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S06.E19: Goodbye, Dubai

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I lost my mother over 30 years ago and situations like this sometimes make me upset. It sucks. You know it's irrational and you don't want to feel that way, but you can't help it. It may not be like that for everyone who's lost their mother, but it's like that for me.

I also understand why Lisa doesn't go to see her mother in the nursing home. It's super depressing to see them in that condition, and on top of that, they don't even know who you are sometimes. So you put yourself out there to visit them, knowing it's gonna make you depressed and upset, and The person you're visiting doesn't even get the benefit of your visit because they don't know who you are.

First off sorry for your loss and thanks for sharing.

I guess everyone is different. Some people can't bare seeing their parents in that state. While it is a part of life, everyone gets old and eventually will die it's still hard. Didn't Lisa lose her dad a few months ago?

Edited by BlackMamba
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LVP is this show's anchor, just like Bethany is New York's anchor and Nene is Atlanta's anchor and Teresa is New Jersey's anchor. All of those ladies are never going anywhere, unless they quit of their own volition. No other member is going to be able to get them kicked off the show.

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Why doesn't LVP just go bat shit crazy on their asses? No more soft, calm, rational talk. She should just start flailing her arms and yelling. They would be so surprised by her change of demeanor I bet they'd back that shit up quickly.

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Why doesn't LVP just go bat shit crazy on their asses? No more soft, calm, rational talk. She should just start flailing her arms and yelling. They would be so surprised by her change of demeanor I bet they'd back that shit up quickly.

I would love to see LisaV slam her hand on the table and call both LisaR and Eileen liars. LOL

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I can't believe I allow this to happen to me, but I think my blood pressure has gone sky high. So frustrating! The worst for me is Kyle not believing what LVP said - when her own words confirmed exactly what Lisa said she said, and she still didn't get the nuance. So many times, perhaps not to Kyle, but LVP said, "I was AFRAID they were going to drag Kyle (or on other occasions, all of us) into it. Kyle does not seem to realize that LVP meant by "thought" that she was AFRAID, not HOPING she would get dragged into it. At first, Kyle kept saying Lisa said, "Why didn't you bring Kyle into it," but when talking to LVP, she ultimately agreed that Lisa had said, "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it."  At least, that is how I feel after having seen all of the recent conversations. I think LVP was ultimately vindicated, even though I feel Kyle misinterpreted what Lisa said.




The bolded part is my take on it too.  LVP kept trying to explain/clarify but Kyle wouldn't let her get a word in.  Kyle has done the same thing when confronting her sister -- all talk, no listen. 


With LVP tonight, Kyle was more concerned with convincing the other women that LVP isn't the boss of her.  Or some such juvenile bullshit.


It's no wonder that nothing is ever really settled. 

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No, she doesn't. She talks smack about LisaV all the time and doesn't say a word to her until she is part of a team, then she uses LisaR to sling her arrows at LisaV and to a lesser extent, at Kyle as well. How many times has she told LisaV she was "fine" accepted her apologies, then complained that she wasn't fine and didn't accept them to LisaR, quite a few.

Eileen got nowhere with LVP so she tried to suck it up and move on, but she couldn't. And Eileen was honest to LVP's face about Eileen's inability to move on, which is why LVP had to apologize like 17 times. I don't see any talking behind LVP's back about that at all.

Edited by Silo
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No, she doesn't. She talks smack about LisaV all the time and doesn't say a word to her until she is part of a team, then she uses LisaR to sling her arrows at LisaV and to a lesser extent, at Kyle as well. How many times has she told LisaV she was "fine" accepted her apologies, then complained that she wasn't fine and didn't accept them to LisaR, quite a few.

Eileen said many weeks ago she really doesn't have enough gonads to go up against LVP. She's "scared" of her and the possible fan reaction she face going up against LVP over something that could had been squashed in one episode.

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The real truth about Lisa Vanderpump's feelings towards Yolanda finally came out in this episode. She admitted to holding a grudge against Yolanda for that fight with Ken last year during the rooftop party. Yolanda told Ken not to touch her, and he said 'you're so stupid' which infuriated Yolanda and she gave him hell for that. I even mentioned this fact in a comment I made about last week's episode. Lisa definitely wanted to involve Kyle in the Munchhausen debacle. Lisa V wanted to impart that label onto Yolanda but didn't want to involve herself, she felt that by both Lisa R and Kyle pulling the Munchhausen card together it would be more credible.


Last weeks comment.....

"Personally I think that Lisa Vanderpump is a lying liar that lies. She lied to Kyle in Puerto Rico about telling Brandi to put that magazine article in her suitcase regarding Mauricio cheating. Then she and Ken left under the cover of dark under the pretense that she was insulted that Kyle didn't believe her. She did the deed but she deflected the blame.She denied that she told LisaR to get Kyle in on the Munchausen thing. She carries a deep grudge against Yolanda because Ken said 'you're so stupid' to Yolanda."

