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Party of One: Unpopular TV Opinions

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This was always one of my favorite threads at TWoP, and I have no doubt it will be just as fun and interesting over here! This is the place to confess the TV-related opinions that you've found to be generally unpopular. I'll kick us off with a few random ones:

I think Gilmore Girls' generally beloved Luke and Lorelai were one of the most joyless, incompatible, chemistry-free couples I've seen on TV. I loved them as friends, but loathed them as more. I think Lorelai had far more chemistry and connection with the widely reviled Christopher, but I wish she had ended the series single.  

Speaking of wildly popular couples who were nearly show-ruining for me: Logan/Veronica. Everything about them is tiresome, annoying and even depressing to me. 

The last two seasons of Stargate, widely regarded as the worst, were my favorites. The very related UO is that I just never warmed up to Jack O'Neil or Richard Dean Anderson's acting and was somewhere between indifferent and relieved when he left the show. 

I absolutely loved the widely disliked Elle on Criminal Minds. And I'd rather have kept the even more hated Seaver over bringing back JJ. 

I could never bring myself to muster up even a shred of affection for Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Six Feet Under, Game of Thrones, or most of the other most critically acclaimed dramas of the past couple of decades. I swear that I want to, but even when I can understand objectively why they'd be deemed "high quality," I can just never derive any actual enjoyment from them. 

Parks and Recreation is sweet, but I can't seem to find it the least bit funny. This season of Community, i.e. Dan Harmon's "triumphant" return, is IMO every bit as bad as last season, if not worse. 

I'm eager to hear everyone else's unpopular opinions and TV-related confessions! 

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Here are a few of mine...

Law & Order: I liked Elizabeth Rhom and Jamie Ross as my least favorite assistant DA

Suits: Donna is my least favorite character.  I am sick of her telling people what they really feel and think and how they should act.  And I'm sick of her big-eyed looks and general smugness.  I even like Rachel better than her.

Criminal Minds: I prefer Gideon to Rossi.  Now, I do like Rossi, I just don't love his character. After his initial introduction, he just became bland.  I also liked Elle.

NCIS:LA - Deeks ruined the show for me.  I haven't watched since he became a regular.  And now I'll try to watch in syndication and can't, he just annoys me that much.

And I feel the same about these, too.

I could never bring myself to muster up even a shred of affection for Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Six Feet Under, Game of Thrones, or most of the other most critically acclaimed dramas of the past couple of decades. I swear that I want to, but even when I can understand objectively why they'd be deemed "high quality," I can just never derive any actual enjoyment from them.
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It was one of my favorite and least favorite on TWoP at the same time. I will just relist my most heartfelt unpopular opinions that were already listed on the other thread.

1. Not every female needs to be an asskicker to be considered a strong female character. Well-rounded three-dimensional characters are really okay, even for women.

2. Love is not always a bad thing on a show, despite the latest trend to say that it is.

3. Talking animals, especially those that have sex with humans, even in comedies and cartoons, are not funny but gross.

4. Doctor Who/Torchwood UO: Rose and Captain Jack suck.

5. BSG UO: Starbuck sucked.

6. Joss Whedon and his shows UO: I am not fan and really dislike BTVS and Angel.

7. Downton Abbey UO: I enjoyed the first season but the other seasons are awful.

8. Chicago Fire & Chicago PD UO: I think Chicago PD is a much better show.

9. Game of Thrones UO: I hope the series take a series departure from the books. Yes, I did read the books and mostly liked them.

10. More of GoT UO: I don't love to hate the Lannisters. I just hate them.

11. LOST UO: I liked Jack and Sawyer equally but Desmond was my favorite character, and the only love story that I cared about was Desmond/Penny.

12. Justified UO: I dislike Ava.

13: Walking Dead UO: I like Beth and don't mind if they have a Beth/Daryl hookup.

14. Criminal Minds: I prefer Gideon to Rossi.

15. I like Elementary and Sherlock but prefer RDJ and Law to the other recent incarnations of Sherlock/Holmes.


I am all tired but I am sure I will think of some more. :)

Edited by Enigma X
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Criminal Minds: I prefer Gideon to Rossi.  Now, I do like Rossi, I just don't love his character. After his initial introduction, he just became bland.  I also liked Elle.
14. Criminal Minds: I prefer Gideon to Rossi.

