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Party of One: Unpopular TV Opinions

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On 10/22/2016 at 0:01 AM, Dee said:

Unpopular Opinion: From 1998 to 2003 Mad TV kicked Saturday Night Live's ass.

Agree that this is fact (LOL)

My Is It Just Me? opinions:  Over on TVLine someone commented the newly released photo for S4 Sleepy Hollow turned them off and a couple of people countered how could anyone make a decision based on a still photo.  MissAlmond quietly raises her hand.  I started watching Sleepy Hollow after seeing a life size promo photo of Crane, Abbie and Headless.  It spoke to me and I stayed the course for a (rocky) three seasons.  But every picture that has been released for S4 finally pushed me over to forever wave #showbye.   

I also will never watch "Timeless" because, no matter what time period the leading lady is supposed to be in according to pictures of the show, she always looks to me as if she's searching for the nearest Starbucks to buy a latte.

Still photos "do" speak to some of us.


Edited by MissAlmond
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Here's another SNL Unpopular Opinion:

I don't find Weekend Update funny. At all. I find both Che and Jost so very UNFUNNY it's not even funny (pardon the pun. Or is it alliteration?) They're not sharp, cutting, or even...funny. They both come off as just reading what's in front of them.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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18 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Here's another SNL Unpopular Opinion:

I don't find Weekend Update funny. At all. I find both Che and Jost so very UNFUNNY it's not even funny (pardon the pun. Or is it alliteration?) They're not sharp, cutting, or even...funny. They both come off as just reading what's in front of them.

Mind you SNL is like the WWE I haven't watched it regularly since the 80s but Weekend Update for me has always been more about who does it.  When Tina Fey and Amy Poeler did it I thought it was hilarious.  Seth Meyers was also awesome.  And despite my usual dislike of him Jimmy Fallon was funny when he was paired with Tina.

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13 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Mind you SNL is like the WWE I haven't watched it regularly since the 80s but Weekend Update for me has always been more about who does it.

Wait...you mean that delivery is important? Who'da thunk it?

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Another thing I really, really don't care about: Whoever got killed on The Walking Dead.

It seems like every site I go on is obsessed with this. io9 seemed to post an article about it every other day all through the summer. If only there was a browser extension that would allow you to automatically hide over-exposed, over-hyped shows that I don't give a shit about. I've seen that screenshot of the guy who supposedly killed someone so often that I could draw it from memory.

Now, it seems, the new season has started and everyone is freaking out over whoever it was who got killed, which means sites are still posting endless articles about it.

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I'm a fan of Star Trek in almost all its various incarnations (less so "Enterprise" and the JJ-verse movies), but one thing that's pretty consistent for me -- I hate the Klingons. More particularly, I hate Worf. The TNG producers must have had hardons for the character and the Klingons overall given how often they went to the "angsty-Worf-where's my honor?" well. (The one Worf episode I do really like is "Parallels," where he keeps traveling in parallel universes, but that's more for the multiverse concept than Worf.)

There, I've said it.

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55 minutes ago, Danny Franks said:

Another thing I really, really don't care about: Whoever got killed on The Walking Dead.

It seems like every site I go on is obsessed with this. io9 seemed to post an article about it every other day all through the summer. If only there was a browser extension that would allow you to automatically hide over-exposed, over-hyped shows that I don't give a shit about. I've seen that screenshot of the guy who supposedly killed someone so often that I could draw it from memory.

Now, it seems, the new season has started and everyone is freaking out over whoever it was who got killed, which means sites are still posting endless articles about it.

I have to agree with this.  It's not like somebody's family or friend got killed.  It's just a fucking show!

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Characters  who "tell it like it is" (read: are abusive assholes who can dish it out but not take it) entertain me for a while, but eventually I start to wish a particularly unique and gruesome death on them (Perry Cox from Scrubs has long topped my list).

I think Marcus Cole from Babylon 5 has it all over the men from Firefly, especially Mal. 

I like The Twilight Zone, but I hate the episode "Eye of the Beholder". It strikes me as the height of hypocrisy that both



1. Maxine Stuart couldn't be the one that we saw at the end of the episode. Was it because she wasn't conventionally attractive? Um, the whole twist of the episode was that she was the only non-pig person, wouldn't she be considered ugly by the others regardless? I mean, I guess they thought the twist would have a greater impact if she were a "babe", but this brings me to the second reason...

