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S32.E10: I'm Not Here To Make Good Friends

Tara Ariano

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Good riddance you fucking obnoxious asshat. So much for that free ride to the Final 3 with the two assholes huh Julia? And why was she telling Tai to play his idol? If he played it they couldn't do a super idol at the end. Honestly this moment almost, almost makes up for this boring ass season. I may actually stick around to the end because get rid of the other asshole and I'm fine with every other person left even if most of them are boring. Tai plays the naive, bumbling innocent but I think he's more manipulative than the players realize. 

  • Love 21

I waffled back and forth on liking Scot so I am kinda bummed to see him go, but I'm more irritated with Survivor spoiling it for me with a FB post headline that I accidentally saw earlier that said tonight was a major blindside.

I loathe spoilers so much. And I consider that a spoiler, because Scot was the only person who could be blindsided with how this season is going.

On another note, I shamefully found Nick hot on jury tonight.

  • Love 4




(did Scot give the Idol back to Jason? Missed it. Because it would be awesome if Tai came out of this with the only idol left AND his extra vote)


He didn't!  So in the end, they did flush out an idol, and eliminated the "Super Idol" possibility to boot!


I still think that extra vote will come back to bite Tai in the butt, just like it did for Dan and Stephen.

  • Love 8

Should have stuck with your original alliance Julia. You've got no chance of winning now, and only yourself to blame for it.

So Scot is gone, Jason's idol is gone, Tai still has it, Jason could easily get voted out next week if he doesn't win immunity, and Julia is on the outs. Also, Tai probably bought himself a ticket to the jury with that move, but at least he didn't cave to the bullies. Idiots.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 11

Ya know, based on this episode...Aubry for the win! I now have someone to root for!

Completely agree! I really hope this ep was setting up her winners arc.

Also, what a week for Jason and the cast to being having their SM monitored so they don't give spoilers away, like Jason's been doing all season. Now he can't even pout and spoil it for everyone.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 13

So something finally wiped the smug off Scot's face.  Lucky for the viewing world, it was also what sent him home.


So have the rest of them figured out about the super idol?  Nobody seemed too surprised at all silent communication going on when Scot should have been walking his torch over to Jeff.


Hopefully Scot's elimination will make the rest of the season more tolerable.  I can't remember a season I cared less about.  I honestly wouldn't have been able to name the current members of the jury before they walked in.

  • Love 6

Should have stuck with your original alliance Julia. You've got no chance of winning now, and only yourself to blame for it.

So Scot is gone, Jason's idol is gone, Tai still has it, Jason could easily get voted out next week if he doesn't win immunity, and Julia is on the outs. Also, Tai probably bought himself a ticket to the jury with that move, but at least he didn't cave to the bullies. Idiots.


She was never going to win with her original alliance though. This was her ticket for the win for her but unfortunately  it backfired.  I do appreciate the fact that she is playing to win though even if she falls short. I hate players that that just accept the fact that they are at the bottom of an alliance and do nothing to try to change it.

Edited by LanceM
  • Love 15

The Brotherhood . . . is no more. And that's all most of us wanted. Jason isn't going to win, and neither will Tai. The season is looking up!


Seriously, if Scot or Jason knew how to get ink done, they would've inducted Tai into their ranks. But between the angels and the devils on his shoulders, Tai chose to fuck Scot over. That was beautiful. Granted, there will be repercussions . . . Jason will probably smother Tai in his sleep, and Tai has no shot at winning the million. But the big ugly ogre is gone. And he didn't give his idol to the fat ogre before leaving. And Jason can't luck into winning every immunity challenge through Day 39. This is awesome. This is the Dan/Rodney/Will threesome getting broke up. Once again, this is the warden finding the hole behind the poster of Raquel Welch. So awesome.


And Scot kept waiting for Tai to hand him the idol! HA! I wonder how many times Probst asked Scot to step up. Good riddance to Super Idol. Even if a new idol is put into play, no way the big nuke will be played.


Fuck you, Scot. Fuck you, "Champion." Probst will probably give him a lapdance at the Reunion, but tonight was so worth it.


ETA: Who got the title quote?

  • Love 17

If Aubrey planned that, she deserves the win.  Had Scot gotten the super idol, Tai would have gone home on the re-vote.  Julia gets to keep on being double agent (having voted for Tai, not Aubrey) because she was conspicuously whispering to Tai to play the idol.  Had he done so, Scot would have gone home.  

Edited by Archery
  • Love 13

I don't think someone voted out could hand the idol back to another person. That was played perfectly.

So Michele voted for Tai. Do Aubry and Cyd not trust her?


I wondered that myself.


 Once again, this is the warden finding the hole behind the poster of Raquel Welch. So awesome.


Bwahahahaha!!  And it didn't take Tai nineteen years to dig out!

