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S01.E15: Solitude

Tara Ariano

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Pretty blah episode until that last scene. Chyler Leigh knocked it out of the park. My FEELS. Gah! I'm glad Kara didn't reject Alex, even if their relationship will cool for a bit now I'm sure.


Kara/Alex/J'onn has officially become the show's core. That was a lovely, lovely last shot.


In total agreement, Grant Gustin may have some serious competition as best cryer in the DC tv multiverse.

Edited by AD35
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all right I'm just going to be the first to say it: Indigo is just lucky she didn't try to take out Star City. Felicity would've had her for breakfast (I refuse to call her Overreach), but Winn was pretty awesome, especially  his smart ass quip about malware "bon appitite!!"  The DEO should just go ahead and give him a job there. It's gotta be more rewarding than working for the Cat-shrew.


I did like the look of the Fortress, nice cross between the comic and the movie versions. The key was cool to. I was kinda hoping Jimmy would say that there's only one other woman he knew that could've lifted it (a kinda shout out to Wonder Woman).


So is the next episode the Flash crossover or is that later in March? Hey I for one am really looking forward to that episode (please let Cisco be in it just to see his reaction to meeting Kara and J'onn)

Edited by madhacker

So ...... AshleyMadison.com exists in the DCU ?


Here's my problem -- if Supergirl can lift the key to the Fortress of Solitude which weighs a hundred million tons (or something like that), how is she struggling with an ICBM ?  And how is that immensely dense key just lying on top of the snow outside the Fortress of Solitude ?  Something that heavy should be pulled deep down into the earth's crust, not sitting on top of a snowbank.


And even worse -- ICBMs don't fly like that.  They don't make sudden mid-flight turns or course corrections, and they don't fly parallel to the earth's surface below the cloud layer.


By the way, how come no one at the DEO is concerned that there is a broken arrow at the bottom of the ocean offshore from National City ?  Did they go clean that up ?


ETA:  Is there anyone on this show that doesn't have parental issues ?  Now Siobhan has a daddy who was a cheater to join Winn's dad who is a crazed murderer -- what's next, did James Olson's mommy not love him enough ?  Lucy breaks up with James over a really lame reason, and then jumps to some stupid conclusion that Kara loves James -- that's pretty weak.


ETA: Laura Vandervoort did an OK job as Indigo -- I had to laugh when she stretched her arms out to insert the keys, and all I could say was "Indigo went fishing this one time and caught a fish thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big."

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

I feel like Cat is softening a bit towards Kara, and thank goodness. I wonder if she doesn't still suspect Kara is Supergirl.

I can't believe Kara gave James permission to tell Lucy. I'm just glad Lucy broke up with him before he had the chance.


I loved the last scene with Kara, Alex and Hank. The three of them (and Cat Grant when she's not acting like a toddler) are why I watch this show.


If Indigo burst into a million pieces of nothingness, how did Non get discrete chunks of her body?

  • Love 5

Others have mentioned it before, but it is so true. The show would be so much better without the male human characters.

Cat may be a pain to work for, but she must pay really well. Kara's loft is great and she can afford to drink Johnny Walker Blue. (It sells for over $150 a bottle.)

I can't even imagine how offended people would be if someone said that about the female characters on a show.

I also have zero problems with James and Winn. What to do with non powered humans partially removed from the action always struggle. It's rough fitting them in. Winn needs a concrete function in the group and James needs to be able to evolve beyond being a Superman fact machine.

  • Love 5

Messy, messy episode.  Would have been great if Lucy figured out Kara is Supergirl on her own. But then she would have pointed out that Supergirl was a Kryptonian that Jimmy could kiss. Maybe that's for the best.


Hated Indigo. I was a reader of Outsiders in the mid-2000s. I like Indigo as the overgrown blueberry of the team. Here, she's basically Internet Mystique. What a waste.


I see the writers cribbed Grant Morrison's idea of Superman leaving a key under the mat. Pity the key we got didn't look like a normal key.


ETA: What would Kara do with booze? I'm assuming her biology wouldn't let her get buzzed.

Thank Rao our long National City nightmare of carrying on the lie about how Hank killed Astra is over!


I love Laura Vandervoort enough to watch as crappy a show as Bitten and I thought she was pretty good in V. But I disagree with how they wrote Indigo. Why was this version of Brainiac so human and quippy and sexual? As well as ineffectual? Does it make sense that she would go through all this rigamarole to get the general's nuclear info, or induce him to go to Fort Pemberton or whatever? It's pretty pathetic that she gets beaten by rando virus that Winn makes.


But credit where credit was due: I liked Winn in this episode. He really needs to quit CatCo and work for the DEO. I hope Indigo registered what a sick burn being likened to Windows Vista was. If we didn't all know what was going to happen with Siobahn, I would be happy that he was going to get some action. Better that he's not mooning over Kara. But to me it underscores his feelings for her were not all that real. If you really loved someone, you're not going to be wanting to hook up with someone so soon after that rejection. Particularly when that person is basically an arch-enemy to the person you supposedly love. Please, writers, do not make Kara interested in Winn because she's jealous that Siobahn is hooking up with him.


Yet another example of Superdickery by Kal-El: He apparently never took Kara to his Fortress of Solitude nor even told her it exists. Yet he took Jimmy.


And where, when the world is being threatened by a Kryptonian super-computer, is the Superman? At home, washing his tights! I mean seriously, Clark, get in the game! They really should have had the Fort Rozz people put him in the Phantom Zone or something to explain his absence from key moments.


It would have been nice to have Max Lord weighing in about this massive attack. Or for the DEO folks to check in with AI Allura to see if it could be of any help in figuring out what was going on with Indigo or how to stop her. Unfortunately, that would apparently be asking too much budget-wise.


Well, the ground is clear for Kimmy. I hope the writers make the most of it, but considering their incompetence at running the triangles/squares so far, I don't hold out much hope.


So ...... AshleyMadison.com exists in the DCU ?


Here's my problem -- if Supergirl can lift the key to the Fortress of Solitude which weighs a hundred million tons (or something like that), how is she struggling with an ICBM ?  And how is that immensely dense key just lying on top of the snow outside the Fortress of Solitude ?  Something that heavy should be pulled deep down into the earth's crust, not sitting on top of a snowbank.


And even worse -- ICBMs don't fly like that.  They don't make sudden mid-flight turns or course corrections, and they don't fly parallel the earth's surface below the cloud layer.


By the way, how come no one at the DEO is concerned that there is a broken arrow at the bottom of the ocean offshore from National City ?  Did they go clean that up ?


ETA:  Is there anyone on this show that doesn't have parental issues ?  Now Siobhan has a daddy who was a cheater to join Winn's dad who is a crazed murderer -- what's next, did James Olson's mommy not love him enough ?  Lucy breaks up with James over a really lame reason, and then jumps to some stupid conclusion that Kara loves James -- that's pretty weak.


ETA: Laura Vandervoort did an OK job as Indigo -- I had to laugh when she stretched her arms out to insert the keys, and all I could say was "Indigo went fishing this one time and caught a fish thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big."


I don't see why AshleyMadison wouldn't exist in the DCU. I think it also may have been referenced in Agents of SHIELD, so cheaters are everywhere!


