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S06.E16: Hearing Is Believing

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People on reddit are overwhelming convinced since Tom first appeared , that they are in some S&m bondage slave/owner situation. I've got to be honest I didn't even read 50 shades and have zero knowledge of what entails so I don't know.

There's not much to know. It means she's a concubine. If it's a dom/sub thing then part of keeping their sex life hot is that she has to ask master for certain things. Oddly, that's why I don't have a problem with her having to ask him for jewelry money or keep her mouth shut when he tells her. Their relationship screams "arrangement" to me and as long as it's consensual I don't really care that she's Kept. She agreed. It's not my thing, but if it's theirs....*shrug*


ETA: she even has a song with the lyric "let me be your concubine". I totally forgot.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 11

Very beautiful, too!

Didn't we "meet" that dog before on a previous epsode? I vaguely remember some friend of Lisa's bringing him by and her gushing about how much she loved him.

I've never watched The Americans. Is it very violent?



Increasingly so. They are Russian spies posing as Americans. My mom dropped out when they killed a cop in the first season. It can be very intense, but they are not unaffected by what they do.


I knew it!  I knew Great Pyrenees dogs were secretly Russian spy's and I'm fairly certain Newfoundlands are working for the North Koreans.

  • Love 10
LVP is bored and annoyed with everyone


Like LVP, I am bored and annoyed too. 


Just a couple of comments about the ep:


Erica gave Yo a pass on her party. That's her perogative. But I floved it when she said she did so because Yolanda's brain was swollen that day. lol!! How can she tell?


Lisa R runs her mouth on camera then tries to back away. What an idiot. 


When do they film the TH's? Because it seemed obvious that Yo and the King were done when she was talking in her TH's. 


I had a Great Pyrenees/Lab mix years ago. He was hands down the sweetest, best doggie I ever owned. 

  • Love 5

So let me get this straight.  LVP is a bad friend because she doesn't leave her 3 restaurants and other filming gig to fly across the country and support Yolonda's charity but it's totally OK for the unemployed Yo to skip out on Lisa's charity march right there in LA?  Or was the local supermarket all out of rental Jazzies that she could ride because she is unable to exercise and go on walks?  

  • Love 23

Tom is clearly the breadwinner in that relationship and again, the way that seems to work between them has already been heavily established - she 'asked permission' about redoing her gardens in the front of her home in an earlier episode, and clearly he holds the pursestrings on her Erika Jayne business ('...the Boss is calling).  

In a way though, I think he is rather smart to keep a very tight lid on his finances. I am sure he has seen many people spend spend spend away their fortunes. ( Ie like Kanya being 53 millions in debt). I am sure Erika doesn't have to send an email to him about a 100 dollar bracelet. Most of this jewelry is more expensive than my car, so yeah. She should have to ask to buy it. Redoing landscaping ? That can easily cost 10K+!!! 


He makes the rules and she plays by them, I don't feel bad for her but I wish she would stop pretending she is some badass independent woman, lol


Anyway I have been a super fan from the get go, but I turned this episode off halfway. A lil boring. I did love Kyle calling Rinna a follower. LOL. And her and Lisa being silly, making jokes. Very real and entertaining. Can we just have a show with Kyle Camille and LVP being rich and fabulous.

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 12

I like you Eileen.  I really do.


But if you don't shut the fuck up about Lisa offending you when she asked about your adulterous behavior I'm going to start getting violent.


She apologized.  I get that it wasn't how you expected nor wanted her to.  But if you were so pissed off she spoke about it at all, why do you keep bringing it up?  To take a quote from Chandler Bing "Shutup!  Shutup!  SHUTUUUUUUUUPPPPP!!!"

  • Love 22

So let me get this straight.  LVP is a bad friend because she doesn't leave her 3 restaurants and other filming gig to fly across the country and support Yolonda's charity but it's totally OK for the unemployed Yo to skip out on Lisa's charity march right there in LA?  Or was the local supermarket all out of rental Jazzies that she could ride because she is unable to exercise and go on walks?  

They all do this. It's the easiest and cheapest way to get in a dig.  Kim and Yo did it to LVP in S4, and she greatly resented it, since quite rightly she had a lot on her plate and couldn't make everything. For that reason, I was surprised to hear her call out Eileen, since she knows she is very busy. Not only does she have a full-time job away from this show, she has a young boy at home. Of course often they miss the things they would probably prefer to not go to, either because they don't care for the person, or the event sounds dumb. LVP had something better/more important to do than paint tiles for Gigi's apartment, and Eileen had something more important to do than LVP's event. They all get it but they use it against each other when it suits their argument. 

  • Love 10

They all do this. It's the easiest and cheapest way to get in a dig.  Kim and Yo did it to LVP in S4, and she greatly resented it, since quite rightly she had a lot on her plate and couldn't make everything. For that reason, I was surprised to hear her call out Eileen, since she knows she is very busy. Not only does she have a full-time job away from this show, she has a young boy at home. Of course often they miss the things they would probably prefer to not go to, either because they don't care for the person, or the event sounds dumb. LVP had something better/more important to do than paint tiles for Gigi's apartment, and Eileen had something more important to do than LVP's event. They all get it but they use it against each other when it suits their argument. 

Wasn't Gigi's tile painting thing in the middle of the afternoon on a weekday in Malibu?  I feel like that's a little more understandable to skip for a person who works full time than a weekend thing. I think people have every right to skip events for whatever reasons they want but it's a tad hypocritical of Yo, don't you think?  I mean her and LVP's events take place in the same episode.  It's definitely more understandable to skip an event that is 6 hours away. 

