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S06.E04: Book of the Stranger

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Varys's silence  puzzled me, too, and I hope we find out the reason next time.  

Another issue that's been bothering me is what Littlefinger's plan is when he and his army, including Royce, catch up with Sansa and she makes it clear that she was not waylaid by a gang of Boltons, but rather that LF basically sold her to Roose and Ramsay.  Does he think she won't say anything?  I think it would take some very fancy tapping now for him to get back on Sansa's good side.  New Sansa is not the naive girl who left Kings Landing with him, and my hope is that she will kick his butt off the wall, or the broken tower, or (my favorite) through the Moon Door, and Ramsay with him.  

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18 minutes ago, Iamsweetdee said:

One positive thing about Dany's SL is that I saw my favorite Killjoy! Hi Hannah!

Dutch! That is why she looked so familiar! I like the actress. I hope that we see more of her and this raises her profile getting her bigger roles.

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37 minutes ago, Calamity Jane said:

Another issue that's been bothering me is what Littlefinger's plan is when he and his army, including Royce, catch up with Sansa and she makes it clear that she was not waylaid by a gang of Boltons, but rather that LF basically sold her to Roose and Ramsay.  Does he think she won't say anything?

Calamity Jane, you just made me very fearful for Sansa's future well-being, because if we've learned nothing else about Little Finger, he is loathe to allow anyone to stand between him and his dreams of glory.

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This was the first time I have actually cried in all the seasons, but Jon and Sansa's reunion was so satisfying.  


I forced myself not to cry since I already cried this season when Sansa was rescued by Brienne. When Jon was packing his stuff and getting ready to leave I thought to myself "oh there he goes, just barely missing Sansa obviously..." I don´t know what´s happening with the show, they´re giving me all these good things all of a sudden. It´s so shocking after years of let downs.

I remember seeing Tormund staring at Brienne but I didn´t figure it out that he liked her like that. I guess I was too stunned seeing Sansa arriving in time to meet Jon. That is so awesome. Imo that´s the best possible relationship out of every combination.

I wasn´t that much of an Osha fan but I really hated seeing her killed by Ramsey. It wasn´t unexpected but I let myself hope, especially after the Jon and Sansa reunion I thought everything was possible.

I like the Iron Island lot, don´t know why but I want them to keep up their ways.

I love Dany, the ending was awesome.

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9 hours ago, dangwoodchucks said:


 I suppose she'll add "Killer of Khals" when she prattles off her list of titles...

"Masterchef"; "Queen of the Grill"; "First of the Krispy Khals"   

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6 hours ago, DarkRaichu said:
21 hours ago, SimoneS said:

Daenerys’ story is taking too long, but I enjoyed her burning the Khals alive. This ends all debate about if she is immune to fire. She clearly is. Poor Emilia Clarke having to stand there with no clothes on so these men can ogle her.

When was there a question about her immunity to fire?  She did the exact same trick when she burned the witch alive after Drogo died.

IMHO the no clothes scene was fake.  It looked just like the head & CGI/other actress' body trick a la Melissandre's old body and Cersei's walk of shame.

It's her own body, so she says. If nobody else has already linked to this;

Emilia Clarke on Her Latest Game of Thrones Nude Scene: “This Is All Me”


After reminding E.W. that last time she did any nudity was on Season 3, Clarke added, “This is all me, all proud, all strong. I’m just feeling genuinely happy I said ‘Yes.’ That ain’t no body double!”

Edited by Kromm
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10 hours ago, dinkysquid said:

And it's always a treat to see Diana Rigg. 

OMG, I just this moment realized Olenna is Diana Rigg! Totally not paying attention, although I though she looked somewhat familiar. Or maybe it was her voice that was familiar. Really puts a new spin on the scene where she tells Margaery "I was good. I was very, very good."

8 hours ago, Dobian said:

If anyone is going to assassinate Ramsay, it will be Arya.

This. It would be the ultimate payoff for all of her assassin-in-training scenes. And better it come from a Stark.


