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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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'Magic, sorcery, witches, spell-casting, and the like are all part of the demonic realm that God wants us to stay away from,' explain Jill, Jessa, Jana and Jinger in their book, Growing Up Duggar.

'One specific thing that our parents have always been careful about is magic, which often shows up in children's movies. As harmless as it may seem, it's not a joke in God's eyes,' the sisters add.


Okay, I had sworn off even reading forums (like this) about the Duggars in order to keep my blood pressure in line. But there they were on a tabloid cover moralizing about love and sex while I was at the supermarket trying to check out in peace. It isn't that they have these extreme beliefs (to each their own, I suppose), it's that they are SO SMUG toward the rest of us. There was a great memoir about growing up JW called "I'm Perfect, You're Doomed." I think of that title every time I see a smarmy Duggar face.


Anyway, regarding the quoted above... have they not heard of or understand the concept of make believe? Seriously, does that concept not exist for them? Do they see a movie and think the plot really happened? Children dressed as witches for Halloween are actually possessed by evil? A little kid who plays magic carpet is truly practicing sorcery? If so, that is a mind boggling cognitive deficit even by Gothard standards.

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It is quite possible to have Halloween and leave out the blood, gore and horror. I personally don't include those things myself, but to totally disregard the happy, kid, costume dress up is yet another Duggar lack of self control and decision making skills...cut it out altogether is their answer to everything. They can have nice pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns, scarecrows, bob for apples and wear NICE costumes, not biblical ones, like princesses and cowboys, etc. This family is unnecessarily severe. I bet Michelle went trick or treating as a kid and even attended some of her friends' Halloween parties. I beg JB did too, but was the kid who always got teased in school. He just makes me suspect that lately. (Not that it's right for any kid to be teased, but years ago, we were.)

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Same here. I feel like I am supposed to knock "Halloween" out of my vocabulary. And is it ok to make deviled eggs or do a secret Santa gift exchange? Sorry, just rambling. And then what a stir Harry Potter caused among the Christian crowd when the book first came out. It's just a book telling a good story! I'm fine with dressing up into something for the day that you dreamed about becoming like a ballerina or firefighter...whatever. You don't have to focus on witches and spells.

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Anyway, regarding the quoted above... have they not heard of or understand the concept of make believe?



Seriously, kids play make believe. They like to pretend their animals, princesses, police officers, firemen, etc. Their games its called fun. Do they really believe a five year old pretending to be a witch is worshiping the devil? They have no concept of that even means. Its just fun. It doesn't mean they'll grow up to be Satanists. Why even get worked up over it? Their kids, give them five minutes and they'll be playing something else. It bugs me how much fun they try to take away from kids. Half the fun of being a kid is pretending to be someone or something else and making up pretend worlds, pretend games. Let them have a childhood full of fun and games. I mean isn't that the point of being a kid? 

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The Duggar children can play pretend. They can pretend to be mothers (the girls, anyway) and fire fighters and police officers and things like that....

But there is a reason so much of their play is action based, not imaginative or story based , and why we don't see them reading much, even books that no one in their right minds could disapprove of.

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One of the biggest issues of growing up in a fundamentalist or even some very conservative evangelical homes is how much they are afraid of a person's imagination. And the way they treat an imaginative child can be very heartbreaking to watch or experience.


That is so very, very sad to think about. :( I can't imagine how horrible childhood would be for a kid who isn't allowed to explore their imagination. It's an important part of development, imo. So much fear mongering, and for what?


I do take the point re: others (besides Duggars) restricting Halloween, but as some mentioned you can do princesses, robots, Zorro... the Duggars seem to think that doing anything on that holiday is akin to invoking Satan. Not to mention all their other restrictions on music, films, books, etc. It appears there's no dividing line in their world between what one imagines and what is real. Does it work the other way? If they sing a song about a bible character do they think s/he's in the room?


ETA: DangerousMinds, let's hope someone sneaks into the church and decorates it for Day of The Dead. Sugar skulls would be festive. :)

Edited by glowlights
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I really haven't been following the Duggars very long and I have seen those poor kids lined up on display so many times now.  They must be bored out of their minds, standing on stages and being admired by their followers, or singing the same songs over and over.  And I hate to think of all the time they spend on that darn bus. Can't accuse those kids of having too much fun!

Halloween is just a fun day to go beg candy from your neighbors.   Like getting your piano teacher to do your laundry.


When I was a merylinkidlet, my older sister and I built a teepee in the backyard and wanted to play Indians.   Then we realized that Indians had multiple gods.   Oops that whole first Commandment.   Were we going to Hell?    My very understanding mother took us to see our Priest.   A wonderful man.   He was the greatest.   He listened to us very seriously.   Then explained basically "You are playing.   God gets that.   Go have fun.   See you in Sunday School this weekend."   I am sure he died laughing after we left over our concern.

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A few seasons ago when Michelle and the older girls visited a public school, one of the students asked the girls what was their favorite book that they have read? One of them, I'm not sure which one, said Waiting for Prince Charming", or one of those "young persons fundy books" written by that skinny lady. The student was quite surprised because he expected her to mention one of the classics, I'm sure. He didn't know what she was talking about. A funny moment which highlighted just how out of the loop these Duggar kids' educational exposure is. Sad that they can't read, The Red Badge of Courage, The Scarlett Letter, 1984, or other good literature.