  • Love 5


Ya know, based on this episode...Aubry for the win!  I now have someone to root for!


That's what I was thinking too.  I just think this episode made it pretty clear she's playing the best out of everyone.  She was very smart to work that bond with Tai.  


Aubry is also hiding her emotions well.  Julia has no idea that Aubry is over her. 

  • Love 18

Is it my imagination or is Scot out just because they wanted to make a big play? They knew they were going to have to use the Super Idol, which used both idols. Why not just have both of them play the idol they had when Jeff called for idols pre tally?

Right, and then the boys would all be safe and it would be guaranteed on of the other 5 would have gone home.  Maybe the super idol talk blinded them to that fact?  Good point.

  • Love 14

Is it my imagination or is Scot out just because they wanted to make a big play? They knew they were going to have to use the Super Idol, which used both idols. Why not just have both of them play the idol they had when Jeff called for idols pre tally?

You are correct.  Each of them had immunity for that tribal; they didn't need to activate the SI.  Hubris.

  • Love 13

Is it my imagination or is Scot out just because they wanted to make a big play? They knew they were going to have to use the Super Idol, which used both idols. Why not just have both of them play the idol they had when Jeff called for idols pre tally?


The super idol get played after the votes are read so you guarantee that you will be safe (providing of course the other person gives you the idol)

  • Love 3

That was fabulous! However, even if Tai wavered on the super idol, the reality is he couldn't...if Scot were safe, Tai and Aubrey were tied with two votes each. Everyone would have revoted and Tai could have been voted out. So, it was actually a tough position for Tai as he could have given away his idol to save Scott and then have been voted out himself.

Nevertheless, It was so satisfying to see Scott voted out. Jason will be all blustery, but so what? He has absolutely no power at this point, unless his vote is used by someone else. Yep, he and his buddy Scott thought they had it all figured out and were going to vote Tai out when they no longer needed him....

  • Love 22

Is it my imagination or is Scot out just because they wanted to make a big play? They knew they were going to have to use the Super Idol, which used both idols. Why not just have both of them play the idol they had when Jeff called for idols pre tally?

Because the two goons were basking in their own glory and greed. Julia told them the girls were voting for Tai (which is why she urged him to play it) and the goons never considered that they might switch their vote to Scot. Such arrogance!

  • Love 16

Holy cow--someone on another board just pointed something out that I didn't notice at the end.  Tai voted for Scot.  How did I not catch that before?


I saw that, so there was never a chance Tai would use the Super Idol on him. The man has a brain after all! I think he turned on the gruesome twosome when he went to them about including Aubry in their alliance and they promptly said they'd vote Aubry out. What was the point of that - to make sure Tai had no one to rely on but them? Because it backfired big time.


ETA: I really should be consistent in how I'm spelling Aubry.

Edited by riley702
  • Love 17

FUCK TO THE YES!!!! ASSCOT IS GONE!!!! That was the best damn TC ever. I cheered so loud when he was eliminated and Tai said he wasn't going to play the super idol. Tai has redeemed himself.

They walked into TC feeling so confident and their balloon is busted. Glad Aubry didn't fall for that "olive branch" Scot was trying to give with that whole camp will go back normal as long as you do what I want.

Cydney really has to get it together when it comes to challenges because she's always close to winning but fails.

I'm rooting for Cydney, Michelle, and Aubry to win.

  • Love 12

Aaaaahhhhhhh. That? Was a thing of BEAUTY!! Aubry has been my favorite for weeks now, so I'm happy to see her getting some appreciation. Tai turns from the dark side, Aubry kicks ass, Scot is gone, and Jason's idol is, too. I just feel...completely satisfied. I don't smoke, either, but I get it: the urge to light up as I fall back on my pillow with a satisfied smile is strong!

  • Love 16

One thing I noticed is that Aubry appeared to have her entire hands on the discs and no one else did. I thought for sure she was going to get called out for it.

She's another one who is getting hotter the longer she is on the island.

Joe is...there. If he ever wins an individual challenge I will fall out of my chair.

  • Love 9

Whlle it was great tv it was a stupid move for Tai.  I don't think he has a chance of winning now.


Tai didn't have a chance either way.  He was going to get voted out on the re-vote tonight.  And if he did somehow manage to survive that, Scot/Jason were not going to keep him around.  They wouldn't have any use for him after his idol was played.  They'd use him for the numbers if they needed him, then cut him loose.


Tai probably can't win now, though I think he'll get booted more because he helped make a big move and is back to being one of the more likable people there.  He isn't a challenge beast, unless he's been holding out, so his time is probably limited.  And I fully believe Jason/Julia will be gunning for him.


Right now, the only 3 I think have any legit shot at winning would be Aubry, Michele, or Cydney.

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