I used to hate Sansa, she was always high on my list of meh characters.  Now she is turning into something awesome.

Agreed. I really didn't like her much at all until she finally accepted Brienne's oath of fealty. Then, she looked strong and regal. Like she'd finally come into her own.

1 hour ago, BigBeagle said:

Calamity Jane, you just made me very fearful for Sansa's future well-being, because if we've learned nothing else about Little Finger, he is loathe to allow anyone to stand between him and his dreams of glory.

He might have bitten off more than he could chew this time. He's used to manipulating a weak and vulnerable and gullible girl. She's not any of those things any more. I actually think he wants her ("You're even more beautiful than your mother."), but didn't want to deal with an emotional, virginal girl. Putting her thru that marriage with Ramsay gets rid of all that first-time baggage and makes him look better in contrast. I wonder if he planned to "save" Sansa with Robin's army and then sweep a grateful Sansa into a quickie marriage that made him the Warden of the North, and married to the beautiful daughter of Catelyn. Oopsie, she saved herself, she's with Jon and she has friends. I don't think she'll be glad to see him again.

Edited by riley702
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Diana Rigg needs a sword so she can put those Emma Peel skills to use. Maybe a few summersaults and karate chops as well could be thrown in there.

I just had a thought: any chance that Nymeria could have had a litter of Dire Pups? If so, our Starks could start Warging again! 

I wonder if, when Jonathan Pryce gets his weekly script, he says to himself, "How the hell is the Sparrow still alive? I have other jobs to get to! I wasn't planning on this guy living this long!" 

More dragons, please!

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24 minutes ago, riley702 said:

This. It would be the ultimate payoff for all of her assassin-in-training scenes. And better it come from a Stark.

All well and good, but is Ramsey even on her list? As far as she knows Roose is the perp and still alive.... 

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8 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

While she's good at conquering she's not the best at ruling.

Based on the show, none of the families who have sat on the Iron Throne have been good rulers so Daenerys is in good company. Her family, the Targaryens ended up as a mad disaster, Robert Baratheon spent most of his time drinking, screwing around and conceiving illegitimate children while his Hand, Jon Arryn ruled Westeros, and the Lannisters have been a total debacle from the moment Joffrey sat on that throne. The other current ruler in Westeros, Jon Snow was betrayed and killed by his own "brothers." The best Daenerys' subjects can hope for is that she chooses wise counselors which I think that she has done in Tyrion, Varys, Jorah, Missandei, Grey Worm, and Daario.

Edited by SimoneS
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 Daenerys, (yawn) --This has happened before, and, apparently, may happen again and again and... [Okay, okay, you're The Unburnt amongst a host of other selves.] I mean how many times must she have her clothing burnt off then appear to astounding gapes(?). When is she going to actually DO something to justify the multitudes following her.


I care about Rickon especially from when Shaggy Dog was described as a bit wild because Rickon was so.

Actually, I would have been more interested in an Osha storyline rather than the current Daenerys' storyline. (Frankly, I don't consider Emilie's acting to be well-crafted. Just boring.)


One of my longstanding wishes still holds fast--which is for Cersei and her pet, Jaime, to suffer interminably.


Luv the main characters at The Wall (hey, Jon❗). If not for Ramsey (and his hellspawnish, yet strangely tiresome behaviors), I could endlessly watch *Nods, Natterings, and  'Nobles'  from The North*.


 Was oh, so smug-assed LittleFinger's comment, "...fray." double entendre for battling The FREYs❓


I do believe that Tormund is the only man, thus far, who has appreciated Brienne's full self as Woman combined with her attributes as Warrior.


Riffing from 'islandgal140 ', Jon's reply to Ramsey should include:  "As per your banner emblem, I shall come to thee...to ever so slowly flay then slay thee. Yes, yes, please--wait and see.

