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S20.E04: Week 4


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I love Ben as the Bachelor! Maybe it's just because the last two couldn't even form a simple sentence, but his conversation skills are like a breath of fresh air. Impressive even. I also like how he handled the twin situation, especially since we got to see those adorable fat pups thanks to it. But that home visit really highlighted just how young the twins are. I mean they're still living at home in their teenager bedrooms! I also think Haley's "ex" is still in the picture, or at least a VERY recent ex, since who has pictures of their ex up on their nightstand months after the breakup? Right, no one. I have a feeling that played a part in Ben dropping her right there and then.


It's so obvious who Ben is into and vice versa. I don't know how anyone could think he chose to keep Olivia around after how annoyed he was acting with her all episode long. It's so clear the producers want to keep her around because she's like the class clown at this point. I can't help feeling a bit sorry for her. She may be a bit delusional and awkward, but there's no need to spend half the episode on her unfortunate antics. Like, we get it already!


JoJo's date felt super short. Definitely a lot of physical attraction there.


The whole fake proposal for Becca, who managed to avoid being proposed to last season, was so typical of this show. They clearly wanted to freak her out. I thought her conversation with Ben was pretty interesting, but I don't think he wants to wait until the wedding night. Sucks for Becca.

  • Love 7

Olivia is just seeking attention. Last episode she spoke about how she hates her lower body-legs down. This week she chooses the most revealing costume available for the talent show. Prior to the talent show she exuded confidence about her routine. Once she started it and did not get the audience response that she clearly expected, she immediately went to 'awkward' and acted like she was forced into the routine. And the worse? She didn't even wear the headpiece which was the highlight of that costume. During the evening portion of the date she wore a dress that was barely there showing off her legs (and breasts) which she had previously identified as what she hated about her body. She also tries to manipulate Ben into giving her compliments-last week about her legs, this week about her performance. Her 'break down' was also designed to solicit attention and sympathy from the other women. She exhausts me and it seems like she exhausts everyone around her.

  • Love 18

Others mentioned last week how much our opinions can change from week to week depending on what we see and that it's ok to snark on and comment as we see fit. I completely agree and tonight was a excellent example of that. Last week Jubilee came across as an extremely sympathetic character and in my opinion it was hard not to sympathize with the way we were showed she was treated. This week it looks like she's starting to show signs of insecurity and overdoing the "complicated" which will probably be her undoing in the end. 


Olivia was so easy to dislike the first 3 episodes but her meanness is slowly dissolving into just being pitiful.  It's just so over the top now. She's becoming a caricature. She was right about the talent show. She was awkwardly embarrassing and no matter how much Ben lied and tried to say she did fine (he was trying to be polite and then just shut her up) it was painfully obvious. He wasn't covering his eyes for nothing. If he would have been into it she would have had his full attention.


I wasn't surprised at all that Amber went home. She was barely hanging on by a thread and last week's fiasco sealed her demise.


Becca...I don't know what it is but she just comes across as kind of plastic to me. Even though her and Ben had a sort of in depth conversation she didn't come across as real and I just wasn't buying that she was that into Ben as she said.


Jennifer needs more time with Ben. She seems really likable and warm but she hasn't gotten as much time with him as the others and if something doesn't change I look for her to go home soon.


Same can be said of Leah and Lauren H. I like Leah. She seems to get along with the rest of the women and different TH's shows her to be sympathetic with them when others aren't. Lauren H should have already been gone IMO. She's catty and her accent is off putting.


Looks like Olivia may be back to her old self next week as she makes a snide comment to Amanda as she's talking about her children. 

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 4

I am under the impression that Olivia is doing all of this on purpose to get Ben's sympathy -  make a complete fool of herself on purpose, gain sympathy from Ben, then go to Ben crying afterwards, hoping that Ben has pity for her which turns into protectiveness and love.  I've seen other woman do this to more success but their game was much more committed and stronger.  I don't think Ben's that kind of guy though since she always gets the last rose and he can barely tolerate her.


There's no way this Olivia behaviour can be real so I can only conclude it's what I said above or the producers are feeding her a character and lines.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 6
I thought her conversation with Ben was pretty interesting, but I don't think he wants to wait until the wedding night. Sucks for Becca.


I actually liked that exchange when Ben asked her about her feelings on him clearly not being a virgin and her saying that her choice was hers and something personal to her. In other words, she doesn't judge other people who choose to have sex before marriage, it was just a personal choice she made for herself. As someone who was a virgin into my 20's (not 26), I know that experience of some people just assuming you're some super religious, judgmental person, judging all these "heathens" for having pre-marital sex and that was definitely not true for me. 


Btw, someone stated in an earlier post that they don't remember it being stated that Becca's being a virgin was a waiting for marriage thing in Chris' season and I agree. I was actually surprised when she talked about that last night because for whatever reason, I actually just got the impression during Chris' season that it had to do with her whole narrative of never really being in love and sort of having intimacy issues/emotionally connecting with a man. Maybe I was wrong or it's both. 


Becca...I don't know what it is but she just comes across as kind of plastic to me. Even though her and Ben had a sort of in depth conversation she didn't come across as real and I just wasn't buying that she was that into Ben as she said.


