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S32.E02: Kindergarten Camp

Tara Ariano

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I was angry at the show for putting the idol up so high and making it impossible to reach without getting hurt.  That was Tai's blood on the trunk, wasn't it?  It's like they want people to get hurt, to get medevaced.  I'm glad I didn't shut it off though, because that tribal was something!  


Rob Cesternino and Stephen Fishbach were assuming this happened because the production wanted every individual who found the first clue to tell everyone else about it so they all try to get the idol with something like a human ladder way if this makes sense. It's like they don't want anyone to have an idol individually so they have to cooperate after a merge as tribes.

IMNSHO, all of these repeat players are what have ruined the game. Especially when they're upfront about making alliances before the damned game even starts. Blech.


Why do you think then Second Chances and all seasons with returning players (All stars, Fans vs Favorites, Heroes vs Villains, Blood vs Water 1) were the best of all times?

That little brain eating worm sure did a number on Jenny. WTF ?! Sometimes quiet people can be thought more intelligent than they really are- definitely in Jenny's case. What a pea brain. <br />Either Debbie is a genius disguising herself as the wacky goat for people to take to the end, or, she is mentally unstable. Her delusions of grandeur are nails on a chalkboard. I didn't count Joe out right away just for his age, but in my mind he is a goner now. Either a medivac, or a vote. His hands were so shaky, and then he got Old Man Cranky attitude. I'm having a hard time liking any of them really.

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I guess she could've just said "JOE MY BUTT" and tried to start the fire despite him being a control freak, but I doubt that would've lessened the conflict between them. The dude seemed like his ego was wounded because he fucked up the fire supplies. If Liz had busted out a fire right then, Joe would've hated on her even harder for showing him up. I think Liz was smart to go off on her own and vent. Let the guy keep thinking he knows everything, let him piss everyone else off, too.


I agree that Joe would not have let Liz make a fire and would have reacted extremely poorly had she made one.  Avoiding conflict is a worthwhile strategy, Liz followed that.  Joe is a complete idiot thus far.


Alicia didn't do a very good job of defending herself at tribal.   When Jeff asked her if she was feeling the heat, she should have said, "Feel the heat?  Jeff, I brought the heat -- I made fire for my tribe and made it possible for us to drink pure water and cook the chicken."


And when Jenny lied and blamed her for proposing the all-girl alliance, Alicia should have shot back, "It wasn't me who put the bug in her ear.


Heh heh.


Being the provider is no longer a viable strategy in Survivor - your tribemates seldom seem to care.  However, that would have been a great reply.

  • Love 2

I agree that Joe would not have let Liz make a fire and would have reacted extremely poorly had she made one.  Avoiding conflict is a worthwhile strategy, Liz followed that.  Joe is a complete idiot thus far.




That's what makes the whole thing so ridiculous, and made Joe look so bad IMO.  The most logical things to do when setting up camp in a dangerously hot and humid environment are to get a fire going and drink lots of clean water.  I don't think Liz went overboard by trying to acquire those simple things.  But she realized she was dealing with Joe and Debbie, who both insisted that water did not need to be boiled.  Knowing that I was starting out on a tribe who acted so dismissive of simple survival tools would shake me as well.  Joe may not have been physically standing in Liz's way of making a fire, but his tone of voice and posture were threatening and demeaning.  I was happy to see her walk away from the situation.  She was never going to win in that moment against Joe's ego and Debbie's indestructible gut.

