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S06.E10: The Next World

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Re: Rick's belt


I rewatched and Rick was creating a new hole more interior to the belt than previous holes (any existing holes must have been obscured by his hand with the knife because none can be seen the other direction for a few inches at least).


So evidence for the belt-tightening theory.

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Eons ago my cousin from Texas came to Florida. We went to the movies and he walked up to the concession stand and asked for a soda water. The poor girl was actually going to mix him some soda with water!

I was born eons ago in Texas. All fizzy drinks are referred to as "cokes" here. For years (until there actually were different kinds of Coca Cola products) someone would ask, "Do you want a coke?" The answer was usually, "Sure. What kind do you have." This being Texas, you're likely to get a Dr Pepper. I understood "soda," but the first time I heard "pop," I was as confused as Daryl.

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Darryl is just nasty. Its how he is LOL If I  recall correctly, when they were at the CDC and had food and showers, Darryl did not avail himself of water and soap.


Daryl is either allergic to water or immune to it. 


Maybe Rick is following Keenan Ivory Wayans' line from A Low Down Dirty Shame, "Coffee is good with cream but better when it's black." Isn't Abe following that too, isn't he flirting with Sasha, but Sasha really isn't reciprocating. 


In all seriousness though, I really hope that they keep what makes Rick and Michonne's relationship special just that and not go into soap opera type of drama. I don't want them turning into Maggie/Glenn 2.0. Rick and Michonne are characters that can stand alone on their own, so don't want them weighed down by relationship crap. Just get the sex when you're in need because during an apocalypse of the zombies, a relationship is pointless. 


As shown Rick lost Lori and Jessie, Sasha lost Bob, Carol lost her husband (that's good for Carol), Deanna lost her husband, Jessie lost her husband, Tyreese lost Karen, etc. Did Aaron lose his bf? Forging a relationship spells doom so only a matter of time before these relationships are lost by the death of someone. 

Edited by ShadowSixx
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As a born-and-bred Ohioan, I applauded a little bit at the 'pop' discussion because I was happy 'Hollywood' got it right.  I think 'soda' has been spreading, and I suspect that's partly due to the NYC/Los Angeles drama world believing everyone in the U.S. uses that term.

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Daryl is either allergic to water or immune to it.


The day Daryl finally takes a shower I expect the same level of fan celebration that we got with Richonne finally hooking up. People have just been waiting so long for it that when it finally happens it the fanbase will explode.

Edited by marceline
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So, what's the probability that Jesus went to Rick's bedroom because he heard people shouting his name?


No no, Jesus heard someone shouting his dad's name....*grin*


I kept wanting them to have Jesus take off his hat, the first thing I'd be doing when new crazies launch into any situation is make sure they don't have  a big W carved into their foreheads. And why the bandana?


That was my first thought too - why they didn't check this guys forehead for the carved W. First thing I wouldn've done. Also, assuming he was alone, and not with a group of people was wrong too. Almost every group Rick and company have met up with, have been bad news (except ASZ). I wouldn't trust the guy at all.

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As shown Rick lost Lori and Jessie, Sasha lost Bob, Carol lost her husband (that's good for Carol), Deanna lost her husband, Jessie lost her husband, Tyreese lost Karen, etc. Did Aaron lose his bf? Forging a relationship spells doom so only a matter of time before these relationships are lost by the death of someone. 


Ha!  I went through this relationship list and the only one that had any emotional resonance was Rick and Lorie.  And as much as she got on my nerves, I liked the Rick/Lorie/Shane drama.   Sasha/Bob?  Sorry for your loss but 'Tainted Meat' is one of my favorite lines. Deanna/Husband?  I can't even be bothered to remember his name.  Tyreese/Karen?  About as interesting as Sasha/Bob and not even a good tag line to remember her by. Rick/Jessie?  Did she even go here?