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Double snore.

Seriously.  No fucks to give. None.


I'm just bummed we didn't get to experience more of the wives in Dubai, I feel like, if you took about about 15 minutes of film out, and seriously, probably 3 minutes, the cockroach, they could have had these episodes back at home, including a yacht trip and a dinner on the beach.

Edited by Umbelina
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Eileen talked smack about LisaV to Yolanda and Erika at their picnic and never said the same things to LisaV. IMO, she is using LisaR as her own mouthpiece with/against LisaV and it is Eileen twisting what LisaR initially said to LisaV about Munchausen. And least we forget, it was Eileen that squealed on LisaR to Yolanda in the first place. LOL

What smack did Eileen say at the picnic?

And Rinna said Yolsnda may have Munchausean. I'm not sure how Eileen is "twisting" that?

Edited by Silo
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This was the first and only episode I've ever found Kathryn attractive.  Goes to show what a good makeup squad can do.  She really looked beautiful at her birthday dinner.  


Could it be there's more to these arguments that we don't know about?  Perhaps behind-the-scenes stuff and they're just "speaking in code?" (someone upthread described it best)  Otherwise, I have no IDEA what the past 2 episodes have been about with everyone getting so hysterical!!  

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For me this is easy. Everyone is right. And, everyone is wrong. It makes it more interesting, sort of, because this kind of behind the scenes plotting never plays well as on the show drama, imho.

Still, I have to admit that with only two drinks I was into it. I especially enjoyed Erika, who gives no fucks, and Katherine who seems to have just realized that drama isn't just when she tries (hard) to bring it.

They set up the clash of Vanderpump and Yolanda quite nicely. Though Rinna should be worried they'll team up temporarily against her.

The only misstep was the picnic, imho. It's weird that Yolanda doesn't have better allies. It's also weird to suggest that Kim just had a hard year, like stuff happened to her randomly.

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Yolanda hanging out with Kim and Brandi is so transparent. She needs somebody to film with while the ladies are in Dubai. End of. What's more, she talks about how "easy" Brandi and Kim supposedly are to hang out with and Brandi proceeds to be ungrateful and difficult when it comes to the food Yolanda provided. Yolanda saying "it's just Brandi" is no different than when LVP was saying that. 


Kim looked ridiculously medicated. She can barely keep her eyes open. 


I hope Erika's glam squad had a fun time on their down time because the Erika portion of the trip must have felt tired. 


The only thing Erika can think of to do to liven up a party is to strip off her clothes. Not only that but when she was saying it she was basically criticizing the other women for not being entertaining enough so in her mind it might be up to Erika Jayne to fix things. Again, I'm deeply unimpressed. 


The shopping trip wasn't as fun as the first one. 

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This storyline is so stupid, lol. 


Rinna and Eileen probably felt very proud - they kept shifting the goal posts until the issue was no longer about Rinna taking it upon herself to bring up Manchusen. I still don't see how LVP and Yolanda's feud has anything to do with why Rinna brought up Manchusen. 


These women feel vindicated by Kyle 'confirming' Rinna's story. Are these women idiots? Kyle didn't confirm the story. Kyle had a slightly different story. The confirmation was that Kyle believed Rinna's account based on what LVP said to her at the house and based on what she feels she know about LVP. That is not confirming the same story - that is someone who admitting to which side of the story she believes. It is not the same thing. 


Eileen needs a muzzle. She is nosey and always has to push her mouth in. She's been  spokesperson from Rinna for the past two seasons because she needs her puppet to add another voice to her chorus of one. 


Kathryn was the most level headed of all the women but no one really cared to really listen to her. I can't help but I love Kyle and LVP when they're friends. I think they've come a long way to have that kind of a conversation and not have one or the other storm out, cry, etc. it took her a while to get LVP to shut up but I'm glad that LVP didn't cry and try to be a victim. The fact that she took Kyle's admission and while not happy with it, moved on is another clear example of why I believe Kyle is the only one in the group that she really does care about. 



The real truth about Lisa Vanderpump's feelings towards Yolanda finally came out in this episode. She admitted to holding a grudge against Yolanda for that fight with Ken last year during the rooftop party. Yolanda told Ken not to touch her, and he said 'you're so stupid' which infuriated Yolanda and she gave him hell for that. I even mentioned this fact in a comment I made about last week's episode. Lisa definitely wanted to involve Kyle in the Munchhausen debacle. Lisa V wanted to impart that label onto Yolanda but didn't want to involve herself, she felt that by both Lisa R and Kyle pulling the Munchhausen card together it would be more credible.


Last weeks comment.....