  • Love 11

I'm wondering how the disaster that was Season 30 affected the editing for this season. Since this was supposed to be season 31, but was switched with Cambodia at what seemed like the last minute, there was speculation that after the hateful One World cast, they needed to have a cast of fan favorites to keep people from abandoning the show. Based on the first couple of episodes, I'd say that a lot of these people are crazy and/or dicks, yet I'm generally enjoying the season so far. Pure speculation, but I'm thinking maybe TPTB thought we really would love the season 30 cast and would think, for example, that Will, after being portrayed as a likable goofball all season, suddenly screaming abuse at Shirin was a popcorn moment. It makes me wonder if they had some similarly ill-conceived popcorn moments in the can for this season, but caught by surprise by how negatively the audience reacted to season 30 decided they needed to rethink things. It seems like they're being pretty upfront now about who's an asshole (primarily Bounty, but he's not without competition in that regard), as a way to distance the show itself from the personalities on it. So we can still hold a cast member responsible for being a dirtbag but won't hold the show responsible for portraying the dirtbag as a hero.


Wasn't Christa(?), the third of the Rupert-Sandra triad, arrested for meth before she was on Pearl Islands? I'm pretty sure she was arrested afterwards, but I thought she was before, too. Not sure if Vytas was ever arrested, but it wouldn’t surprise me.


Vytas says he was in LA County Jail for a year on a robbery conviction. He told his tribemates on BvW, then did a talking head where he said that women are easily manipulated with the story because we all supposedly love a reformed bad boy. He's an idiot. Christa, I don't know. The worst thing I remember coming out about her was that after she appeared on the show, a bunch of racist posts she'd put on Usenet years earlier surfaced.

  • Love 2

Rob Cesternino and Stephen Fishbach were assuming this happened because the production wanted every individual who found the first clue to tell everyone else about it so they all try to get the idol with something like a human ladder way if this makes sense. It's like they don't want anyone to have an idol individually so they have to cooperate after a merge as tribes.

I wondered that too-- if the tree/key was there to make people cooperate-- but I'm not sure a human pyramid is any safer than just climbing the tree or making some sort of pole device.  


I'll spoiler this because I don't know for sure if it should be, but isn't the idol twist this season that

there are idols that can be combined to make super-idols?  If so, it would make sense that they'd want more people to know who has what idol, so they're more likely to know who to approach about making combinations.  


My daughter and I both thought Debbie looked like the Wicked Witch of the West in several shots, especially when she was waving straw (?) around as a cheerleader, or whatever she was doing.  She can go anytime.  I never liked the wackos.  

Debbie plead guilty to 3 Federal felonies for falsifying water tests after Katrina. She was sentenced to only 1 year of probation.

I don't think bribes were involved. It was more like she took on contacts to do the testing, knowing her company lacked the necessary equipment and then she produced false reports without doing proper testing.

I wonder if she thought she was committing fraud and endangering people, or if in her twisted, crazy cat lady mind, she really believed she didn't need any equipment and could tell if the water was safe by looking at it.

The Feds were going after the owner of the company, and probably Debbie got a light sentence for turning state's witness on him. It seems to me that the scheme was to produce results without running the tests in order to maximize profits. This is really scummy (didn't mean to play on words) behavior.

I've got no respect for her, and let's leave the cats out of it. Women who own cats aren't inherently crazy. I've got two. One really old and one really young. I'm also old. I doubt that makes me crazy or criminal. Cats have zero to do with Debbie's behavior.

  • Love 13


Vytas says he was in LA County Jail for a year on a robbery conviction. He told his tribemates on BvW, then did a talking head where he said that women are easily manipulated with the story because we all supposedly love a reformed bad boy. He's an idiot.


Yeah, nothing gets me hotter than when a man admits he mugged an old lady for drug money.

  • Love 15

I'm wondering how the disaster that was Season 30 affected the editing for this season. Since this was supposed to be season 31, but was switched with Cambodia at what seemed like the last minute, there was speculation that after the hateful One World cast, they needed to have a cast of fan favorites to keep people from abandoning the show. Based on the first couple of episodes, I'd say that a lot of these people are crazy and/or dicks, yet I'm generally enjoying the season so far. Pure speculation, but I'm thinking maybe TPTB thought we really would love the season 30 cast and would think, for example, that Will, after being portrayed as a likable goofball all season, suddenly screaming abuse at Shirin was a popcorn moment. It makes me wonder if they had some similarly ill-conceived popcorn moments in the can for this season, but caught by surprise by how negatively the audience reacted to season 30 decided they needed to rethink things. It seems like they're being pretty upfront now about who's an asshole (primarily Bounty, but he's not without competition in that regard), as a way to distance the show itself from the personalities on it. So we can still hold a cast member responsible for being a dirtbag but won't hold the show responsible for portraying the dirtbag as a hero.