Becca is definitely more into Ben than she was into Chris and I can tell she's definitely willing to put more of an effort than she did with Chris but ultimately she's still who she is, which is I why I do think she's as genuine as a person can be on these shows. Note, she didn't over-exaggerate her feelings. She just told him she really, really liked him.


And I thought her spontaneous vows were pretty weak. Like Ben's were pretty swoon-worthy (seriously, while it's great that Ben is such a good Bachelor, the downside is some women are going to be REALLY sad and bitter when he dumps them and I don't even want to imagine how the F2 will take it) but Becca's told me that this is something she's clearly never really thought about or at least ever truly felt for a guy. I do believe she wants to fall in love, get married and have kids but she just doesn't easily emotionally and physically connect with a guy.


Looks like Olivia may be back to her old self next week as she makes a snide comment to Amanda as she's talking about her children.


Bachelor Live actually aired that scene and made it seem like it was actually from tonight's episode. But considering how wonky the editing on this show can be, they very well may show it in next week's episode. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 6

Also, a friend told me there IS such a thing as too skinny and I never believed her.  I'm going to have to say, Olivia looked TOO SKINNY in her talent show get up.  And it was unattractive.  I'm sure her shitty dance had a lot to do with it though.  But now I see why they (guys/anyone) say they like a little meat on a woman's bones. 


And I said this last season or whenever it was and I'll say it again:  I find Becca to be drop-dead gorgeous.  I think she is just stunning.

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 1

Too much Olivia. Yeah, she's off her rocker, we know. But the ratios on this episode were way off and made for a very boring episode. It started off so well with the helicopter blowing over the flimsy bar table. They could have been killed by flying wine glasses or a projectile wine bucket ... that was the most dramatic ever! And then the way Ben and JoJo started kissing, as if their lives were really in danger at that moment and they had to find comfort in each other. So dramatic!


Becca is so low energy all the time. I can see she is heading for heartbreak here because Ben is not that into her and their little talk together I think led her on big time. Amber's collapse onto the patio furniture was wasted drama, as I do believe there are no more Bachelor shows she is eligible to appear on at this point in time. I don't think the collapse was for Ben, but rather a "wow I just got rejected on tv for the third time and my life is now a complete failure" collapse. 


I don't know how I feel about the twin thing. On the one hand, they were asking for it by being on the show because it was always a gimmick. On the other hand, they are way too young to know what they were getting into. As I refused to learn their names or try and tell them apart, I can say that I don't think it was especially nice to eliminate the one twin at home. I think the nice thing would have been to eliminate them both together at the rose ceremony, as there was little chance of Ben picking one of them at the end, and the kindest thing would have been to shoo them off the stage together.  Now this one eliminated twin has the stigma of having to be eliminated with her mommy, which no other contestant has had to do.  It reminded me of when Sean thought he was being nice by eliminating the girl with one arm out in the hallway. No, it just made her exit stick out and probably made her feel singled out as a contestant who needed special handling, except I imagine being identified as someone who needs special handling has got to sting too.  

  • Love 5

 I agree that the twins should have been eliminated together at home with mom so they could snuggle down in bed with their stuffed animals and feel better knowing that they are in the same boat.   Someone should inform them that extensions are over.  I am so tired of that look with the requisite curls dangling in front to give the hunch back look from behind.  


Olivia has committed career suicide, I think.  

  • Love 8

I think Lauren B is very unattractive, I keep seeing her at age 45 with that giant forehead and ugly nose and no chin. She does have a hot body, so I'll give her that but she is not pretty and her vocal fry is in the top 3 of this year's cast so that really is something! This voice is excrutiating!

I agree that Jubilee is not "complicated" just mentally unstable and all wrong for this show. I'm surprised how much I like Ben cause I usually enjoy making fun of the bachelor.

I cannot stand Becca! I hate the recycling of contestants. Another one with a hot body and so-so face. The personality is so bland though.

I think Ben liked Emily when she was the goalie at the soccer game and was doing such a great job blocking shots. They really are sweet girls but not right for him.

  • Love 6

I'm loving Ben Higgins as TB. It's nice to finally have someone who can have a real conversation with the ladies. Yes, he's doing a lot of kissing, but it's not his default move like it was with Juan Pablo and Prince Farming to avoid conversation.


I was hoping they'd let him pick the twins as 1 person and he could get engaged to the twins in the most dramatic finale ever. It was nice and ballsy of him to dump Haley in her home. She could just go down the hallway to her room and cry with her adorable dogs. The twins resembled Taylor Swift a little bit to me this episode. 


Olivia, a broken Cameron Diaz, is certifiably batshit crazy and obviously a producer plant. She seemed to think more time with Ben would help her, but she just kept digging herself into a deeper hole. Insecurity isn't a good look to TB. When Olivia was talking to JoJo, I saw her stare at her rack and that had me cracking up. JoJo has nothing to worry about because Olivia and Ben's connection is all in Olivia's head.


I'm was glad to see Terry Fator. What a huge talent! I remember seeing him at a state fair for free the year before he won America's Got Talent. He was hilarious. I never would've thought he'd have a show in Las Vegas. I thought the ladies did a good job with the talent show given the lame props given.


I'm still in the Caila the Sex Panther and Jubilee the War Veteran camp. Something about Becca annoys me, and I was glad to see Amber get eliminated after last week's shenanigans. We'll probably see her in the next BIP even though she sucks at this game. I'm not sure how unemployed Rachel was so surprised that Ben eliminated her. I mean, you gotta have a job or, at least, be an enthusiast of some type.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 4

Ben is a great bachelor.



