Suck It Trebek May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 On Twitter, Landon alleged she texted the invite, but Kathryn had her blocked. She said the email Thomas told Kathryn about was the production call sheet for the cast. Glad she got her story straight, now/snark. She also says that typical crap about waiting to see what happens for the rest of the season, as if that makes up for her being an ahole now. I forgot about the DTF comment from Shep. He wrote a blog, apologizing, and said he was upset it was aired. Dude. YOU were the one who said it; they wouldn't have been able to air something you didn't say, ass. 8 Link to comment
bosawks May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 I don't mind Cam staying clear of Kathryn. Kathryn seems quite capable of acting outside the boundaries of production to screw with somebody. I wouldn't trust her with my dog, wait I love my dog, I wouldn't trust her with my CEO.... 8 Link to comment
MyAimIsTrue May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 Landon was pathetic and I was actually embarrassed for her in this episode. When did Cooper start looking like a worn out Seth Green? 13 Link to comment
RedHawk May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 (edited) Shep's "DTF" remark about Bailey proved, as if I needed further proof, that he's not a gentleman and not much of a friend either. He seems to like Bailey, and then publically kicked her in the teeth like that. WTF, Shep? In the media he's talked about how this season gets "dark". I don't watch this show for dark, I watch for silly stuff like the cast going to a roller-disco party, or Whitney not realizing that he's being pathetic about his fake girlfriend, or Patricia declaring Cooper won't be invited to any more of her photo-op tacky pink parties. Leave the dark stuff on the Real Housewives, please Bravo. Edited May 3, 2016 by RedHawk Correct spelling 9 Link to comment
biakbiak May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 (edited) 1 hour ago, Gaily said: I really like Naomi (Craig's girlfriend) and Danni -- both are kind, down-to-earth and decent -- such a contrast to the others on this show, namely Landon and Cameran. I agree that the Ginger Tornado (LOL -- love that nickname, HunterHunted) and her drama with TRav is the primary reason the show is still on. When did Shep turn into such a goober? When did Cameran go from being the nice "voice of reason" to a judgmental beeyotch? Sorry, but she could have had coffee with Kathryn, who really needs a friend or at least a sounding board right now. Why should she? It's kind of refreshing that Cameron isn't playing that game, the only reason Kathryn called her is because of the show. They were never close, even when she was dating Thomas. Its not like Cameron is hanging out with Thomas (she also didnt invite him to her dinner party) other than being polite when they were at the same events (which I imagine she would do if Kathryn were at a group event). They weren't friends and Kathryn has treated people who were closer to her like shit which was shown with Danni and next week appears to show with Elizabeth. When she went to Craig's party she bitched about it and then isolated herself and only really interacted with Jenn and Thomas. Also, I really liked at the birthday party when Craig was thirstly trying to start gossip why everyone hates Kathryn she didn't shy away and simply said she just didn't feel like hanging out with her, when questioned why Whitney wouldn't like hanging out with her she calmly pointed out that Kathryn has flipped out on Whitney and when told that couldn't be a good enough reason for Whitney not wanting to hang out with her (which WTF Craig!) she said well you need to ask Whitney and literally skated off. I find Landon completely ridiculous and awful though it wouldnt surprise me if at the reunion she did produce evidence that she did text Kathryn because a common theme is Kathryn ignoring people even as she demands they pay attention to her but Cameron hasn't said anything behind her back that she hasn't said to her face. Also, Craig Cameron and Whitney bailing on the party bus was not being worried about Kathryn it was wisely realizing that if they drove they could easily leave the party when it got lame. Edited May 3, 2016 by biakbiak A thought 13 Link to comment
Vivigirl10 May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 Quote Kathryn has been flashing a ring on *that* finger on her past few Instagram pics---talk about desperate. She also doesn't confirm who the dude in the picture is. I think this reeks of a 13 year old girls attempt to make someone jealous (or "show" the general population). Not buying he's a boyfriend and certainly not that she's engaged. Am I wrong to think that it might not be that easy to make a great catch when you're a 24 year old, single mother of 2? With a shitload of drama constantly swirling around you? Can't think of too many reasonable men who would willingly choose that. Quote And Kathryn treated herself to ... a fake Burkin bag? Because people are status-conscious but she's real? Isn't the purpose of a fake to convincingly present the bag as the real thing? The problem here is that anyone who has even the most minimal knowledge of fashion knows that this D-list, reality "star", isn't going to be able to get her hands on one. Why not just buy a beautiful, leather bag or more attainable name brand, if she's interested? Rather than lugging around an obvious fake? I loved Craig's enthusiasm for roller skating and how it seemed to irritate Shep!'re an idiot and the party fell so flat I can't believe anyone even stayed. Her talking heads were rude and condescending. She just needs to keep her mouth shut. Danni is a level-headed, sweet person. Wish we'd see more of her. Whitney on the phone with the "girlfriend" was cringe worthy! Quote I cannot imagine Shep actually walking away from his own party in real life because Kathryn wasn't invited. No way. I 100% agree with you. Like he even cared. At all. 5 Link to comment
Gaily May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 Landon's party was gross. She was supposedly an event planner in Hollywood for Brent Bolthouse but you would never know it from the tacky Roller Disco party in that dirty, smelly-looking rink. I could feel the mildew from my TV screen. The food she served looked like leftover frozen Hot Pockets, egg rollls and Elio's pizza from 1985 -- vomit! -- and no booze! Yuck times 500,000. 10 Link to comment