I actually thought the other way around - maybe with how people reacted to Second Chances, they re-edited this season to have different angles and storylines. It's possible they could have left this season as is, but they had so much time with it they could have easily changed it again. I don't remember much about previous seasons, but it seems like these two early episodes have more focus on camp life than strategizing. The conflict so far seems to be coming from people not agreeing on the "correct" Survivor way of life, and not so much with alliances, etc.

Of course it's early so the strategizing should ramp up soon, and only one tribe has gone to tribal thus far, but it's actually kind of fun to see the basics make it on live TV again - making fire, boiling water, etc., - which most people probably assume is already automatic for a show 31 seasons in.

  • Love 4

Rob Cesternino and Stephen Fishbach were assuming this happened because the production wanted every individual who found the first clue to tell everyone else about it so they all try to get the idol with something like a human ladder way if this makes sense. It's like they don't want anyone to have an idol individually so they have to cooperate after a merge as tribes.

Even a human ladder would be pretty precarious.  They'd have to have three or four people successively standing on each one's shoulders.  I'd hate to be that top person... that's practically asking for a fall from that height.


I took a look again at the "tool" that Tai was supposed to use. http://prntscr.com/a88fku He read out that "but first you have to get high enough".  I'm still not really sure what this is.  Definitely not a sling that loggers use to help them climb trees.  Looks more like a primitive fishing rod.  There's string/rope and maybe a weight at the end of the string.  So is he supposed to climb the tree, then cast his line, wrap the string around the box with the key, and pull it down?  How on earth is someone supposed to do that one handed?  One hand to hold onto the tree, one hand to cast the line?  And hope you don't fall?  That's crazy.

  • Love 2

This season, I think Tai is the only one with half a chance of getting that idol down single-handed.

It would be pathetic

if any of the med-evacs this season are related to the idol placement.

  I mean, they can make things more challenging without making them life-threatening!  A little creativity people!


ETA:  to add spoiler tag -- sorry!

Edited by Special K
  • Love 2

Even a human ladder would be pretty precarious.  They'd have to have three or four people successively standing on each one's shoulders.  I'd hate to be that top person... that's practically asking for a fall from that height.


I took a look again at the "tool" that Tai was supposed to use. http://prntscr.com/a88fku He read out that "but first you have to get high enough".  I'm still not really sure what this is.  Definitely not a sling that loggers use to help them climb trees.  Looks more like a primitive fishing rod.  There's string/rope and maybe a weight at the end of the string.  So is he supposed to climb the tree, then cast his line, wrap the string around the box with the key, and pull it down?  How on earth is someone supposed to do that one handed?  One hand to hold onto the tree, one hand to cast the line?  And hope you don't fall?  That's crazy.

I can't really tell from that picture... is there string?  Or is that jungle foliage in the view?  


I wondered if it was something so that when the climber is say 3-4' below the cylinder on the trunk he can use the tool to reach up and punch out the bottom of the cylinder so the key falls to the ground.

Maybe Tai could create a stick made from bamboo sticks to hit the idol with it. Maybe this is what the producers want to show, people getting created and/or being caught red handed by others, having to reveal the secret in order to create weird alliances and conflict. The producers want idols to create drama instead of a person finding the idol and keeping it till the end sometimes not even using it. Or it could be that this key required will be a future challenge reward of some kind.

The Feds were going after the owner of the company, and probably Debbie got a light sentence for turning state's witness on him. It seems to me that the scheme was to produce results without running the tests in order to maximize profits. This is really scummy (didn't mean to play on words) behavior.