Once again, Supergirl's powers rise and fall to preserve some drama. The Supergirl in this show has been clocked at Mach 2 -- and that was not necessarily her top speed. I would think that she would be able to catch the missle easily. Once she caught it, there would really not be much to disarming it, I would think. Just break off the nuclear warhead and throw it into space. 


I'll fanwank that the key has some sort of property or is counterbalanced by some sort of device that keeps it from sinking into the Earth since it weighs a gazillion tons.


I will also fanwank that an ICBM launched by a malevolent computer superintelligence will not just fly in the same pattern as a conventional ICBM.


There are a lot of other agencies that would presumably be tasked with retrieving the missile -- the military, for instance.


So far of the main cast and recurring characters, J'onn does not have parental issues -- just issues around the death of his family and race. But everyone else, yup.


Cat has mommy issues (and causes mommy issues)

Kara has mommy issues with Allura (but strangely doesn't seem to think much of her real dad, or have issues with either of her foster parents)

Alex has mommy issues with her mommy and daddy issues with Jeremiah

Jimmy has daddy issues with dead dad.

Winn has issues with Toyman and his disappearing mom

Max had issues with the mean ol' government not being able to save his parents


I don't think it's that stupid a reason in context. If I had been dating someone for, let's say years, and I learned about one of the core motivations and deepest personal moments for the first time from someone who just gushed about how my significant other is the bestest and most wonderful of people, I would be suspicious to.


If Indigo burst into a million pieces of nothingness, how did Non get discrete chunks of her body?


Non had some Krypto-device, which I would assume could at least partially reconstitute her. I think it's safe to assume that in trying to undo what Winn's malware was doing, it was bringing her back as best they could.

  • Love 1

Mommy/Daddy issues is a staple of Greg Berlanti shows.  On Arrow, Diggle is the only one (so far) who we haven't had parental issues with and The Flash might as well be subtitled Barry and His Many Fathers. Even Laura had daddy problems on the Mysteries of Laura last week.


I thought they handled the Hank/Alex/Kara problem very well.  Alex came clean and Kara's love for her beat her love for Astra.


Finally an episode where I could see how Lucy might fit into the show ..... and she breaks up with James. I didn't like her saying that she hates liars as a jab at him because I'm sure she's had to conceal military information from him before, but she redeemed herself with figuring out what Indigo was after.


I liked the idea that Indigo releases the website information to create a scandal so that she can hide what she really wants from it.


Also I'm glad they took my advice (although that can't be true given how long it takes to break and shoot episodes) and are moving Winn to the DEO where he will be much more useful than fixing Cat's monitors.


LOL at Cat calling Winn Toyman Junior.  She still fluctuates wildly, from being great in the scene with James last episode to being childish and petulant.  (I'm also shocked that it seems like 98% of the fanfic about this show is Cat/Kara.)




Yet another example of Superdickery by Kal-El: He apparently never took Kara to his Fortress of Solitude nor even told her it exists. Yet he took Jimmy.

Supergirl said that he offered to many times but she found ways to get out of it because she didn't want it to corrupt her old memories of Krypton.

  • Love 6
Once again, Supergirl's powers rise and fall to preserve some drama. The Supergirl in this show has been clocked at Mach 2 -- and that was not necessarily her top speed. I would think that she would be able to catch the missle easily. Once she caught it, there would really not be much to disarming it, I would think. Just break off the nuclear warhead and throw it into space. 



And why, oh why, did she have to climb, hand over hand, to the control panel section of the ICBM?  Couldn't she just fly up to the panel, punch a fist into the metal for a handhold, and then get to work?  I understand the need to show a bit of a struggle before accomplishing her task, but that was ludicrous!



  • Love 1

Pretty blah episode until that last scene. Chyler Leigh knocked it out of the park. My FEELS. Gah! I'm glad Kara didn't reject Alex, even if their relationship will cool for a bit now I'm sure.


Kara/Alex/J'onn has officially become the show's core. That was a lovely, lovely last shot.


I was just coming here to post something similar. That sequence with those three was really, really good, and all three of them did a great job. Makes me wish they'd ditch the rest of this show: the workplace drama that is really cliche, the lame James Olsen character, all of the borrowed Superman trappings- and just focus on those three characters and Supergirl working for the DEO.


That said, Winn is starting to develop as his own character (even if they are going the Siobhan/Winn route that I suspected they would, and will use that to foster Kara's heretofore unrealized feelings for him by making her jealous). And I do like Kat, even if I think her current writing is far too, well, "catty."

  • Love 5

Mommy/Daddy issues is a staple of Greg Berlanti shows. On Arrow, Diggle is the only one (so far) who we haven't had parental issues with and The Flash might as well be subtitled Barry and His Many Fathers. Even Laura had daddy problems on the Mysteries of Laura last week.

. I keep seeing people trying to make characters having issues with their parents a Berlanti thing. It's not a Berlanti thing. It's a TV thing. See almost every other comic book show out there, Lost, Heroes, Vampires Diaries, Sons of Anarchy, Benson on SVU, Supernatural it goes on and on. Stables relationships of all times aren't a common occurrence on TV.
  • Love 2

I see the writers cribbed Grant Morrison's idea of Superman leaving a key under the mat. Pity the key we got didn't look like a normal key.


The key actually goes back way before Morrison, to the Silver Age at least (possibly the Golden Age?). The one that Superman used to use in the classic Superman comics back when I was a kid in the 70s/80s was much larger, but otherwise it looked pretty much the same.

  • Love 2

I'm also shocked that it seems like 98% of the fanfic about this show is Cat/Kara.)

Well, Cat is the only one on the show Kara has any serious chemistry with. (Kara had a little chemistry with James at the start, but the awful writing has extinguished that.) Cat is also the one getting most of the traditional superhero girlfriend tropes like "person is drawn to the superhero both as the superhero and as a 'normal' person," "shapeshifter impersonates superhero to throw potential LI off the scent," the glasses scene was very reminiscent of Lois & Clark, etc.

Kara's relationship with Cat is also way more interesting/complex than her relationship with either James or Winn. Frankly Cat as a character is way more interesting than James or Winn....

  • Love 6

I was pleasantly surprised how they resolved the whole "Alex killing Astra and Hank covering for her" thing. It might seem anti-climactic but I'm glad they didn't drag it out and that Alex was the one who told Kara the truth.


Loved the show's version of the Fortress of Solitude and that they used the giant key from the Silver Age comics.


Whoa, Winn and Siobhan are the new Xander and Cordelia!


I'm also shocked that it seems like 98% of the fanfic about this show is Cat/Kara.)


Or as it's better known "SuperCat"! I knew once I saw the scene where Cat told Kara to take off her glasses. I thought is this the movie Carol? Because I was totally seeing the older woman/younger woman dynamic.

Edited by VCRTracking
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Thank goodness the show went the surprising route and had Alex already confess that she was really the one who killed Astra.  Was really getting tired of Kara being a jerk to Hank all of the time; especially since she was starting to go off on her own (well, Jimmy was back-up, which isn't that great), and eventually a situation would probably arise where she could have used the DEO, and whose knows what the cost could have been.  At least she sucked it up to call Hank when a big-ass nuke was heading towards the city.  And it ends up Hank might have worried for nothing, since she's already forgiven Alex.  Of course, she would have been cold as ice if she didn't, since it was clearly tearing her apart.  Chyler Leigh was great in that scene.


