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David Schwimmer was really good with Cuba and Selma and throughout as he showed that Bobby's doubts growing. I actually felt sorry for Bobby when he cried in Kris' arms.


OJ was so ridiculous in that mock cross. What an ass.


"Fight the Power." Bwah. Did the jury really threaten to boycott the trial? I cannot blame them though. That trial was never ending. They couldn't pay me to stay on that jury. I went from laughing at Tracy's complaints to Ito to feeling sorry for her when she had her mental breakdown. He should have just let her go home. Now she done lost her mind.


The jury game was some serious hardball. The accompanying music, "Another one bites bites the dust" rocked. I loved Marcia sarcastically telling Bailey, "you actually said that out loud." Talk about having no shame.


Did Fung really shake the defense team hands after they humiliated him? Did he explain why he did this? I vaguely remembered Sheck's cross examination going on for hours on end.


The LAPD is so incompetent. Why would they cover Nicole's body with her own blanket.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 16

Oh God, having to watch Martin over Seinfeld? For that matter, why on earth did they HAVE to watch the same show together? As long as the tapes (oh excuse me, the "VHs tapes"--I thought that was off, we just called them tapes back then) are vetted, why not provide two or three TVs?


"Whatever that is--" Did none of these morons study biology in high school? I knew what DNA was. I knew about the double helix. Just pay attention and use the brains God gave you as you swore in court you would do--it is really not that difficult to understand. Dumbasses.


Brave of Robert to bring up the "discrepancies" with the murderer. Great scene. "All of it?" EXACTLY, Robert. Love him poking holes in the wild-eyed conspiracy bullshit.


"I'm sure that you and your client are sympathetic to putting domestic violence in the rearview mirror--" Oooh, SNAP Marcia!  Cochrane the wife beater, showing his true colors.


The jury comes off very badly in this episode. I get--and actually sympathize--that it must absolutely suck to be sequestered for 8 months. But taking bets on the verdict? And if they were trying to unseat you by nefarious means--why would they have seated you in the first place? As a group they come across as petty, gossipy, sullen and inane.


Loved everyone just staring at Fung as he shook hands...like, where the hell do you think you are? That was just so bizarre.


Oh my God FUCK OFF BAILEY FUCK YOU. Oh my GOD with that rape comment! What an utter piece of shit. Can't say I'm surprised though, that attitude from the Dream Team.


Johnnie, why are you screaming so much about the woman juror? If anything, a victim of domestic violence would be more likely to convict? Oh I forgot, we've all collectively agreed to pretend that this case is about anything other than domestic violence that escalated to murder


How in GOD'S NAME could Ito have fallen for the "anonymous letter" bullshit? How?!?! How stupid is that man? Did he not even try to verify it?! Absolutely sickening.


The "demon"? Oh my God, Johnnie really does have a problem with women.


"Someone better be dead--"  Oh I forgot, we've all collectively agreed to pretend that this case is about anything other than domestic violence that escalated to murder.


I wonder if Cuba Gooding studied the tapes of OJ's deposition for the civil case? He seemed to be drawing on that for the shit-eating grin, that shifty stupid crap. He must've really lost his edge in jail. he wasn't remotely convincing or charming.


Beautiful scene with RK and Kris.

  • Love 16

David Schwimmer was really good with Cuba and Selma and throughout as he showed that Bobby's doubts growing. I actually felt sorry for Bobby when he cried in Kris' arms.

OJ was so ridiculous in that mock cross. What an ass.

"Fight the Power." Bwah. Did the jury really threaten to boycott the trial? I cannot blame them though. That trial was never ending. They couldn't pay me to stay on that jury. I went from laughing at Tracy's complaints to Ito to feeling sorry for her when she had her mental breakdown. He should have just let her go home. Now she done lost her mind.

The jury game was some serious hardball. The accompanying music, "Another one bites bites the dust" rocked. I loved Marcia sarcastically telling Bailey, "you actually said that out loud." Talk about having no shame.

