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Season 7 Finale Special - Check Up With Dr. Drew, Part 1

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I just... David is a stabilizing force. Just because he talks calmly but he talks in a calm way that is kind of scary but I digress I guess. 

We spent almost this whole entire hour on Janelle.

I love that Panda didn't really think Jeremry could be fired for asking to come out to the reunion. As if a reality show reunion is a plausible excuse for needing off. He could have been lying but it also could be true because really "I can't work on this day I have to be on the reunion show for teen mom 2".. Really. 

  • Love 7

I missed all of Jenelle and got there for the beginning of Leah. I guess Leah should be happy she only got 15 minutes out of the hour. It's a sign that she's less of a hot mess than she used to be. Kail is next week's hot mess.

Did she say Jeremy moved to Ohio with Brooke? I wasn't aware that he moved out of state. I have no problem believing that he doesn't spend much time with Addy. He's  no Corey.

  • Love 9

Y'all....I heard Leah say "girlses" not once, but twice! 

Also, Leah does have really beautiful eyes when you can actually see them because she's not nodding off. Sometimes they look aquamarine and sometimes they look almost periwinkle. 

I am shocked that Dr. Drew quasi-apologized to Corey and pretty much admitted that he's the best dad of the franchise by far....and equally shocked that Leah agreed.....she was just wishing him dead a few episodes ago! I guess now Jeremy is the target of her baby daddy rage. 

Next time she's thinking about being awful to Barb, I hope Jenelle remembers that Barb has always got her back. She definitely was defending in Jenelle in regards to Nathan, etc. and Jenelle knew she would; Jenelle even asked to bring her mom out. I loved Barb saying everyone knew her. I love that she's become a little celebrity. 

Nathan is a tool but I think there was probably some truth being said by him tonight. I was shocked that MTV allowed him to call Jenelle out to the level that he did (not the weight gain comment, but the other stuff). Nathan seen you with Keifffaaaa, Jenelle!!!! 

Forgot to add: did anyone else catch it when Dr. Drew tried to throw some shade at Jenelle about how if she had a baby with David that it would be a lot of different baby daddies for her kids? Hehehehe. 

  • Love 22

I loathe Dr. Drew.  He is such a hack.  He's more interested in being famous than doing what his training is supposed to have taught him.  He is supposed to be trained as an addictions specialist, but I have long felt that Dr. Drew is addicted to being famous.  He'll do anything to keep himself in the limelight.  

David got the golden edit this time....and he didn't even bother following up on the DV charge that he pled to and what that was about???  Really?  It sounds like David made it clear to MTV that he wasn't talking about the specifics, but why do they allow that and then show him off as some kind of hero in Jenelle's life?  He's controlling and it is part of the pattern of DV abusers.  Don't pretend you don't know this Dr. Drew.  

God Leah looks horrible.  And Dr. Drew doesn't follow up with her at all about what she is still doing to make sure she "is better."  She just says she was not okay and came out of it.  And he leaves it alone?  And you are an doctor specializing in mental health and addictions??  Seriously.  Loathe him.  Leah has problems co-parenting with Corey.  Leah has problems co-parenting with Jeremy....hmm, what could be the common denominator?   I respect Corey for calling the reunion out for what it is...and why he wasn't going.  Nothing good comes of those shows and so why should he come down and participate in that circus.  

  • Love 21

Yup. We all wasted an hour of our lives by watching Janelle and Dr. Panda talk about how great of a boyfriend David has been. Then Nathan comes out and he and Janelle yelled at each other about how crazy the other one is while Panda just sits there. Then Barb comes out and Drew makes it all about how she and David now get along because Barb doesn't yell anymore.

By the time Leah finally came out, it was like 9:45 and we didn't have time to get into anything with her. The only thing worth mentioning here is Corey calling Panda on his crap. Corey is the best of all the teen dads-probably including TM1- and he gets treated quite badly at these reunions. And he is right about there being issues once these people leave these reunions. It makes sense. I don't know why anyone would come to a reunion. I can see how some of these people got over the fights they had months ago and then a show likes this to bring it all up again and then have some guy jump in and asking how you feel about this, this, and this. It makes sense why people would remove themselves from said situation. 

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Since I won't be able to watch this crapfest for another day or two (no cable), I have to ask, did they air the alleged shocking, horrible thing Jenelle said or did? That is the only thing of interest I have about this pointless reunion.


No big reveal to shock everyone.  I was disappointed. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I honestly think she looked healthy and cute for being ...eh...Jenelle. There's no denying she looks cute it's her personality and parenting that ruins it for me, but for Nathan to call her out on her physique knowing she looks great for having two kids annoys me.

we all hate her...I get that, but we can't deny that girlfriend looks good after two kids with or without the 30-40 pounds Nathan claims she gained. It was obvious he was desperate for something to say because he knew how bad he looked - in regards to his parenting.

im not gay but I'd take Jenelle and her 40+pounds over his goofy pony tail ass anyday!

