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S06.E16: Hearing Is Believing

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What have I missed? Because writing this down has just made it all seem stupider than ever to me.



Great post, and I realized while reading it that I honestly don't give one single thorn on one of my blackberry vines about any of these harpies.


"Get a life" isn't quite right, maybe "Give a damn about something worthy of giving a damn about, and stop embarrassing our sex!" makes more sense, but still isn't quite right. 


Yup, I've over it, over them, and Bravo better come up with something spectacular with casting next year, or force these total bimbos into something resembling a brain by next year, or caring about something that you know, actually matters.  And I don't mean tortured dogs being eaten later because eeeewwwwww, it was bad enough watching Cuba try on the glove tonight. 



It's not only making them seem stupider, but making me feel stupid for watching it.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 2

And I thought a wing man was a guy who helped you pick up chicks.

David had to slip in a condescending remark - only YOUR friends would clap for Frere Jacques. Asshole.

Don't want Camille back. She showed her true self season one. Me no likey.

ETA: I will be watching The Americans. It's been almost a year and how will they hide the pregnancy?

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 11

The dog was a Great Pyrenees, they are wonderful dogs.

Very beautiful, too!

Didn't we "meet" that dog before on a previous epsode? I vaguely remember some friend of Lisa's bringing him by and her gushing about how much she loved him.

I've never watched The Americans. Is it very violent?

Edited by PumpkinPK
  • Love 2

Very beautiful, too!

Didn't we "meet" that dog before on a previous epsode? I vaguely remember some friend of Lisa's bringing him by and her gushing about how much she loved him.

I've never watched The Americans. Is it very violent?

Increasingly so. They are Russian spies posing as Americans. My mom dropped out when they killed a cop in the first season. It can be very intense, but they are not unaffected by what they do.

  • Love 6

OMG  I'm OFFICIALLY over Erika.  Her saying she's "not allowed" to purchase jewelry, that she has to email Tom's secretary to request a piece she'd like to have, just nooooooo!  Uggggghhhh!  Before I got married I bought all my own jewelry and it's gorgeous!  Now that I'm married if I see something I want, I fucking buy it.  The thought of asking permission to buy a ring, bracelet or necklace makes me gag!  What the fucking fuck Erika?  You're an independent woman who does what she wants? I don't think so. 

Tom is clearly the breadwinner in that relationship and again, the way that seems to work between them has already been heavily established - she 'asked permission' about redoing her gardens in the front of her home in an earlier episode, and clearly he holds the pursestrings on her Erika Jayne business ('...the Boss is calling).  

Sure, there's an interesting dynamic of what's 'an independent woman' that's clearly up for discussion, but realistically, it seems based on her wardrobe and jewelry that all she has to do is ask.

I don't see an issue with this.  He makes all the money (it appears), so, does that mean she gets a blank check just because they're married? 

I'm so over Rinna.  Sure, it's shady as hell that Yo ditched Erika's party - but I agree with LVP on this one - that's between Erika and Yo.  Btw, notice how in the TH LVP is driving the bus over Rinna now. lol.  

I also don't think Eileen is the wicked witch of the west for opting out of LVP's march.  In BH there's probably a metric ton of events that all the women can choose or not choose to participate in.  While it's a great cause, the world doesn't revolve around LVP, and it doesn't make Eileen a dog killer for enjoying a day off.  That said, she's certainly got to be a production favorite as she stirs and stirs and stirs.


Edited by SilverPoet01
  • Love 11

In the New York scene, I'm surprised that Yolonda didn't have the sense to wear a better bra with that skintight grey top. Her breasts looked sad, saggy and droopy. All of which would have been remedied with the proper bra.

Edit due to "brain fog"


I'm pretty sure her crappy bras are the equivalent of her crappy make-up in terms of bringing attention to her suffering. "Poor Yoyo, she had to yank out her fake tits."


Yo is channeling Claire Underwood with her new do.


That was my first  thought too, quickly followed by "Yoyo wishes she was Claire fucking Underwood."  I even thought some of her outfits were Claire-esque.