2. Why not just have Donna Douglas play the part from beginning to end? I mean, I know she's never been hailed as a great thespian (how hard can it be, really, to play Elly Mae Clampett?), but why didn't they just give her a chance? Maybe she could have pulled it off! 




Gah, the sexist idiocy makes my head hurt! That, and smacking my forehead in frustration...

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
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The ridiculous hyperbolic coverage of the Walking Dead is the most detrimental factor for the show. Just make a good show. It doesn't have to be the best thing ever every single time. Because it's not. Stop telling me. I can decide for myself. Then we have "the producers tell us about THAT scene" all over the place. Shut up, producers. Make a good show and get out of the way. 

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2 hours ago, ganesh said:

. Then we have "the producers tell us about THAT scene" all over the place. Shut up, producers. Make a good show and get out of the way. 

From what I've noticed,  almost all producers/showrunners do this now.  I’m sure some of them hate it, but it seems to be a “thing” and probably required of their jobs. 

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4 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I have to agree with this.  It's not like somebody's family or friend got killed.  It's just a fucking show!

When they never, ever seem to get ahead, it's too depressing - and there seems to be a contest between certain TV shows or channels now, to make the most horrifying show on television. It gets tiring, and when people are also dealing with things in their personal life, that aren't so great, they don't want to tune in to what I've seen others refer to as "misery porn". I usually look forward to the new season, but I dreaded it this time, and put off watching it. They also want you to be emotionally invested in their characters - that's why they have a ******* show in the first place. 

I have a friend who stopped watching Breaking Bad, because things kept getting worse for the people involved. I loved that show, but I understand why he quit. 

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My UO is that I don't think every judging decision on TV contests are rigged to create more drama.  Not every disliked contestent is getting through just because the producers want more storyline.  Maybe I am   being naive, but I do believe that most judges are judging using their own personal standards and beliefs to decide who is cut or who goes on.   I know producer influence can and does happen, but in some cases, a disliked contestant may get through simply because they were better.

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18 hours ago, caci said:

My UO is that I don't think every judging decision on TV contests are rigged to create more drama. Not every disliked contestent is getting through just because the producers want more storyline. Maybe I am  being naive, but I do believe that most judges are judging using their own personal standards and beliefs to decide who is cut or who goes on. I know producer influence can and does happen, but in some cases, a disliked contestant may get through simply because they were better.

I would like this a hundred times if possible. Sometimes a judge with a cigar is just someone making his or her own biased and personal decision. It's possible! A couple decades worth of every single elimination on every competitive show being either credited or blamed on "producer interference" is enough already. I need a redacted feature for certain phrases. Black them the hell out.

My current UO is that I dislike both Lorelai and Rory -- and Luke and pretty much Gilmore Girls itself? -- but know I will watch that stupid Netflix shit anyway. Hate you, Netflix! Hate myself more for being sucked in!

Edited by lordonia
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All reality shows are dumb, publicity whore, magnets but I have a special loathing for the Artic People Shows. "I live in this hellhole and will starve if I don't trap or shoot some animal before winter." (Or maybe the camera crew will rescue you.)  (Worse when they have little kids you have to see shiver and look miserable - But they aint being brainwashed by some school)

They are on par with the Americans who have to 'hike Iran' and get arrested. If you don't have an official reason to be there stay your butt home.

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8 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I have to agree with this.  It's not like somebody's family or friend got killed.  It's just a fucking show!

I watch "The Walking Dead", and the other night caught a few minutes of the utter ridiculousness that is "Talking Dead", the show that comes on after "The Walking Dead". For those not in the know, the walking gas bag-slash-adult teenage boy that is Chris Hardwick hosts "Talking Dead", an hour-long show discussing the hour-long "The Walking Dead" that just aired before it. The navel gazing is incredible.

On Sunday, TD was airing live from Hollywood Forever Cemetery (I think?). Hordes of fans had gathered to watch TWD in real time, then join in TD after. Chris Hardwick was saying how everyone's feelings about the show were valid, and "we're all going to get through this together".

I love TV as much or more than the next person, but Jesus rollerblading Christ, get some perspective. "It's just a fucking show" is exactly right.

Edited by bilgistic
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Yeah, I've never understood The Talking Dead thing, either.  

Apparently, This Is Us also has some kind of postmordem, though I've never watched it because I don't give a damn what the showrunners and actors think about the show.  Matter of fact, after 4 episodes, I'm pretty sure I'm out - it's too treacly and as the lone person who still likes Kate, it's best I take my leave before the writing for her gets worse.