  • Love 9

OMG  I'm OFFICIALLY over Erika.  Her saying she's "not allowed" to purchase jewelry, that she has to email Tom's secretary to request a piece she'd like to have,


RHOOC OG Vicky G would approve!


Is it me or is it super weird that she doesn't say she would talk to her husband but that she has to go thru his secretary?


I am not gonna cry feminist tears for a grown ass seemingly smart woman who exchanged her youth, beauty and her autonomy for financial security. To be even more petty - bitch has a quarter of million dollar Cartier piece of jewelry. She's coping just fine!  YMMV.


I almost died choking on my own phlegm laughing when they protested outside the wrong place. Oh BH! 


Affair rumors aside, from the outside looking in, Kyle and Mauricio really do seem to have an enviable relationship.


The main event - I gotta admit that it is interesting to watch Eileen follow the bouncing ball. She is still butt hurt like crazy over the marital affair question. In some respects I get it. This is reality tv. Bravo at that. A question just isn't a question; it is the potential start of a season long story arch. Case in point - Munchausen.  In my humble opinion, Eileen isn't just mad at LisaV for asking a few 'inappropriate' questions, I think Eileen thinks LisaV was trying to make her affair a season storyline. Eileen is hearing about the LisaV encouraging LisaR to bring up the Munchausen thing, LisaV and Kyle questioning YoLyme's illness, hearing about LisaV continue to prod why LisaR isn't upset about the bi-polar thing along with lots of other little tidbits things and she sees all that as evidence that LisaV was trying to set her up.


I don't think she is wrong about LisaV, who is a good little soldier for Bravo. She has the knack for keeping her dirt hidden and exposing other peoples. Where Eileen loses, is that she is hating the player when she needs to be hating the game. Where the hell does she think she is? WTF did she think she signed up for?!? You got the check, now it is time to dance monkey dance. Also, if you have dirt in your past that you don't want unearthed and discussed at length on screen, than don't come on the show!


You can practically smell the irreconcilable differences in the air between David and Yo. Yikes!


I feel tainted with saying it but I thought Yo was right on to tell Lipsa that it was none of her damn business about her luncheon.


Yo's haircut looks really good on her.


My fondest greatest wish is that they would bring on Ken's older son and his wife, Lisa's ex best friend (who looks like his mom). I'd throw both Lisar and Eileen in the trash for that but I know it is not likely to happen.


I was nice seeing a less made up, in totally casual clothes Erika on the flight to NYC. She looked pretty!

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 9

I changed channels during the dog  parts because it upsets me too much, so I can't comment on any of that.


Now nice that Bravo picked up the conversation between Erika's husband and David Foster, and thoughtfully provided captions.  It was probably the most interesting conversation of the night.


The whole bit with Lisa Rinna being so upset about Yolanda and Brandi and Kim was beyond ridiculous.  Erika was the only one with any right to be upset, and she was fine.  None of Lisa's business.  And it went on and on and on, and as much as Yolanda wears me out, she was 100% right in this instance. And Eileen needs to give it a rest.  Doesn't she have enough drama on her soap opera?



I want her off this show next season as badly as I wanted Brandi gone for this season.


I agree with this.  My reaction to her right now is almost visceral.  Every time I see her come on screen, I am turned off.



I can't WAIT for The Americans!  We need more people to watch, so the rest of you guys?  Mosey on over!

I'll be there!

  • Love 3

I think the thing with Erika isn't that she has to ask about buying really expensive jewelry--that makes sense. But that she obviously has this whole thing in her marriage where she plays into him being the boss. Like many women in that situation would simply say that they liked the jewelry but they're not going to spend that amount of money without talking to their spouse. In their marriage it's a thing that she has to ask permission by sending a pic to his secretary when he's in a good mood, because it's about Daddy buying her a present.


Obviously that's how their marriage works for them and everything, but it just so fits with the rest of her personality. She's kind of cliche.

  • Love 3

OMG  I'm OFFICIALLY over Erika.  Her saying she's "not allowed" to purchase jewelry, that she has to email Tom's secretary to request a piece she'd like to have, just nooooooo!  Uggggghhhh!  Before I got married I bought all my own jewelry and it's gorgeous!  Now that I'm married if I see something I want, I fucking buy it.  The thought of asking permission to buy a ring, bracelet or necklace makes me gag!  What the fucking fuck Erika?  You're an independent woman who does what she wants? I don't think so. 


Doesn't Erika make her own money doing her vanity project/nightclub act?  Couldn't she buy what she wants with her own money?  Or, perhaps she doesn't make all that much "touring the world" performing?

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 3

Thank you!! You can gyrate and growl in ill fitting cat suits till the cows come home, lady, but that statement was the final nail in the "bad bitch" coffin. I was rooting for Erika (Tyra Banks: "We were ALL rooting for you!"), but the last thing a fierce, independent woman does is "send her husband's secretary a picture" and instruct her to wait to show it to him "when he's in a good mood." There was so much WTF in that whole admission. I think she thought it would come off as "I have little people who will take care of it for me," when really what the rest of us heard was "I don't make my own money, so I have no choice but to ask my husband for his when I want to buy anything expensive."


Yup, you're one bad ass bitch, Erika! ("I don't give a F*CK!")

I'm liking that part of Erika that plays fierce but has to defer to her husband. That is probably more the reality of a "real" Real Housewife of BH then not. I choose to look at these women as characters so I don't get to bent out of shape about some things if the wife is entertaining. Erika is doing her job by looking great, having real estate worthy of the franchise and is a friend with an available PP for Yolanda's storylines. She's also kinda of a bitch and I don't like her but that just adds to her character amusing me.