I don't get why everyone keeps saying this.  What does it take to be a great bachelor?  I've seen the show about 4 or 5 times and they are all very similar.  Bland, boring, willing to make out with anyone.  Nothing unique at all.  He's doing what they all do, telling all of the women they are amazing, looking concerned when the women tell their stories, etc...

  • Love 6

Jubilee and her mention of being complicated, twice, will send any man away.  Complicated is much more than just not compelling, it is a flag that waves, back off and run!   Relationships with solid people are enough work without the added stress of a complicated orphan from Haiti.  I take her story with a grain of salt.  Something was off.  She may be crazier than Olivia. 



Olivia, a broken Cameron Diaz, is certifiably batshit crazy and obviously a producer plant.


Nah, she is not a plant.  She is one of those casting jewels they did not see coming.  A local news anchor has goals to climb the career ladder to a national network or a more lofty undertaking.   She has damaged this by showing her crazy.  I don't see what she would gain by agreeing to be cast as a neurotic, insecure flake.   She doesn't have a goal to act as evidenced by her Vegas performance!  



I don't get why everyone keeps saying this.  What does it take to be a great bachelor?  I've seen the show about 4 or 5 times and they are all very similar.  Bland, boring, willing to make out with anyone.  Nothing unique at all.  He's doing what they all do, telling all of the women they are amazing, looking concerned when the women tell their stories, etc...


I agree that he is the best we have seen so far based on vocabulary alone!  His ease with conversation is what I notice most. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5

I actually liked that exchange when Ben asked her about her feelings on him clearly not being a virgin and her saying that her choice was hers and something personal to her. In other words, she doesn't judge other people who choose to have sex before marriage, it was just a personal choice she made for herself. As someone who was a virgin into my 20's (not 26), I know that experience of some people just assuming you're some super religious, judgmental person, judging all these "heathens" for having pre-marital sex and that was definitely not true for me.

Btw, someone stated in an earlier post that they don't remember it being stated that Becca's being a virgin was a waiting for marriage thing in Chris' season and I agree. I was actually surprised when she talked about that last night because for whatever reason, I actually just got the impression during Chris' season that it had to do with her whole narrative of never really being in love and sort of having intimacy issues/emotionally connecting with a man. Maybe I was wrong or it's both.

Becca is definitely more into Ben than she was into Chris and I can tell she's definitely willing to put more of an effort than she did with Chris but ultimately she's still who she is, which is I why I do think she's as genuine as a person can be on these shows. Note, she didn't over-exaggerate her feelings. She just told him she really, really liked him.

And I thought her spontaneous vows were pretty weak. Like Ben's were pretty swoon-worthy (seriously, while it's great that Ben is such a good Bachelor, the downside is some women are going to be REALLY sad and bitter when he dumps them and I don't even want to imagine how the F2 will take it) but Becca's told me that this is something she's clearly never really thought about or at least ever truly felt for a guy. I do believe she wants to fall in love, get married and have kids but she just doesn't easily emotionally and physically connect with a guy.

I was sympathetic to the vows thing. I have no idea if he just sprung it on her, but if he did, he had time to consider what he would say vs. her having to wing it.

Edited by b2H
  • Love 1

If every "Olivia" part had been edited out, the show would have had to work to fill one-half hour.


The helicopter blowing the table ... and everything else, including Ben and the b-ette ... away was GOLD, Jerry, GOLD! I LOL'd. It was way better than the not-so-funny blooper shown at the end.


Jubilee plays cello ... wow. Yes, she has many layers, which makes her "complicated!" Next B-ette, please.


I didn't see the rose ceremony (really, networks, putting the new X-Files and Lucifer opposite The Bach?) but I don't care who went home. I had no idea who so many on that group date were, so yeah, send some of those "Who?" b-ettes away.


All I could think with the hysterical screaming when the women were told they were going to Vegas was 1. they are desperate to go anywhere, or 2. none of them have ever been out of their home towns before. *sigh* Both options make me sad.


Well, of course, there is a third option: TPTB told them all to get excited like they had just won that 1.5-billion-dollar lottery. Yeah, that's the ticket.

  • Love 2
She didn't even wear the headpiece which was the highlight of that costume


I know! She kept showing it off like it was so killer and then she didn't even wear it! I didn't really get why the panic attack and all the apologies and embarrassment. It was stupid but she didn't bite the head off an animal on stage or anything. Who cares? I loved when Ben said, exasperatedly, at least twice "You don't have to apologize" which I heard as "This again? Will you shut the eff up??" She's exhausting.


Were the twins really quadruplets? They can do freaking wonders with makeup WOW. 


I couldn't stop grinning at the first wedding ceremony, I'm such a rube. The guy just seemed so excited and the couple seemed really happy. What was up with that last couple and their bizarre kiss err kisses--the first one he forced on her cheek then some forced on lips yikes, what were we witnesses to? 

  • Love 3

I thought Jubilee's and the twins' talent performances were great! I loved Lauren B.'s juggling, as well. Was Caila's talent some kind of Hawaiian dance, or belly dancing? I couldn't tell from her costume and they only showed 15 seconds of her performance? 