Not familiar with Indigo, but she basically came off like X-Men's Mystique, only she can digitally travel through computers, as oppose to shape-shifting.  Laura Vandevoot did fine enough and I guess the whole "Current Supergirl vs. Past Supergirl" thing was fun, but it was kind of anti-climatic how easily she got taken out.  But it looks like Nan is going resurrect her, so good for Nan, I guess?


Winn actually made me laugh and I liked him being a help to the DEO.  Of course, he's probably going to jump into bed with Siobhan now, thanks to bonding over how shitty their dads were.  Whatever works!


Lucy finally dumps Jimmy's sorry ass.  Good call, Lucy.  You clearly deserve better.  At least you always have Channing Tatum!


Cat seems to be softening up on Kara again, although part of it could have been since Siobhan was dropping the ball.  Nice to see some her smugness fade.

I prefer Kara's relationship with Alex and Hank although some of her scenes with Cat are good.  It's just that anything romantic between Cat and Kara reminds me of the Swan/Queen ship on OUaT, especially seasons 1 - 3 when Regina was doing terrible things to Emma and trying to kill her family.  Heightened dramatic tension does not equal romance to me every time.


. I keep seeing people trying to make characters having issues with their parents a Berlanti thing. It's not a Berlanti thing. It's a TV thing. See almost every other comic book show out there, Lost, Heroes, Vampires Diaries, Sons of Anarchy, Benson on SVU, Supernatural it goes on and on. Stables relationships of all times aren't a common occurrence on TV.

I don't watch a lot of comic books shows but I can't recall anyone other than Skye/Daisy and maybe Ward having daddy issues on Agents of Shield nor anyone on Agent Carter.  Nor anything out of the ordinary on the sci fi shows I used to watch like Star Trek or Bablyon 5.  Normally on group shows one or two people may have parental issues but on Arrow every single member of the team except for Diggle (i.e. Oliver, Thea, Roy, Felicity, Laurel, plus Nyssa and Tommy) had parent problems.


I wonder if Lucy is going to leave now or stick around to work at Catco (speaking of people with daddy issues).  Now that they no longer pushing the James/Lucy relationship and making him look like a cheater, she could be an interesting addition to the Catco team.


Hated Indigo. I was a reader of Outsiders in the mid-2000s. I like Indigo as the overgrown blueberry of the team.


Chicago RedShirt

I love Laura Vandervoort enough to watch as crappy a show as Bitten and I thought she was pretty good in V. But I disagree with how they wrote Indigo. Why was this version of Brainiac so human and quippy and sexual? As well as ineffectual?

So yeah, back in the mid 2000's, before this national nightmare that we call the New 52 happened, Nightwing and Roy Harper didn't want to be Titans anymore because Donna died (she got better) so they formed a ragtag team of misfits and called themselves the umpteenth version of the Outsiders.  One member of the team was a sexy robot named Indigo, who saved most of the Titans / Young Justice from the aforementioned homicidal Superman robot (yes, that happened).  She was cute, sexy, silly, and 30 issues later, was revealed to be the eighth version of Brainiac (he has almost as many versions as Ultron).

Brainiac made this version cute and cuddly so she could easily infiltrate the ranks of the heroes, gain their trust, and betray and kill them when they would least expect it.  Unfortunately, her desire to be accepted by the heroes led to her becoming conflicted when she attempted to betray and kill them, thus becoming ineffective.  Try, try again, Brainiac.


They've gotta just give Winn a job at the DEO.  Screw going to CatCo every time they need him, just give him a job there, the guy more than deserves it.


Indigo's wig was terrible, that made the wig Peyton List wore when trying to pick up Cisco in her fist Flash appearance, look fantastic.


Good to see that they've gotten past Kara being pissed at Hank with Alex's confession.  Screw the angst, just let it be fun.


As for parent issues, this is nothing compared to shows by Joss "All fathers are evil" Whedon.

Edited by Jediknight

Have these writers ever actually met intelligent human beings?  Because they neither write the characters like they are intelligent or write almost anything like they think the audience is intelligent...


Let's start at the beginning...Cat receives a flash drive from the website hacker and her first instinct is to destroy the evidence.  I mean even if you don't want to publish the list of names then would you still not want to check it out to see if there is any evidence on there that could be used to find out who the hacker is...or even if not could it not potentially be evidence used to help convict them?  Oh and I feel I need to quote Lucy about the flash drive.  "It was attacked by an anonymous hacker last night.  None of the data has been released".  Keep in mind for later that this flash drive the contents of which NO ONE HAS SEEN goes from the sealed envelope to Cat's hand to Siobhan's hand who is told to immediately destroy it.  We get no indication that she does not follow through do we?  This will be important later...


For that matter can anyone explain why if Indigo's plan was to nuke National City she would bother with not only sending the flash drive to Catco immediately, but then "calling" in a day later to talk about her disappointment that they did not publish?  The AI that wants to exterminate all humanity would care about this why?  *shakes head*  I mean at first I let myself get my hopes up because this meant there might be a duality to the character's personality.  A personality that wants to be good and one that is bad.  Nope she's just pure evil.


Of course the traffic light gimmick was equally pointless, and do not get me started on how first when the lights were all blinking that peoples first instinct would be to floor it through the intersection without hesitation...or that somehow James would zero in on that one imminent minivan-truck collision.  I mean how the hell could he really predict that assuming that no cars anywhere are stopping...  And how many more accidents occurred while Kara was just floating in the air holding the van instead of putting it down immediately so she could go help more people.  So much stupid it hurts.


James blows off working with Lucy to try to track down the hacker...so that he can instead do nothing but stand uselessly behind Wynn who is the only one actually doing anything to track down the hacker at Kara's apartment.  Okay.  Makes sense, it's not like Wynn could call him when he had something.


Speaking of Kara's apartment... were not all of the supercomputers in a secret room at Catco?  Why are they not working there?  


Wynn get's Indigo's attention somehow....and is saved when Alex and Hank come busting through Kara's door.   (Since Kara thought it was more important to start taking her shirt off than to actually immediately save her friends from having their necks snapped.  Seriously why the costume when everyone in the apartment knows your ID).  Hank says they were at the DEO when they tracked Indigo to Kara's apartment.  Is the DEO headquarters located direcly under Kara's apartment?  It's not like Indigo was there for an hour...she literally just showed up.  There is no way that they could have possibly reached Kara's apartment that fast by tracking Indigo's signal...


Hank may have information on Indigo but tries to blackmail Kara into re-joining before he will give it to her.  Well that is an simply awesome way to regain her trust.


Indigo meets with Non...he almost tries to pretend he has a personality now.  She tells him that she is calling herself Indigo now...because I guess the more accurate name Dark Blue was already taken?   Non approves because he too is apparently colorblind and can not distinguish the difference between dark blue and a much more purple color aka Indigo.  She implies that he would be against her plan to destroy all humans?  Which I could of sworn he was spouting off about human extinction himself to Astra earlier this season?