Did Fung really shake the defense team hands after they humiliated him? Did he explain why he did this? I vaguely remembered Sheck's cross examination going on for hours on end.

The LAPD is so incompetent. Why would they cover Nicole's body with her own blanket.

All of this. Anyone know the answers?

Still doesn't account for the blood and the ugly ass shoe prints.

I felt bad for RK. What it must feel like to see the evidence pile up and know that there is no other answer.

Sorry but if I was on the jury and saw Fung go shake the defenses hands I would have thought he was in cahoots with them.

So did they really think about putting him on the stand?

  • Love 3

I honestly don't think I could have handled being on that jury, or being sequestered for that long.


Yes, all the trial stuff really happened.


We have reached the long slow slog through the muck to the bitter, bitter, sickening end now.


It's harder and harder to keep watching.  I need a bit of Dominick Dunne and his sources stuff now, anything really.


The jury revolt:  http://articles.latimes.com/1995-07-25/news/mn-27600_1_juror-revolt-judge-ito-deputies

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 15

I honestly don't think I could have handled being on that jury, or being sequestered for that long.


Ultimately that was on Ito. He was so star struck, enjoying the celebrity moment, and probably afraid of making a reversible error that he let the trial drag on, entertaining every ridiculous challenge that the defense made. His waffling helped the defense.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 13

The Dancing Itos! YASSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That jury was a trip, but then I don't know how calm I'd be after 8 months of a trial like that (or any trial)


The jury mutiny soundtracked by "Fight the Power" might be one of the best things I've ever seen on TV. God bless you, show.


Poor Robert Kardashian. He was so tortured and torn.


Next week looks good!

  • Love 8

And with the Martin vs. Seinfeld debate, they then cut to O.J.'s poker game, where he's discussing....Seinfeld. I freaking love this show's small moments.


I also loved the moment with the older African-American woman juror with curly hair who talked about how Deputy Adam let her talk to her daughter for extra time and the younger African-American woman who implied he was like a master that treated her well. Just so well-done.


I still cannot get over how Rob Morrow has been perfectly cryogenically preserved since the trial itself. Seriously, he's like straight out of Northern Exposure. How does he not age? His cross-examination was a great scene.


Courtney B. Vance singing "Ooh Child" was something I never thought I'd see. Also loved how he effortlessly went from Cochran fighting with Shapiro to being all charming and happy when Simpson was on the phone. He is utter perfection in this role.

  • Love 22

I liked "Another One Bites the Dust." Then Bailey has to explain that a retrial destroys Cochran's chances for an acquittal.


That phone call was hilarious. Cochran is about to answer, completely exasperated, then he's "My man!" All the holds were funny, too. I almost thought Johnnie would mess up and OJ would hear part of their conversation.


Did they teach about DNA in the 60's?


Also, no Kardashian Kids. Apparently, they were used lightly.

Edited by ketose
  • Love 5

I really felt for the jury and their plight of sequestration - you can almost justify their willingness to rush the verdict without discussing it in detail. The Martin vs Seinfeld debate was so smart to illustrate the racial divide.


And with the Martin vs. Seinfeld debate, they then cut to O.J.'s poker game, where he's discussing....Seinfeld. I freaking love this show's small moments.


It was a great scene with strong racial overtones. Who ever created and wrote this series is courageous and subversive as hell. Talk about throwing all societal issues that we love to duck out there; race, domestic violence, celebrity entitlement, and justice for the wealthy over the poor. This show has everything. I love it and hope they win an Emmy.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 14

This is like everyone's worst jury duty nightmare and while I can understand how hard it must have been this jury still sucked.   Funny how they didn't pick to watch Seinfeld since that show ended up spoofing the trial a few times.


I wish Ito had gotten in trouble for inviting celebrities into his chambers but I guess its okay.


David Schwimmer played his part well tonight.


The dancing Ito's was always a step to far to me. 