Table for three, please! So I have no doubt that Mandy P. is a narcissistic jerk in real life, and do really like Joe Montegna as an actor (er, despite never being able to spell the poor man's last name.) But Gideon was about a million times more layered and compelling a character for me than Rossi. Someone once said something to the effect of that in real life, they'd rather grab a beer with Rossi and Prentiss----but that, as fictional characters, Elle and Gideon were far better defined and more interesting. He and Elle, the show's (gasp) flawed characters, brought a certain edge and energy to the team dynamic and overall show that IMO has been conspicuously missing ever since. Now they're all just blandly, interchangeably awesome in almost every conceivable way, which...*yawn* 


1. Not every female needs to be an asskicker to be considered a strong female character. Well-rounded three-dimensional characters are really okay, even for women


Amen! And being a "strong", generally root-worthy female character also shouldn't mean being devoid of any sort of salient flaws, which for me just makes a character of either gender dull and unrelatable. 

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Chiming in to say I love this thread & - nice to hear any small but determined chorus of voices!

- I HATE Downton Abbey, Enigma- I'd forgotten how much till I read your post! I did drag myself through the first season but couldn't be bothered to go back. I hated the love story with the chauffeur. Patronizing POS is what it was and it made me cringe. Hated the episode about the foreign potentate dying in the bed of one of the girls (so stupid & not very plausible). Not a big fan of Hugh Bonneville....he's good imo only when self-parodying himself as a stuffed shirt. Downton Abbey reminded me of the way I felt about the TV version of Brideshead Revisited: addicting but not in a good way- like the TV equivalent of gobbling up too much cake.

-Big blech to *Six Feet Under* too. I couldn't stand the brother who comes back in later episodes...is it Billy? And the woman in plaits ( I can't remember too much about the show).

*Games of Throne* is on my list but I will prepare myself for possible disappointment. I want to watch it for Diana Riggs really- not interested in too much else in the show.

Can't stand Miranda's boyfriend in Sex and the City. (I had to correct myself here; I said Sam's bf first by mistake, and in so doing, did him such an injustice. Sam's bf, the young guy, is a cutie pie imo).

Edited by nyxy
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BTVS: I hated Riley and Kennedy, although I don't think that's a super unpopular opinion. I liked Dawn, which is. And I liked Spike up until he got romantically involved with Buffy -- I hated "Spuffy." Like Sarah Michelle Gellar herself, I will always choose Buffy/Angel.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Skye is my (second-)favorite character, and if I never see a variation of the phrase "super special snowflake Skye" written about her on a forum again, it'll be too soon.

The O.C.: I liked Marissa Cooper. I liked her more in the first season when the writers allowed her to be surprising (knowing and liking a lot of the same music as Seth Cohen) and funny, and to actually smile and laugh once in a while, but I still liked and sympathized with her until the very end (which still angers me to this day). I still own and wear my "Free Marissa" t-shirt.

Supernatural: I have watched every single episode and I've never shipped anyone on that show. I may be the only fan who actually believes that all of the main characters are straight.

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The last two seasons of Stargate, widely regarded as the worst, were my favorites. The very related UO is that I just never warmed up to Jack O'Neil or Richard Dean Anderson's acting and was somewhere between indifferent and relieved when he left the show.

This! Maybe it's because I only started getting into Stargate when Season 9 first aired, but I really liked the last two seasons. I also like Vala.

And while we're at it: I also like Stargate Universe. I think it's even better than Atlantis. Yes, the soap opera stuff sucked, but after they toned that down and especially after "The Greater Good" the show really started to get great. I would count the final four episodes among my favourites of the entire franchise.

I couldn't bring myself to care about Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire and True Detective. I found all four to be terribly dull and the characters so very unlikable.

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I also like Vala.

I'll up the unpopularity by confessing that I loved Vala and think she added a tremendous amount of energy and fun to the show. And I found her far more interesting than the benignly likable but dully perfect Samantha Carter. 


I hated Faith and Anya.

The seemingly endless Xander-Anya 'ship was more damaging to the characters and the overall show for me than even Buffy/Spike.

Due to my Faith aversion and my equally strong loathing of the Willow/Xander "tryst", I hold the very UO of not enjoying the widely loved S3 much at all.

And, as much as I hate to admit it, the show as a whole just hasn't held up well for me over time and with repeated rewatches,

Speaking of Whedon-related UOs: I would name Amy Acker and Alyson Hannigan as two of the very most grating actresses to ever appear on my TV screen. 

Reading this thread reminding me of more of mine.

Lost UOs
I never thought Daniel and Charlotte was some great love story.  He had a crush on her, she tolerated him.  She started softening, but by no means returned the affection, and she died. Big whoop.

I hated the triangle, but not because I had a side I was rooting for.  In whichever couple, they seemed worse for it.  I hated how Kate acted with Jack, I hated how Sawyer acted with Kate, etc.  In fact I wish they had ditched the romance angle all together and just had them find a way to learn to work together and respect each other.

I wanted the Smoke Monster/Esau to win.  I never believed a thing Jacob said, and that goes double for Mother.  Even the in universe explanations rang false to me.

That all said, I did really enjoy Lost overall.