Anything involving David and Yoyo is awkward knowing what happens and his hushed side conversation with his friend made it worse. 


Eileen needs to STFU about the Hamptons.  She and Rinna need to STFU in general.  I'm seriously so tired of their shit stirring and coded speak.  I've mentioned it before, but I really hate how everything out of their mouths sounds like something you'd hear in a therapist's office.


Camille looks fabulous.  She just glows.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 17

Remember that Bravo extra clip about what the women carry in their purses? Only Erika had the Black Amex...what's the point of having it if Tom has to make all the big purchases (jewelry)

Status, really.  Isn't that why this mess is watched?  All that BH nonsense?  Or maybe he just likes to buy the jewelry as gifts and she has an 'allowance' of sorts for other things up to a certain limit.  Who knows.  Did it show her name on that card?  Lol.

  • Love 3

I can't WAIT for The Americans!  We need more people to watch, so the rest of you guys?  Mosey on over!


Dubai is more indoor snow slopes and less "camels."  Think completely obscene and OTT wealth, I hope they fly that ultra pampering luxury all the way special Dubai  flights.  Probably not.  Still, I'd fly all the time if I could fly like this.  Think, on board spas, and every amenity you can think of, makes private planes look sparse. 



Sorry, slightly off topic, but is that the airport lounge or on the plane?

The Lisa Vanderpump is manipulative thing is so tiresome at this point. If a person is allegedly manipulative and everybody seems to agree that person is manipulative is that person actually that manipulative or are people just really willing to be used because of their own personal agendas


If you ask me the only person manipulating Lisa Rinna is Eileen.  She is always reminding Rinna of shit that she has long forgotten and "manipulates" her into bringing it up again in front of the women.  You could tell Eileen was really disappointed that Rinna didn't bring up all of the things she told Eileen at the beach about LisaV and Kyle texting each other about Yolanda and about LisaV supposedly goading Rinna to talk about Munchhausen's.  She all but chastised Rinna for not bringing it all up in front of Yolanda.  Eileen is slowly sinking into dislike territory for me.  Her shitstirring knows no bounds.

  • Love 22

Ah, the Eileen and LisaR show has begun to rival the Yolanda traveling snake oil show for nonsensicality.


As much as I am disliking Yolanda, it was so ridiculous of LisaR to pout around and give off bad mojo because she is feeling her trust bank has been violated via Yolanda's lunch with Brandi and Kim. What a bunch of whinging crap. Sure, I'm thinking she was probably not being such a great friend to Erika, but maybe she did run out of spoons, and it's really not LisaR's issue to bring up. Production? Oh, come on, give us something better than this, show. For once, Yolanda reacted with some grace, and made LisaR look ridiculous by comparison. Eileen jumping in. Perfection. She lost a lot of cred with me tonight, and she was already running critically low.


When they started their liturgy against LisaV, I thought at least it would be about the utterly shopworn "LisaV stuck bamboo under my nails and interrogated me," but, what? Double agent LisaV finagled LisaR into the shopping trip with Kim in Amsterdam?? Seriously, this girl has issues, and Eileen has evolved into a world class stirrer.


Of course, we all saw it go downhill from there. LisaV was pot stirring and asking if LisaR wasn't more upset about the bipolar remarkkkkkkkkk...um, snooooooooooooooze...

  • Love 13

Well, I thought Lisa VP was petty when she said Eileen didn't care about dogs because she declined Lisa VP's invite. Working on a soap opera is no joke. You have to remember several pages of dialogue a day and be on set for many hours. I don't blame Eileen for wanting to have a day off just to relax.


The problem with Eileen how she delivered it. She could had said to LVP or hell lied to LVP that she been working long hours at YR and wanted time with her family. Yet she was hesitant and scary in her delivery. If she doesn't owe LVP shit that would had been her moment to not be afraid of LVP.

  • Love 12

OK, I listened a bit to the pick, pick, pick, talkalot, pick a little more.