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Loved the resigned "oh, fuck" look on Jon's face when he saw that the seal on the letter had the flayed man. I also enjoyed his kind of bored "yeah, yeah, more of this garbage - I can't even get through one meal without being threatened again" tone of voice while reading Ramsay's letter to everyone - until he got to the part about Rickon and then shit got real. The look between him and Sansa was another moment that showed no matter who Jon's biological parents are, he and Sansa are siblings who love their little brother.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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5 hours ago, FineWashables said:

Based on what Daario said when Dany stood there in the fire -- "So the stories are true!" -- they knew the legends about her, but didn't really believe they could be true.

I watched it again and didn't see Daario say that. He was just dumbstruck and slowly knelt and bowed his head. Must have been a shock for him to realize his lover really is all that.

13 hours ago, SimoneS said:

I re-watched. I definitely heard a dragon roar or something like that when Daenerys pushed down the last oil lamp on fire. In this scene, the show is confirming that she is a Dragon in human form which strengthens her claim to the Iron Throne..

I heard it, too. I also noticed when she saw men running around the curve of the wall, fire suddenly leaped to cut them off, so I believe she was totally controlling the fire, not just surviving it.


Edited by riley702
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Tsk Tsk, the commander of the Vale was actually trying to train Robin as if he had some wits, instead of cultivating his trust like LF did. He knows perfectly well what the game is, but refused to play it out of honor and would happily sneer at Robin the rest of his life is LF wasn't there to remind him how much he loves the Moon Door. You deserve to lose for being so dumb. Man, LF could ride all the way to the north, see Sansa married off, then ride back, and still be assured everything was still sitting in the palm of his hands. Varys better get Daenerys to Westeros asap, because I don't think there's anyone left with what it takes to stop him. Unless LF accidentally marches into a bunch of White Walkers, but knowing him he'll make a deal there too.

I can't even with Missadrei (sp?) and Grey Worm. All they do is complain and they offer no solutions. It's frustrating because it feels like they've gutted Missandrei's character and turned her into a sulky (but fabulous) child. She's shown plenty of political acumen in past seasons and should know perfectly well that Danery's method was not working. They both must know that not only are the other slaver's cities back in business, but probably ten times more ferocious to squelch out what little hope the freed slaves had in them.

Varys has always been one to work from the shadows, I wasn't surprised he didn't talk. They'll sneer at the dwarf who's a typical administrator plying them with coin and women, and they'll get their throats cut by the eunuch's spies. Perfect snare. 

Daario just did not get the reverence Jorah has for Dany, and kept trying to reduce it to some weird lust/fetish and attack it accordingly. Maybe he'll get it now. Hope she gets the other widows on her side to get the Dothraki in line, or else she just has an another enormous population of people who hate her moral code to wrangle. But, then again, she's doubtless going to send them out to sack every slaver's city between there and Mereen, so they should be loving her for a while. 

I found a little unbelievable that every Khal chose to frantically run for their lives right until the end, and not one tried to gut her and take her with them. 

Did Ramsay seriously threaten to slaughter the entire Night's Watch? Jeez, just open the gates and let the White Walkers have the place, as it seems every other family in the North is categorically horrible. Ramsay is legit not going to last long if he keeps indulging his impulses without heeding his father's warnings to punch down, dammit. I am so glad Osha went quick, I couldn't bear to watch her run the torture gauntlet. 

Margaery is made of steel, fangirling so hard. Poor Loras, he was never meant for greatness. Ugh, the High Council is about to get played by the High Sparrow. The one advisor who pretends to be frailer than he is had it exactly right. Ride it out. If Olenna calmed down for a minute she'd realize Margaery spent an enormous amount of effort cultivating the love of the people, they probably wouldn't respond well at all to her being forced to do a walk of shame.  Which is probably why the High Sparrow has left her alone and kept hammering on Loras. He's weak, supported the usurper, and hasn't been discrete with his preferences. He's the perfect patsy, not her.

Tormund legit already has names picked out for their babies. Ha, this trip is going to be hilarious. 