"Personally I think that Lisa Vanderpump is a lying liar that lies. She lied to Kyle in Puerto Rico about telling Brandi to put that magazine article in her suitcase regarding Mauricio cheating. Then she and Ken left under the cover of dark under the pretense that she was insulted that Kyle didn't believe her. She did the deed but she deflected the blame.She denied that she told LisaR to get Kyle in on the Munchausen thing. She carries a deep grudge against Yolanda because Ken said 'you're so stupid' to Yolanda."

I think Rinna realized shortly after the visit to LVP's house where she mentioned Munchausen's that saying that word and basically accusing Yolanda of faking her illness was going to make her look extremely bitchy and mean.  Ironically she then chose to do what she accuses LVP of doing which is make up a side issue and deflect the conversation to that topic so it almost becomes irrelevant that she said Yolanda was a big old Munchie Hausen who was faking her illness to get attention.  Mission accomplished.  Then on the boat Rinna (with Eileen's help) brought up how much LVP disliked Yolanda for various reasons which LVP didn't deny thereby falling into the trap!  Now the accusation is coming (preview for finale) that LVP was the one that actually originally brought up Munchausen's because of her dislike of Yolanda.  Who's spinning the web here really?


LVP spoke to Rinna after the scene with Rinna saying Munchausen was already filmed.  If LVP really wanted Kyle dragged into it she would have had Rinna do it in that scene.  LVP could have called or texted Rinna and said "make sure you look meaningfully at Kyle when you say the M word..." or something like that.  What would be the point of LVP trying to get Kyle dragged into it after the fact.  Makes no sense.  The Munchie was out of the bag by the time the Lisas talked.  

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A couple of things, all the others judging Kyle and LVP's relationship.  How dare they.  Erika is friendly with Kathryn again.  Maybe sometimes friendship is accepting who someone is and drawing a line in the sand where your support stops.  I friends that support Donald Trump.  They are still my friends.  So Eileen nearly breaking a vertebrae to eavesdrop on Kyle and LVP, and mocking and sushing Kathryn,  what kind of friend is she? 




What smack did Eileen say at the picnic?

And Rinna said Yolsnda may have Munchausean. I'm not sure how Eileen is "twisting" that?

This is getting to be an important issue because next week Yolanda blames LVP for bringing up the Munchausen's, to LVP"s face.  I wonder where she got that from?

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Well that fucked up birthday cruise was par for the course. I would have not have handled it as well as Katherine. It's sad that two cunts have to bring their shitty issues to the table, who knew Eileen had her hand shoved so far up Lisa R's ass that she could tickle Lisa's uvula as she spoke. Every damn time they are together. Jeeeze!

I can understand Kyle keeping her friendship with Lisa. You keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If Lisa starts to move Kyle can feel it. Besides what business is it of the others.

What I don't understand is Eileen's and Lisa R's constant unrelenting desire to always be in the middle. I'm sure if Yo ever got to the top spot those two would continue to bitch and be pissed that they were pawns and turn on Yo.

Keep Lisa V, Kyle, and Katherine the rest you can flush down the toilet.

They are lucky that bravo removed the ability for viewers to leave comments on blogs.

If Eileen ever read this site. I hope she knows that at this point I'm glad Lisa V doesn't mean it. Eileen doesn't deserve an apology and she really doesn't want one because then she wouldn't have someone to bitch about.

You brought up your shitty affair last season and all season long this year. You cashed the Bravo check. Of course you are going to hear what people think of you trashing two marriages to accommodate your selfish needs. There must be a reason your "current" husband says you can't start bitching till after 9am.

God what a Harpy. silly bitch indeed!

Editedto correct auto-correct.

Edited by Giselle
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I think Rinna realized shortly after the visit to LVP's house where she mentioned Munchausen's that saying that word and basically accusing Yolanda of faking her illness was going to make her look extremely bitchy and mean. Ironically she then chose to do what she accuses LVP of doing which is make up a side issue and deflect the conversation to that topic so it almost becomes irrelevant that she said Yolanda was a big old Munchie Hausen who was faking her illness to get attention. Mission accomplished. Then on the boat Rinna (with Eileen's help) brought up how much LVP disliked Yolanda for various reasons which LVP didn't deny thereby falling into the trap! Now the accusation is coming (preview for finale) that LVP was the one that actually originally brought up Munchausen's because of her dislike of Yolanda. Who's spinning the web here really?

This just speaks to Lisa R's sloppy messy drama she continues to create.

Next week she will continue to stir the pot and this time flip it back on Yo.

Lisa R most definitely will be the target at this season's reunion.

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This just speaks to Lisa R's sloppy messy drama she continues to create.

Next week she will continue to stir the pot and this time flip it back on Yo.

Lisa R most definitely will be the target at this season's reunion.

One might wonder if it was for the best that Lisa R moved away from her family and then couldn't be bothered to visit nor help when they were ill and dying.

