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S03.E12: 9 Days

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This episode was pretty broad and silly, but I just thought it was so damn funny.  I mean, sure, the main reason I love this show is because of how great and layered the characters are and how smart and witty it can be.  But it's not like I'm not going to laugh at watching Andy Samberg and Andre Braugher wearing prosthetic mumps and doing/saying ridiculous shit.  I'm only human!  Added bonus of sprinkling in Amy trying to prevent them from going off the rails.  Speaking of which, I like that they just seemed to have given up hiding Melissa Fumero's pregnancy, and just let Amy be on screen normally, and leave it to the audience if they want to find a reason why the character is suddenly a bit heavier.  I'm fine if they never have a real explanation for it.


Terry accidentally destroying Holt's office by slamming the door was equally broad and silly, but again, I laughed.  Maybe I'm just in an easy mood tonight.


I did feel bad that Boyle lost his dog, although I'm trying to remember how many he's suppose to have.  I wonder if the show remembers that he also has the two dogs that were a product of that little "dalliance" Cheddar had.  Either way, not surprised that Rosa wasn't very sensitive at first, because she totally strikes me as someone who wouldn't understand why humans care so much about pets.  But now she has a puppy of he own, so that should be fun.  I just hope she keeps all her weapons locked away, since I don't think a pup should be playing with numb-chucks or ninja stars.

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Those were the worst prosthetics ever!  Did they put tennis balls under some fake skin?  Not getting the Emmy for makeup!


I have to disagree... I thought the makeup people made the guys look disturbingly uncomfortable and the really gross swelling added to the general silliness of the situation.


Is Holt loosening up a bit this season? Don't change, Captain!


Loved badass Rosa bonding with the cute puppy.


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The looks they gave Amy about the Ziti dish had me laughing so hard.

"Oh Amy..."  




Three times I watched them read off the list, "Did you really use 18 cups of Oregano?" and three times I laughed out loud at "Oh Amy."



This episode was pretty broad and silly, but I just thought it was so damn funny.  I mean, sure, the main reason I love this show is because of how great and layered the characters are and how smart and witty it can be.  But it's not like I'm not going to laugh at watching Andy Samberg and Andre Braugher wearing prosthetic mumps and doing/saying ridiculous shit.  I'm only human!  

I see no reason to even question yourself here.  While it was being broad and silly, it was also working in all of the great character interactions and layers that make the show work.  I mean, how on earth does a show get away with telling the story that somebody actually made that recipe the way that it was written?  In this case, it was Amy pointing out that she may not be a good cook, but she's great at following directions.  And just like that, the joke works.

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Trivia Newton John. Heh. Amy, you dork. It's nice to see that Jake's proclivity for coming up with funny names is rubbing off on Amy. Also, how adorable was she sitting in the back of the doctor's office, waiting for Jake? And of course she's up to date on all her vaccinations. She was great as the stern but snarky, put-upon girlfriend. "I know I'm not a great cook, but I love following instructions." Aw. But man, is she a terrible cook. Nevermind Jake, even I would know that recipe was iffy.


And honestly, I'm really happy that she and Jake got some scenes together this week. Their dynamic is so great to watch, and however the writers turn it, Andy and Melissa make it work. 


Is it the MMR vaccination that idiots are refusing to let their kids have, these days? If so, this is something those poor kids may have to deal with. Good job, parents. And good job makeup guys, because those goitres were absolutely disgusting to look at.


Jake and Holt are so much fun together, especially when Holt descends to Jake's level. Their childish behaviour was a riot. The montage of them getting increasingly zonked on cold medicine and fever was hilarious. "He's eating snakes! No... it's spaghetti."


"Thank you for writing this. Reading it made me a better man." Beautiful. Of course Holt's essays are works of art.


Rosa being callous about Boyle's dog dying was a fun little storyline. People who don't like animals, or even who just haven't had pets, really don't understand how much pain it can cause when they die. That idea of 'you can just get another one' is so insulting to the feelings of the person. But at least Arlo was cute as hell, and now Rosa has a dog!


Terry and Gina was kind of pointless. Didn't really go anywhere, and felt like it was just there to give them something to do this week. Seriously, just fire Hitchcock and Scully. They are the worst policemen ever.

Edited by Danny Franks
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For some reason Jake's saying, "Need more medi-jen" makes me giggle. He sounds just like a toddler and he looked so sick and miserable.