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One thing I will complain about is too many storylines already and yet they are adding new ones. Like I don't think we really need this new Iron Islands storyline that seems to be coming. I'm just glad that we haven;t seen Dorn in a while now

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On May 16, 2016 at 10:14 PM, prospazzinator said:

I was a bit bummed when Brienne interrupted Mel and Davos right as Davos was asking about how Shireen died. Sure, she raised Jon from the dead, but I don't know that that's going to get Mel a pass from Davos for her role in what happened to Shireen. 

I don't want Melassandre dead until after she can help Jon and Sansa against Ramsey. I want Sansa to kill Ramsey. She can go Lagertha on him and cut his dick off.

Dany was so awesomely badass! Loving the woman power this season.

Glad my cat Lord Baelish's namesake is back. I just love Aiden Gillian. The kid playing Robin sure had a growth spurt!

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To me the implication of the Loras scene is that he is being tortured by the faith militant. Not just the psychological torture that cersei and margaery were and are being put through but actual physical torture. That is why he wants it to end. Further the faith militant has shown they dont take kindly to homosexuality.  I dont think its fair to say loras is weak for wanting to break sooner than Margaery. I think its very likely he is being put through worse than she and cersei were subjected to.

Edited by CouchPotatoNoLife
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6 hours ago, Calamity Jane said:

Varys's silence  puzzled me, too, and I hope we find out the reason next time.  

Another issue that's been bothering me is what Littlefinger's plan is when he and his army, including Royce, catch up with Sansa and she makes it clear that she was not waylaid by a gang of Boltons, but rather that LF basically sold her to Roose and Ramsay.  Does he think she won't say anything?  I think it would take some very fancy tapping now for him to get back on Sansa's good side.  New Sansa is not the naive girl who left Kings Landing with him, and my hope is that she will kick his butt off the wall, or the broken tower, or (my favorite) through the Moon Door, and Ramsay with him.  

I think the Varys situation is simple, he agreed with tyrion that war with the slaver owners would be costly (the unsullied have already taken losses to insurgent attacks by the Harpies and they have finite numbers) and that peace was preferable. But he also read the room and realized that Grey Worm and Missandi were both super against peace with the slave owners. So he simply kept his mouth shut since it seemed like Tyrion was going to get his way. I think he would have spoke up if he felt Tyrion was going to lose the argument.

I think Littlefinger wants to eventually control the north and the vale. I think he plans on killing sansa, jon, the boltons, and anyone else that challenges him. 

2 hours ago, Tyro49 said:

Were the Targaryons the rulers of Vilarion, before the "Doom"?

From what I remember in a early season i think tyrion said they were a minor noble family before the doom.

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Daenerys is the boss!  What an ending.

Am I guilty if I was looking forward to Margaery doing her own walk of shame? :P

Looking forward to Jon Snow taking back Winterfell and finally giving Ramsay his due.

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It was a great episode.  The Sansa Jon reunion was so elating.  I was surprised it happened so soon.

Emilia Clarke is a better actress in Dothraki than in English! 

I wonder if Tyrion will ever go back to Westeros.  He informally made a 7 year commitment to Mereen and since he's the architect of the plan I don't think he'll abandon it so readily.  Plus he must know he'll be killed if he ever returns as punishment for killing Tywin.

I miss Bronn.  But I'll understand if we never see him again.  He's a peripheral character.  

And what is Lady Olenna's position on the Small Council?

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Just watched it again and noticed a tiny thing that made me chuckle - when Ser Jorah is fighting the Dothraki, he grabs a handful of sand and throws it in his face - except the Dothraki just leans back and lets it go whistling past. They stare at each other for a split second and then the fight resumes. I liked that it didn't work. That's life, after all; sometimes you miss.

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8 hours ago, rozen said:

  Tormund legit already has names picked out for their babies. Ha, this trip is going to be hilarious. 

That reminded me of something Tormund said at Hardhome when everyone was chiding him for trusting the pretty crow. He said Jon was prettier than both his daughters but he knows how to fight. I love Tormund and Jon's relationship.