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A few seasons ago when Michelle and the older girls visited a public school, one of the students asked the girls what was their favorite book that they have read? One of them, I'm not sure which one, said Waiting for Prince Charming", or one of those "young persons fundy books" written by that skinny lady.


LOL!!! That's exactly how they should be cataloged, too. :)


I just realized I should be shocked that Someone-Whose-Name-Starts-With-J-I-Can't-Tell-Them-Apart told US Weekly they watched Footloose. That movie is full of devil's music and satanic dancing. I thought the Duggars were only allowed to watch Kirk Cameron movies? Was this for a SOTDRT anthropology class?

Edited by glowlights
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They watched what!?! Honestly, I would be less surprised if they were watching Annabelle or Paranormal Activity or Magic Mike. Isn't the whole point of Footloose about using restrictive religious rules to cover up real issues around guilt and grief? About not getting overly legalistic in your biblical interpretation? About how the Bible generally endorses dancing? If they're not getting that great Ecclesiastes quote about a time to dance, what moral are they taking away from it? That we must beware the charismatic stranger who will corrupt our youth? Yikes!

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UGH! I will read the articles, but having clicked on the first one, I just had to... Anna looks like she's putting a little thought into her outfits.I assume she is discovering what's required as a Washington wife. Why does she stop at her feet! Those freaking flip flops with an otherwise fall-appropriate style.

  • Love 4

UGH! I will read the articles, but having clicked on the first one, I just had to... Anna looks like she's putting a little thought into her outfits.I assume she is discovering what's required as a Washington wife. Why does she stop at her feet! Those freaking flip flops with an otherwise fall-appropriate style.

Those beach flip flops look well-worn. It's such a fetching look with that big 'ol Autumn scarf. Hysterical.

Then there's the photo of Michelle wearing that ugly lime green button down shirt with the ever modest white panel at the top peeking through. #enchanting

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UGH! I will read the articles, but having clicked on the first one, I just had to... Anna looks like she's putting a little thought into her outfits.I assume she is discovering what's required as a Washington wife. Why does she stop at her feet! Those freaking flip flops with an otherwise fall-appropriate style.

There was quite the variety of footwear in that picture: Anna & the flip-flops, Joy had on sandals (I liked them from what I could see) & another gal had boots on. I think the Bates girls could give the Duggar girls some much needed shoe advice.
Did anyone notice when he was introducing them, the interviewer said Jill Duggar then quickly added Dillard & of course, he got tongue-tied. Who wouldn't? That's a mouthful to say. It just might be easier for them to be called Jill & Derick Duggar. I'm sure Boob would approve. Ha ha.

By the way, this was asked on another thread - how is Derick getting time off work to go on these interviews since he is a very new employee? Wonder what his co-workers think.

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Since I moved to this rental it takes forever to load a page and I can't see the links, darn it.  Haven't seen Google mail for days, nor FB nor most of the stuff I read.  Pity.  Well, I bought another TV today for the bedroom, with an indoor antenna (they are good these days).  Back hurts too much to take it out of box and install, but oh well...also got my mail for first time in 3 weeks.  It's absolutely evident that I need somebody to go thru that stuff for me.  Gosh, I wish I could load these links and watch.

My co workers with children used to take a lot of time off and I never complained because I felt it was necessary.  Or if an award ceremony, of course they had to go.  They were raising the future folks who would be paying my social security some day.  There is no interest but self-interest.  That's my motto.  Other people used to bitch about it like crazy.  But taking off time for TV interviews and crap, hey, what is your job, accounting or TV?  Make up your mind.

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He started working when, January? February? He's low level management, so I'm willing to be he was able to negotiate three weeks vacation, even if he had to give up some salary to do it. We are at the end of October. He took time off for the Honeymoon, but they only took a week. Now they are taking what seems to be a long weekend. Sounds pretty normal to me.

JMO, but I doubt he is considered to be at a management level at Wallymart. He doesn't have a CPA (that I know of). He doesn't have a master's degree either. He's a grunt. A corporate grunt, sure. Knowing how "generous" WMT is, three weeks paid leave up front is unlikely. Possible, but unlikely.

I'd bet money that by the time Baby Dillard is born, Derrick no longer works for them.

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I really hope Derick doesn't give up his career to "work" solely for JimBob/TLC. He seems like smart, solid guy but I think he is very vulnerable to be brainwashed by the Duggars. We already see how JB has been controlling Ben and got him to quit his job/school and move into the warehouse just to start a promising new career as JB's yard boy. If I ever see Derick mowing or wrangling poison ivy on JimBob's property, I will cry.


I wonder if JB has some idea up his sleeve to fire all his tax advisors, accountants and whoever else handles all his different incomes, and hire Derick at the "family rate".

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'Magic, sorcery, witches, spell-casting, and the like are all part of the demonic realm that God wants us to stay away from,' explain Jill, Jessa, Jana and Jinger in their book, Growing Up Duggar.

