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S06.E17: Lymes In The Sand

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If Brandi has to be on the show, I hope it's always with Yo so I can fast forward those scenes without worry. Wow tho Brandi's new face! I am morbidly curious to see what it looks like when it drops. She looks awful haha no one deserves it more.

I mostly like Kyle, but I don't believe a word out of her mouth when it comes to Yo.

Those suites were overwhelming! LVP looked divine with her hair up in that mumu.

  • Love 10

LVP looked really pretty with her hair up and her muumuu. What has Brandi done to her face? She is looking like a Kardashian. I don't like the overalls Eileen wears. Would those be comfortable for almost 24 hours of plane travel?


I loved all the mumuus.  Where did they come from?  Kyle's store?  The ladies looked lovely and so comfortable!


Those farmer's overalls Eileen was sporting was not a good look.  I get wanting to be comfortable while traveling, but even yoga pants a a hoodie would have been more stylish and flattering. 


So happy to see the Dubai travel porn, finally.  I've stood in front of that amazing hotel, and I was so excited to see the inside.  It did not disappoint - those suites were amaaaaazing.


Sick of Yo and her 9, 11, 14 months, 3 years journey.  Sick of Rinna bringing it up.  Enjoy Dubai, you fools!

  • Love 9

I guess Kathryn didn't get the memo on the muumuu's.  She looked so out of place.  Thank goodness Kyle gave her the gift. 


Lisa looked great with her hair up.  I've also noticed she's not wearing it so eighties curly as much.  More straight with the ends just curled.  We'll get her into the current century yet. 


Can Brandi blow her lips up any further than she is doing currently?  Apparently, according to Yo, it's ok for Brandi to say mean things about someone but I guess you get multiple passes if you sign on to be one of Yo's minions. 

  • Love 15

I haven't heard Yolanda complain she hasn't done (fill in the blank) in ___ months for seven days.  


With Yolanda All is forgiven once you go limp and submit to the power of the Lyme and her casserole lined Journey. 


Could Erika's gays be anymore stereotypical and annoying! 


A look book for travel?!?! She really does have too much time and money on her hands.


I respect all the chicks who travel comfortably and forgo ridiculous 6 inch stilettos but I can't get behind Elaine's overalls. From a merely practical standpoint, getting out of that get up to use the damn toilet is ridiculous!


DUBAI! Now this is the shit I'm talking about! The stuff I want to see. The rooms were fab but I would definitely go for the shark room! 


Gotta say I've wondered myself if Rinna was wearing a wig!


Kyle needs to stop fucking around with that store and just start a line of muumuuus.


Brandi's date's arms were not only too short to box with God, they were too short to dance with Satan's concubine, Brandy!

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 21

I loved Kyle walking in on Erika. Erika looking like a strip club dancer looking for that extra 10 dollar bill and Kyle looking like Wednesday from the Adams Family

The non-Gigi sure fucked up her face.

Guess they stopped and shopped at Cost Plus Imports or All Things Engraved to pick up that glass globe.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 19

Eileen! I'm not sure what we were supposed to get from your look, but seriously - whether you all sat in oversized reclining seats, or the seats that recline into a full bed, overalls are not a comfortable choice and either way would have given you a wedgie!  Until you took them into an airplane bathroom, where they would have been a chore to keep off of the floor/out of the toilet. And your little hat was just stupid.


Brandi looked okay talking to Yo, but in her TH's in the gold top I thought at first it was Camille!  Is that the look she's going for?


I have said here several times that I thought LVP would look 10 years younger with a new look and I feel that I was proven right tonight - she looked FAB in her updo and muumuu!


"Looks" aside - it is clear to me that a "David is a dick" storyline is afoot - but I am coming around to his side.  Yo is exhausting!  And I rolled my eyes at her award banquet, but quite enjoyed Lisa giving her son the jeep :)

  • Love 13

Dubai is a little Vegas-y for me. I think I preferred the Morocco scenery from RHONY.