Neurochick May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 I don't get why it's mean to not go to lunch with somebody you really don't want to be with. Life is too short to spend too much time with people you don't care for. Kathryn last year proved herself to be a drama queen and then she gets upset when nobody invites her places? Please, maybe she shouldn't have given Landon the middle finger; I wouldn't have invited her tacky self to any party I was having. 12 Link to comment
Duke2801 May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 12 hours ago, Neurochick said: Why would Kathryn want to go to a party where people don't like her? Why doesn't she just concentrate on her unborn child? I mean what was she going to do, roller skate? BTW I wouldn't have gone to lunch with Kathryn either, I can't stand cheap drama. It's not about the party, perse, it's about getting iced out of filming opportunities. That is what K is pissed about. 10 hours ago, hoosier80 said: Why is Shep so freaking critical of Craig? So Craig can skate? That's embarrassing? No, your jealousy is shining through, Shep. And last week he HAD to go to basically verify that Craig was really signing up for the bar. Who cares? If Craig signs up or does not, none of your business. If he doesn't take the bar, that doesn't impact Shep one bit. All Shep has going for him now is his family name, which I guess means something in that area - and that is it, and his trust fund. Shep is slowly morphing into a younger version of Thomas. Seriously - that was my first thought, too. Jealousy is not a sweatpant that fits you well, Shep. (any Happy Endings fans??). Yes, you have more money than Craig. But yes, Craig is younger, better looking, and more athletic than you. Deal with it. Speaking of "looks".... was anybody else finding Craig super-attractive with this hair worn au naturel? Because I was digging that look, vs. his gelled-down helmet head. He and Naomi are really cute together - they will make some gorgeous kids! 2 hours ago, Suck It Trebek said: On Twitter, Landon alleged she texted the invite, but Kathryn had her blocked. She said the email Thomas told Kathryn about was the production call sheet for the cast. Glad she got her story straight, now/snark. She also says that typical crap about waiting to see what happens for the rest of the season, as if that makes up for her being an ahole now. I forgot about the DTF comment from Shep. He wrote a blog, apologizing, and said he was upset it was aired. Dude. YOU were the one who said it; they wouldn't have been able to air something you didn't say, ass. Ok that makes total sense. Yes, Landon is annoying as fuck, and acting like a Bitter Betty this episode. But it seems like she wouldn't have purposefully lied about something (as in, inviting Kathryn) that would be SO easy to call her on. Not gonna lie though. I secretly agree with L about that chic's painting. 'Twas fug. And what's up with her Debbie Gibson/Madonna-circa-Who's That Girl-era hats? Are those back in style?? I actually thought that skating party looked super fun. But, ya know, I'm an 80s girl who grew up going to the skating rink on weekends! But I agree that it would have been MUCH more fun with booze. 5 Link to comment
beesknees May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 (edited) After peeping last night's episode I've sort of changed my mind about Shep. He can be a colossal a-hole but I do think he actually did want Kathryn at the party and he was even more irritated than he'd probably normally be You KNOW if Shep was drunk he wouldn't give 2 flying effs. Shep was also ticked off at Landon's game playing and BS (and in his mind lack of awareness to what type of a party he really required) so there was that. Landon really showed her ass last night; her true colors. I cannot stand Landon and I know she didn't want Kathryn at the party (or anywhere the group met) but I do believe Kathryn (a.k.a. - Ginger Tornado - love that!) DID block Landon in one of her fits of anger and now is miffed, perplexed as to why she didn't get one of the group e-vites (or whatever the hell you call them). Can't have it both ways. Shep's jealousy of Craig, well, shades of that came through yet again in last night's episode. Yeah, Shep - Craig is hot, Craig is younger and more handsome than you are, Craig is athletic and can pick up a pair of roller skates, gracefully hit the ground running and effortlessly rock that shit on the fly better than Roller Girl on "Boogie Nights". Shep, Craig is now back on track, sober, got a great job, a steady relationship, and the satisfaction that all the puzzle pieces are finally fitting together. Also, in one of Craig's TH's he said something in regards to working for JD / the whole Bourbon thing - "I majored in finance and have a law degree". So, does that mean he actually passed the bar? Maybe that's a hint. Cooper and Patricia are shaping up to be the greatest of enemies. Patricia actually said Cooper would never be invited to her home again. Ouch, Battle lines being drawn... Can't wait to see the story arc on that. Nice to have a break from Ravenel this week. His mug was minimal on my screen. Cameran shunning Kathryn was a bunch of BS and came off stupid and catty. Like Kathryn said "It's just coffee!" Cameran can't spare an hour and have a cup? Good Gordon. Its not like Kathryn wants to have pillow fights and braid her hair. She's not asking for all that. Why couldn't Cameran meet for coffee and explain her position to K by saying if Kathryn's inappropriate behavior continues she's gonna be NFL (No Friends Left - TM Mike Shouhed from Shahs of Sunset). Cameran could have explained to Kathryn that if she doesn't reel in her volatile behavior she will be excluded from the group and Kathryn's already half way there. I think Cameran sorta wants to stay on Patricia's good side because when they were on the phone Cameran was almost mimicking Patricia verbatim by saying something to the effect of "You need to stay at home and take care of Kensie and your unborn child/children". Pat's been saying that for the last few episodes now. I am wondering if Cameran saw Cooper being permanently ostracized by Pat and doesn't want that to happen to her. If that happened it could be devastating to Cameran socially and kill her real estate career. Hee, stupid fucking Whitney. Whining and begging to his faux GF's voicemail to not bail regarding her upcoming visit. Bwah ha ha ha ha. Who wants to bet how many times this chick has bailed on Whitless off season, off camera? Me thinks too many to count. You bet she'll show up this time because they're filming. She's supposed to be what? some German TV star, or model or ? Yeah, she's gonna show up on American TV to get some exposure/face time. Landon's clip for next week's episode was great. When Landon was pitching the potential financial investor regarding her online business venture he asked her what the site was about and she said "It's like um, a website for (pause) art, and travel, and um ... art". Good god. That's all she's got? Did she not know to prepare for the business um, pitch, so she could get like, um, MONEY ?!! Epic gold with a college degree to boot. If someone tells me Landon's got like um, a Master's degree, i will slit my throat. Edited May 3, 2016 by beesknees 6 Link to comment