  • Love 6

Wasn't Gigi's tile painting thing in the middle of the afternoon on a weekday in Malibu?  I feel like that's a little more understandable to skip for a person who works full time than a weekend thing. I think people have every right to skip events for whatever reasons they want but it's a tad hypocritical of Yo, don't you think?  I mean her and LVP's events take place in the same episode.  It's definitely more understandable to skip an event that is 6 hours away. 

Of course it's hypocritical of Yo. She has missed most things this season, so for her to call anyone else out because they don't want to come along for her "journey" is ridiculous. She didn't fly across the country to attend LVP's magazine deal in The Hampton's, and LVP had zero issue with it. My point is that they all do it, want allowances for themselves, but want to take the opportunity to make someone else look bad in the same situation. The tile painting deal was dumb, and it was in the middle of the afternoon. LVP was busy, and didn't like being judged for having something else to do. It was completely understandable for her to feel that way. Now she is being hypocritical for judging Eileen because in the middle of the afternoon she had something else that she needed to tend to. She doesn't really care if Eileen is there or not, and certainly understands her reasons for not being there, but takes the opportunity to make Eileen look bad because it advances her own interests to do so at this time. LVP had every reason to be insulted at Yo's insinuation that she must not really care about Gigi or she would have been painting tiles in Malibu. Likewise, Eileen has every right to be insulted at the idea that she must not care about dogs being abused and consumed because she had something else to do. 

  • Love 8

Doesn't Erika make her own money doing her vanity project/nightclub act?  Couldn't she buy what she wants with her own money?  Or, perhaps she doesn't make all that much "touring the world" performing?


I don't think the Erika Jayne career pays enough to finance the mega tour bus, let alone all the outfits and hanger ons. 

  • Love 19

The main event - I gotta admit that it is interesting to watch Eileen follow the bouncing ball. She is still butt hurt like crazy over the marital affair question. In some respects I get it. This is reality tv. Bravo at that. A question just isn't a question; it is the potential start of a season long story arch. Case in point - Munchausen.  In my humble opinion, Eileen isn't just mad at LisaV for asking a few 'inappropriate' questions, I think Eileen thinks LisaV was trying to make her affair a season storyline. Eileen is hearing about the LisaV encouraging LisaR to bring up the Munchausen thing, LisaV and Kyle questioning YoLyme's illness, hearing about LisaV continue to prod why LisaR isn't upset about the bi-polar thing along with lots of other little tidbits things and she sees all that as evidence that LisaV was trying to set her up.


I don't think she is wrong about LisaV, who is a good little soldier for Bravo. She has the knack for keeping her dirt hidden and exposing other peoples. Where Eileen loses, is that she is hating the player when she needs to be hating the game. Where the hell does she think she is? WTF did she think she signed up for?!? You got the check, now it is time to dance monkey dance. Also, if you have dirt in your past that you don't want unearthed and discussed at length on screen, than don't come on the show!




The irony is that it's Eileen that has turned it into a season long storyline by being so damn butt hurt and not just letting it drop already.  Nobody would still be talking about it if she didn't keep bringing it up.

  • Love 18

I think that what Rinna and the others have been dancing around via Munchausen' s and happy/ sick selfies is that Yolanda is being paid as a full time housewife, but isn't showing up for HWs gigs. However she is well enough to do other things. It's too production based/inside-baseball to address directly though. That's why the Kim and Brandi lunch bugged her.

If Eileen needs a concrete example of why LVP asked her how "good" they were, she needs to look at this episode. LVP had felt that Eileen' s issues with her had been addressed and resolved more times than she would normally done with others. LVP wanted to be sure it was the last time it would come up. Obviously LVP's deep understanding of dogs and their bones made her as psychic about the luggage store convo as Lyme' s has apparently made Yolanda.


You may have hit the nail on the head!  That could be LisaR's underlying annoyance with all of this.  They all know that Yolanda is sick, and were probably told by production that she will not be filming everything with the other women, but will be there for most of the stuff, when she is able.  So, now, we have this dinner, that they all trek to, out in Pasadena (I have no idea how far Pasadena is from where they all live), and it's probably something that LisaR didn't really want to do in the first place, but then she finds out Yolanda is too sick to attend.  Okay, that's plausible and acceptable at that time.  But, then, when she sees Yolanda's smiling face on an photo tweet, enjoying herself with LisaR's sworn enemies, Brandi and Kim, that very same day, it kind of pisses her off.  


LisaR may be crazy and a shit stirrer and everything else bad you want to say about her, but she is actually very committed to her work, and takes her job(s) seriously.  I think it's hard for someone who is work-committed to understand how someone (Yolanda) can just blow off work commitments because she was too tired after lunching with ex-workmates.

  • Love 20

If you ask me the only person manipulating Lisa Rinna is Eileen.  She is always reminding Rinna of shit that she has long forgotten and "manipulates" her into bringing it up again in front of the women.  You could tell Eileen was really disappointed that Rinna didn't bring up all of the things she told Eileen at the beach about LisaV and Kyle texting each other about Yolanda and about LisaV supposedly goading Rinna to talk about Munchhausen's.  She all but chastised Rinna for not bringing it all up in front of Yolanda.  Eileen is slowly sinking into dislike territory for me.  Her shitstirring knows no bounds.

