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In Memoriam: Entertainment Industry Celebrity Deaths

Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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If you can forgive me for being morbid; with the way things are going, this might the the year for Betty White and/or Cloris Leachman.


Or Angela Lansbury. Everytime I see an update on the Murder She Wrote thread I cringe. 

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Maybe he just liked making breakfast for his friends.


I don't know, I just find myself getting annoyed when Prince is lumped in with Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson.


Pop culture wise, the post earlier saying that they and Madonna basically built mtv is apt. I don't think you can compare them beyond that.


Just musically maybe culturally, the comparison to Bowie is strongest. On the news radio someone called Prince the "Bowie of the 80s".


I never got into Bowie because I was in the 80s, but after seeing a few documentaries about him and what people were saying today, I might have to check him out. 

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You guys made me cry in this thread!


Prince?  Breakfast?




I once thought that Prince was before my time, but thank you to iTunes, Wikipedia over the years it seems like I have been a big fan of a lot of music.  Thank you to Sirius Radio - 80s on 8, 90s on 9!  So many great hits, I have been listening all night even though 2 Toronto sports teams playing, one in the playoffs.  So much beautiful music, and he was involved with so many artists' songs I love, and he was covered by or collaborated with so many artists I love who were so influenced by him. Sinead, Madonna, Mariah, Chaka Khan, Ginuwine, No Doubt, Rihanna, Beyonce, The Weeknd, Toni Braxton, etc.


His songs appeared in movies like Pretty Woman, My Stepmother is an Alien, obviously Batman in 1989, the movies of my upbringing!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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They said opiates but those could be a prescription right?  I mean he didn't necessarily have to be shooting up heroin in an alley or something like TMZ kind of wants to suggest. 


He was a big part of the soundtrack of my youth, I am shocked and saddened that he died.

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I can remember when Prince was the Hot New Thing. I was thoroughly sick of him within about 6 months. Took a long time for me to be able to enjoy his songs, and I never did warm up to his earliest stuff.


Now I'm going to go listen to "Housequake" a few dozen times.

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They said opiates but those could be a prescription right? 

Well that's how MJ died... and it still turned out to be a totally horrible story.

Edited by Kromm
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Maybe he just liked making breakfast for his friends.


Pop culture wise, the post earlier saying that they and Madonna basically built mtv is apt.


Agreed. I know people have their preferences but they were/are all amazing artists who have touched millions of fans and inspired many fellow artists. I think this group of 80s icons was the last time we had so many superstars who had such vastly different stage personas and music catalogs rise and/or peak at the same time. IMHO they were all originals.

I too hope the drug story is untrue. That would be horrible if true.

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I have been watching CNN all day, along with Prince's greatest live performances on YouTube (with tears streaming down my face), and I will give credit to whoever the female CNN reporter was who was doing the initial reporting.  She is probably about my age (sorry don't know her name), but she also seemed to understand how big of a deal this was to so many people and she reported the news while seeming to genuinely grieve.  I don't know, I just find myself getting annoyed when Prince is lumped in with Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson.  Prince, like David Bowie, took his influences and then expanded on them, and became more than color, gender, sexuality, musical genre, age, etc.  There will never be anyone like him again, and as silly as selfish as it may seem, I want people to understand that and grieve accordingly.  Sheila E., Morris Day, Sheena Easton, Vanity, Appolonia, Wendy & Lisa, The Bangles, and those are the only people I can think of off the top of my head.  I am so, so sad. RIP.



I am the one that said Prince, MJ, Whitney, and Madonna built MTV. 


However, I agree with you that Prince was in a class by himself.  My husband is quite the musical snob (classical music, Zeppelin, Floyd, etc.) and he listened to Prince, because in pop culture, Prince was one of few people who was a true talented musician to his core.


If he was born a generation earlier you could see him being able to hold it down with Hendrix and Page.  My husband actually said, first we lost Bowie this year and now Prince.


It is a great loss, because with his talent, Prince would have been making great music till he was one hundred years old.  The world not only lost an icon, but a sincerely magnificent artist (like Bowie).

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However, I agree with you that Prince was in a class by himself.  My husband is quite the musical snob (classical music, Zeppelin, Floyd, etc.) and he listened to Prince, because in pop culture, Prince was one of few people who was a true talented musician to his core.

My dad never listened to the radio.  I used to marvel at his ability to sit with his own thoughts for hours while doing work or driving in the car.  My mom only listened to popular music when my brother or I were in the car or when we had our radio blaring.  Both of them remarked on how sad it was that Prince had died.  My mom even quoted lyrics from one of his songs!  That's how big his persona and music.

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I know I'm just saying, there's a difference between doing crack cocaine and overdosing on prescription pain meds. 