Edited by ShadowHunter
  • Love 3

This is so painful to watch but I can't NOT watch. The arrogance of the "Dream Team" as they knew they were getting closer and closer to a "not guilty" verdict, even with the jury issues, is sickening. Its a shame they didn't put OJ on the stand if he was truly going to be that much of a smug asshole. In today's world, there would have been no coming back from that DNA evidence, even with Shenk's questioning. Of course, this case is part of why DNA science has become so critical in cases and in some ways why it has seen the advances it has for criminology purposes, so if this case hadn't happened, would we be where we are with DNA evidence today? It makes one's head swim! 


I know others have said this but its just like watching the Titanic movie -- even though we know how it ends, we just keep wishing and hoping against hope they aren't going to hit the iceberg. But they do. They always do. And OJ will always have been found not guilty, despite how blantantly obvious it is that he is 100 percent GUILTY. 

It brings up all the anger and disgust and heartbreak all over again -- for OJ, but also for attorneys, and incompetent police work, and most importantly for Nicole and Ron. 

How many more episodes before this is over?? Ticket for one on the emotional roller coaster please, every Tuesday night. 


Edited by SailorGirl
  • Love 13

I know I was supposed to feel sympathy for the jury in this episode, and to an extent I did. I can't imagine being yanked out of my real life for 8 months. And not just my life, but the whole world. No TV or newspapers/magazines that hadn't been vetted first. Couldn't just come back after a long day in court to veg on my own. And today they probably would have blocked any and all access to the internet as well, which would have driven me fucking nuts. And then you throw in the obvious racial tensions and whatnot...I don't know, I didn't really get a true sense of feeling bad for them until Tracy tried to make a run for it. She had clearly totally lost it and her whole arc this episode was able to condense the problem. So, yeah, I guess I do feel bad. But it took the entire hour for me to get there, and I don't think that's what the show intended.


On to the otherwise wonderful things this episode...while not being able to sympathize with the jury until the end, I did enjoy their scenes/interactions. Aw man, that scene where they were arguing Martin vs. Seinfeld, only to cut to OJ talking about Seinfeld...I see you, ACS, I see you.


Schwimmer is doing excellent, excellent work. I tried to imagine how I would feel if my best friend was accused and tried for a brutal double homicide. Well, like Kardashian I would refuse to believe he had done it because he's my best friend and obviously I wouldn't be friends with someone if I knew they had murderous tendencies. But then the evidence is just insurmountable and points to no one else. While the scenes with Kardashian/OJ and Kardashian/Kris were obviously great, I loved the quick one with Kardashian/Scheck. It was obvious that Kardashian was trying to get Scheck to tell him that there was a possibility that the DNA couldn't be OJ's, but Scheck's mind was on simply providing doubt for the jury and reassuring Kardashian that they could still win. It was a subtle miscommunication but I thought it worked amazingly.


My frustration with the lack of knowledge regarding DNA knows no fucking ends. I get it, I get it, it was the '90s and apparently it was this great big mystery to the common man, but Jesus. They teach this shit in middle school science now, 11-year-olds can grasp it. The Fung cross was a disaster. And then shaking hands with the defense, was that ever explained?


Bailey's "it was legal at the time, they were married" and Clark's "did you really just say that OUT LOUD?" was a brilliant moment.


Did they really consider putting Simpson on the stand? How was Shapiro the only one who thought that was a bad idea from the start? Were the others just trying to placate Simpson? Even Cochran was on board with at least trying it out? He of all people seems like the one who would have been vehemently against it and would have found the mock cross to be a total waste of time.


Ok, so I figured it out. For the Emmys, Courtney B. Vance can submit in Lead Actor - Miniseries, Sterling K. Brown can submit in Supporting Actor - Miniseries, and with Sarah Paulson they can either flip a coin or gauge her competition for both categories and then decide on either Lead or Supporting Actress, I could see arguments for either one. Someone get Ryan Murphy on the phone, I know what I'm doing.

