almost taking out half the cast.

  • Love 6

Why did Travis get to say that Jennifer can't be in Kathryn life if she wants him around but she can't say the same about Landon?  Kathryn is a bitch,  but I still can't stand Landon.  Her giggly bullshit passive aggressive behavior is nauseating.   

I'm also not sure why Travis went after Shep, hasn't he been the most nice to Kathryn compared to the others? 

Elizabeth is smart,  she knows who to stand next to for camera time,  lol. 

Lastly,  who elected Landon to drive the cart? She couldn't drive straight and sat there way too long.  She's such an idiot! 

6 hours ago, Teddybear said:

It was only a split second, but watching Danni's face change when she realized Thomas's speech was a roast not a toast was the realest thing I've ever seen on reality tv.  I think they were all blind-sighted.    

So Cooper styled that ridiculous outfit Kathryn was wearing?  I can only assume since they were shopping together.  

I love that Patricia was basically calling Landon a frumpty-dumpty and needed help.  Ha! 

I was calling the dinner party a roast too!  

And I agree on Kathryn's outfit,  THAT'S what they came up with?  

  • Love 3

I get that in current "real life" time Kathryn just failed a drug test, which is not good, and Thomas just passed one (which boggles my mind), but watching the show last night, Thomas was clearly more than drunk, and I'm guessing it was coke mixed with alcohol, but regardless, it was definitely a drug and alcohol mixed rant.  While I did enjoy some of the things he had to say, inappropriate as they may be, his face was pretty scary looking.  I think they should both have supervised visits with their children, not just Kathryn, but they both need rehab - not that either of them would take it seriously.  I think most of the rest of the cast also uses drugs, whether it's marijuana or cocaine or both - they just might be hiding it better by not going all psycho when they use.

And to add a random thought - I cannot stand Landon and it has nothing to do with the Kathryn/Thomas drama at all.  I think she thinks she's above everyone else, including we, the audience, and I can't stand her valley girl condescension in all of her talking heads.  Especially since she's not as smart as she believes.  It grates on my nerves every time she speaks.

  • Love 6
27 minutes ago, SGfan said:

I get that in current "real life" time Kathryn just failed a drug test, which is not good, and Thomas just passed one (which boggles my mind), but watching the show last night, Thomas was clearly more than drunk, and I'm guessing it was coke mixed with alcohol, but regardless, it was definitely a drug and alcohol mixed rant.  

uhhhhh YEA, he was definitely on something.  And I thought he was on something when he was at Kathryn's house going over the guest list.  He was talking weird... seemed like he couldn't catch his breathe... and then tries to jump out the window!?!  That was not a sober man.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, iloveit said:

I agree with Shep that it was Thomas causing problems between Landon and Kathryn. Landon was catty about Kathryn but she was catty about her TO THOMAS and Thomas wasn't like hey stop talking shit about the amazing beautiful totally sane mother of my child!!! He says terrible stuff about her all the time. i also think that while Landom was mean and bitchy she didn't actually DO anything to Kathryn. I don't count not inviting her to Sheps lame party as doing something horrible to her. This isn't meant as a defense of Landon in general because she is a spoiled girl who should take her sister's advice and just get a great regular job. 

I believe this to be the case, too, because on WWHL, Landon said she tried to be friends with Kathryn. Cameron then said something like, yeah, the problem is that Thomas has loose lips. So I guess he took everything Landon said and made sure to relay it to Kathryn.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 4

Cooper flapping around like a useless schoolmarm was annoying in the extreme.

So annoying!  And such an obvious bid for air time.  Like out of anyone, pipsqueak is going to be the "bouncer"


Also agree that his remarks were coordinated with production, and that the rest of the cast was blind-sided.

The dinner ambush absolutely had that feeling to me too.  Some knew that something was going to go down and others were not informed.  Interestingly, I actually thought Cameron was one who appeared to be acting.

Speaking of acting, the scene between Thomas and Kathryn in the bedroom was sooooo staged.  They haven't given us the usual drama so let's interject some extremely badly acted script to break up the boredom.  It was embarrassing to watch.

