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Party of One: Unpopular TV Opinions

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Someone on the radio or local news or something said something about "one last Moment of Zen."  I'm pretty sure the Moment of Zen predates Jon Stewart, so I don't know why they would choose to end it now.


!= is more efficient and takes less keystrokes.

Yeah, but most people have probably never seen "!=" but pretty much everyone took math in high school (and has therefore seen what "=/=" attempts to approximate).

Edited by janie jones
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!= is more efficient and takes less keystrokes.


True, but there'd be at least 10 times as many posts asking what the heck it meant.

I've never seen that in high school math.

But you probably did see the equals sign with the slash through it, which is the mathematical symbol for "is not equal to" and which is what =/= is approximating.

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I'm rewatching Oz, and I have to say, my UO is that I always liked Hill and his monologues.  I also think it's of one of HBOs better dramas that, unfortunately, often doesn't get remembered at all.


Oz had so many character actors in it, though, that to this day I still refer to them as their Oz character name whenever I see one pop up on a tv show.   When JK SImmons won his Oscar last year I told my husband "hey Vern Schillnger won an Oscar!'

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I'm rewatching Oz, and I have to say, my UO is that I always liked Hill and his monologues.  I also think it's of one of HBOs better dramas that, unfortunately, often doesn't get remembered at all.

Oz remains the only show that I've regularly recommended over the years that every single person I've told about it actually watched and loved. At first I hesitated to recommend it to certain people in the event they would think I was one sick puppy, but I guess there's a bit of that in all of us.

Oz had so many character actors in it, though, that to this day I still refer to them as their Oz character name whenever I see one pop up on a tv show.   When JK SImmons won his Oscar last year I told my husband "hey Vern Schillnger won an Oscar!'

Haha me too. I got my brother to watch Battle Creek by telling him Ryan O'Reilly was in it.

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If it helps, that guy had it coming...it's really a "Hell yeah!" moment LMAO

I hadn't been watching the series and that and one other random ep were the only ones I saw, so it was all out of context. But... yeah IDK if that helps. I don't think I could try it again. And if that doesn't even crack the top 10 grossest moments, I'm out.

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I watched maybe two episodes of Oz and then Nope nope nope'd the hell away. It scarred me. Someone was taking a shit on someone. That's over my limit.

That was the first scene I saw and I was hooked. I guess that officially makes me sick but it was a great series over all. I got my sister and friends into watching it.

I thought I was the only one who still called the actors by their Oz character names. Except for Eamon Walker me and my sister just call him My Brother.

When Jk won the Oscar I thought about time. That whole cast deserved a truckload of every award backed up to the lot and just handed out.

Glad to find fellow fans.

Oz had a giant cast and for the most part could only pay SAG minimum to actors on the show. And then managed to get a whole bunch of really good actors because a) short filming schedules left them lost of time for better paying projects and b) scripts that let them go places as actors that they probably wouldn't get a chance to do again any time soon.


I remember J.K. talking about how he took the M&Ms job at the same time as Oz because he had young kids at the time and wanted to have something he could show them what he was doing when he went to work and it wasn't like he could show them the scene from Oz where he burns a swastika into someone's ass now could he?

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That was the first scene I saw and I was hooked. I guess that officially makes me sick but it was a great series over all. I got my sister and friends into watching it.

I thought I was the only one who still called the actors by their Oz character names. Except for Eamon Walker me and my sister just call him My Brother.


 There was a poll on some site where they asked re: Breaking Bad "What episode/scene did you know you were really hooked?'  For BB it was the 'fulminating mercury'  scene, but for Oz it was Beecher shitting on Schillinger and screaming  'Sieg Heil motherfucker!'.  My husband and I howled at that scene.  Yeah we are twisted.


Re; Eammon Walker.  He will always be Said.  Even now on Chicago Fire I subconsciously expect him to break out a kufi.  It is always such a  surprise when he is in interviews and speaks in his native accent though.

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I liked Robin Williams as an actor and comedian. But I don't see the need to "celebrate" or whatever you call it, on the first anniversary of his death. Really? I find it morbid. Doing things, etc., to honor him when he first passed, I can see. But now all my news feeds and Yahoo! articles are filled with this stuff.  Not to mention Trump nonsense.

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There was a poll on some site where they asked re: Breaking Bad "What episode/scene did you know you were really hooked?' For BB it was the 'fulminating mercury' scene, but for Oz it was Beecher shitting on Schillinger and screaming 'Sieg Heil motherfucker!'. My husband and I howled at that scene. Yeah we are twisted.