Lipsa, it's none of your fucking business who Yolanda goes to lunch with.  I mean in what universe is that either an issue for you, or one tiny bit of your business?


Kyle looked pretty tipsy with Lisa, I wish they'd get over the whole "keep your enemies close" thing, because I really start to dislike Lisa when she's around Kyle's petty and mean girl personality.

Would love to, if you can catch me up on the last, what, four seasons I missed! :)

Wish I could, but there is SO much that happens on that show, I bet wiki has a good recap, or The American's website will.  http://forums.previously.tv/forum/215-the-americans/ The threads are not too long to read through either.


Back on topic, suck it Rinna, try to find some finesse if you are going to continue to be such a phony bitch.

  • Love 2

Would love to, if you can catch me up on the last, what, four seasons I missed! :)

I'm doing the math to figure out if I can binge watch in time.  I've been meaning to since it's on Amazon Prime, but keep not getting to it.  I think I just deleted last season's premier off my DVR because I was going to do the same thing then and put that episode as do not delete so it'd be there when I caught up.  I'm too busy watching the Bravo shit show, I guess.

  • Love 1

I swear, every time they show any kind of interaction between Erika and Yolanda, it's Erika slathering a bunch of compliments and praise on Yolanda.  Good Grief, it must be exhausting to be friends with Yolanda.  The next thing you know everyone will have to kneel and kiss her ring when they grace her presence.  To me, it just makes their friendship seem even more fake.  It's just about as fake as David's toast to Yolanda about making lemonade tonight.  No way he's going anywhere near those deflated boobs.  His disdain for her is so evident.  He can't even fake wanting to stay married to her.

  • Love 20

I think that what Rinna and the others have been dancing around via Munchausen' s and happy/ sick selfies is that Yolanda is being paid as a full time housewife, but isn't showing up for HWs gigs. However she is well enough to do other things. It's too production based/inside-baseball to address directly though. That's why the Kim and Brandi lunch bugged her.

If Eileen needs a concrete example of why LVP asked her how "good" they were, she needs to look at this episode. LVP had felt that Eileen' s issues with her had been addressed and resolved more times than she would normally done with others. LVP wanted to be sure it was the last time it would come up. Obviously LVP's deep understanding of dogs and their bones made her as psychic about the luggage store convo as Lyme' s has apparently made Yolanda.

  • Love 19

If you ask me the only person manipulating Lisa Rinna is Eileen.  She is always reminding Rinna of shit that she has long forgotten and "manipulates" her into bringing it up again in front of the women.  You could tell Eileen was really disappointed that Rinna didn't bring up all of the things she told Eileen at the beach about LisaV and Kyle texting each other about Yolanda and about LisaV supposedly goading Rinna to talk about Munchhausen's.  She all but chastised Rinna for not bringing it all up in front of Yolanda.  Eileen is slowly sinking into dislike territory for me.  Her shitstirring knows no bounds.

Good grief is there any reason these people need to let Yolanda know every suspect statement made about her.  If they are truly her friends they would not add another burden to her day.  Rinna should be worried someone is labeling her "bi-polar" instead of talking about being nudged in a  direction.  Eileen can claim she wants resolution but why?  What is she accomplishing trying to "label" LVP as being manipulative?  Is she too weak to say it like Erika did?  This has gone on long enough.  Eileen has taken things to the ridiculous side with the manipulating Rinna into saying LVP is manipulative.  Rinna isn't a people pleaser she is a gossip; who starts crap and then backs down when confronted and sanitizes it.  Hooray for someone calling her out for being a follower.


Eileen could have taken her family to the charity march. It probably only took an hour or two. Basically it came across as "I don't like you so I'm not going" imo

That is exactly what she did.  Eileen has missed four activities this year-time for Eileen to do her fair share of the heavy lifting-she isn't Yolanda.  Amazing how Eileen can "support" LVP when she is hosting a tea, is the reason for a trip to the Hamptons, has a dinner at her house but when it is about something near and dear to LVP's heart she goes absent.  