Not really, in the grand scheme of things.  Being rich enough to have private doctors give you all the drugs you want doesn't make you superior to the poor guy who gets by on the cheapest high he can find.

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Understandably, I think a lot of people are upset, shocked, saddened and cranky about Prince's death and post stuff in the heat of the moment.  Hopefully, we'll all calm down.  I'm still in a state of shock myself. 

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I am the one that said Prince, MJ, Whitney, and Madonna built MTV. 



I'm a young'un, but is there anyone else who belongs on that list, like Cyndi Lauper? 

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I'm a young'un, but is there anyone else who belongs on that list, like Cyndi Lauper? 


Yes, there are others, that I'd put even before Whitney Houston.  Duran Duran comes to mind.  As does Culture Club.

Edited by Aquarius
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Yes, there are others, that I'd put even before Whitney Houston.  Duran Duran comes to mind.  As does Culture Club.


I almost listed Duran Duran as an example along with Cyndi. 

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The reason why I thought that list was so interesting - MJ / Whitney / Madonna / Prince is that growing up, my mother RELIGIOUSLY listened to MJ / Whitney / Madonna -- she just listened to kd lang instead of Prince!  (Maybe it's a Canadian thing? LOL!)  So that list really rang true for my particular age.  Everyone is probably going to have a different list.  If I had a kid they'd think the only music that exists is Mariah or something.... 


Boy George was just on Project Runway: All Stars last night :)  That man has DEVOTED fans.  After following him on Twitter, I gained a bunch of Twitter followers that may never leave me.


When everyone heard about Prince, Louis Virtel tweeted "Please save us, Madonna."  Prince has a Twitter account as well if you want to read back.  It's very sad in retrospect obviously.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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The reason why I thought that list was so interesting - MJ / Whitney / Madonna / Prince is that growing up, my mother RELIGIOUSLY listened to MJ / Whitney / Madonna -- she just listened to kd lang instead of Prince!  (Maybe it's a Canadian thing? LOL!)  So that list really rang true for my particular age.  Everyone is probably going to have a different list.  If I had a kid they'd think the only music that exists is Mariah or something.... 


Boy George was just on Project Runway: All Stars last night :)  That man has DEVOTED fans.  After following him on Twitter, I gained a bunch of Twitter followers that may never leave me.


When everyone heard about Prince, Louis Virtel tweeted "Please save us, Madonna."  Prince has a Twitter account as well if you want to read back.  It's very sad in retrospect obviously.


The thing also about most of that list is that it was the first real exposure that I had to people who looked like that.  There had been some before (like David Bowie), but that wasn't MY music or the music that my friends listened to for the most part.  I was 13 when MTV launched and I grew up in suburbia and here were men who wore makeup and dressed like Prince, Michael Jackson and Boy George and it was fine!  I'm sure that my dad made some derogatory comments about it, but for most of my peers, it was just cool and accepted.  This is what they looked like, this is who they were, and it was great.  They weren't doing it for shock value (well, maybe Madonna sometimes) its just who they were, and I think that had a really big impact on me and those who grew up when I did.  


I don't know, I'm still having trouble putting it all into coherent thoughts.  David Bowie, Robin Williams and MCA from the Beastie Boys were all personal to me for different reasons, but this is just another level.

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The Police were all over MTV in the beginning - they had full coverage of their world tours, stuff like that. Still remember feeling third party mortified for Martha Quinn being so twitterpated by Sting that she giggled uncontrollably every time she asked Sting one of her questions (and again when he answered). Maybe that was an inspiration for Chris Farley and his "Do you remember" interviewer character on SNL (the one who'd begin an interview with Paul McCartney "Do you remember when you were in the Beatles?" "Yes." Farley gushes "That was awesome.")

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Very sad.  I remember the first time Prince was on Saturday Night Live; I think this was in 1980, I'd heard of him, but I remember that audience just didn't get him.  Hard to believe that 36 years have passed since then.

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I just saw on the news that TMZ is reporting it was a drug overdose Prince was treated for after his plane made an emergency landing.  He left the hospital because there was no private room available and doctors said he did not look good when he left.

Please don't do this. We have no idea what the cause of death was and to even suggest something like this without medical proof (an autopsy) is cruel and thoughtless to Prince's family and fans.


I never got into Bowie because I was in the 80s, but after seeing a few documentaries about him and what people were saying today, I might have to check him out.

David Bowie ROCKED. I loved him and was as upset at the news of his death as I was when I heard Leonard Nimoy had passed. Losing him AND Prince within months of each other just sucks all of the wind out of my sails.