I've got no respect for her, and let's leave the cats out of it. Women who own cats aren't inherently crazy. I've got two. One really old and one really young. I'm also old. I doubt that makes me crazy or criminal. Cats have zero to do with Debbie's behavior.

I was referring to Dr. Fauxbama speculating on whether Debbie owned 30 cats or 40 cats.

I have nothing against cat owners and I'd say you are at least 8 or 10 short of even being considered for crazy cat lady status. :)

I agree she is scummy, but I do wonder if she really thinks she can determine the purity and safety of water by looking at it.

It would be poetic justice if Debbie (and Joe for backing her up) get some sort of parasites from drinking the unboiled water she has declared perfectly safe.

  • Love 1



I'm pretty sure Alecia thinks she's a mental giant because someone once told her that, and she wasn't able to recognize irony.


As easy as it is to snark on Alecia for the "mental giant" remark, I can't.  She wasn't talking about IQ, she was talking about mental strength and the ability to power through the rigors and stress of Survivor.  And considering all of the below, where she didn't necessarily work intellectually-smart but worked doggedly and hard...



Not sure why that is deserving of hate.  Would someone else have been able to make a fire in less than 5 hours?  Perhaps.  But I didn't see anyone stepping up.  I saw Jen complaining about them being down because they had no fire.  I saw Scot and Jason sleeping and making fun of her.  She did clearly know she was on the chopping block, and instead of slinking away and crying, she decided to try and show that she is at least good for something.  She made a fire when none of the others could or even bothered to try.  She kept at something for five hours when others decided to sleep.  I myself think it is very admirable that she was persistent and stayed at something for five hours.  Of course, she could have taken long breaks or walks in the jungle or swam sometime in between, but still, she started at something and didn't give up.  Her tribemates certainly didn't seem all that appreciative.


...I think she's proven that she's got a whole lot of mental toughness going on, and in that sense, "mental giant" isn't off the mark.  She's backed that up.

  • Love 7

Same here; that vote spread seemed too calculated for a spur-of-the-moment flip.

Personal suspicion: Muscles ratted out Jenny's potential flip to the guys, and they split the vote in case either Felecia or Jenny had found the HII and/or passed it to the other.


I agree.  I was surprised to go read recaps and see the assumption that Jenny blew up her game at Tribal.  My impression was that she started to get Scot worried there, but he ended up sticking by her anyway.


Even a human ladder would be pretty precarious.  They'd have to have three or four people successively standing on each one's shoulders.  I'd hate to be that top person... that's practically asking for a fall from that height.


I'm not sure being the bottom person would be much better.  500 pounds on your shoulders sounds unbearably painful if you could even remain standing.


On the water issue: if I was being prevented from having boiled water, I'd hold out as long as I could without drinking anything, and then if my limit came before the fire did, I'd quit and tell the cameraman to hand over his Poland Spring toute de suite.  That is some bullshit there.

Edited by SlackerInc
  • Love 3

Prickly, cynical me suspects that the 'X hours later' labels on the footage of Alecia striking that flint were accurate but that she probably had several long, long breaks in between each label.  I realize her hands were wrapped and filthy but I don't think it'd be physically possible to strike a flint for five hours straight.  But even if she did an hour, then a half hour break, then another hour, etc. up to five, that's a lot of determination and hand abuse.  


Not sure why that is deserving of hate.  Would someone else have been able to make a fire in less than 5 hours?  Perhaps.  But I didn't see anyone stepping up.  I saw Jen complaining about them being down because they had no fire.  I saw Scot and Jason sleeping and making fun of her.  She did clearly know she was on the chopping block, and instead of slinking away and crying, she decided to try and show that she is at least good for something.  She made a fire when none of the others could or even bothered to try.  She kept at something for five hours when others decided to sleep.  I myself think it is very admirable that she was persistent and stayed at something for five hours.  Of course, she could have taken long breaks or walks in the jungle or swam sometime in between, but still, she started at something and didn't give up.  Her tribemates certainly didn't seem all that appreciative.