Edited by helenamonster
  • Love 15

Thanks so much for these!  Good job.


This is so painful to watch but I can't NOT watch. The arrogance of the "Dream Team" as they knew they were getting closer and closer to a "not guilty" verdict, even with the jury issues, is sickening. Its a shame they didn't put OJ on the stand if he was truly going to be that much of a smug asshole. In today's world, there would have been no coming back from that DNA evidence, even with Shenk's questioning. Of course, this case is part of why DNA science has become so critical in cases and in some ways why it has seen the advances it has for criminology purposes, so if this case hadn't happened, would we be where we are with DNA evidence today? It makes one's head swim! 


I know others have said this but its just like watching the Titanic movie -- even though we know how it ends, we just keep wishing and hoping against hope they aren't going to hit the iceberg. But they do. They always do. And OJ will always have been found not guilty, despite how blantantly obvious it is that he is 100 percent GUILTY. 

It brings up all the anger and disgust and heartbreak all over again -- for OJ, but also for attorneys, and incompetent police work, and most importantly for Nicole and Ron. 

How many more episodes before this is over?? Ticket for one on the emotional roller coaster please, every Tuesday night. 


OJ did have to testify in the civil trial, so I'm pretty sure they took a bit of his "rehearsal testimony" from his odious, smug, and complete fail of a performance then.


I think that female juror who broke for it was taken to the hospital after she got home.  The other jurors were mean to her because she wasn't black enough.  Now where did I read that?  Somewhere credible, I know that.


From the EW link above:

She also describes the other juror’s cold attitude toward her on the day after the guards were transferred, which the show accurately depicts, though goes a step further by portraying Hampton experiencing a grand mal anxiety attack when she notices her fellow members gossiping about her. In fact, that came the day after his ultimate dismissal, when she was carried out of her house on a stretcher and hospitalized for panic and depression. (She fully recovered and posed naked for Playboy later in 1995, followed by the media rounds, including an very interesting interview with a very interested Howard Stern.)


There is also a CNN video interview of her on that link.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

When Marcia Clark asked Fung who's DNA it was, the consequent flashing to David Schwimmer's face - this was the FIRST time I actually forgot he wasn't David Schwimmer. He WAS Robert Kardashian.

The one time I've absolutely seen OJ in Cuba was in the moment when RK asked him about the blood in his Bronco. That momentary hesitation, followed by the almost annoyed shake of the head, followed by a pent up enraged "I don't know!?" That moment was phenomenal. It was fleeting, but it was there. My god, it was there.

I was completely disgusted at Lee Bailey's flippant "It wasn't TECHNICALLY rape...between a husband and a wife," but Marcia's response of, "You know you said that OUT LOUD?" was pitch perfect.

I agree it was well acted but that dialogue, that turn of phrase, felt a little too modern for me. 


I thought Cuba was great in this episode, but his voice almost always destroys it for me. He reminds me of Mike Tyson. (Did he ever play Tyson? I bet he does a good impression.)



Burning question: did Kris Jenner really wear a talk show host suit to make american cheese sandwiches in her kitchen? 

  • Love 8

For those who didn't watch the real trial?  Thank your lucky stars you don't have to listen to endless DNA testimony from both sides, it felt like it went on for months.  The prosecution did a good job of making it seem like hocus pocus and something you needed a PhD to understand, and Fung was just horrible on the stand, so out of his depth testifying it was pathetic.


Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 5

I know we like to say the jury was a bunch if dummies, but if LAPD and the prosecution hadn't been incomptent nitwits, the result may not have been what it was:

Prosecution story: he killed Nicole in a jealous rage, Ron was collateral damage. OJ's blood everywhere.

Defense story: LAPD is racist, planted the evidence and/or didn't properly handle evidence. Prosecution witness after witness is shown to have either racial bias or improperly handle evidence in this case when they've never done so in other cases.