I also like how they haven't had Amy try to change Jake. The fact that he showed up at work with food on his shirt after the two had obviously spent the night together was awesome. She didn't even get annoyed with him about it.

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So great. The shot of Jake "lying down" followed by Holt in the background, pointing to the window, and saying, "CASE!" just cracked me up.


"Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool," was excellent. I also liked when Jake awkwardly tried to cover by saying, "Every day on this job… is a wonder," and Holt says, "Damn right it is."


Amy: I keep up on all my vaccinations. I'm immune to stuff you never even heard of.

Holt: But you're not immune to braggadocio.


Jake and Holt's poking fight was so funny. Man, just everything was funny.

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Trivia Newton John. Heh. Amy, you dork. It's nice to see that Jake's proclivity for coming up with funny names is rubbing off on Amy. Also, how adorable was she sitting in the back of the doctor's office, waiting for Jake? And of course she's up to date on all her vaccinations. She was great as the stern but snarky, put-upon girlfriend. "I know I'm not a great cook, but I love following instructions." Aw. But man, is she a terrible cook. Nevermind Jake, even I would know that recipe was iffy.


And honestly, I'm really happy that she and Jake got some scenes together this week. Their dynamic is so great to watch, and however the writers turn it, Andy and Melissa make it work. 


Is it the MMR vaccination that idiots are refusing to let their kids have, these days? If so, this is something those poor kids may have to deal with. Good job, parents. And good job makeup guys, because those goitres were absolutely disgusting to look at.

Totally agree about Amy/Jake chemistry. They were great as friends/colleagues--so much so that I dreaded the inevitable coupling. But hey--it works! Kudos to AS, MS, and the writers for that.


Can't speak for the other idiots, but THIS idiot (and her idiot husband) opted out of all the vaccines for our (poor) kids. Which, I guess, makes us even stupider than the garden-variety idiots you mentioned? 

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Thanks to the Saskatoon School Board (who couldn't deal with mid-July birthdays, apparently, too young for vaccine one year, too old the next), I didn't get the MMR as a child and got the mumps when I was 25. Those prosthetics... they're damned accurate. I looked like the fat kid in the Gary Larson cartoons (my neck was wider than my head). And yes, it fucking hurts. Alternating ice packs & hot packs - I think it must have been that ANY sensation other than what was going on on the inside was preferable.

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I needed an explanation of why Jake and Holt caught the mumps. Presuming Holt is the same age as the actor, roughly that would put him at late 40s early 50s which means he would've gotten the MMR as a toddler, as would Jake (again presuming he is roughly the same age as his character).  Jake would have even gotten the booster before elementary school.  Vaccine exemptions weren't that common in the early 70s and 60s. 

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The MMR vaccine is only good for 10 years so even if they got their boosters as kids, they would need to keep up to date with their shots. That's why Amy wasn't at risk; she'd kept up to date with her shots.



Edit: Sorry, the TDaP shot is only good for 10 years. The MMR shot should last forever, but it depends on which shots you got as a kid and if you got your adult booster in your 20s. So it could be that Jake and Holt got their childhood shots for school but didn't get their adult boosters.

Edited by Rockstar99435
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I've watched it twice now, and I'm still laughing to tears every time the mumps storyline continues.


One of my favourite bits is when Holt and Jake give her similar looks after "Oh Amy!" Jake's has this bit of worry in it - a tinge of "I knew you couldn't cook, but this is something else!"

The Boyle storyline hit a bit too close to home to completely enjoy, having recently lost my 17-year old cat to cancer.

Though I did appreciate Rosa's line for a few reasons:

"If anything happened to [Arlo], I'd kill everyone in this room and then myself."

1. Its perfectly deadpan delivery.


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I've loved the show this year, but I was not a fan of this one. My uncle had the mumps as a child and became sterile as a result, so I'm just never going to find preventable infectious disease funny. Plus, given the political climate, I can't tell if it was being slyly satirical ("Pretty soon, we'll be seeing more and more people with the mumps, so get used to it! Doesn't it look fun?") or weirdly juvenile ("Heh heh heh. Mumps. It's sounds weird and it affects the testicles! Heh heh heh.") The tone was just...off, to me.


This show has done so well with sort of timeless comedy, but I felt like this was the comedic version of "too soon."

Edited by Eolivet
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