She did the same thing with Rinna last season over Kim. I mean yeah, yeah Kim blah blah but Eileen was very annoyed that Rinna let the conversation go to a defused place with Kim. I don't know about people sometimes. I don't get whats wrong with not poking the crazy when you realize there is some serious crazy going on. That just seems like fucking good sense. Anyhoo Eileen seems to get extra invested in other people's drama and then gets mad that it's not resolved in the matter she see's fit. Now I do get where she's coming from in some instances like with Kim. Eileen tends to jump in and defend which is also putting her neck out. So when things get dropped she's just hanging out there in limbo looking stupid for her part in it all. By then she's invested and has her own gripes because her inserting herself attracted not nice shit aimed her way so now SHE'S pissed about stuff but can't really do anything with all of that because the initial offense has now been dropped by the original party. Leaves her nowhere but mad.


This situation isn't as volatile as all that but because she does have an axe to grind with LVP she's disappointed that LisaR wasn't able to make more of it and stick to it. Eileen is itching to insert herself again but knows that LisaR is such a wishy washy punk and will leave her out to dry when the going gets tough so honestly my advice to Eileen is to stop being so fucking invested in shit that's not directly involving you. You wanna be an ear to LisaR continue to do that and I've applauded how she controls her part of the conversation when LisaR starts shit talking but girlfriend leave it at that and let the rest of that shit go. So far Eileen really hasn't stepped in anything minus the LVP thing but that was hers to own anyway. She dabbled in the Erika/Yolanda thing and Katheryn/Erika thing but nothing really took hold and there really wasn't any risk of Eileen emotionally getting caught up in it but with LisaV in the sites..... We shall see.


Lisa R being so irate with Yolanda about Erika's thing?  I just wanted to stick a pin in her lips and watch her whoosh away in the air like a cartoon popped balloon.


I know we are supposed to hate Yolanda but I'm in love with the way she dismisses these women with a quick and basic comment and moves on. Yes it's somewhat condescending but fuck that it's so random and reeks of an attack at such an odd moment. Yolanda has their number and calls them on it. Everything else aside this is true. Fine, people have issues with XYZ about Yolanda but the way its handled is what I feel brings on the stoic behavior of Yolanda. They are so sloppy when they come for her and she continues to deliver a swift and quick smackdown and I love every minute of it. I can't help it. It's just so juvenille of these women to care that fucking much about how Yolanda is handling her disease. Get over it. It's just so stupid to be THAT mad about it. LET IT GO!


Also, Yolanda was right. She kept saying to LisaR I thought we were moving past this? Lisa R coming for Yolanda like she did something else, something new against LisaR was all kinds of weird. LisaR was annoyed at Yolanda just for the sake of being annoyed. It's definitely at the "bitch eating crackers" place for LisaR and it shows. I'm telling you sufferring from BEC syndrome may just be even more debilitating  then Lyme considering how completely tortured LIsaR seems to be ver all of it.  LOL!

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 4

There's not much to know. It means she's a concubine. If it's a dom/sub thing than part of keeping their sex life hot is that she has to ask master for certain things. Oddly, that's why I don't have a problem with her having to ask him for jewelry money or keep her mouth shut when he tells her. Their relationship screams "arrangement" to me and as long as it's consensual I don't really care that she's Kept. She agreed. It's not my thing, but if it's theirs....*shrug*


Gee - if this is the case, I wonder if Erika asked Carlton for decorating ideas in their "secret room"??     ;-)

  • Love 4


The whole bit with Lisa Rinna being so upset about Yolanda and Brandi and Kim was beyond ridiculous.  Erika was the only one with any right to be upset, and she was fine.  None of Lisa's business.  And it went on and on and on, and as much as Yolanda wears me out, she was 100% right in this instance. And Eileen needs to give it a rest.  Doesn't she have enough drama on her soap opera?


LisaR sitting at the table looking all so sad and forlorn until Yo had to asked her what was wrong. Please! I thought it was going to be something big until Rinna opened her mouth about the Brandi and Kim pic. I actually wanted to slap her. She had to stir that shit at Camille's nice evening?  Not the place, not the time. Producer driven, much? 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 5



You can practically smell the irreconcilable differences in the air between David and Yo. Yikes!





Now nice that Bravo picked up the conversation between Erika's husband and David Foster, and thoughtfully provided captions.  It was probably the most interesting conversation of the night.




I think that little nugget of conversation between David and his friend was something that was picked up accidentally and edited in after Yolanda and David's divorce announcement.  If you watch that clip, the camera is on Kyle, as she goes and sits at the other end of the couch from where David was sitting.  She sits down, and fusses with her hair.  Then, Kathryn and, I think, Erika join Kyle at that end of the couch.  Clearly, this was a production set up for the three women to have some type of filmed conversation.  The mics picked up David and his friend talking, and that conversation had more production value, given the state of the Foster's marriage after filming and during editing the episodes.

  • Love 11
Eileen could have taken her family to the charity march. It probably only took an hour or two. Basically it came across as "I don't like you so I'm not going" imo



There are lots of noble things I COULD do at 7 am on my day off that I don’t get up to do.  If it’s my first otherwise uncommitted day off in weeks, I would want to sleep in, too.  She’s busy with the soap, and this show has added additional night and weekend work and travel.  Yes, all by her choice, but they get to sit out certain events, and ditching getting up at the crack of dawn to chant in a crowd is probably safer than ditching a dinner party. The fact that it’s LVP’s event is just icing on the cake.


I actually think Eileen is in the right when it comes to Lisa VP, but she needs to have dropped it weeks ago.  The show did back her up by showing Lisa’s insincere non-apology (“I’m sorry IF I etc etc, accompanied by eye roll, look away, and sigh/groan of exasperation).  Eileen needs to trust that viewers saw it for what it was and let her point stand – not try to make Lisa concede it.