Olivia's performance... to be honest, I doubt that Ben was expecting any of them to be especially talented at whatever they chose to do. If Olivia had just owned up to it and been silly and goofy, it wouldn't have been as bad. I'm surprised that she didn't at least try to choreograph some moves, outside of random kicking and shimmying. I think part of what made Olivia's performance so mortifying is how much she got into her own head about it -- she should've found something simpler (like the juggling or hula hooping) and just committed to being a little goofy/awkward. I think she wanted to 'wow' Ben so she choose something insane, and when she crashed and burned, she made a mountain out of a molehill about it.

  • Love 1

I think Lauren B is very unattractive, I keep seeing her at age 45 with that giant forehead and ugly nose and no chin. She does have a hot body, so I'll give her that but she is not pretty and her vocal fry is in the top 3 of this year's cast so that really is something!


I have a male friend that goes crazy for her type--it's the heart-shaped face, which is like a doll's. It's also very popular in Japan and Korea, based on the number of operations that shave down the sides of the jaw and provide a pointy chin. 

  • Love 2

I think Ben's greatness as a Bachelor is because 1) he is a genuinely nice guy who seems as if he would a good husband and father. 2) he seems to be able to communicate quite nicely in these stupid, manufactured scenarios.  3) He doesn't really have a schtick, since they seemed to have dropped the totally unbelievable "I'm unlovable" angle.  4) He's traditionally good looking.  


So far, he seems to be inoffensive.

  • Love 7
I don't get why everyone keeps saying this.  What does it take to be a great bachelor?  I've seen the show about 4 or 5 times and they are all very similar.  Bland, boring, willing to make out with anyone.  Nothing unique at all.  He's doing what they all do, telling all of the women they are amazing, looking concerned when the women tell their stories, etc...



A great Bachelor(ette) gives the impression of being relaxed, in control of the situation, and generally happy to be there. They tend to have broader vocabularies than middling or "bad" Bachelor(ettes) and appear more sincere and engaged in the (gag) "process."


In comparison to recent Bachelors, Ben appears to be "great" because he gives the impression of being MUCH SMARTER than Farmer Chris, and more engaged and sincere than Juan Pablo. (He's also smarter than Juan Pablo.) (Ben's also smarter than Sean, as far as I'm concerned.)


Some past Bachelor(ettes) have given the clear impression of being 1) over their heads, out of control of the situation and unable to respond well to crazy scenes/people; 2) seriously dumb as rocks; and/or 3) really unhappy to be there.



  • Love 10

In an episode chock full of "what the fuck!" moments, the biggest one was when one of these dingbats, Caila, I believe, stated that she was super excited that Terry Fator was part of the group date because she loved Terry Fator and grew up watching him on TV. All I could think was, did she grow up in some weird town that was isolated from the rest of the world, and Terry Fator happened to be the local TV star? Because seriously, who the fuck is Terry Fator?

I have read more than a few comments taking Ben to task for appearing slovenly while officiating those weddings. But considering that the fashion bar was set at "tuxedo t-shirts", I would argue Ben was overdressed, if anything.

I can't be the only one who thinks the twins pulled a switcheroo on Ben, and he went back with the one he dumped. I am sure the twins can be told apart, but that requires an interest in doing so, and I can't imagine anyone has any interest in that, least of all Ben.

It was funny when Olivia felt that Ben calling her name last was some sort of message to her. Considering the heavy sense of resignation when he did utter "Olivia", I would say the message is "not this weirdo again."

Becca seems to have come alive this season. She is coming off much better than last year, where I was certain she was an automaton. If she doesn't win this, she has to be the front runner for Bachelorette.

  • Love 7

A great Bachelor(ette) gives the impression of being relaxed, in control of the situation, and generally happy to be there. They tend to have broader vocabularies than middling or "bad" Bachelor(ettes) and appear more sincere and engaged in the (gag) "process."


In comparison to recent Bachelors, Ben appears to be "great" because he gives the impression of being MUCH SMARTER than Farmer Chris, and more engaged and sincere than Juan Pablo. (He's also smarter than Juan Pablo.) (Ben's also smarter than Sean, as far as I'm concerned.)


Some past Bachelor(ettes) have given the clear impression of being 1) over their heads, out of control of the situation and unable to respond well to crazy scenes/people; 2) seriously dumb as rocks; and/or 3) really unhappy to be there.


I'd agree. In general, Ben has seemed far more graceful under pressure than most of the previous Bachelors (and Bachelorettes for that matter). He seems to handle confrontations, arguments between the girls, etc. much better than the others -- he doesn't back down but he's also very gentle about it. 

  • Love 4

I didn't like this episode at all and things are so obvious now, it's like watching a movie you've watched many times and  you know the ending. Lauren B. will probably win, Caitlyn and Jojo will be the runner ups, Jubilee will create some drama before going home, Olivia will be sent home with a big dramatic scene and I don't even remember the rest of them. It's a shame because Ben is a decent guy and bachelor. It's so different than The Bachelor Australia where most if not all the contestants are serious people who are there for "the right reason". The american Bachelor has become too predictable and has lost everything it once was, even the little bit of seriousness and truth are totally lost. Shame.

  • Love 3

I don't get why everyone keeps saying this.  What does it take to be a great bachelor?  I've seen the show about 4 or 5 times and they are all very similar.  Bland, boring, willing to make out with anyone.  Nothing unique at all.  He's doing what they all do, telling all of the women they are amazing, looking concerned when the women tell their stories, etc...