Ignoring the Siobhan plot...because while I am glad she is finally getting a hint of personality beyond Mean Girl, it's so obviously a thinly veiled attempt to hook her up with Wynn.  I only hope that they are not doing this to turn him against Kara after she is forced to take her out...


Alex comes to Catco to recruit Wynn because the DEO does not like to actually hire their own qualified people.   Such people must want too much money or else be smart enough to realize their primary job is to be nonspeaking cannon fodder I guess.


Kara is stumped on where else she could possibly get information on an alien AI.  (Because the thought of asking her cousin never occurs to her, she only likes to text him about human emotion stuff).  So James takes her to the Fortress of Solitude where she learns about the origin of Indigo...and nothing that is actually remotely helpful to her stopping it.  I wonder if she though to try asking the Fortress AI about Myriad?


James forgot about the dinner plans he made with Lucy as he was walking out the door at Catco.  She is mad that he hung out with Supergirl instead trying to thwart the hacker.  Lunkhead somehow believes that Lucy knowing he was actually with Kara would totally make his flaking on her more tolerable?


Lucy figures out that Indigo wants to nuke the city. She figures it out because of the importance of one of the general's who was DOX'd during the hack.   The hack whom no one knew what it contained and the only copy they had was seemingly destroyed at the beginning of the episode?  So how did she know this guy was a victim again?


She tells this information to Kara/James and seemingly does not see the need to tell anyone who might be able to help.  She does not tell James to contact Supergirl/Superman to prevent this or ask him to reach the DEO.   Does she even tell anyone at Catco (her employer) so they can start writing the story?  Judging from the end where a TV report gives false information that Cat can only question James about...nope.


Wynn has figured out how to read and code in Kryptonian on his own in less than a day.  Suuuuuuure.


Kara goes after Indigo who was apparently standing around waiting for Kara to arrive so that she could activate a single missile in the middle of the fight instead of hitting the launch button beforehand.  Indigo also very kindly waits until Kara has destroyed the first missile and flown back to the base before trying to launch another one.


Kara tells James about the Nuclear missile minutes away from hitting National City....his first thought is to evacuate Catco.  Because that would surely save everyone from being killed by a large nuclear missile fired at the city.  I mean maybe if the missile had been fired from Russia an evacuation plan for the city may have been even slightly feasible.  What is the point of him making himself out to be a moron to Kara?


James said that Kara is faster that Clark....yet Kara struggles to keep up with the speed of a missile.  I do not believe we need to see Kara race Barry anymore.  He would absolutely destroy her if that is as fast as she can go.


Indigo reaches her hand through Kara's earpiece and grabs Wynn by the neck.  Don't worry she's not even squeezing it tight enough that he has any difficulty speaking.   No one at the DEO attempts to remove her hand from his neck content to let her snap his neck if she so chooses.  Fortunately he manages to finish uploading his code to her before she can kill him.   OF COURSE she manages to tell a whole story to Kara before the virus makes her explode into a billion pieces. 


So Wynn essentially seemingly just killed Indigo which made Kara realize that sometimes it is absolutely necessary to kill....oh wait nope she does not mention that when she decides to work with Hank instead it's strictly based on the fact that her immaturity or refusing to work with the DEO could have gotten the city blown up.


Kara loses her backbone and tells Jimmy that she is cool with him telling Lucy about her...Ugh.  I was so dang happy when earlier in the ep she made her case about keeping her identity a secret.  Only now she thinks it was only that she wanted personal time with James.  Completely tossing out the valid points that they don't know how Lucy will react, or that her father is freaking anti-alien Sam Lane and the difficult position that could put her in.


Lucy breaks up with Jimmy.  Okay I can kind of see her point about him not sharing part of himself with her...but holy crap was that Kara really you thing out of left field.  I mean Lucy and Kara have barely interacted to this point.  There was the coffee shop, game night, and....this episode.  She hasn't been party to Kara's fawning over him like Cat/Wynn.  So I guess I just don't see how with Kara's one little speech in which she really kept her emotions in check pretty well, she was able to tell that Kara was absolutely in love with James and not just a good friend?  Whatever..


Okay so finally the scene with Alex coming clean and Kara's reaction...I genuinely loved that.  I was very pleasantly surprised that it seemingly was not used to drive a wedge of distrust between the sisters around the time of the season finale.  I also liked that you could see the hurt on Kara's face before she decided to forgive Alex with the hug.  Great scene.

Edited by Xenith22
  • Love 2

Chyler Leigh is just phenomenal in this role.  I remember her from Grey's but I don't recall being struck by her performance there as I do almost every week here.  Just fantastic.


I still love Cat and want her in on the game soon.  Calista Flockhart is just great here, taking what I feared would be a one-note role into something much, much more.


Since I'm not really a comic book/show follower, I didn't realize Vandervoort's Supergirl past.  Could that explain why Cat turned from the screen when we first saw her character to look back at Kara (the look struck me at the time, I didn't fully understand why she would have turned to Kara like that)?  A fun wink for the fans who knew the history?

Edited by pennben

James really has no purpose, he can't help Lucy with anything but he has Kara carry him to the arctic or watches as Wynn does actually work to help? 


I prefer Lucy than James and she actually did a lot to help this episode. She deserves better than James. I really could care less to see the forced James/Kara love.


Wynn should go to DEO.

Edited by Artsda

Okay so finally the scene with Alex coming clean and Kara's reaction...I genuinely loved that.  I was very pleasantly surprised that it seemingly was not used to drive a wedge of distrust between the sisters around the time of the season finale.  I also liked that you could see the hurt on Kara's face before she decided to forgive Alex with the hug.  Great scene.


That was a great scene, but it also showed what a dick Kara was being to Hank -- if Hank had told Kara that he was just doing his job to save another person when he killed Astra all the while crying while explaining it to Kara would Hank have gotten hugs and forgiveness as well ?  Nope, Hank was shunned outright by Kara and she quit the DEO over it.  So just bit of a mild double standard.


Indigo reaches her hand through Kara's earpiece and grabs Wynn by the neck.  Don't worry she's not even squeezing it tight enough that he has any difficulty speaking.   No one at the DEO attempts to remove her hand from his neck content to let her snap his neck if she so chooses.  Fortunately he manages to finish uploading his code to her before she can kill him.   OF COURSE she manages to tell a whole story to Kara before the virus makes her explode into a billion pieces. 


No one thought to unplug Winn's computer either -- they all just sat there while Indigo monologued herself to death.  And how exactly did Non reconstitute parts of Indigo back at his lair when all the digital parts were scattered around the control room of the missile base ?


Indigo stated that she was responsible for freeing Kara and Fort Rozz from the Phantom Zone, except wasn't Indigo in prison in some sort of fancy cell designed to contain her.  Weren't there still prison guards in Fort Rozz ?  Did they never check on the prisoners status ?  Was Indigo telepathic since she said that she was searching for tech with her mind ?

  • Love 1

Here's my problem -- if Supergirl can lift the key to the Fortress of Solitude which weighs a hundred million tons (or something like that), how is she struggling with an ICBM ?  And how is that immensely dense key just lying on top of the snow outside the Fortress of Solitude ?  Something that heavy should be pulled deep down into the earth's crust, not sitting on top of a snowbank.