For the Thomas and Kathryn scene and the dinner party fiasco, the cameras would film around the room with this wild, frantic movement as though to indicate how surprising and unexpected this whole turn of events was!   

  • Love 3

I felt bad for the people who were preparing the food, that was a lot of food to waste.  

And the golf cart was a little weird.  Where did that come from? I know Craig, Naomi and Landon all showed up together but Cameron and Shep showed up both separately.  Why did they have to take a golf cart to get away? Why couldn't they just have walked down the block or something and why did it take them forever to leave to where Thomas was ready to pull Shep off and beat the crap out of him?

  • Love 4

Thomas is a ridiculous fool. Kathryn is desperate for him to side with her she loved his behavior because she is an immature idiot. 

Kathryn should have been pissed at  his behavior.  Thomas did her no favors and then of course Kathryn's bitchy side has to make an appearance. 

I don't understand,  is it the possibility that Landon and Thomas hooking up that pisses Kathryn off or did I miss something  else? 

I loved that Shep told Thomas if Landon and Kathryn have a problem it's Thomas's fault. 

Thomas challenging Shep to a fight was so stupid.  I hope TRav is throughly embarrassed!  I thought JD would have been the one to try to calm Thomas down. 

Thomas going after 2 women that disrespected his children's mother is laughable.  He disrespects Kathryn over and over so stfu TRav. 



Yes all that wasted food!  I almost forgot they had not even started dinner yet. Shame on you Thomas(that never would have happened on the shas of sunset, fight yes,  but eat first  ☺ ) .  Everything did look delicious ? 

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 7

The funniest thing during that "dinner party" was JD looking at the camera. 

Kathryn being young doesn't give her an excuse to act like a no class baby mama chick.  I was twenty-four once too but I didn't act like I was raised by wolves.  Also, it's not like Kathryn is some uneducated young woman who's never been out in polite society; she's not one of those, "I've never been outside the hood/farm/hills" people.

  • Love 9

In order to have more fun, I tried resetting my opinion of the people on this show and it worked, a little. Except with Landon, the pit bull with the million dollar smahl.

Who does she think she is? Her sister seems rational. 

Don't get me wrong; I still see some as sketchy and/or sad and/or ridiculous, but I did enjoy this ep a bit more than the last couple and that may be why.

My lingering question: Shep. Everyone else at the party was dressed in formal-ish wear (or at least a blazer) and he basically wore page 14 of the LL Bean catalog. The heck? 

Edited by ivygirl
  • Love 12
10 hours ago, BookElitist said:

The WATCH WHAT HAPPENS  LIVE appearance of that trio, Whitney, Landon, and Cameron, was to bash Kathryn--that's it. No amount of giggling, shifting, and skincrawling lying of 'I'm evuh so much better than she' can mask the stench. They desperately wish to ensure that their double-standard criticisms of Kathryn ensure Kathryn's demise on The Show. As a male. No, wait!  As a male UP in his 40s pushin' 50, this is what ole NitWitney does--relentlessly slam a 24yr old ❓ The others, also. 24 years of age is different from 30s, 40s, 5Os (uh, yeah, i'm aware not all 24year-olds behave in such a crude undisciplined manner--some do, some don't). The Twittering Triumvirate all readily discuss Kathryn's bizness. Actually, they relish it. What about tHOmas' nasty lifestyle ❓ Such a damn classist, elitist, paternalistic, almost misogynistic double standard ( and, i don't even like Kathryn, however...) If they're so mature as Landon ridiculously and fallaciously intimated, talk about their OWN business. Sure Kathryn is messy...BUUT has Kathryn, PERSONALLY, done anything to this catty coven for them to hold this Kathryn Obsession❓  And, WOW (!), they are thoroughly consumed by the woman.








And, of course, there's good ol' boy Shep guffawing with the rest of 'em. Yuck❗ ❗  CanNOT stand any of them.