politichick May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 I'm fine with Cameran turning down Kathryn. They've never been friends and as Cam said, she's not the one Kathryn should be reach out to, and definitely not the first one. Elizabeth should have been at the top of her list. Yes, Cam could have been a bit gentler, but I applaud her honesty. Now what about the little guy talking trash about Patricia? I don't think Patricia gives enough fucks about Kathryn or him to be warning him to stay away from her.He's a gossipy little snake. I am also quite certain Patricia does not look at Kathryn and long for her glory days of old. Landon is a nitwit and when her "friends" see these episodes they are going to be liking her less and feeling less tolerant of her silly little voice. She's an idiot and if she thinks Landon would ever go for her, she is also delusional. He'll marry a Cameran. 5 Link to comment
njbchlover May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 (edited) 1 hour ago, biakbiak said: Why should she? It's kind of refreshing that Cameron isn't playing that game, the only reason Kathryn called her is because of the show. They were never close, even when she was dating Thomas. Its not like Cameron is hanging out with Thomas (she also didnt invite him to her dinner party) other than being polite when they were at the same events (which I imagine she would do if Kathryn were at a group event). They weren't friends and Kathryn has treated people who were closer to her like shit which was shown with Danni and next week appears to show with Elizabeth. When she went to Craig's party she bitched about it and then isolated herself and only really interacted with Jenn and Thomas. Also, I really liked at the birthday party when Craig was thirstly trying to start gossip why everyone hates Kathryn she didn't shy away and simply said she just didn't feel like hanging out with her, when questioned why Whitney wouldn't like hanging out with her she calmly pointed out that Kathryn has flipped out on Whitney and when told that couldn't be a good enough reason for Whitney not wanting to hang out with her (which WTF Craig!) she said well you need to ask Whitney and literally skated off. I find Landon completely ridiculous and awful though it wouldnt surprise me if at the reunion she did produce evidence that she did text Kathryn because a common theme is Kathryn ignoring people even as she demands they pay attention to her but Cameron hasn't said anything behind her back that she hasn't said to her face. Also, Craig Cameron and Whitney bailing on the party bus was not being worried about Kathryn it was wisely realizing that if they drove they could easily leave the party when it got lame. Which was about five minutes BEFORE anyone got to the skating rink..... Edited May 3, 2016 by njbchlover 6 Link to comment
izabella May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 17 minutes ago, politichick said: Now what about the little guy talking trash about Patricia? I don't think Patricia gives enough fucks about Kathryn or him to be warning him to stay away from her.He's a gossipy little snake. I am also quite certain Patricia does not look at Kathryn and long for her glory days of old. Cooper seems very excited about his theory that Patricia sees herself in Kathryn and that's why she doesn't like her. I don't know what mileage he expects to get out of that theory, but he is pushing it by mentioning it a few times already now. No, Cooper. Patricia is a successful gold digger. Patricia waited until he put a ring on it before having a child with her sugar daddy while Kathryn didn't. Patricia dislikes Kathryn because she is messy, not because she is a gold digger. 10 Link to comment
corter20 May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 I think a lot can be said about this episode. What got me thinking the most was what everyone was saying. Everyone who was/is friends with Kathryn said she is a great person when Thomas is not involved. Once he became involved or is around, she loses it. The fact that Thomas cheated on her while she was pregnant with Jennifer and several other women says a lot about her behavior as well. She is scorned, bitter, and hormonal. Every single one of those people judge her for getting knocked up and being humiliated by Thomas while she remained faithful to him, yet no one so much as questions Thomas and his character. They praise him and want to be around him. It is very two faced! They both should be judged equally, but obviously one has more pull and connections than the other. Cameron has no problem being around Thomas or Whitney, yet they both are scum. No one has a problem being around Shep who sleeps with anything with legs. It is sad how people can completely support one person and accept them for their nastiness yet they can't see he bigger picture. The only ones I have seen on and off the show that truly get it are Danni and Craig. And Kathryn had every right to blow up at Whitney and if Cameron doesn't understand that, then she has issues. I pray that her husband never cheats on her, but if she is anything like the person she is portraying on the show, I give him a year before he starts to step out. Kathryn clearly stated that he and Thomas went to a strip club while she was pregnant. While my finger would be pointing at Thomas and I would have dropped him like garbage, she had every right to be mad at him and to call him out. You just don't do that. 16 Link to comment