I bet it was alot easier and alot more quiet and alot less dramatic... The better end of the deal.

Edited by Giselle
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The only shocking thing this episode was that Lisa Rinna had never been on a yacht before. My boyfriend came home early so was roped into watching and shouted, "how does she live in LA? I was a poor kid from Michigan and had been on several yachts before I was 18!"

Edited by biakbiak
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Gee let me see. The under-handedness but fun friendship with Lisa V. Or....

The neverending friendship bitching and measuring while constantly seeking attention.

I'll take "Vanderpump for a Friend" for a thousand God damn percent Alex.

Edited by Giselle
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I also understand why Lisa doesn't go to see her mother in the nursing home. It's super depressing to see them in that condition, and on top of that, they don't even know who you are sometimes. So you put yourself out there to visit them, knowing it's gonna make you depressed and upset, and The person you're visiting doesn't even get the benefit of your visit because they don't know who you are.



So you do what?  Just let them rot there and die because it makes you a little uncomfortable?  How about checking on them to make sure they're not being abused (which unfortunately happens in nursing homes) or being neglected or just to show them that you love them in spite of their illness.  And when I say "you", I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about Lisa Rinna.  I also get emotional when I think of my mother (who is deceased), but Rinna can't just tear up and keep her feelings to herself.  She has to get up and walk away so the camera can focus on her and her feelings instead of it focusing on Katherine who just had a heartfelt moment with her mother.  She just irritates the shit out of me.

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LVP is this show's anchor, just like Bethany is New York's anchor and Nene is Atlanta's anchor and Teresa is New Jersey's anchor. All of those ladies are never going anywhere, unless they quit of their own volition. No other member is going to be able to get them kicked off the show.

While an anchor can keep a ship from drifting away, they also can bring a ship down, hurt the crew if not secured and be lost if used in deep water. Sometimes you have to look at an anchor for what it is. A large chunk of metal that does nothing but one thing?

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Well that fucked up birthday cruise was par for the course. I would have not have handled it as well as Katherine. It's sad that two cunts have to bring their shitty issues to the table, who knew Eileen had her hand shoved so far up Lisa R's ass that she could tickle Lisa's uvula as she spoke. Every damn time they are together. Jeeeze!


 100 extra points for using the work "uvula" in a sentence. Another 100 bonus for the anatomical and psychology references, too.


My following statement is merely an observation, not an indictment of womanhood.


For a few years I was the only straight man in an office and the bewilderment all you all have about the fighting, side taking and general viciousness is the same I had during that time, I never knew who was fighting who, over what and why and the alliances changed on a fairly regular basis. THAT SAID? It was always interesting and I learned to listen and walk away to keep my head from spinning out of control. It's not only the 'hand that rocks the cradle, it's how fast you can get the fucker to swing?'

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I loved Kathryn cracking up when Rinna said everything stemmed from one person.  I'm assuming it is because she thinks that one person is Rinna.


Rinna and Eileen toasting to the shit they stirred was shitty, as were their shit eating grins at the table.  It is hilarious to me that Eileen tried to pull a peeping Vinny and failed miserably.  


I'm so over the soap bitches.  They are actually making me like Kathryn and Erika in comparison.

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Oh, Eileen – you bitter, contrived creature --  why the hunger to paint two women as sick?
Why the eagerness to destroy a friendship, to shush others as you hang nearby the door --
all big ears and pointy nose,  ready to run out and offer up your lame third rate insights (which would
land as gracefully as your snotty acceptance of the fifteenth apology received from Lisa) --
you have shamed your soap character with your ham-handed attempts to stay relevant
on this show. Damn foolish is how you look.

I used to hate Kyle the same way people hate global warming and the Black Death and assholes
in the five and under lane with a basket full of groceries (I SEE YOU with your damn Blue Bunny ice cream
sandwiches and eighteen cans of pinto beans) but now, she’s become one half of this bizarre comic duo
that amuses me:  The Odd Couple of Beverly Hills. Lisa V Felix-finicky about language and how she’ll apologize
or defend her castle  (dabbling in parenthetical statements and sub-clauses and “Isn’t the inclusion of two 
words --  “I thought” -- a linguistic game changer?”) and Kyle a pure Oscar Madison in a caftan. Emotionally
sloppy and schlubby, throwing crap at the wall to  see what sticks, forever just wanting One Win from Lisa
(shaddup already, NO LAST WORDS!)

To my shame, here in 2016,  I kinda don’t despise them.  I kinda want Lisa and Kyle – Kysa --  to go to couple’s
counseling.  I want them to work it through. I want them to rage and cry and laugh (like a Lifetime movie on ‘roids)
and then rise above. I want them to flip their hair and wear black  vintage Halston jumpsuits and Oliver Peoples shades
and walk together towards the rest of these housewives – all Pulp Friction – and take these assholes out while bickering

like demented  parrots.