Thanks to Netflix, I watched the first two seasons of Penny Dreadful.  I guess you have to be into gothic horror to fully appreciate it? Don't know, but I won't be watching season 3.  I hesitated to watch it because of scenery-chewing, Gollum-adjacent Eva Green, and yeah...she didn't disappoint in that regard.  

Also, I anticipated this awesome performance from Josh Hartnett that I used to read about. He was adequate, but the show, especially in the first season, kept going on and on about how "complicated" Ethan Chandler was, and I kept waiting to see all these layers.  Guess I wasn't looking deep enough.  All of the main characters had secrets of their own, so he wasn't "pretending" or "acting" more than anyone else.  I didn't think he was hot in his prime, and still don't. Kudos for the height, but his face is super-punchable. 

Meanwhile, my internal battle was in relation to Timothy Dalton, who has aged quite well. His character is so despicable, but damn if the man doesn't hold my attention on screen. 

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Dalton owned that role.

TWD is somehow above and beyond typical show ridiculousness. I'm not going to fault people for being emotional about a show, or having 'events' to watch it. That's fun. There's some shows I only watch so I can talk about here. But there's eventually a line where you have to let it go. 

I mean, a full hour show to talk about the show. Come on. And the problem that invariably happens is, "oh, on the Talking Dead, they said that scene meant this." NOPE. Your fanboy show is not a supplement to the real show. It's a turnoff. I mean, I wanted to like the premiere, but all this garbage made me effectively predisposed to not. 

Just make a good show. There's nothing wrong with that. 

I mean, Game of Thrones isn't even *that* bad. 

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58 minutes ago, crowsworks said:

All reality shows are dumb, publicity whore, magnets but I have a special loathing for the Artic People Shows. "I live in this hellhole and will starve if I don't trap or shoot some animal before winter." (Or maybe the camera crew will rescue you.)

Exactly - occasionally I would watch Flying Wild Alaska about the small airline flying in the Alaska wilderness. One episode had a pilot landing a single-engine airplane on the tundra to pick someone up, while the voice over says "If he has a problem, he won't be able to get back out".  Well, not unless he gets a ride on the helicopter that flew the camera crew, which is filming his landing from the ground...

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This is Us is sooooo treacly. I only watched two episodes and I was out. Kate's entire personality appeared to be about her being fat. Also unpopularly, I don't find Milo Ventimiglia attractive at all (didn't he date Hayden Panettiere before she turned 18?). 

Semi-related: I don't care who Rory ends up with in the Gilmore Girls reboot. 

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10 hours ago, ganesh said:

Dalton owned that role.

TWD is somehow above and beyond typical show ridiculousness. I'm not going to fault people for being emotional about a show, or having 'events' to watch it. That's fun. There's some shows I only watch so I can talk about here. But there's eventually a line where you have to let it go. 

I mean, a full hour show to talk about the show. Come on. And the problem that invariably happens is, "oh, on the Talking Dead, they said that scene meant this." NOPE. Your fanboy show is not a supplement to the real show. It's a turnoff. I mean, I wanted to like the premiere, but all this garbage made me effectively predisposed to not. 

Just make a good show. There's nothing wrong with that. 

I mean, Game of Thrones isn't even *that* bad. 

For me, it's more that people have the right to say when they've had enough of something - we have the thread about shows we've cancelled for ourselves. I stopped watching AHS for a while, when I was having a bad time, four years ago. It was too much. So whilst I can step back and say it's just a TV show, and the actors are fine, and doing things like getting married, and living their lives, I still don't want to sit through their deaths and the grieving that follows, you know? I have my own grief that I'm still dealing with. I watch TV to distract myself from that, if I can. So, it's a show that I will probably record, but I just don't look forward to, anymore. 

8 hours ago, Minneapple said:

This is Us is sooooo treacly. I only watched two episodes and I was out. Kate's entire personality appeared to be about her being fat. Also unpopularly, I don't find Milo Ventimiglia attractive at all (didn't he date Hayden Panettiere before she turned 18?). 

Semi-related: I don't care who Rory ends up with in the Gilmore Girls reboot. 

I don't care, either, but I am looking forward to this one now. :) I got a friend of mine in England, hooked on it, and she's announced that she will not be available that weekend. 

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I like tv as much as the next gal and admit to getting obsessive at times but to  go nuts and threatening to riot when a character gets killed off seems a bit.....uh crazy to me.  No show in the history of tv has been that good.   Also no actor or character is worth that much obsession.

