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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Someone's going to have to explain it to WdV, in really short words, why his champion and screen partner is in a whole lotta trouble right now.


Eh, the cynci in me says GH will get a big ratings bump from people tuning in out of curiosity to see who this Nancy Lee Grahn person is and all will be forgiven.


This is also ABC we're talking about. Lots of stars have done worse shit and survived. Isaiah Washington choked out a castmate and the only reason he got fired is he compounded that offense by publicly shouting out the word faggot.


And if IRC he later returned to that self same show in several guest appearances.

You know I hate celebrity publicist Twitter why? They are incredibly boring to follow and I am looking at you Tom Cruise... Days of Thunder Cole Trickle is a better version. I would love to destroy a rented car to prove my point with him. I guess the couch incident killed his dream to be a screaming Twitter user. 


By the way, I refuse to like Tom Brady on Facebook so he can afford to be pleased by few million adoring fans. I think he got a deflated worldview. Football can be very soapy. 

So, Nathan Varni spends the hour that GH is on trolling Facebook posts that mention him. Here is a comment on a comment on post that my friend made:


Nathan Varni Hi Monroe Alexander it's a shame you decided to post extremely incorrect information about myself. I am not a writer and have never written a single line of GH, I am saddened you would make this up and post on social media in a public forum. All of our Sept episodes were written by the writing staff of General Hospital, not rewritten by Frank or myself. Please check your facts before posting such wild accusations. We have many stories with a wide variety of characters to coming up, this is not just the Sonny show. Thank you!
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs


IDK.  I saw quite a few people posting they were never watching GH again because of Nancy. I doubt that's ever happened because of an ACTRESS-although yeah it's been said many times over characters. I would not be surprised if her airtime becomes suddenly non existent. And-she deserves it, if it's so. She needs to learn your private thoughts should remain PRIVATE. Social media is not the place.


I just wish SHE were the one whose contract is about to expire, who stated she is not renewing. There's a blind item on Twitter about it. It could be anyone from any soap-but the only person I know of, whose contract is about to expire on GH, is Jane's.  Someone said Sharon Case on Y&R.

Anyone else know of who it could be?

I can see Jane not re-upping, and giving the show a few extra months past her expiration date, to write her out. I do know LC is NOT retiring, so it's not her.


The thing is, they call this person a "front burner" actor. So, I don't think it can possibly be any Quartermaine.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 1

I'm late to this, times like this I feel like I'm missing out not being on Twitter, but then again I find it to be largely, a place to get into fights and trouble. I'm baffled as to what Nancy could have been thinking, especially in her "apologies". IMO, "these people" and "I would have marched for you", were perhaps the most cringe worthy tweets. It seemed at first maybe she was jealous of Viola or something, probably fixated on Viola is over 50 and has red hot career, by the way she was mentioning how she would love roles she gets, ect, so she wanted to bring her down for lack of a better way to put it. Then she really derailed with everything that came after. As someone else said here, everything Nancy said was about Nancy in one way or another. I was actually pulling for Taraji to win and I can't seem to get in to HTGAWM, but it sucks that NLG rant is overshadowing Viola's win. Viola won. She's the one now that made history, and that should be the whole story. I can't even fully comprehend yet that NLG was stupid/ignorant enough to claim "Viola's never been discriminated against"... because at this point in time she's A-List. Aside from the obvious fact that Viola didn't just wake up an A-list actress one morning having never worked her way up, isn't it one of the first lessons you learn in life is that you never know what goes on in other peoples lives? I'd bet this was a drunken mess, not just a mess, given how many just baffling statements that were made. 


By the by, I keep seeing "Black Twitter" mentioned... what is that? An account/site that covers race issues? As I said I'm not on twitter so I've never heard the term until reading it here.

  • Love 7

I FUCKING HATE Social Media.


That is all.

...as you post in an electronic forum... *grin*


*sigh* NLG chose the wrong event and the wrong target to be NLG, and she's paying for it royally. We say see her come back online more contrite. I just feel back for WdV because Juliexis may take a massive hit from here on out. Are they dark yet?

  • Love 2

I really didn't want to get into this, but I have to add, that Viola got started (well, I first became aware of her) on Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and then she went on to play a recurring defense attorney on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and her (Viola's) character, could wipe the fucking floor with Alexis Davis'.
Just sayin'.

