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Really Rinna?! First LVP saying she wants to make sure you don't bring Kyle into this (assuming Kyle's version is even accurate) and your version of her saying why don't you bring Kyle into this are TWO different things. I get Kyle's reaction of asking when her name had to even be mentioned. Agree. But Rinna get it right. But regardless, LVP did not bring up the "m" word. You did. LVP says she said Rinna should speak for herself. Maybe she said leave her and Kyle out of it. Whatever... I'm bored.

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I spent most of the episode reading. All these women do is sit at dinners and fight. Can't keep track and frankly don't care. I felt like how Lisa V. looked - annoyed and confused.

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Not sure if it means it's a good episode or a bad one when I want to throw something at my TV by the end. ED has had it out for LVP since the Hamptons and has wound the key on LR like those chattering teeth from childhood. LR is about as evolved as a single celled organism, yet she envisions herself as some arbiter of truth and justice. The real truth is that someone can give an explanation but unless it's in crayon pictograms she's not bright enough to figure it out. So she has ED translate and it gets completely skewed towards ED's bias. Infuriating.

Edited to correct auto correct. Lol

Edited by JenFromCincy
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nowcheckthat, thank you for posting that link.  When I saw the table with everyone around it, I knew that a good fight was about to happen! 


LisaV protested loudly and constantly ("No, no, no, no, no!").  Was that to cover up what Lisa R was saying, I wondered.  The best of the clip, for me, was the laugh that my husband and I had over Erika.  She can be so outspoken, but in this case, she was the only one with much sense!  Why not ride a camel, indeed!  LOL  I can't wait for the show to hit the West Coast tonight.

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Oh, look - the ponies are by the pool.


I enjoyed the car ride up the hill.  I bet LuAnn was jealous since she had a bumpy ride on a camel on RHONY.  Speaking of assault, Kathryn was violently attacked by a roach.  Quite funny.

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Can you imagine Vincent leaving the toilet sit up and not putting out fresh toilet paper in the bathroom?  I bet Eileen has Vincent rub and lick her feet as an apology.

I wouldn't be surprised if Vince is currently or has.cheated on Eileen.

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Really Rinna?! First LVP saying she wants to make sure you don't bring Kyle into this (assuming Kyle's version is even accurate) and your version of her saying why don't you bring Kyle into this are TWO different things. I get Kyle's reaction of asking when her name had to even be mentioned. Agree. But Rinna get it right. But regardless, LVP did not bring up the "m" word. You did. LVP says she said Rinna should speak for herself. Maybe she said leave her and Kyle out of it. Whatever... I'm bored.


LisaR even admits that she is the only one that ever used the word Munchausen...ever. That LisaV and Kyle talked about Yolanda having something else wrong with her or in addition to LD and she never claims that either LisaV/Kyle said that Yolanda is not ill. But somehow this is all LisaV's fault?


Oh, and in her blog, LisaR names her colorist/hairdresser who did tell her she thinks Yolanda may have Munchausen.

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Erika bought in a 3 man glam squad for that?!!? Her eye makeup looked like Tammy Faye Baker after getting caught in a torrential rain storm. Why would you want to look like that in the hot desert with sand blowing all up in your face?? Her eyes looked like pin holes surrounded by black soot. 


I think Erica's make-up is usually flawless. Love when she's wearing her no make-up make-up.  But a full face?  In the dessert, in 115 degree heat? You're right, her eyes looked awful. Also, she complained about her dinky crossbody purse when they were going to market.  Said she wishes she had a different bag.  What was the purpose of the look book?  Each of her outfits were tried on, tweaked and photographed before they were packed. Her MUA and stylist need pay cuts.


I thought they all looked stunning in the falcon photos.  Kathryn looked a little Mrs. Roper-ish with her hair in a bun at the market.


Erica's MUA redeemed himself with her baby face dinner make-up.  Now what to do with the baby voice....

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I think Erica's make-up is usually flawless. Love when she's wearing her no make-up make-up.  But a full face?  In the dessert, in 115 degree heat? You're right, her eyes looked awful. Also, she complained about her dinky crossbody purse when they were going to market.  Said she wishes she had a different bag.  What was the purpose of the look book?  Each of her outfits were tried on, tweaked and photographed before they were packed. Her MUA and stylist need pay cuts.


I thought they all looked stunning in the falcon photos.  Kathryn looked a little Mrs. Roper-ish with her hair in a bun at the market.


Erica's MUA redeemed himself with her baby face dinner make-up.  Now what to do with the baby voice....

