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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Dr. Drew mentions Counting On




The feedback from Dr. Drew and his panel, as well as the viewers who responded on Facebook, seems to point to the family being focused on the money they will be raking in, with no concern about the well-being of Jill and Jessa Duggar's mental health.

  • Love 4

 I just cannot stop laughing.


He's not all that bright is our Joshie boy? Did he actually want to be recognised? Or why the half-assed cover of half his face? Did he realise that the first picture, with a fully covered face, brought zero game despite all that manly elbow chub? And then went 'oooh, but I'm a reality star, I could get groupies!' Yet still somewhat realising that anonymity is a good thing when attempting to cheat on your wife on a creeper website and then so, with true Duggar logic, he ended up somewhere in-between? Did he think that since it works for Batman it would work for him? I have so many questions here.

  • Love 15

Even behind the bars of rehab, Josh is still making my stomach puke from laughing so hard one minute to wanting to puke the next. Nothing about either shot is attractive enough to tempt any woman, let alone any woman on a site like AM. 


Jessa needs to have a girl and name her Ashley Madison Seewald...just because. 

  • Love 5

Does Josh even know what a muscular arm, or even just a muscle, actually looks like? It almost looks like a photo from a medical journal or something showing the tumorous arm before the surgery.


LOL... it seems like maybe once he had forearm muscles that have since gone to seed, and can't get over the glory of it in his mind.  Like from sailing, or scooping ice cream, the latter I mean like working the counter at Baskin Robbins for a summer, not lifting spoon to mouth.

  • Love 2

To get back to the lawsuit for a minute, the gist of it as I read it is: These girls are not filing a criminal suit against Bill Gothard for sexual abuse, they are filing a civil suit against the IBLP board members saying that the members were made aware of the abuse and either did nothing, or even worse, took steps to cover it up. Is that about right?

Mods please delete if OT, but it looks like Hobby Lobby has a scandal brewing. The Duggars have a close relationship with the company, so I'm posting this. They even filmed in their stores and defended the Supreme Court case, too. Looks like all the chickens are coming home to roost for the fundies.





According to Candida Moss and Joel Baden at The Daily Beast, store CEO Steven Green and his family “have been under federal investigation for the illicit importation of cultural heritage from Iraq” since 2011. The antiquities in question are a collection of 200 to 300 clay tablets “inscribed in cuneiform—the script of Ancient Assyria and Babylonia, present day Iraq—and were thousands of years old.” Apprehended in Memphis, the shipment of small tablets was on its way to “the compound of the Hobby Lobby corporation.”

  • Love 11

Mods please delete if OT, but it looks like Hobby Lobby has a scandal brewing. The Duggars have a close relationship with the company, so I'm posting this. They even filmed in their stores and defended the Supreme Court case, too. Looks like all the chickens are coming home to roost for the fundies

I'm so glad I haven't stepped foot inside one for at least 18 months. But this...THIS??? Seems like a case of "the rules don't apply to US." There is great concern for the antiquities in the Middle East, look at how much ISIS has destroyed. However, recovering & protecting them (until or if there is a time where they can stay protected in their home country) is a job for museums & libraries, not big dollar, private U.S. companies (esp. the one in question which we know has a fundie Christian bent). This is stealing another country's heritage (See Elgin marbles). Sorry to rant, but I've worked in archives snd museums, and this is always a meaty topic. I hope the HL people get skewered.
  • Love 20

Eh, it's not a sex scandal. Considering the outrageous destruction of antiquities by ISIS, I think the average American would give them a pass on this. I appreciate your viewpoint LT, and usually I'd be in total agreement, but I'd certainly rather they spend their money on preserving priceless artifacts rather than trying to regulate and control women's reproductive systems.

  • Love 1

I'm so glad I haven't stepped foot inside one for at least 18 months. But this...THIS??? Seems like a case of "the rules don't apply to US." There is great concern for the antiquities in the Middle East, look at how much ISIS has destroyed. However, recovering & protecting them (until or if there is a time where they can stay protected in their home country) is a job for museums & libraries, not big dollar, private U.S. companies (esp. the one in question which we know has a fundie Christian bent). This is stealing another country's heritage (See Elgin marbles). Sorry to rant, but I've worked in archives snd museums, and this is always a meaty topic. I hope the HL people get skewered.


