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S06.E07: Pretty Mess

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http://erikajayne.com/ If this is the website Bethenny was talking about, she's right, it needs some work. Empty tabs, or one of two things in most of the tabs.

I don't see the finger up her ass though, so maybe she took that one down, or maybe it's in one of the videos.

Can I link to Instagram? I went through hers and this is the closest thing to the picture Bethenny described. I was expecting much much worse


Also, if I were Bethenny I wouldn't have commented on Erika's video as she did. For one, she was rude. But secondly, this is not a woman who is trying to work her way up in the industry and make a livelihood in the music business. She has millions of dollars, it really is a hobby for her and it can bomb and she will still be fine. So no harm in not giving your honest opinion.

Edited by Smacky55
  • Love 7

Oh Erica -  I had my doubts about you in the beginning, but welcome to the party! 


She held her own with Bethanny (and is there anything even remotely likable about Bethanny to begin with?).  Erica makes no apologies or excuses for who she is and what she does - and she was great tonight.  What clinched it for me was "anyone can make a Margarita".   The only thing I would have loved more was if she had showed up in her ripped up jeans.


Add me to the list of people who thought Bethenny's outfit was hideous.  Ugh - just awful.


Are we done with Bethenny now?  Can she go back to RHONY and stop messing up RHOBH?  I know Andy loves her, but I think he's in a very small minority.  Every time she opens her mouth, I get a headache.


Re: Eileen and Lisa - Lisa was wrong to have the conversation where she had it -at a dinner table in front of other guests and she should have picked up on Eileen's discomfort, or at the very least asked Eileen if she was comfortable discussing it.  On the other hand, Eileen should have shut it down. But when they had the conversation at the end, would it have been too much for Lisa to offer "I'm sorry".  I didn't hear that, did I miss it?


(Edited to add that she did say she apologized.  I must have missed it. Thanks WireWrap!)


Anyone besides me think that the "buddy" Ken was having dinner with that night was Giggy?


And because it can't be said too often - enough of Yolanda!  Please!

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 10

Oh Erica -  I had my doubts about you in the beginning, but welcome to the party! 


She held her own with Bethanny (and is there anything even remotely likable about Bethanny to begin with?).  Erica makes no apologies or excuses for who she is and what she does - and she was great tonight.  What clinched it for me was "anyone can make a Margarita".   The only thing I would have loved more was if she had showed up in her ripped up jeans.


Add me to the list of people who thought Bethenny's outfit was hideous.  Ugh - just awful.


Are we done with Bethenny now?  Can she go back to RHONY and stop messing up RHOBH?  I know Andy loves her, but I think he's in a very small minority.  Every time she opens her mouth, I get a headache.


Re: Eileen and Lisa - Lisa was wrong to have the conversation where she had it -at a dinner table in front of other guests and she should have picked up on Eileen's discomfort, or at the very least asked Eileen if she was comfortable discussing it.  On the other hand, Eileen should have shut it down. But when they had the conversation at the end, would it have been too much for Lisa to offer "I'm sorry".  I didn't hear that, did I miss it?


Anyone besides me think that the "buddy" Ken was having dinner with that night was Giggy?


And because it can't be said too often - enough of Yolanda!  Please!

No, she did not use the word "sorry", she said "I apologize", which means the same thing to me BUT YMMV.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 6

Erika was wonderful in how she handled all of the women.

She put it out there that this is who I am versus this is what I do and if you don't like it I don't really care. If I'm not your cup of tea move along, doesn't affect me in any way.

I loved the scene with Erika and Bethenny.  I am a fan of Beth (most of the time) because I like the smart HWs and I don't mind her hard charging persona.  She's "New York Blunt' in her manner, all the time.  I think Beth was fascinated by Erika and wanted to know all the ins and outs of her before the afternoon was over.


To me, Beth's questions were a bit of fresh air.  I mean how many times can one HW look at Erika's videos and say in a small, shocked voice 'they're very sexual!' and that's about it.  Beth looks at things differently and saw the video as a great marketing tool.  I think she puts herself in Erika's situation and questions how she (Beth) could improve it.  The fact that Erika was having none of it was just great.  I loved that Beth could not run over her like she can do to others. 


