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S07.E05: No Access

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  On 4/12/2016 at 4:01 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

But my main issue is that when quizzed about what birth control they're using, it's always things like IUDs or shots, where getting pregnant isn't just a matter of antibiotics interfering with your birth control pills. So I have to assume that regardless of whose baby it was, she wasn't using birth control and I'm NOT okay with that, especially when they showed a conversation where Javi was saying he wanted to have another baby and she pooh-poohed the idea

I might not be remembering the conversation correctly but I thought that when Kail was discussing the miscarriage she said that they had it all planned out with her due date coinciding with school ending or something like that. So I figured then that the baby was planned (as ill advised as I think that was) so she was definitely off birth control if she was on board with actively trying. But then that definitely makes her conversation in a previous episode of not wanting another baby at the moment really confusing.

  • Love 3
  On 4/12/2016 at 3:43 PM, teapot said:

I mean, say what you will about Gracie, but homegirl gets shit done.  Finds the tie in a pile of clothes within seconds, and runs out with the cat in order to make her sad sister laugh before she has to go to choir.


Scrappy, that one...



I do have to apologize for calling her the evil twin.  This girl is a survivor.


Also, I want you folks to get off Leah's back about getting the girls to school on time.  "On time" means nothing to Leah.  She ain't never had no damn job!  She has no concept of how instilling being organized and punctual will affect the girls later in life when they go to college or enter the work world.  Being chronically late on some jobs will earn your ass a pink slip.  But who cares?  Get yourself a new baby daddy and make up the difference in child support.


  On time?  Every day?  That just don't make no sense!

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 18
  On 4/12/2016 at 4:11 PM, poeticlicensed said:

And she wants a jury trial to boot! If I was called for jury duty, and had to spend a day listening that that BS, I would want to send her a bill for wasting my time.

For real. I freaking hate jury duty and if I had to lose a day of work and schlep downtown to the courthouse to listen to nonsense like this, I'd key Jenelle's car in the parking lot.

  • Love 14
  On 4/12/2016 at 3:44 PM, DangerousMinds said:

Exactly. Her body, her choice. End of story.




  On 4/12/2016 at 4:01 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

I couldn't agree more, except she's also choosing to make it a storyline for the show.  She never had to say a word about it that we would hear, and instead took a camera crew with her to Hobbs, New Mexico, to talk about it.


But my main issue is that when quizzed about what birth control they're using, it's always things like IUDs or shots, where getting pregnant isn't just a matter of antibiotics interfering with your birth control pills.  So I have to assume that regardless of whose baby it was, she wasn't using birth control and I'm NOT okay with that, especially when they showed a conversation where Javi was saying he wanted to have another baby and she pooh-poohed the idea. 


I think this was all before Javi knew he was being deployed, and I don't think people need to put off having (more) kids just because deployment is a possibility, but they are very young and they have an unstable relationship, and deployment IS a possibility, so there's just no reason in the world to add another kid into the mix right now. 


While I know the statistics of conception when you have an IUD....I also know 2 people personally that got pregnant when they had IUDs.  I was shocked to hear about the first and then the second....dayum!  Neither were even remotely close to the date when they need to be removed either.  

  • Love 3
I do have to apologize for calling her the evil twin.  This girl is a survivor.


Yep. I do worry about Gracie when she hits her teen years though. Being a child in a cycle of teen moms sets you up for that, plus her mom is a pill head, her parents are divorced, she has a special needs sibling and on top of everything else, it's all documented on camera. I hope she doesn't start acting out. Hopefully Corey and Miranda will be a strong influence

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 3
  On 4/12/2016 at 4:11 PM, poeticlicensed said:

And she wants a jury trial to boot! If I was called for jury duty, and had to spend a day listening that that BS, I would want to send her a bill for wasting my time. 

When I was looking around for info about the assault case, I found a statement from her lawyer saying their ideal juror is someone who has never watched the show - ya think? LOL! Her attorney is now sounding like a defense attorney. Claiming Nathan and Jessica deliberately set out to cause drama, which is probably true. But, it doesn't excuse Jenelle for having no self control. 