Buffy UOs
I hated Faith, Druscilla and Darla.  I could understand having them once or twice, but they just kept brining them back.

I also hated the Buffy/Angel romance.  I thought it was gross.  He's 100s of years old, if not 1000+ years old and he's in love with a teenager!?!  I know she's special and all, but gross.  (I feel the same about Rose and the Doctor).

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Reid on Criminal Minds is annoying and should go away. And Matthew Gray Gubler is gross. 

I like Eleanor on Black Sails.

I was annoyed as anyone else with the way Twisted turned into the Jo Show, but Jo herself wasn't that bad in the second half of the season. The way the show revolved around her was irritating, but Jo turned out to be fairly likable once she got over her obsession with Danny. And while Jo/Danny as a ship was awful - "It's always been you, Jo!" Gag me with a spork - Lacey and Danny weren't much better, so I didn't get all the fuss for the latter as a couple.

And an even bigger Twisted UO - there's a part of me that wants to see the show renewed, just to see it devolve even further into a hot mess. Maybe I'm a masochist. 

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I hate Rachel Berry from Glee. Ever since the third/fourth episode and she whined and stormed out because Will gave 'Tonight' to Tina, and she annoys the crap out of me. I'm not a huge fan of Kurt anymore either. And I like the newbies, including Marley.

I also strongly dislike Stiles from Teen Wolf and find him really annoying

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This! Maybe it's because I only started getting into Stargate when Season 9 first aired, but I really liked the last two seasons. I also like Vala.

Same! :)  I had seen some SG1 before, since my husband borrowed the entire series (at the time) on DVD from his parents, and I thought it was okay (I liked Jack, but had mixed feelings about Teal'c and Carter)... until season nine started and I got hooked. I went back and saw the rest of the series and loved it, but season nine was my in. I think that might be why I like Vala, Cam, Landry and Carolyn more than many other fans...

On a similar topic? I found the Ori a far far better villain than the Goa'uld. I mean, I love Ba'al (even after everything he did to Jack- there's just something about a bad guy who knows he/she is evil and relishes every evil second of it), but I never found him or any of the other Goa'uld really threatening. The Ori, on the other hand, legit scared me.

Other unpopular TV opinions?

I really enjoyed the BSG series finale- it may have helped that I knew why the Starbuck thing went down how it did and that I knew what the final scene would be (it won be $5, actually). Space aired a special (can't recall the name) in between halves of the final season which included several guests. One of them was a theology prof (I want to say from Ryerson...? Maybe UofT) who explained what Starbuck represented using Mormon theology, and basically said that, if this was to be followed, she was in a post-death stage of being (again, terrible memory, so I'm afraid that I don't recall the name). So when she disappeared at the end, it totally made sense to me. As for the bet, Airlock Alpha said the final scene would be in Times Square in NYC (a bit of the rest of it they got wrong, but they said Six in the red dress in Times Square), so I told a friend (I issued a spoiler warning, he asked) who said he didn't think it was true and bet me $5 it wasn't. Neither of these are universal reasons, certainly, and I understand why people didn't care for it, but they just happened to work for me. :)

I didn't like TNG's finale at all. I just thought it was a boring, unremarkable episode.

I think DS9 was by far the best Trek series, and while I love Picard, no one trumps Sisko as best commander for me.

While I liked her just fine on SG1, I really hated Dr. Weir on SGA. I much prefer seasons four and five because she's no longer in charge- actually, I should say that I did like her on SGA, but only as a Replicator. And I should point out that I really like Torri Higginson, I think she's great- just Weir bugged me.

I loathe Xander Harris (he never held himself to the same often very high standards he set for everyone else, then complained about it) and I never forgave Joyce Summers for throwing out Buffy and then blaming Giles for her running away. When she died, I was touched by the feelings of those around her, but I didn't mourn her passing at all.

I don't like post-Russell T. Who pretty much at all. I love Steven Moffat's writing for one-offs (my three fave episodes were his) and in sitcoms (love Coupling so very much), but my gosh does he get repetitive quick, and his female characters... well, could use some work (and yes, I'm aware of the hypocrisy in praising Coupling while condemning his portrayal of women in Who, lol).

I really enjoyed the last four seasons of The X-Files- not for Mythology reasons, but six/seven for stand-alones and eight/nine for character development. I actually really liked both Doggett and Reyes and ship them harder than I ever did Mulder and Scully.

I stopped watching Lost mid-season three, but I never understood the appeal of Jack. I always thought him bland as toast.

I've never found How I Met Your Mother funny. Not once. I wish I did- I quite like most of the cast, and I enjoy all sorts of sitcoms- but... just nothing. Not a smile, even, and I'll laugh at just about anything. I have no idea why.

