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Party of One: Unpopular TV Opinions

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Yes, what DittyDotDot said...like, say, hmmm... "Evil!Willow" or "Snarky!Probst" or "Ugly!Crying" or something.


But yeah, man--Jack Tripper! Not to say I have never laughed at his antics but the way he paws at the girls sometimes. OK, when they're in on it and joking around, I get it; my friends do the same. But the other night, I saw one where Jack felt bad that Chrissy's date canceled on her, so he was like, "Come with me to the Regal Beagle." OK, that's what a normal friend would do. But then he proceeded to plot unbeknownst to her to get her into bed...NOT what a good friend would do!


So, I'm up to season 7 of Dexter and it got me thinking that it doesn't squick me out that Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter got together in real life. At all. They're just actors playing a role but by the way some people/media reacted you'd think that they were actually brother and sister.


Yeah, that's crazy that people were bugged by that. Now, had it been the reverse, then reaction warranted.


It was such a light-weight and light hearted show. Does watching it, enjoying watching it make me a racist?


No. But don't go by my opinion because I admittedly care about a murdered lion; per the court of Facebook last week, that apparently makes me a racist.


It's not that they never happened it's that none of us can agree on what happened. We can't even agree on why the civil war was fought. I have no issue with The Dukes of Hazzard because despite the location and the Confederate Flag painted on the car the themes of the show were universal and had nothing to do with race and race relations.


I feel like there is a lot to be said for basically admitting that, whoops, this wouldn't--and shouldn't--fly now...but live and learn, and you might as well enjoy this already-made, now-classic show (or not, if you prefer). Pretending it doesn't exist is almost as silly as rewriting Gone With the Wind or Tom Sawyer to reflect modern, evolved views.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Walking Dead

- I never for a moment thought that Sophia would be in that barn so for me that was one of the most shocking moments of the series. Didn't think the show would go there with a child. 

- I liked Dale and thought he was needed as the voice of reason

- I never hated Andrea, just the writers for fucking up her character

- I thought the cannibal story ended too soon

- I loved the character of Shane and found him to be a fascinating character study


- The Sophia reveal absolutely shocked me. I figured she was dead, I just didn't expect her to be in the barn.

- While the cannibal story did end too soon (and was followed by the abysmal hospital arc), Bob's "TAINTED MEAT!!!" will forever be one of my favorite moments of the show, if not television in general.

- Shane's entire arc was a waste of potential and damn near a waste of Jon Bernthal. There were so many directions that storyline could have gone and almost all of them were better than what the writers put out.

- Season 2 in general was a waste of potential. 

- I hate the fact that TWD kills off so many characters. I wish more people were allowed to encounter or even leave the group and live to tell the tale.


I think what makes great shows unimpressive years later is that they were groundbreaking in their time and changed the landscape, and that's what made them exciting. And then everyone else adapted. So years later, the great shows look dated because what was revolutionary at the time has become normal.


Like M*A*S*H? At the time, it was pretty groundbreaking for mixing comedy and drama. Now that formula is extremely rote.

Edited by Rosiejuliemom
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I find Amy Schumer uninteresting and unfunny.  I have no idea why she has her own show, is cast in movies or one of Jon Stewart's final guests.

I partially agree Delurker,I think she has her moments.  She become so popular so fast it is annoying.  I like some of her stuff but she is not all that.  I am tired of hearing about her.

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I liked Sybil too.


Same here. Jessica Brown Findlay kind of reminded me of Olivia de Havilland in her portrayal of Sybil: the "good girl" who is kind, but she also has spirit, spunk, and an inner life of her own, so that she's never boring. That's always difficult for actresses, but Brown nailed it. 

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I find Amy Schumer uninteresting and unfunny.  I have no idea why she has her own show, is cast in movies or one of Jon Stewart's final guests.