I don't think Beth was being judgmental about Erika; I think Beth left a big fan.  The fact that Beth was a good sport on the dance moves and was enjoying herself was great.  Splitting her pants was the icing on the cake.  Very enjoyable scene.

  • Love 14

I loved the scene with Erika and Bethenny.  I am a fan of Beth (most of the time) because I like the smart HWs and I don't mind her hard charging persona.  She's "New York Blunt' in her manner, all the time.  I think Beth was fascinated by Erika and wanted to know all the ins and outs of her before the afternoon was over.


To me, Beth's questions were a bit of fresh air.  I mean how many times can one HW look at Erika's videos and say in a small, shocked voice 'they're very sexual!' and that's about it.  Beth looks at things differently and saw the video as a great marketing tool.  I think she puts herself in Erika's situation and questions how she (Beth) could improve it.  The fact that Erika was having none of it was just great.  I loved that Beth could not run over her like she can do to others. 


I don't think Beth was being judgmental about Erika; I think Beth left a big fan.  The fact that Beth was a good sport on the dance moves and was enjoying herself was great.  Splitting her pants was the icing on the cake.  Very enjoyable scene.

It is the delivery and the meaness

with Beth that makes me cringe.

There is New York Blunt which for me is well represented by Judy Sheindlin and the late Joan Rivers and then there is .Beth.

No, thanks.

  • Love 15

Echoing what others have said, I really like Erika and have pretty much the whole season so far. I just love that she's so unapologetically herself and it seems like a what you see is what you get thing with her. She's fully aware of how over the top she is, but she owns it and is proud of that. I loved her going "I don't know anything about being skinny" and the last episode when she had no shame in indulging in that chocolate cake. She just gives zero fucks and it's great.

I usually like Bethenny but god shut up! Erika didn't ask her for any opinion or advice about her video. Even if Bethenny didn't like it, she could have said "Well I don't really like it but that's just coming from someone who knows nothing about the music industry." I can tolerate B but I do agree with a lot of fans who can't stand her know-it-all-ness.

Lisa R is a hypocrite. A music video that is basically on par with anything Britney Spears or other pop singers are doing today is not even on the same level of sexuality as porn or a nude spread in Playboy, hell as somebody mentioned this is the same woman who had no shame in getting her v card waxed for all to see. Shut up. She was probably just jealous, like all the rest of them, and acted like the whole thing bothered her instead. Somebody who's willing to do all the stuff she has would not be bothered by a sexy music video.

I don't think Lisa V's intentions were genuine with Eileen. Eileen probably could have told her she didn't want to talk about it but maybe she didn't want to come off as rude or thought after the 20th question maybe Lisa would stop but she just kept going and going. I thought Lisa V was pretty smart and would have been able to pick up on the fact Eileen was uncomfortable. She seems like she just wants to get into everyone's business this season and has been doing it on her other show Vanderpump Rules as well. Producer driven or just Lisa being vicious? Normally I like Lisa V a lot but she's getting too personal this season. I don't feel she is asking questions to genuinely get to know someone, she's asking questions to make people feel uncomfortable and to get a reaction, like the first time she met Erika and asked how her husband was in bed. Even if that was meant to be a joke and Erika didn't mind answering, still not an appropriate thing to ask someone, let alone the first time meeting them.

  • Love 7

I felt there was a rare genuine moment under the tick comments. People often joke about things they fear to seem like they really aren't bothered .


None of them doubt she is sick, and even if it seems crazy that a tick caused it, there might still be fear deep down just in case. I kind of felt that was the most real the whole night was. Less fake than the confrontations for sure.

  • Love 7

Missing scene-Andy and his dog join the ladies in the Hamptons:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-6/episode-7/videos/unseen-moment-andy-cohen-joins-the  He brought a meat platter.

I felt there was a rare genuine moment under the tick comments. People often joke about things they fear to seem like they really aren't bothered .


None of them doubt she is sick, and even if it seems crazy that a tick caused it, there might still be fear deep down just in case. I kind of felt that was the most real the whole night was. Less fake than the confrontations for sure.

Kyle is weird about bugs-I found the tick comment valid.  It looks like Yolanda's talk of Lyme Disease is getting through.