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Oh my gosh, I missed one that I'm forever having to confess at work! I don't like The Walking Dead purely because I want the main character to die. Basically, as soon as he made the call in the pilot to go toward a densely-populated urban area on the grounds that the CDC was there, I was like "Nooope- that's a terrible reason to do something which, by now, should be clearly apparent as a bad idea. Dude's too stupid to live and he needs to die so that we can have a smarter protagonist." 

He didn't die, so I decided the show wasn't for me.

I've been told that, in the comics, the reason for his going to Atlanta was because his family was there, which I would've totally understood (wanting to find/help/protect family, to me, is an acceptable reason to do inadvisable things within most fictional contexts) and been cool with, but the CDC... nope.

I'm glad that so many people enjoy it, though. :)

Scandal: I don't care about Mellie's pain.  She's chosen to remain in the marriage as much as Fitz has.  I also didn't like that she slapped him because Andrew broke it off with her.  I understand that characters can be annoying and frustrating, even hate-inducing, but I'm tired of violence (that occurs on a show) being advocated because of it. 

Suits: Donna is my least favorite character.  I am sick of her telling people what they really feel and think and how they should act.  And I'm sick of her big-eyed looks and general smugness.  I even like Rachel better than her.

I recently did a marathon of the first two seasons, and I've never had a problem with Rachel.  And ditto on Donna. But then, I find Mike to be the most annoying character.  I felt that way at the end of season one, and I hoped watching season two would help.  It did not.

1. Not every female needs to be an asskicker to be considered a strong female character. Well-rounded three-dimensional characters are really okay, even for women.

Agreed. Matter of fact, it's a great way for me to instantly dislike the character, as 90% of the time, being kickass is the primary purpose of the character.  They usually feel like some writer's wet comic-book/graphic novel dream than a real person. 

2. Love is not always a bad thing on a show, despite the latest trend to say that it is.

Agreed.  While I'm generally not into shipping, I'm fine with romantic coupledom.  I do tend to prefer established couples just because there is less "Will they? Won't they?" angst.

And I know it supposedly makes for boring TV, but I like watching mature characters.  But I think that's because I don't believe mature = no room for growth/change or never making mistakes.  I don't know how writers can solve for that when such characters are usually disliked, and fairly quickly.  I still like to watch them, though.

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This is an unpopular opinion in general but relates very closely to GoT.

My UO is that people should not place real-world standards on sci-fi and fantasy shows if that has not been explicitly been shown by said show to be true. Even if something is very similar to what we know to be true in the real/modern world is presented, it still may not be the case in that fictional world.

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I generally disagree with the popular idea that procedurals are automatically inferior to "character-based" dramas. I've always found the best procedurals to be incredibly compelling and even thought-provoking, offering subtle but surprisingly effective characterization, interesting commentary on ethical and sociopolitical issues, and often calling for far smoother pacing and tighter, more intricate plotting than many meandering prestige dramas. 

I think Modern Family is one of the most overrated sitcoms of all time. 

I just started watching Once Upon a Time, but I already adore Emma beyond the telling of it. I'm told that's quite unpopular :) (Interestingly enough, I disliked Jennifer Morrison in what little I saw of House, so my expectations of her were comfortably low.) 


I think that might be why I like Vala, Cam, Landry and Carolyn more than many other fans...

On a similar topic? I found the Ori a far far better villain than the Goa'uld.


Edited by mstaken
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- I hate Hook/Emma on OUAT. If you have to make the other half of a pairing a totally different character for the relationship, the said relationship is probably not a good idea. Hook was a compelling villain so this white-washing into Emma's white knight is stupid and unbelievable. Hook is not a good man, he freaking shot Belle in the back in cold blood.

- I immensely dislike Garcia on Criminal Minds. She grates so hard and my mute button gets a mighty work-out during her scenes.

- I'm so over DiNozzo on NCIS. He was fun in the first few seasons but his juvenile, frat-boy behaviour finally made me give up this show totally. Tony and his stupid smirk makes me ragey.

- I love on Amber on Hawaii Five-0. The actress is beautiful, she has great chemistry with Scott Caan and I like that they are finally allowing Danny to have a relationship with someone who actually wants him. Too bad half of this relationship is happening off screen but at least it's something.

- Brenda Barrett is my all time favourite television female. I wanted to be her when I was little and I will always be a Brenda Stan. Nothing she does will make me dislike her and I still want her with Sonny who is a giant horse's ass without her. If she were to come back, I would return to regularly viewing General Hospital.

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I can't stand Debra Barone on Everybody Loves Raymond. I have a handful of episodes where I don't mind her and actually like her character, but overall, I could never get behind her being frustrated with Ray and his family. I actually enjoyed Marie, and I got a kick out of her character so much more than Debra. The Amy character is another one I cannot stand.