Whitney said on WWHL that he doesn't want to be around Kathryn because she's a violent, unhinged, drug using psychopath (or was it sociopath?). In what universe do those words not describe Thomas to a tee? He started this season with a black eye from a bar brawl, this episode he tried to jump out a second story window and invited his friends over just to insult them, and he's got a felony conviction from drug possession. Literally this description is him too, but for some reason they give him a pass where they seem to laser focus in on Kathryn when she's done similar things. And when has Kathryn ever done anything as obnoxious as what Thomas just pulled? Thomas just invited his friends over to insult them on national television. I don't in any way like Kathryn or her antics, but this group's double standard is baffling. Cameron's initial stance that she didn't want to be around either one of them is understandable, but everyone else's weird anti-Kathryn pro-Thomas stance is bizarre because the two of them objectively suck.

Kathryn should never take fashion advice from Cooper because he dressed her like a 19th century witch.

Why the fuq was Landon wearing a mink cape?

  • Love 15
18 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Cameron's initial stance that she didn't want to be around either one of them is understandable, but everyone else's weird anti-Kathryn pro-Thomas stance is bizarre because the two of them objectively suck.

The reason it isn't bizarre is because these people might have known and been friends with Thomas before he met Kathryn, so their allegiance will be with him.  Just like if you have a friend who hooked up with someone you didn't like, you will always side with that friend before the other person. 

But since I never was friends with them, I think they are both morons and wouldn't want to come within ten feet of T-Rav or Kathryn.

  • Love 6

I agree that Kathryn and Thomas are equally obnoxious in their drunken, volatile behavior and both deserve criticism. But Kathryn distinguishes herself further by going after a wealthy man in order to pump out two children solely as a vehicle for money (my opinion). And she apparently abused substances while pregnant. She wins first prize in the Horrible Human Being Contest.

  • Love 4

Drunken, pontificating buffoon T-Rav is back and I couldn't be happier!  Yes!  Thank you, Bravo gods and baby Jesus.  Serious T-Rav and serious Kathryn are boring.  Bring on the crazy.

So this week Kathryn is attired like Gumby and next week Landon looks like Barney's long lost sister.  Hmmmm  . . . 

Add me to the (long) list of people who wanted to pierce their own eardrums with scissors hearing Landon's nervous laughter during her tete-a-tete with Lady Patricia of the Caftans.  Heck, any time she does that nervous laughter.

Exactly how much did T-Rav have to drink before his dinner guests arrived?  That was monumental.  They didn't even get the first course before he started in.  Kathryn looked positively gleeful.  I do think Cameran has been judgmental but at least wait for dessert, Thomas - - after all, you are a RAVENEL.  

Totally Team Shep.  Shep has been nice to Kathryn so no idea why T-Rav went off on him and Kathryn finally decided to set her piehole on mute.  She should have told T-Rav to shut it down when he started in on Craig and Shep, since these were the only two that have defended her.

I finally see why T-Rav and Kathryn are so attracted to each other.  Crazy begets crazy.   

  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

Who's Travis?

Landon was wearing a mink wrap in January. This was filmed during a cold month, I didn't see anything unusual about it.

I wonder if the poster meant TRav,  my phone always changes it to Travis.  So I usually type out Thomas. Even my phone knows TRav is a ridiculous name for a grown man. 

  • Love 11
18 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

Drunken, pontificating buffoon T-Rav is back and I couldn't be happier!  Yes!  Thank you, Bravo gods and baby Jesus.  Serious T-Rav and serious Kathryn are boring.  Bring on the crazy.

So this week Kathryn is attired like Gumby and next week Landon looks like Barney's long lost sister.  Hmmmm  . . . 

Add me to the (long) list of people who wanted to pierce their own eardrums with scissors hearing Landon's nervous laughter during her tete-a-tete with Lady Patricia of the Caftans.  Heck, any time she does that nervous laughter.

Exactly how much did T-Rav have to drink before his dinner guests arrived?  That was monumental.  They didn't even get the first course before he started in.  Kathryn looked positively gleeful.  I do think Cameran has been judgmental but at least wait for dessert, Thomas - - after all, you are a RAVENEL.  