I agree, even though I do not care for Erika, her makeup is usually spot on and flawless but in the desert???? Giant Miss as was her outfit. LOL

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In most cases, it does.

My sister think Harry might be cheating on Lisa and will eventually divorce and go younger.

Especially since he's in the middle of a career resurgence.


It's Hollywood, nothing should surprise us how these people are when it comes to marriage.  

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The apology to Eileen from LVP wasn't even a legit apology: only that LVP apologized for asking 'too many questions'.

It could be a cultural thing but LVP has been in the States for an awfully long time and isn't dealing with other native Englishers. There is no excuse unless one is so self-centered as to not care how others react.



I don't think it's a cultural thing. I have many many British friends. They know how to apologize

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So lisav was afraid lisar would drag her and kyle into the muncheausen (sic) fiasco, because she knew they had been making fun of yolanda off camera.... so lisav was correct LisaR just did what LisaV thought she would.

I wish vanderpump would have told Eileen I was sorry for the affair questions, I was sorry for making you uncomfortable, but at this point go fawk yourself. Ugh dog with a bone indeed. I don't know if vanderpump is a horrible person irl or what but man housewives really hate her. Part of me feels it's because vanderpump doesn't give 2 shots about any of them, and their is a thin line between love and hate.

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It made me kind of sad that Kyle said she'd basically put up with anything LV does as long as Lisa will continue their friendship. Then the preview for next week made me think of the puppet master comment from. I think, last season.

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She looked terrible. And she was wearing huge heels in sand no less. But talking down about the other women at the market. Bye ErikaJayne. And was her pat the puss choreographer on another reality show? I feel like I've seen him before. Eden's Crush?

He was the choreographer on a Pussycat Dolls reality show with Robin Antin.

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I really don't know what to believe. I do think it's possible that Lisa R. could have misunderstood what LVP said to her, though, because she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. LVP is smart and strategic, and because of that I really don't think she'd have a go at Kyle when they were finally getting along and she knows the fans really like their friendship. But who knows? 


Eileen is bugging me more than Rinna, actually. Whoever said quit beating a dead camel was right.

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I felt badly for Eileen the first....no, the twelfth....the zilliionth time she brought up how hurt she was.  Wait, I take that back.  I never felt badly for her.   Here's something that has bugged me from the beginning.  Why did Rinna feel the need to cleanse her soul (with full doe-eyed self flagellation) that she engaged in a conversation where the word Munchausen was brought up?  Who would have known?  Did she think her hairdresser was going to spill it all over town?  Nah.  It was on purpose.  It was planned.  Was her indictment of LVP part of her original plan or did she play it by ear and wait to see if there was any fall out.

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This episode was a jump the shark moment for me.  I had one of those with RHNJ and stopped watching.  I don't need this nonsense on my tv.  And did they really add extra minutes to the episode to extend this crap? 

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I actually believe that you can own your feelings and keep your mouth shut.

Why does Rinna keep saying "I'm not going to be the only one going down for it?". Nobody is "going down for it" It's not an FBI sting. Yolanda is mad at you for doubting her, you doubted her, you tried to make others doubt her, you brought it on yourself- get over it.

Especially since LisaV and Kyle have defended LisaR to Yolanda time and time again, Eileen only did it once.

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This is the stupidest fight ever. I feel like Katherine might have nailed it when she said both Lisa's could be right. I think they are both remembering different things with each convinced, their version is right.

How ironic is it too, that Eileen, by trying to expose Lisa's manipulations, has herself become manipulative. Egging Rinna on to confront Lisa.

I was actually enjoying the fun parts of the show tonight. Kyle squeezing into the wet suit and goofing off. I enjoy the animal scenes. But Lord, every time these women sit down to eat, here comes the conflict. Not organic at all.

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I get what Lisar is saying regarding Lisa.  And, to me, Kyle did back up Lisar.  It's not all about what was said about Yo but I think it more about what goes on behind the scenes in general.  Kyle knows this from being on the show for so many years.  She's in a place now with Lisa on the show where life for her is easier and she just overlooks stuff because it's just easier getting through filming rather than being an enemy to Lisa.  Sad, but true.  She has enough problems, as she said at dinner, and has no desire to take on another person.


What this episode showed to me that a lot, a lot, a lot goes on behind the scenes.  And this is why so many of the women feel the way they do with Lisa.


Random thoughts:  I really can't stand Erika.  She is very condescending when it comes to so many of her TH's.  She's not all that despite what she thinks. 