The defense story was more believable than the prosecution story. In fact, the prosecution unwittingly confirmed it.

Dems the breaks.

  • Love 8

"Whatever that is--" Did none of these morons study biology in high school? I knew what DNA was. I knew about the double helix. Just pay attention and use the brains God gave you as you swore in court you would do--it is really not that difficult to understand. Dumbasses.

Well, I went to high school in the 2000s, took a bio class or two in college and I dont remember a lick about DNA, double helix and what not. As a matter of fact, I did one of those escape room game things over the weekend which included several clues that dealt with the ATCG. Let's just say I was stone quiet and let the other people figure it out. I could only imagine how foreign it would be to people back in the 90s and certainly the older folks. All of that stuff understandably (to me) flew over their heads.

I cant believe that forensic guy walked over to the defense table and shook all the lawyers hands. I mean...where the fuck they do that at? You just got embarassed, your work and professionalism ripped to shreds and you may possibly have contributed to letting a murderer off and you think its appropriate to go shake hands with the defense?

Never watched an episode of Seinfeld or Friends (though I do know who David Schwimmer, the chick who used to be married to Brad Pitt...her name is escaping me right now), etc. are. But yeah that little debate between the jurors of Seinfeld or Martin was spot on.

Ok so I actually didnt have a problem with what Bailey said regarding the rape thing. To me, he was highlighting a fact/technicality that in 1988 (I think thats the year he mentioned), there was no such thing as a husband raping his wife legally speaking. I dont think he meant or was trying to insinuate that a husband cant rape his wife in the abstract, just that there were no laws on the books that even acknowledged it.

I dont understand if Cochran didnt want that old white lady juror on, why was he was trying get all the other ones disqualified.

Courtney Vance is killing it. I laughed during that scene with him, Bailey and Shapiro and putting OJ on hold. The look on his face at the end when he says "yeah, a rehearsal" was simply hilarious.

Edited by FuriousStyles
  • Love 4

Well, I went to high school in the 2000s, took a bio class or two in college and I dont remember a lick about DNA, double helix and what not. As a matter of fact, I did one of those escape room game things over the weekend which included several clues that dealt with the ATCG. Let's just say I was stone quiet and let the other people figure it out. I could only imagine how foreign it would be to people back in the 90s and certainly the older folks. All of that stuff understandably (to me) flew over their heads.


I went to high school in the '80s. And I understood what DNA was during the trial, and why it tied OJ so completely to the scene. Seriously, you really didn't remember the double helix? That's pretty well-known science history--Watson and Crick--and was back in the '80s as well. I really think the whole "it was too much for the jury to follow" is letting them off the hook.  If they couldn't follow the science, they could at least grasp the gist--that the chances of that DNA being anyone's but OJ's was miniscule.

  • Love 6

The usage of "Another One Bites the Dust" and "Fight the Power" were brilliant.


And when Tracy was upset and crying and telling Judge Ito that the deputies only gave them 30 minutes at Ross - "Everyone knows black people like Ross better" - and they cut to Johnnie nodding his head and saying "Yep.  That's true" was everything.


David Schwimmer has just been excellent - I can't wait to see how he plays Kardashian's reaction to the verdict.

  • Love 21

I went to high school in the '80s. And I understood what DNA was during the trial, and why it tied OJ so completely to the scene. Seriously, you really didn't remember the double helix? That's pretty well-known science history--Watson and Crick--and was back in the '80s as well. I really think the whole "it was too much for the jury to follow" is letting them off the hook. If they couldn't follow the science, they could at least grasp the gist--that the chances of that DNA being anyone's but OJ's was miniscule.

Yes, I seriously didnt remember it. Over the weekend I was like DNA, RNA, A to T, T to A, C to G, G to C...WTF is all this? But yeah, I appreciated that Marcia wanted the forensic guy to dumb things down and just talk in simplier terms. But apparently the forensic part of the trial went on for quite a while. So you have a topic that hardly anyone is familiar with, isnt quite interesting and then stretch it out. I cant blame that jury for tuning out.