Totally Team Shep.   Shep has been nice to Kathryn so no idea why T-Rav went off on him  and Kathryn finally decided to set her piehole on mute.  She should have told T-Rav to shut it down when he started in on Craig and Shep, since these were the only two that have defended her.

I finally see why T-Rav and Kathryn are so attracted to each other.  Crazy begets crazy.   

I think because Shep pointed out that the Landon and  Kathryn problem was because of Thomas.  Thomas clearly had an agenda to go after the 2 women who disrespected Kathryn,  Shep just stepped in it. 

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

Landon was wearing a mink wrap in January. This was filmed during a cold month, I didn't see anything unusual about it.

I have friends (well, acquaintances really) here in Dallas who will break out their furs anytime it drops below 40 degrees and they have an "event" to go to.  It always makes me laugh because it's pretty ridiculous.  Seems like Landon was doing the same thing.  

I'm also not down with wearing fur, but that's an entirely separate issue.

  • Love 2

It was obvious they all knew the filming was going to be a patented T-Rav words of wisdom dinner party, a la the magic of season 1, when T-Rav lamented about Beverage Cart Girl and Craig accused Kathryn of sleeping with 3 people at the table. Shep said exactly that when he arrived early so he didn't miss the words of wisdom, and when T-Rav first stood up and said he was going to impart some words of wisdom, everyone eagerly leaned in and smiled and generally had an "Oh, goody!" expression. That is, until he immediately called Cameran self-righteous, like his judgmental, sanctimonious sisters. And then everyone was all, "Huh? Coming in a little hot here, T-Rav!" IMO, I think the cast thought T-Rav would just make a fool of himself again, which, of course, he ultimately did; but T-Rav had been nursing a grudge about that first dinner party for 2 years, so he was ready to strike. I also think T-Rav probably INTENDED to be a bit more witty with his insults, but he had a bit too much liquid (or powdered) courage, and it just came off way too aggressive instead. I also think as a producer Whitney totally knew this was going down, and that's why Whitney and T-Rav agreed to keep him out of it or he would "have" to say something negative about Whitney because Whitney has been the most negative toward Kathryn, though it hasn't affected his friendship with T-Rav. But JD, Cooper, and Danni could all be there unscathed because they've been nice to Kathryn (well, JD only by proxy of Elizabeth)--and they're also not full-time cast members. I also think that's why he has to throw in something about Craig, even though Craig has been Kathryn's biggest supporter and he hasn't had any issues with T-Rav, either. So, in conclusion, they all knew a speech was going down, but they didn't anticipate THAT level of vitriol.

  • Love 11

Wow, on a scale of 0 to Scarface, how coked up was Thomas on this episode? Holy crap. When he suddenly lost it and tried to jump out the window to escape from Kathryn (a sentiment I don't disagree with), the mania was far more than a normal anger response. Far more. That was some scary stuff. And that was before the dinner party fiasco. Honestly, they hung around far longer than I would have before the golf cart departure. Maybe waiting for the cart to be brought around?

Cooper's frantic attempts to contain the crazy were kind of hilarious though.

  • Love 11

Absolutely! When Landon told Pat she wasn't interested in being connected to Kathryn via Thomas' co-parenting I cheered. I hope every woman Thomas meets from now on turns him down on the same grounds. "Sorry you hooked up with a bat-shit crazy girl and twice impregnated her. You're stuck with her, but I won't be!"

1 minute ago, Lizziedrew said:

Wow, on a scale of 0 to Scarface, how coked up was Thomas on this episode? Holy crap. When he suddenly lost it and tried to jump out the window to escape from Kathryn (a sentiment I don't disagree with), the mania was far more than a normal anger response. Far more. That was some scary stuff. And that was before the dinner party fiasco. Honestly, they hung around far longer than I would have before the golf cart departure. Maybe waiting for the cart to be brought around?

Cooper's frantic attempts to contain the crazy were kind of hilarious though.