I like to think Rick/Michonne will last kinda like Maggie & Glen.  At least Michonne is super competent in her own right.  I like to think the scene of her and Rick hopping out of bed buck naked on pure instinct to face a threat is the real indicator of how this relationship will proceed. 


Speaking to Rick/Michonne - I loved the intro scene of their make-out session.  He was lying there across the couch all weary and she comes in and just kicks his leg and says 'Move'.  And he just does.  Talk about easy intimacy...

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My cousin just called me from work.  She missed TWD last night and watched it on her phone before work this morning.  Now she wants to totally scream at the Richonne moment but can't.  I sympathized with her because last night I couldn't stop screaming.  I literally couldn't stop.  I called my friend and when she said hello, I just screamed into the phone.  I was a hot mess.  I was like (minus the horror - with me it is joy) Homer Simpson in this clip (the screaming starts at :50).



Edited by Timetoread
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No, Erik was present last episode when they went wild in the streets. (Runnin, runnin wild in the streets - I'll love you forever if you know the reference.)

Circle Jerks, I'd say #teenagerinthe80s

Although Erik may not have been running given that he was still in the orthopedic boot due to his sprained ankle.

Edited by lulee
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Much to enjoy in this ep but one giant disappointment for me:


Carl is still wearing that damned hat.


I mean, come on!  Dude was shot in the head!  Am I supposed to believe that in the rush to get him medical attention that somebody made saving that stupid thing a priority??  Please.  

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I agree with those who fear for Michonne's life now.  And her feel-good tontine with Carl certainly seems like foreshadowing.   BUT:  My gut tells me that it's a fake-out, and it's actually Carl who's gonna die (and then Michonne will put him down). 

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My cousin just called me from work.  She missed TWD last night and watched it on her phone before work this morning.  Now she wants to totally scream at the Richonne moment but can't.  I sympathized with her because last night I couldn't stop screaming.  I literally couldn't stop.  I called my friend and when she said hello, I just screamed into the phone.  I was a hot mess.  I was like (minus the horror - with me it is joy) Homer Simpson in this clip (the screaming starts at :50).




I announced to the household pets that Rick and Michonne had sex and assured them this was a very great thing.


I also squeed inwardly and outwardly when Michonne pulled Carl in for a hug and whispered "me too" indicating that she loved him enough to personally kill him if he became a walker.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Now I want to google and see if Orange Crush is particularly popular (geddit? pop) in Ohio. It's not like it's hard to get down here, I know there isn't really an apocalypse going on.



I am from Georgia and we called everything a coke (Coke comes from Georgia).  However, there is an REM (a famous group from Georgia) song called "Orange Crush" so I wonder if it was a wink to that?

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As a born-and-bred Ohioan, I applauded a little bit at the 'pop' discussion because I was happy 'Hollywood' got it right.  I think 'soda' has been spreading, and I suspect that's partly due to the NYC/Los Angeles drama world believing everyone in the U.S. uses that term.



As nice as the Richonne moment was the thing that made me applaud the set was when Denise asked for pop and had to explain to Daryl that she's from Ohio and that's what we call it. Represent! LOL! I can't tell you how many times I've gotten that same confused look.


YES! I was born in Cleveland, and am now living in the south, married to a southern boy.  The pop conversation was true through and through!  


(by the way the only time I have ever heard the word "Jo Jo" for potatoes was at a Mississippi gas station- just sayin'!)


I kept wanting them to have Jesus take off his hat, the first thing I'd be doing when new crazies launch into any situation is make sure they don't have  a big W carved into their foreheads. And why the bandana? If you didn't know he was going to steal your truck when he literally barrels into you wearing classic "I'm a bank robber type guy" outfit. The beard was so fake. anywho...

Yes, what was with the bandana?   I thought I had a pretty good view of his forehead in a shot (can't find one online), but the bandana thing was curious.

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I mean, come on!  Dude was shot in the head!  Am I supposed to believe that in the rush to get him medical attention that somebody made saving that stupid thing a priority??  Please.


