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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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I think it is a reference to the ability of cockroaches rumoured abililty to survive anything. So smart as a fox, survive like a cockroach, swims like a fish.

Yes, when we humans are all dead, the cockroaches will rule the earth. *shudder* 


I've definitely described someone as being like a cockroach before, because it's like you just. can't. get. rid. of. them. 

  • Love 7

I see the other survivors turn giving them 'Bitch, are you for real?' face.


Maybe they're on it for counterpoint? Molesation is NO BIG DEAL?

I don't think they can pull off "molestation is no big deal" with this group. I sincerely hope they cannot for their own sakes. I don't want it to be brutal at all, but maybe some gentle persuasion that what happens to them as girls and women is a big deal. 

I'd also be astonished if they weren't forced to set up trust funds for the kids under child labor laws.

I didn't think there were applicable child labor laws in Arkansas. 

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 3

My guess is TLC finally cancelled the show because the DHS investigation is over and they found something just as unsavory as molestations this time around. I wonder if the investigation had any effect on this being cancelled now and if so, what was sooo bad that TLC felt it was okay to finally cancel now when they should have pulled it months ago?? Hmmmm... Mark my words something bad is going to be revealed soon.

  • Love 9

I think it is great that TLC is airing the documentary, even if it is partly a PR move.


Everyone knew the show wouldn't last forever, but I wish for the kids' sake that the ending would have been more planful. This is the only life that the little ones know and ending the show abruptly will most likely be unsettling for them. So Josh, JB & M are paying the price for what they did and didn't do regarding the molestations, but I feel that other family members are paying a price as well.


Regardless of their politics, belief system, etc, when a parent loses their job it effects the whole family. 

  • Love 2

I think it is great that TLC is airing the documentary, even if it is partly a PR move.

Everyone knew the show wouldn't last forever, but I wish for the kids' sake that the ending would have been more planful. This is the only life that the little ones know and ending the show abruptly will most likely be unsettling for them. So Josh, JB & M are paying the price for what they did and didn't do regarding the molestations, but I feel that other family members are paying a price as well.

Regardless of their politics, belief system, etc, when a parent loses their job it effects the whole family.

It's all good because the LORD will provide.

  • Love 9

Jim Bob has always maintained that he supports his family with a combination of his various business ventures and extreme parsimony, and that he's debt-free.


If he can't support his family on that, their personal appearance fees and the money he has saved after a decade in the one percent having their needs paid for by sponsors, I think it's all the more important that his family not be on the air representing their lifestyle as sustainable and sane and something to be emulated.

  • Love 17

I believe TLC was waiting to see if the enamored fans and evangelicals could overtake the shocked and offended viewers or be enough of a presence to carry the show.  They basically waited to see if the outrage would die out enough to be able to continue the show. 


100% agree. And very succinctly put, absolom. This is exactly why it took two months to cancel 19 Kids - and only one day to drop Honey Boo-Boo. TLC was actively trying to save the Duggars.

  • Love 11

The fact that TLC is including ANY of the Duggars in their special on child sexual abuse has me livid, so I just fired off a message to Discovery, chastising them for shoving more of this family down our throats and letting them know that I will not be watching the special.  I just hope they get many, many more messages from people who are upset about their stupid decision.

  • Love 17


TLC needs to clarify this nonsense, stat. Who exactly is "we" in that sentence? And what kind of "work" will they be doing?



When I read that bit about "we", I automatically edited it right out. I really thought they would use clips from the girls' interviews and plop them in - and I thought "we" was just a subliminal reminder that "WE" (JB/M) will always, always, always continue to rule over everything our children ever, ever, ever do. As in...just so you KNOW... WE may have been taken off air, and we may not be seen on camera, but WE'LL NEVER stop being in charge.

Man oh man, we NEEDED an IG post today. I would go there just for the teary comments.

And I don't think it took the lawyers almost 2 months to cross t's and dot i's. I think TLC is a business, after all, and it was a big fat investment. I think they weighed it from every possible angle before they decided to cut bait. I think the wait was just to see if the dust settled or if it would blow up in their faces to try to revitalize. I'm sure they were hoping to bring it back, but the impact was so negative they couldn't chance it. And I don't have access to contracts, but I'm guessing there wasn't much in the way of severance. Didn't have to be if (or BECAUSE) the Duggs were at fault.