Shit much like the shoes in the trunk, I probably would have tuned out right when they said they wrapped Nicole's body in a blanket from inside the house which could have had OJ's hair/dna on it beforehand. Its little moments like that, that really made the case IMO.

As someone upthread said, there was plenty of blame to go around. The LAPD, forensics, Ito, and the prosecution obviously had their own misteps. This was by farrr a tightly put together case. It was like a mountain of evidence held up by a house of cards.

  • Love 6

Was I supposed to laugh during this episode? No fucking sympathy for this jury. And guys, I totally thought Tracy faked her screaming meltdown/breakdown. So there would be witnesses for when she would ask Ito to release her from jury duty.

I know EXACTLY who juror no. 6 is.

As I was watching, I remembered that Law & Order in its second season, in 1992 had an episode dealing with DNA. That it was it was accepted and if it was a match, it would be 100% match. It was thrown out the first time because it was only 85%. See that was the mom's DNA, but mom wasn't the one who had had sex with the murder victim-it was the DAUGHTER. So when they tested her DNA, it was a perfect match.

Yet, three years later, it's like "DUH? DNA? What's that?" Unless the thought was DNA was a Hollywood 'splanation for getting the murderer?

This episode, the snark between Clark and Cochran, their fighting in chambers...SCREAMED that this was a Law & Order episode I was watching, and not in a good way. The antics of the jury...and here we are in the homestretch and Ito isn't coming off as the buffoon and fame whore that was mocked on late night.

I don't recall OJ EVER being in court with stubble. He was ALWAYS Clean shaven. Yet Cuba has him with two-three day stubble in court???!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 6

Thanks so much for these! Good job.

OJ did have to testify in the civil trial, so I'm pretty sure they took a bit of his "rehearsal testimony" from his odious, smug, and complete fail of a performance then.

I think that female juror who broke for it was taken to the hospital after she got home. The other jurors were mean to her because she wasn't black enough. Now where did I read that? Somewhere credible, I know that.

From the EW link above:

There is also a CNN video interview of her on that link.

Michael Knox, who was dismissed for looking at the Heisman Trophy during the house tour, wrote a book and discussed at length the Jeannette Harris/Tracy Hampton situation. His theory was that JH was jealous of TH, younger, prettier and classier. He was dismissed early and was impressed with the prosecution's case.

  • Love 4

Being on that jury seemed like punishment, I would be happy to be one of the excused ones. You have to watch movies as a group, you can't use the pool. No TV and even the reading material was screened. 8 days of that would make me nuts much less 8 months.


Why couldn't the cable just be cut/removed and the jurors allowed to keep their room tv's with approved movies or video tapes? 


David did great with his horror through out the episode realizing that OJ was guilty and trying to come to terms with it. 


Fung was ridiculous, shaking hands with the defense like that to the horror and shock of everyone in the courtroom.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 10
Oh my God FUCK OFF BAILEY FUCK YOU. Oh my GOD with that rape comment! What an utter piece of shit. Can't say I'm surprised though, that attitude from the Dream Team.


I have no idea how accurate it is, but I love that while the other members of the Dream Team are presented as craven or hypocritical or otherwise morally compromised, Bailey is portrayed as wholly and uncompromisingly wicked.

  • Love 7

I was deeply disappointed that what I believe was the key to the defense's case - Barry Scheck's destruction of Dennis Fung and the DNA evidence - was run through so quickly.  If I remember this correctly, Fung was on the stand for eight days, not a few hours.  Scheck, along with Peter Neufeld, who apparently was written out of this drama, showed up every one of the numerous errors in evidence collection and control that Fung and the LAPD committed.  I can still remember his stinging, "Mr. Fung!" over and over again.  The jury said afterwards that it was Scheck and Neufeld's work that allowed them to dismiss the DNA evidence, which should have cinched the case for the prosecution.