I didn’t take Erika’s “he won’t let me buy jewelry” literally.  I’m sure she didn’t get the cunty necklace for her birthday.  They were talking about $100,000+ jewelry.  I don’t have a problem with any spouse having a moratorium on that kind of spending, major earner or not.  Maybe the deal is she gets 500K mad money a year – she can spend it on flying the jet to play gigs that don’t pay enough to cover the bar tab on the plane for her entourage, but she can’t do that AND buy herself $150,000 earrings. Whatever their arrangement, she’s the one signed on for it.

  • Love 8
Lisa R coming for Yolanda like she did something else, something new against LisaR was all kinds of weird. LisaR was annoyed at Yolanda just for the sake of being annoyed.



This is why I could understand Eileen being annoyed at the Kim thing. Not because I thought it was bad for LisaR to bury the hatchet with Kim--there was zero good to come of LisaR continuing to want to fight with her. Putting it to rest and letting it lie was the best thing to do, imo, and I would think it was bizarre for Eileen to want more fighting.


But I could also understand somebody finding LisaR's pattern on these things kind of annoying. It's not enough that she just let go of whatever she thinks Kim owes her that she's never going to get. She has to go overboard into "I love you" and imagining herself making some big sacrifice going to talk to her and working it out. Then when the same feelings are all still there (why wouldn't they be?) she swings back to the other extreme and Kim's the devil and she's mad at herself for saying she loved her. So I can understand somebody being like, "Wait, you've been ranting about this person all day--then we you actually spoke to them you gushed all over them." Neither Kim nor Yolanda, even in the moment, were as impressed by LisaR's overtures as much as LisaR seemed to think they were or should have been. 


It's basically what she's talking about here, just noticing that Lisa's always talking about how terrible somebody is when they're not there and then when faced with them suddenly she's way too eager to play friends. Which then leads to her feeling like she was somehow tricked into doing that when it doesn't change everything, and then she starts with this weirdly passive-aggressive stuff or making up some other big drama that makes the person so terrible. She just keeps wanting to have it both ways. If she hadn't put on a hairshirt about the Munchhausen's stuff in the first place, if she'd just owned it and apologized (or not) without groveling she wouldn't have given Yolanda the opportunity to hold it over her, which then made her mad and is now making her looking for other people to blame.


Likewise I think one of the reasons LisaR's so angry at Kim is because she slipped back into "I want to be your friend" mode when she didn't really want to either.

  • Love 5

I am conflicted about sticking up for Yo because I agree that she is not actually deathly ill. However, I don't see a problem with cancelling events with friends who are understanding of your health needs versus powering through a business event you'd rather not. I assume Yo was paid for the Lyme Gala, so it essentially was a business event. 


I am not chronically ill, thankfully, but I've certainly bitten off more than I could chew on numerous occasions and I've flaked out when I could have made it through a social outing without grievous physical and emotional consequences. However, had the social outing been a work event I would have sucked it up and gone because I need the money dollars. 


Also, I am in 100% pain I mean certainty that Bravo called Yo and said you have to film x amount of hours for your contract today, it can be with Brandi/Kim from your deathbed or it can be at dinner from hell part 26. IMO that's why Rinna is mad. Her ticket to another season is working the Yo/hausenmausen angle. She can't do that to the best of her ability if Yo's not there so she compensates by feigning outrage and guaranteeing another personal confrontation.


Also LOL at Yo saying Kim and Brandi have been more supportive than all of them put together right in front of Designated Supportive BFF Ericka. Lyme Brain, I'm sure.

The Lyme "Gala" was paid for by the families of the 3 honorees, which included David ster. In other words, Yolanda/David bought and paid for Yolanda's award.


They all do this. It's the easiest and cheapest way to get in a dig.  Kim and Yo did it to LVP in S4, and she greatly resented it, since quite rightly she had a lot on her plate and couldn't make everything. For that reason, I was surprised to hear her call out Eileen, since she knows she is very busy. Not only does she have a full-time job away from this show, she has a young boy at home. Of course often they miss the things they would probably prefer to not go to, either because they don't care for the person, or the event sounds dumb. LVP had something better/more important to do than paint tiles for Gigi's apartment, and Eileen had something more important to do than LVP's event. They all get it but they use it against each other when it suits their argument. 

Eileen told LisaV that she was not coming shortly after LisaR told her, LisaV, that Eileen accused her of being a manipulator. So, Lisa knew Eileen wasn't coming because she was mad at her, not because she needed time down. LOL

This is why I could understand Eileen being annoyed at the Kim thing. Not because I thought it was bad for LisaR to bury the hatchet with Kim--there was zero good to come of LisaR continuing to want to fight with her. Putting it to rest and letting it lie was the best thing to do, imo, and I would think it was bizarre for Eileen to want more fighting.


But I could also understand somebody finding LisaR's pattern on these things kind of annoying. It's not enough that she just let go of whatever she thinks Kim owes her that she's never going to get. She has to go overboard into "I love you" and imagining herself making some big sacrifice going to talk to her and working it out. Then when the same feelings are all still there (why wouldn't they be?) she swings back to the other extreme and Kim's the devil and she's mad at herself for saying she loved her. So I can understand somebody being like, "Wait, you've been ranting about this person all day--then we you actually spoke to them you gushed all over them." Neither Kim nor Yolanda, even in the moment, were as impressed by LisaR's overtures as much as LisaR seemed to think they were or should have been. 