...as you post in an electronic forum... *grin*

Heh. Shows how ignorant I am, that I didn't know that message boards fall under that umbrella. What I should have said was "I FUCKING HATE Twitter."

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 11

...as you post in an electronic forum... *grin*


*sigh* NLG chose the wrong event and the wrong target to be NLG, and she's paying for it royally. We say see her come back online more contrite. I just feel back for WdV because Juliexis may take a massive hit from here on out. Are they dark yet?


I think they went dark again, or were supposed to, the second or third week of this month? 


Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 1

I'm late to this, times like this I feel like I'm missing out not being on Twitter, but then again I find it to be largely, a place to get into fights and trouble. I'm baffled as to what Nancy could have been thinking, especially in her "apologies". IMO, "these people" and "I would have marched for you", were perhaps the most cringe worthy tweets. It seemed at first maybe she was jealous of Viola or something, probably fixated on Viola is over 50 and has red hot career, by the way she was mentioning how she would love roles she gets, ect, so she wanted to bring her down for lack of a better way to put it. Then she really derailed with everything that came after. As someone else said here, everything Nancy said was about Nancy in one way or another. I was actually pulling for Taraji to win and I can't seem to get in to HTGAWM, but it sucks that NLG rant is overshadowing Viola's win. Viola won. She's the one now that made history, and that should be the whole story. I can't even fully comprehend yet that NLG was stupid/ignorant enough to claim "Viola's never been discriminated against"... because at this point in time she's A-List. Aside from the obvious fact that Viola didn't just wake up an A-list actress one morning having never worked her way up, isn't it one of the first lessons you learn in life is that you never know what goes on in other peoples lives? I'd bet this was a drunken mess, not just a mess, given how many just baffling statements that were made. 


By the by, I keep seeing "Black Twitter" mentioned... what is that? An account/site that covers race issues? As I said I'm not on twitter so I've never heard the term until reading it here.



And I was definitely pulling for Tatiana, but I knew both Taraji and Viola had such outstanding and standout performances this year that her consolation was the nomination. I had no clue that History Would Be Made (or that it would be a lock). I do agree that I see NLG looking beyond color at Viola and thinking, "How does an actress over 50 get such kickass roles while I have to prop a mini-moobster?!" And, as you say, hilarity did not ensue.


Black Twiiter is the classification of Twitter users of color who are very socially active at a moment's notice. And quite ferocious if you piss them off, as we see.

Edited by NutmegsDad
  • Love 3

We have many stories with a wide variety of characters to coming up, this is not just the Sonny show


...every single story yesterday tied back to Sonny. 


He seems to want to be able to say, "Look, there's Tracy, not the Sonny show!".  But if Tracy is talking about Paul, who is now the Anti-Sonny, that ties back to the Sonny story.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

 I do agree that I see NLG looking beyond color at Viola and thinking, "How does an actress over 50 get such kickass roles while I have to prop a mini-moobster?!" And, as you say, hilarity did not ensue.



Because Viola Davis can actually act? As can Robin Wright, the Santa Barbara actress who was at the Emmys as a nominee? Sorry, I am just enjoying this too, too much.  In addition to find her annoying as a person since the first interview I read in Soap Opera Digest (shut up!) I've always thought that NLG was dramatically, pardon the pun, overrated as an actress; I found her consistently hammy and obvious in the choices she made.

  • Love 13

So, Nathan Varni spends the hour that GH is on trolling Facebook posts that mention him. Here is a comment on a comment on post that my friend made:


Why do these asshats feel the need to troll their mentions and then feel compelled to "correct" the twitterer(?)?

From what I'm reading the show has become the freaking Sonny hour, these dumbasses just don't like being called out on it. They said they were doing the mob and how it affects Sonny and his family. Maybe the idiots didn't realize Sonny and his family make up 75% of the freaking show. Then they drag people like TJ, Anna, Jordon, Maxie, Nathan, Julian, Paul, Jakeson, Liz and Scotty into this shit. What fucking characters are left????

Black twitter isn't an account or site. It's a hash tag (#blacktwitter). You can add it to your tweet and be added amongst the masses. You can search #blacktwitter and see what everyone is talking about. It's not always cohesive but when it is, it is awesome. I can't wait to see the tweets for Empire tomorrow.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 3

Nancy is now Charlamagne Tha God's Donkey of the Day:




I do think she could be fired for this, but I don't think she will be. I think they will be tempted but will instead publicly discipline her.