I'm more impressed by Ben every week. He's good looking (that's often the case, yes), seems modest, is a great listener AND an excellent conversationalist (these two are BOTH rare in Bachelorland), he doesn't take himself too seriously, has a sense of humor and fun but can effortlessly deal with it when things get serious.


He's also very kind--yet seems honest and sincere at the same time. And he seems very comfortable with himself, not trying too hard. His eye contact is amazing--I could see how any woman might think he was really into her (except he looks at Chris Harrison the same way, lol). He seems respectful and has manners. ALso, as someone said above, he seems so much smarter than any bachelor of the past few years (at least). He also seems able to fit in anywhere and get along pretty much with anyone. (They're going to have a hard time creating awkward and embarrassing hometown dates for him.)


On BL it also came out (CH and Ben) that the idea of dating Haley and Emily in their home town--and going to their house--was Ben's idea--not the producers'. And that he wasn't planning for it to be an elimination date until he was actually there.(Maybe the ex-bf's photo gave him a good opportunity. Also, that he got to see how "young" the girls really were. Nice, sweet girls, but young.)


I actually thought it was nice of him to eliminate one twin and keep the other, acknowledging them as individuals. (That's another good thing about this bachelor. He seems to have very good judgment whatever situations the show throws at him.)


Olivia's problem wasn't lack of talent, it was that she didn't "own" her Vegas showgirl act (including using the headdress). Her inability to laugh at herself was what really was undoing her with Ben--and beating the subject into the ground. Also, that everything's always focused on her. Leaving her for last seemed like the best "secret message" he could give her this week. (She apparently was actually fourth from last last week).


I enjoyed his conversation with Becca. She smiles much more, seems trying much harder to make a good impression on him than she did with Chris, but I still can't see anything very likeable or interesting about her. I thought his adorable "pledge" deserved a little more reaction from her.


I was impressed by the conversation about religious beliefs and intimacy. But , again, I just can't warm up to Becca. She said the right thing about sex being an individual choice, but then showed zero curiosity about his beliefs, past relationships, etc. Given opening after opening to get closer, she just doesn't do it even though she's obviously interested. I don't think she has chance of making F4. (I  don't expect to see Olivia there at the end any more either. Interesting to see how quickly a frontrunner can do herself in).

Edited by Padma
  • Love 10

For me, Ben is killing the game with the conversation element.  He seems genuinely present and engaged in these conversations, asking real questions to get answers to completely valid concerns (asking Becca what was different this time since she got to the point of potentially fielding a proposal from Chris while being completely lukewarm about him; asking her what she thinks/if she feels any discomfort about his decision to not be a virgin).  However, when the women are answering, he's not sitting there with blank eyes and placid nodding -- he's thinking and doing relationship building.  I'm a sucker for hand stuff, so last week I was completely goo-goo eyed for him when he was in the hot tub/pool with Jubilee, playing with her fingers in such an intimate way, but still paying attention to what she was saying and thinking about how she perceives him.


I'm very uncomfortable with the fact that I'm watching this show that I love to laugh at with new, Ben-colored glasses.

Edited by kia112
  • Love 14
(Its very existence offends me – that desert is not meant to sustain life for that many people and businesses. What a huge waste of water and power and other resources … blah blah blah don’t get me started.)


Ugh, I know. It really is such a wasteful place. I admit the one time I went as an adult I had a blast, but I was also very ready to get out of there by the end of the weekend. Although I did think the Neon Museum was super cool. I'd love to go there!


I don't think Ben's that kind of guy though since she always gets the last rose and he can barely tolerate her.


Although I agree that he seems to be barely tolerating Olivia at this point, remember that the rose ceremonies are often (usually?) edited to be televised out of order. It's just one of the things the producers do to ratchet up the drama. 


Speaking of Olivia, her talent show performance truly was a trainwreck. Good god, woman. I would have been mortified, too. But I feel like so many of these women have no impulse control. Maybe that's just the type who signs up for the Bachelor, or maybe it's their age, or both. But to make an ass of yourself on stage and then repeatedly apologize for it later is NOT helping your cause. Even if you're embarrassed, act like it was fun and you meant it to be goofy. Have some self respect! I feel like I should feel bad for Olivia because she's getting such a terrible edit, but all I can think is, please leave now. I can't handle the vicarious embarrassment any longer!

Edited by violetr
  • Love 4

I'm confused how anyone can say Ben is a great guy? He might actually be a great guy but none of us can know that for a fact. My friends husband seemed like a great guy and everyone loved him....turned out he was cheating left and right. I think it will be Lauren B also. I think she is OK looking....nothing spectacular but she doesn't bother me. At least not yet. I don't care for Caila much. She was the one that said she broke up with her boyfriend when she saw Ben on TV right?

Edited by Laurie4H
  • Love 3

I didn't like this episode at all and things are so obvious now, it's like watching a movie you've watched many times and  you know the ending. Lauren B. will probably win, Caitlyn and Jojo will be the runner ups, Jubilee will create some drama before going home, Olivia will be sent home with a big dramatic scene and I don't even remember the rest of them. It's a shame because Ben is a decent guy and bachelor. It's so different than The Bachelor Australia where most if not all the contestants are serious people who are there for "the right reason". The american Bachelor has become too predictable and has lost everything it once was, even the little bit of seriousness and truth are totally lost. Shame.