  • Love 9

Sure Yo-Lyme-Da....you've been "isolated" for 11 months. Sure hasn't seemed that way based on your social media and HW work.

Is Yolanda suddenly all better now? What's with all the NY travel, skipping up the stairs, playing the piano, toasting about burning her robe and making lemonade now if she is still sick?

I seem to recall reading in her thread that the awards were purchased by the families of the recipients... Yes? No?

  • Love 9

Sigh, does Lisar have to be so dramatic about everything? She will have a very valid grievance with someone, but she just ratchets it up to 90 and makes herself look like a fool.Like the photo thing, with Brandi and Kim. I think her bigger point is that Yo is sick one minute and fine the next - which, I'm sure is something that can be quite true of a person with a chronic illness. But it does seem very selective, as if her illness flares up around the worst possible situations for her. I don't know, I get where Rinna is coming from with the inconsistencies. BUT.....it was not her house, not her event. Erika had no problems with her not being there, so it didn't really make sense the way Rinna was presenting it. She was so ANGRY, as if Yolanda didn't come to her receiving a Nobel prize or something. 


(although, I did think it was funny that now it was Yo's BRAIN that was swollen. Eyes, face, brain - all the same, right?)


I'm really going to need ALL of these ladies to stop with the affronted attitude when someone can't come to your event. Even if it IS a charity event, LVP. Nobody can come to everything. Eileen not going to your dog march does not mean she hates animals and hopes all dogs are slaughtered. You have no way of knowing what charities people support in their private time, what checks they send in. But it's literally impossible for them to go to every event and support every cause. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure part of Eileen not going is her beef with LVP....but again, JUST LET IT GO. 


It's like Elsa needs to come down off the mountain and sing to these women or something. Someone call PETA because they are beating every dead horse they can find. Learn to recognize when someone is not going to budge on an issue and just drop it, because harping on it over and over, no matter how righteous your side is, just makes you look like a loon! 


I think my favorite scene of the night was when Lisar and Eileen were trying to call Lisa out on her manipulations, she gets them focusing on Lisa's crap with Kim instead, and then they're all joking about needing hearing aids they can turn off. What a lovely tension breaker! It's so much more fun when they're being silly like that. 



Big YAWN to Yo's trip to NYC. How interesting that her good friends, Kim and Brandi, who have been more supportive on her Journey of 100 Years than all the ladies put together, just couldn't make it. 


I thought that jewel suite was ugly. The way all those jewels were displayed made me think of some sci fi movie where organs have been harvested and are floating in jars. 

  • Love 9

Yolanda mis-labeling in the context of labeling someone.  Rinna never called Kim a "drug-addict" she called her an addict and well she is and has admitted the same repeatedly.  http://allthingsrh.com/yolanda-hadid-foster-opens-watching-david-talk-marriage-rhobh/  If someone says I am a divorcee and they are in fact divorced, it is not labeling.  If someone has sex with both member of both sexes is it wrong to reference them bi-sexual.


The vomit inducing exchanges between David and Yolanda, geez did these people ever have an honest conversation?  I find it hard to believe as curt as Yolanda is to others in both her speech and written words she and David have these shallow conversations.  Kudos to David for addressing Yolanda's favorite prop-the dirty bathrobe.


My money is one Kim and Brandi not going to NYC because Bravo would not pay them.  It is not as if either of them have busy schedules.  I am guessing the first time Kim saw Yolanda since Season 5's Reunion was when the three of them went out to lunch.

  • Love 18

Beverly Hills ladies should show us their fabulous or interesting lifestyles (like Lisa V does), not just constant bitching and moaning.



I am guessing the first time Kim saw Yolanda since Season 5's Reunion was when the three of them went out to lunch.


No, didn´t Yolanda say that she´s been supporting her? I´m sure Kim has put all her own myriad of problems on the backburner so she could be there for Yo! Lol.