  • Love 5

You know, for a reality show, we sure have a lot of people insisting this and that can't be talked about. LOL


Last week we had Kyle with the Kim situation. And I've said it before, but I can see both sides. Kim was on this show for many years, and she did a lot of these women wrong. I can see them wanting to discuss what's going on with her. But, on the other hand. I can see Kyle taking issue with it because Kim is no longer there to share her side. More than that, Kyle is really on the outs right now with her family. She is finding out about a lot of these things the same way the other women are. When they keep asking her what's going on, and she knows little and less, it probably reminds her just how much she has been shunned by her family. And that sucks. 


I do get her being more open with Bethanny, because they have a history. With the other women, it just feels more gossipy. But that's just my take. 



So now we also have Eileen objecting to her early relationship with her husband being talked about. Again, I get it. It's uncomfortable because people were hurt, but that's kind of the price you pay for putting your life out there. 


I will say, Lisa V is truly earning her Bravo Bucks this year! She is peppering these women until allllll the dirt is revealed. The problem is, she's not handing it in a way that makes people comfortable and open to sharing. She seems more like a nosy journalist than a friend who just wants to learn more about you. 


And I loved when she kept insisting, "I'm an open book. Ask me anything". And nary a question was asked. HA!


While Erika is not my cup of tea, I did think the grilling of her at dinner was a bit much. Well, it was the Googling of her and the watching of the video and the perusing of the Instagram - and then proceeding to tell her all this! Pro tip - if you're going to read up on a new colleague prior to meeting them, just keep what you learn to yourself until it comes up naturally in the conversation. Who wants to hear, "I spent all afternoon stalking your Facebook" when first meeting someone?


It just makes you look weird and pathetic. And, as one of the very few people left who actually likes Bethanny, she was way out of line. Girl, you got hustle and kadooz to you for making your brand into what it is - but you are not the branding guru you think you are. What do you know about Erika's genre? She seems to be doing pretty well. How about asking about her son and her hobbies, instead of peppering her with unsolicited advice for 30 minutes straight? 


LOVE Eileen's simple, supportive attitude. Those are the kind of friends you want. 


I'm souring a bit on Rinna this week. She is really presenting herself as a shit stirrer. She says she's just going to be "the deliverer" of information, without judgment. But there is clearly plenty of judgment there. What she's doing is reserving it a bit and waiting to see how others react. Believe me, if Kyle and Eileen had acted all agog and aghast over the video, she would have ramped it up several notches. She basically did the same thing with Yo and the Munchhausen's thing. Be careful, Rinna, you're getting sloppy. 



Yo's segments were mostly boring, but lovely of David to insult both his wife and Ken's physique at once.

  • Love 15

Bethenny is an asshole! I can't stand her. Erika didn't ask for your advice. So shut up! I totally see it as insecurity, trying to make another woman feel /look like a bimbo, who needs the great Bethenny advice? Calling Erika, ho , by night, and bambi was so freaking rude. Just because Erika is comfortable with her sexuality, doesn't make her a ho.

Someone mentioned up thread that LVP talks to the cast of VanderPump rules the way she was drilling Erika and Eileen, I can see that. Lisa was being rude to Eileen, yeah, I know it's out there about Eileen and Vince's affair, but why did LisaV need to know every detail right then on camera with a room full of people? Lisa and Eileen were not alone just because LVP says they were. I wish Eileen would've shut her down(shrugs).

I skipped Yo, I don't really care. I wish her the best. The best for me, would be if she left my TV screen.

I felt bad for Ken, if I was him I would have stayed home.

Did Erika stay at the hotel with LisaV? We saw her arrive at the house, but then she was riding in the limo with LisaV to meet Beth.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 7

Well there, now we know David Foster dresses on the left.


Will you explain?  I don't get it.


A real hostess makes her guests feel comfortable. There's no comfort in that home. Dress how I tell you, drink my swill, admire my driftwood bar accessorized at TJ Maxx and listen to my agenda, watch ME, look at ME, admire ME. Give me what my parents didn't.... Hostessing FAIL. Therapy Beth, therapy.....


So much.  And then when it's NOT all about her, she goes off on her guest that is getting the attention. 


This is partially why her talk show failed. She had to let her guests talk.  She does not know how to engage with people unless they are fawning over her.