Adding an extra twist is that ISIS seems to be selling some artifacts to Western dealers and then blowing up the sites. So the hobbyist lobbyists may well be funding ISIS with their buys.



  • Love 4

Let us end the political debate about ISIS. Discussing politics is not a good idea. Bring the discussion back to the Duggars and the Media World and TLC. I am sure there are plenty of other places to talk about ISIS. Any political non topic posts will be hidden or deleted by the discretion of the mods in the future. Thank you.

Moving this out of the Josh and Anna thread to reply:


Medical records being private and all, how do they know how many abortions were performed?


Medical records are private, overall statistics, like births and deaths and complications, are not.  States require that all abortions be reported and there is a specific form that the practitioner performing the procedure has to complete to be submitted to the authorities.  I presume that these statistics are publicly available and used to tally the numbers.


Although the vast majority of pregnancy terminations are done in the first trimester and are elective (meaning the woman was choosing to end the pregnancy without specific medical information recommending it); a small but significant number of terminations are done in circumstances where there are situations such as ruptured membranes with a uterine infection or a baby with severe birth defects incompatible with life, which are lumped in there.  Any pregnancy termination which is initiated before the fetus has died is considered an abortion, even though some of these procedures occur in situations where a healthy baby is not a possibility.


Someone mentioned spontaneous abortion which is the medical term for a miscarriage. This is not an elective abortion and doesn't require reporting.  However, there have been some anti-abortion activists who insist that women and physicians are lying in a significant number of these and that there are living fetuses being classified as miscarriages. I've been doing OB for 30+ years, have seen thousands of women with miscarriages and elective terminations and have never, ever seen anyone falsify the documentation as to the diagnosis.

  • Love 5

Let's remember that abortion itself is not on topic in ANY of the topics in this forum or this site. It leads to acrimonious and vitriolic posting. If this is a dinner party, like politics, it's the topic to avoid. There are 3,682,582,046 other sites out there to engage in that debate.


All of which to say, no more talk about abortion, politics, ISIS because off topic and bound to start fights. Posts will be deleted without notification since this is not the first (or 5th) time that we've had to say this. 

  • Love 6

Apparently whoever wrote that Inquisitor article cannot figure out that a family with 10 children plus 2 parents equals one dozen. Brilliant.


I would bet the L&O episode has some unexpected twist involved that will completely remove it from the Duggar story by the end. Those writers aren't interested in exposing the Duggars, just using them to get ratings. I would love to have it turn out the Gothard-type cult leader is behind all the nefarious pregnancies, but that seems a little obvious.

Edited by Anne Elk
  • Love 1

Are there REALLY that many fans of the Duggar family that it is worthwhile for TLC to produce yet another program based on the family? 


Maybe when they look at all their current shows, TLC only really sees a steady and identifiable fanbase for the Duggars, and not for their other shows? That could make them see the Duggs as more of sure thing than anything else they've got, even though the sure thing has become a bit shaky of late.


When you look at the extreme proliferation of sequels and prequels and spinoffs and remakes and copycats that Hollywood has been producing for the past few decades, I think it's pretty clear that the entertainment industry's kinda fearful game plan is to repeat the most successful of what you've got, no matter how stupid the repeat may be, rather than trying to be, you know, more creative. Halloween 48 may be horrible and not pull in that many viewers, but the entertainment industry still seems to place more confidence in it than in some new and untried idea. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the dynamic at work here with TLC. "What've we got that's done pretty well? Oh, the Duggars. Well, we'll just take out the child-molestation parts and go with that again."

  • Love 6

Maybe when they look at all their current shows, TLC only really sees a steady and identifiable fanbase for the Duggars, and not for their other shows? That could make them see the Duggs as more of sure thing than anything else they've got, even though the sure thing has become a bit shaky of late.