That would be a fun court battle, I think.

  • Love 5

The fact that TLC is including ANY of the Duggars in their special on child sexual abuse has me livid, so I just fired off a message to Discovery, chastising them for shoving more of this family down our throats and letting them know that I will not be watching the special.  I just hope they get many, many more messages from people who are upset about their stupid decision.


We don't know what the word "include" means in this context. Personally,I would love for them to play a clip of the Fox interview, and have a running commentary by a psychologist saying things like "sometimes victims are pressure to minimize their abuse in order to keep the family in tact." 

  • Love 18

We don't know what the word "include" means in this context. Personally,I would love for them to play a clip of the Fox interview, and have a running commentary by a psychologist saying things like "sometimes victims are pressure to minimize their abuse in order to keep the family in tact."

Exactly. I'm not reading "include" as meaning "endorse."
  • Love 6

The fact that TLC is including ANY of the Duggars in their special on child sexual abuse has me livid, so I just fired off a message to Discovery, chastising them for shoving more of this family down our throats and letting them know that I will not be watching the special.  I just hope they get many, many more messages from people who are upset about their stupid decision.

I am so glad so many here got the same bad feeling reading that statement.  If the two organizations are legitimate then I hope they know who they are dealing with.

         They will regret their involvement I guarantee it.

          Oprah is a sexual molestation survivor, why hasn't she said anything and why is she still associated with TLC?    

          Money money money money

We don't know what the word "include" means in this context. Personally,I would love for them to play a clip of the Fox interview, and have a running commentary by a psychologist saying things like "sometimes victims are pressure to minimize their abuse in order to keep the family in tact." 

What has is livid is that the statement says "we'' as in Michelle and Jim Bob said we look forward to working.....

  • Love 1

The fact that TLC is including ANY of the Duggars in their special on child sexual abuse has me livid, so I just fired off a message to Discovery, chastising them for shoving more of this family down our throats and letting them know that I will not be watching the special.  I just hope they get many, many more messages from people who are upset about their stupid decision.

.."TLC will work closely with both groups and with the Duggar family on a one-hour documentary that will include Jill and Jessa and other survivors and families that have been affected by abuse." WTF TLC?! Cut these fools loose. They did more harm than good for sexual abuse survivors. Duggars have had their say, give the Honey boo boo girl a venue, give the boy from the Cheer Perfection show a platform (or representative of those kids). TLC is way too cozy with the Duggars.

  • Love 10

I don't think the Duggars are smart enough to do as you suggested, unless they're committed to doing everything their PR manager tells them to do. Even so, they'll have to bite their lip and sit on their hands to refrain from making excuses and downplaying everything. JB, Michelle, Jessa and Jill have the Duggar script engraved so deeply in their minds that to go off script would probably be rather challenging. But with TLC filming and editing it they can disguise it.



They really aren't and they made that very clear in both of the interviews as many have

pointed out here. They could have said at a lot of things. They could have talked about

how horrible it was for them, the steps they took to deal with the situations, therapy,

counselors and yes even how their Faith helped them through it. Instead they minimized

everything it was nothing, everyone else was making a big deal out of nothing

and how that it was probably the evil Liberals who was out to get them.  Any smart person

could have "read" the feeling on the internet and news media and realize that wasn't the

thing to say. Or listened to their PR person. They'll probably blame Josh or the evil media

for losing the show. It'll never occur to JimBob and Michelle, that their the reason they lost

their show.


I'm glad the show is canceled. But I still can't believe it took TLC so long to do so. I know

networks are all about money. But it seems like anyone could have told them or they

should have known there are few things you never want your own network associated

with producing a show that featured a boy who molested five girls should be one of them

and given that this is the second time they've had a popular show go down in flames

due to sexual abuse you'd think they'd be more worried about that and how that

might cost them even more money.