Edited by film noire
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If anyone is stupid enough to believe that LisaV would casually exclaim "WHY NOT DRAG KYLE INTO THIS" then I feel sorry for them. You can´t believe it AND think of her as a mildly competent manipulator as well. This is such an ugly mess that LisaR and Yo have started, and for the first time I didn´t feel like watching a RHoBH episode. I think I´m honestly just done. Came on here to read and am glad that Lisa and Kyle are still friends. I hope they´ll be ok, the others (except maybe Kathryn) can get in a terrible accident for all I care. I used to like them all, and was actually so happy that Kim and Brandi were gone, I thought it would lighten the mood and class up the show, but Yo managed to ruin the show completely. I´m not gonna write about how disgustingly evil and fake I think she is, the horrid liar. But she´s the ultimate reason why I have given up. Goodbye Beverly Hills.


Eileen doesn´t deserve an apology, she deserves to be kicked. (not literally)

Edited by halkatla
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I wonder how Yolanda would have reacted if Brandi gave Bella a shirt that said "DUI" on it? Would she have just said "That's Brandi"? LOL

I'm sure the same way Brandi would've reacted if Kyle gave Kim a shirt that said " Medicated".....

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Why doesn't LVP just go bat shit crazy on their asses? No more soft, calm, rational talk. She should just start flailing her arms and yelling. They would be so surprised by her change of demeanor I bet they'd back that shit up quickly.

That would be way to direct for LVP. And, require LVP to actually say something without a smug little smile on her face. It might be fun to watch though :) Edited by imjagain
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I am so biased for Eileen, I've lost all objectivity. I have all these great memories of watching Y&R with my grandmother and it's warping my judgment towards Eileen (I was also far too young to be watching, but the soaps were a primer to the Housewives as I see it, lol). I love Eileen for the most part - she's a little whiny, but still give her the benefit of the doubt.  There! I admit it! I like Eileen!  Going to show myself into time-out now... ;P

Edited by chipsnsalsa
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On WWHL kyle was asked what was the root of LisaV's problem with Yolanda. She said "something to do with her relationship with Mohammed, I think."

She looked great with 8 inches cut off her hair. It is clear she and Lisa are good friends. It doesn't appear to me that they take this show seriously. It is a job.

Edited by wings707
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Here's my take on the whole munchausens-gate:

I think before they even started filming this season, some of the women (LVP, Kyle Lisa r for sure) had been talking about how annoying Yo is with her journey. And I think they were also irritated when they started filming because it's pretty clear that Yo gets to call the shots about who she films with, what she does,etc because of her munchies or whatever. Add to that LVP's long-standing dislike of Yo, which was pretty much confirmed by Kyle on WWHL and LVP wanting to stir the pot anyway because she knows they need drama to getvratings. I'm sure even if the ladies don't watch RHOC they heard about the fake cancer and well, some of them figured that Yo was pulling the same shit for different reasons.

My best guess is that LVP told Rinna that she should bring up nthe munchies on camera and LVP would get Kyle ( and maybe otyhers) to back her up. Fast forward to the tea party or what ever it was at LVPs house and Rinna does it, she whips out her phone and does munchies on camera. All the while LVP is in the background asking if anyone wanted tuna tartare. And Rinna gets crickets. Rinna is mortified and realizes that she just went out on a limb and she is there all by herself. Hence the comment about thinking that Kyle would be brought into it.

Now Rinna is in freak out mode and runs around trying to make amends to Yo and whoever else will listen. And she isnt too smart, so it takes her a while to realize what happened and now she is pissed. Which brings us to Dubai and Rinna and LVP. I don't know if LVP tried to get Kyle to back up the munchies convo and Kyle refused or if Kyle was never part of it. Kyle isn't too smart either and easily manipulated so who knows.

Edited by poeticlicensed
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I think LVP absolutely said to Rinna, "Oh my, I was afraid you were going to bring Kyle into it."  And I believe what she meant is you should think about bringing Kyle into it.  Her words have deniability, but I think the intent was there.  I don't think LVP was super invested in that outcome, just threw it out there as an option and it didn't really stick..  I think the reason she said it was that Kyle was stupid enough to have been texting snarky comments about Yolanda to Rinna.  I think LVP was making the same comments and wasn't stupid enough to text them.


LVP instantly came in and gave Kyle fair warning of what she had done and Kyle said no way, sister.  End of story.  They both understand each other, how each other operates, and the fact that they are on a show that requires them to bring some amount of drama.


I think Rinna is like a live exposed wire.  I don't think she is being manipulated in the sense that I would normally mean that.  I think her makeup is such that she herself is this frazzled, wild, exposed wire of energy and when any energy comes into the room with her, she absorbs it and gives it back tenfold.  In that sense, I think she is genuine in that she feels whatever she is feeling that moment.  And she feels it BIG, BIG, BIG.  But often, IMO, this aspect of her causes her to feel things that aren't there for real for her, or won't be there later for her.