Wasn't it still on his head as even after he was hit? Someone grabbed him and it--why not? And why would they trash something that clearly means a lot to him? I will never understand this weird hatred for this damn hat (and I don't mean you specifically; my friends feel the same way). 

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Wow!  Finally Richonne is canon.  I sensed this OTP since the first few episodes when she was with Andrea - before she and Rick even met.  I believe my exact words were "Wait till Rick gets a load of this one!"  I felt instinctively, not that she would be his type or he hers, but that this is the type of woman that he needs.  Not because she could fight but because I noticed a tactical strength and a wisdom about her that I felt would be a complement to him.  That unlike his other soldiers like Daryl and Black Dude du Jour, she brought to the table what women bring to the table - that ability to sense what's going on inside the man and to soothe or bolster him as needed.  What did surprise me, however, was the beautiful relationship that she built with Carl, long before building one with Rick.  I recognized this potential from the very beginning and last night was not the start of their relationship it was the completion of the puzzle that defines what they are as a unit - sex just gave it a name, "Couple".


I liked the silliness of the rest of the episode.  In defense of the seeming stupidity of Rick and Daryl, I really felt that the whole point was just the joy of being out and about with a buddy. They are no longer scouting supplies from a place of desperation, it is more of a vocation than a survival tactic.  Jesus seemed to best them at each turn because Rick and Daryl weren't playing for keeps, if they were they would have killed him.  It was just a game of chase and pride. 


This adventure was a bigger story for Rick - his new world.  A world where he has friends, not just soldiers.  He takes chances with strangers because, "why not?"  He plays with his baby, teases his son, eats candy, drinks soda, sings badly at the top of his lungs, comes home to recline on the couch and chit chat while taking off his boots (juxtapose this with the man who slept in his prison bunk with his boots on).  He laughs with the woman at his side and realizes that she is his best friend and that he is also in love with her.  He makes love to her.  Rick's new world.  To be in love with your best friend is the best of all possible worlds.  It was really quite beautiful.


All that said, I beg the writers to not mess it up by trying to SHOW what it is and let it just BE what it is.  Rick and Michonne have been married for quite some time now.  The only difference is that now they know it and they get the fun of consummating it.

Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful. I may have tears in my eyes, like a loser. TEARS OF HAPPINESS!

Edited by kia112
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I'm neither here nor there with RIck and/or Michonne's sex lives, so them going there doesn't do a thing for me.  But can anyone explain to me why we spent a season or more on the Anderson family when nothing came of it?  We saw no reaction from Carol towards Sam's death.  No reaction from Rick toward's Jessie's death.  And no blowback from Michonne from having to kill Ron, a teenager.  So why even have them?  I knew about 2 seasons ago that Rick and Michonne would eventually hook up.  So why spend all that time on Jessie when he didn't even have sex with her?  What a stupid arc.  Probably just as stupid as the Grady arc.  Just a bunch of wasted time, and 3 poor actors (AB, MD and the kid who played Ron) who probably will get hate from "fans" for years to come.  Stupid.


And more wasted time spent on mopey teenagers being mopey in the woods.  Boring.


And yes, how did Deanna manage to not only escape being totally munched on by the horde of walkers in the house, but escape the massacre of the walkers by the ASZers and make it out of ASZ and into the woods.  And why is she still hanging around close to ASZ all these weeks later?  Isn't there some food she needs to be following?  All the other walkers seems to have disappeared.  Why hasn't she?


Finally, Rick is shown taking care of his own/Shane's kid.  For 2 minutes.  About time, show.  Wonder who got stuck with her when Rick was on his road trip, Michonne was trailing Spencer and Carl was moping in the woods with Enid?  She's got a whole family now, and not one of them can take care of her.  Probably poor Granny Carol got stuck with the brat again.  And so she should, since she doesn't deserve a sex life.  What else has she got to do with her time?