Re; Eammon Walker. He will always be Said. Even now on Chicago Fire I subconsciously expect him to break out a kufi. It is always such a surprise when he is in interviews and speaks in his native accent though.

I live in Chicago and I would love to see them when they are filming. Those who want can have their Taylor Kinney, me I would melt if I met Eamonn walker.

Maya on Girl Meets World. I liked her during the first season and still like her friendship with Riley and those moments, but everything else just bugs me. I do not think she has charisma or generates chemistry with every character, except for inappropriate chemistry with Shawn. I think it is too much of a good thing, since I liked her at first, but this season seems to be overkill. I think Sabrina Carpenter is on par with the rest of the actors on the show and Disney Channel.

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At the risk of repeating myself from unpopular opinions...



Phoebe on Friends. I don't like anyone on this show (or this show), but I literally cannot watch more than a second of this character. No, I don't think she's hilariously quirky and interesting. No, really. I don't. She's annoying as all f*ck. That is all.





Oh, I despise the entire neurotic, self important,  vacuous cast of Friends, but none more than Phoebe.  


I loathe Valerie Cherish.    She's the usual Lisa Kudrow stock character-Youngish woman inhabited by a neurotic, nails on chalkboard whiny voiced old crone.     Selfish, clueless, and probably a slumlord.    I get she's an anti hero/ine,   and supposed to appeal as such,  but unlike truly awful   characters such as Kenny Powers,   I always want to see her fail and get her stupid face rubbed in her failure.    It just angers me irrationally when people think she was  a good person.   Esperanza should have quit, Mickey should have gotten a job at Supercuts,  Mark should have divorced her,  Juna should have ignored her,  and Pauley G. should have fired her.    Yes, he was awful, but less irritating IMO. 


Veronica Mars.   Actually, anything Kristen Bell does.   Those commercials she's in aren't cute, not cute at all. 


I don't know if her character is popular,   but two episodes of Modern Family were enough to determine that Sophia Vergara, like 19th century children, should be seen and not heard.   God help us if they ever team her up with Lisa Kudrow.   Those two voices together  could cause the very universe to implode. 


Neil Patrick Harris, any character.     Seeing him get box cuttered in the throat in Gone Girl didn't even make me stop eating nachos.     It just felt right.

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I grew to hate Robin on How I Met Your Mother. She was fine in earlier seasons, but as the show went downhill so did her character (and her love life). I really hated how she tended to get more interested in Barney and Ted only when they didn't seem interested in her anymore.

And I really hated her attitude in the series finale. "Woe is me, I can't be in the gang anymore because I can't stand watching my ex husband (who I dumped for my career) hit on other girls and the guy I "should have" picked (who I also dumped) be happy with his fiancée." Her calling Ted "the guy I should have ended up with" was just such an entitled attitude that I wanted to slap her. I will NEVER forgive the writers for killing off the mother just so they could have a Ted/Robin endgame after all that.

It was Ted I couldn't stand which made the show a real problem. Honestly Robin didn't bother me and neither did Barney (for the most part). It was Ted that often infuriated me to no end.

My UO is that in my (Unpopular) Opinion, the three best shows of the 2014-2015 season were quite a diverse group, but all three extremely underwatched. My favourite shows were: Galavant. Yes it was silly, very, very silly! But the music was awesome, the actors had awesome charisma and chemistry and it just left you feeling very happy at the end of each episode.

In a completely different category, but still full of awesomeness was From Dusk till Dawn. Extremely intense and dark, but well acted and written and quite a fun (if gruesome) ride. Very glad I watched it on dvd, so could binge watch to my heart's content.

Lastly my absolute favourite was 12 Monkeys. Very good acting, storylines that kept you guessing and extremely intriguing characters. The best syfy has done in quite a while.

Another UO based on the last season's premieres - I couldn't get into Better Call Saul. Just lifeless and (dare I say it) boring. I couldn't make it past the third episode...

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I don't know if her character is popular,   but two episodes of Modern Family were enough to determine that Sophia Vergara, like 19th century children, should be seen and not heard.


The sad thing is, she was very good on Knights of Prosperity, and her voice was much less annoying.  But now, due to promos for Modern Family (never been able to actually watch an episode) and those Diet Pepsi ads, I can't stand her.

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But now, due to promos for Modern Family (never been able to actually watch an episode) and those Diet Pepsi ads, I can't stand her.


Ha! I relate to this very well...those Old Navy ads with Amy Poehler all shrill and obnoxious and woefully unfunny somehow made it harder for me to enjoy her character on Parks and Rec. 