biakbiak May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 (edited) 25 minutes ago, izabella said: Cooper seems very excited about his theory that Patricia sees herself in Kathryn and that's why she doesn't like her. I don't know what mileage he expects to get out of that theory, but he is pushing it by mentioning it a few times already now. No, Cooper. Patricia is a successful gold digger. Patricia waited until he put a ring on it before having a child with her sugar daddy while Kathryn didn't. Patricia dislikes Kathryn because she is messy, not because she is a gold digger. Whitney's dad was only 22-23 when he married Patricia who was 20 and he wasn't from a crazy wealthy family. They also waited six years to have Whitney. She didn't have children with her two other husbands and was 55 when she married her wealthiest husband Alfred Altschul. Patricia also not only graduated from college, she has a master's in Art History, both of which she did before she had a kid and when she was Kathryn's age. She also ran a successful art gallery which is how she met Fleming and Altschul, Cooper can suck it with the comparisons between the two. 31 minutes ago, izabella said: Edited May 3, 2016 by biakbiak 17 Link to comment
Popular Post Babyfoot May 3, 2016 Popular Post Share May 3, 2016 Anyone else here disappointed that Bravo has pissed all over fun, light- hearted Southern Charm and turned it into yet another Real Housewives inane fight fest? 28 Link to comment
Major Bigtime May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 Quote On Twitter, Landon alleged she texted the invite, but Kathryn had her blocked. She said the email Thomas told Kathryn about was the production call sheet for the cast. I totally believe this. I know a little bit about how these shows work (Housewives are the same way). Kathryn is probably on the email list even if she's not being asked to show up for filming. That's how she knows she's not getting as much air time as she used to. I'm sure she'll make up for lost time in the coming weeks. Why carry a fake Birkin when the ladies around you are carrying real ones and could spot a fake a mile away? It just makes her seem more trashy than usual, IMO. Or, it could be perceived that she's spending Thomas' money for the children on herself, for those who don't know or believe her story that it's a fake. I will never understand people who think what they wear, drive, or carry around makes them important. 4 Link to comment
bosawks May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 Can the producers please find more silly, ridiculous things that Craig is better at than Shep? Pissy, indignant Shep is compulsively watchable. Dude, relax it's roller skating. 13 Link to comment
trimthatfat May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 I think the fake Birkin was hilarious. Kathryn will probably tell anyone who asks that it is a Firkin. 1 Link to comment
Mountainair May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 Didn't Katherine herself state that she is on bed rest following her hospitalization? Invite or not she should have been at home on bed rest, not at a skating party. 2 Link to comment
eurekagirl mOo May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 And I am now firmly on the hate Landon train. I already didn't like the little shit but she really topped herself this episode . Dolphin voiced nasty comments and excluding a cast member......bad,bad,bad. And Cameron! You've always gotten the saint edit. Who did you piss off? You came off nasty, very,very nasty. And YES everyone if FINE with Shep and Thomas sleeping with anybody and anything but let a WOMAN do it and ,well, she's not worthy to show up for dinner parties or skating parties OR even a cup of coffee........Yep, Kathryn better buy her burka and stay home in SHAME because she has 2 kids!!!!!! Sheps looking a smudge past his sell by date but I did like he stuck up for Kathyrn. Maybe he's smart enough to know she's the story and if you exclude the main story line you may end up on the cutting room floor. We don't know the time line between the hospital stay and the skating party so ...........Could have been weeks or months later..Kathryn seems like a good Mom and her kids are healthy so.....Oh I forgot, she's she's not allowed to go out for coffee or to parties.......BLECH....Welcome to the 21st century. 13 Link to comment
Mountainair May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 (edited) 13 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said: And I am now firmly on the hate Landon train. I already didn't like the little shit but she really topped herself this episode . Dolphin voiced nasty comments and excluding a cast member......bad,bad,bad. And Cameron! You've always gotten the saint edit. Who did you piss off? You came off nasty, very,very nasty. And YES everyone if FINE with Shep and Thomas sleeping with anybody and anything but let a WOMAN do it and ,well, she's not worthy to show up for dinner parties or skating parties OR even a cup of coffee........Yep, Kathryn better buy her burka and stay home in SHAME because she has 2 kids!!!!!! Sheps looking a smudge past his sell by date but I did like he stuck up for Kathyrn. Maybe he's smart enough to know she's the story and if you exclude the main story line you may end up on the cutting room floor. We don't know the time line between the hospital stay and the skating party so ...........Could have been weeks or months later..Kathryn seems like a good Mom and her kids are healthy so.....Oh I forgot, she's she's not allowed to go out for coffee or to parties.......BLECH....Welcome to the 21st century. It has been my experience, after having been hospitalized in two out of three pregnancies for high blood pressure, that when you are put on bed rest your ass is on bed rest until you deliver. I was only allowed one trip up the stairs per day. So yea, no going out for coffee or parties. Also, IIRC, she delivered her son about six weeks early so........ and for for me the jury is still out on whether she or Thomas are good parents. The nannies and grandparents are doing one hell of a job though. Edited May 3, 2016 by Mountainair 3 Link to comment