I thought Kyle's black and gold dress was gorgeous.


Eileen is mad about Lisa's condescension much more than what was said.  Why?  It goes back to what goes on behind the scenes. 


Lisa does run when she can't handle a situation.  She almost did this time but Kyle stopped her.  Lisa does present herself as a strong woman but she can't handle confrontation when she's not in charge.  And yes, she did try to turn it into her being the victim when Lisar confronted her.  Interesting.  I think she got 'read' by Lisar and she didn't know what to do and Ken wasn't there.  And for someone who declares she's telling the truth, she was pretty emotional.  No come back or strength like when she pointed the finger at Eileen when she asked Eileen if they were good.


I enjoyed the shopping and the dinner out in the desert.  Camel's milk is supposed to be very good for you (flash back to a Dirty Jobs episode).  Would I drink it?  Um.  Not sure.  Would I eat camel meat?  Probably not.  I would have had the lamb.  I know.  I know.  I get the gag reflex when it comes to certain foods.  I own it.


This was an episode that I would have loved to see the fourth wall be broken....

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Everyone was fine with talking about yo when they didn't know what was the matter with her.


When the M word was brought up, it had that Lifetime/Movie of the Week connotation attached to it (Actually it was BOTH the M and H words)

Lisa first used it and everyone panicked because they didn't want to be the ones pointing the finger at her. LR is just calling everyone out for acting like they never heard the word, participated in the discussion and/or questioned yo's health and mental status.


I can't spell.

Edited by ElDosEquis
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How can the women be angry with LVP for discussing things off camera when they all do the same thing? Yolanda, Erika, and Eileen have all discussed LVP and how much they despise her. They came up with a plan to "expose" her and they needed Rinna to come on board. Yolanda filming with Brandi so she could mock Rinna's hair, say she has an eating disorder and get the bi polar/crazy comment out there again is exactly what they're accusing LVP of doing. Using someone else to do the dirty work.


Eileen's blog is all about bringing down LVP.




We know from what Lisa R. said that she would probably have never brought up the Munchausen’s thing without Lisa V.’s encouragement


Maybe because the last couple months, the heat has been solely shining on Lisa R. for something they were all responsible for.


Um, say what? Again, if LVP, Kyle & Rinna had private conversations about Yolanda constantly changing her stories and pathetic attention grabbing selfies so what. That's what people do but they made a choice to not doubt her on camera because they didn't want to look like uncaring people and allow Yolanda to play the victim. If Rinna wanted to "engage" on camera that's her choice but it's foul to now try and defend herself by throwing other people under the bus. Look at them! Look at them! Is so pathetic. 

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It's weird.  The fundamental argument is petty, of course, but IMO Eileen did state accurately (thanks editors!) what and how LvP talked to her in the Hamptons.  Big props to the analogy upthread that Lisa/Ken would go nuts were any Housewife to discuss the lawsuits they lost over employment practices at Villa Blanca - also public fact, much more recent, and much more relevant to LvP's image (as a successful bosswoman) in contrast to Eileen's image (as a soap stah - she hasn't shied away from talking about being thrice married unlike My Luff Yolanda's bullshit around David).  I like LvP as a Housewife, she can be incredibly entertaining, but she really likes low-grade humiliating other people while fanning her long-term marriage and other things as shields and batting her falsies.  it's not cute.


Erika's makeup could be seen from Jupiter.  Tone down the kohl, glam squad! 


I liked how game Kathryn was.  Maybe she really is just what LisaR thinks she herself is - so Kathryn is actually pretty transparent and guileless, maybe, whereas I think LisaR is on some level deeply confused.  Or at least confused about the meanings of 'enraged, 'owning it,' etc.   Yet I felt some sympathy when she got it out there that she, LisaR, felt constrained about talking about Yoyo's behavior since Saint What's Moonchieyauzen of the Bathrobe has taken Yo's place.  Not cute.

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Eileen is bugging me more than Rinna, actually. Whoever said quit beating a dead camel was right.