It's basically what she's talking about here, just noticing that Lisa's always talking about how terrible somebody is when they're not there and then when faced with them suddenly she's way too eager to play friends. Which then leads to her feeling like she was somehow tricked into doing that when it doesn't change everything, and then she starts with this weirdly passive-aggressive stuff or making up some other big drama that makes the person so terrible. She just keeps wanting to have it both ways. If she hadn't put on a hairshirt about the Munchhausen's stuff in the first place, if she'd just owned it and apologized (or not) without groveling she wouldn't have given Yolanda the opportunity to hold it over her, which then made her mad and is now making her looking for other people to blame.


Likewise I think one of the reasons LisaR's so angry at Kim is because she slipped back into "I want to be your friend" mode when she didn't really want to either.


Yet, Eileen had no problem getting Yolanda and LisaR to hug it out after their argument at Erika's BBQ, it is the same dang thing she is mad at LisaV for doing in Amsterdam with LisaR/Kim. LOL

  • Love 16

I'm liking that part of Erika that plays fierce but has to defer to her husband. That is probably more the reality of a "real" Real Housewife of BH then not. I choose to look at these women as characters so I don't get to bent out of shape about some things if the wife is entertaining. Erika is doing her job by looking great, having real estate worthy of the franchise and is a friend with an available PP for Yolanda's storylines. She's also kinda of a bitch and I don't like her but that just adds to her character amusing me.

sure, I totally agree that deferring to your husband is more the reality for most of these women. Clearly Erika is having her cake and eating it too with Erika Jayne/Erika Giardi from an "I'm fabulous!"perspective, but as others have noted, she seems kind of sad and resigned when wearing her Mrs. Erika Giardi hat, like maybe that part of the bargain is more of a sacrifice than we really know. 

  • Love 6

 I found it odd that Erika mentioned Tom not allowing her to buy jewelry.  Some would be embarrassed to admit this but she seemed very proud! 


I was disappointed LVP made the sly remark about Eileen not liking dogs because she needed a day to herself.   She is my favorite, most of the time, but this was ridiculous.  She is smarter that this, or so I thought.  I do love her relationship with Kyle!  


Amusing that LVP likes Kathryn because she is a straight shooter.   HA!  It worked Kathryn, she loved that you tattled. 


Yo's story line has run its course.  

  • Love 7

My head was spinning when LisaR and Eileen were in the luggage store.  It seemed to me that they were talking AT each other, and that they were nodding and agreeing without even thinking about what they were agreeing about.  How can they keep these conversations straight?  I sure couldn't.  Who can remember who said what to whom?  Especially when most of the conversations these women have aren't straightforward -- they're just allusions to what one of them perceived, not what anyone actually said.


So tiresome, that part of their interactions.

  • Love 6

So I guess it's fair to say that Erika took a great deal of artistic liscene with Erika Jane ( or is it Jayne?) Lisa V gave Elieen a mild slap on the wrist in housewife terms but according to Elieen Lisa accused her of personally eating a poodle.. Simmer down Elieen your embarrassing yourself. ITA with the poster who said Elieen is the one keeping the story alive. Each week there is a variation of this by all of us. ( me included)

Geez why is she so made at Lisa?

Because she's a slut, remember?

Oh that's right, she is a slut, now I remember.

Elieen this is not the way to let a story die.

  • Love 11


LisaR sitting at the table looking all so sad and forlorn until Yo had to asked her what was wrong. Please! I thought it was going to be something big until Rinna opened her mouth about the Brandi and Kim pic. I actually wanted to slap her. She had to stir that shit at Camille's nice evening?  Not the place, not the time. Producer driven, much?


I thought the same thing - Production driven - but that didn't make sense to me, because I would think the producers would have Erika be the "upset one" simply because it does make sense.  But Lisa Rinna?  So, because I spend entirely too much time thinking about these things, my next thought was that maybe the Erika refused to be the "upset one" because she and Yo are friends.  But I can't see Erika dictating to production about anything, either.


It's crazy - like they grabbed Lisa Rinna out of thin air and said - "You be upset about this!"  and Lisa the Purple People Pleaser said "Ok".

  • Love 7

You've done a lot of homework and an excellent job at dissecting all of these complex relationships. I like to keep it simple in my head (the 'KISS.' approach) The bottom line is that they all dislike each other for whatever reason and want camera time so they expand on whatever minutiae they can dig up or hold onto that will do that for them.

The thing is, Erika isn't talking about a $50 piece of jewelry from Macy's, what she's talking about is a piece of jewelry that's probably valued at a quarter of a million dollars. I know that everything is relative but if we wanted to buy a ring for ourselves that had a price tag of $5,000 we would certainly not buy that without 'prior authorization' from hubby.



I thought Erika's talking head she was trying to make it sound as if she sent pictures of pieces she wanted to Tom's secretary and it was the secretary's job to show it to Tom and make it seem as if he bought her a gift on his own, but it was really something she wanted. 


I mean, I doubt if that's the case, who knows what the real deal is, but I laughed until I choked at the thought of her sending a picture of that "cunty" necklace to the secretary and him bringing it home in a nice gift box so proud of his taste in jewelry. hahaha

  • Love 12

I think not showing up for the march, wouldn't of been a big issue if Eileen and Lisa hadn't been in such a tense situation. Also LisaR ratted Elieen out that she a manipulator, so there is lots of bad blood brewing. Then to top it off Eileen flat out says I cant because I need a day off, it's a shity thing to say to a "friend" or even a coworker. Can you imagine telling Susan in accounting I don't want to go to your charity bbq because I want to just rest(even if it is the truth). I think it's almost social norm to make an excuse as to not hurt the other person. Maybe I'm wrong. 