Jesus has possibilities, though his whole introduction was a bit over the top.  Either that, or Rick and Daryl took their stupid pills that morning.  And neither knows how to tie knots worth shite.  Hopefully Jesus can kill Morgan, since his ninja skills seem to be at least on par with Morgan's.  Maybe he can do a three-fer and take out FPP and Spencer at the same time?


Oh, and I'm calling it now - Glenn will die soon.  Since it seems to be the principle that there can only be one couple among the main characters, much like the rule that there can only be 1 black male at a time.  Glaggie's had 4 seasons to be a thing.  Now is the season of Richonne, so Glaggie's got to go.  And I don't think AMC has the balls to kill off a pregnant woman, so Glenn has got to die.

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Darryl is just nasty. Its how he is LOL If I  recall correctly, when they were at the CDC and had food and showers, Darryl did not avail himself of water and soap.

I thought Daryl was the only one shown taking a shower.......and I cant find evidence either way on youtube....

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I wonder who tied the walkers to those vehicles, what the point of that was.  

I was thinking that they may have tied themselves there, if they knew they were about to die. Though tying their ankles together might have been more effective. Just a thought.

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I don't mind them having Rick rebound to Michonne immediately after Jessie.  It would be lame in any other show, but in this one the characters all know that every day might be their last, so there's really no proper mourning period or even a "let's wait" abstinence period when two people get together.  Why wait for a  tomorrow that might never come?

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"This adventure was a bigger story for Rick - his new world.  A world where he has friends, not just soldiers.  He takes chances with strangers because, "why not?"  He plays with his baby, teases his son, eats candy, drinks soda, sings badly at the top of his lungs, comes home to recline on the couch and chit chat while taking off his boots (juxtapose this with the man who slept in his prison bunk with his boots on).  He laughs with the woman at his side and realizes that she is his best friend and that he is also in love with her.  He makes love to her.  Rick's new world.  To be in love with your best friend is the best of all possible worlds.  It was really quite beautiful."


I laughed because now I'm thinking of the stupid jewelry commercial with a "2 stone" ring, One for your love love love gf and one for your best friend, also your love love love gf. I wanna see him chop a 2 stone ring off a dead walker hand and present it to Michonne. 


There is REM Orange Crush and the springbreak down here is also called Orange Crush, so once again I don't know why she had to be from Ohio to appreciate Orange Crush. 


We had a kid in high school who now reminds me of Daryl. On Monday he might have fairly light brown hair, almost blonde even and by Friday his hair was dark and greasy. He was very stanky. And from members of the football team we learned he did not shower after games/practice and one can assume he was also not showering at home. I suggested to the cheerleaders who do the locker decorating that they include some deodorant in his. (It wasn't a poor thing, his parents were both teachers at the school, he had running water, I assure you.) Anyway...DARYL TAKE A SHOWER!

Edited by nachomama
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Between Morgan, Michonne, and Jesus, they can't have three miracle ninjas. Or two ninjas and a samurai, whatever. So, between Morgan (black male), and Michonne (Rick sex), I am worried and about to drop some really unsubtle hints to Jesus about Morgan's non-traditional religious views. 

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Carl's hat does stay on following the shooting but he is not wearing it when Rick carries him to the doctor and Michonne doesn't have it either.  That someone would stop to rescue it while escaping from flesh eating zombies is a bit much for me.


I really, really hate that hat.

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The scene that brought me a lot of happiness was the one where Judith was playing with red cups again. (Seriously, show, don't let anything bad ever happen to this little girl.)


Also, you know you're a true TWD fan when you hear a report on The Today show about how consumers should pay close attention to the use by dates on baby formula as they don't have a particularly long shelf life and your first thought is, "Oh, I hope Judith graduates to all solid foods soon!"