  • Love 4
  On 4/12/2016 at 4:30 PM, poeticlicensed said:

Yep. I do worry about Gracie when she hits her teen years though. Being a child in a cycle of teen moms sets you up for that, plus her mom is a pill head, her parents are divorced, she has a special needs sibling and on top of everything else, it's all documented on camera. I hope she doesn't start acting out. Hopefully Corey and Miranda will be a strong influence

I think if Gracie leans towards Cory's side of the family she might be okay. It seems like there's a pretty strong support system between Cory, Miranda, Jeff, Joetta, Cory's mom etc. It's similar to what Aubree has with Randylicious and Co. The potential to go off the rails comes straight from the Messer clan. I can see Gracie turning 16 and Mama Dawn asking her why she's waited so long to have kids. Cory has his work cut out for him, lol.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 6
  On 4/12/2016 at 4:23 PM, Lm2162 said:

"Not okay" with another woman's choice to use or not use birth control with her partner? Wow.

She definitely seemed like she was willing to have a baby. Miscarriages are heartbreaking and abortions are a personal choice.


I said I wasn't okay with it in the context of the conversation in the previous episode where Javi said he wanted to have another baby and she said she didn't.  If you don't want to have a baby, yes, I think you should be on birth control.  If you want to have a baby, I think you shouldn't have conversations on TV where you say you don't, if for no other reason than when you do get pregnant, everybody can roll their eyes and say, "You idiot!  Why weren't you on birth control?  Will you never learn?" 


And...miscarriages are heartbreaking if you wanted the baby, and abortion is a personal choice (for now) but can still be heartbreaking depending on the circumstances.

  • Love 4

People change their minds and I didn't see her as saying "absolutely no." They were discussing whether or not they wanted one and she seemed less sure about the timing but she's always said she may want more kids. I'm sure we saw one producer-imposed conversation about it and they had many in private.

I think miscarriages are probably always sad even if you weren't sure of the timing. They were married, it's not like she was 14 and having wild unprotected sex with a douchebag (though Javi might qualify, lol).

  • Love 2
  On 4/12/2016 at 4:52 PM, BitterApple said:

. The potential to go off the rails comes straight from the Messer clan. I can see Gracie turning 16 and Mama Dawn asking her why she's waited so long to have kids. Cory has his work cut out for him, lol.

I don't mean to offend anyone whose kids are cheerleaders, I think being in gymnastics and cheerleading is great for the exercise, recreational and athletic outlets it provides. What I object to is what Leah's doing-using this as a means to promote sexuality and giving the underlying message that this is what will make you look good to guys. Slathering on a face full of makeup and lipstick, curling your hair just so and sticking out your chest is what you do. Guys will always go for a bouncy cheerleader is what she's drumming into Gracie's head at age 6! Leah'll will be a grandma by the time she's 33 or 34.

  • Love 9
  On 4/12/2016 at 4:21 PM, BitterApple said:

For real. I freaking hate jury duty and if I had to lose a day of work and schlep downtown to the courthouse to listen to nonsense like this, I'd key Jenelle's car in the parking lot.



See, I think Jenelle is banking on at least one of her fans being in the jury, and that person will be able to convince everyone else that Jenelle is innocent and has been wronged!  And she'll be vindicated!


She really needs to be sent to jail/prison for a while.  I'm not up on law (other than what's on TV, which is usually made up): is incarceration one of the potential outcomes of her being found guilty?

  • Love 9
  On 4/12/2016 at 3:14 AM, ivgotspirit02 said:

I am not sure if the rumors were true about Kail really getting an abortion rather than a miscarriage but I (and it sounds shitty to say this) hope she really did have a miscarriage. It opened up a lot of emotions within me regarding my own and if she is lying about it I will hate her so much. I can't imagine she's lying about it, that would just be to awful even for her.

My emotions were all over with this episode because I teared up over Chelsea's engagement. Cole is very sweet and they seem so genuinely happy. And neither Chelsea, Lois Griffin nor Randilicious mentioned Adumb or how they thought he'd react to it! I was so hoping to get through two episodes without seeing him but there is his ugly mug, eyes glued to his phone and pawning his girls off on his parents again. Ugh.