Edited by halkatla
  • Love 10
OMG  I'm OFFICIALLY over Erika.  Her saying she's "not allowed" to purchase jewelry, that she has to email Tom's secretary to request a piece she'd like to have, just nooooooo!  Uggggghhhh!  Before I got married I bought all my own jewelry and it's gorgeous!  Now that I'm married if I see something I want, I fucking buy it.  The thought of asking permission to buy a ring, bracelet or necklace makes me gag!  What the fucking fuck Erika?  You're an independent woman who does what she wants? I don't think so.


That was really weird. I don't work outside the home, and before I purchase anything say over $100 (outside of groceries), I do run it by my husband. But I know he's always going to say yes. Conversely, before he makes any big purchases, he'll run it by me. It's more of a respect thing, and making sure we're on the same page budget wise. We obviously don't have the money the Giradis do. So in comparison, if I saw a $50 necklace I liked on Amazon, I'd just buy it. 


And Erika ostensibly makes her own money, right? So what's the issue here? It was weird, because she didn't even really say it like she wasn't allowed to spend money, but it was more like HE had to be the one to giver jewelry. She couldn't buy any jewelry for herself. But other things she CAN buy. It seemed like a very odd control thing to me, masked as Tom being "romantic" and wanting to shower her with jewels. 

  • Love 14

At this point I am totally confused about who is mad, at which other person or persons and for what reason.

Let's see if I can figure it out.

(1)(a) Lisa R is mad at Yolanda for faking being sick, even though she previously apologized to Yolanda for insinuating she had Munchausen's Syndrome, even though she believes Yolanda actually has Munchausen's syndrome and is using her fake illness to manipulate the behavior of all the other women. She is also mad at Yolanda for going to lunch with Brandi and Kim instead of reserving her energy for Erika's dinner party. Or she may be mad at Yolanda because Yolanda faked being too tired to attend Erika's party while going to lunch with Brandi and Kim. None of this has stopped Lisa R from hugging Yolanda repeatedly and telling her she cares about her.

(b)Lisa R is also mad at LVP for manipulating her into telling Yolanda about Munchausen's in such a way that it led to Yolanda being angry at her. Which leads us to:

2 (a)Yolanda is mad at Lisa R for accusing her of having Munchausen's By Proxy (I know, I know) and for labeling people. Yolanda is mad at Kyle for talking to Lisa V at that lunch after that SoulCycle class about Yolanda saying she'd call Lisa R "bi-polar" if she (Yolanda) didn't have so much integrity or something. Yolanda is mad at all of the women (except Erika)for not providing her with enough emotional support though her "ten or nine or eleven" (David Foster) months in bed. Yolanda is mad at LVP for asking Mohamed if the non-Gigis have Lyme disease and then telling the other women that Mohamed said his kids were "fine." Yolanda is mad at all of the women (except Erika) for not taking her disease seriously enough, and for not being compassionate enough towards her, although she is always compassionate towards them (I know. I know.)

3. Erika is mad at Kathyrn for telling the other ladies that Erika thinks LVP is a devious spider. Erika is mad at LVP for flirting with her husband and for some other reasons I am not clear about. Erika is also mad at Kathyrn for making a scene at Erika's dinner party, earning Erika a scolding from her husband. Erika may or may not be mad at Lisa R, but definitely doesn't approve of Lisa R not being sensitive and compassionate enough to Yolanda.

4. Kyle is mad at Yolanda for being friends with Kim and Brandi, is mad at anyone who brings up Kyle's issues with Kim, and is mad at Yolanda impliedly threatening her with what's "in her vault" and for sending her a nasty email and ccing all the others.

5. Kathyrn is mad at Erika for being mad at her for telling the others what Erika said about LVP.

6. Eileen is mad at Lisa R for telling Eileen she thinks Yolanda is faking her illness and using it to control everyone, while not being willing to stand up and say it to Yolanda. Eileen is mad at Kathryn for sneering at her accessories and manipulating her into buying expensive suitcases. Eileen is mad at LVP for encouraging Lisa R to stay angry about Yolanda saying that if she wasn't such a compassionate and mature person, she'd tell everyone Lisa R was bi-polar. Oops! But most of all, Eileen is mad at LVP for interrogating her about her marriage, not apologizing with sufficient sincerity when Eileen confronted her about it, talking behind Eileen's back (?) and making Eileen feel guilty for not coming to Lisa V's protest against cruelty to dogs.