This is not the same as other soap scandals or GH dramas, which were mostly directed at or around, frankly, 'little people' (other soap stars, the soap audience). The network doesn't care about those, and that was also a different time. Today, this is a GH performer - at a time when the show is weaker than it has ever been and perceived as a drag on the network, at a moment where the news division is taking more and more control of daytime programming and wants it gone - openly criticizing a huge moment for the network. Viola Davis was not only giving ABC a lot of shine, she name-checked Paul Lee and Ben Sherwood. It's a moment of pride for them and Nancy crashed that, created ill feeling at the network, made herself and GH a laughingstock, and undoubtedly upset two of the network's biggest current stars (Davis, Shonda Rhimes). It's uniquely bad and she's going to pay for it. If she's lucky, the entire show won't pay for it.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 15

My verdict: as an Alexis fan, NLG's dissing Viola Davis' historic Emmy win was not only disappointing, it pissed me off. NLG's entitled to her opinions, but my opinion is that she's too wrong on too many levels. Actors of color in general and Black actors in particular have had it worse than White actors have. Viola Davis has had to work at least twice as hard for what she has, which makes her victory even sweeter.  NLG's comments prove that when it comes to the plight of actors of color, she's not just stuck on stupid, she's marooned there. To quote James Evans from the episode of Good Times when Michael didn't finish an IQ test because it was racist, "How you gonna know where I'm at, if you ain't been where I been? Understand where I'm comin' from?"

  • Love 15

Because Viola Davis can actually act? As can Robin Wright, the Santa Barbara actress who was at the Emmys as a nominee? Sorry, I am just enjoying this too, too much.  In addition to find her annoying as a person since the first interview I read in Soap Opera Digest (shut up!) 


Hey, I had a subscription for a couple of years, no judgin'. I do wonder how the other soap mags are even in business anymore though, but I guess some people are still getting it.


I would enjoy it more, except I like jsbt just mentioned, the whole show might pay, and while it is hovering on the brink of cancellation anyway, the whole cast and crew don't deserve to get dragged down with NLG's stupidity. I mean, the woman most likely got drunk and let her case of sour grapes be on display for the whole world. Say what you will about Geary, and we've all said a bunch here, but at least he's smart enough to know he and social media don't mesh.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

The only way I see NLG getting in serious trouble is if Viola Davis and/or Shonda Rhimes complained to the top brass, and honestly, why would they? People on the internet have already dragged NLG and Viola still has her moment and her award despite NLG's comments. I can't see them giving much of a fuck what some person on a low rated and poorly written soap has to say. 

  • Love 10

The only way I see NLG getting in serious trouble is if Viola Davis and/or Shonda Rhimes complained to the top brass, and honestly, why would they? People on the internet have already dragged NLG and Viola still has her moment and her award despite NLG's comments. I can't see them giving much of a fuck what some person on a low rated and poorly written soap has to say. 


I don't think Viola Davis or Shonda Rhimes complained or will complain, but they don't need to. NLG's tweets were talked about pretty much freaking everywhere. It should have been a purely congratulatory moment for the network and instead what was talked about was NLG's sour grapes tweets. Hell, the higher execs don't need to be involved. This isn't the first time NLG has made an idiot of herself on twitter or that she has spilled something she wasn't supposed to on twitter (remember when she said Tyler Christopher was back and then she tried to backtrack and say he was just visiting?). Maybe it is just the excuse Frank needs to justify to get rid of her without looking like he was firing her for making too much money or being over 55.

...as you post in an electronic forum... *grin*


*sigh* NLG chose the wrong event and the wrong target to be NLG, and she's paying for it royally. We say see her come back online more contrite. I just feel back for WdV because Juliexis may take a massive hit from here on out. Are they dark yet?


That's already passed, they started filming again this week.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

Because Viola Davis can actually act? As can Robin Wright, the Santa Barbara actress who was at the Emmys as a nominee? Sorry, I am just enjoying this too, too much.  In addition to find her annoying as a person since the first interview I read in Soap Opera Digest (shut up!) I've always thought that NLG was dramatically, pardon the pun, overrated as an actress; I found her consistently hammy and obvious in the choices she made.

Yes, this.  NLG dissing VD's acceptance speech became (due to her own idiotic tweets) about how VD is entitled and these great roles just fall in her lap, while poor NLG is slogging away in daytime on a shitty soap.  It just comes across as so pathetic.  