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Have no idea why Daryl wanted to steer wrestle with Jesus, it was hilarious though watching him run (NR is a really crap runner, AL looks awesome when he runs) it really needed Roadrunner sounds to accompany that scene.

This made me laugh. Completely agree, both about the silliness and how these two look when they run. I've thought for a while now that Andrew Lincoln looks his absolute hottest when he's running frantically.


Carl's hat does stay on following the shooting but he is not wearing it when Rick carries him to the doctor and Michonne doesn't have it either.  That someone would stop to rescue it while escaping from flesh eating zombies is a bit much for me.


I doubt it was picked up that night. Probably the next day, once the walker-slaughter was fully over and they started to clear the bodies.

Edited by dannymoon
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This made me laugh. Completely agree, both about the silliness and how these two look when they run. I've thought for a while now that Andrew Lincoln looks his absolute hottest when he's running frantically.

I just read somewhere recently (might of been in Rob Lowe's book) that no man looks good running on camera. Except Tom Cruise who seems to know it and runs in like, all of his movies, LOL. I tend to agree. No matter how much of a tough guy an actor is playing, they all look goofy running.

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There is REM Orange Crush and the springbreak down here is also called Orange Crush, so once again I don't know why she had to be from Ohio to appreciate Orange Crush. 



It wasn't about appreciating Orange Crush.  Denise was explaining that she  wrote "orange crush" below the line on the list she gave to Daryl as not being a necessity, but  because she heard Tara muttering in her sleep about it.  She said she didn't know whether it was something Tara wanted or hated, and that personally she didn't drink "pop", but she wanted to give Tara something as a going away present (romantic gesture).  The humor was in Daryl's reaction to Denise using the term "pop" for soda.

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But can anyone explain to me why we spent a season or more on the Anderson family when nothing came of it?  We saw no reaction from Carol towards Sam's death.  No reaction from Rick toward's Jessie's death.  And no blowback from Michonne from having to kill Ron, a teenager.  So why even have them?  I knew about 2 seasons ago that Rick and Michonne would eventually hook up.  So why spend all that time on Jessie when he didn't even have sex with her?  What a stupid arc.  Probably just as stupid as the Grady arc.  Just a bunch of wasted time, and 3 poor actors (AB, MD and the kid who played Ron) who probably will get hate from "fans" for years to come.  Stupid.


I generally liked this episode stupidity and all, but this is one of my big takeaways too.  A lot of the life moves on and aren't we optimistic people now stuff was good, but it's like the family that we wasted an entire two halves of a season on didn't matter at all.  Didn't have any effect on any of characters in any way whatsoever, discounting Carl's new lack of depth perception.  So sorry we wasted your time, audience, but look a houdini ninja!  Unless of course they decide to give Carol yet another reason two episodes from now to come a little further off the spool.


I thought Daryl was the only one shown taking a shower.......and I cant find evidence either way on youtube....


At the CDC?  No, we skipped Daryl and mercifully Dale.

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I also loathe the hat and wish for it's demise. I used to hate Carl too but he can stay, hat gots to go!


Rick does run very determinedly and I always remark that it must suck in jeans and boots. And he and Norman Reedus both all sweaty and running but yet Rick later looks fresh, Daryl still sweaty or greasy.

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Haha, I love watching Rick run ('See Rick Run, Rick Can Run') so seeing them both side by side and flooring it the comparison in running styles is very funny. I think because Reedus just works on his vanity muscles his arms look terrific but cardio doesn't seem great. (Said by a girl who never ever runs lol.)

Daryl always looks like he's about to keel over from hard living to me.

On the other hand, man, I love watching Rick run. I think it's the slight bowleggedness that does it for me. The man is hella sexy.

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I laughed because now I'm thinking of the stupid jewelry commercial with a "2 stone" ring, One for your love love love gf and one for your best friend, also your love love love gf. I wanna see him chop a 2 stone ring off a dead walker hand and present it to Michonne. 