I think Eileen brings nothing but drama to the table.  I assume it's on purpose.  Her job as a celebrity real housewife of BH is to be fabulous.  She is anything but.  Her clothes are off the rack and unflattering, and outdated to boot.  I think she could work a Tori Burch kind of bohemian chic look, but she'd need the glam squad to help her figure out what that was and how to pull it off.   So- fabulous fashion-no.

Her husband is at least edited to be portrayed as boring, lazy and uninterested in her.  So does she bring fairytale romance to the table?-no.

She has thrown no lavish parties, introduced us to no celebrities, etc, etc.   Basically, she brings no fabulosity to the table, so she instead brings drama.  Presumably to keep her job.  And in doing so, she ends up looking like a bitch with no point.  Now she is a non-fabulous bitch.  Unfortunately for her, I think her contract should end here.

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As for Dubai, I'll pass. As Kyle said on WWHL, it's like Vegas with big hotels and shopping malls. Yeah and no booze, no skin exposure in public, no Vegas entertainment, no gambling.

And Eileen is on my last nerve. No one gives a shit about your affair a billion years ago. Everyone knows that everyone screws around in Hollywood. No one cares. Her perpetuation of Lisa's one comment for an entire season was just irritating and annoying.

It's clear that Erica was brought in as a friend to Yo. I find her glam squaud annoying but overall she's at least interesting.

Edited by poeticlicensed
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I think LVP absolutely said to Rinna, "Oh my, I was afraid you were going to bring Kyle into it." And I believe what she meant is you should think about bringing Kyle into it. Her words have deniability, but I think the intent was there. [ I don't think LVP was super invested in that outcome, just threw it out there as an option and it didn't really stick.. I think the reason she said it was that Kyle was stupid enough to have been texting snarky comments about Yolanda to Rinna. I think LVP was making the same comments and wasn't stupid enough to text them.

LVP instantly came in and gave Kyle fair warning of what she had done and Kyle said no way, sister. End of story. They both understand each other, how each other operates, and the fact that they are on a show that requires them to bring some amount of drama.

I think Rinna is like a live exposed wire. I don't think she is being manipulated in the sense that I would normally mean that. I think her makeup is such that she herself is this frazzled, wild, exposed wire of energy and when any energy comes into the room with her, she absorbs it and gives it back tenfold. In that sense, I think she is genuine in that she feels whatever she is feeling that moment. And she feels it BIG, BIG, BIG. But often, IMO, this aspect of her causes her to feel things that aren't there for real for her, or won't be there later for her.

I think Eileen brings nothing but drama to the table. I assume it's on purpose. Her job as a celebrity real housewife of BH is to be fabulous. She is anything but. Her clothes are off the rack and unflattering, and outdated to boot. I think she could work a Tori Burch kind of bohemian chic look, but she'd need the glam squad to help her figure out what that was and how to pull it off. So- fabulous fashion-no.

Her husband is at least edited to be portrayed as boring, lazy and uninterested in her. So does she bring fairytale romance to the table?-no.

She has thrown no lavish parties, introduced us to no celebrities, etc, etc. Basically, she brings no fabulosity to the table, so she instead brings drama. Presumably to keep her job. And in doing so, she ends up looking like a bitch with no point. Now she is a non-fabulous bitch. Unfortunately for her, I think her contract should end here.

Absolutely. As kyle said, why would kyle then say to LVP "I will bring you down in flames if you try to bring me down." they definitely understood what was being said. Edited by imjagain
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Eileen's blog pretty much has me fed up. Her truth is based on what Rinna has told her and influenced by her own issues with LVP. LVP apologized initially for exactly what Eileen said she had issue with. LVP laughed during the apology because she felt it was a stupid thing to be offended by. And truthfully, when you're talking to a 'friend' who is saying they're sad that you asked them too many questions about your life, it seems like a strange thing. LVP apologized again, with a straight face, and Eileen still couldn't move on. The apology still wasn't good enough. My take of LVP's apology last night was that she clarified she was sorry, but she also made it clear that the apology was not her own. The apology had to be coached and manufactured in a way suitable for Eileen which only highlights how ridiculous Eileen has been about this whole thing. If you don't accept an apology, then straight up say 'I don't think you're being sincere so we'll just have to leave it at that'. You don't beat a horse until it brays just the way you like. And for Eileen to make herself to be the truth warrior - didn't she lie each time she told LVP that they were good? She couldn't be honest with LVP so she took every chance she could to engage with the larger group about her opinions on LVP and coached Rinna on how to confront LVP. If she was solely sticking up for a friend then there was no reason that she had to behave like a nosey loon trying to listen in on LVP and Kyle's discussion. The reality is that she has taken the word of Rinna and run with it. Rinna is the type of person that will take a conversation, put it in her own words that reflect her understanding of that conversation, not necessarily what was actually said in that conversation. I don't think Eileen is the villain, but I do think that she has such a high opinion of herself and her behavior that she doesn't realize that she's actually playing in the mud with everyone else but delusional enough to think that she's clean.