JenFromCincy May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 I'm loving the new Craig and I really like Naomi. I hope she's featured more and more. More Danni would be fine with me too. I agree with the above posters about Shep being jealous. I think last year when Craig was a hot mess, Shep automatically could place himself above Craig and feel better about himself. Now that Craig's ducks are lining up in a row, Shep realizes he looks foolish and is starting to come off as some upthread put it - a little Ravenelish. His comments about Bailey were crass, but at least he seems to be aware of it, even if it's only in hindsight. Overall, I appreciated him defending Kathryn, because while I'm not a big fan of hers, I also don't like seeing people kicked when they're down. Cameran did have every right to refuse lunch with Kathryn, but I have to wonder about her motives. Does she really want to avoid drama or did she get the same edict from Patricia that Cooper got? Maybe she thought it was better to align with Patricia and all of her contacts who may want to buy or a sell a home. Landon is beyond annoying. She couldn't even pick up an order of cupcakes without acting like it was a struggle to come up with a complete sentence. I generally accept people based on their abilities, but her flakiness and baby voice don't match how sharp she seems when someone is on her bad side. Sick of the act and sick of her. 7 Link to comment
biakbiak May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 (edited) People don't look down on Kathryn because she slept with people, in fact the only person who keeps bringing that up this season is her one of her "BFFs" Craig, they don't like her and she is a self involved mess where if she isn't causing a scene at an event it because she is sulking in a corner. On the show they stated that Sheps party was only a day or two after the Flamingo Party which was right after he hospitalization. Edited May 3, 2016 by biakbiak 11 Link to comment
bichonblitz May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 Aw Shep, quit being such a whiny bitch. He was a stick up the ass before he even found out Kathryn wasn't invited. He didn't want a skating party. He wanted a booze filled party in a bar in downtown Charleston. Same as he has every year. And why are his birthday parties such a big deal, anyway? Maybe Landon should have invited Kathryn because she was hosting a party for someone who wanted her there but I get why she has an attitude about K. Let's not forget (as Neurochick pointed out upthread) the yelling and screaming (middle finger included) she did to Landon at that high society gala last year. For no reason at all! Also, last season, Landon had many confessionals in which she defended Kathryn and said she felt they had things in common. It's Kathryn who put herself in the position of people not wanting to be around her. Leave it to Shep and Craig and even Thomas to feel sorry for her being iced out. Men are so stupid that way!! 4 Link to comment
izabella May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 6 minutes ago, JenFromCincy said: Cameran did have every right to refuse lunch with Kathryn, but I have to wonder about her motives. Does she really want to avoid drama or did she get the same edict from Patricia that Cooper got? Maybe she thought it was better to align with Patricia and all of her contacts who may want to buy or a sell a home. Cameran is consistent. She did not invite Thomas or Kathryn to her dinner party, and she doesn't want to have coffee with Kathryn. She was honest and upfront about both things and not apologetic about it. Cameran didn't get any flack from anyone about not inviting either of them to her dinner party. So I'm not sure why it's so much worse that Landon didn't invite Kathryn to the birthday party, although she says that she did (and I'm inclined to believe it because: production. Production has excluded people deliberately on Housewives shows, and they are doing it here, too, to stir up drama). 9 Link to comment
JenFromCincy May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 1 minute ago, izabella said: Cameran is consistent. She did not invite Thomas or Kathryn to her dinner party, and she doesn't want to have coffee with Kathryn. She was honest and upfront about both things and not apologetic about it. Cameran didn't get any flack from anyone about not inviting either of them to her dinner party. So I'm not sure why it's so much worse that Landon didn't invite Kathryn to the birthday party, although she says that she did (and I'm inclined to believe it because: production. Production has excluded people deliberately on Housewives shows, and they are doing it here, too, to stir up drama). Patricia could have been part of why Cam didn't invite them to the dinner as well. Could be wrong, but after Cooper talked about Patricia calling him, it made me wonder if Cam didn't go with the side that could butter her bread. The main difference I can see between Cam not inviting them and Landon not inviting Kathryn is that the party was for Shep, and he expressly asked for her to be invited. 6 Link to comment
biakbiak May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 (edited) I think the difference is Landon was planning a party for Shep and Shep asked that Kathryn be invited, though based on a variety of factors I am not convinced that Landon didn't text her an invite. Where I thought Landon stepped over the line was when she petulantly remarked "who cares if she isn't here " when Shep was trying to find out if she was invited. Cameron also did get flack from Craig in the middle of her dinner for not inviting Kathryn. I believe he has talked about Kathryn 10xs more this season then he has talked to her. Shep apologized on a blog about his "DTF" comment . Edited May 3, 2016 by biakbiak 3 Link to comment
izabella May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 (edited) I recall Shep saying "invite everyone," which leaves some leeway since Kathryn isn't part of this circle. In any case, I do believe Landon texted her. Yes, she was pretty rude with her "who cares?" though that doesn't make her any worse in my eyes than most of the cast who are often rude. I dislike Landon for being a spoiled dumbass dilettante with no grip on reality, but not so much for the "who cares?" Edited May 3, 2016 by izabella 2 Link to comment