  • Love 4

I have always like NLG but I felt she's gotten way too smug over the years. Her acting quality  has declined (IMO)  as her popularity on social media (primarily for her willingness to snark on the show) grew.  That being said, I am beyond disappointed in her and feel 2nd hand embarrassment for ever claiming to be a fan of hers. 


I hate that this minor (in the grand scheme of world events) issue has gone viral, but she dug her own grave by feeling she should respond and apologize (yet still trying to justify her stupid logic). And c'mon....."I don't see color".....really NLG? Borrowing from Stephen Colbert's character,'s playbook, really?! Beyond pathetic.


I would love if Viola, Shonda, and other black actresses sat down with NLG and really schooled her on what its like to be a black actress in this country. Make her not only aware of how hard it is for black women in general, but also school her how hard its for darker skinned women to get the few roles specifically called for Black women.  I really believe she is just that ignorant and maybe just needs her eyes opened to the struggle. She absolutely deserves punishment, termination may be harsh, but probably should be bumped into recurring status and join Leslie and Jackie in the Special Occasion Only Vets Closet.

  • Love 10

The subject of "soap actors" vs "regular actors" made me remember an Onion AV Club "Random Roles" interview he did after the first season of Breaking Bad Bryan Cranston talked about his start in the soaps.


Loving—“Douglas ‘Doug’ Donovan #1” (1983-84)

BC: Loving was a seminal moment for me, because that was 26 years ago. From that point on, I worked as an actor solely. Loving was a daytime drama that I shot in New York, so it took me to New York, where I lived for five years, and that experience also gave me confidence. I knew I could actually do this. And confidence goes a long way in working as an actor. When you walk into a room for an audition, a big chunk of an actor getting a job is confidence. It’s talent and confidence, and if you can convey both of those things, you’re in great shape.

AVC: You said “daytime drama.” Having worked in soaps, can you still not say “soap opera?” Is that still not allowed?

BC: Oh no, you can say soap operas. The only thing I don’t like is the term “soap actor.” Because it’s like, I don’t consider myself a certain classified kind of actor. “A soap actor.” Basically, actors want to work. And we take jobs in daytime or primetime or movies or stage or in children’s theater… wherever we can find work. We’re vagabonds. I didn’t approach the work any differently. It’s very hard because the content is so intense.




I think the best thing that happened to Bryan Cranston was being fired from "Loving" because staying on a soap and playing the same character for too long is just death.  Familiarity breeds contempt.

Edited by VCRTracking
  • Love 3

My verdict: as an Alexis fan, NLG's dissing Viola Davis' historic Emmy win was not only disappointing, it pissed me off. NLG's entitled to her opinions, but my opinion is that she's too wrong on too many levels. Actors of color in general and Black actors in particular have had it worse than White actors have. Viola Davis has had to work at least twice as hard for what she has, which makes her victory even sweeter. NLG's comments prove that when it comes to the plight of actors of color, she's not just stuck on stupid, she's marooned there. To quote James Evans from the episode of Good Times when Michael didn't finish an IQ test because it was racist, "How you gonna know where I'm at, if you ain't been where I been? Understand where I'm comin' from?"

This! And that's why NLG deserves all the alley apples hitting her now, and then some.

  • Love 1

I don't think Viola Davis or Shonda Rhimes complained or will complain, but they don't need to. NLG's tweets were talked about pretty much freaking everywhere. It should have been a purely congratulatory moment for the network and instead what was talked about was NLG's sour grapes tweets. Hell, the higher execs don't need to be involved.

Agreed. ABC won two acting Emmy's with Viola Davis and Regina King. Instead of the free press being about HTGAWM's premier or American Crime is coming back Ala American Horror Story (new setup/storyline with some of the same actors) with Regina, TI'm Hutton, etc. It's mainly about an aging Caucasian soap actress and her bitter narcissistic tweets. That's not good.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 5

The only way I see NLG getting in serious trouble is if Viola Davis and/or Shonda Rhimes complained to the top brass, and honestly, why would they? People on the internet have already dragged NLG and Viola still has her moment and her award despite NLG's comments. I can't see them giving much of a fuck what some person on a low rated and poorly written soap has to say. 

She's all over every entertainment magazine from People to Variety, she's in serious trouble no matter what Viola or Shonda do. 

  • Love 3

I have always like NLG but I felt she's gotten way too smug over the years. Her acting quality  has declined (IMO)  as her popularity on social media (primarily for her willingness to snark on the show) grew.  That being said, I am beyond disappointed in her and feel 2nd hand embarrassment for ever claiming to be a fan of hers. 