  • Love 7

This is so painful to watch but I can't NOT watch. The arrogance of the "Dream Team" as they knew they were getting closer and closer to a "not guilty" verdict, even with the jury issues, is sickening. Its a shame they didn't put OJ on the stand if he was truly going to be that much of a smug asshole. In today's world, there would have been no coming back from that DNA evidence, even with Shenk's questioning. Of course, this case is part of why DNA science has become so critical in cases and in some ways why it has seen the advances it has for criminology purposes, so if this case hadn't happened, would we be where we are with DNA evidence today? It makes one's head swim!

I know others have said this but its just like watching the Titanic movie -- even though we know how it ends, we just keep wishing and hoping against hope they aren't going to hit the iceberg. But they do. They always do. And OJ will always have been found not guilty, despite how blantantly obvious it is that he is 100 percent GUILTY.

It brings up all the anger and disgust and heartbreak all over again -- for OJ, but also for attorneys, and incompetent police work, and most importantly for Nicole and Ron.

How many more episodes before this is over?? Ticket for one on the emotional roller coaster please, every Tuesday night.


I was in my early 20s and living in LA during this time and all the craziness of the trial and the glorification of OJ from his "Dream Team" and the folks out in the world that refused to see him as an abuser made me realize that he would never be convicted of murdering Nicole and Ron.

He got away with abusing Nicole for years. He was never going to be convicted for murdering her. He's only in jail now, due to his stupid ass pride, lack of common sense and no one in his group of lackies to tell him that it wouldn't be a good thing to try and steal back your stuff from a pawn shop.

David S. is excellent at revealing Rob K.'s horror at learning that OJ really did kill his ex-wife and a total stranger. He really was blindsided by it, because you don't really want to think that someone, whom you consider to be your best friend could be capable of murder.

He looked absolutely devasted.

  • Love 9

I was deeply disappointed that what I believe was the key to the defense's case - Barry Scheck's destruction of Dennis Fung and the DNA evidence - was run through so quickly.  If I remember this correctly, Fung was on the stand for eight days, not a few hours.  Scheck, along with Peter Neufeld, who apparently was written out of this drama, showed up every one of the numerous errors in evidence collection and control that Fung and the LAPD committed.  I can still remember his stinging, "Mr. Fung!" over and over again.  The jury said afterwards that it was Scheck and Neufeld's work that allowed them to dismiss the DNA evidence, which should have cinched the case for the prosecution.


You are jogging my memory here. I vaguely remember Scheck, not sure about Neufeld, being on everytime I turned on the trial. His cross-examination really must have lasted days. I do recall that there were errors in collecting the evidence at the crime scene.


Gawd, the trial felt like it was never going to end. And it was all people in media and in real life were talking about. I simply refused to discuss it any more and put myself into a cocoon of silence to escape. 

I completely thought that one juror faked her "attack" because she had already tried to get off of the jury and Ito told her she had to stay.  It seemed completely contrived.  I did laugh at her comment about black people and Ross though because they had Johnnie in the background nodding his head like "She's right."


There was nothing wrong with Bailey pointing out that in the eyes of the law, the juror was not raped.  He was correct.  I am not sure why annoying Marcia had to be a witch about it.


So did both sides have PI's investigating all of the jurors for that many of them to be kicked off well after the pre-case screenings?

He's only in jail now, due to his stupid ass pride, lack of common sense and no one in his group of lackies to tell him that it wouldn't be a good thing to try and steal back your stuff from a pawn shop.

I think OJ did the robbery and got caught on purpose because he didn't have the income any more to live the lifestyle to which he had become accustomed, plus he was shunned by the country club group/class/set of people who had so welcomed and loved him before he went to trial for being a double-murderer.  He didn't want to be free anymore.  Okay, I'll take the tinfoil off now.  


Regarding this episode, I was trying and failing to have sympathy for anyone up there on my screen -- not the jurors, not Marcia Clark or Chris Darden, not OJ, not the Dream Team, Ito for the Dancing Itos, none of them.  