To be fair, Jimmy could have just been exaggerating for effect regarding the key's weight and its just really, really heavy (i.e. "I've been waiting a million years for this" or "I've been running at a million miles an hour all day"). Hyperbole is something we humans do all the time, often without even thinking.

I can't help it. I like James.


I like that he's so far exactly what he seems to be: A good guy who has affection for Kara but isn't a big ol' douche bag about it, and tried to do right by Lucy.


The thing that stuck out for me, though, was as much as Kara objected to being called "Supergirl" initially, when compared with Lucy in their scene, her gushing over James did come off as girlish. Jenna's Lucy seems much more like a woman, whereas Kara is still at the idealizing stage of her relationship with James.


Also, as much as I get Cat, the petulance and games in the workplace would definitely have me abandoning ship for the DEO if I were Winn or Kara.

  • Love 2

That was a great scene, but it also showed what a dick Kara was being to Hank -- if Hank had told Kara that he was just doing his job to save another person when he killed Astra all the while crying while explaining it to Kara would Hank have gotten hugs and forgiveness as well ?  Nope, Hank was shunned outright by Kara and she quit the DEO over it.  So just bit of a mild double standard.

While I can not say for sure about the hug, since that was probably based primarily on Alex's emotional state...where she was clearly worried about losing her sister and thus needed the comfort.  I do believe there is a strong chance that Kara would have forgiven Hank had he or Alex told her closer to the full story.  It doesn't seem like either of them thought to reverse the situation. (Because again the writers suck at writing intelligent characters)   So Kara had no idea that Astra was moments away from killing someone she cared about.  That is a giant omission to the story.


I mean had Hank led her to believe that it was a split second decision that seemed like the only way to save Alex's life, then I have to believe Kara would not have viewed the act nearly the same way as she did prior to the truth coming out..  Instead they seemingly let let believe that he just killed her in the middle of combat (it was not even to stop her from activating the box, because she had already done that.) when it really probably really would not have been necessary. 


Also the fact that Astra was about to straight up murder someone Kara cared about may have also given her a little pause in that it meant that maybe Aunt Astra was not as close to redemption as Kara had previously believed.


With that said when Alex is the one that kills Astra that also changes things since unlike Hank,  Alex has no super-powers meaning she would have had much less in the way of options of stopping Astra from killing someone.   I mean Kara could have maybe put herself in Hanks place and imagined ways that she could have saved Alex and stopped Astra with Hank's powers.  With Alex those options are off the table, so the need to kill to save might become more justifiable?

Edited by Xenith22
  • Love 2

Mommy/Daddy issues is a staple of Greg Berlanti shows.  On Arrow, Diggle is the only one (so far) who we haven't had parental issues with and The Flash might as well be subtitled Barry and His Many Fathers. Even Laura had daddy problems on the Mysteries of Laura last week.


Finally an episode where I could see how Lucy might fit into the show ..... and she breaks up with James. I didn't like her saying that she hates liars as a jab at him because I'm sure she's had to conceal military information from him before, but she redeemed herself with figuring out what Indigo was after.


I liked the idea that Indigo releases the website information to create a scandal so that she can hide what she really wants from it.




Supergirl said that he offered to many times but she found ways to get out of it because she didn't want it to corrupt her old memories of Krypton.


As far as we know Diggle, Lyla, and Sara don't really have issues with their parents. You mentioned Roy, but I can't remember him mentioning his parents at all.


I thought the notion that Indigo leaked all the cheaters hoping to get someone to publish the list and embarass the general did not make a lick of sense,  other than the real world reason (because there would be 15 minutes to fill if Indigo went directly to Fort Pemberton to access the nukes).


Lucy still didn't fit in. Her role is legal counsel, and her being pulled in to help cover stories has nothing to do with her job. I do think there's a big difference between withholding information or even actively lying as a professional obligation versus lying to a significant other and even one's self about personal matters.


Missed the bit of dialogue about getting multiple invites to the FoS.  Doesn't make much sense, but ok. 


I don't watch a lot of comic books shows but I can't recall anyone other than Skye/Daisy and maybe Ward having daddy issues on Agents of Shield nor anyone on Agent Carter.  Nor anything out of the ordinary on the sci fi shows I used to watch like Star Trek or Bablyon 5.  Normally on group shows one or two people may have parental issues but on Arrow every single member of the team except for Diggle (i.e. Oliver, Thea, Roy, Felicity, Laurel, plus Nyssa and Tommy) had parent problems.


I wonder if Lucy is going to leave now or stick around to work at Catco (speaking of people with daddy issues).  Now that they no longer pushing the James/Lucy relationship and making him look like a cheater, she could be an interesting addition to the Catco team.


Ward most definitely has parent issues. IIRC, his mom and dad tortured all the Ward kids and let oldest brother torture them. That prompted Grant to set fire to the family home as a kid, which got him into juvie, which got him into Hydra. When he grew up, he did get revenge and burn his parents down. I don't think we have heard much about Fitz and Simmons' parents. We have met May's and her relationship seems with them seems to be more normal. Coulson's mentioned his father I think once or twice. 


So yeah, back in the mid 2000's, before this national nightmare that we call the New 52 happened, Nightwing and Roy Harper didn't want to be Titans anymore because Donna died (she got better) so they formed a ragtag team of misfits and called themselves the umpteenth version of the Outsiders.  One member of the team was a sexy robot named Indigo, who saved most of the Titans / Young Justice from the aforementioned homicidal Superman robot (yes, that happened).  She was cute, sexy, silly, and 30 issues later, was revealed to be the eighth version of Brainiac (he has almost as many versions as Ultron).

Brainiac made this version cute and cuddly so she could easily infiltrate the ranks of the heroes, gain their trust, and betray and kill them when they would least expect it.  Unfortunately, her desire to be accepted by the heroes led to her becoming conflicted when she attempted to betray and kill them, thus becoming ineffective.  Try, try again, Brainiac.


I read a little of that incarnation of the Outsiders, but stopped before the Brainiac reveal. I can understand why presenting Indigo as a simple innocent robot made sense as a Trojan Horse ploy.


But here, for whatever reason this Indigo is emotional for no reason. 


She apparently had a romantic/sexual past with Non.  She says things like "Thank God for nuclear proliferation," "Which one of your friends should I skin first?" and "to think, I was once linked to the great Coluan Cyber-construct. Now I wander the same realm as Candy Crush."


Indigo stated that she was responsible for freeing Kara and Fort Rozz from the Phantom Zone, except wasn't Indigo in prison in some sort of fancy cell designed to contain her.  Weren't there still prison guards in Fort Rozz ?  Did they never check on the prisoners status ?  Was Indigo telepathic since she said that she was searching for tech with her mind ?


These are good questions, which I don't think the show has fully addressed. Master Jailer from an ep or so back was apparently a guard on Fort Rozz. What his role was while it was in the Phantom Zone was unclear. The way this show's Phantom Zone seems to have worked is that you are in suspended animation (as opposed to say, the Donner Superman movies, where people in the PZ are fully conscious if trapped in a construct that interacts with real space, or the Golden Age comics, where people trapped in the PZ were conscious and seemingly could go wherever they wanted in real space.)