I see her name out there all the time, so I guess my UO is that I have no idea who she is or what she does. Edited by ByTor
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I think she can be funny as long as she sticks to comedy that has something to say rather than being raunchy just because she can. I find her show leaning in that direction lately unfortunately.


Sounds like the new Sarah Silverman.

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Comedy is the ultimate highly selective thing. You can say the same about Drama and that is true we all like different types of Drama....but Comedy is the most highly selective genre out there which is why finding a good comedy or a good comic is almost impossible unless you aren't selective about your comedies. Me I like dark comedies Anything with an edge of bitterness to it. Then again who knows sometimes a good fart joke goes a long way.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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The grinding of teeth and tearing of hair and wailing in the streets about Jon Stewart leaving the Daily Show needs to be dialed down. There's still going to be a show, and he doesn't owe it to anyone to stay around long enough before he leaves. Celebrate the decade and a half of his contribution and congratulate him on what he does next. The whole thing strikes me as a little selfish.

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I loved Jon Stewart but always thought Colbert was funnier. also like both Conan and John Oliver. Does not mean I watch any of them with any regularity. I think Tina Fey is funny but couldn't stand 30 Rock. It's that subjective comedy thing again.

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Coming from The Big Bang Theory Thread where clearly this is unpopular.  I hate repetitive bits that weren't that funny to begin with.  Case in point "knock knock knock...Penny?" "knock knock knock...Penny?" "knock knock knock...Penny?"  Not funny the first time, much less funny the 25th time.


Also applies to (especially the first season) Modern Family with Phil tripping over the broken stair and saying in frustration "fix that step!"  Every. Single. Time.

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I don't mind that Masters and Johnson took dramatic liberties with the actual historical account. Because it's a fictional TV show and not a documentary. It's annoying to have to sift through 50 posts of why is this fake? Than talking about the show.

You know I've said it before, but actually watching a show is secondary than this burning need to comment on everything going on outside of it. What's nice at least is that if I ask for all that stuff to be in a media thread they will. Over at the other place a mod would be screaming boards on boards and throwing plates.


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As I've gotten older, I've come to find angst-filled, will-they/won't-they relationships on TV to be a tad juvenile. I loved Jack/Kate on Lost back in the day, but now that I think back on it, it strikes me as unrealistic and kind of rather dumb how long it took for them to get together. In the real world, when two adults like each other they're pretty clear about it and act on it. 


Don't get me wrong--I understand that TV is fantasy and the build-up of UST is fun and exciting. But, at some point, it gets ridiculous. And I am finding myself wanting the UST not to be resolved by an in-the-moment kiss or hook up, but by an actual date! I'm watching the first season of Fringe, and I know that Olivia and Peter will eventually get together. But what I'm really hoping to see if Peter just ask Olivia to go on a date (or vice versa) and see a romance develop in the more traditional sense. Does that make any sense?

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Coming from The Big Bang Theory Thread where clearly this is unpopular.  I hate repetitive bits that weren't that funny to begin with.  Case in point "knock knock knock...Penny?" "knock knock knock...Penny?" "knock knock knock...Penny?"  Not funny the first time, much less funny the 25th time.

I don't even watch that show but catch glimpses as I am flipping through the stations and I have seen that 25 times.  Seems like that show is always on TBS (I think that is the station).

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Coming from The Big Bang Theory Thread where clearly this is unpopular.  I hate repetitive bits that weren't that funny to begin with.  Case in point "knock knock knock...Penny?" "knock knock knock...Penny?" "knock knock knock...Penny?"  Not funny the first time, much less funny the 25th time.

I don't find it very funny anymore, but as someone with OCD who has a thing for "2s"/pairs, I get it and had to laugh the first few times. Especially when they mess with him over it, as my family will sometimes do with me (when they know I'm in the right mood :)


I'm sad to see Jon Stewart leaving, but am fairly certain I'll get over it pretty quickly.  I'm certainly not in mourning.


I've never seen Amy Schumer's show or stand up routine, but I find her funny in interviews.