I cannot stand Modern Family and it is because of one person: Sofia Vergara. I can't stand her accent. I can't stand hearing her voice. She is so annoying to me on other levels. I was so glad the show did not win an Emmy this past awards season simply because I knew Sofia would not garner that trophy. She has a commercial out right now, and seriously, I have no idea what product she is pimping because as soon as I realize it is her commercial, I switch channels. I do know that commercial has some Latin-style music going on during the ad and that is another thing that annoys me - just because she is of Latin descent, the commercial has to use Latin music. If she were Chinese would the commercial have Chinese music playing in the background?

Edited by SPLAIN
I think DS9 was by far the best Trek series, and while I love Picard, no one trumps Sisko as best commander for me.

I loved him too, he's criminally underrated.  He wasn't one to mess around, he got stuff done.

Sisko: *punches Q*

Q: "Picard would never have done that!"

Sisko: "I'm not Picard."

Me: *heart bubbles*


I really liked Horatio Caine on CSI: Miami.  He was sexy and noirish and I loved it when he did his whisper-growl.

Edited by GreyBunny
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Oh, this feels like I'm in heaven! A place to unleash all of the "hate" I have for superloved and such tv-things!

1. Whedonverse: Amy Acker is annoying and I think I hated every single thing about Fred in Angel. She was awful in the other Whedon shows too.

2. Do not understand love for Mad Man and Downton Abbey. Boring shows, just simply boring.

3. NCSI: Ziva character was annoying as hell. I love Kate and still miss her.

4. Friends: Rachel and Ross are not OTP, show wouldn't suffer without them as a couple.

5. Gossip Girl: No love for Chuck here, sorry.

6. The O.C.: Summer wasn't all that, Marissa didn't die fast enough imo. On the other hand, Taylor was and is my favourite character in that sad thing of a show.

7. Doctor Who: Although I have problem with a lot of Moffat writing for this show, still don't get love that Tennant is having for his turn as Ten.

8. Lost: I hoped Jack would be the one dying every single time producers and writers announced death of a major character.

9. OUAT: Not a fan of Hook.

10. Dislike SG:Antlatis, love SG:Universe.

I think DS9 was by far the best Trek series, and while I love Picard, no one trumps Sisko as best commander for me.


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I thought I was the only one liking Deep Space 9.

I'll be back with more, just to regroup!

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A few of the many popular TV couples who I can't stand: Veronica/Logan (Veronica Mars), Lorelai/Luke (Gilmore Girls) Ross/Rachel (Friends---actually, Friends in general just doesn't do it for me!), Oliver/Anyone (Arrow) and Jeff/Annie (Community.) 

And, while I'm here, I should confess that I really, really liked the widely loathed Bela on Supernatural. And I've never mustered up any affection for Castiel or the actor who plays him.  I'll show myself the door. ;) 

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When I watched the show, I thought Kate was easily the most annoying character.  In addition, especially when playing opposite more talented actors (which was just about everyone else), I thought Evangeline Lilly had not a modicum of talent.  I secretly cheered when she was supposedly done with acting after the show ended, but then she showed up in LOTR, infusing that character with same self-righteous manner in which she portrayed Kate. I might have actually appreciated Tauriel if she were portrayed by someone else.

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Just a few random UO's, in no particular order:

  1. I think Mad Men is dull and boring, and I don't get what all the fuss is about. And I've tried. Many times.
  2. NCIS is way past its prime. I watched it for quite a few years, and it was pretty good, but then it just became the same thing, over and over and over again. DiNozzo is a frat boy! Abby is a quirky genius goth! Gibbs is the dour stoic dad of the group who smacks Tony on the back of the head! McGee is the computer geek! Yawn. And the spin-off is even worse. I got through about half of one episode and lost interest. Dreadful.
  3. Criminal Minds is horrendously overrated and the "scary" stuff and violence on that show is heavy-handed and gratuitous. The writers of that show need to watch True Detective to see how it should be done. This show lost all credibility with me on an episode where a bad guy was able to infiltrate the FBI's network because Garcia had been chatting/flirting with him online, playing some stupid game with him while she was plugged into the FBI's network. A so-called "expert" like her would never have compromised a secure network in that manner.
  4. I think American Idol is rigged.
Edited by Queasy-bo
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My Top 5 UO countdown (well, top seven actually):

5 - Never seen a single episode of Glee, never will.

4 - Never thought Seinfeld, Modern Family, Parks and Rec, Community or The Office (either version) were even funny, let alone the greatest comedies of all time.

3 - Competitive reality shows (DWTS, American Idol, Amazing Race, etc) are the main reason I rarely watch network tv any more.

2 - I'm not going to get so emotionally invested in a TV show that it becomes the great all consuming passion of my life. I'll watch and enjoy it while it's here but when it's gone, it's gone. it's a TV show, these people aren't real.