The editors are getting ruthless with Leah and I love it. They didn't even try to hide her smoking yet again. I admit I was cracking up when Gracie snuck that cat in the car but then I just felt awful that the poor thing was left in the car :-( I'm over Leah and her woe is me, Corey is so mean blah blah blah. I could tell Corey was upset/disappointed that he wasn't able to break the news of their new sister to the girls.


I just kept thinking of the Godfather Part II: "I had an abortion Michael! An abortion!"  having an abortion and hoovering up sympathy and hairpats by claiming to have had a miscarriage is really, really bad. Kail is awful, but is she that awful? If she lied about the miscarriage, she is beneath contempt. I don't think that Kail is that good an actress, but her capacity for self delusion is strong.


Chelsea and Cole seem very happy and I wish them the best.


Leah makes everything Corey's fault, including the premature birth of his baby and not notifying Leah immediately, never mind not instantly appealing to her drug addled self for her invaluable assistance. Jesus, I wouldn't trust Leah to match up my socks from the dryer.

  On 4/12/2016 at 3:23 AM, LonelyTown said:

My favorite part of tonight is Jenelle's lawyer siding with Nathan and Jessica, hahahahah!


I was cracking up over how fast she was talking, trying to get all the information across. She knew Janelle was going to hang up on her in a snit. "solistenIthinkyou needtotryandworkthisouttheyarenotbadpeopleIknowIseecriminalseveryday..." Dying.


  On 4/12/2016 at 3:43 AM, Evie said:

Your kids are struggling with a new living arrangement so what do you do if you're Leah? Do your darndest to turn them against their dad, of course. It's the Teen Mom way. Sure Leah's feelings were hurt that Corey turned down her heartfelt offer to help.


"he hurt mah fillins'" Jesus girl, give it UP. No one believes this. Is she really so delusional? It is hilarious to see that the editors are done with her antics. Between leaving the baby in the car to being unable to put a dress on a 6 year old, she's utterly unable to cope with normal life.

Edited by Pepper Mostly
  • Love 3

Gracie grabbing the cat cracked me up! She never disappoints me. Leah, smoking the cigarette and cursing up a storm, real nice.

Can Adam put his phone down for 5 minutes and pay attention to his daughters?! Goodness. Aubree looked so sad in the last scene sitting next to him. He is so gross, I can't even look at him.

The proposal was absolutely adorable and so were Chelsea and Cole when they were telling her mom about it. I'm glad to hear that the wedding won't be filmed, good for them. When my husband proposed to me, my brother was filming it. I thought we were taking a picture and then he got down on one knee. It always makes me giddy hearing cute proposal stories.

And yes on Randy imitating Cole, that was spot on!

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  On 4/12/2016 at 5:18 PM, Fosca said:

See, I think Jenelle is banking on at least one of her fans being in the jury, and that person will be able to convince everyone else that Jenelle is innocent and has been wronged! And she'll be vindicated!

She really needs to be sent to jail/prison for a while. I'm not up on law (other than what's on TV, which is usually made up): is incarceration one of the potential outcomes of her being found guilty?

Lol, she's probably watching the OJ miniseries and thinking "well, if HE got off..."

  • Love 6
  On 4/12/2016 at 4:00 AM, lezlers said:

That conversation with the lawyer irritated me. It was obvious she was trying to work out a deal where Jessica drops the charges if jenelle works out custody with Nathan of the roll but the way she went about it was ridiculous. Calling Jessica a sweetheart? Come on, now. You sound like you're trolling your client. That woman needs to work on her client control.


Only Jenelle would be upset to find out that the woman who might help care for her son is a sweetheart.  Only Jenelle would be upset to hear that the father of her child is doing well and that he is now fit to see his child.  Most of us would be reassured and happy that our child's father and his girlfriend can be a part of his life without us worrying about what kind of people they are.  Jenelle is a real sociopath.