Thank you!  I agree that VDP's apology was a non-apology, but you're not going to get a real one so STFU already!  Rinna could have been brilliant tonight - when Eileen originally started shit-stirring with her and she said something like "I confided my feelings to you because I trust you" - she should have continued with "but now that I've got it off my chest I don't feel the need to ruin a nice vacation by causing arguments over stupid crap."  I did like that Kyle said she has bigger things to worry about than the petty shit they all fight about.  I have many friends who don't always behave to my liking, whom I know when not to trust in certain situations, etc. but that doesn't stop us from having fun together.  Real best friends who can always be trusted are few and far between, but lots of people are fun to hang out/have a beer with.  I myself would go out for drinks with anyone on this cast except for Yo or Eileen.  (Erika is iffy)

  • Love 16
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I get what Lisar is saying regarding Lisa.  And, to me, Kyle did back up Lisar.  It's not all about what was said about Yo but I think it more about what goes on behind the scenes in general.  Kyle knows this from being on the show for so many years.  She's in a place now with Lisa on the show where life for her is easier and she just overlooks stuff because it's just easier getting through filming rather than being an enemy to Lisa.  Sad, but true.  She has enough problems, as she said at dinner, and has no desire to take on another person.


What this episode showed to me that a lot, a lot, a lot goes on behind the scenes.  And this is why so many of the women feel the way they do with Lisa.


Random thoughts:  I really can't stand Erika.  She is very condescending when it comes to so many of her TH's.  She's not all that despite what she thinks. 


I thought Kyle's black and gold dress was gorgeous.


Eileen is mad about Lisa's condescension much more than what was said.  Why?  It goes back to what goes on behind the scenes. 


Lisa does run when she can't handle a situation.  She almost did this time but Kyle stopped her.  Lisa does present herself as a strong woman but she can't handle confrontation when she's not in charge.  And yes, she did try to turn it into her being the victim when Lisar confronted her.  Interesting.  I think she got 'read' by Lisar and she didn't know what to do and Ken wasn't there.  And for someone who declares she's telling the truth, she was pretty emotional.  No come back or strength like when she pointed the finger at Eileen when she asked Eileen if they were good.


I enjoyed the shopping and the dinner out in the desert.  Camel's milk is supposed to be very good for you (flash back to a Dirty Jobs episode).  Would I drink it?  Um.  Not sure.  Would I eat camel meat?  Probably not.  I would have had the lamb.  I know.  I know.  I get the gag reflex when it comes to certain foods.  I own it.


This was an episode that I would have loved to see the fourth wall be broken....

What LisaR is claiming about LisaV makes no sense at all. She, LisaR, admits that she, and she alone, brought up Munchausen on her own and she even names the hairdresser/colorist that said it to her.


Is she referring to the fact that LisaV and Kyle were also discussing Yolanda's illness because once again, she says their conversation were about Yolanda having been misdiagnosed or that she may have had something in addition to LD in her blog as well. So, if LisaR was going to "talk" with Yolanda about the Munchausen and the others having questions about all her tweets/IG posts, make sure that you include both LisaV AND Kyle along with yourself.



Everyone was fine with talking about yo when they didn't know what was the matter with her.


When the H word was brought up, it had that Lifetime/Movie of the Week connotation attached to it (Actually it was BOTH H words)

Lisa first used it and everyone panicked because they didn't want to be the ones pointing the finger at her. LR is just calling everyone out for acting like they never heard the word, participated in the discussion and/or questioned yo's health and mental status.

"H"? LOL

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Erika looked like she was ready for her closeup in Rocky Horror Picture Show. No other explanation for that makeup.

Out in the street shopping at the market, were they dressed appropriately? I am not positive, but.... Those little shoes might curl up in the toes when the house falls.

Eileen is one of those people who will come to your deathbed in the hospital and remind you of the time you stole her lunch money in first grade.

Kathryn had my favorite caftan, all those shades of blue.

Lisa Rinna wins the award of beating that dead horse to a pulp. I know it's producer-driven, I know they are handed a sheet of talking points and the day's filming schedule.... but whoever is handling Rinna needs to get off the pot and have a doobie or something. Enough!!

Kyle...crying again!! With her squeaky rusty cry voice!! My friend watching with me said the same thing....please don't cry, Kyle, it hurts us worse than it hurts you.

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They should fire every housewife except for Lisa V and Kyle.  That will show the rest of the wives who the real star(s?) of the show is, and how much their crap plotting won't bring Lisa V down.


I really mean it too, I would not miss any of them.  Give us more fabulous women.  There have got to be some Beverley Hills Wife who wants to show off her beautiful things and self to us. 

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How can the women be angry with LVP for discussing things off camera when they all do the same thing? Yolanda, Erika, and Eileen have all discussed LVP and how much they despise her. They came up with a plan to "expose" her and they needed Rinna to come on board. Yolanda filming with Brandi so she could mock Rinna's hair, say she has an eating disorder and get the bi polar/crazy comment out there again is exactly what they're accusing LVP of doing. Using someone else to do the dirty work.