I was deeply disappointed that what I believe was the key to the defense's case - Barry Scheck's destruction of Dennis Fung and the DNA evidence - was run through so quickly.  If I remember this correctly, Fung was on the stand for eight days, not a few hours.  Scheck, along with Peter Neufeld, who apparently was written out of this drama, showed up every one of the numerous errors in evidence collection and control that Fung and the LAPD committed.  I can still remember his stinging, "Mr. Fung!" over and over again.  The jury said afterwards that it was Scheck and Neufeld's work that allowed them to dismiss the DNA evidence, which should have cinched the case for the prosecution.


Yeah, I was disappointed by that as well. Obviously they weren't going to dedicate a whole episode to the DNA questioning, but they should've at least given it about as much time as they gave the gloves last week. The impression we're meant to be left with in this episode is that Scheck destroyed Fung on cross-examination (hence Clark's subsequent breakdown in her office), but they didn't show us nearly enough to properly convey that. I think we only saw three brief exchanges between them.

  • Love 5

When they were talking about the DNA, did you see the juror with her smirky face? Like, no matter what they said, she wasn't going to believe.

I realize the crime scene wasn't handled well but where would the police get that amount of blood from OJ to then smear it around everywhere? There was a good bit of it on the bronco in the opening scene, if I remember correctly.

in today's world, I feel like a case with that much DNA evidence would just settle and not go to the jury. It's so obvious.

Edited by Pepperminty
  • Love 4


I realize the crime scene wasn't handled well but where would the police get that amount of blood from OJ to then smear it around everywhere?


Remember, the defense alleged that there was a good amount of OJ's blood missing.  I don't know if the police took samples of his blood, I guess they would've had to in order to do the DNA analysis.



I think OJ did the robbery and got caught on purpose because he didn't have the income any more to live the lifestyle to which he had become accustomed, plus he was shunned by the country club group/class/set of people who had so welcomed and loved him before he went to trial for being a double-murderer.  He didn't want to be free anymore.  Okay, I'll take the tinfoil off now.


OJ had plenty of income.  The Browns & Goldmans could not touch his NFL pension and I believe he moved to Florida for money reasons.  He was just a dummy who stole his own stuff and is now in jail because of that.  Should've been like Robert Blake and laid low.

  • Love 9

And when Tracy was upset and crying and telling Judge Ito that the deputies only gave them 30 minutes at Ross - "Everyone knows black people like Ross better" - and they cut to Johnnie nodding his head and saying "Yep.  That's true" was everything.


I rewound that micro-scene three or four times.  Clark looking at Cochran for affirmation of the juror's statement regarding Target Vs. Ross...and Cochran giving the oh-so-subtle nod and eyebrow raise.  It was a beautiful small moment in a show full of them.


I watched both Seinfeld and Martin back in the 90s so I always looked forward to Thursday nights.




I loved Martin.  My sister and I still joke about "bruh-man."  I'd take Martin over Seinfeld any day.



Schwimmer made me cry.

I love how everyone's seeing the light that is David Schwimmer now.:)  The fact that he's so "Ross" works in his favor, IMO.  The angsty Ross-like attributes work well as he plays out the emotions that Robert Kardashian must've been feeling every single day of this nightmare.  His scene with Selma Blair broke my heart.  It makes the image of RK's face at the verdict even more powerful, knowing now what he was going through.  I can't imagine wanting to walk away so badly but knowing if he did, OJ is as good as convicted.  Just heart-breaking.


When Marica yelled at Darden to get out of her office?  I was all, "Marcia, no!  He didn't know!  But yes!  I feel your rage!  But no!  Don't yell at him!  Yell louder!"  GAHHHH!  


This show is ruining me for all other shows.  I can't remember when a drama captivated me so.  Even the smallest facial expression gets me right in the feels.


I never watch the Emmys but I darn sure will this time.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 17

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