"0 to Scarface" -- bravo! That's perfect. Yes, something was totally beyond about his anger in that scene. Maybe he and Kathryn shared a toot or two before letting the cameras in Kensie's room. Whatever the cause, his rage was indeed scary. No wonder they are "addicted" to each other, both are sick, unstable people. 

  • Love 4

Thomas just passed a drug test. This episode was filmed in January. No way would he have passed if he were high on cocaine. I know, getting drug tested periodically at work, hair samples show drug use 6 months prior. He's a sloppy drunk, always has been. No one associated with the show has ever spoken of him taking up his bad habits again. THAT would be gossip fodder, for sure. JMO

  • Love 1

Good info. I was wondering how far back a drug test would reveal cocaine use. I guess he's been smart enough to lay off that just in case he got tested. He may have been planning all along to take her to court after his son was born. Perhaps he gave her time to get sober and act right, and when she didn't he called the lawyers. Not saying he's free of wrongdoing in the relationship, just that all his tiptoeing around her before the baby was born looked mighty calculated. He wanted a healthy son, following that, I don't think he wants her anymore at all.

  • Love 1

The No Dinner Party from Hell.

I agree that everyone knew Thomas would be making some kind of speach, they just didn't anticipate that it would rip into them individually like that.  The anger toward Shep does seem to have a bit of jealousy behind it.  They had just learned that Landon had "set her cap" for him and that probably enraged Thomas.  

I thought it was funny that Patricia advised Landon to sex it up, then at the no dinner party Landon wears a deep V cut dress, with a camisole that covers any cleavage.

The drug test recently taken by Thomas showed no signs of alcohol use.....somethings not right with that test.

  • Love 6

Absolutely! When Landon told Pat she wasn't interested in being connected to Kathryn via Thomas' co-parenting I cheered. I hope every woman Thomas meets from now on turns him down on the same grounds. "Sorry you hooked up with a bat-shit crazy girl and twice impregnated her. You're stuck with her, but I won't be!"

I hope every woman Thomas meets turns him down on the grounds that he's a disgusting lech, never mind who he impregnated. 

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, iloveit said:

Thomas wow!!! What a fecking nut job mess! Loved the jumping out the window scene. He seriously went from 0 to   60. He came off crazier than Kathryn in that scene although I think Kathryn was  just being a calm crazy. Amazing reality TV.


3 hours ago, gunderda said:

uhhhhh YEA, he was definitely on something.  And I thought he was on something when he was at Kathryn's house going over the guest list.  He was talking weird... seemed like he couldn't catch his breathe... and then tries to jump out the window!?!  That was not a sober man.

If I can remember back to my college years, clear sign of cocaine.

2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

The reason it isn't bizarre is because these people might have known and been friends with Thomas before he met Kathryn, so their allegiance will be with him.  Just like if you have a friend who hooked up with someone you didn't like, you will always side with that friend before the other person. 

My opinion - Thomas still has "stuff" about and is the go-to guy for a party fix.  How else do you explain his age and the age of his friends?  Like alcohol, some people can be casual about it and others (Thomas, Katheryn and Craig) go overboard and ruin it for everyone.

Link to drug tests and custody.

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, NYCFree said:

The drug test recently taken by Thomas showed no signs of alcohol use.....somethings not right with that test.

I think a hair test can detect alcohol for 90 days, but maybe Thomas got a really short hair cut the week prior and laid off alcohol for a few weeks.  I don't know what triggers a "fail" on the alcohol test.  If you only have a glass of bourbon a day or something, do you fail and who cares anyway?  Could it detect if you had 3 or 4 bourbons a night? 

If they got a blood test, then that's worthless for alcohol since that only stays in your system for a short while.  It won't detect anything unless you had been drinking immediately prior to the test.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I agree that Kathryn and Thomas are equally obnoxious in their drunken, volatile behavior and both deserve criticism. But Kathryn distinguishes herself further by going after a wealthy man in order to pump out two children solely as a vehicle for money (my opinion). And she apparently abused substances while pregnant. She wins first prize in the Horrible Human Being Contest.