But, I loved LVP's updo! Agreed, it makes her look very lovely.

I also liked Erika's "Casper the Friendly Burglar" sweatshirt that she had on at the airport... and then I thought about the fact that that was probably in her "lookbook" and laughed that a sweatshirt and tennies had to be "styled."

Yolanda: "You married a lemon, baby!" LOL! Truer words from Queen Lemon.

And OH, I am SOOOOOOO looking forward to next week (insert Ariana eyeroll here). Goody! Eileen insists, AGAIN, on an apology from LVP. Does she really think that pointing and nagging will get her what she wants? Because it was SO successful before.

Edited by ivygirl
  • Love 14

I'm 5 minutes in and I can't. Nobody shamed Yolanda for having an illness. They shame her for the staged photos. And more recently for comparing her disease to early AIDS. What a load of bullshit.

Also too, just because others have an illness doesn't mean Yolanda does. Though I do think she's sick.

Here's hoping this translates into money for sick people. Otherwise... Fuck this.

  • Love 15

Two words I never want to hear again after this season: Munchhausens and Lymes Disease. Ugh!



Can we add my journey, lyme journey, discrediting my journey, basically anything with journey to that list? 



Don't forget "Friends, REAL friends"!


"Integrity".   WoeYo is putting some serious limitations on our collective vocabulary. 

  • Love 14

Is Harry Hamlin ill? He looked really frail to me and he was speaking really slowly. I have never really seen him in anything else so maybe that's just how he is.

If I was in Eileen's suite I would never leave, I have 3 aquariums, the biggest one is 88 gallons and I can zone out in front of that thing for a long time. I would be in heaven in a room like that.

  • Love 7

How much was that suite? $40,000 a night? Who pays that much for a hotel room. I couldn't help thinking of all the starving, suffering people in the world that a portion of that hotel room money could go to.  I find it really obscene.


Then the ladies get all dressed up, in their fancy muumuus, and dine inside. They could have been filmed in front of a green screen. The effect would have been the same.

  • Love 13

I'm disappointed we had less Dubai scenes to make room for the stupid Yo's Vanity Gala for Chronic Lyme (doesn't exist) and Yo's scene with bg. I wish they had edited out those scenes. I guess we needed the Gala scene to see the brainwashing of gullible Kyle to Yo's side. I adore Kyle but she is soft hearted and gullible. Maybe not gullible but trusting.


I hate that Yo has made me side with David despite the pro-Yo anti-David edit....I still side with David even though I don't care for either of them, Yo is the worst!

  • Love 15

Why was Yo in such a last minute rush to pack everything.  Did they sell their house on the condition they move out in a week? Couldn't she pack a little sooner, thereby giving her some time to spend with David when he asked?


If they love their house so much, why sell?  These people don't hold on to anything, including each other.

  • Love 5

Is Harry Hamlin ill? He looked really frail to me and he was speaking really slowly. I have never really seen him in anything else so maybe that's just how he is.

If I was in Eileen's suite I would never leave, I have 3 aquariums, the biggest one is 88 gallons and I can zone out in front of that thing for a long time. I would be in heaven in a room like that.

Look who he is talking to. . . no wonder he has to slow it down.

  • Love 3

I couldn't believe that all the way in Dubai, without her, the #1 topic of conversation was.... Dang!


I did feel empathy for Yo at the award ceremony. I've always said I believe her and, having an "invisible" illness as well, I can especially identify with the lack of sustainable energy. But, like others, the way she uses it, talks around  and over everyone else, etc., makes me nuts. Her saying that Rinna said she has Munchausen's hacked me off, as that's NOT what Rinna said. Brandi can please get lost. But again, Rinna, way OTT.


Dubai - amazing!! Kyle's suite looks like 9,000 sq. ft. in the hallway alone, LOL. I really think it must be larger than that. I just wish everyone would shut up for a while and let us enjoy the scenery, since all this stuff has been talked to death.