ROTFLMAO!!  And now that it is in my mind, it won't ever leave.  I'll be checking out walker fingers from here on out.

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I'm neither here nor there with RIck and/or Michonne's sex lives, so them going there doesn't do a thing for me.  But can anyone explain to me why we spent a season or more on the Anderson family when nothing came of it?  We saw no reaction from Carol towards Sam's death.  No reaction from Rick toward's Jessie's death.  And no blowback from Michonne from having to kill Ron, a teenager.  So why even have them?


This is one of the things I hate about time jumps. They tend to cheat the audience out of the real character-based stuff. We could've easily had one more episode with the aftermath of the the Battle of Alexandria. We missed out on Glenn/Maggie's reunion, Carl's recovery, Carol learning about Sam, the cleanup of the bodies, any discussion about the lake in the middle of town (that should be completely off limits now right?), etc... It's especially annoying when you consider how many times during the last episode characters stopped in the middle of what they were doing to have pointless conversations. Save that stuff for the aftermath.

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This was a very good episode, it had LOTS of Darryl (which is why I watch) and then Rick decided he wanted to get on my list of persons I care about, by a) hanging out with Darryl all day, and b) finally getting it on with a fantastic woman who´s not annoying, boring or stupid. Michonne has always been in the background for me, but I´ve always liked her and I think she needed something else than just being a silent sword wielding fighter, now she´s doing stuff with Rick and it benefits both characters. Also, Carl with an eye-patch is not that bad. No Carol though, but I had fun imagining all the crazy good cakes she was baking. And silly little doctor girl could maybe be tolerable for a while before she dies, and I loved the Jesus guy.

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After the week I've had, I didn't think I'd ever laugh again. But this list did it. Thank you, whoever wrote this up!


Proposed Undead-Apocalypse-Themed Sodas Inspired By Denise's Request Of Daryl As A Gift For Tara

Mountain Dude
R.I.P. Cola
Barq's Brains
Dr. Peppered With Flesh Holes
Big Red Wound
Sierra Missed Headshot
7Up The Fence And Eating A Kid
Goo Sky
Diet Cope
Ugh Root Beer
Pepsi Infected Max
Poke-a Hole-a
Hands-Ins Premium Soda
Orange Head Crush
Canada Moist



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I wish we could have heard what Rick whispered to Michonne when he leaned down (to take off his gun I think?). I think he's saying something like "hold on a moment" but it seems like he speaks longer than it would take to say that. I love that she giggled at whatever he said. 

I'm confused. Neither Rick or Michonne were in this video so how has it already been done? Unless all "black mamas" and "white daddies" are somehow interchangeable?


I was wondering about the whispering too!  At first I thought I was imagining that Rick was whispering -- just hearing things that weren't there.  And then I thought that if he was saying something whispery, maybe I just wasn't hearing it because my hearing must be giving out.  I watched it again in hopes of deciphering the whispers and still couldn't figure it out -- but it all played into what I felt was the intimacy and privacy of the moment.  People would be whispering if they were thinking that someone in a nearby room might hear them.  It was also cute -- and realistic -- when they were trying to find a comfortable position on the couch to continue kissing, etc.  I think all of us have experienced that sort of scenario at some point in our lives, trying to get close to someone in some place other than a bedroom, and fumbling around to get situated.


It felt very much like two people who were a bit out of practice and were a teeny bit awkward with each other because it was their first time.  It was sweet.

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So many memorable things from last night and yet somehow this one little gesture won the night for me.




Rewound it for my BF after letting out a loud and abrupt cackle. Don't know why he was looking away; he agrees with me that the "two-screen experience" is dumb as hell, yet he's poking around on a phone while half-watching one of his favorite shows. Why this bugs me, I don't know!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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It felt very much like two people who were a bit out of practice and were a teeny bit awkward with each other because it was their first time.  It was sweet.