I think it was a subtle Eff you to vanderpump, so I have no problem with her firing back. I

  • Love 16

The Lisa Vanderpump is manipulative thing is so tiresome at this point. If a person is allegedly manipulative and everybody seems to agree that person is manipulative is that person actually that manipulative or are people just really willing to be used because of their own personal agendas


I wish I could like this post a 1,000 times.  AMEN!

  • Love 15

The Lisa Vanderpump is manipulative thing is so tiresome at this point. If a person is allegedly manipulative and everybody seems to agree that person is manipulative is that person actually that manipulative or are people just really willing to be used because of their own personal agendas


Yes!   It seems everyone wants to be liked by her so much that they do things to please her then cry manipulation.  


LOL! slitz, on same page at same time.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 13

Best part of the show hands down would have to be Kyle and LVP giggling about Yo. I would watch this show if it were nothing except following those two around and listening to them snark on everyone else.  I'm sure this is what they are doing most of the time, and it would be far better than anything else we are being shown. Some would say they are being "mean girls", but I've got zero problem with it. That is what I would be doing with my close girlfriends on such occasions because for the most part these people are ridiculous.


Lisar is losing me this season, but then she had already started to lose me last year with her tweets about Kim and her scary email. I was beyond irritated with her for talking such shit about Kim in front of Kyle earlier in the year, so this is really nothing new for me. The problem for her is that she is going about things the wrong way. Eileen is as well. They are both saying things that make a lot of sense, but it is hard to recognize that because they both suck at it. 


Eileen's direct comments to Lisar that she has a point to make but fails to articulately make it are dead on. She doesn't necessarily give two shits that Yo missed a dinner, it's the fact that she constantly engages in behavior that others would be called out for but she isn't because she is ill. She uses that as a "get out of jail free card" all the time, and no one really says much because of her big fat journey. Calling out the gals for missing events is hardly anything new. LVP was on the defensive for most of S4 because she missed so much stuff. She took great umbrage at that and constantly reminded the others that she worked hard and therefore couldn't come to everything. It became the storyline of the season. Yo is just going through the same thing, but it's considered wrong to question her because she is supposedly so sick. She has missed almost everything this season. She shows up for an hour or so for some things, but for the most part she is AWOL. No doubt everyone was irritated by this, but God forbid anyone mention it. The best example of the way they let her slide on things is when she lectured an entire table of women about how Kim and Brandi have been twice as supportive as any of them. That had to piss them off, as Kyle said in her TH. Yet no one says "boo" to her. They just let it go, where they would never let that go with anyone else. She is ill, so she is to be forgiven for such a statement. Lisar is doing a crappy job of getting this out, but I think that is her point with Yo missing the dinner. As Eileen said, it's more than just that, but Lisar isn't a good messenger. 

See my thing is if no one wants to go there then there you have it.

No one has the balls to do it therefore they all should just get over it. I don't understand why it HAS to be this big drawn out thing. I don't like XYZ but have decided I'm not going to waste the energy to challenge, complain, call out. blah, blah, blah.

Why does LisaR need OTHER people to confirm something she just wants to say?

"Yolanda, I think you use your illness to get out of stuff and I don't think you're as debilitated as you present. I think you use it to your advantage and I feel manipulated by that. It doesn't sit well with me and I just needed to be honest with you about how it makes me feel". DONE!

The other women have weighed out the pros and cons and have decided they rather just roll with it than do all that awkward shit and what the hell is wrong with that? Geez Louise. You got a bone to pick, PICK IT already. Do it clearly and completely, get your response, accept it, be satisfied or not satisfied and move the fuck on already. It's the stilted interuppted delivery that's causing this to be such an ordeal for crying out loud.

They don't want to take Yolanda to task. Oh fucking well already!

  • Love 9

I enjoyed Kyle calling out Lisar for being weak for falling prey to LVP's mind-melding when just a few seasons ago Kyle was whining about what a manipulator LVP is. Truth is Kyle, LVP is a great manipulator - she called out you and your husband for making friends with people only to sell homes, and she brought up his cheating both in front of Portia and finished the whole, "Where there's smoke...there's fire," as well as engaged in the, "Well you really don't know people" convo with Ken about Mauricio cheating, and yet here you are falling over yourself to defend her against claims of being a manipulator. I'd say you're proof in the pudding of her master manipulation skills.

  • Love 7

Dare I say it? I liked Kathryn this episode. Anyone who can shout out for Pumpy to fetch them a drink, and get away with it, has great potential. I was also moved by her segment with the new hearing aide. My mom is HOH, as well as my uncle, and I have a cousin who is profoundly deaf. And while Kathryn's reaction isn't as touching as YouTube toddlers hearing their mother's voice for the first time, it seemed very genuine. And seriously, look at one of those videos if you get a chance.

I'm always torn when LVP and Eileen fight because I have mixed feelings on both. In this case, I think Eileen graciously declined LVP's invitation, and got a pretty bitchy response. I don't know many people more passionate about animals than me (I'm a vegetarian and animal advocate), but I'm not sure if I have the mental fortitude to be surrounded by horrifying pictures of suffering dogs. I would have sent a check.

And I felt a little bad for LVP that she allowed herself to be vulnerable enough to tear up at something she feels so strongly about, then she's shown bumbling around in the streets, unsure where to go and shouting her outrage at an innocent church. It added to the doddering edit Lisa and Ken have been getting this season.