  • Love 9

What proof does anyone have that she faked a miscarriage or cheated besides a blind item?! Is there any scrap of evidence? Presumably Javi went with her to the hospital and she was bleeding. She seems devastated, isn't that good of an actor, and says they planned it down to a science. Javi is wildly jealous. I doubt he'd hide something like that when he wouldn't even shut up about phone passwords and Jo being on Kailyn's porch on camera.

  • Love 7
My heart breaks for adorable chubby Kaiser! Why does no one show that baby affection? I would have thought at least Babs would, but maybe she doesn't want to get attached so she keeps her distance?


This absolutely breaks my heart to see, week after week, nobody on camera ever loves on that baby.  That seems to be the general consensus, That Barbara can't handle yet another of her grandchildren, so she keeps her distance.  We don't see her ever picking up Kaiser, or even talking to him when she's at Jenelle's house.  I hope Nathan's Mom actually loves the little guy, , he needs someone to care.

Edited by blubld43
  • Love 7
She really needs to be sent to jail/prison for a while.  I'm not up on law (other than what's on TV, which is usually made up): is incarceration one of the potential outcomes of her being found guilty?


She is probably charged with third degree assault, which is a misdemeanor in SC (she is in SC right?). Jail time would be minimal,maybe 30 days and  she would probably have to pay a fine. Even with a criminal record, I doubt she would get much time. 

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  On 4/12/2016 at 5:18 PM, Fosca said:

See, I think Jenelle is banking on at least one of her fans being in the jury, and that person will be able to convince everyone else that Jenelle is innocent and has been wronged!  And she'll be vindicated!


She really needs to be sent to jail/prison for a while.  I'm not up on law (other than what's on TV, which is usually made up): is incarceration one of the potential outcomes of her being found guilty?

I looked it up. In SC, assault 3 carries a possible sentence of 30 days in jail and/or a $500 fine. The judge may consider her criminal history when sentencing rolls around. She'll probably have to pay a fine and take anger management classes. Do we know if she's already been ordered to do the anger management thing?

Edited by lovesnark
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  On 4/12/2016 at 5:23 AM, hawkey said:

At first we see Gracie in the middle of the back seat, Leah drinking her Starbucks - Gracie has on her seatbelt. Next view we have is of the girlses in the backseat, the car is clearly moving but NOT ONE of those girlses has a seat belt on.  Not Addy, not Gracie and not Ali. 

Leah drives me up an effing wall with her, "What's best for the girlses".  Calling Child Protective Services!


And who drops their child off without any shoes?  What if he wanted to bring her out to eat or to the playground or a store?  She is so out of it that she has no control over what happens in the back seat of the car and the kids know it. 

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  On 4/12/2016 at 3:06 PM, SPLAIN said:

Maharincess, that decor reminded me of the scene of Carolyn Applebee's Chinese decor. Lucy hated it. She described it as a nightmare one would have after eating too much Chinese food. Sterling's is a Pinterest or House Hunters Renovation nightmare.

Sterling should be embarrassed to have her face on camera.

Kail crying on the after show was all about the military benefits and free babysitting she will be losing.

Glad to hear Jenelle's attorney drop the truth on Jenelle. How is a criminal attorney getting herself immersed in a custody matter? This does not seem right. This is not a business dealing. You cannot negotiate a criminal charge with a civil matter in family law.

I have not read any posts that directly comment that Kail had an abortion.

If we are to only comment on things or snark on things we only have "proof" of, does this mean everyone on the show or just Kail? Many things discussed here is gossip and speculation. Much of the gossip has ended up being true.


You can't make the negotiation officially a part of the settlement, but I'm assuming her lawyer was trying to stealthily tell Jenelle that if she quit being a bonehead about visitation of the roll she could get the criminal charges dropped.  It's not like they'd put it on the court minutes or anything.   That being said, she went about it horribly.   From that conversation alone, I'd assume that lawyer couldn't negotiate herself out of a paper bag.