ETA: Also, is it news to anyone that Yolanda and LVP don't like each other? From the time Yolanda came on the scene she was making snide comments about LVP but at that time, LVP was not good with Kyle and Kim so she didn't believe them when they told her that. LVP and Yolanda simply put up with each other and have for a long time. While I think the issue with Ken may have been the straw that broke the camel's back, Yolanda's comments about LVP from the beginning would suggest that it is in fact a Mohamed related issue.

Edited by RHJunkie
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I don't remember the details of the conversation between Eileen and LVP about the affair.  I wish I did.  I have seen it stated here that Eileen said that she can't understand why people who are divorced can't keep it civil- that she is civil with all parties involved in her past relationships.


If that is the case, maybe she needed a come down at that point.  (again I really have to re-watch it)  IMO, the person who breaks up a marriage doesn't get to claim maturity or anything else for keeping a civil relationship with their new spouses ex.  Any kudos for that would go to Vince's ex. 


As I remember it, LVP did cross a line a bit in terms of what I'd like a friend to say to me, but Eileen is a little responsible for opening the door.  They are paid to bring a certain amount of drama, and all of them would do well to remember that.


Whatever LVP did to Eileen, Eileen gave it back tenfold.  If I were Vince's ex, I wouldn't attempt to go up against Eileen either.

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It's clear that Erica was brought in as a friend to Yo. I find her glam squaud annoying but overall she's at least interesting.


But I was very impressed with the makeup job they did for Kathryn; she looked stunning even with her hair in rollers - although I admit I did cringe a little when they proceeded to add 50 gallons of product to her hair

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My only problem with Kyle this episode was in the, "Lisa has to get the last word," comment.  No, Kyle, how about "a" word.  Everybody and their brother got to air their side to the point of closure except LVP.  The way Kyle left it made it seem like "yes, you did exactly what Rinna accused you of, but even though that makes you a manipulator and a crappy human being, I'm willing to look past it." Like she's Saint Kyle of the Billowy Caftan or something. LVP was trying to say that it hurt her that Kyle would believe Rinna over her.  That in her mind there is a significant difference between fearing something happening and encouraging something to happen.  Kyle interrupted her at every turn.  I totally understand what LVP meant.  Kyle isn't ride or die.  Ride or die defends you and believes the best about you.  Kyle is Switzerland and doesn't have anyone's back but her own, which is perfectly okay, just don't fake like it's something different. 

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I agree that Dubai seems very Vegas-ish and is kind of the opposite of elegant. Everything is large and grand and they have tons of space out there but this wasn't exactly a trip that made me feel envious. When Kyle and Mauricio (and Yo) were on the boat last year--that was a nice little holiday. I enjoyed Amsterdam, Paris, and Lanai a lot more. 


I'm guessing that they didn't want the ladies to do a camel ride because that was already done on NY. I can't think of any other reason especially when Rinna and (Eileen?) were talking about how they wish they could have taken one. 


Here's my take on the whole munchausens-gate:

I think before they even started filming this season, some of the women (LVP, Kyle Lisa r for sure) had been talking about how annoying Yo is with her journey. And I think they were also irritated when they started filming because it's pretty clear that Yo gets to call the shots about who she films with, what she does,etc because of her munchies or whatever. Add to that LVP's long-standing dislike of Yo, which was pretty much confirmed by Kyle on WWHL and LVP wanting to stir the pot anyway because she knows they need drama to getvratings. I'm sure even if the ladies don't watch RHOC they heard about the fake cancer and well, some of them figured that Yo was pulling the same shit for different reasons.

My best guess is that LVP told Rinna that she should bring up nthe munchies on camera and LVP would get Kyle ( and maybe otyhers) to back her up. Fast forward to the tea party or what ever it was at LVPs house and Rinna does it, she whips out her phone and does munchies on camera. All the while LVP is in the background asking if anyone wanted tuna tartare. And Rinna gets crickets. Rinna is mortified and realizes that she just went out on a limb and she is there all by herself. Hence the comment about thinking that Kyle would be brought into it.

Now Rinna is in freak out mode and runs around trying to make amends to Yo and whoever else will listen. And she isnt too smart, so it takes her a while to realize what happened and now she is pissed. Which brings us to Dubai and Rinna and LVP. I don't know if LVP tried to get Kyle to back up the munchies convo and Kyle refused or if Kyle was never part of it. Kyle isn't too smart either and easily manipulated so who knows.