  • Love 10

As other people have pointed out, I think LisaR's real issue was that Yolanda was using her sickness as a way to conveniently get out of doing things (especially for her paid job - in this case she could've shown up to Erika's dinner. And the other half the time she bothers showing up for events it's to make a token appearance and peace out). Hell, she said as much in her TH. Any other housewife who decides to skip out on so many events would (rightfully) get called out for it but you can't technically do that with Yo since she will always have the "I'm sick" excuse.


It's not like I haven't had days where doing one social thing mentally exhausts me so much that I don't want to do the next social thing. But it's pretty bad manners to RSVP to both and then last-minute cancel on one, and at least in those cases I'd try to power through it. Yo just happens to have a convenient excuse where she can go to a lunch and then be horribly sick by dinner. But the way LisaR brought it up just made it seem like she was mad about something that honestly realy wasn't her business - if Erika was fine with Yolanda skipping her dinner, then the fact that Yo had lunch earlier that day really shouldn't concern anyone else either.


Eileen is getting tiring. For all her accusations of LVP being "manipulative" she is really doing the same thing by constantly going around and having these conversations with people where she talks about LVP, well, being manipulative. Since apparently constantly bringing up a topic is manipulation, as in the example of LVP asking Rinna if she was fine about the bipolar comment.


I do think LVP's dig about Eileen bowing out of the charity event a bit hypocritical/unnecessary, but I can see why she'd be peeved. "Well erm hm uh I just want a day off!" is kind of a weak excuse for skipping a housewife event, especially a charity/special cause one. It probably wouldn't fly as well if this had been a charity or drive for something more common like cancer or something, too ("sorry, I'd love to support your charity for cancer but I'm tired and going to stay home with the kids!" - hm, yeah, doesn't sound as good) so in a sense it was like Eileen saying the issue just wasn't very important. Not that they're friends or anything so I can't fault Eileen for not going, and insinuating she didn't care about dogs is silly, but yeah. I actually didn't know about the Yulin festival so consider awareness raised.

  • Love 7

YoYoLemons sure had fog brain when she forgot to put on a bra at her NY She

She definitely needs the support of a good bra. Yolanda is too old to do the hippie no-bra thing. I really don't want to see Yo's nips poking out. She could also have picked out a color (heck, even lemon-yellow) for that sweatsuit or whatever it was other than 'dawn of the dead gray'.


Quoting Mary from Reality Tea her recap of this part of the episode went like this;

"David straps on his facade, musters up a smile and a bravado about kicking everyone out of the suite so he can make sweet lemonade to his wife. “We’re gonna burn that bathrobe, baby!” he champions hollowly.

Meanwhile in his mind David is composing an anthem of freedom which consists of him fleeing a prison of lemon orchard brambles, disrobing from the shackles of Lyme and flinging off that bathrobe to ride off into the sunset on the twinkling keys of his piano."



  • Love 13

So I zoned out during portions of this but my biggest takeaway was how happy I was to see Camille.  To the poster who said a Camille sighting was like a unicorn spotting, excellent analysis.   She is just so gracious, so fashionable and her home is so lovely, I would be thrilled to have her return.  She looks amazing, as does her mother.  And yes, she always appears to give genuine hugs and words of welcome. 


I think YoHaFo's new haircut looks fantastic on her but she really tries my patience.   I agree with others that Rinna's frustration with her non-appearance at Erika's event was more likely that YoHaFo wasn't pulling her weight, appearance-wise.


I hate the topic of Yulin but major kadooz to LVP for marching against it.  I love LVP generally but will always have mad respect for her just because of her love and care for animals.  The scene with Kathryn and the new puppy was beyond cute - - I would be begging to hold that pup too.  It made me like Kathryn more.


I also liked the hearing aid scene.  I have to say, I like Donnie from the little we've seen of him.  He seems like a nice man, very even tempered and not shopping for the BH version of the peach (I'm looking at you, Peter.)

  • Love 16

I found Kathryns hearing aid spot kind of funny.  My husband lost hearing in one ear quite suddenly.  Well, for years we yelled, he spoke too loud, and if all else failed I'd stomp the ground so he could feel the vibration to get his attention.   So, when he realized the hearing aid (same one Kathryn got) was able to be controlled by his IPhone, he was is.   It really is great.  If you have a specific place you all the time, it automatically adjusts to the noise level.  You can have calls go directly to your ear, instead of having to put the phone up to your ear.    If you know anybody with hearing trouble - have them get one of these.  And, it's true you can't see it.


BUT, the best part.   I also synced it to my phone.   So, when I want to mess with him, I adjust the volume, turn it off (watching him smack the little battery is pretty funny), and then I secretly readjust it.   He still has no idea I have control ;-)

  • Love 19

Memory is a funny thing to me. Camille did look nice (plus the blown-up lips), but all the calls for her to return are puzzling to me. Post-S1 everyone thought she was a fake, sanitized version of herself who wisely quit the show after her PR apology tour worked.


To me, the woman had an almost bipolar-like pendulum swing of moustache-twirling villian to not-believable-at-all Saint Camille of Donatacci, who claimed her worst swear word was "poopy stink." Yeah... I'd only be fine with her returning if she were S1 Camille, but we all know that's never going to happen. 

  • Love 15

People on reddit are overwhelming convinced since Tom first appeared , that they are in some S&m bondage slave/owner situation. I've got to be honest I didn't even read 50 shades and have zero knowledge of what entails so I don't know.

Anything is possible but in my own imagination, I see some dark stuff behind his black eyes. Maybe the chapel in their big house doubles as an S&M chamber? A simple curtain or velvet tablecloth put over the religious stuff and voila, 'get the cat o'nine tails babe'

  • Love 5

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