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1 minute ago, Chaos Theory said:

I like tv as much as the next gal and admit to getting obsessive at times but to  go nuts and threatening to riot when a character gets killed off seems a bit.....uh crazy to me.  No show in the history of tv has been that good.   Also no actor or character is worth that much obsession.

I've never threatened to riot. I don't get that, either. 

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20 hours ago, ganesh said:

 Then we have "the producers tell us about THAT scene" all over the place. Shut up, producers. Make a good show and get out of the way. 

Oh, I hate that too. Again, sites like io9, Nerdist and others are absolutely terrible for this sort of over-analysis and wallowing. And because I like those sites (for the most part), they throw all that crap at my facebook feed too.

The latest is an interview with the guy playing the villain in The Walking Dead, talking about how he felt when the producers approached him for the role, and what it means to him to be the villain. What the hell? It's just an acting job, not a life-changing experience! All of you, show and fans, get over yourselves!

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2 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

Oh, I hate that too. Again, sites like io9, Nerdist and others are absolutely terrible for this sort of over-analysis and wallowing. And because I like those sites (for the most part), they throw all that crap at my facebook feed too.

The latest is an interview with the guy playing the villain in The Walking Dead, talking about how he felt when the producers approached him for the role, and what it means to him to be the villain. What the hell? It's just an acting job, not a life-changing experience! All of you, show and fans, get over yourselves!

Except for Star Trek. Any actor who accepts a role on Star Trek in any iteration should be cognizant of the baggage that entails. I remember reading an interview with Avery Brooks back when he first took the role of Sisko on Deep Space Nine and being a little offended when his attitude was "it's just a job."

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I actually think everyone over analyzes tv these days.  Some analyst is a good thing (why else go to sites like this)  but the level it is done often outright ruins an otherwise good show for many people and makes me think people take notes on tv instead of just watching it.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Speaking of over-analyzing, I have another "This is Us" UO:  Posters keep complaining that we haven't seen this or that, and spinning these far-fetched theories out of thin air about people's backstories, and wanting focus on this or that...people, we're 5 episodes in!  Give the show a chance to show you all that stuff!  And stop thinking this is some kind of Lost sci-fi mystery that we have to speculate about what evil or nefarious doings are going on.  It's the pilot season of a low-key, ordinary family drama, so keep it in your pants until the show, you know, shows us how things unfolded. 

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3 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

Oh, I hate that too. Again, sites like io9, Nerdist and others are absolutely terrible for this sort of over-analysis and wallowing.

It's TVLine's overwrought headlines that make me chuckle.  If the Brady Bunch aired today, TVLine would have a header that read: "EP Sherwood Schwartz Explains Jan's Pom Pom Team Desires and That Shocking Remark About {Spoiler}!"

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4 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

I like tv as much as the next gal and admit to getting obsessive at times but to  go nuts and threatening to riot when a character gets killed off seems a bit.....uh crazy to me.  No show in the history of tv has been that good.   Also no actor or character is worth that much obsession.

I'll own up to the occasional very angry tweet about a TV death or two, but those were more about the circumstances rather than the killing. For example, when The 100 had it's "dead lesbian punished for sex" storyline last season, I tweeted. And then I quit the show because in 2016 we should know better than to reinforce such an ugly plotline. I didn't even like Clexa as a ship or Lexa as a character, but I though it was awful the way the showrunner promoted the episode as a significant Clexa moment on social media to an audience that he knows includes LGBT teens who latched onto the ship. My issue was more real world bad behavior than losing a character on a show.

I've said in these forums that I quit The Walking Dead after the cliffhanger. Again, I know I tweeted the night it aired at the showrunners. I think my anger tends to come when I feel like the people behind the scenes are trolling their audience a little rather than because characters die. Characters dying can often move the show forward in great ways. But I think a show has to be aware of how it treats its audience when killing a character. Don't troll or tease your audience. That's the sort of thing that pisses people off.

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15 minutes ago, vibeology said:

I'll own up to the occasional very angry tweet about a TV death or two, but those were more about the circumstances rather than the killing. For example, when The 100 had it's "dead lesbian punished for sex" storyline last season, I tweeted. And then I quit the show because in 2016 we should know better than to reinforce such an ugly plotline. I didn't even like Clexa as a ship or Lexa as a character, but I though it was awful the way the showrunner promoted the episode as a significant Clexa moment on social media to an audience that he knows includes LGBT teens who latched onto the ship. My issue was more real world bad behavior than losing a character on a show.