  • Love 9

I can't stop staring at LisaR's hair now. The hairline IS pretty high, hummm. Looks like Brandi knows some secrets. I also really liked the HW talking about who they wanted as a cellmate. I think I'd pick LisaV because she is funny and would find humor in everything.


Yeah, kinda over Yolanda. Enough already, with everything Yolanda. And agree, enough of LisaR talking about Yolanda. 


Kyle and LisaV have a good chemistry together. I like how they joke around and can have fun. 


For some reason, Dubai reminded me of what North Korea is like to visit (not that I've been to either)--> a lot of flash in a small area, and not a lot of actual people. Creepy in a way? Orphanages down the block with dying babies and kids strapped to potty seats? Not sure I'm sold on Dubai.



Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 10

OK.  I've been holding back but I have to go on my rant and get on the soapbox.  Ignore if you're tired of hearing it.


Yo declares at the 'Gala' that she will do what ever it takes to find a 'cure' for Lyme Disease.  There is a cure for Lyme.  A course of antibiotics.  About 90% of those infected are 'cured'.  My husband (who I mentioned in an earlier post tonight) was cured.  My son was cured of Neurological Lyme.  I know a number of people who were cured.  Andy Cohen was cured.  This disease is being so misrepresented.  And people, like Kyle, who aren't familiar with the infection are being sold 'a bill of goods'.


Yes, there are a small percentage who have symptoms after antibiotic treatment.  But, there is no research that proves that this is a result of a continuous infection.  


There is no studies that prove that Lyme is transmitted by horseflies.  And that is what Yo is claiming regarding as to how she and her two children contracted Lyme.  There are no facts backing up her statement that Lyme can be transmitted sexually.  There are no facts that back up her statement in her blog last week in which she says that millions are suffering with Lyme (according to who?).  There are no facts that back up her statement that Lyme is the most serious vector transmitted disease in the world (that would be Malaria).  There are no facts that back up her statement that Lyme is the new AIDS (Last I heard, AIDS is treatable but not curable.  Lyme is curable).


If Yo stated that more research needs to be done on Lyme and how it's transmitted, I'd applaud her.  If Yo stated that she doesn't know how she contracted Lyme, I'd buy into that.  If Yo stated that two of her children contracted Lyme, not Chronic Lyme, I could buy into it.  If Yo stated that Lyme was highly curable but for some, symptoms continue after treatment, I could buy it.  If she didn't continually contradict herself about her journey, I could buy that she is truly sick.  If she can't educate factually, then she needs to shut up.  There are too many people out there who are suffering from the after effects of Lyme that shouldn't be fed the garbage that Yo is putting out there.  Unfortunately, Yo is thriving on her new 'career'.  And Lisar is right when she says that Yo uses her 'illness' as a convenience.  


OK.  I'm done for the moment.  Those of you who have read my rant, thank you.  Lyme Disease is very close to my heart.  And once again, if you find a deer tick, remove it if you feel comfortable.  If you do, put it in a baggie, or if you don't, in any case, get to your local walk in clinic or doctor immediately, get tested (then and six weeks later) and make sure you get a high dosage of doxycyline.   It's not fun (been through it multiple times), and eat something before you take it.  You'll feel like crap the rest of the day but it will cure the infection 90% of the time 'if' you've been infected.


ETA:  If you see a bull's eye rash, get to the doctor.  It may be from Lyme.  But not always.  I had bull's eye rashes on my upper arms for years but it was caused by something else.  Had multiple biopsy's for that because the doctors suspected Lyme.  Fortunately, it wasn't.

I think it was all the fault of her broken boobs. See? Bella thinks so too.


Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 5

I think it was all the fault of her broken boobs


Ruptured silicone breast implants don't cause neurological or autoimmune disease. They may cause direct compression effects of nearby structures and if it happens to compress a nerve in that local area then you may get symptoms in the distribution of that particular nerve.....nothing like what Yo is/has complained of so far. I've previously posted reference links in Yo's thread that go to sites that summarize and interpret all the research done on silicone breast implants--even old ones like Yo's.

  • Love 7

How much was that suite? $40,000 a night? Who pays that much for a hotel room. I couldn't help thinking of all the starving, suffering people in the world that a portion of that hotel room money could go to.  I find it really obscene.


Then the ladies get all dressed up, in their fancy muumuus, and dine inside. They could have been filmed in front of a green screen. The effect would have been the same.

Yes. Deeply obscene When did greed become so admirable. It hurts my stomach

  • Love 12

I think it was all the fault of her broken boobs


Completely agree.  She took them out, she feels better. Can we stop the Lyme discussion, now please.


I thought no-make-up Erica was pretty! She is way overdone on WWHL.


Yes, Erika is extremely pretty, even without all that makeup.  So why did she bring three glam assistants with her, if she wasn't going to use them to put on her face, I wonder.

  • Love 7

After tonight's rose garden, middle school dance dress, the country bumpkin overalls and a straw hat stolen from a mule, not to mention that gorgeous house filled with musty antique brik-a-brack I took away all of Eileen's glam points. I guess she can only dress well if somebody else picks it out for her otherwise she's the prom queen of Kornfield Kounty!

Can we sing Heeeeee Haaaawww Hee  Hee  Hee Haw Haw Haw!


  • Love 15

Please, more of LVP and Kyle doing anything. They are just entertaining to watch when they are together. They might not always get along, but they radiate warmth and actual friendship (the good and the bad of it all) when they are together.


Yes! More of this! They are adorable and I think that's the only part of the entire episode where I actually piped up and paid attention. 


This may be an unpopular opinion but I do not care for Erika's "no makeup" makeup. I think she looks ridiculous with a full face of base and powder to go with her albino eyelashes. Either wear makeup or don't but that is not fooling me! I honestly think Yoyo looks better withered away with nothing on than Erika trying to fake it. All it does is wash her out.


Also, can somebody nominate Brandi for a Razzie? That performance was atrocious. I could practically see her squinting to read her cue cards.


Bring on Dubai! I am loving the suites and the kaftans. If Kathryn doesn't want hers, I'll take it!

  • Love 11

Completely agree.  She took them out, she feels better. Can we stop the Lyme discussion, now please.



Yes, Erika is extremely pretty, even without all that makeup.  So why did she bring three glam assistants with her, if she wasn't going to use them to put on her face, I wonder.


she had a "swollen brain" (LOL, total lie) and couldn't go to Erika's dinner. She is still constantly playing the sick card....too sick to go to Dubai despite jetting around the world the past few years while "bedridden".

I wish the spreading the misinformation about silicone breast implants causing Yo's symptoms would stop! There is extensive medical research that disproves these claims. Of course Yo never let scientific get in the way of her lyme claims.

I'll get off my soap box now.


I wonder if her glam squad has arrived yet. They took a different flight. Homosexuality is illegal in Dubai and I hope she informed them of that bit of knowledge. I hope they aren't in jail.

  • Love 10

she had a "swollen brain" (LOL, total lie) and couldn't go to Erika's dinner. She is still constantly playing the sick card....too sick to go to Dubai despite jetting around the world the past few years while "bedridden".


Oh, she had "swollen brain" looooong before she had lyme. Momo should have stuck a pin in that head and let the air out.

  • Love 5
I wonder if her glam squad has arrived yet. They took a different flight. Homosexuality is illegal in Dubai and I hope she informed them of that bit of knowledge. I hope they aren't in jail.




I wonder if maybe they are in the closet-- no seriously! She always has them gathered in a little circle in a dressing room or closet. They are all probably upstairs in her bed, rolling around and being quiet. 