esco1822 May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 For all the talk about what a drama queen Kathryn is, I thought she actually handled herself quite well in this episode. She didn't scream or curse when Cam declined lunch/coffee nor did she do it when she spoke to Shep. She didn't call Shep or Craig or anyone else at the party to complain about not being invited. There was nothing psychotic about her reaction to either situation which you'd expect her to be given her history. I also see a lot of people pointing out that she's held to a higher standard as a woman and I don't dismiss that but I think people also forget age in this equation. She's 24 years old and Thomas is 53. I automatically give her more leeway because of her age. Thomas is a damn grown-up mathematically speaking and he should know better. Kids in their 20's sleep around, get dramatic about broken promises and infidelities. I'm not giving her a pass by any means but I think I understand her behavior problems much more than Thomas. I also don't think she shouldn't be invited to things just because she's on bed rest. Let her decide what she can/can't do or what she wants to do but you at least extend the invitation because it's polite and not exclusionary. As for Landon, she just came off badly on all sides. Whether or not she sent a text to Kathryn, her behavior about the whole thing was so totally bratty and entitled. Shep wanted her invited, end of story. They may not be besties but he did post this: 9 Link to comment
wovenloaf May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 3 hours ago, beesknees said: Also, in one of Craig's TH's he said something in regards to working for JD / the whole Bourbon thing - "I majored in finance and have a law degree". So, does that mean he actually passed the bar? Maybe that's a hint. Nah, getting the degree and passing the bar are separate things. I am glad that things are working out for Craig these days...he's more pleasant when he's not drunk and whining the whole time. But it seems like he is being a little over the top about running the bourbon thing after what seems like just a few weeks working for JD... And it seems by the preview like JD tells him that next week. Walk before you run, Craigy-Craig! But very convenient the girlfriend just has all these assorted homes laying around for him to live in though, ha... 2 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 3 hours ago, Neurochick said: I don't get why it's mean to not go to lunch with somebody you really don't want to be with. Life is too short to spend too much time with people you don't care for. Kathryn last year proved herself to be a drama queen and then she gets upset when nobody invites her places? Please, maybe she shouldn't have given Landon the middle finger; I wouldn't have invited her tacky self to any party I was having. ITA. I like Cam a lot. I really do. She's a sensible gal & she mostly acts as we sensible types would. She immediately saw thru why Kathryn was calling her to meet up. After all, Cam is the back bone of the show, so why not start with her to get back in with the group? Cam thought (and rightly so), why in the world should I let myself get used by this loony self-absorbed chick? Kathryn is a total lunatic & pretty much capable of doing anything --- to embarrass herself & anyone around her. So yeah, I don't blame Cam one bit for her eye rolls & for blowing off Kathryn so quickly. Anyone sensible would blow off an inviation to lunch w/Kathryn, right? Except we're NOT looking for sensible here, Cam, you silly thing. We wanna be entertained, hun. Aw, Cams, you go call back Kathryn & go to lunch with her. And invite Whitney too --- oh, and the ahem, fake girlfriend too. That should provide some chuckles & giggles for sure. 8 Link to comment
Neurochick May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 3 hours ago, corter20 said: I think a lot can be said about this episode. What got me thinking the most was what everyone was saying. Everyone who was/is friends with Kathryn said she is a great person when Thomas is not involved. Once he became involved or is around, she loses it. The fact that Thomas cheated on her while she was pregnant with Jennifer and several other women says a lot about her behavior as well. She is scorned, bitter, and hormonal. Every single one of those people judge her for getting knocked up and being humiliated by Thomas while she remained faithful to him, yet no one so much as questions Thomas and his character. They praise him and want to be around him. It is very two faced! They both should be judged equally, but obviously one has more pull and connections than the other. Cameron has no problem being around Thomas or Whitney, yet they both are scum. No one has a problem being around Shep who sleeps with anything with legs. It is sad how people can completely support one person and accept them for their nastiness yet they can't see he bigger picture. The only ones I have seen on and off the show that truly get it are Danni and Craig. And Kathryn had every right to blow up at Whitney and if Cameron doesn't understand that, then she has issues. I pray that her husband never cheats on her, but if she is anything like the person she is portraying on the show, I give him a year before he starts to step out. Kathryn clearly stated that he and Thomas went to a strip club while she was pregnant. While my finger would be pointing at Thomas and I would have dropped him like garbage, she had every right to be mad at him and to call him out. You just don't do that. The key word is "husband." Cameron is married, Kathryn is a baby mama, there's a difference. 1 Link to comment
ExplainItAgain May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 1 hour ago, JenFromCincy said: Landon is beyond annoying. She couldn't even pick up an order of cupcakes without acting like it was a struggle to come up with a complete sentence. I generally accept people based on their abilities, but her flakiness and baby voice don't match how sharp she seems when someone is on her bad side. Sick of the act and sick of her. The "disco" cupcakes looked like normal cupcakes with some glitter on the top and she was exclaiming over them. The whole call to the roller rink manager in her exaggerated baby voice just put me over the edge. 10 Link to comment
wovenloaf May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 21 minutes ago, Neurochick said: The key word is "husband." Cameron is married, Kathryn is a baby mama, there's a difference. I mean...sure, in many ways. But it's not like the lack of a ring means she's just some breeding mule who has no right to expect to be treated with basic decency from the dude that got her pregnant... Kathryn is a full-blown kook and she conducts herself terribly in public, but saying (unless I'm misunderstanding what you meant) she had no right to feel angry at Thomas for cheating on her while they were together makes no sense to me. 11 Link to comment