I've said in these forums that I quit The Walking Dead after the cliffhanger. Again, I know I tweeted the night it aired at the showrunners. I think my anger tends to come when I feel like the people behind the scenes are trolling their audience a little rather than because characters die. Characters dying can often move the show forward in great ways. But I think a show has to be aware of how it treats its audience when killing a character. Don't troll or tease your audience. That's the sort of thing that pisses people off.

I rarely tweet, but last year I tweeted Steven Yeun, just to say,

You're under the dumpster, right?"

. Of course, he wasn't responding to anyone, but that was really annoying (not him, but the show runners doing that). 

I know there were complaints all over the internet, but I wondered the other day, if they have people that read forums - I know that the Mr. Robot people mentioned Reddit. I saw Scott Gimple asking fans to watch on Sunday, and the actors were re-tweeting it. 

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7 minutes ago, ganesh said:

Brady Bunch: The fallout from Marcia's nose would have broken the internet. 

I was thinking the same thing,. I almost posted it myself but I have been a little post happy as of late.  Also Jan's "Marcia Marcia Marcia" might have done some breakage as well.

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17 minutes ago, ganesh said:

Brady Bunch: The fallout from Marcia's nose would have broken the internet. 

From TVLine: "EP Sherwood Schwartz Defends Controversial Marcia Football Slamming Scene: 'We Felt We Needed to Dig Deeper on Marcia's Feelings About Her Nose'."

7 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

Also Jan's "Marcia Marcia Marcia" might have done some breakage as well.

Of course!  That was the shocking! remark LOL.

Ok.  I have to stop this or I'll come up with over the top TVLine Brady Bunch headlines all afternoon.  LOL.

Edited by MissAlmond
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17 hours ago, crowsworks said:

I watch Talking dead  Instead of TWD. (I like Chis)

I'm not a fan because the fangirling annoys me.  I love Norman Reedus too, but all that screeching when he talks is a tad over the top.  I do, however, agree about Chris. What's he supposed to do, come out and say "wow, didn't THAT just suck?"

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Things that irritate me * 

1.  "THEY KILLED ________ THIS SHOW SUCKS ?!!"

2. " This show sucks because you know they'll never kill _______."


* I didn't include 'shipping' because the internet isn't big enough to hold my rant on that subject. ;)

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1 hour ago, ganesh said:

Brady Bunch: The fallout from Marcia's nose would have broken the internet. 

That was before my time. I've never watched it.

I mentioned one unpopular opinion elsewhere: I didn't like The Simpsons. It started when I was fifteen, and everyone I knew loved it - except for me, my sister, and my parents. 

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52 minutes ago, Gudzilla said:

2. " This show sucks because you know they'll never kill _______."

*raises hand* Guilty!  The Walking Dead sucks because you know they'll never kill Carol.  (I haven't read the comics.)

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7 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

I like tv as much as the next gal and admit to getting obsessive at times but to  go nuts and threatening to riot when a character gets killed off seems a bit.....uh crazy to me.  No show in the history of tv has been that good.   Also no actor or character is worth that much obsession.

I didn't riot but in the interest of disclosure I did quit 24 almost the instant Michelle got killed off and barely ever looked back.  If I'm being honest, I'm still not entirely over it.

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On 10/23/2016 at 1:27 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Here's another SNL Unpopular Opinion:

I don't find Weekend Update funny. At all. I find both Che and Jost so very UNFUNNY it's not even funny (pardon the pun. Or is it alliteration?) They're not sharp, cutting, or even...funny. They both come off as just reading what's in front of them.

I don't find most of the WU "guests" funny either. 

21 hours ago, ganesh said:

And the problem that invariably happens is, "oh, on the Talking Dead, they said that scene meant this." NOPE. Your fanboy show is not a supplement to the real show. It's a turnoff. I mean, I wanted to like the premiere, but

The show should tell the story.  Period.  If it can't, then the writers aren't very good.  

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You know how movie actors are contractually required to go out and stump for their films? I wonder if TV actors have clauses that obligate them to give these innumerable interviews to every fly by night podcast or website that gets a hold of their agents' email addresses.

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5 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Ok now someone needs to start a group:. 60, 70, 80s tv shows moments that would have broke the internet!  

Do you realize the amount of griping and nitpick threads that would have been spawned by the fact the went on a three hour tour and a guest star showed up every episode and yet the couldn't get off that Island.

There definitely would have been a 'Why haven't they killed Gilligan yet?" thread.

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