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I like Amy Schumer's skits more than her stand-up. I still like her, though.


I like Conan and think he's funny, but he's a wretched interviewer (is it me, or is he getting worse at it?). Likewise, Jimmy Fallon isn't exactly a comic genius, but his interviewing skills are just right. 


I'm bored with the nostalgia craze, and wish it would stop. Fuller House? Seriously? I stopped finding Full House entertaining at 13, and that was 20 Goddamned years ago. I adored The Critic, but you know what happened when they tried to bring it back? We got those wretched "webisodes" that nearly destroyed my memories of the original show. My point? Shows end, folks, it happens. Move on.

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I can kind of see why other women find [Jon Hamm] attractive, but he does nothing for me.  Now those interchangeable short-ish dark-haired husbands on Astronaut Wives' Club, that's a whole 'nother story.  (Just discovered that the actor playing Gordo Cooper was Sam on Reaper - mind, blown.)

I agree about Jon Hamm.  He's not hideous but he's nothing more than average.  But also, I had absolutely no interest in Astronaut Wives' Club until I read this. 


I must be reading the wrong message boards because I've never really seen a whole lot of adulation for Mary's looks on Downton Abbey. I'm totally on board with thinking she's a plain Jane, though.

I think she has a very pretty face, but it does not match the shape of her head. 


I never liked Jon Stewart.  Never liked Colbert either.

The Daily Show was better when John Oliver was hosting it.

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The Daily Show was better when John Oliver was hosting it.

Jon Stewart started to take himself too seriously and fancied himself a journalist.  I remember he had on jim Cramer from Mad Money during the economic down turn of 2008, he was quite rude and I thought your a comedian, just make us laugh,

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I thought it was an anime character. Not equal is actually !=. 

I've heard it both ways. (really, I have!)

I also hate Adjective!Character. It's super annoying. I get it, you have some very basic programming knowledge. Or you don't and you just saw it and now you do it too. Wooo good for you. I don't mind AdjectiveCharacter though.

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Jon Stewart started to take himself too seriously and fancied himself a journalist.  I remember he had on jim Cramer from Mad Money during the economic down turn of 2008, he was quite rude and I thought your a comedian, just make us laugh,

It annoyed the hell out of me that he was brutally hard on anyone who he thought was insufficiently Adult and Centrist and Willing to Put Their Anger Aside and Sing Kumbaya after Obama's first election and then went right back to being righteously indignant that nothing was getting done about issues he cared about (presumably because nobody was holding anyone's feet to the fire, because that would have been unserious).

He used to be must-see TV in my house. Now I watch what he has to say about pizza on YouTube.

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Aren't texting abbreviations and emoticons almost as subjective as comedy anymore?


I also hate Adjective!Character. It's super annoying. I get it, you have some very basic programming knowledge. Or you don't and you just saw it and now you do it too. Wooo good for you. I don't mind AdjectiveCharacter though.


What's funny to me is, isn't all this text-speak stuff supposed to be a shorthand thing? Because adding an extraneous exclamation point is a real time saver.


These pants of mine...I just can't seem to keep them at hip-level these days. ;)

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!= is not equal in python and many other codes. I don't know the casual symbols like =/=.


I wasn't particularly overwhelming by Jon Stewart's finale on TDS. I also don't think the world is ending because he wants to take on new challenges after over a decade and a half of doing the same thing. I like the show, I'll keep watching. It's funny. So I'm not hating. But they had to jam in so many people that each little bit was only a few seconds. The Goodfellas walkthrough was cool.  

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I thought it was an anime character. Not equal is actually !=. 

Not when I took math (in the Stone Ages, admittedly).  I don't know squat about coding, so != is absolutely nothing to me, whereas =/= means "is not equal to" like in a mathematic calcuation.  And given that we're not writing code here, it's perfectly valid.