I guess Davos and Melissandre weren't invited to dinner with Jon and Sansa.lol Talk about awkward. I wonder how Jon and Sansa will feel when they find out Brienne's sword was once Ice, and it was given to her by Jaime.

I didn't miss Arya this episode. This training to be an assassin stuff is tedious, especially since there are a finite number of shows left. Be Arya again, retrieve Needle, and go help your sister already.

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I'm still loving the dinner scene with Brienne and Tormund. As fierce a fighter as Brienne is, and after all she's been through and seen, the one thing that makes her uncomfortable is Tormund checking her out at dinner. LOL...she looked genuinely uncomfortable.

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One thing I will complain about is too many storylines already and yet they are adding new ones. Like I don't think we really need this new Iron Islands storyline that seems to be coming. I'm just glad that we haven;t seen Dorn in a while now

I think Dany needs a navy. The iron born at least have that. In the books they are effective on the water. They just can't hold land for long. So Dany hits Westeros with the Martells, Iron Born, Dothroki, Unsullied. If the Starks back her, she has the far north. In the center are Lannisters, Tyrells, Freys, Tarlys, and every person freaked out by the foreign invaders.

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15 minutes ago, myname2use4now said:

I'm still loving the dinner scene with Brienne and Tormund. As fierce a fighter as Brienne is, and after all she's been through and seen, the one thing that makes her uncomfortable is Tormund checking her out at dinner. LOL...she looked genuinely uncomfortable.

Really all we know about Brienne's love life is that she had unrequited romantic feelings toward Renly and that all of her life "men like [Jaime Lannister] have been sneering at her."  With everything she's seen and done, this must be a new one for her.  Also, Tormund's 'attempts at eating in a sexy way' really looked more like a promise of cannibalism.  Terrifying.

Still not over Daenerys killing all the Khals and getting the unanimous approval of the present khalasars.  In Season 1 we heard that the Dothraki follow strength, so she's definitely looking strong and they'll most likely all be "hers" now.  I have to wonder if the prophecy about Dany's son being the Stallion Who Mounts The World (because she was able to eat the horse's heart) was a misread and she herself is actually the Stallion Who Mounts The World. 

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  23 hours ago, dinkysquid said:

I almost hate to admit this but I miss Tywin. I thought he was a great character and he had such presence! He made a great villan.

Tywin is the kind of villain I call a "magnificent bastard".  He was competent and got shit done.  I think that it helped that Charles Dance is so charismatic.  I miss him.

Well we have Littlefinger. And the murderous Martell mother. Oleanna if she got more than one liners. Loosing Rose Bolton was unfortunate.

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I have been confused the whole time why The Lannisters don't just use their arm and military power to free everyone.  Yes from a PR standpoint it would look bad to pull such a move, but still its better than the current situation. 

Jon Snow better go and kill that little twit Ramsay. 

I was hoping Dany's dragon would show up and save her, burn them all, but this was good as well. 

Finally two of the stark children together again.  I keep forgetting, despite everything that has happened to the family, only one of the children has been permanently killed, at the red wedding.  All the others still alive.  One half brother with no penis.  One half brother had to be brought back to life.  One captured and in Ramsay's custody.  One blinded and then given sight again, I think.  And one is a cripple but with supernatural powers.  Actually they have all been either killed or severely impaired in some way physically except Sansa.  And she had to endure being married to Tyrion and Ramsay. 

I am being a nerd but The on is not a half brother. He was a hostage at Winterfell. A respected hostage but not family. No wolf pup for him.

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One of the best episodes we've had this season.

The Sansa/Jon scenes were wonderful, I really can't wait for them to take back Winterfell away from Ramsay. Hated that osha died at his hands this week as well.

Dany taking out those Dothraki guys was pretty bad ass as well. One of her best moments too.

Littlefinger is finally doing something useful this season as well.

Cersei and Olenna working together could be very interesting as well. Between Margaery and Loras though, one of them is going to die fairly soon.

Loved Brienne telling Melisandre and Davos that she killed Stannis as well.