According to Danai, it literally was their first time.  She said they did not rehearse the kiss.  So their first kiss was really on screen. 

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I doubt it was picked up that night. Probably the next day, once the walker-slaughter was fully over and they started to clear the bodies.


And remember back when Michonne had the presence of mind (or foolhardy confidence) to grab that cat statue that time. I wonder if she was able to keep that after all they've been through since. It would be cool to see it just sitting there in the background.


We could've easily had one more episode with the aftermath of the the Battle of Alexandria.


We still could, no? Since we saw only a few characters in this episode, maybe we'll see flashbacks in an upcoming one focused on the rest of the gang.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I giggled inappropriately at Spencer's actor trying to cry. A+ for effort, though.


I don't mind Jesus being ridiculously competent (fearless, escape artist, pickpocket, martial arts expert, B&E master, basically a ninja...) because 1) Daryl and Rick are no slouches, so it would take someone incredibly competent to make them look like jackasses and 2) he was nicknamed "Jesus," and someone nicknamed Jesus is probably someone not to be fucked with.


Daryl and Denise being awkward at each other was awesome, especially him helplessly waving his hands at her, like "Why are you still talking?" I also loved Daryl pleading with Rick not to put on the CD in the car.

Edited by Eyes High
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Much to enjoy in this ep but one giant disappointment for me:


Carl is still wearing that damned hat.


I mean, come on!  Dude was shot in the head!  Am I supposed to believe that in the rush to get him medical attention that somebody made saving that stupid thing a priority??  Please.  


The hat represents the one tiny bit of law and order (that we know of) still remaining from the pre-ZA world. That's why The Hat is really very, very important.


I agree with those who fear for Michonne's life now.  And her feel-good tontine with Carl certainly seems like foreshadowing.   BUT:  My gut tells me that it's a fake-out, and it's actually Carl who's gonna die (and then Michonne will put him down). 

No, No, No. Can't kill Carl. The entire TWD story is all about Carl. He represents the bridge between the pre-ZA world and the apocalyptic world they have now. Baby Judith was born after the ZA, so it really isn't about her. Everything Rick does is about creating a survivable world for those who survived the ZA, and they are represented by Carl. He might be damaged, as with his eye, but he will make it. I will be very, very surprised if he doesn't.

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My complaint about Coral's Hat is that it still looks to be in great shape! Not stained, not misshapen, not torn, the golden tassels still look shiny, it just looks picture perfect. It ought to look like it's been on the bottom of a dung heap by now.

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According to Danai, it literally was their first time.  She said they did not rehearse the kiss.  So their first kiss was really on screen. 


I saw her on Talking Dead, and was so surprised that it hadn't been rehearsed!   But I think that little detail of not rehearsing it lent itself well to the authenticity and reality of the scene.  It felt "natural" (as she indicated Andrew Lincoln said to her).

Edited by Sherry67
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So, what's the probability that Jesus went to Rick's bedroom because he heard people shouting his name?


I was sipping on my coffee when I read this.  Thanks for my splattered keyboard!!


What are the odds that Rick and Daryl got 2 cars with full tanks of 'good' gas and both cars were Chryslers?  I didn't notice the make of the truck but it seemed to have had a full tank as well.


At the end of the episode, my first thought was....Rick should have popped in a cd of Carrie Underwood singing 'Jesus Take the Wheel'....because he sooooo did!


I didn't know how I would react if Michonne and Rick got together but I didn't cringe.  I thought it was nicely done and I didn't expect that from these writers.  Having said that, I am scarred from the 'Joss Whedon School of Romance'.  There will be doom. There will be death.  There will be denial.  There will be stupid. There will never be happiness.


Despite the 'stupid' that happened during the road trip, I so enjoyed the boys having a fun time.  I mean...who would have thought TWD could have some fun moments.  Yep, they made some glaring non-Rick and non-Daryl decisions but it was refreshing.

Edited by ShannaB
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