  • Love 2

Lisa's caftan look was on point.  She looked fabulous and needs to teach Kyle a thing or two about wearing caftans. 


I might be a sucker, but I almost teared up a little bit at the scene of Lisa and Max and her giving him a car.  He just seemed so authentically happy and it was nice seeing him in a scene that wasn't about him being irresponsible or a problem child.


Oh Rinna, shut the fuck up!  You don't need to bring up Yolanda every fucking minute the camera is on you.  SHUT UP!  She's the issue this season, and the reason it's all-Lyme all the time.  She never shuts up about it.  Kim and Brandi are gone, so she simply must gossip and bore us silly about Yolanda.  SHUT UP!  You are in Dubai, and we'd like to enjoy it as well. 


She's not gossipping, she's addressing her personal issues (insert eyeroll)


Brandi's date's arms were not only too short to box with God, they were too short to dance with Satan's concubine, Brandy!


Short arms are a problem though.  They make visits to the salad bar really hard.  Trust me on this.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 11

Great episode!

My family and I went to Dubai last March, so it was great reminiscing on the mutual places encountered!

Good thing that they dined in after they settled in...because Rinna, Katherine, and Eileen would have had to change again. No bare shoulders or short hemlines.

All fun and games for Katherine to not want to conform to the group/be rebellious, until she winds up being detained for indecency. *sideeye* #dummy

Yes. Deeply obscene When did greed become so admirable. It hurts my stomach

I GUARANTEE they didn't pay full rate for any of their accommodations. Edited by MichelEliz
  • Love 9

So the show opens with yet another scene of Yolanda telling us how she hasn't worn makeup or  hasn't been out of her bathrobe in


a) 11 months
b) 3 years
c) No one cares


Then, I couldnt believe that Dubia porn was interrupted by yet another scene of Yolanda whining about


a) Munchhausens
b) Munchhausens
c) Who cares


and she is whining to Brandi of all people.  Dubai porn interrupted for this?  All it did was confirm that I don't miss Brandi (who looked terrible in her TH).


Then we have a scene where Yolanda is cleaning out her house.  The King tells her to rest, but no, Yolanda must keep plugging because if she doesn't do it, who will?  As much as I dislike David Foster, there is a part of me that feels sorry for him.  I bet  being the King came with a healthy heaping of Yolanda being the passive aggressive Martyr. He was so over her when this was filmed - I bet it was hard to even pretend at that point.


And of course, no episode would be complete without a rehash of "Is Yolanda really sick of not?", courtesy of Lisa Rinna, helped along by Erika Whatever She Calls Herself, and Eileen, who needs to rehash everything under the sun.


And seriously ladies - you don't know what to pack or bring to Dubai?  Google is your friend.


Just let me see Dubai.  That was all I wanted.



A look book for travel?!?! She really does have too much time and money on her hands.


And that - was beyond ridiculous.  And I wonder who paid for her 3 fans to go?  I doubt Bravo did, so Tommy boy must have written that check.

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 23

LD has given Yo exactly what she wants, attention, and until she loses that attention, she won't be "cured". LD has become her schtick. Personally, I would love to see a big stick knock some sense into these women and have them all confront Yo about all HER lies and lack of integrity. She may want to believe otherwise but except for this show, no one cares who Yolanda is.

  • Love 14

I thought the gala was touching, it's interesting to see the scope of the Neurological Post Lyme Industry. I wish she'd shut up about the 11 months/3 years she didn't write/walk/wear makeup. I believe she believes it, but it's not at all accurate or consistent.

It's Murdoch media, they love stories about scary foreigners.

Did those women really slum it in premium economy for 14 hours? And why did you wear overalls on a plane, Eileen? How is that practical at all?

When I saw Erika's gay posse show up at her house, I was relieved because surely she wouldn't be taking her cartoonish gays to Dubai, then I learnt the truth. Get some real friends and learn how to do your own hair and makeup, Erika.

Edited by Kokapetl
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