biakbiak May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 (edited) 11 minutes ago, wovenloaf said: I mean...sure, in many ways. But it's not like the lack of a ring means she's just some breeding mule who has no right to expect to be treated with basic decency from the dude that got her pregnant... Kathryn is a full-blown kook and she conducts herself terribly in public, but saying (unless I'm misunderstanding what you meant) she had no right to feel angry at Thomas for cheating on her while they were together makes no sense to me. The key phrase is feel angry at Thomas, she blew up at Whitney and blamed him. He didn't kidnap Thomas and take him to a strip club and Whitney wasn't her friend. She was more angry at Whitney than she was at Thomas and she is fine with Jennifer who lied to her face and slept with Thomas when she pregnant with Kensie. Edited May 3, 2016 by biakbiak 5 Link to comment
Vivigirl10 May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 (edited) Quote and for for me the jury is still out on whether she or Thomas are good parents. Agreed. If anyone follows her Instagram, her leg humpers are constantly declaring, "you're such an amazing Mother!" whenever she posts a pic of the kids. What do people base this "Amazing Mother" title on? Loose cannons with quick tempers generally don't exclude people in their life from their wrath....children included. Unstable is unstable. Peeking into a crib while wearing a gorgeous white dress in the morning sunshine does not a good Mother make. I'm not saying that the show really documents her mothering skills, good or bad. But one major illustration of her parenting was freaking out and throwing a fit at the polo match, right in front of her toddler daughter, then tossing her in the back of a car with a nanny to be driven off. Doesn't leave you with a very good feeling. Edited May 3, 2016 by Kiki620 9 Link to comment
trimthatfat May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 Within the context of the show, I do think it was weird of Cameron to decline the coffee invite from Kathryn. Why? Because Thomas is invited to all of the cast events and he really is no better than Kathryn. Everyone seems to want him at their stuff, but Kathryn isn't because she's dramatic? Come on. They are two peas in the same pod. 9 Link to comment
HouseofBeck May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 8 hours ago, Gaily said: I really like Naomi (Craig's girlfriend) and Danni -- both are kind, down-to-earth and decent -- such a contrast to the others on this show, namely Landon and Cameran. I agree that the Ginger Tornado (LOL -- love that nickname, HunterHunted) and her drama with TRav is the primary reason the show is still on. When did Shep turn into such a goober? When did Cameran go from being the nice "voice of reason" to a judgmental beeyotch? Sorry, but she could have had coffee with Kathryn, who really needs a friend or at least a sounding board right now. I was just thinking that I'd like to see more of Danni, and Naomi has so far shown herself not willing to automatically nod and go along with whatever narrative line Craig is taking on. She visibly reflects upon what he says, and if she doesn't think he has all the answers, she says so. I did like Craig's calm, TH reasoning last ep, but continuing to vocalize how he is so damn convinced that Whitney has feelings for Kathryn is getting old. WHITNEY DOES NOT HAVE FEELINGS, PERIOD. He slouches into scenes, makes awkward expressions and trailing-laughter sounds (though I don't fault him for being instantly bored with Landon's prep for rollerskating), and slouches out. End Scene. 7 hours ago, bosawks said: I don't mind Cam staying clear of Kathryn. Kathryn seems quite capable of acting outside the boundaries of production to screw with somebody. I wouldn't trust her with my dog, wait I love my dog, I wouldn't trust her with my CEO.... 5 hours ago, Neurochick said: I don't get why it's mean to not go to lunch with somebody you really don't want to be with. Life is too short to spend too much time with people you don't care for. Kathryn last year proved herself to be a drama queen and then she gets upset when nobody invites her places? Please, maybe she shouldn't have given Landon the middle finger; I wouldn't have invited her tacky self to any party I was having. It couldn't have been easy for Cam to turn down Kathryn's coffee invite, yet with Kathryn=volatile & toxic in her mind, there's no reason for her to go just to "be nice." Screw that. That's giving up time and energy to sit in a focused one-on-one with someone who already taxes your well-being. So I thought Cameron handled it well, staying calm, thinking before she spoke, and saying "I feel X about you because of your Y and Z behavior and actions." That's going above and beyond for someone that Cam may never have thought of AS a friend, just as T-Rav's girlfriend. So this gives Kathryn something to work on if she truly wants to pursue Cam as a friend: SHOW that you're not going to do Y and Z actions for awhile, eh? Earn the trust. I found it very interesting that Kathryn handled everything as shown in this episode so calmly. I had a quote from someone else here who said the same thing--seems to have disappeared--but, no freakouts, no tears, no showing up in a rage's almost as if she could do that all the time! But then we get boring episodes like these. :/ 4 Link to comment
Primetimer May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 Flamingos are the least of everyone's problems this week. View the full article Link to comment
breezy424 May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 If Landon invited Kathryn to the party why didn't she just say so when Thomas asked her? She didn't give him an answer just responses about how horrible Kathryn was. She danced around it the day of the party as well until the end when she said she texted Kathryn. Let's face it. Landon didn't want her there so I find it hard to take her word that she actually invited her. Now, it's about Kathryn blocking her on her phone. If that's true, I wonder why. I also wonder how Landon found out she was blocked. Did she know that at the time? That would be interesting. Or did she find out later. Hmm. 5 Link to comment
Major Bigtime May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 Quote Cameran did have every right to refuse lunch with Kathryn, but I have to wonder about her motives. Does she really want to avoid drama or did she get the same edict from Patricia that Cooper got? Maybe she thought it was better to align with Patricia and all of her contacts who may want to buy or a sell a home. Cameran and Patricia are close, from what I've seen on Facebook. They watch the show together. They are of the same "class" for lack of a better word. I know people like Kathryn and I avoid them like the plague. They are a drain on my emotions, my time, and anything else in the room. 1 Link to comment