I don't think Jenelle looks cute at all. She always looks trashy to me.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I just... David is a stabilizing force. Just because he talks calmly but he talks in a calm way that is kind of scary but I digress I guess. 

We spent almost this whole entire hour on Janelle.

I love that Panda didn't really think Jeremry could be fired for asking to come out to the reunion. As if a reality show reunion is a plausible excuse for needing off. He could have been lying but it also could be true because really "I can't work on this day I have to be on the reunion show for teen mom 2".. Really. 

I mean..I don't think it's a fireable offense. He could ask for time off for whatever. They can also say no. You don't need to fired over that unless it was a demand and not a request which wasn't said by Leah.

  • Love 7

I'm not surprised Jeremy is slowly disappearing from Addy's life. He never seemed like he cared all that much one way or another. 

Leah looks so haggard. I can't believe she's only 24. Cory looks like he put on more baby weight than Miranda.

Jenelle was a hot mess as usual, although I'm glad Barb got a diagnosis for Jace. I'm genuinely happy to hear he's doing better.

  • Love 11
33 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

I mean..I don't think it's a fireable offense. He could ask for time off for whatever. They can also say no. You don't need to fired over that unless it was a demand and not a request which wasn't said by Leah.

True. I just think it's funny that Dr. Panda seemed like he didn't believe. Jeremy could be a liar about it but who knows. He isn't there and he didn't want to skype so Leah didn't/doesn't have to be accountable for anything. This is also probably why she got off the hook so easy, no one was there to call her on her behavior.

Okay someone needs to clue me in now, what was the reveal Janelle did that did not air? I am now curious. 

  • Love 1

Love Cory for telling it like it is!!! 

Ok folks, here is a sample of what Jenelle has dished out to various people about their obesity:


Fuck off Jenelle. Nathan is no prize, but he did not say anything to her about her weight that resembles what she posted above many times.

  • Love 8
38 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Right, like Jeremy has some sort of Christ-like status and is above reproach. 

Well last reunion, Jeremy was the "good father" regarding custody arrangements. 

The sad thing is, I feel like this part of the reunion is the one I figured would be the most exciting. I figure I know what is more than likely to go down next week with Chelsea and Adam and Randy and same with Kail. I was pretty sure something exciting would go down this week and then.. a whole bunch of nothing happened. Janelle and Nathan pretty much took up the whole hour talking in circles around each other while Dr. Drew sat there and did nothing. And then Barb and David came out and then we got to Leah. Where nothing happened. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Well last reunion, Jeremy was the "good father" regarding custody arrangements. 

The sad thing is, I feel like this part of the reunion is the one I figured would be the most exciting. I figure I know what is more than likely to go down next week with Chelsea and Adam and Randy and same with Kail. I was pretty sure something exciting would go down this week and then.. a whole bunch of nothing happened. Janelle and Nathan pretty much took up the whole hour talking in circles around each other while Dr. Drew sat there and did nothing. And then Barb and David came out and then we got to Leah. Where nothing happened. 

Yeah, often in these specials it's Chelsea or Kail in the first hour and they save the meaty stuff with Jenelle and Leah for the second hour. We got Jenelle and Leah first this time but there wasn't nothing meaty or even particularly interesting discussed -- although Barbara was a hoot. Why doesn't she have a talk show? In fact, why doesn't she host these specials?

  • Love 7

TBH Jeremy might have enjoyed the TM2 *celebrity* while he was on the show but it didn't seem to be on "work time".  IIRC he was mostly filmed on weekends or at home or whatever.  So apart from the fact that the reunions basically glorify the moms and trash the dads, he might not have wanted to explain that he had to take a few days off to attend a reality TV show reunion about his batsh*t crazy ex wife.  

  • Love 5

Nathan was behaving like such an idiot. He kept trying to drop all these "truth bombs", and you could tell he was hoping for some big reaction. He'd laugh and look all superior. But....um....who cares? So Jenelle was friends with David's sister before dating him? Okay.....? Not seeing the big deal here. You're both horrible people. I'd slap Jenelle too, if she threw water on me while I was sleeping. But who creeps over to the house they left several months ago, slashes the screen, and sneaks in? I disagree that those two are better off apart. They're perfect for each other. I wish their children would be adopted by some lovely people and then they could just live together until they kill each other. Kaiser is nothing more to them as a weapon, so neither of them deserve him, IMO. 

I love how Jenelle basically admitted that her relationship with Barb is totally dependent on her boyfriend status. And Drew didn't follow up on that at all. Of course. 

That "doctor" seriously needs to be impeached from this show. Anyone who thinks David is a "stabilizing force" needs their head checked. You do realize this is the man who is not allowed to see his own son because he physically assaulted the child's pregnant mother??? No, go ahead and let David pretend like he just pled guilty to reduce the time her served and don't even bother to address the actual charges. Just let everything of importance slide right under the rug. 