Not sure if Tyrion has made things better or worse with those masters but we'll soon see though.

Tense reunion there with Theon/Yara too, 9/10

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I think that Tyrion's seven year plan is a stall. Just something to keep the slaveowners under control until he or Daenerys comes up with a better plan or maybe he has a been plan already. He isn't a fool. He has to know that they will never abide by the agreement. 

In the after ep interview D&D mentioned using Lincoln's plan to gradually end slavery in the US as their inspiration. And that didn't go so well.

One thing I like about Tyrion is that he respects Grey Worm and Missendra. He listens to them even while disagreeing. And he explains his thinking.

Which is why I think the show lost a great way for Tyrion to explain the history of dragons and Targarians to them. He does know things. Let these two inquisitive people ask him questions.

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I so wanted Yara to give Theon a hug. I know he's done bad things, but unlike all the other bad guys, he's acknowledged these things were wrong and feels he deserved what happened to him. To me he has somewhat redeemed himself by helping Sansa escape from Ramsay. Ease up Yara, he doesn't want your throne.

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16 hours ago, Calamity Jane said:

Varys's silence  puzzled me, too, and I hope we find out the reason next time.  

Another issue that's been bothering me is what Littlefinger's plan is when he and his army, including Royce, catch up with Sansa and she makes it clear that she was not waylaid by a gang of Boltons, but rather that LF basically sold her to Roose and Ramsay.  Does he think she won't say anything?  I think it would take some very fancy tapping now for him to get back on Sansa's good side.  New Sansa is not the naive girl who left Kings Landing with him, and my hope is that she will kick his butt off the wall, or the broken tower, or (my favorite) through the Moon Door, and Ramsay with him.  

LF's original plan was to pit the Boltons / north vs the Lannisters / KL and used the Knights of the Vale to take on the survivor.  The snake that he was, he already had Cersei's ears and he used Sansa to buy Boltons' trust.

Sansa's escape was not part of that plan.  However, realizing that it would be a good opportunity to take the North (ie. KL is in turmoil atm and would not move), he got the knights to march and help Sansa.


As for Varys, I thought negotiation stuffs were Tyrion's department and spy stuffs were Varys'.  Why would he say anything related to the negotiation??

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1 hour ago, myname2use4now said:

I'm still loving the dinner scene with Brienne and Tormund. As fierce a fighter as Brienne is, and after all she's been through and seen, the one thing that makes her uncomfortable is Tormund checking her out at dinner. LOL...she looked genuinely uncomfortable.

I know! She's a big woman, but still a woman, and clearly heterosexual to boot. She didn't know HOW to react! I'm so watching this episode again.

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16 minutes ago, dangwoodchucks said:

I so wanted Yara to give Theon a hug. I know he's done bad things, but unlike all the other bad guys, he's acknowledged these things were wrong and feels he deserved what happened to him. To me he has somewhat redeemed himself by helping Sansa escape from Ramsay. Ease up Yara, he doesn't want your throne.

Did we ever find out which of the Iron Islanders betrayed Theon?  And were they punished or caught?

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1 hour ago, jeansheridan said:

In the after ep interview D&D mentioned using Lincoln's plan to gradually end slavery in the US as their inspiration. And that didn't go so well.

One thing I like about Tyrion is that he respects Grey Worm and Missendra. He listens to them even while disagreeing. And he explains his thinking.

Which is why I think the show lost a great way for Tyrion to explain the history of dragons and Targarians to them. He does know things. Let these two inquisitive people ask him questions.

Tyrion is the best Prime Minister / COO in GoT world period.  The other monarchs (Danny included) basically tell people to follow them or else.. Tyrion can be diplomatic and actually considers several options when dealing with situations/problems.

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5 minutes ago, Haiti D said:

Did we ever find out which of the Iron Islanders betrayed Theon?  And were they punished or caught?