Now get off my lawn or else.  ;-)

Edited by proserpina65
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I've always used "=/=" in casual communication as a reference to the math symbol. Related, I always used to think the Adjective!Character formulation was inspired by action figures or something, not programming language, mainly because drawing from the former makes much more sense to me, in this snarking context, than the latter...

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I wasn't particularly overwhelming by Jon Stewart's finale on TDS. I also don't think the world is ending because he wants to take on new challenges after over a decade and a half of doing the same thing. I like the show, I'll keep watching. It's funny.

Are they losing the writers*, too?  Because if they aren't, then I have high hopes that whatever changes Trevor wants to make won't make much of a difference when it comes to the comedy.


I was underwhelmed, too--I kept falling asleep.


*I don't know just how involved Jon was in the writing process.

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I wasn't particularly overwhelming by Jon Stewart's finale on TDS. I also don't think the world is ending because he wants to take on new challenges after over a decade and a half of doing the same thing. I like the show, I'll keep watching. It's funny.



I can't blame him one bit for leaving and am looking forward to seeing what Trevor Noah brings to the table. As for Jon's last episode, I'll admit that Stephen Colbert brought me to tears.

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I thought it was great that every one of the previous cast showed up and yes, Colbert made me misty.  Although it took me until this morning to "get" why Wyatt Cenac was outside.  SMH

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!= is more efficient and takes less keystrokes.


I always start the weirdest threads. The radio in the car when on for weeks.

You do. I always like seeing a Ganesh post. You're probably the person who points things out that other people never noticed and then that's all they see and they are all "Thanks, Ganesh!"

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I just finished watching the fifth episode of From Dusk till Dawn: The Series. And think it is now fair to compare these three, as it was at the fifth episodes that I dropped Vampire Diaries as well as True Blood.

I think From Dusk till Dawn is far and away the best Vampire Series and TV show as a whole of the three. Wrt. Acting, production values and script. It all just works so much better in FDtD than the others. I think it is because even though From Dusk till Dawn is a Vampire and by extension a Supernatural show, it is much more of a character study and a small glimpse into sociopathic, and psychopathic behaviour than simply being a "Vampire" show...

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I can't stand Andy on Parks and Rec. Which is weird because I love love love Chris Pratt. Andy was just too dumb to even function and I thought he was the meanest to Jerry. Couldn't stand April either but I did think they were sweet as a couple.

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The only part of "The Daily Show" I liked was Jon Stewart's take on the daily news and his rants. I'll miss that, but there'll be someone else to step up and do what Stewart did.

I never found the correspondents funny, nor their "stories." I started to watch the last show, but I turned it off when all the correspondents started crowding the screen and the screeching just got louder and louder. I recorded it, but I doubt I'll watch it.

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The only part of "The Daily Show" I liked was Jon Stewart's take on the daily news and his rants. I'll miss that, but there'll be someone else to step up and do what Stewart did.

I never found the correspondents funny, nor their "stories." I started to watch the last show, but I turned it off when all the correspondents started crowding the screen and the screeching just got louder and louder. I recorded it, but I doubt I'll watch it.

Funny, but I'm the exact opposite. Stewart's rants in recent years have grated on my nerves, mostly because while I do agree with his politics more often than not, I don't find all the cussing in the rants all that funny. I'm not a teenager going to see the South Park movie, and the five years I spent in the Navy has shown me a world of language more colorful than anything to make it on air, censors or no.

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I never found the correspondents funny, nor their "stories." I started to watch the last show, but I turned it off when all the correspondents started crowding the screen and the screeching just got louder and louder. I recorded it, but I doubt I'll watch it.

I, too, preferred the rants/news stories to the correspondents.  As for the stories, I give them a minute to see where they are going and, from time to time, there was a gem amongst them.  My favorite was when they interviewed a guy who claimed that the ACA would make us into a 3rd world country.  Jon and his team knocked that one way out of the ball park.  10 out of 10, imo.  But, yes, most of them I ended up fast forwarding.

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