(7) LVP is bored and annoyed with everyone, except Kyle (at least for the moment) and is not taking any more crap about what a devious spider of a manipulating manipulator she is.

What have I missed? Because writing this down has just made it all seem stupider than ever to me.

You've done a lot of homework and an excellent job at dissecting all of these complex relationships. I like to keep it simple in my head (the 'KISS.' approach) The bottom line is that they all dislike each other for whatever reason and want camera time so they expand on whatever minutiae they can dig up or hold onto that will do that for them.

That was really weird. I don't work outside the home, and before I purchase anything say over $100 (outside of groceries), I do run it by my husband. But I know he's always going to say yes. Conversely, before he makes any big purchases, he'll run it by me. It's more of a respect thing, and making sure we're on the same page budget wise. We obviously don't have the money the Giradis do. So in comparison, if I saw a $50 necklace I liked on Amazon, I'd just buy it. 


And Erika ostensibly makes her own money, right? So what's the issue here? It was weird, because she didn't even really say it like she wasn't allowed to spend money, but it was more like HE had to be the one to giver jewelry. She couldn't buy any jewelry for herself. But other things she CAN buy. It seemed like a very odd control thing to me, masked as Tom being "romantic" and wanting to shower her with jewels. 

The thing is, Erika isn't talking about a $50 piece of jewelry from Macy's, what she's talking about is a piece of jewelry that's probably valued at a quarter of a million dollars. I know that everything is relative but if we wanted to buy a ring for ourselves that had a price tag of $5,000 we would certainly not buy that without 'prior authorization' from hubby.

  • Love 6

My favorite part was Eileen's TH about buying the luggage because she is that shallow. That's the Eileen I love, where has that Elieen been? Yo's blog is typical Yo....LVP stop worrying about those delicious dogs ( ok I made that part up) and start worrying about the important issues...like ME. Is Lisar mad because Yo is not earning her paycheck or has she lost her damn mind? Because nothing else makes sense. Yo was right, it is none of her business. I think Lisar burns calories by being outraged.

  • Love 14

In the New York scene, I'm surprised that Yolonda didn't have the sense to wear a better bra with that skintight grey top. Her breasts looked sad, saggy and droopy. All of which would have been remedied with the proper bra.

Edit due to "brain fog"

I wonder if Yo was wearing that bra bc her breast still hurt from the implant removal.


Eileen should've been annoyed at Lisar for telling LVP that Eileen was saying LVP was manipulative without saying why. Lisar and all her 'engaging in a conversation' nonsense. Gossiping is the right word or maybe backstabbing in LVP's case.


ITA about Mauricio's toast.  Very gracious.


How much of a bonus do the producers pay Lisar to just throw shit out there to stir up drama and look like an idiot.

  • Love 5

Best part of the show hands down would have to be Kyle and LVP giggling about Yo. I would watch this show if it were nothing except following those two around and listening to them snark on everyone else.  I'm sure this is what they are doing most of the time, and it would be far better than anything else we are being shown. Some would say they are being "mean girls", but I've got zero problem with it. That is what I would be doing with my close girlfriends on such occasions because for the most part these people are ridiculous.


Lisar is losing me this season, but then she had already started to lose me last year with her tweets about Kim and her scary email. I was beyond irritated with her for talking such shit about Kim in front of Kyle earlier in the year, so this is really nothing new for me. The problem for her is that she is going about things the wrong way. Eileen is as well. They are both saying things that make a lot of sense, but it is hard to recognize that because they both suck at it. 