Alecia said on Twitter it took awhile to make fire because everything was damp and moist from the rain the night before, so that's why it's hard to even get it started, let alone maintain it.

Edited by slowpoked
All of this plus, I'm wondering if she is just a fame whore and drama queen. She was awfully dramatic a standing on her log, arms out stretched like Evita on her balcony.


Haha, wow, this is the best comparison I've ever seen. I'm going to need someone to somehow make a gif out of this. 



I wonder if she thought she was committing fraud and endangering people, or if in her twisted, crazy cat lady mind, she really believed she didn't need any equipment and could tell if the water was safe by looking at it.


After watching her on the show, I'm going to have to go with the latter. 


But I'm wondering, did she also bring residents in to make sure they were "as strong as a horse" (or whatever-the-fuck she said) and could handle the water?

  • Love 1

Debbie plead guilty to 3 Federal felonies for falsifying water tests after Katrina. She was sentenced to only 1 year of probation.


Maybe. I'll explain what I mean further down:


The Feds were going after the owner of the company, and probably Debbie got a light sentence for turning state's witness on him.

From the court docket of United States v. Blue Marsh Laboratories, Inc.:


Translation: deal.

Debbie was initially charged with 3 counts of making false statements under the Clean Water Act - each of which is a felony - and she certainly pled guilty to something later own. Can we be certain, however, of the final charges to which she pled guilty?

Not really, because the court record of her guilty plea - and its terms - was sealed. Sealed good enough her co-defendant couldn't get a look at it, and he apparently wanted to look real freakin' bad.

Primary reason I'm curious/skeptical is: regardless of any deal the prosecutor may feel inclined to put on the table, it's all meaningless unless/until the judge signs off on it - and I'm having a hard time envisioning ANY federal judge signing off on zero jail and a year's probation on three federal felony charges.

Unless, of course, the initial charges were downgraded before the deal was put on the judge's desk....

  • Love 3

Okay the earlier articles say this could have resulted in a six year sentence. That reduced to probation? Geez.

Has the show always casually allowed ex-cons in the cast? Anyone know? Hers was a non-violent crime admittedly--although it certainly was NOT victimless if she left poisoned or not up to EPA code water installations in place whenever someone slipped her some cash.

And it doesn't really look like the usual media suspects are talking about this. Although I haven't been listening to Rob Has A Podcast, so I can't say if that has been or not. But a google News story search doesn't find any recent stories linking her name to this conviction--only that fortunate find of that old story that was posted mentions it at all (and of course since it was written in 2011 doesn't link it to the show at all).

By the way is it weird to anyone else that Debbie's also apparently a "model"? (choke): http://www.modelmayhem.com/2850516

Okay, not really. But she's delusional enough to post a Model Profile for herself on this site.


Bug in ear woman (Jenny?) served time in prison. Someone mentioned it may have been drug related. She mentions prison in her exit video.

By the way is it weird to anyone else that Debbie's also apparently a "model"? (choke): http://www.modelmayhem.com/2850516

Okay, not really. But she's delusional enough to post a Model Profile for herself on this site.


She's just a Wanner-be.

I ferociously hate when people brag about their immune systems, or how robust their health is, or how they refuse to take medications because they're so strong or pure or whatever.  Health oneupsmanship.   Seems very big these days.


Pet. Peeve.


I don't have pet peeves.   I work out.   Take care of myself.   You know?

  • Love 2

Vytas says he was in LA County Jail for a year on a robbery conviction. He told his tribemates on BvW, then did a talking head where he said that women are easily manipulated with the story because we all supposedly love a reformed bad boy. He's an idiot. Christa, I don't know. The worst thing I remember coming out about her was that after she appeared on the show, a bunch of racist posts she'd put on Usenet years earlier surfaced.


Here we go.