I hate that this minor (in the grand scheme of world events) issue has gone viral, but she dug her own grave by feeling she should respond and apologize (yet still trying to justify her stupid logic). And c'mon....."I don't see color".....really NLG? Borrowing from Stephen Colbert's character,'s playbook, really?! Beyond pathetic.


I would love if Viola, Shonda, and other black actresses sat down with NLG and really schooled her on what its like to be a black actress in this country. Make her not only aware of how hard it is for black women in general, but also school her how hard its for darker skinned women to get the few roles specifically called for Black women.  I really believe she is just that ignorant and maybe just needs her eyes opened to the struggle. She absolutely deserves punishment, termination may be harsh, but probably should be bumped into recurring status and join Leslie and Jackie in the Special Occasion Only Vets Closet.

I saw VD interviewed when she first got this role, and the point she was making was that a dark-skinned WOC gets to play sexy, which is unusual.  She mentioned sexy in her acceptance speech too.  That is why NLG just sounds so stupid and uninformed.  It's all bad.  If she doesn't get fired, she will forever have to wear this idiocy, so that may be punishment enough.

  • Love 7

IDK.  I saw quite a few people posting they were never watching GH again because of Nancy. I doubt that's ever happened because of an ACTRESS-although yeah it's been said many times over characters.


This show provides so many reasons never to watch again that even NLG taking her bitter parade around the block can't make the top 5.

  • Love 7

I was thinking, say what you will about Laura Wright, but she plays the self-promotion game a lot better than NLG and Nancy should have probably gotten a few tips from her. Not that Wright doesn't occasionally step into it ("and Luke raped Laura!", the response to someone talking about Carly/Franco) and yeah, she has two advantages off the top of my head that I can think of that NLG doesn't (being 15 years younger and being firmly enmeshed with Sonny and Jason) but I remember a couple of years ago NLG did an interview and she talked about how she wouldn't mind Alexis and Sonny (oops, typed "Alexis and Carly" first, heh) having another go cause even though she loved Laura, she was just being honest and said Maurice and Laura don't have chemistry.


And it wasn't in a mean way at all, and it was in the years where it didn't look like Sonny and Carly would ever get together long term again, but it was still a bit awkward. And I don't think I've ever seen Laura Wright ever say anything like that out-right in an interview at least, so-and-so don't have chemistry. She'll imply it, but not state it like that. At least, from what I've seen, that is my impression. Maybe there's been an interview I missed, I'm sure.


In any case, what did Nancy in was her need to have the last word (well, beside from what she was actually saying, of course). I can't believe it, but Geary summed it up best:


Now you have actors and producers and writers going directly to the audience to defend themselves which is, if nothing else, without dignity.


ETA: Here is the NLG quote about LW and MB




Nancy on Sexis round two:  “I wouldn’t mind exploring that.   Clearly, Alexis is not the love of Sonny’s life. The problem with Sonny is that he has too many loves of his life!  I don’t think the chemistry between Maurice Benard and Laura Wright works; it’s not the same as it was with Mo and Tamara Braun.



Edited by ulkis
  • Love 11

The only way I see NLG getting in serious trouble is if Viola Davis and/or Shonda Rhimes complained to the top brass, and honestly, why would they? People on the internet have already dragged NLG and Viola still has her moment and her award despite NLG's comments. I can't see them giving much of a fuck what some person on a low rated and poorly written soap has to say. 


NLG is getting a dose of her own social media shaming. Live by the tweet, die by the tweet. If Viola Davis wants to mention NLG's dimwitted comments in an interview (and why should she give NLG a moment of her time) then more power to her. VD and SR going to ABC top brass to complain doesn't seem very likely to me. It would be petty and a little ... off. Petty because these two women are on top of their game and I'd like to see them demonstrating how strong women (of every color) can be successful without slagging off other women. (Take note, NLG.) "Off" because NLG's comment was nonsensical and stupid but it wasn't hateful or intended to incite violence. Stupid, indefensible, a clear sign of too much red wine, self-pitying, moronic, etc - yes to all of the above. But it's her right to be as stupid as she wants to be and folks can educate her at their leisure. Viewers can tune her out and write letters to ABC. All fair play in my book. SR and VD demanding that someone lose their livelihood because of something they said (and whose job isn't about setting policy or fairly representing the views of others) seems extreme in a world where people are trekking a thousand of miles just for a chance to live in safety. Sorry to get all preachy but VD just strikes me as a person with way more class than that.