I do think some version of this happened and I do agree that Rinna was expecting more support about the Munchausen's.


I apologize if this has come up before but some RHNY episodes popped up on my DVR and my mouth honestly fell open when I realized that the NY ladies a couple of seasons ago talked about crazy Aviva possibly having Munchausen's. I'd originally been under the impression that the Brook's storyline on the OC was at least partially the reason why the ladies were resistant to go in too hard on Yolanda because of the fear of negative viewer feedback due to the belief from some people that simply claiming illness is reason enough to give the person claiming the illness a permanent get out of jail free card/you don't have to act like a reasonable/truthful/polite/"normal" person in addition to said person not being expected to answer questions (oh those evil questions that people like Yo and Kim resent so terribly). Now, I'm starting to wonder if Aviva comparisons were made and that this is one of the many things Yolanda is upset about. No way do I think that these women don't watch RHNY/don't know what's happened on it. I'm not saying they have the shit memorized, but IMO Yo probably knows that stuff happened especially since I wouldn't be surprised if other women like Brandi would bring it up. I can totally picture Brandi telling Yolanda the things that Kristen said about Aviva and saying how Yo is *nothing* (snerk) like Aviva and that's where the BH ladies are trying to take it with the Munchausen gossip. I'm just imagining Brandi telling Yolanda 'Remember what happened to Aviva.' Like it's some cautionary tale.


Edited because 'ask' and 'answer' are pretty different lol.

Edited by Avaleigh
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I like Kyle anyway in general, but have admitted to thinking she can be a bit wishy-washy at times and kind of a try-hard, but I thought she was pretty impressive in the Lisa V. dust-up--which I won't call a fight because it looks to me like Kyle made a concerted effort to keep it from being one, while also saying what she needed to say. I hate bullshit among friends and my instinct is to shut it down, but I also can relate to mentally tallying up the "good stuff" and deciding not to throw away the baby into the bathtub (or whatever; that doesn't seem like the right saying).


Also, the "just stop talking and eat your chicken" part? Oh my god, I loved it! Lisa did eat a bite of chicken while looking like a slouchy, sullen teenager, haha!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Here's my take on the whole munchausens-gate:

I think before they even started filming this season, some of the women (LVP, Kyle Lisa r for sure) had been talking about how annoying Yo is with her journey. And I think they were also irritated when they started filming because it's pretty clear that Yo gets to call the shots about who she films with, what she does,etc because of her munchies or whatever. Add to that LVP's long-standing dislike of Yo, which was pretty much confirmed by Kyle on WWHL and LVP wanting to stir the pot anyway because she knows they need drama to getvratings. I'm sure even if the ladies don't watch RHOC they heard about the fake cancer and well, some of them figured that Yo was pulling the same shit for different reasons.

My best guess is that LVP told Rinna that she should bring up nthe munchies on camera and LVP would get Kyle ( and maybe otyhers) to back her up. Fast forward to the tea party or what ever it was at LVPs house and Rinna does it, she whips out her phone and does munchies on camera. All the while LVP is in the background asking if anyone wanted tuna tartare. And Rinna gets crickets. Rinna is mortified and realizes that she just went out on a limb and she is there all by herself. Hence the comment about thinking that Kyle would be brought into it.

Now Rinna is in freak out mode and runs around trying to make amends to Yo and whoever else will listen. And she isnt too smart, so it takes her a while to realize what happened and now she is pissed. Which brings us to Dubai and Rinna and LVP. I don't know if LVP tried to get Kyle to back up the munchies convo and Kyle refused or if Kyle was never part of it. Kyle isn't too smart either and easily manipulated so who knows.

I think you completely nailed what happened.

Kyle knows this is what happened. Hence her comment about "taking you down in flames". She knew LVP had a vested interested in getting the Munchie comment on film. Why wouldn't she? The drama in S4 began with Yo talking about LVP being a "Hollywood friend" because she didn't tend to her properly through her illness. Yo's entire diatribe against LVP was that she didn't really care, only pretended to when cameras were rolling. Now LVP hears that someone has suggested Yo has Munchies. That she is a big fat faker. How delicious. It would have been delicious to me. LVP cannot be the one to bring this up, so she recommends to Lisar that she do it. She will be backed up; a dialogue about the possibility of this will be analyzed. Only it doesn't happen. Lisar freaks out when she realizes what she has done (which in no way negates her responsibility for saying it to begin with). LVP tells Kyle she tried to get Lisar to involve her, maybe telling her she will back her up. Kyle wants nothing to do with it and throws out her line. She knew what LVP had tried to do. LVP told her about it. Kyle doesn't see that LVP was trying to hurt her, just trying to bring the drama and drive a storyline. So much 4th wall stuff going on here.

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