I swear, I almost hate Sad Panda more than any of these people, because he should know better. He tries to minimize all the horrible crap, so MTV can keep up the pretense that this show is somehow helping people. He makes me sick. 

Leah's segment got cut awfully short. It was very interesting to hear that Germy lost that good pipeline job he's had forever. And now he's shacked up with his new girl and barely seeing Addie. I never know what to believe when it comes from Leah, but since he wasn't there to defend himself.....which, if he lost the job, why WASN'T he there? So confusing. 

I applaud Cory for staying home with the girls and just allowing a quick Skype interview. Drew has raked him and Miranda over the coals in the past, so I think it's great that they're taking more control of their storyline and participating on their terms. But, Cory, hun, bring back the beard!

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I wonder if anyone writes to mtv, or tweets I guess since does anyone write anything longer that a sentence anymore? about what a horrible person Dr Drew is for these shows.  I guess no one gives a shit but it's borderline irresponsible the way he handles them, considering this show is supposed to be SO educational and setting an example for young girls.  

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:


I just... David is a stabilizing force. Just because he talks calmly but he talks in a calm way that is kind of scary but I digress I guess. 


Maybe Drew meant that when he uses his full force on a pregnant woman, she has to stay in the hospital until she can be stabilized? 


9 hours ago, charmed1 said:


So let me get this straight. According to Jenelle, Barb was coming over so the two of them could go to lunch. Jenelle was off somewhere doing her make up while her boyfriend of five minutes was alone with her baby while her young son and nephew played out in the street. When Barb came in, upset about the children in the street and inquiring about Jenelle's whereabouts at a volume said boyfriend was uncomfortable with, he texted Jenelle in the same HOUSE and wrote that he was about to call the police on her mother for "yelling in front of all HIS kids." And Jenelle, award-winning piece of shit that she is, wrote him back to, "Do what you gotta do." What planet does this girl live on?! Even if I were to believe her "doing make up" bullshit, how in the hell do you sit there and justify and encourage some stranger calling the cops on your own mother? In YOUR house? In front of your children?


None of it makes any sense. If that was really the case, all Jenelle had to do was come out of her room and explain and diffuse the situation. She was not just doing her makeup. Something else was going on. 


9 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Forgot to add: did anyone else catch it when Dr. Drew tried to throw some shade at Jenelle about how if she had a baby with David that it would be a lot of different baby daddies for her kids? Hehehehe. 

Yea, that was awesome. And Jenelle didn't get it. She's like - "just two" (meaning dads). I bet that shows she doesn't even figure Jace into the equation. But there would actually be THREE dads and THREE moms if you consider all of their kids together, and that's just insane. 


7 hours ago, Lemons said:


So, according to "dr" Drew, it is perfectly acceptable to call the police when a grandma is yelling too loudly.  I'm sure the police have nothing better to do.  drew is a fucking moron.


Yes. And notice he didn't ask Jenelle or David WHY those kids were playing out by the road unattended, while both adults were not only in the house, but locked in the bedroom. 

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Jenelle: None of the dudes you've been with are stabilizing forces in your or Jace's lives.  Thank GOD someone called Jenelle out on her shit. Who knew Nathan was going to be the somewhat sane one in this mess?  Sad Panda needs to be fired. He's so useless.


Leah: When are you going to take responsibility in fucking up the girlses lives?  She always deflects it to her baby daddy that she's fighting with. Good for Corey for not getting involved in the bullshit.

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Sorry for not getting back to y'all. I don't mind live posting for these shows as long as it's "Holy shit, I can NOT believe Dr. Drew called UncleDave a 'stabilizing force' and kept a straight face when he said he was incarcerated for pleading guilty to a crime he didn't commit (I might have said "What like MURDER" out loud)" as opposed to something like "OMG DID YOU SEE THAT." 

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I almost forgot about the Keifer incident. So Nathan climbed through the window, found Keifer in the bed with Jenelle, then chokes Kiefer out. I'm sure there was some tussling involved. I believe it because I remember Jenelle and Kiefer were photographed at some bar together.  I'm sure MTV is kicking themselves for not being around to film this super trashy version of Carolina 90210, starring Jenelle.

I'm really confused about Leah's claim of not getting much support at home. 

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 15
19 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

I almost forgot about the Keifer incident. So Nathan climbed through the window, found Keifer in the bed with Jenelle, then chokes Kiefer out. I'm sure there was some tussling involved. I believe it because I remember Jenelle and Kiefer were photographed at some bar together.  I'm sure MTV is kicking themselves for not being around to film this super trashy version of Carolina 90210, starring Jenelle.

I'm really confused about Leah's claim of not getting much support at home. 

Wait...wtf?  When did this happen?!?

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Am I missing something about the sanctity of doing one's make-up? Is Jenelle really trying to have us believe that her own mother and boyfriend were not allowed in her room because she was perfecting her contour? It's not exactly a Brazilian wax or a colonic, it doesn't require complete privacy... Jenelle must think we're all dumb as rocks if she expects us to believe that.

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