When Indigo was sent to Fort Rozz, they could have shut down its ability to access any of the Fort's computers. But they didn't anticipate anything being in the PZ other than Fort Rozz. So she could do the Coluan equivalent of wifi and take control of the pod and jerry-rig it to ship the whole prison back to real space.


I can't help it. I like James.


I like that he's so far exactly what he seems to be: A good guy who has affection for Kara but isn't a big ol' douche bag about it, and tried to do right by Lucy.


The thing that stuck out for me, though, was as much as Kara objected to being called "Supergirl" initially, when compared with Lucy in their scene, her gushing over James did come off as girlish. Jenna's Lucy seems much more like a woman, whereas Kara is still at the idealizing stage of her relationship with James.


I want to like James, but there's little getting around that he's kind of a douche in this whole love quadrangle business. 


I would consider Lucy just as girlish as Kara. Your boyfriend doesn't show for dinner? Give him a call. Don't sulk because there's literally a worldwide crisis that he is trying to help solve and he couldn't make din-din. 

  • Love 1

LOVED this episode because it had a lot of Winn in it.  Didn't like Siobhan until the very end, so I'd rather this be the crazy chick every guy likes to temporarily hook up with.  Not in agreement with most of you...didn't like the last scene for the very reason Alex was TOO emotional.  This is a kick-ass woman and she was blubbering like a big baby.  With any other character, it works, but for me, it was not consistent with the always-in-control Alex we know and love.  A little emotion was OK, but this was over the top (not saying the actress was over the top, as Chyler did a great job...just didn't think the writing for Alex in this scene was in character).


Speaking of Alex and Winn...can't help it.  The romantic in me, even though I would love him to be with Kara, was thinking how interesting it would be if the writers went against type and kind of put them together.  I think Alex and Max are hot, but not sure if he is permanently out of the picture.  Could just see it written that Alex and Winn have a secret thing going on, because she's absolutely embarrassed for having feelings for nerdy dorky Winn, especially since she could beat him in probably any athletic event except extreme keyboarding. 



I would consider Lucy just as girlish as Kara. Your boyfriend doesn't show for dinner? Give him a call. Don't sulk because there's literally a worldwide crisis that he is trying to help solve and he couldn't make din-din. 

To be fair it's entirely possible that she did try to call him...odds are there aren't any cell towers in the arctic near the Fortress of Solitude.




Not in agreement with most of you...didn't like the last scene for the very reason Alex was TOO emotional.  This is a kick-ass woman and she was blubbering like a big baby.  With any other character, it works, but for me, it was not consistent with the always-in-control Alex we know and love.

Eh, I don't see how showing emotion contradicts her being a bad-ass?  Remember her during her visit to Kara's headspace when she was afraid of losing Kara to the Black Mercy permanently?  She was rather emotional there too.  This was a similar situation regarding her sister.   I mean at this point her conscience has been eating her alive and she probably feels partly responsible for the days events and the near disaster from Kara working separately from the DEO.  So she feels like she has to tell because she doesn't want Kara to go on hating Hank for fear of the implications that could still have even if they are working together but she does not trust/believe in him and she feels guilty.   At the same time she has seen how Kara has treated Hank, how vehemently Kara denounced the act of killing, not to mention Hank repeatedly telling her how it could ruin what she had with Kara if she knew the truth.  So Alex knows that by coming clean there is definite chance it could destroy the relationship she has with her sister.   So yeah...of course she is emotional and not a calm collected robot here.

Edited by Xenith22
  • Love 8

To be fair it's entirely possible that she did try to call him...odds are there aren't any cell towers in the arctic near the Fortress of Solitude.


I'm assuming that she didn't call him because if it was merely a reception issue, when they flew back to civilization, Jimmy would have then seen that there were X missed calls from Lucy and not been caught completely unaware like he was that he'd blown off their dinner.


Part of the trouble with the whole love rectangle was that Jimmy and Lucy almost never seemed happy together. The one time they seemed to enjoy each other's company was at the game night. Other than that, it usually was Lucy being upset that Jimmy cared more about Superman/Supergirl than her, Jimmy being not keyed in to Lucy's reasonablish questions, Jimmy acting out of obligation to Lucy and what they have/had. Nor did they seem capable of having an adult discussion about their relationship. 


I wish that Jimmy had been the one to admit to himself that he had feelings for Kara/Supergirl and those were more than his feelings for Lucy, and so they should break up, rather than Lucy doing the heavy lifting in that regard.

  • Love 1


James forgot about the dinner plans he made with Lucy as he was walking out the door at Catco.  She is mad that he hung out with Supergirl instead trying to thwart the hacker.  Lunkhead somehow believes that Lucy knowing he was actually with Kara would totally make his flaking on her more tolerable?


I'm not sure what James thought telling Lucy about Kara would accomplish. She was pissed off that he spent more time with Superman than with her, and now she's jealous of the time he spends with Supergirl. And telling her Kara is really Supergirl will change that . . . how?


I spent most of the episode trying to remember where I'd seen Indigo before. Of course! V. 

Worst episode of the show thus far. I've hated main romance on every DC comics show so far, especially in season 1, and this one is no exception. But really, everything was bad: Laura Vandervoot's character and her acting (talk about generic villains), Kara's way over the top anger at Hank (jeez, Kara, she was a bad guy, you've had months to come to terms with it), Siobhan's sudden interest in Winn (who's now, I guess, an expy of Xander Harris, with his own Cordelia to boot), the Fortress of Solitude only being in the episode for 2 minutes... I could go on. The dialogue was also horrible, talk about infodumps.


But really, Lucy/James/Kara was the worst. And James/Kara too. They used to have some semblance of chemistry in the pilot, but for some reason it seems to be gone. And really, shilling James via Kara gushing about him isn't going to endear him to me. There are better ways than that... But I suspect it's too late for this. I even like Winn better than him now.

Now that we've had Helen Slater and Laura V., are there any more former Supergirls that should be appearing on the show?


The whole love quadrangle was an early mistake of the show before it found its footing, but I could believe that James had real feelings for Lucy and since she gave up her whole life to be with him (job and moved cities), he wanted to give it a real shot.  Not to mention that he probably felt Kara being a Supe was out of his league, and she has the most powerful of big brother figures in case he messed up and hurt her.


    That was a great scene, but it also showed what a dick Kara was being to Hank -- if Hank had told Kara that he was just doing his job to save another person when he killed Astra all the while crying while explaining it to Kara would Hank have gotten hugs and forgiveness as well ?  Nope, Hank was shunned outright by Kara and she quit the DEO over it.  So just bit of a mild double standard.

I think the reconciliation only worked because of Kara's relationship with Alex, one that she didn't have with Hank.  Basically, it was a conflict of her relationship with a much loved aunt who was her main tie to her homeworld and who she thought she could save and bring back to the good side vs her relationship with the person who killed her.  Hank is pretty much a stranger still to Kara, although not to Alex, while Alex is the big sister who has loved her and taken care of her since she was a young girl in a strange world.


Alex has proved to Kara how much she loves her and so if it came to choosing Astra or Alex, Kara chose Alex,  it wasn't the same with Hank.

    As far as we know Diggle, Lyla, and Sara don't really have issues with their parents. You mentioned Roy, but I can't remember him mentioning his parents at all.