  • Love 1


Ah, the days when the sordid past of Survivor players was national news.


And those days may be back:



If it's on TMZ it's now officially everywhere.  Given the Flint horror story I'd expect a renewed interest in the Katrina horror stories - same corrupt incompetents messing up ( poor, mostly black) people's lives.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
  • Love 1
I ferociously hate when people brag about their immune systems, or how robust their health is, or how they refuse to take medications because they're so strong or pure or whatever.



And, of course, by trying to big-time her own "immune system" (and given the degree of microbial diversity in nature, I doubt that exposing herself to stuff on one continent would necessarily protect her from getting the shits on another) she's implicitly acknowledging that the rest of her tribe-mates would indeed be putting their health at risk by drinking water that hadn't been boiled.  


Did she really think it was in her interest that when it came time for Challenges the rest of her tribe were spewing from one end or the other?

I hate TMZ, but the video of her pontificating about all things water and comments about if her tribemates only knew made me giggle. I mean, did she honestly think no one would pick up that story - - especially if she presented herself as an expert and encouraged people to drink dodgy water?
  • Love 2

I ferociously hate when people brag about their immune systems, or how robust their health is, or how they refuse to take medications because they're so strong or pure or whatever.  Health oneupsmanship.   Seems very big these days.


Pet. Peeve.

In my mid to late twenties, I was exceedingly fit, participated in running, biking, ice skating,hiking, etc.  We ate a very health-conscious diet, all whole grains, blah blah blah.  Got lymph cancer.  Taught me that you may as well enjoy life a little more. 

  • Love 7

Rob Cesternino and Stephen Fishbach were assuming this happened because the production wanted every individual who found the first clue to tell everyone else about it so they all try to get the idol with something like a human ladder way if this makes sense. It's like they don't want anyone to have an idol individually so they have to cooperate after a merge as tribes.


I wonder if whatever they were hoping for failed miserably, and that is why they switched to hiding things at a challenge in Second Chance.

  • Love 2

And those days may be back:



If it's on TMZ it's now officially everywhere.  Given the Flint horror story I'd expect a renewed interest in the Katrina horror stories - same corrupt incompetents messing up ( poor, mostly black) people's lives.

Yeah, see that's the thing. People may go "it's been a long time since people cared about Survivor contestants", and likely they ARE correct. Most people won't care. But Flint is this horrific nightmare right in people's faces right now. This act of well... outright evil... involving some people who if they weren't exactly like Debbie and her situation, might be close enough that people will still link the two.

I don't think Probst will have the balls to address this on the Reunion though, and I'm also betting that the Podcasting people like Rob C are chickenshits who won't want to rock the boat and may let it drop too. So while it got printed on TMZ (possibly even from them seeing it mentioned here), and there are a ton of really angry comments below that post on TMZ.com, it probably won't go any further.

It would be interesting to know if it also aired on the TMZ TV show. Anyone know?

  • Love 1


I didn't witness it with my own eyes, but BB feed watchers reported that Caleb snuck in and kissed Amber while she was sleeping.


He did, and they showed it on the broadcast episode. The thing about Caleb, though, is that the other guys in his alliance kept encouraging and feeding his delusion that Amber liked him back. Nobody ever sat him down and said "Caleb, she's just not into you." Instead they all sort of just kept it up and laughed about it behind his back. Whoever upthread described Caleb as having a child-like lack of guile is probably spot-on. I think he's basically a nice guy who's not very bright. Emotionally, he's about 13 or 14 years old.


He was also pretty cuddly with Frankie, at least in the beginning. Whatever comments he's made in interviews about the "homosexual lifestyle" more likely reflect parroting the religious tenets ingrained in him rather than actual homophobia.


I do think Tai is kind of creepy though. 

  • Love 1

Any number of crew and cast have said that the water provided is potable, at least in these recent seasons.  Sure maybe stuff can get in there,

maybe you pick up something from eating a coconut because you can't watch your hands.  Past Survivors have gotten parasites though I wonder

if its as frequent now and if that's why they provide potable water. 