Edited by amensisterfriend

Amy Pond and River Song from Doctor Who. I usually keep my mouth shut about disliking these two characters, because I always felt I should love them, because so many people do. I never liked Amy. I hated her introduction and the way she treated Rory (Though Rory was kind of a doormat). River Song always came off as smug and a know it all to me. I liked the actresses, just hated the characters.


 Can I sit by you? 

I never liked Amy, will never like Amy, and I loathe River Song

And Clara. 

And Missy.

And the dinosaur lady.

and Jenny. 

and basically anyone Steven Moffatt introduces because they pretty much are the same people (ie: Amy/River Song). 

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Can I sit by you?

I never liked Amy, will never like Amy, and I loathe River Song

And Clara.

And Missy.

And the dinosaur lady.

and Jenny.

and basically anyone Steven Moffatt introduces because they pretty much are the same people (ie: Amy/River Song).

Of course you can come sit by me, but I will warn you that I like Clara (hated her story last season), but agree with everything else on your list.


Another UO based on the last season's premieres - I couldn't get into Better Call Saul. Just lifeless and (dare I say it) boring. I couldn't make it past the third episode...

Me either. I really liked Breaking Bad and Saul, so I thought I would enjoy Better Call Saul, but I do not. I too think it is dull. I do not mind slow moving shows, but I guess I wasn't that interested in it.

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I actually disliked Samantha on Sex and The City. Carrie too, but I think is she pretty widely disliked. Kim Catrall's hammy delivered bugged me, and Sam did not seem like a real person. She made me laugh at times, but mostly she seemed like a caricature.


I didn't really like any of the four major female characters on SATC. But I stuck with the show because I thought the first few seasons were genuinely funny, laugh out loud comedy, no matter how annoying I found the whole Carrie/Big thing.


Huck from Scandal.  I don't give a damn about his manpain and I hate the actor's halted and asthmatic way of delivering his lines.

Yes to this.  I don't have anything against Guillermo Diaz, but I'm completely over Huck.  He was far more interesting in the beginning when we didn't know much about him, but the whole B6-13 retcon  dragged him and the show down. I'm tired of his rabid sociopath pitbull ass, and how Olivia is the only one who controls his kill switch.  I get that he's Olivia's Luca Brasi, but storytelling and performance wise, it's too damn much.


I still can't with Quinn sleeping with him after he tortured her.  He pulled her teeth out! That alone should've made her turn in her resignation.

I couldn't agree more and have often said the same thing about them. When Sept. comes I have to decide whether to watch or avoid the show until Moffatt finally goes away. He's made it unbearable.


That was my issue last season. I actually didn't watch any of Who while it was airing, I just recorded it, and had a Whoathon, and I was just... so pissed off.  (it's actually seeping into Sherlock too which irritates the snot out of me). 


Yes to this.  I don't have anything against Guillermo Diaz, but I'm completely over Huck.  He was far more interesting in the beginning when we didn't know much about him, but the whole B6-13 retcon  dragged him and the show down. I'm tired of his rabid sociopath pitbull ass, and how Olivia is the only one who controls his kill switch.  I get that he's Olivia's Luca Brasi, but storytelling and performance wise, it's too damn much.


I still can't with Quinn sleeping with him after he tortured her.  He pulled her teeth out! That alone should've made her turn in her resignation.

Yup. totally over Huck. and Quinn. and Olivia.... Cyrus..

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Here are some more characters that I don't like


Gabrielle: (from Xena Warrior Princess). Couldn't stand her. Hated her and I thought she completely brought down the show. judgemental, and everything was about her, she killed Xena's children twice. because of her selfish actions, betrayed Xena and led to her almost execution. .... selfish selfish cow. 


Rory Gilmore: (and a touch of Lorelai). I kinda get over Rory after season two and totally over her by season four when she basically decides she gets to have Dean because she loves Dean first. (generally in any Lorelai/Rory fight I'm on team Lorelai because Rory is just dumb and stupid). kinda over her and her special snow flakeness (why is it that everyone loves her in Stars Hollow? I mean. Lane is the same age? Why does Rory get the special snowflakedom and Lane is the side kick?)

I don't like Lorelai because it's always "why doesn't anyone (mom) get me." and you're supposed to take her side. And I've seen this whole argument how Emily is horrible and evil and never understood Lorelai... but did Lorelai ever really take the time to explain to Emily why she likes the things she likes, or eats the things she eats etc? Everything was always a sarcastic throw down from Lorelai etc. And she would assume that Emily would NEVER support her. i guess my biggest example was Lorelai not telling Emily and Richard that she was engaged to Max. Max Medina, and Sookie told Emily, so by the time Lorelai told Emily, Emily was all "pft. well we won't be in town anyway." and Lorelai freaks out like "WHY WOULD I EXPECT MOM TO GET ME." (and even when Sookie told Lorelai, well um, I told her. it didn't click in that Lorelai actually, really hurt her. And Emily was awesome: see How she stood up to Christopher,for Lorelai). 