Edited by andromeda331
  • Love 7

I think the cancellation took so long for a plethora of reasons, money and reputation for TLC certainly being factors. I would guess TLC handled this more thoughtfully due to the fact that the show featured both the perpetrator and the survivors. Even if it appears that the girls are minimizing the impact of the molestations, the fact that it happened is undisputed. I doubt TLC would want to be seen as unsupportive to survivors of abuse. 

  • Love 3

If the Duggars were smart, they would go absolutely silent and disappear from the public eye entirely for a year or two. If they did, at the end of that time people would want to know what's going on with them. Who got married, who is in a courtship, who had babies, how are the little kids doing. They need to let people miss them. As long as one or another of them continue to turn up in the press or social media every day, people will continue to push them away. Everyone needs a break. The public needs a break and the Duggars need a break. Some people in that family are really showing the stress. If they were smart, they would step back and regroup.


I agree about the strategy. But the Duggars aren't smart.

  • Love 21



I wondered about that too. Nobody else was lining to up to defend them (and it's not that often that their hosts break ranks on this kind of scandal), and Kelly's 'defense' of them was, essentially, what Josh did was terrible and they handled it wrong, but the liberal media wouldn't care about the terrible thing Josh did if a liberal did it. They had the girls repeating a talking point about being "revictimized" in the midst of trying to say they didn't feel like victims.

    I don't think Fox gives a damn about the Duggars. I think they wanted people who saw the pictures of Josh at CPAC with essentially the entire Republican presidential field to vaguely remember that there was some predatory liberal media component to the scandal and dismiss it.


Responding to this from the Cancellation (or as I like to call it The Yay!) thread.


I wonder if Fox's approach and the Duggar numb above the neck approach to all this was yet another attempt to bait the so called Liberal media into taking it too far.  Fox news has been good with this.  Yeah a little thought and investigation turns up their lies (voting fraud videos remember?  The so called woman who was hounded out of her job because she was racist towards white farmers seeking their alloted subsidies?)  But usually after many other media outlets goes into a frezy over whatever bits of chum Fox throws out.  And then Fox collectively sits back and condemns the over reaction.  Forgetting their own part in all of it.  Jon Stewart and the Daily Show have been able to spend hours playing video games simply because Fox simply throws out both sides as if at a certain hour it flips a switch, pretty much doing the Daily Show's own work except for the poor video guy who has to trim down the hours of hypocrisy to two minutes.


Point is I think Ailes used one of his "girls" in hopes of baiting the rest of the media into condemning candidates so they could turn around and pull Hillary posing with someone who is now in big trouble.  Too bad Huckabee went rogue fast and spoiled that possible meme.  Watching the rest try and say the Duggars were wrong and yet being conservatives weren't really was an amusing blip in this ridiculously early bloated "campaign".


It will be interesting if Kelley goes for a reaction interview on their cancellation.   I know the Hair and the Womb have this PR firm but The Hair always thinks he is the smartest person in the room (I remember reading the blog of the Today show runner who was always told by the Hair how to do his job.) and can't help going off in the direction he feels is the smartest and the "most" right.

  • Love 4

I think though they have shown they are simply incapable of that.  Self-absorbsion and entitlement seems their lot.  When they should have been only showing themselves in a light already perceived as benign by the general public they simply focused on their own spectacular ness as it were.  Instead of maybe peeking out and adding words of thought and paryer to the victims in Charleston, they simply focus on themselves.  Or try and adopt a huge judge others approach on same sex marriage rights (stones in glass houses -- more like building a catapult and trying to play catch with boulders in said glass house).


They have little to no common sense and an overwheening notion of where they stand as members of society at large.


In others words, I think it will take one big damn hook to get them off the stage even if TLC has turned off the lights and dropped the curtain.

  • Love 14

Well they were mentioned at least twice on The Daily Show.  But not on their involvement in politics so I think you are right in that regard.  The rich delicious irony is that the media as a whole seems to see them as plain and simple (and not in a good way) Kardashian Lites.  Same toxic ingredients but in packaging no one wants to post on tumblr.  I fantasize about the day when someone (remember this is a fantasy) manages to force the Hair to realize he is less but just as heinous pop culturally as a semi-professional porn star who has made millions out doing absolutely nothing.   A lazy crass self absorbed WOMAN (no less) has made money crop circles around ole brilliant (in his own mind) Jim Bob Duggar.  And right now I'd say might even have a less negative awareness by society at large than he does. 