You mean the ones who turned him over to Ramsay? Pretty sure Ramsay butchered them all. He's not one to keep his word.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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3 minutes ago, Maximum Taco said:

You mean the ones who turned him over to Ramsay? Pretty sure Ramsay butchered them all. He's not one to keep his word.

Yes, those guys...

I'm trying to recall if Yara was aware of their treachery.

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22 hours ago, jtallman said:

Daario had such a flat, American accent in this episode. Has he always sounded like that?

I noticed that too. It was definitely different, enough to bring me out of the story for a second.


I found a little unbelievable that every Khal chose to frantically run for their lives right until the end, and not one tried to gut her and take her with them. 

No weapons allowed in Vaes Dothrak, so no gutting. And the first line of fire she did cut her off from the group.


I think Dany needs a navy. The iron born at least have that. In the books they are effective on the water. They just can't hold land for long. So Dany hits Westeros with the Martells, Iron Born, Dothroki, Unsullied. If the Starks back her, she has the far north. In the center are Lannisters, Tyrells, Freys, Tarlys, and every person freaked out by the foreign invaders.

Stannis's navy is still...somewhere. But I think the Ironborn's navy will be in play in the war to come...Theon will try to make up for his betrayal of Robb. But Dany will need new ships to get to Westeros after her fleet was burned in Meereen.


How long has it been since Sansa escaped? When can I stop worrying that she might be carrying Bolton spawn <shudder>?

Edited by annsterg
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6 hours ago, riley702 said:

Just watched it again and noticed a tiny thing that made me chuckle - when Ser Jorah is fighting the Dothraki, he grabs a handful of sand and throws it in his face - except the Dothraki just leans back and lets it go whistling past. They stare at each other for a split second and then the fight resumes. I liked that it didn't work. That's life, after all; sometimes you miss.

What that fight really highlighted for me is that the greyscale is weakening Jorah pretty badly, which we were supposed to notice earlier when Daario was taunting him, too.  This was not the man who slaughtered all opponents in the arena - admittedly he had a weapon then, but he was shown repeatedly to be extremely strong.  Now he was overcome by a single Dothraki in a back alley.  He's fading fast.  

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11 hours ago, CouchPotatoNoLife said:

To me the implication of the Loras scene is that he is being tortured by the faith militant. Not just the psychological torture that cersei and margaery were and are being put through but actual physical torture. That is why he wants it to end. Further the faith militant has shown they dont take kindly to homosexuality.  I dont think its fair to say loras is weak for wanting to break sooner than Margaery. I think its very likely he is being put through worse than she and cersei were subjected to.

Thank you, I was thinking this too but I miss so much somehow, I wasn't' sure.

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Why do the Iron Born have a Salt Throne? Yes it reminds everyone of the sea...but the damn islands are made out of Iron....Did Balon sing a version of MacArthur Park? "Someone left my throne out in the rain"...

Edited by paigow
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I accidently deleted the post where someone was missing Tywin, but I agree.  It's the villains who keep this show so rich and meaty.  (I've never despised a fictional tv character the way I did Joffrey.) 

Ramsay's due for some karma and screaming, but let's not be in such a hurry to get rid of him and (especially) Littlefinger!  I don't know how long the show is supposed to last, but I don't see anyone coming up through the ranks to replace them on a visceral level--certainly not the Sand Snakes and, really, I'm not all that emotionally caught up in my dislike of The High Sparrow either.



6 hours ago, dangwoodchucks said:

 I wonder how Jon and Sansa will feel when they find out Brienne's sword was once Ice, and it was given to her by Jaime.

Ooh, yes, I forgot about that!

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4 hours ago, Calamity Jane said:

Now he was overcome by a single Dothraki in a back alley.  He's fading fast... 

Except that seems inconsistent with the other stone men. They seemed pretty healthy when attacking Jorah & Tyrion. More than likely their condition was more advanced than Jorah today.

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On May 16, 2016 at 10:35 PM, MuuMuuChainsmoker said:

Don't fight it, Brienne!  Let that big ginger bastard worship you like the fierce warrior queen you are.  

They'd be unstoppable together!

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