And there were plenty of posts in the breaking even (was that the name?  Two eps back) thread about the abortion thing with Kail.  It was about 5 pages in.   Someone posted the blind item and others jumped on it, taking it as gospel truth (you know, because it was something bad about Kail so it MUST be true.) Before this ep, when it was solely the gossip, snarking was one thing but after tonight's ep it just seems....mean.   I think people aren't taking umbrage at snarking about gossip, it's the subject matter.  Snarking on miscarriages is kind of shitty.  No one said you couldn't do it, they just said it's a shitty thing to do. 

Edited by lezlers
  • Love 6
  On 4/12/2016 at 6:47 AM, BitterApple said:

During the scene at SkyZone, I wanted to take Adams's phone and smash it into a million pieces. He sees his kid two weekends a month and can't put his phone down for an hour.



They are really trying to make something happen with the boring couple.  Adam might be on his phone more than the rest of them but which one isn't attached to their phones?  And showing him asking if they want to go to grandmas.  That's where they stay on the weekend and they might have been at the center for hours by then.   They are having a hard time facing the fact that Adam isn't doing anything interesting right now.   

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  On 4/12/2016 at 5:53 PM, lezlers said:

You can't make the negotiation officially a part of the settlement, but I'm assuming her lawyer was trying to stealthily tell Jenelle that if she quit being a bonehead about visitation of the roll she could get the criminal charges dropped.  It's not like they'd put it on the court minutes or anything.   That being said, she went about it horribly.   From that conversation alone, I'd assume that lawyer couldn't negotiate herself out of a paper bag.


And there were plenty of posts in the breaking even (was that the name?  Two eps back) thread about the abortion thing with Kail.  It was about 5 pages in.   Someone posted the blind item and others jumped on it, taking it as gospel truth (you know, because it was something bad about Kail so it MUST be true.) Before this ep, when it was solely the gossip, snarking was one thing but after tonight's ep it just seems....mean.   I think people aren't taking umbrage at snarking about gossip, it's the subject matter.  Snarking on miscarriages is kind of shitty.  No one said you couldn't do it, they just said it's a shitty thing to do. 

Her lawyer did sound pretty stupid when she was talking up Nathan and his squeeze. I enjoyed watching Jenelle react, though. There is an article with some quotes from Amy (Jenelle's lawyer) at Radar Online and it sounds like she's now in defense attorney mode. Saying Nathan and Jessica instigated the whole thing and with the right jury, Jenelle will prevail. 

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  On 4/12/2016 at 2:19 AM, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Why does Janelle keep getting these two year medical degrees? No one in that field of work will hire you with your past.

Honestly blaming Corey TO THE KIDS for the custody changing because you are such a wreck of a human being is really one of the worst, lowest things Leah has ever done. Seeing Leah talking to the girls about the baby versus 75% of the other times really shows she s legit high most of the time.

Kails medical emergency....the lost baby that was really someone else's kid she got aborted.

What did I miss here? Who's baby was it? Was there an article or something someone can link to for me?

  • Love 1
Her attorney is now sounding like a defense attorney. Claiming Nathan and Jessica deliberately set out to cause drama, which is probably true. But, it doesn't excuse Jenelle for having no self control.


Oh yea. I'm sure Nathan intentionally brought Jessica with him, to rub it in Jenelle's face. But you learn in grade school that you ignore people who are trying to rile you up. Jenelle could have exchanged The Roll without even glancing in that girl's direction, then she would have won. What does she prove by attacking Jessica? That she's jealous, not entirely over Nathan?

What did I miss here? Who's baby was it? Was there an article or something someone can link to for me?


There was a post on the MTV Teen Mom 2 Facebook page about last Monday's episode. A chick who's brother allegedly goes to school with Kail commented. She said that Kail has been cheating on Javi all over the college campus. She said that she cheated with a married friend of hers and got pregnant, then had an abortion. 


That is all. Nothing else to back it up. Could it be true? I supposed. But as of now, it's just rumor. Personally, while I don't like Kail and believe it's very likely she's cheated on Javi, I just really can't comment on her miscarriage as anything more than a miscarriage without having some proof. That's a terrible thing to go through and I don't wish that on anyone. 