If it ever sinks in past the hair spray and perm chemicals, it might just sting a little bit how little in terms of socially charged political awareness anyone really sees these folks.  Anyone with an ounce more awareness, say your Donald Trump, deeply wishes to have someone like Jon Stewart or Rachel Maddow spend the opening segment of their show lampooning you. 


Not that this was not a big story.  But in terms of the level of importance I think both the Hair and his scum Heir consider their voices in terms of societal values in the political landscape?  Yeah their sky fell and the chickens, including Little, pretty much kept pecking away. 


Of course there is always Barbara Walters.  I'm guessing if no one else touches them the Duggars and Walters might combine to create a sort of desperate for any attention union that would keep Rick Santorum having an eye out for goats near marriage chapels.

  • Love 1

It seems as though it is lost on many that the insane and rabid discussion of this family still means ratings. You can type onto a screen all day long how great it is they were cancelled until the cows come home. Those statements become null, when the very odd and extreme fascination with them and every single tiny aspect of their family, financial, and past lives are dissected and studied CIA style. Many Psychology papers could be written about not only this family, but also the "leg humpers" and the "haters" who sleep better at night by hating them, yet, still giving them as much attention as their horrible fans. It is fascinating to watch though. 

  • Love 1

And yet I'm still so very very happy these horrible creatures have gone home.  Including THE Leg Humper himself who caused their downfall.


Though to be fair, neither before, during or after all this do I think about the Duggars when I go to sleep at night.  No matter how silly and pathetic I have found them, in the end they don't really matter to me all that much.  I\


But dang it is fun seeing hypocrites like them pretend they don't have feet of clay when they stupidly went ahead , made pots of them and stuck them in the kiln.


Talk about fascinating to watch.

  • Love 7

The interest in this family means there will always be a reason to make those fake videos. The endless discussion about every aspect of their lives only means that people are watching and taking interest in what they are putting out, which equals capital for them. Yes, they are bigoted hypocrites who finally got called out on their bullshit. Which has in turn, only made conversation and interest go up. They may not be on TLC anymore, but, they still have the means to milk this for financial gain.That's all I mean. I mean, dental work has been discussed for pages.. Dental work.. Even bad publicity equals money. I mean, look at Trump. 


Do the Duggars get paid for instagram photos? I've wondered that because they're used in various media outlets, but I thought instagram was free media. I think that the Jill goodbye video was the Duggar family's way of showing TLC that people still have interest in the family and it didn't create the push to return them to TV that they hoped for.  

I also think that Jim Bob and Michelle expected a backlash against TLC from their fans that didn't happen on large scale. There are some fans on TLC's and the Duggar family facebook page who are riling against TLC and then bashing I am Jazz in the process. It's just caused others, who normally wouldn't care about the Duggars, to post about the Duggars' hypocrisy.   

Edited by Cocka doodle dont

The interest in this family means there will always be a reason to make those fake videos. The endless discussion about every aspect of their lives only means that people are watching and taking interest in what they are putting out, which equals capital for them. Yes, they are bigoted hypocrites who finally got called out on their bullshit. Which has in turn, only made conversation and interest go up. They may not be on TLC anymore, but, they still have the means to milk this for financial gain.That's all I mean. I mean, dental work has been discussed for pages.. Dental work.. Even bad publicity equals money. I mean, look at Trump. 

To a point, but I don't think that their ridiculous Youtube videos and hostile Instagram posts are going to generate anywhere near the level of income they've become accustomed to riding the reality TV rocket. The cancellation is a big deal. And I'm glad that people are finally having meaningful conversations about the Duggars. Years before the scandal broke, I was profoundly disturbed by the way the children (girls especially) were treated, and I did not like the hate they were preaching, and I could not for the life of me figure out how so many people thought they were this wonderful, uplifting family. 