You've piqued my curiosity. I'd like to see what this show would be like if the contestants were more earnest, or at least depicted as such.


Off to Google! 

  • Love 2
He's also very kind--yet seems honest and sincere at the same time. And he seems very comfortable with himself, not trying too hard. His eye contact is amazing--I could see how any woman might think he was really into her (except he looks at Chris Harrison the same way, lol).


I think this is going to cause him the most trouble in the end though. It's nice that he's trying so hard to be sincere with each of them...but there are still like 15 of them left. And as time goes by, if each and every one of them really believes she's the one, there are going to be some major shock and hurt feelings. If he's as nice a guy as he appears to be, this is probably going to be rough on him. 


Even that unemployed chick who's gotten zero screen time (making it obvious to viewers that she was toast) said she really thought they had a relationship going. 


Becca seems to have come alive this season. She is coming off much better than last year, where I was certain she was an automaton. If she doesn't win this, she has to be the front runner for Bachelorette.


I doubt it. She could've been B-ette after being runner up, but I don't think the producers could see her carrying a whole show and I agree. 


I don't actually think she's that different this time around, she's just had more screen time thanks to being a returnee. She may like Ben more than she did Chris, but her emotions are so far below the surface that it's kinda hard to tell the difference.


I can't be the only one who thinks the twins pulled a switcheroo on Ben, and he went back with the one he dumped. I am sure the twins can be told apart, but that requires an interest in doing so, and I can't imagine anyone has any interest in that, least of all Ben.


Emily broke her thumb early on so there was a cast on the hand to differentiate them. 


It was always going to be interesting to see if the twins would be separated and how it would be done...fair play to the producers who did it in a very orderly, believable way with all in agreement that doing it literally at home would be the least painful.  Twins are a fascinating proposition...when you meet them you swear they are indistinguishable but days or weeks later their differences are very apparent.  In this case, Haley acted awkward, even embarrassed and Emily didn't.  Interesting that their mother confirmed our impressions and Ben's about their respective personalities.


The conversation with the mother made me feel even worse for Haley. Those girls have spent their entire lives being measured against the other and Haley being the more reserved one probably means she gets the short end of the stick more often. So not only does she get rejected in favor of her more outgoing sister, she gets to listen to her mom confirm that she's harder to get to know. (Not that her mom said anything bad, but anyone who has a more dominant sibling will cringe at having to listen to themselves being compared in that way.) 


I agree with whoever upthread said that this was a worse way to eliminate one of the twins since it put the entire spotlight on the rejection. I don't think the remaining twin is going to last all that much longer, they both seem extremely young (younger than their actual age) and nowhere near marriage level. 


Jennifer was rightly frustrated at being marginalized most of the trip and then having Olivia intrude but Ben is obviously interested. She has a Mona Lisa smile that is part confidence, part come-hither and seems light-years beyond most of the pack in terms of emotional maturity and Ben seems drawn to her despite his duties elsewhere.  For her sake I hope they don't leave the single date too late because even suitable women can be undone by attachments the Bachelor makes early in the process.


She does seem like a sleeper contestant, kinda like Becca in Chris' season where she wasn't even heard from in the first 3/4 of the season and then still there in the end. 


I thoroughly enjoyed Ben in this episode. You can tell he's loosening up and becoming more comfortable in the role - or maybe he was just drunk. Either way, it was the most personality we've ever seen from him.


I think he gets a little buzzed at the cocktail parties and that's when he's at his best, the corny earnestness blurs a bit and you can see what kind of a person he probably is when he's not dealing with producer-fed lines and silly date set-ups. 


That stare off Jojo had with Olivia was hilarious. Girl looked intense while Olivia's continuing her delusions about Ben.


I couldn't get a read on that scene, was JoJo pretending to buddy up to Olivia or was that a confrontational conversation? It was really odd and yes, I also noticed Olivia staring at JoJo's boobs, lol. 


Looks like Olivia may be back to her old self next week as she makes a snide comment to Amanda as she's talking about her children.


I really can't wait for this scene to play out. I saw the bit of it on Bachelor live and it's just so screamingly awkward. Amanda's hatred of Olivia is seriously entertaining me, it's such a genuinely personal dislike, unlike the way most contestants couch it as "concern" for the Bachelor/ette ending up with the wrong person. The record scratch moment after Olivia drops the Teen Mom comment was amazing and I really hope the aftermath is as entertaining. 


As for the eliminated girls...meh. Unemployed girl is also really young and has plenty of time to find someone in life and Amber was cannon fodder from the start. I'll be relieved to not have to look at her anxious face sitting there on the couches complaining that she hasn't gotten any time with Ben, yet not moving an inch off the sofa to make that time happen. I had actually forgotten about her scene last week with Jubilee but that could not have helped her case either. 

  • Love 2
I'm confused how anyone can say Ben is a great guy? He might actually be a great guy but none of us can know that for a fact. My friends husband seemed like a great guy and everyone loved him....turned out he was cheating left and right. I think it will be Lauren B also. I think she is OK looking....nothing spectacular but she doesn't bother me. At least not yet. I don't care for Caila much. She was the one that said she broke up with her boyfriend when she saw Ben on TV right?