Eileen's blog is all about bringing down LVP.







Um, say what? Again, if LVP, Kyle & Rinna had private conversations about Yolanda constantly changing her stories and pathetic attention grabbing selfies so what. That's what people do but they made a choice to not doubt her on camera because they didn't want to look like uncaring people and allow Yolanda to play the victim. If Rinna wanted to "engage" on camera that's her choice but it's foul to now try and defend herself by throwing other people under the bus. Look at them! Look at them! Is so pathetic. 

LisaR isn't even claiming LisaV manipulated her to say Munchausen on camera, she is trying to say that LisaV wanted her to involve Kyle in talking about it, which she did, they all did just a few minutes earlier. That is what is driving me crazy, it makes absolutely zero sense.  LOL


Thank you!  I agree that VDP's apology was a non-apology, but you're not going to get a real one so STFU already!  Rinna could have been brilliant tonight - when Eileen originally started shit-stirring with her and she said something like "I confided my feelings to you because I trust you" - she should have continued with "but now that I've got it off my chest I don't feel the need to ruin a nice vacation by causing arguments over stupid crap."  I did like that Kyle said she has bigger things to worry about than the petty shit they all fight about.  I have many friends who don't always behave to my liking, whom I know when not to trust in certain situations, etc. but that doesn't stop us from having fun together.  Real best friends who can always be trusted are few and far between, but lots of people are fun to hang out/have a beer with.  I myself would go out for drinks with anyone on this cast except for Yo or Eileen.  (Erika is iffy)

LisaR could have just said, I confided in you when I was first upset but I have calmed down and it no longer matters but I need to ask why YOU are so intent on keeping that anger/confusion going? LOL

 I corrected the post, Hypochondriac and Munchie hossen.


I thought you meant that but then I thought I missed something! LOL

They should fire every housewife except for Lisa V and Kyle.  That will show the rest of the wives who the real star(s?) of the show is, and how much their crap plotting won't bring Lisa V down.


I really mean it too, I would not miss any of them.  Give us more fabulous women.  There have got to be some Beverley Hills Wife who wants to show off her beautiful things and self to us. 


If Erika takes that stick out of her butt, smiles and laughs more, she can stay as well.......the rest can go. LOL

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Erika's eye make-up at the dinner reminded me of Malcolm McDowell's character in A Clockwork Orange.  Honestly, one eye had way more make-up then the other.  I was thinking the entire time  that she better not have contacts in - what a mess. Perhaps a real woman needs to join her glam squad so she can change her look from "aging badly drag queen" to a "little less aging sexy kitten" neglected ho' wife.


First time I really liked Katherine all season...roaches make me go ballistic too. *Major Shivers!*  I have actually broken down in panic tears when seeing those evil things while camping...I get ya Katherine.


LisaR, you and your lips need to both take a seat. What in the HELL are you on about? No one cares about Yolonda, so hence, no one really cares about you trying to make Lymegate a story line.  Especially with The Pumpster cast in the staring roll of Master Manipulator.  I really thought I would like LisaR when she joined this motley crew.  But. No.


And, Yolonda - does having Lyme's mean you you should look like a Dallas Cowboy Linebacker going bra less?  If the best you can offer are really ugly sage green warm-ups at a cocktail party - next time just phone it in.  


LVP and Kyle can stay.  Carry on and keep calm.

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Eileen, Yolanda or any of the housewives could bring up the lawsuit against Lisa & Ken if they wanted to. Of course they would need to blame it on someone else who manipulated them into doing it but they're free to do whatever. 


Yolanda accused Ken of assault and desperately tried to get Mohammad to trash Lisa. Brandi informed LVP on camera that Kyle told her she was having an affair with her trainer. The other housewives have definitely tried to bring the dirt but for the most part it hasn't worked.


Eileen's probably so desperate at this point, she might try to open a rival restaurant and hire LVP's former employee.

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I don't know if Kyle forgives Lisa VDP for the reasons she said, or because she's just so used to taking crap from crappy people all her life but I almost felt sorry for her tonight.  Almost.


Kyle has alluded a couple times to Lisa being Bobby Fisher and a puppet master over the past several years. I believe her.  But like people that marry people who are cheaters usually get cheated on - when you pick friends that betray others, you'll end up on the end of that crappy stick sooner or later. 


Thing is, I think Kyle and VDP are a match made in heaven. And perhaps that's why they'll forgive each other's shit.  They're not nice people and know where the other has buried the bodies.   