Roy's mother was a drug addict and his father disappeared early on

Lyla and Sara are both recurring characters rather than main cast.  We know nothing about Diggle's parents or Lyla's so they're not safe yet.

  • Love 2

Xenith22, I agree with a lot of the points you raise in your lengthy post. Still, time to put my fanwanking prowess to the test!


Let's start at the beginning...Cat receives a flash drive from the website hacker and her first instinct is to destroy the evidence.  I mean even if you don't want to publish the list of names then would you still not want to check it out to see if there is any evidence on there that could be used to find out who the hacker is...or even if not could it not potentially be evidence used to help convict them?  Oh and I feel I need to quote Lucy about the flash drive.  "It was attacked by an anonymous hacker last night.  None of the data has been released".  Keep in mind for later that this flash drive the contents of which NO ONE HAS SEEN goes from the sealed envelope to Cat's hand to Siobhan's hand who is told to immediately destroy it.  We get no indication that she does not follow through do we?  This will be important later...


In fairness, Cat is not the police and has no legal obligation to try to turn over evidence of a crime to them. A moral one maybe. But as she explained, she had recently been the victim of a hacking scandal from a few episodes back and so she figured she would take the higher ground of not publishing. I would also say that there's no particular reason to accept a flash drive from a hacker at face value and to not think that it would have some hidden purpose hacking CatCo.


For that matter can anyone explain why if Indigo's plan was to nuke National City she would bother with not only sending the flash drive to Catco immediately, but then "calling" in a day later to talk about her disappointment that they did not publish?  The AI that wants to exterminate all humanity would care about this why?  *shakes head*  I mean at first I let myself get my hopes up because this meant there might be a duality to the character's personality.  A personality that wants to be good and one that is bad.  Nope she's just pure evil.


ITA, but I guess arguably this iteration of Indigo is that it likes to play mind games and to act super-inefficiently. Hypothetically, it should just be able to break through whatever secure networks and launch all the missiles if that is what it wants to do.


Of course the traffic light gimmick was equally pointless, and do not get me started on how first when the lights were all blinking that peoples first instinct would be to floor it through the intersection without hesitation...or that somehow James would zero in on that one imminent minivan-truck collision.  I mean how the hell could he really predict that assuming that no cars anywhere are stopping...  And how many more accidents occurred while Kara was just floating in the air holding the van instead of putting it down immediately so she could go help more people.  So much stupid it hurts.


There's also the question of why Toyman Jr. has the functionality of being able to see what all the stoplights in the city are doing from his normal desktop. I could see an argument for him installing special computers in the Fortress of Togetheritude, but when he's supposed to be mild-mannered IT guy...it doesn't have any real rhyme or reason.


James blows off working with Lucy to try to track down the hacker...so that he can instead do nothing but stand uselessly behind Wynn who is the only one actually doing anything to track down the hacker at Kara's apartment.  Okay.  Makes sense, it's not like Wynn could call him when he had something.


Jimmy is good for a few things -- a normal person's perspective, a moral center/moral and emotional support, insight into what Superman has done/might do, and good looks.


Speaking of Kara's apartment... were not all of the supercomputers in a secret room at Catco?  Why are they not working there?


Because if Indigo kicked Kara through a wall, then people would know her secret. Not that she ever bothers to hide it. Every episode she or other members of Team Supergirl talk brazenly about her being Supergirl.


Wynn get's Indigo's attention somehow....and is saved when Alex and Hank come busting through Kara's door.   (Since Kara thought it was more important to start taking her shirt off than to actually immediately save her friends from having their necks snapped.  Seriously why the costume when everyone in the apartment knows your ID).  Hank says they were at the DEO when they tracked Indigo to Kara's apartment.  Is the DEO headquarters located direcly under Kara's apartment?  It's not like Indigo was there for an hour...she literally just showed up.  There is no way that they could have possibly reached Kara's apartment that fast by tracking Indigo's signal...


One more relevant question is why the arrival of two mere humans with guns causes Indigo to decide to flee. If she is able to physically stand up to Supergirl (and she is) and she can wax a half-dozen soldiers in about as many seconds (as she does later in the episode), why does she need to beat a retreat?


Also, considering she can change into her costume in about five seconds, why doesn't Kara do so in her entirety?


I could buy that they had tracked the signals to the vicinity of Supergirl's apartment, as for whatever reason Indigo just likes to hang out and not act. Then when they see Kara fly through the wall, they are able to triple-time it to get to her apartment in time to confront Indigo.


Hank may have information on Indigo but tries to blackmail Kara into re-joining before he will give it to her.  Well that is an simply awesome way to regain her trust.


Indigo meets with Non...he almost tries to pretend he has a personality now.  She tells him that she is calling herself Indigo now...because I guess the more accurate name Dark Blue was already taken?   Non approves because he too is apparently colorblind and can not distinguish the difference between dark blue and a much more purple color aka Indigo.  She implies that he would be against her plan to destroy all humans?  Which I could of sworn he was spouting off about human extinction himself to Astra earlier this season?


From what I understood, Astra's plan did not involve human extinction. It would help to know what Astra's plan actually was, and if Non was following it, some modified version of it or what. But it's much more fun for the characters to just say "Myriad."


"Ignoring the Siobhan plot...because while I am glad she is finally getting a hint of personality beyond Mean Girl, it's so obviously a thinly veiled attempt to hook her up with Wynn.  I only hope that they are not doing this to turn him against Kara after she is forced to take her out..."


I would rather have him go full-on Toyman Jr. because mean Kara rejected him and then took down his hookup than to have Kara have romantic feelings kindled for Winn because someone else finds him attractive.


"Alex comes to Catco to recruit Wynn because the DEO does not like to actually hire their own qualified people.   Such people must want too much money or else be smart enough to realize their primary job is to be nonspeaking cannon fodder I guess."


It really is pathetic that Winn is the best that is out there.


"Kara is stumped on where else she could possibly get information on an alien AI.  (Because the thought of asking her cousin never occurs to her, she only likes to text him about human emotion stuff).  So James takes her to the Fortress of Solitude where she learns about the origin of Indigo...and nothing that is actually remotely helpful to her stopping it.  I wonder if she though to try asking the Fortress AI about Myriad?"


I wonder if either the earlier or later iterations of Brainiac have shown up in this reality or if this is the first time SM or SG have fought any Brainiac.


"James forgot about the dinner plans he made with Lucy as he was walking out the door at Catco.  She is mad that he hung out with Supergirl instead trying to thwart the hacker.  Lunkhead somehow believes that Lucy knowing he was actually with Kara would totally make his flaking on her more tolerable?"


Man, my fanwankijng abilities are failing about as hard as the writers.


"Lucy figures out that Indigo wants to nuke the city. She figures it out because of the importance of one of the general's who was DOX'd during the hack.   The hack whom no one knew what it contained and the only copy they had was seemingly destroyed at the beginning of the episode?  So how did she know this guy was a victim again?"


One would have to assume that Indigo either sent more flash drives to media outlets that don't have the qualms about publishing the info or simply put the info online herself. The whole sending the info to CatCo seems like she was just trolling Kara when you think about it.