  • Love 6
  On 4/12/2016 at 7:17 PM, ghoulina said:

Oh yea. I'm sure Nathan intentionally brought Jessica with him, to rub it in Jenelle's face. But you learn in grade school that you ignore people who are trying to rile you up. Jenelle could have exchanged The Roll without even glancing in that girl's direction, then she would have won. What does she prove by attacking Jessica? That she's jealous, not entirely over Nathan?

It wasn't even an exchange the kid situation. She'd boxed up Nathan's stuff and put it in the driveway. She told him not to bring Jessica with him when he came to pick up his stuff and, of course, he brought her. If Jenelle hadn't tore out of the house like a tasmanian devil when Nathan got there, he would have loaded his stuff into the car and left. 

  • Love 6

How much time passed between the episode where she said she didn't want another kid right now and this one where she reveals a miscarriage and hospitalization? I don't even see how there was time in there to get pregnant, find out she was pregnant, and then miscarry and then it's not like shes talking about the miscarriage like it happened the day before so there had to be some time between the miscarriage and the talking about the miscarriage. I don't even understand the timeline.

  • Love 3

Agreed the timeline seems really weird. I know the timeliness are always screwy on this show but I find this one extra confusing. The only thing I can think of is the not wanting another baby right now conversation must have been practically one of the first things they filmed, but even then it seems like barely enough time for all that to happen. Maybe she was already pregnant when that was filmed? (even if she didn't know yet)

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  On 4/12/2016 at 6:18 PM, Lemons said:

Can people do anything without a cellphone / photographer these days? How about some privacy at a moment like that?

I'm someone who really cherishes pictures and videos of special memories so I would have loved if someone had captured a picture during my husband's proposal. I took a few on my phone before and after the fact but it would have been neat to have photos or video of the whole thing. Everyone has their own preferences.

  • Love 7

I wasn't trying to speculate whether or not she really had a miscarriage, I'm just not understanding the timeline between an episode where she said she didn't want kids right now and last nights where she said they had it all planned out to coincide with her school semester. It seems like there would have to be a decent time period between "I'm not ready for another baby" and "I am ready for another baby and if we want to have a baby in July we need to get pregnant in October so let's start trying okay let's start trying ill go off my birth control right now and then I'll be ovulating right away I guess and we will get pregnant on the first try and then two weeks later I'll have a positive test so that leaves plenty of time for a miscarriage before the next episode in two weeks"

  • Love 6

Yeah, I assume there was indeed a big gap or the first conversation was staged. MTV fiddles with timelines all the time. They might have screwed with it this time out of respect because my understanding is she didn't want to talk about the miscarriage on camera. I assume she wouldn't want the yay, I'm pregnant convos shown either. They were going to announce on their Christmas cards :(

  • Love 2
  On 4/12/2016 at 4:52 PM, BitterApple said:

I think if Gracie leans towards Cory's side of the family she might be okay. It seems like there's a pretty strong support system between Cory, Miranda, Jeff, Joetta, Cory's mom etc. It's similar to what Aubree has with Randylicious and Co. The potential to go off the rails comes straight from the Messer clan. I can see Gracie turning 16 and Mama Dawn asking her why she's waited so long to have kids. Cory has his work cut out for him, lol.

Yet both Cory and Chelsea had unplanned kids at young ages.

  • Love 4
  On 4/12/2016 at 7:46 PM, radishcake said:

Guys can you please let it rest with each other and agree to disagree on this issue? Please PLEASE use the ignore feature. It will make your life easier.

Bless you.

  On 4/12/2016 at 6:18 PM, Lemons said:

Can people do anything without a cellphone / photographer these days? How about some privacy at a moment like that?

And if there had been no pictures, people would bitch that she's on a reality show, how dare she keep something private.

  • Love 5

I have no problems with people wanting pictures of getting engaged. Pretty much all of my facebook friends have people ready to snap a picture of the moment. I think it's nice, because you can never recreate that moment when it happens ever again. I'm happier it wasn't on camera for this show, though. Because that would have felt like something else.. I don't know, I can't explain it well, but I'm sure if MTV had gotten wind of it that this was happening, they probably would have changed Cole's whole idea and I'm happier Cole and Randy didn't let them know it was happening. 