Eileen's direct comments to Lisar that she has a point to make but fails to articulately make it are dead on. She doesn't necessarily give two shits that Yo missed a dinner, it's the fact that she constantly engages in behavior that others would be called out for but she isn't because she is ill. She uses that as a "get out of jail free card" all the time, and no one really says much because of her big fat journey. Calling out the gals for missing events is hardly anything new. LVP was on the defensive for most of S4 because she missed so much stuff. She took great umbrage at that and constantly reminded the others that she worked hard and therefore couldn't come to everything. It became the storyline of the season. Yo is just going through the same thing, but it's considered wrong to question her because she is supposedly so sick. She has missed almost everything this season. She shows up for an hour or so for some things, but for the most part she is AWOL. No doubt everyone was irritated by this, but God forbid anyone mention it. The best example of the way they let her slide on things is when she lectured an entire table of women about how Kim and Brandi have been twice as supportive as any of them. That had to piss them off, as Kyle said in her TH. Yet no one says "boo" to her. They just let it go, where they would never let that go with anyone else. She is ill, so she is to be forgiven for such a statement. Lisar is doing a crappy job of getting this out, but I think that is her point with Yo missing the dinner. As Eileen said, it's more than just that, but Lisar isn't a good messenger. 

  • Love 10

The vomit inducing exchanges between David and Yolanda, geez did these people ever have an honest conversation?  I find it hard to believe as curt as Yolanda is to others in both her speech and written words she and David have these shallow conversations.  Kudos to David for addressing Yolanda's favorite prop-the dirty bathrobe.


This is what sickens me the most also. Yo and David persist with the pretense of still being in love when they're in front of cameras and with acquaintances 'for appearance sake' but in private it's an entirely different scene. That's the difference between wealthy, disingenuous, shallow rich people and real people that wouldn't fake love for appearance sake. David Foster and Yolanda are more concerned with how they look to others rather than being genuine. In the end, they just end up looking hypocritical and deceptive to everyone.They trade dignity for public image.

  • Love 13

OMG  I'm OFFICIALLY over Erika.  Her saying she's "not allowed" to purchase jewelry, that she has to email Tom's secretary to request a piece she'd like to have, just nooooooo!  Uggggghhhh!  Before I got married I bought all my own jewelry and it's gorgeous!  Now that I'm married if I see something I want, I fucking buy it.  The thought of asking permission to buy a ring, bracelet or necklace makes me gag!  What the fucking fuck Erika?  You're an independent woman who does what she wants? I don't think so. 

Thank you!! You can gyrate and growl in ill fitting cat suits till the cows come home, lady, but that statement was the final nail in the "bad bitch" coffin. I was rooting for Erika (Tyra Banks: "We were ALL rooting for you!"), but the last thing a fierce, independent woman does is "send her husband's secretary a picture" and instruct her to wait to show it to him "when he's in a good mood." There was so much WTF in that whole admission. I think she thought it would come off as "I have little people who will take care of it for me," when really what the rest of us heard was "I don't make my own money, so I have no choice but to ask my husband for his when I want to buy anything expensive."


Yup, you're one bad ass bitch, Erika! ("I don't give a F*CK!")

  • Love 17

Eileen should've been annoyed at Lisar for telling LVP that Eileen was saying LVP was manipulative without saying why. Lisar and all her 'engaging in a conversation' nonsense. Gossiping is the right word or maybe backstabbing in LVP's case.


I agree. Weren't both Eileen and Lisar upset with Kathryn for telling LVP what Erika (jeez that read like a game of telephone) said about the web comment? But Lisar can go to LVP and say what Eileen said, no problem? Huh? This does not compute. Again, jet-lagged.


I hate that they do the reunions so many weeks before the actual end of these shows. There is a lot of juicy stuff here that probably won't be covered.

  • Love 9

I am conflicted about sticking up for Yo because I agree that she is not actually deathly ill. However, I don't see a problem with cancelling events with friends who are understanding of your health needs versus powering through a business event you'd rather not. I assume Yo was paid for the Lyme Gala, so it essentially was a business event. 


I am not chronically ill, thankfully, but I've certainly bitten off more than I could chew on numerous occasions and I've flaked out when I could have made it through a social outing without grievous physical and emotional consequences. However, had the social outing been a work event I would have sucked it up and gone because I need the money dollars. 