'One specific thing that our parents have always been careful about is magic, which often shows up in children's movies. As harmless as it may seem, it's not a joke in God's eyes,' the sisters add.


Here they are in their book explaining the evils of fairy tales, and yet only a few months out of the house and Derick and Jill are seeing Cinderella on Broadway!


https://www.facebook.com/DerickandJilldillardFans (I couldn't find the actual post, but there is a picture of them at the theater on this fan page).


I don't know whose idea it was, but either way it's good news. Baby steps.

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He's a white collar grunt with a college education and a mother in the same corporation who is probably well connected. I'm betting he got three weeks, perhaps earned as he goes, but as far as I can see he's taken one week for his honeymoon and a few days here in NYC.

Where are all these days off that people can point to ?

And no way is Derrick qualified to take over the Duggar family finances. He's likely doing something akin to payroll like duties. Maybe he can pay Ben? ;)

Edited by GEML
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One of the biggest issues of growing up in a fundamentalist or even some very conservative evangelical homes is how much they are afraid of a person's imagination. And the way they treat an imaginative child can be very heartbreaking to watch or experience.


From what I've observed, they seem to be afraid of an awful lot of things. 

Thanks bigskygirl for posting that... I agree too much Jim Bob and Michelle and he HAD to kiss her again? Yuck. Michelle is fake as usual, an animated character of herself. Didn't she feel like a fool saying that Jessa, a woman of almost 22, was "moving out of the girls' room"? What stuff did Jessa have to pack that was her own? One small carry on suitcase should have sufficed.

I would like to know what the sleeping line up is now that Jill and Jessa have vacated two "big beds"? How are they rearranging those chess pieces in the girls room that are their own DAUGHTERS. Poor Jana..I hope she finally gets to sleep by herself and not with an obviously not completely toilet trained Josie anymore...that is simply just disgusting in my mind.

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Was there a purpose for doing that video? Do they think we are idiots? The caption says something like check in with Jessa & Ben as they prepare for the wedding... (or something like that). We barely saw them-- it was all Boob & MEchelle spouting the same old crap. And MEchelle calling Boob "Daddy". OMG. If I hear them say "serving the Lord" or "Servant's Heart" one more time, I think I'm going to lose it. BTW- they need to show us some examples of serving the Lord.

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Thanks bigskygirl for posting that... I agree too much Jim Bob and Michelle and he HAD to kiss her again? Yuck. Michelle is fake as usual, an animated character of herself. Didn't she feel like a fool saying that Jessa, a woman of almost 22, was "moving out of the girls' room"? What stuff did Jessa have to pack that was her own? One small carry on suitcase should have sufficed.

I would like to know what the sleeping line up is now that Jill and Jessa have vacated two "big beds"? How are they rearranging those chess pieces in the girls room that are their own DAUGHTERS. Poor Jana..I hope she finally gets to sleep by herself and not with an obviously not completely toilet trained Josie anymore...that is simply just disgusting in my mind.

And moving into the warehouse!

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Who Will Be The Next Duggar to Marry? The Family Weighs In. People.com also has a poll going, too. Jim Bob says there have been guys pursuing Jana and Jinger, but they haven't been interested. Supposedly applications have been pouring in for John David ever since he joked about looking for a wife at Jill's wedding rehearsal, but I'm going to need to see the receipts on that one...

Edited by Dejana
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Who Will Be The Next Duggar to Marry? The Family Weighs In. People.com also has a poll going, too. Jim Bob says there have been guys pursuing Jana and Jinger, but they haven't been interested. Supposedly applications have been pouring in for John David ever since he joked about looking for a wife at Jill's wedding rehearsal, but I'm going to need to see the receipts on that one...

After a while these marriages and dating episodes gets boring

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If I were the right age, I'd go for Josiah.  I'm not sure he'd go for me though.  I'd have to pretend to follow their beliefs before they'd ever let me near him, and then once married I'd do everything I could to get him to follow his own path, whatever that may be.  He's not respected in that family, and I'd love to see him get some support and encouragement to break out of his shell.


Then again, if I were that age, I probably wouldn't have the patience to do such a thing.

Edited by Zahdii
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Supposedly applications have been pouring in for John David ever since he joked about looking for a wife at Jill's wedding rehearsal, but I'm going to need to see the receipts on that one...


I just spit coffee all over my screen.  You owe me a new monitor.  I have my eyes on Jeremiah for my daughter, so I am kindly asking everyone to please back off (laugh).


 I believe Jim Bob when he says that there are a lot of interest in his girls and that they are not interested. I have a feeling if Ben wasn't "cute", Jessa wouldn't have given him the time of day. 

Edited by Adeejay
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Who Will Be The Next Duggar to Marry? The Family Weighs In. People.com also has a poll going, too. Jim Bob says there have been guys pursuing Jana and Jinger, but they haven't been interested. Supposedly applications have been pouring in for John David ever since he joked about looking for a wife at Jill's wedding rehearsal, but I'm going to need to see the receipts on that one...

Would that include those in prison?

Edited by jmt111
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As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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