  • Love 3
  On 4/12/2016 at 6:18 PM, Lemons said:

Can people do anything without a cellphone / photographer these days?  How about some privacy at a moment like that? 

I feel like you do. The being glued to the phone drives me insane. I get that they wanted pics of their engagement and it's nice Cole was able to pull it off without letting the secret out. But, it seems like everything is a 'hire a photographer' moment these days. Our daughter got married last summer and it blew my mind to find out the jobs the photog had lined up. Toddler birthday parties, Mother's Day pics, prom pics, housewarming pics, first date pics, family barbecue pics. You name it, someone needs a photographer for it and is willing to spend a lot of money. At one point during our daughter's wedding reception, I looked around and noticed nearly every one of the guests in her age range - 30 - was looking at their phone. I wanted to grab the mic and tell them that they were at a party that people spent thousands of dollars to invite them to and it was rude for them to be glued to their phones. I'm officially an old fart.............

  • Love 8
How much time passed between the episode where she said she didn't want another kid right now and this one where she reveals a miscarriage and hospitalization? I don't even see how there was time in there to get pregnant, find out she was pregnant, and then miscarry and then it's not like shes talking about the miscarriage like it happened the day before so there had to be some time between the miscarriage and the talking about the miscarriage. I don't even understand the timeline.


The timelines often seem very off on this show. I think they film over many many months and then just throw episodes together willy nilly. What happened "last week to us, might have been a month or more ago for them. Also, I think we might see a Dec scene for Jenelle in the same episode as a Jan one for Kail. It's really confusing. But I do think it's possible that the "no babies" convo happened quite a bit before the miscarriage. I know Chelsea's engagement happened in Nov, but last week we saw Jenelle discussing Christmas day with Barb. Who can say?


MTV also often makes them reenact things they missed. Kail had to redo the entire break-up with Jordan, IIRC. 

  • Love 4

Now I'm curious. Does the engagement photographer also get candid shots of the girl saying no? :)


As to the whole idea or hiring someone or bugging a friend to hide in the bushes to take pictures of your engagement moment, I guess it's a smart idea because you know it's something you'd want to capture just as much as the actual wedding. But at the same time I feel like, this is a private, intimate moment! Why is there a stranger hiding in the bushes taking pictures of you?! I don't know, I'm weird.

  • Love 4

Ugh.  I am usually just a lurker but I can't stay quiet for this one.


Leah.  You twat.  That whole "I'm going to ask your Dad if you can stay with me, etc." scene just made me sick.  There was no reason for her to tell the girlses it was even a possibility until she had gotten an answer from Corey.  The way she did it...all she did was get their hopes up only to be dashed, and then to foster resentment in them against their father (her true intent, I'm sure.)  I know it would never count for anything in the eyes of DHS or a judge (maybe under the terms of parental alienation), but to me that is nothing less than mental ABUSE. Depression, anxiety, addiction...none of them are any kind of excuse for that kind of behavior.



  • Love 11

Did Cole really hire a professional photographer to hide in the bushes (they were in the woods) in order to take pictures of the moment he proposed? That's both strange and sweet.

Maybe, I'm just an old grump but I don't get the big fuss over getting engaged. It's nice but I don't get excited over a friend's ring and I definitely don't want to go to an engagement party or care about getting an announcement in the mail. I know, I'm a party pooper. Stop waving your damn ring in my face!

  • Love 7
  On 4/12/2016 at 7:59 PM, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, I assume there was indeed a big gap or the first conversation was staged. MTV fiddles with timelines all the time. They might have screwed with it this time out of respect because my understanding is she didn't want to talk about the miscarriage on camera. I assume she wouldn't want the yay, I'm pregnant convos shown either. They were going to announce on their Christmas cards :(

They started filming in August/September, right? The first conversation makes the most sense if it was staged. Maybe they were asked about having another kid and didn't want to reveal they were trying or expecting.

When was Javi deployed?

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