bichonblitz May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 Why wasn't Thomas invited to Sheppie's skating B'day party? Afraid he would fall and break a hip? Whitney isn't much younger and he went. 2 Link to comment
JenFromCincy May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said: Why wasn't Thomas invited to Sheppie's skating B'day party? Afraid he would fall and break a hip? Whitney isn't much younger and he went. I thought from Kathryn's call that it seemed like he was, but didn't come. Maybe I misheard it. 1 Link to comment
ivygirl May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 5 hours ago, Babyfoot said: Anyone else here disappointed that Bravo has pissed all over fun, light- hearted Southern Charm and turned it into yet another Real Housewives inane fight fest? Yes. Me! I had a post drafted that basically said "what happened to the goofy little show I used to love?" But I deleted it as I didn't have much else to say. Except that Landon is obnoxious and Shep is a creep (for the DTF comment). I miss snarky/snarkable Whitney and ridiculous but still kinda likable Shep and goofy Cameran. I'm almost at the point where if I miss an episode, I don't care. 3 Link to comment
HunterHunted May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 My issue with both Cameran and Landon is that after last season, they both should be well aware of the fact that Kathryn was going to be in their lives, not because of Thomas, but because of the show. Cameran was never friends with Kathryn, but she could have sat for coffee and said essentially what she did on the phone only slightly less bitchy. And Landon is a terrible liar. She either didn't contact Kathryn or texted Kathryn knowing full well that Kathryn had blocked her number and didn't put in any extra effort to contact Kathryn. Landon was stupidly dancing around whether or not she invited Kathryn. Frankly it wouldn't have taken much extra effort to contact Kathryn, Landon could have emailed Kathryn or told Craig or Danni to let Kathryn know about the party. Ultimately though, Landon didn't want Kathryn there and was left to think on her feet which is why Landon sounded like a blithering idiot asshole. Landon is really not very smart or quick on her feet. 7 Link to comment
breezy424 May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 Thomas was invited to the party. He couldn't go because he had Kensey that weekend and they were going to the country. 4 Link to comment
njbchlover May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 (edited) 6 hours ago, izabella said: Cooper seems very excited about his theory that Patricia sees herself in Kathryn and that's why she doesn't like her. I don't know what mileage he expects to get out of that theory, but he is pushing it by mentioning it a few times already now. No, Cooper. Patricia is a successful gold digger. Patricia waited until he put a ring on it before having a child with her sugar daddy while Kathryn didn't. Patricia dislikes Kathryn because she is messy, not because she is a gold digger. Cooper seems to be trying a little too hard this season to make himself relevant. He started out as a very, very bit player who organized the major party/ball of the social season during Season 1 of the show, and then, we saw him at more and more events last season. Now, this season, he seems to have been elevated to a "friend of" type of status, showing up at Kathryn's house and having lunch with her, throwing digs at Patricia, etc. (Patricia's description of him as a "poor man's Truman Capote" was spot on, however.) I don't know what kind of power Patricia has in Charleston social sets, but if she does wield any, Cooper may have some big problems in the future with the comments he's made about her on television. I think maybe this is a little producer driven, as it seems that most of the other real cast don't want to film too much with Kathryn, so they needed to find someone willing to do so. 1 hour ago, bichonblitz said: Why wasn't Thomas invited to Sheppie's skating B'day party? Afraid he would fall and break a hip? Whitney isn't much younger and he went. 1 hour ago, JenFromCincy said: I thought from Kathryn's call that it seemed like he was, but didn't come. Maybe I misheard it. There was a scene between Landon and Thomas, when he was showing her his finished house, and she mentioned the party to him, inviting him. Thomas told her that he wouldn't be available, because he would be at the plantation house with Kenzie. Edited May 3, 2016 by njbchlover 2 Link to comment
DFWGina May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 (edited) 15 hours ago, scrb said: And Kathryn treated herself to ... a fake Burkin bag? Because people are status-conscious but she's real? And she sat the fake Birkin on the floor. No way would anyone with a real Birkin have it sitting on the floor in a restaurant outside. I do not get having a fake bag. And get even less putting any handbag on the ground. This is definitely a faux-pas.... 9 hours ago, Suck It Trebek said: I forgot about the DTF comment from Shep. He wrote a blog, apologizing, and said he was upset it was aired. Dude. YOU were the one who said it; they wouldn't have been able to air something you didn't say, ass. I thought the DTF comment was funny but that poor gal.... how embarassing for her that he would say that in his TH. 7 hours ago, Kiki620 said: Isn't the purpose of a fake to convincingly present the bag as the real thing? The problem here is that anyone who has even the most minimal knowledge of fashion knows that this D-list, reality "star", isn't going to be able to get her hands on one. Why not just buy a beautiful, leather bag or more attainable name brand, if she's interested? Rather than lugging around an obvious fake? It makes me wonder if the Chanel jumbo flap bag she has been seen carrying is also a fake? Edited May 3, 2016 by DFWGina grammar 1 Link to comment
walnutqueen May 3, 2016 Share May 3, 2016 (edited) I just wanna know where Craig buys his clothes (those shirts of his are really something!) ... ;-) Edited May 4, 2016 by walnutqueen stupid keyboard means I copy/paste all g's and h's; stupid me always misses some 6 Link to comment
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