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Not sure how PC this is, but Erika seems like a strange clone of a mean, cold, gay man.  I don't get it.  I see how she behaves with gay men and I understand why she blends right in. And I think her gay posse hate her just like they'd hate the guy Erika is "based on."  ,She seems put on and really off, like she just might be emotionally broken.  

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What LisaR is claiming about LisaV makes no sense at all. She, LisaR, admits that she, and she alone, brought up Munchausen on her own and she even names the hairdresser/colorist that said it to her.


Is she referring to the fact that LisaV and Kyle were also discussing Yolanda's illness because once again, she says their conversation were about Yolanda having been misdiagnosed or that she may have had something in addition to LD in her blog as well. So, if LisaR was going to "talk" with Yolanda about the Munchausen and the others having questions about all her tweets/IG posts, make sure that you include both LisaV AND Kyle along with yourself.



"H"? LOL

To me, it wasn't about Munchhausen, Lisar owned that.  The crux of it is she is saying that Lisa questioned her as to why she didn't throw Kyle under the bus when the questioning of Lyme came up.  Given by what was said by Kyle and Lisar, I think Lisa actually did say what she said, and now she's denying it.  Yeah, she's mad about Kyle and Lisa not backing her up but she's even more mad that Lisa is playing chess beyond the fourth wall.

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Eileen, Yolanda or any of the housewives could bring up the lawsuit against Lisa & Ken if they wanted to. Of course they would need to blame it on someone else who manipulated them into doing it but they're free to do whatever. 


Yolanda accused Ken of assault and desperately tried to get Mohammad to trash Lisa. Brandi informed LVP on camera that Kyle told her she was having an affair with her trainer. The other housewives have definitely tried to bring the dirt but for the most part it hasn't worked.


Eileen's probably so desperate at this point, she might try to open a rival restaurant and hire LVP's former employee.

LisaV will do just like she advises them, address it once then ignore it. She will either say she doesn't want to discuss it or she will give them her spin on it like they all do when asked a question. Really, they all act like she has them handcuffed to a table, under bright lights after injecting them with truth serum and shoving bamboo shoots into their fingernail beds. LOL

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To me, it wasn't about Munchhausen, Lisar owned that.  The crux of it is she is saying that Lisa questioned her as to why she didn't throw Kyle under the bus when the questioning of Lyme came up.  Given by what was said by Kyle and Lisar, I think Lisa actually did say what she said, and now she's denying it.  Yeah, she's mad about Kyle and Lisa not backing her up but she's even more mad that Lisa is playing chess beyond the fourth wall.


That is not what she is saying IMO. She admits in her blog tonight that only she brought up Munchausen at all, that LisaV and Kyle were talking about Yolanda maybe having something else wrong with her or in addition to LD, not that they thought she was faking and that they were laughing at Yolanda's IG/twitter photos. LisaR is referencing something that was to happen after that meet up with herself, Kyle, Lisav and Eileen at LisaV's house. Which again, makes zero sense.

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"I don't want to watch these bitches fighting".

Um, what? Then go watch the Travel Channel or something. This is the Real Housewives. Bitches are going to fight.

I know the storyline can be hard to track, because they all talk at once and give different versions of the story, but this is what I think happened:

LVP hates Yolanda, not sure why.

LVP wants Yolanda off the show.

I don't think Kyle cares either way about Yolanda, but she is very far up LVP's ass, so Kyle's going with whatever LVP wants.

Both LVP and Kyle thought Yolanda was exaggerating her illness and were making fun of her Instagram behind her back. And talking shit about her in general.

They brought up Yolanda exaggerating her illness to Lisa R who said "Maybe she has Munchhausen's." When Lisa said that LVP and Kyle heard the skies open up and angel sing because now they had a scapegoat. They had someone who would talk shit about Yolanda on TV, and they could use Rinna to throw Yolanda under the bus without getting their own hands dirty. Rinna realized that months later but was scared to confront LVP.

LVP tried to throw Kyle under the bus by trying to convince Renna to bring Kyle's name into it on TV. Kyle realized this right away when LVP talked to her that same day, but Kyle decided she was automatically going to forgive LVP for trying to throw her under the bus using Renna.

Renna and Eileen Think it's crazy that Kyle is willing to let LVP use her in this way. Renna and Eileen are not willing to let LBP manipulate them like this. That is what they are so pissed off about.

Personally, I thought it was great TV. LVP has been lying about shit throughout almost all the seasons of BH and I'm excited to see if she's finally going to admit to something.

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