And the most unpopular opinion of all time (especially here):

1 - I don't hate Megan Calvet-Draper/Jessica Pare of Mad Men. I just don't see what she's said or done to become the Great Satan of television. And no, I'm not in love with her, lust after her, or think she's the greatest actress/most beautiful woman who ever lived. Nor am I one of Matt Weiner's mindless minions bent on eventual world domination.

1a -  I don't hate Betty Draper-Francis either.

1b - I don't worship at the altar of Peggy Olsen.

Honorable mention:

Never watched or had any interest in Dr Who, Buffy, Game of Thrones or Once Upon a Time.

Let the stoning begin.

Edited by Snowprince
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And, while I'm here, I should confess that I really, really liked the widely loathed Bela on Supernatural. And I've never mustered up any affection for Castiel or the actor who plays him.  I'll show myself the door. ;) 

Same! I thought that Bela was a hoot, she was just fun every time she turned up... I was really sad when she died, too, and I think that her story was among the more tragic of the show.

And while I'm sure Misha is a very nice person, and I know that he does some great charity work... he was in a film the existence of-which I'm not especially happy (which, I realize, is a me-thing) so no, I don't do the fangirl shuffle over him either. *goes in to Witness Protection*

I loved him too, he's criminally underrated.  He wasn't one to mess around, he got stuff done.

Sisko: *punches Q*

Q: "Picard would never have done that!"

Sisko: "I'm not Picard."

Me: *heart bubbles*

Yes. THIS. So much this! :D

Supernatural: I have watched every single episode and I've never shipped anyone on that show. I may be the only fan who actually believes that all of the main characters are straight.

I'm of the general view that Sam and Dean are written and acted as being straight as well- I think that Dean and Cass can play off of each other well, but I never really saw where the sexual attraction was supposed to kick in with them. And the fact that Wincest is a thing... it weirds me out, more than a little. Like.. just why, people? They're related! Incest isn't sexy!

I'm mostly with you on the ship front too, except that I accidentally (like, my words after the episode were "Aww, they're strangely cute together, that'd be really interesti-- DAMN IT") found myself (for the all of two or three episodes it was of relevance) shipping Cass and Meg. But I haven't shipped any duo/trio before or since- so long as they're hunting, I actually kind of prefer them romantically unattached. *gets massive surgical adjustments to face in addition to going in to Witness Protection*

Friends: Rachel and Ross are not OTP, show wouldn't suffer without them as a couple.

The book on Ross and Rachel as a couple should have been closed when she "congratulated" him on marrying Emily in London. He moved on and she was finally ready to accept that. It was sweet closure to a pairing that had run its course. They could still have gotten married in Vegas and/or had the baby because neither of things mean the two were inherently in love. Instead, the writers kept trying to make fetch happen when the characters had grown so far apart from season 2-3 that the pairing no longer made sense.

This season of Community, i.e. Dan Harmon's "triumphant" return, is IMO every bit as bad as last season, if not worse.

I thought the criticisms of last season were unduly harsh but I agree that this season did little to return the show to the quality of season 1-2.

I don't hate Buffy season 6 or 7. In fact, 6 has grown on me with multiple viewings and 7 is tolerable.

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Chris Colfer is not the bestest thing about Glee and I want him to fade away into obscurity after the show is canceled. On-camera obscurity, at least; I won't mind if he finds his niche behind the scenes as a screenwriter, although I don't think he's a great writer (yet) either. Struck by Lightning was some self-indulgent shit, honestly. I'm definitely more interested in following his growth as a screenwriter though, because there's a lot of potential. He just needs to get over himself. 

Oh, and speaking from a purely shallow perspective, while I know Chris has been working out and his body is pretty nice, no one with that face should qualify as a sex symbol. 

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 4

Great thread!  Here are my random UOs.

I loved Mulder and Scully.  But I actually liked Doggett even more and wanted Scully to end up with Doggett.

I prefer the later seasons of M*A*S*H mainly because I find Colonel Potter and Major Winchester to be more interesting characters than Colonel Blake and Major Burns, respectively.

I honestly wish BBC's Sherlock didn't overplay the homoeroticism/bromance angle. 

And this:


 1.I think Mad Men is dull and boring, and I don't get what all the fuss is about. And I've tried. Many times.

Having watched Breaking Bad, The Wire, The Sopranos, and other dramas whose names always appear in the "GOAT" discussion, I felt obligated to watch Mad Men.  But every time I watch an episode, it makes me cringe.  I feel stupid that I'm struggling through episode after episode just so that I can make a fair argument in the "GOAT" discussion.  Sigh. 