Thank you!  He could be just a guy that does EXACTLY what the producers tell him to do.  Yeah he may actually be as nice as we see on t.v. OR he could be perfecting an image or brand if you will to build his fame and popularity.  If I've learned anything from Unreal it's the lead bachelors on this show really aren't the prince charming types they are made out to be.  I mean he went on national t.v. (AND GOT PAID) to date 20 women.  How swell can he be??


I'm still having trouble keeping the ladies apart.  I swear I have no idea who the women even were that were eliminated last night.   

  • Love 5

I'm confused how anyone can say Ben is a great guy? He might actually be a great guy but none of us can know that for a fact. My friends husband seemed like a great guy and everyone loved him....turned out he was cheating left and right. I think it will be Lauren B also. I think she is OK looking....nothing spectacular but she doesn't bother me. At least not yet. I don't care for Caila much. She was the one that said she broke up with her boyfriend when she saw Ben on TV right?


You're right: I think it might be better to say that he seems like a great guy, and someone that would be easy to fall for. None of us are there, or really know him, so we can't say for sure, but from the looks of it, he does seem very nice and genuine (and smarter than every other Bachelor!). I couldn't stand Juan Pablo or Chris though, so perhaps that's also coloring my extremely positive impression of Ben -- it's not like the others had set a particularly high bar for him to match.

  • Love 2

Ben is doing fine.  It takes a lot to rid the franchise of the Kaitlyn stench, so his mild vanilla essence works.  he does the dance and takes the cues nicely. 


Olivia probably couldn't get the headdress in the "cake".  If she had managed to wedge both it and herself inside, she'd probably still be trying to get out. 


And my only sympathy for her is that she was too delusional and stupid to put on the lunatic persona before Lace did.  We got 2 episodes of Lace lamenting she "wasn't herself" and she "was so sorry".  You can be crazy, just don't copy somebody else's brand of crazy.  Olivia wasn't original enough. 


Because for true legit insanity, Kelsey Poe is the standard bearer.  If the paramedics aren't called and you don't have an oxygen mask over your maw, you're a poser.  

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 8

Jojo - I've never really realised how nasal and irritating her voice is. 


Olivia - I had a few moments this episode where I thought she was being genuine and then she went back to being a fake bitch.  Probably coincided with her claims that she was back to being her usual self.  Honey, your usual self is awful.


Becca - that lace sack dress she was wearing during the wedding ceremonies was just awful.  So shapeless, cheap-looking, and too short.  And why was her driver at the start of her date, taking her to the chapel, blurred out?  That was kind of weird.  Why be on the show and then not give them permission to film you?


Jubilee - yep, Becca is a virgin.  But I'm fairly certain that she is a virgin by choice and you are a virgin because no one wants to be near you.  Judging by the preview for next week, apparently you didn't get enough attention this week, so your amateur dramatics start up again.  Oh goody!


Ben - what happened to not kissing?  You kiss everyone about 30 seconds after you start talking to them.  Not saying there's anything wrong with it, if that's what you want to do, but don't act all high and mighty & above others who choose to do the same thing. 


Amber - run away from this show as fast as you can.  Move.  Block your phone number.  Hell, change your phone number and get a new identity.  If the producers come asking you about appearing a fourth time, DO NOT SAY YES.  They are not trying to help you or do you a favour, okay?


Twins - still don't know who's who, who went home, or who is still there.  I tried figuring it out during this episode, but my brain just started to hurt.

  • Love 1


In an episode chock full of "what the fuck!" moments, the biggest one was when one of these dingbats, Caila, I believe, stated that she was super excited that Terry Fator was part of the group date because she loved Terry Fator and grew up watching him on TV. All I could think was, did she grow up in some weird town that was isolated from the rest of the world, and Terry Fator happened to be the local TV star? Because seriously, who the fuck is Terry Fator?





He won Americas Got Talent in 2007 and was virtually unknown until then.  He was an instant success in Vegas and now makes millions in a theater designated for him, The Terry Fator Theater.   His rise to fame was very swift.   She could not have grown up watching him!

  • Love 2
Caila, I believe, stated that she was super excited that Terry Fator was part of the group date because she loved Terry Fator and grew up watching him on TV. All I could think was, did she grow up in some weird town that was isolated from the rest of the world, and Terry Fator happened to be the local TV star? Because seriously, who the fuck is Terry Fator?


This reminded me of how stupid Caila (or whomever it was) saying she grew up watching Terry Fator on tv. For those who do not know, Fator won American's Got Talent in 2007 and has been headlining in Vegas since 2008. He never appeared on tv other than that, or some isolated other show after winning the million. So anyone who says they "grew up watching him" is full of it.


Not that most of TB contestants aren't full of it, big time.


ETA: Wings beat me to it, posting while I was writing! Since TPTB set up the segment with Terry, of course they knew his background. Therefore, the b-ette saying she grew up watching him on tv was aired to make her look the moron she is.

Edited by saber5055

Becca needs to find a man who is in her same church who believes as she does about no sex before marriage.  I just don't see a happy ending for her otherwise.  I have never met or heard of a man who holds this belief.  There must be some but not many and you don't find them on The Bachelor or any reality dating show.   I will also say I don't understand it.  Sex is good, it is not wrong.  

She did not - she never said that.