Also, I am in 100% pain I mean certainty that Bravo called Yo and said you have to film x amount of hours for your contract today, it can be with Brandi/Kim from your deathbed or it can be at dinner from hell part 26. IMO that's why Rinna is mad. Her ticket to another season is working the Yo/hausenmausen angle. She can't do that to the best of her ability if Yo's not there so she compensates by feigning outrage and guaranteeing another personal confrontation.


Also LOL at Yo saying Kim and Brandi have been more supportive than all of them put together right in front of Designated Supportive BFF Ericka. Lyme Brain, I'm sure.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 6

That Great Pyranese sighting was the best part of the show!


But seriously, last night was a hot mess.  With a few exceptions, all of these ladies are just so damn messy.  And I'm sad that my once-beloved Eileen is one of the chief mess-makers. :(  


zulualpha, on 16 Mar 2016 - 01:11 AM, said:

OMG  I'm OFFICIALLY over Erika.  Her saying she's "not allowed" to purchase jewelry, that she has to email Tom's secretary to request a piece she'd like to have, just nooooooo!  Uggggghhhh!  Before I got married I bought all my own jewelry and it's gorgeous!  Now that I'm married if I see something I want, I fucking buy it.  The thought of asking permission to buy a ring, bracelet or necklace makes me gag!  What the fucking fuck Erika?  You're an independent woman who does what she wants? I don't think so. 


Right?  I'm like wait -- is this 1816, and not 2016?  And is it just MRS. GIRARDI who is not allowed to buy her own jewelry, or does that include Erika Jane too? I mean, I make my own $$ and don't buy nice jewelry for myself, but it's not because I'm not allowed.  It's because I choose not to.  More weird dynamics of Mr. and Mrs. Girardi's relationship just keep revealing themselves each week.


archer1267, on 15 Mar 2016 - 11:41 PM, said:

Someone noted on TWOP years ago that Camille gives awesome hugs (well, at least they look like they feel awesome) and I was reminded of that tonight. She holds the huggee close in a warm embrace and it looks genuine.


I'm quoting this both for truth and because I am loving the term "hugee."  But seriously, she does really seem to embrace people warmly, and it's a very nice thing to see in Beverly Hills, aka: land of the fake double-cheek air kiss.


I've never watched The Americans. Is it very violent?



Yes. But it's not gratuitous. In my opinion anyway.


But errr, word to the wise, don't watch the Pilot episode with anybody underage or... well, just be discreet.  Mr. Duke and I had been raving about The Americans for years, and we finally convinced his parents to watch the first episode with us last time we visited them in Florida. Um, I guess it had been a while since we'd seen it because we both forgot how "sexy" it gets towards the end.  I mean, it's a very hot scene.  But NOT one you want to watch with your parents/in-laws! :-0

  • Love 5

That was really weird. I don't work outside the home, and before I purchase anything say over $100 (outside of groceries), I do run it by my husband. But I know he's always going to say yes. Conversely, before he makes any big purchases, he'll run it by me. It's more of a respect thing, and making sure we're on the same page budget wise. We obviously don't have the money the Giradis do. So in comparison, if I saw a $50 necklace I liked on Amazon, I'd just buy it. 


And Erika ostensibly makes her own money, right? So what's the issue here? It was weird, because she didn't even really say it like she wasn't allowed to spend money, but it was more like HE had to be the one to giver jewelry. She couldn't buy any jewelry for herself. But other things she CAN buy. It seemed like a very odd control thing to me, masked as Tom being "romantic" and wanting to shower her with jewels. 

I think she probably does make some money off of her albums, performance gigs, whatever else she profits from her persona, but not enough real money to buy $50,000 earrings without her husband's consent. And yeah, I think running large purchases by your spouse is normal for any marriage, but she tries so hard to project this air of "I do what I want" autonomy that she should just drop already, because it's clashing terribly with her other "kept woman" shtick--she's marching her high ponytailed self right back to 1956 with statements like "getting permission" and all the c*nt necklaces in the world aren't going to change that.

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