I think TRav outdoes Kathryn in this 'distinguishing' department.  He's a fifty year old man who impregnated a twenty something in order for her to pump out two children to carry on his family name.  He willingly participated in that as much as she did.

I'm not just accepting that she abused substances while she was pregnant because an anonymous source said she did.  Just like I'm not just accepting that TRav was doing coke before the dinner party.  Those are serious allegations. 

  • Love 7

In the Media thread, they've reported that Thomas and Kathryn were granted joint custody, but Kathryn has to have supervised time with her kids.  Thomas was granted unsupervised time with his kids.  That tells me that, yes, she failed the drug test because she was using during her pregnancy, otherwise why would they require her to have supervision when the kids are with her?

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

I think TRav outdoes Kathryn in this 'distinguishing' department.  He's a fifty year old man who impregnated a twenty something in order for her to pump out two children to carry on his family name.  He willingly participated in that as much as she did.

But it's not like Kathryn was some illiterate bumpkin who'd never been to the big city and Thomas was a city slicker who seduced her.  I think she and Thomas are on the same level mentally and emotionally. 

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, izabella said:

In the Media thread, they've reported that Thomas and Kathryn were granted joint custody, but Kathryn has to have supervised time with her kids.  Thomas was granted unsupervised time with his kids.  That tells me that, yes, she failed the drug test because she was using during her pregnancy, otherwise why would they require her to have supervision when the kids are with her?

Because she's currently got drug issues.  I don't think using during her pregnancy makes her any more or less dangerous now when she is no longer pregnant. Thomas had drug issues when Kathryn was pregnant but he gets unsupervised issues because he recently passed a drug test.  His past drug issues are not taken into consideration and it's likely hers would not be either. 

  • Love 2

Hair samples taken for drug tests are clipped next to the scalp. If a man is bald, they will take hair from the arms or legs. They are accurate and there's no way to fake your way through with this kind of test. With Kathryn's long hair, they could pinpoint her drug use within a few weeks, give or take for error and hair growth. I asked a bunch of questions when I first had mine, science stuff fascinates me.

28 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

But it's not like Kathryn was some illiterate bumpkin who'd never been to the big city and Thomas was a city slicker who seduced her.  I think she and Thomas are on the same level mentally and emotionally. 

That's what I'm saying.  The post I quoted was saying that Kathryn distinguished herself  from TRav for getting pregnant twice.  They equally distinguished themselves. :)

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, gunderda said:

I felt bad for the people who were preparing the food, that was a lot of food to waste.  

And the golf cart was a little weird.  Where did that come from? I know Craig, Naomi and Landon all showed up together but Cameron and Shep showed up both separately.  Why did they have to take a golf cart to get away? Why couldn't they just have walked down the block or something and why did it take them forever to leave to where Thomas was ready to pull Shep off and beat the crap out of him?

The golf cart has been shown before.  Landon has it for short trips.  I believe she specifically mentioned that she lived golf cart distance from TRav -- possibly in the periwinkle episode.  

  • Love 1

Here's a link about drug testing and custody from a South Carolina Law Firm:


It seems that TRav requested the drug test (hair test).  The standard test determines drug use in the last ninety days.  The test doesn't measure the amount or frequency of drug use.  According to this one lab:  The only interpretation that can come from a positive hair test is that the individual used or was exposed to drugs during the three months prior to collection.  There's also a number of question and answers on this link that I found informative (I really didn't know much of anything about hair testing until it came up here).


  • Love 2

Damn, Thomas must have one hell of an understanding with Whitney/TPTB to so carefully avoid saying "dude's clearly shitfaced/high". Every single cast member deliberately talks around it. It's infuriating, yet mesmerizing to watch. I guffawed when Landon said that the only problem with dating Thomas was Kathryn's existence. Not that he's old enough to be her father and will guzzle/snort anything you put in front of him.

I totally want to see him cross over into RHoNY and date Dorinda, though. The shit they would angrily slur at each other!

  • Love 12

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