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I prefer the later seasons of M*A*S*H mainly because I find Colonel Potter and Major Winchester to be more interesting characters than Colonel Blake and Major Burns, respectively.

Me, too!  I'll watch M*A*S*H on occasion, but only the later years. 

 As much as I love Arrested Development, I didn't think that the people who didn't like it were not smart enough to get it.  Sure, it was a smart comedy, but it was almost too smart with it's continuity in that new viewers probably had a hard time following it.  Anyway, I know plenty of smart people who I wouldn't dream of recommending AD to because it's simply not their type of humor.  And I hated that damned chicken dance.

My son and I are on the last episode of The Office, which we'll probably watch sometime this week and while I did get some good laughs, I can not believe that it got renewed, let alone made it through 9 seasons.  Also, I didn't think Season 8 and Robert California were as bad as the fans were making it out to be. 

My husband and I are half way through Season 2 of Breaking Bad.  He's not particularly liking it and only watching because I am.  I'm enjoying it, but honestly don't see how it was considered some of the best writing and acting ever (!!).  Unless the best is still yet to come.....

I've never made it through a whole episode of Dr. Who.

On American Idol, I could care less if someone does a carbon copy/karaoke version of a song, as long as it's good.  It takes most artists weeks to rearrange a song and do it well, so if an amateur can't do it in a week, then they can't do it.  If they can, more power to them.

  • Love 1

trying to make fetch happen

Ok, Mean Girls FTW! And, while I do know that this is about UO in tv-land, let me just say one UO considering this film: it is not and never will be epic as Clueless, and LL is not cute or funny; I was rooting for Regina (?) to kick LL's characters' ass... Yes, I know there is major grammar issue somewhere in here, but I'm too tired to check.

More TV-land UOs:

1. Sex and the City - never liked the show, but I "love to hate" watched it. And Carrie is, hands down, one of the most awful characters ever.

2. Lost Girl - watched a few episodes. I can take Kenzi only in tiny amount, Lauren (gasp! could it be?!) not even that much! Dyson, I like.

  • Love 2

My UOs:

Dr Who:

I like David Tennant well enough, but I thought Ten was frequently over-acted to the point of parody.  I got much more of the sense of 'immensely old alien who's seen it all' from Matt Smith.  That said I thought Smith and Tennant played off each other wonderfully in the anniversary.

I hated Rose from about the moment they made it clear that it was more than just a crush on her part, although a lot of my RL friends also disliked that so I didn't feel like it was a particularly UO.

I liked Martha, but I liked Donna best of all (because she didn't have a crush on the Doctor).


Didn't have too many UOs here. Hated Spuffy (but the whole fandom was divided over ships, so I'm not sure disliking one counts as an UO). Never really forgave Xander for saying "Willow says...kick his ass" at the end of S2. Yes, I nurture grudges. Never really warmed to Anya or Tara (although Amber Benson is about the funniest person I've ever met). Loathed Andrew.  Absolutely loathed.


I liked Wes pretty much from the get-go.


Yeah, I'll join the 'Dean and Sam are straight' club, and I think Wincest is...revolting. They're brothers, FFS! (Disclaimer: I started watching S3 about five years ago and still haven't finished).

I'm pretty conventional for the most part.  On shows I do follow, I find myself nodding along most of the time.

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The talk about Fred has reminded me that i just CAN'T with Amy Acker. I have this admittedly irrational aversion to her---her expressions, her voice, her line delivery, her...did I mention that voice?! Objectively, I know she's not the 'worst' actress out there, but she's the one most likely to have me frantically changing the channel :) 

And while we're on the subject of very popular actors or characters for whom I harbor a mysterious dislike: I consider NCIS's Tony, Abby and Gibbs three of the very, very most annoying characters I've ever encountered. I can't even get through an episode of NCIS. 

I've tried and failed to like pretty much every acclaimed show that's aired on AMC: Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, etc. 

Other threads have helped me come to terms with this one: I just don't like Gilmore Girls' Luke Danes. At first, I thought it was just that I held the UO of feeling he and Lorelai were among the most joyless and incompatible couples I've ever encountered, but it's finally dawned on me that past the first few seasons or so, I just don't like temperamental, angry, relentlessly negative, boorish and boring Luke. I get that he's generous and has a good heart underneath, but having to actually spend any time with him would depress the living hell out of me. And I just don't find the actor who played him attractive. 

Joan of Arcadia: I could never stand Adam Rove on any level and don't feel his cheating was the least bit out of character for him. I was delighted when he and Joan finally broke up. Helen drove me crazy. Kevin and Luke were probably my very favorite characters. And I thought the widely disliked Judith and her storyline was really effective. After just recently rewatching, I realized that I like S2 every bit as much as the vastly more popular S1, and maybe even more. 