Full disclosure: I was rooting for Taraji P. Henson or Tatiana Maslany to win. I can't get into the SR oeuvre. Individual scenes can be amazing but she suffers from Sorkin-syndrome (all characters eventually spot the same lines.)

  • Love 10
In any case, what did Nancy in was her need to have the last word (well, beside from what she was actually saying, of course).


Holy god, that's exactly right! 


She said so many wrong things, it was horrifying and I was up most of the night watching it (for other reasons, but I did check in quite often with mouth agape).  In effect: 'Emmys not the time to bring racial things into it' (albeit a fine time to talk about all women), 'Viola Davis has never been discriminated against', etc.  Then she issued a reasonable apology that in essence said 'I need to check my privilege'. 


She should have gone to bed at that point. Alas, she did not, because her apology was not being immediately accepted.  Then came the 'Harriet Tubman, tunnel digger' tweet, and really awful "THEY" tweets, 'they are being awful', 'they are being mean', 'I would have marched for them', 'I'm being attacked by Black Twitter'.  Those were more awful in a somewhat more subtle (not sure that's the right word) way.  Amusingly, the 'they' tweets and those with vaguely racist overtones have been deleted, and only the 'I'm sorry' and 'I'm a victim here' tweets/responses remain.


Moral of the story, if you stick your foot in your mouth, leave it in there for awhile so nothing worse can come out of said mouth.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 18

I can't get into the SR oeuvre. Individual scenes can be amazing but she suffers from Sorkin-syndrome (all characters eventually spot the same lines.)



And at breakneck speed! I've said the same thing about Shonda's writing. Half the time I can barely understand what the characters are saying.


I also agree that neither VD nor SR will go to the brass about this. As  you said, why bother? NLG is nothing to them and not worth their time or effort. I doubt either is as wrapped up in this media storm as the media or the general public.

I just wish SHE were the one whose contract is about to expire, who stated she is not renewing. There's a blind item on Twitter about it. It could be anyone from any soap-but the only person I know of, whose contract is about to expire on GH, is Jane's. Someone said Sharon Case on Y&R.

Anyone else know of who it could be?

The thing is, they call this person a "front burner" actor. So, I don't think it can possibly be any Quartermaine.

Maybe it's one of RC's creations - just about all of them are front burner

And at breakneck speed! I've said the same thing about Shonda's writing. Half the time I can barely understand what the characters are saying.


I also agree that neither VD nor SR will go to the brass about this. As  you said, why bother? NLG is nothing to them and not worth their time or effort. I doubt either is as wrapped up in this media storm as the media or the general public.



I don't think they'd bother either. Maybe Ellen might ask VD about it and she might offer some commentary as a gesture to Ellen, but that's about it.


However, the bigger problem I see is that sometimes when an actor reveals too much about their inner personality that might affect the audience's ability to separate the person from the character. That's where I could see her possibly having issues to deal with in the future. I know she's considered talented, but I'm not sure how talented. So I don't see any actors or producers threatening to fire her. But I could see some of the audience going "Wait, I can't stop seeing Nancy when she's playing Character X". 

Edited by bantering
  • Love 3
I really didn't want to get into this, but I have to add, that Viola got started (well, I first became aware of her) on Law & Order: Criminal Intent


And her character was so cold and scary but so compelling! A mother/corrupt cop doing it all "for [my] girls" and being so focused on them getting opportunities - even as she killed an entire family. There was an interview before she was on L&O: CI with VDO/KE and both went nuts about her.


It's really so sad that Nancy Lee Grahn could not show some graciousness in Viola Davis' win. Well, now she is paying the price for it.

  • Love 8

IMO......Nancy needs to check into Betty Ford. She can apoligize when she's clean and say she doesn't remember the incident. She doesn't have to be an alcoholic, I don't know if she is or isn't, but that is the only way out. This Is now her legacy.


I think we're assuming drunkenness when it just might be a mental issue or simple meanness, jealousy, and bitterness. Petty jabs. Small mindedness. Ignorance. Self hate. Etc, etc. Oh, and bad spelling. Unwarranted has two "a's", not two "e's", Nancy.

 As someone else pointed out, even if she were drinking at one point, this went on for SEVEN HOURS. She wasn't drunk that whole time.

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