IMO, if you are going on Survivor you have to recognize that its a big risk, maybe even a certainty.  It hasn't seemed to stop returning members even though

Parvo has mentioned it as a factor before.  Along with hair loss from poor nutrition etc.  Its gonna happen. 

So while I think that putting ashes around the shelter supports as an ant deterrant ala diatomaceous earth kind of thing is very cool and on game, I also think that her face in that secret scene when she was stressing about the water was weird - there were a lot of ticks and mouth quirks that showed she was clearly trying very hard not to......cry? freak out?  I wonder if she has some sort of compulsive personality or something.  If you go on Survivor, you are going to get dirty, be bitten and eat and drink risky things.  Sure, try to mitigate, but as much as people condemn Joe for being controlling about the fire and say he needs to cool that aspect down to get along and not risk getting on people's bad sides (agreed) - so does Liz need cool down her NEED for boiled water when she seems to be the only one freaking about it. 

She looked about to cry, which I can see when you're exhausted, hungry and thirsty and trying to fit in and failing.  


Though I also wondered if Debbie knows the water's fine not because she can tell by looking but because she knows the show provided them potable water.  And if Liz just prefers it boiled, I'd actually also be annoyed with that, if the water was fine as is and she expected others to do her boiling.  

Anddd... these were still on my Note app... because I'm the worst.


Re:  Tai finds a perfect opportunity to go idol-searching

Khaleesi:  He feels lucky because he's the only person on the tribe who's not in the ocean right now. I say this makes him NOT LUCKY.


Re:  Caleb's "noooooooo" face after Tai goes for a "stolen kiss"

Khaleesi:  Caleb can't kiss Tai because his girlfriend's probably the jealous type. 


Debbie doesn't need to boil the water, she has the immune system of a horse

Khaleesi:  You know what there aren't a lot of on that island?  Living horses. 


Jason-aka-Cupcake is talking trash on Alecia, Jenny is clearly over it

Khaleesi:  Girl power!!!


Sydney is on board, Alecia's on board, Jenny backs out

Khaleesi:  Girl power didn't last too long. 


  • Love 5

For me, this was a really good episode for Tai.  His tree montage was really great.  Begrudgingly I will say that it was a good episode for Caleb too.  I guess Tai does not creep me out because Caleb was openly vocal about the attention not at all bothering him, and I took those comments as truthful/at face value.


I'm kind of obsessed with Cydney.  She's really beautiful, face, hair, body etc. and I love her personality (which I admit is very subdued and subtle).  I understand the speculation about there possibly being a split vote in place but both 1) before Tribal and 2) at Tribal she seemed to be very upset that suddenly Jenny was switching The Plan and was telling everyone about The Plan to get rid of the bounty hunter.  I thought before those blow-ups Cydney had been totally on board.  But then Cydney and the BH were making googly eyes at each other at Tribal so who knows what to think.  


Poor Jenny, her early bug ordeal had made her very endearing to me.   Maybe the bug eventually left because it was starving :( 


Anywho, that was a very shocking tribal council for me.  I was completely shocked by the outcome and I'd say that's a good thing.  I do really hate the bounty hunter now, though.


Regarding the Shirin/Debbie comparison.  I get the comparison because they both outcast themselves from their own tribe but I really was bothered by Shirin and I am not at all bothered by Debbie -- I guess it helps that I don't ever have to be around her.  I think Peter's talking heads about her are kind of mean-spirited.  But maybe he really just is that bothered and that's him getting his frustrations out.  Debbie reminds me more of Wanda (is that the person who sang).  I don't know, that type of character on this show just rolls off my back (so far).


This was beautiful:


STARLA, ON 25 FEB 2016 - 12:50 PM, SAID:
Nick is reminding me of Tyler Durden. Have we seen anyone interact with him?
Edited by Ms Blue Jay

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