Edited by taurusrose
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Please don't do this. We have no idea what the cause of death was and to even suggest something like this without medical proof (an autopsy) is cruel and thoughtless to Prince's family and fans.

I don't see why taurusrose can't state this. It's being reported all over the place.

Just because you all loved him, and he was a musical genius, doesn't mean he's not as susceptible as the next rock star.

ETA: It was Bunky who first stated this, not taurusrose. My apologies to both

Edited by roamyn
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This thread is a safe place to discuss all celebrity deaths and the circumstances surrounding them. 


For any fans who prefer not to read anything potentially disparaging about Prince's recent passing, please visit the Tribute Thread here.

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I don't see why taurusrose can't state this. It's being reported all over the place.

Just because you all loved him, and he was a musical genius, doesn't mean he's not as susceptible as the next rock star.

I just saw an article on Variety that states the following:

"Prince reportedly overdosed on Percocet just days before he was found dead on Thursday in Minnesota. He was using the drug to treat a hip problem tied to corrective surgery in 2010 according to TMZ."

I would love to know who is leaking all this information as fact to TMZ. Identifying the source is appropriate IMO. If you want to run off at the mouth, you should be willing to be held accountable. That said, the way the original post read left images of illicit drug use in my mind (which does not appear to be the case) and can tarnish the deceased's image unfairly. At any rate, I find it personally distasteful when people start throwing out the causes of death w/o a confirmed autopsy report. I won't comment further about this in this thread.

Edited by taurusrose
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Nine times out of ten it is the hospital staff that divulges celebrity information and they have to remain anonymous or else lose their job. TMZ has made claims years ago that this is their usual M.O. They pay for this info and that is why what they report is usually more legitimate than other media/tabloid sources. 

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Death affects people in many different ways.  This death in particular seems polarizing ... 


We mourn in our own ways.  


Please be a little lenient with other's views as we all work though this the next few days.  Please try not to assume and please try to be kind.  


Please don't automatically assume the worst.  Also, please remember that our site wide rule is to be civil with each other.  That means letting everyone have a space to grieve in their own ways.


If you have a problem with a poster, please report it instead of engaging.


Thank you.

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They likely had more than one source. They have major legal staff coverage. The bigger the scoop, the less likely it is to be wrong. They wouldn't risk the legal exposure.

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In terms of the cause of Prince's death?  I think it's logical to suspect drugs, be they legal or illegal, because so often these days that's what it boils down to with celebs dying this young. I agree with others that we should be able to speak about this openly. It's not disrespect IMO, especially if we're simply talking about what media outlets, however disreputable said (and TMZ, for as disreputable as they are with their ethics actually aren't that inaccurate).  Prince's family isn't going to be spending their time on sites like this, so I won't worry about them, and the fans I think can maintain their own faith or disbelief rather than us having to be the keepers of it. None of this changes his musical legacy, regardless. That's intact.

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My God, poor Patton! And they have a seven year old child!


I can't even begin to imagine how overwhelmed Patton must feel right now.  Not only is he now a widower at far too young an age to be one, bur he also has the responsibility of being a single parent to their seven-year-old daughter -- and he would also have had the burden of explaining to their daughter what happened to Mommy and why she won't be around anymore (after no doubt having been the first one to discover that she had passed on).  My thoughts and prayers go out to both of them.

Edited by legaleagle53
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Prayers and condolences to Patton and his family.  What an awful ordeal to wake up and find your wife dead.  I hope that he get the answers he needs to process for him and his daughter.


I've always enjoyed whenever he popped up on my screen.  By all accounts he seems to be an incredibly nice man.  I remember Charlize Theron raving about what a nice fun guy he was to work with on Young Adult.  Hopefully this doesn't diminish his spark.

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I enjoy his work on TV, love his riffs on Star Wars.

Is he the actor who did the Star Wars filibuster in a courtroom scene on Parks and Rec? That was hysterical.  I've enjoyed his work in everything I've seen him in.  I'm so sorry for him and his little girl. 

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Prayers and condolences to Patton and his family.  What an awful ordeal to wake up and find your wife dead.  I hope that he get the answers he needs to process for him and his daughter.


I hope so, too.  I can only imagine how terrified their daughter must be to learn that Mommy just went to sleep one night and never woke up again.  You know how kids are at that age -- she must be thinking that if it could happen to Mommy, it could happen to her, too!


And yeah, 2016 can fuck off anytime now.  Is it 2017 yet?

Edited by legaleagle53
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I really feel like 2016 is a real life version of And Then There Were None. Am I the only one that's reviewing all the celebrities I'm fond of and being terrified of anything happening to them? It's to the point where if I see someone's name trending on Twitter, my first thought is "Please don't be dead."

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