When you look at the extreme proliferation of sequels and prequels and spinoffs and remakes and copycats that Hollywood has been producing for the past few decades, I think it's pretty clear that the entertainment industry's kinda fearful game plan is to repeat the most successful of what you've got, no matter how stupid the repeat may be, rather than trying to be, you know, more creative. Halloween 48 may be horrible and not pull in that many viewers, but the entertainment industry still seems to place more confidence in it than in some new and untried idea. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the dynamic at work here with TLC. "What've we got that's done pretty well? Oh, the Duggars. Well, we'll just take out the child-molestation parts and go with that again."

Very true.  And 'reality' shows are cheap to produce and bring in the bucks.  But I would never want my family on TV to be open to such criticism and speculation. I'm not sure what drives families like The Little Couple and Our Little Family to agree to do this.   It reminds me of when I was a VERY little girl and my father took my sister and me to the circus.  They had the infamous 'side show' where unusual people were on display...the world's tallest man, the bearded lady, etc.  I guess we all (or at least some of us) are voyeurs at heart.  If there were no ratings the shows would disappear.

  • Love 2

Ooo I want in on this! TLC I have some ideas for you.



That trailer park lord from the British gypsies series. Have him and his clan meet JB and his clan for head to head survivor style tv. Oh yeah. I wonder who would win. The girls can sit on the sidelines and try to distract the boys. Jessa and her second fetus and her husband-backpack would be pretty distracting.. but how do you compete with 14 year old sequined virgin tarts?


If that sounds odd to you, think about what they ARE filming: A fake missionary grafter couple and an unemployed early 20's couple having their first baby. TLC probably has to come up with stuff for them to do. Like visit an orphanage, listen to the belly in a maternity centre, have a baby shower. They can't even do normal shit without direction. Jebus.

Edited by sometimesy
  • Love 4

Look who got a booking!



In a statement on its website, the association said the “controversy surrounding actions taken by Josh Duggar is really old news. The events happened more than a decade ago and were dealt with legally and morally at that time. AHEA does not condone Josh’s behaviour, but wishes to follow the example of the victims in this situation who have expressed a desire to forgive and forget.”

Except for the victim that's suing them...

  • Love 4

So, who's starting the "we made a mistake" pool? And I'm digging the carefully-worded "the events happened over a decade ago", too. Yeah, right. How special and precious to excuse --- oops, FORGIVE the actions of a non-repentant molester.


How long do you think it will be before whoever it is that released the original statement to the press releases another stating that after "prayerful consideration", they've decided "it would be best to withdraw our offer to the Duggars"?

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 8


How long do you think it will be before whoever it is that released the original statement to the press releases another stating that after "prayerful consideration", they've decided "it would be best to withdraw our offer to the Duggars"?

Here's their logic behind it:


The reasons for the board decision include:

    The controversy surrounding actions taken by Josh Duggar is really "old news". The events happened more than a decade ago and were dealt with legally and morally at that time. AHEA does not condone Josh's behavior but wishes to follow the example of the victims in this situation who have expressed a desire to "forgive and forget".

    The people who are coming to speak are home educating parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, and not their son Josh. Since all parents are prone to blaming themselves when their children make a mistake, it is AHEA's hope that Jim Bob and Michelle will share what they learned as parents from these difficult experiences - learning of Josh’s behaviour then and now living through the recent media hysteria.

    AHEA does not choose speakers because they are perfect or nearly so. In fact, AHEA tries to choose speakers who have been through difficult times and learned from them, who have made mistakes in parenting and can share their experiences, who have been "in the trenches" of home education and have persevered. In this way, AHEA chooses speakers for the annual convention who can connect in "real life ways" with AHEA members, who can be open about mistakes made and lessons learned, who can speak of forgiveness. Learning from our mistakes makes a compelling story.

Their homepage uses a biblical quote from Lamentations. Make of that what you will.

  • Love 2

Here's their logic behind it:

Their homepage uses a biblical quote from Lamentations. Make of that what you will.

And the Duggars have not "learned from their mistakes", so the organization is hoping for a big payday or coverage by TLC. They're more interested in controversy than in keynote speakers that might actually have something valuable to say to their attendees. Let's face it, J-Chelle hasn't "homeschooled" in years.

  • Love 5

I dont know why i am really surprised by this! Its just so weird. But, like Alberta is this super conservative province, so if they were gonna go to any province, it would be AB. I can't drive, or else I would definitely offer to go on behalf of all of us.


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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