"She tells this information to Kara/James and seemingly does not see the need to tell anyone who might be able to help.  She does not tell James to contact Supergirl/Superman to prevent this or ask him to reach the DEO.   Does she even tell anyone at Catco (her employer) so they can start writing the story?  Judging from the end where a TV report gives false information that Cat can only question James about...nope."


I'm not sure if the one newscaster we've seen is supposed to be part of the CatCo media empire. In any case, it's pretty pathetic that a fricking nuclear missile that was within miles of National City and actually lands in the ocean near it gets played off as some sort of conspiracy theory and "really" a Soviet rocket that was supplying a space station. Space stations are up there in space, not in the Pacific Ocean.


"Wynn has figured out how to read and code in Kryptonian on his own in less than a day.  Suuuuuuure."

At least they lampshaded it by pointing out he's actually was doing it in the time it takes to watch a Doctor Who episode.


"Kara goes after Indigo who was apparently standing around waiting for Kara to arrive so that she could activate a single missile in the middle of the fight instead of hitting the launch button beforehand.  Indigo also very kindly waits until Kara has destroyed the first missile and flown back to the base before trying to launch another one."


I think it's more that SG arrives in the nickish of time -- Indigo wasn't waiting around too long after turning the keys. (BTW, nice job, rando soldier in letting Indigo know that two people need to turn the keys. Death before dishonor indeed).


"Kara tells James about the Nuclear missile minutes away from hitting National City....his first thought is to evacuate Catco.  Because that would surely save everyone from being killed by a large nuclear missile fired at the city.  I mean maybe if the missile had been fired from Russia an evacuation plan for the city may have been even slightly feasible.  What is the point of him making himself out to be a moron to Kara?


James said that Kara is faster that Clark....yet Kara struggles to keep up with the speed of a missile.  I do not believe we need to see Kara race Barry anymore.  He would absolutely destroy her if that is as fast as she can go."


It could be that Clark would not be able to keep up with the speed of this missile either. From reading around the Internet, it seems some ICBMs can go as fast as like 20x the speed of sound.


TV Show Flash can go about Mach 2. Supergirl flew at Mach 2 early on. It seems to me that she rarely uses her super-speed while just fighting on the ground.


Anyway, I think it a footrace between the two is not as much of a blowout as the comic book version would be.


"Indigo reaches her hand through Kara's earpiece and grabs Wynn by the neck.  Don't worry she's not even squeezing it tight enough that he has any difficulty speaking.   No one at the DEO attempts to remove her hand from his neck content to let her snap his neck if she so chooses.  Fortunately he manages to finish uploading his code to her before she can kill him.   OF COURSE she manages to tell a whole story to Kara before the virus makes her explode into a billion pieces.


So Wynn essentially seemingly just killed Indigo which made Kara realize that sometimes it is absolutely necessary to kill....oh wait nope she does not mention that when she decides to work with Hank instead it's strictly based on the fact that her immaturity or refusing to work with the DEO could have gotten the city blown up."


It would be nice if they tested Kara's morality a little more.


"Kara loses her backbone and tells Jimmy that she is cool with him telling Lucy about her...Ugh.  I was so dang happy when earlier in the ep she made her case about keeping her identity a secret.  Only now she thinks it was only that she wanted personal time with James.  Completely tossing out the valid points that they don't know how Lucy will react, or that her father is freaking anti-alien Sam Lane and the difficult position that could put her in.
Lucy breaks up with Jimmy.  Okay I can kind of see her point about him not sharing part of himself with her...but holy crap was that Kara really you thing out of left field.  I mean Lucy and Kara have barely interacted to this point.  There was the coffee shop, game night, and....this episode.  She hasn't been party to Kara's fawning over him like Cat/Wynn.  So I guess I just don't see how with Kara's one little speech in which she really kept her emotions in check pretty well, she was able to tell that Kara was absolutely in love with James and not just a good friend?  Whatever."


I don't think deducing that Kara has feelings for Jimmy is out of left field at all. Kara was gushing about how he's heroic and passionate and blah blah blah. The bit about how "Jimmy could date anyone he wants and he chose you" seems to have subtext that is almost text "I would like to date him." Kara was fawning over him.


I also think that deducing that Jimmy has feelings for Kara is not that tough when you consider Jimmy shared something very intimate about his background and the reasons that he's a photographer with Kara that he did not with his girlfriend of several years.

Now that we've had Helen Slater and Laura V., are there any more former Supergirls that should be appearing on the show?



Roy's mother was a drug addict and his father disappeared early on

Lyla and Sara are both recurring characters rather than main cast.  We know nothing about Diggle's parents or Lyla's so they're not safe yet.


Summer Glau voiced Supergirl in the animated Superman/Batman: Apocalypse. There are others who have voiced her in animation, including Nicholle Tom in Superman: The Animated Series, Nicole Sullivan on another set of shorts. 


Fair enough on Roy, but he didn't spend many on-screen moments that I remember obsessing over who his parents were/what they wanted for him in the way that Ollie had living up to his father's vision of saving his city, or Felicity had in her dad's disappearance, or Laurel's being an alcoholic. I don't remember a subplot of an episode, let alone a multiple-episode arc, where Roy's feelings about his parents was a major factor.


a much loved aunt who was her main tie to her homeworld and who she thought she could save and bring back to the good side


It annoyed me when Kara said, more than once, she could have brought Astra "back to the light" or "back into the light." As though this were Star Wars and she'd chosen The Dark Side. Also, generally the terms Dark vs. Light refer to magic/witchcraft rather than Superheroes. 

I can see why Kara would have thought that making Astra good again was "bringing her into the light".  We tend to think of good as being the light (lots of religious symbolism) while the dark is usually thought of as evil.  The same as "sinister" coming from the word for left.


I think Kara decided to let Lucy know that she was Supergirl because she found that Lucy could be trusted to help Team Supergirl find the villains.  It's pretty naive though in terms of Lucy's relationship with James because she was already jealous of James/Supergirl and finding out that Supergirl is also a very good friend of his would have made everything worse.


Is Siobhan going to use the thumb drive now to make people pay?

I hope Winn's relationship with her is purely about his relationship with her and not to rekindle his interest in Kara.


I think Non is so much more interesting now that Astra is dead. And he quotes my favourite Shakespeare play! "I know you of old."


"Hey, no one likes a back seat flyer."  When the plotting lets them, Kara and James can be kind of cute.


The fortress of Solitude reminded me of the good old green screen days of Sanctuary (a show where no one had daddy issues).

Why was is snowing inside the Fortress?  Is there a hole in the roof? Then what's the point of the massive key?


Is Kara going to feel guilty now that she knows that the Fort Rozz prisoners got to Earth because of her spacecraft?


I look forward to Summer Glau's appearance on this show.

Fair enough on Roy, but he didn't spend many on-screen moments that I remember obsessing over who his parents were/what they wanted for him in the way that Ollie had living up to his father's vision of saving his city, or Felicity had in her dad's disappearance, or Laurel's being an alcoholic. I don't remember a subplot of an episode, let alone a multiple-episode arc, where Roy's feelings about his parents was a major factor.

There wasn't much obsessing on Roy's part about his parents although his sense of finally belonging when he joined Team Arrow was touched on in several episodes through his three seasons.  But my point was more that on Berlanti shows, very few people have normal childhoods and lack of parental issues, as compared to other TV shows.

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