I could watch Poirot, Marple and Murder She Wrote all day long for the rest of my TV-addicted life and, yes, I'm under the age of 112 ;) 

  • Love 2

Omg I loved Bela too on Supernatural!! I think the ending of her story was total BS when we found out the reason for her "deal." As a victim of similar abuse, it infuriated me that was her ending. Didn't really send a good message in my opinion.

Also, I never liked Bobby, and wished he wasn't a regular like he was towards the end of his arc. I liked when he would call in favors for them, like backing them up when someone questioned their FBI status, but that's it. I never saw him as bad ass or cool. Just whiny and annoying.

I second the no love for Lauren on Lost Girl. She's so friggin boring and lifeless. Just no.

Edited by Indigo Luna

While I dislike Laurel Lance----(I know that part isn't unpopular!)---my UO about Arrow is that Oliver's character is actually turning me off to the show even more than she is. I can't stand what a fratty, boring, charmless, arrogant d-bag he still strikes me as despite his alleged "growth," I find the 'sister swapping' beyond gross, and for me the actor has less charisma than your average doorknob. In theory, I'd love that he's flawed---but he's just flawed in such tiresome, uninteresting ways to me. And just to make this even more unpopular, I'll admit that I really liked Smallville's Oliver. In fact, he ended up my favorite character on that show...a low bar, I realize :) I know Justin Hartley isn't exactly Emmy-worthy, to say the least, but somehow I found his Arrow far more root-worthy, charming, sympathetic and even layered than the Oliver who's now the star of his own show. And yet another related UO: I didn't mind in the least that Chloe and Clark didn't end up together. I didn't expect them to, never thought they had any romantic chemistry, and felt Chloe was far better suited to Ollie, who was at least less deadly dull and lifeless than Tom Welling's Clark. (I know, I know...who ISN'T less deadly dull than Tom Welling's Clark?!) 

  • Love 2

I hated Rose from about the moment they made it clear that it was more than just a crush on her part, although a lot of my RL friends also disliked that so I didn't feel like it was a particularly UO.

I liked Martha, but I liked Donna best of all (because she didn't have a crush on the Doctor).

My husband would echo all of that. :)

I prefer the later seasons of M*A*S*H mainly because I find Colonel Potter and Major Winchester to be more interesting characters than Colonel Blake and Major Burns, respectively.


I've tried and failed to like pretty much every acclaimed show that's aired on AMC: Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, etc. 


I could watch Poirot, Marple and Murder She Wrote all day long for the rest of my TV-addicted life and, yes, I'm under the age of 112 ;) 

While I do enjoy some of them, they are often very slow burn dramas and if I'm not in the right mood for them, they'll knock me right out. Except for Hell on Wheels, but largely because it's a goldmine for playing Spot the Canadian Actor... and I may have a crush on Christopher Heyerdahl. But yeah, they can be a massive slog.

So could I! :) Murder She Wrote is TV comfort food for me, I just love it.

Edited by Sheena
  • Love 1

And yet another related UO: I didn't mind in the least that Chloe and Clark didn't end up together. I didn't expect them to, never thought they had any romantic chemistry, and felt Chloe was far better suited to Ollie, who was at least less deadly dull and lifeless than Tom Welling's Clark. (I know, I know...who ISN'T less deadly dull than Tom Welling's Clark?!)

I never thought that Clark and Chloe would, or should, end up together, even the few episodes that I saw while the show was still on the air (I watched everything post-Season 1 after the show had finished). I never considered that they had any romantic chemistry to speak of, and although it was clear that she held a massive torch for him, I never saw more than the odd brief moment of regard from his side. Which is not to say I would have hated it had they got together, but I just never saw the great OTP that a lot of people saw.

Oh and here's another UO - I thought the first episode of Orphan Black was rubbish, hated the lead character, thought the gay flatmate/brother/whatever he was was beyond cliched, and never watched any more.

Edited by pootlus
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I wanted the Smoke Monster/Esau to win.  I never believed a thing Jacob said, and that goes double for Mother.


Thank you! How anyone could say that Jacob was one of the good guys was beyond me and still is. Mommy dearest kills a woman, steals her babies and later slaughters an entire village in cold blood to prevent one of them from leaving: it's for the greater good. Esau kills her for shattering his hope to go live among his kind: he's a monster and must be thrown in that pit and condemned to spend eternity at the island as the smoke monster.

  • Love 3


Chris Colfer is not the bestest thing about Glee and I want him to fade away into obscurity after the show is canceled.

I must say I wholeheartedly agree.  I also always wondered why he was considered to have the vocal prowess to match that of Lea Michele's.  He's a good singer but not a great one, IMO.


I also think that Glee would've been remembered as one of the best high school dramas ever had it quit after the graduation episode.  Maybe this one's not an UO, though.

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