  • Love 12

To a point, but I don't think that their ridiculous Youtube videos and hostile Instagram posts are going to generate anywhere near the level of income they've become accustomed to riding the reality TV rocket. The cancellation is a big deal. And I'm glad that people are finally having meaningful conversations about the Duggars. Years before the scandal broke, I was profoundly disturbed by the way the children (girls especially) were treated, and I did not like the hate they were preaching, and I could not for the life of me figure out how so many people thought they were this wonderful, uplifting family. 


Completely agree. I'm mostly speaking to the issue of how gleeful people seem to SAY that they have been cancelled, yet, still continue to obsess over every teeny tiny aspect of their lives. "Bye bye Duggars! About time!"  Yet, these same people post and discuss and dissect every single thing this family continues to put out there. I know I'm a bitch in a lot of my posts. I get that. I'm really not trying to this time. The interest though, is still there. It's obvious. Which means, they will not go away. 

  • Love 3

Duggars are in the entertainment business. That ugly haircut of Bins.. gets him free fast food coupons. That post surgery look of Derricks, he puts it out there for his 90,000 likes and his untaxed donations for his mission. They get cheques for clicks. If they put it out there, it is snarkable. As long as there is a fascination there is money for them. TLC was a major platform for them and now that's gone (unless it's changed into 'specials' and they come back ala Kate). Let's see how they keep relevant.

  • Love 2

I haven't been on their websites in a very long time, but they likely have advertiser boxes, that will pay to advertise and for click throughs. Different sites are set up differently... Example, some articles or blogs require you to click through to finish an article or even every page - this is to give them another click, and it all adds up. A blog I used to read explained the revenue they got from that, (probably small change compared to the traffic on the Duggar sites) and quite substantial when you look at it annually.

Some sites get paid by advertisers not for clicks on the site page (although does have value in showing influence) but rather substantial money in click throughs to advertisers.

The Duggar social media helps them build a following, that ultimately gets them more traffic on their main sites, as well as a place for shout outs to sponsors, and an easy way to prove their influence for freebies or actual sponsorship. They throw up a pic of chicken, they get x number of likes, yes that can be monetized. Not just with chicken folks but with other potential sponsors. I do think they do much of that without official relationships (mostly because they don't appear to be regularly heeding good PR advice) but it is leading to some $$$$$ for them, at least some of which is beyond a gift card here and there.

So long story, yes their posts have value to them beyond their having a place to rant at the world and tell us what we're doing wrong.

Edited by Itsnotreality
  • Love 2

I don't want to hear the duggar girls say that it was no big deal, all is fine, we were sleeping and didn't even know it....

The twisted sisters can shut the fuck up. What more can they add to; it's no big deal and I speak for all the victims-not-victims.We are exposed against our will and it has victimized us so, victimize us some more and give us fame and fortune.  

Edited by sometimesy
  • Love 3
The Duggar victims are entitled to feel and say whatever they like about their molestations.

Sure, but where the line is drawn is when they presume to speak for other victims and make the implication that molestation in general isn't serious because reasons. (In this case, the reasons being that they were young and asleep and didn't even know what was going on, etc.)


Both of which happened during the Fox interview. 

  • Love 21

Sure, but where the line is drawn is when they presume to speak for other victims and make the implication that molestation in general isn't serious because reasons. (In this case, the reasons being that they were young and asleep and didn't even know what was going on, etc.)

Both of which happened during the Fox interview.

The police interviews/investigation suggests Jill and Jessa had the same experience as the non family member, molestation while sleeping.
  • Love 1

It seems as though it is lost on many that the insane and rabid discussion of this family still means ratings. You can type onto a screen all day long how great it is they were cancelled until the cows come home. Those statements become null, when the very odd and extreme fascination with them and every single tiny aspect of their family, financial, and past lives are dissected and studied CIA style. Many Psychology papers could be written about not only this family, but also the "leg humpers" and the "haters" who sleep better at night by hating them, yet, still giving them as much attention as their horrible fans. It is fascinating to watch though.

This is why, I think, Jill and Jessa are in the documentary. They are legitimately victims of sexual assault, and have every right to their opinion. But more importantly, they will be the main reason people watch. "Fans" and "anti-fans" alike."

  • Love 4

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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