Willow, Xander, and Fred for reasons explained. however my new entry for the Whedonverse:
Inara Serra:  no darling. your poop isn't all of that. if you wanted to be with Mal, show that you did. you don't get to treat him badly because he chooses other people over you because you act like you are better than him.


Felicity (And Julie) from Felicity: Sorry. I get you grew as a person and moving to NYC wasn't just for Ben, but it kind of, sort of truly was. and you treated both Ben and Noel like crap. But I never really watched for you. It was always for Elena who was awesome) :) Julie you were a crap friend too. you both used each other, and while Felicity kind of made it up - you never did so i was glad you were gone too (also Molly i thought she was a useless Julie stand in). 

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I not even sure what I expected from BCS*, but, I guess I can agree with ganesh--it was good because I know that what we got wouldn't have even occurred to me.  And, Bob Odenkirk is a genius, imo.  He sold it.  There was a scene in the second to last episode that ripped your heart out--I hope that's the one he submits at Emmy Award time.  *I actually did expect something:  I didn't think it would be as slow moving.  It was, but I still found myself interested in it.

Inara Serra:  no darling. your poop isn't all of that. if you wanted to be with Mal, show that you did. you don't get to treat him badly because he chooses other people over you because you act like you are better than him.


Ugh, yes. I didn't mention her earlier only because I never had the impression she was all that widely loved, but maybe I'm just in denial :) I've really tried to like her...but can't. I found her so condescending, haughty, self-superior, boring and just generally unlikable even when we were clearly supposed to feel otherwise. The roles of companions were horribly ill defined (and the show's greatest misstep, IMO!) and while I blame the writing much more than the acting for my dislike of the character, the actress failed to give the character any real warmth and relatability for me even when the script called for it. Her 'relationship' with Mal consistently brought out the very worst sides of both characters, and I was actively rooting for them to just stay away from each other. (As is all too common with Joss Whedon pairings---and TV pairings in general, for that matter!) 

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Never understood the dislike for Martha from Doctor Who.


After having to deal with the whole schmoopy Tenth Doctor and Rose crap, I hated the idea of another character who was in love with the Doctor, so I didn't like Martha at first.  She did grow on me, though, as she seemed to move beyond the lovesick thing.


I absolutely loved Donna, who seems to be a love or hate kind of character.  Same goes for River Song.

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I not even sure what I expected from BCS*, but, I guess I can agree with ganesh--it was good because I know that what we got wouldn't have even occurred to me. And, Bob Odenkirk is a genius, imo. He sold it. There was a scene in the second to last episode that ripped your heart out--I hope that's the one he submits at Emmy Award time. *I actually did expect something: I didn't think it would be as slow moving. It was, but I still found myself interested in it.

Bob Odenkirk is wonderful, but Jonathan Banks steals the show for me. That one episode that centered around him was my favorite of the season.

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I never understood the hatred for Serena (or Elizabeth Roehm)  on Law and Order. The notorious "Is it because I'm a lesbian?" was kind of random, but it didn't cause me to eyeroll. All those pretty ADA's were essentially interchangeable to me. The only one who stood out was Abbie. Dianne Wiest and Fred Dalton Thompson (or their characters) came in for a lot of flak, too, and I never minded them. 

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Ugh, yes. I didn't mention her earlier only because I never had the impression she was all that widely loved, but maybe I'm just in denial :) I've really tried to like her...but can't. I found her so condescending, haughty, self-superior, boring and just generally unlikable even when we were clearly supposed to feel otherwise. The roles of companions were horribly ill defined (and the show's greatest misstep, IMO!) and while I blame the writing much more than the acting for my dislike of the character, the actress failed to give the character any real warmth and relatability for me even when the script called for it. Her 'relationship' with Mal consistently brought out the very worst sides of both characters, and I was actively rooting for them to just stay away from each other. (As is all too common with Joss Whedon pairings---and TV pairings in general, for that matter!) 


Nope. my sister and I loathe her.and I agree with you. Joss/Writers did her character, profession no justice at all. Like - I think the end-goal was, companions were Geisha. But not all Geisha slept with their clients. And you could tell there was a complete "Step Down" from Companion to Prostitute. I also agree that most t.v. pairings that are One True Loves tend to bring the worst of each other (helloooo Ross and Rachel/Felicity and Noel/Ben/Olivia and Fitz and the list goes on and on and on) 

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