People seem to invent information about her. Like the person who wrote that she was an orphan from Jamaica, when she said she was from Haiti. 



That was me!  I got the country wrong, I didn't make anything up!

  • Love 3

In the talking head before his date with Becca, Ben said he wanted to find out some things about her: "Can she love? Can she feel?"


I thought he was going to administer a Voigt-Kampff test. "You're in a desert walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise. It's crawling toward you. You reach down and flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over. But it can't, not without your help. But you're not helping. Why is that?"



  • Love 3

I doubt it. She could've been B-ette after being runner up, but I don't think the producers could see her carrying a whole show and I agree



We will have to wait and see if Becca ends up being Bachelorette this year. 


But as for why she was not chosen last year, it has nothing to do with the producers opinions of her. Due to the filming schedule of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, the runner-up (which was Becca last year) is essentially excluded from being named The Bachelorette. I don't think it is technically impossible for the runner up to be The Bachelorette, but the logistics of the filming schedule make naming someone who finished lower than F2 much more favorable.


Uh, did Jubliee say she was a virgin and I missed it?



She did not. Jubilee was making comments (rather snide ones IMO) about Becca. Saying she was the perfect one to wear the white dress. And then commenting that nothing would happen on Becca's one-on-one date, saying if she hadn't lost her virginity in 26 years, she wasn't going to lose it in the next 6 hours. Jubilee punctuated these remarks with "just sayin", which is the classic mark of passive aggression, and made me finally come around to the anti-Jubilee side.

  • Love 3

I forget whose one-on-one it was, but someone really felt the need to tell Ben about her past.  So, um, she was with a guy who cheated on her.  And then what?  Why is that so important?  Is there anymore to this story?


That was JoJo, and I'm not sure it was a guy.  She said something about ending a relationship and having trust issues, and Ben asked, "Did he cheat on you?"  She said, "I wasn't the only person involved in their life and while I was giving everything to that one person and committing to them..."  I think it would have been much more natural for her to say "he" and "him" and wonder why she didn't.


It's like when people are prohibited from using someone's name in a reality TV conversation, it can sound a little tortured.  Like a woman will be talking to her mother and say, "When my ex-husband and I were here for Christmas." 


I think "they" instead of "he" and "she" is still at the stage where it's done thoughtfully and intentionally, so it seemed strange.

  • Love 5


Honestly, that interview response sounded so weird that, to me, it was obvious that a producer was like, "So, do you think Ben and Becca are going to have sex on their date?"

I agree, it seemed obvious that she was asked a question about Ben and Becca's date.

It is odd when some of the girls start crying at the end of the elimination some of them have hardly spent time with Ben, or is this a Unreal situation and they were crying for completely different reasons lol.

Edited by roses

That was JoJo, and I'm not sure it was a guy.  She said something about ending a relationship and having trust issues, and Ben asked, "Did he cheat on you?"  She said, "I wasn't the only person involved in their life and while I was giving everything to that one person and committing to them..."  I think it would have been much more natural for her to say "he" and "him" and wonder why she didn't.


It's like when people are prohibited from using someone's name in a reality TV conversation, it can sound a little tortured.  Like a woman will be talking to her mother and say, "When my ex-husband and I were here for Christmas." 


I think "they" instead of "he" and "she" is still at the stage where it's done thoughtfully and intentionally, so it seemed strange.

It had occurred to me as well that maybe it was a woman. But also that maybe it wasn't a case of the other person cheating on Jojo, but that she was instead "the other woman." She didn't say "yes" to the cheating question, and then later Ben's comments about her being honest about her "situation" or something made it seem like it wasn't the usual "someone cheated on me" drama.

  • Love 3
That was JoJo, and I'm not sure it was a guy.  She said something about ending a relationship and having trust issues, and Ben asked, "Did he cheat on you?"  She said, "I wasn't the only person involved in their life and while I was giving everything to that one person and committing to them..."  I think it would have been much more natural for her to say "he" and "him" and wonder why she didn't.


I got a whiff of "I was dating a married man and he didn't leave his wife after all" vibe from that story. She was a little cagey about the details and the "their life" sounded like it was a married couple + her on the side. 


We will have to wait and see if Becca ends up being Bachelorette this year.
But as for why she was not chosen last year, it has nothing to do with the producers opinions of her. Due to the filming schedule of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, the runner-up (which was Becca last year) is essentially excluded from being named The Bachelorette. I don't think it is technically impossible for the runner up to be The Bachelorette, but the logistics of the filming schedule make naming someone who finished lower than F2 much more favorable.


There was an article last year with either CH or the producers where they specifically said that they didn't feel Becca was "ready" to be Bachelorette with some kind of babbling about her not knowing her own heart yet or something. My personal reading is that she's too reserved for their tastes and won't make for a dramatic season. 

  • Love 2

It had occurred to me as well that maybe it was a woman. But also that maybe it wasn't a case of the other person cheating on Jojo, but that she was instead "the other woman." She didn't say "yes" to the cheating question, and then later Ben's comments about her being honest about her "situation" or something made it seem like it wasn't the usual "someone cheated on me" drama.

Ok.  Thanks for sharing what you thought she meant.  It just didn't seem that drastic of a 'back story' that she HAD to talk to Ben about.  But, what would this show be without dramasticness (TM Teen Mom Jenelle) :).

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