  • Love 16
Lisa R is a hypocrite. A music video that is basically on par with anything Britney Spears or other pop singers are doing today is not even on the same level of sexuality as porn or a nude spread in Playboy, hell as somebody mentioned this is the same woman who had no shame in getting her v card waxed for all to see. Shut up.



Right??? Who WAS that that mentioned Playboy? Eileen? I loved that moment! Hypocrite, indeed. Personally, I don't really want to watch Erika gyrate in her video, but I definitely don't want to see Rinna's ass crack waxed either. 


I thought Lisa V was pretty smart and would have been able to pick up on the fact Eileen was uncomfortable. She seems like she just wants to get into everyone's business this season and has been doing it on her other show Vanderpump Rules as well. Producer driven or just Lisa being vicious?


I definitely think production asks Lisa to get the dirt out of these women. And I think she relishes that job. It doesn't matter if the women are uncomfortable, as I'm sure she picks up on. She's the queen bee, of course they'll answer her!

  • Love 9

Eileen often has a look of disgust/discomfort on her face, so I can see how Lisa missed it. I didn't think Lisa's questions were particularly invasive. For normal, average people, yes, but for well compensated reality TV stars, no. I think Eileen needs to create or cultivate her own talking points, like Rinna has done, Eileen's "mortified onlooker" and "how dare you!" reactions are a bit of a wet blanket.

  • Love 14

Oh Erica -  I had my doubts about you in the beginning, but welcome to the party! 


She held her own with Bethanny (and is there anything even remotely likable about Bethanny to begin with?).  Erica makes no apologies or excuses for who she is and what she does - and she was great tonight.  What clinched it for me was "anyone can make a Margarita".   The only thing I would have loved more was if she had showed up in her ripped up jeans.


Add me to the list of people who thought Bethenny's outfit was hideous.  Ugh - just awful.


Are we done with Bethenny now?  Can she go back to RHONY and stop messing up RHOBH?  I know Andy loves her, but I think he's in a very small minority.  Every time she opens her mouth, I get a headache.


Re: Eileen and Lisa - Lisa was wrong to have the conversation where she had it -at a dinner table in front of other guests and she should have picked up on Eileen's discomfort, or at the very least asked Eileen if she was comfortable discussing it.  On the other hand, Eileen should have shut it down. But when they had the conversation at the end, would it have been too much for Lisa to offer "I'm sorry".  I didn't hear that, did I miss it?


(Edited to add that she did say she apologized.  I must have missed it. Thanks WireWrap!)


Anyone besides me think that the "buddy" Ken was having dinner with that night was Giggy?


And because it can't be said too often - enough of Yolanda!  Please!

I tried to put a description on that thing that Bethenny was wearing. I assume she thought it was chic and trendy but to me it looked like capri yoga pants combined with a bat cape/ maternity top. It only emphasized her stick-like legs. But when she ripped the ass of her skinny pants trying to 'do the Erika moves' I thought, 'sit down bitch and stop making a fool of yourself'.


When Ken left to 'have dinner with a friend' I for SURE assumed it was Giggy. I don't really recall seeing Ken with any guy friends in all these years on TV. An another thing about the Capri Motel in Southampton (with one 'H'), it was paid for by Bella magazine and Lisa and Ken really couldn't trash the place on camera. All they did was ooze about 'how lovely' it was. Well, it isn't. Many people have reviewed this hotel and complained about the exact same thing Eileen and Kyle have complained about, the noise and party after dark atmosphere. Here are the pros and cons as reviewed on the Oyster.com website:


    Large outdoor pool, landscaped lounge areas and fire pits

    Live DJ on Friday and Saturday nights

    High-end restaurant BLT Steak

    Rooms have high-end linens, iPod docks, and free beverages

    Free local pastries and Keurig coffee in the morning

    Free Wi-Fi and parking


    Not walking distance to the beach

    Not walking distance to sites in the Hamptons

    No television or telephones

    No mini-fridges

    Noisy until late hours during weekends

    Hotel is only open seasonally from May - September


Clearly this motel/hotel is not quite what Lisa and Ken are accustomed to staying in while out of town. I remember Lisa complaining in one episode in Puerto Rico that she and Ken were being made to share the same bathroom in their hotel room. Well, I never! They're used to 5 Diamond hotels and the creme de la creme. The Capri hotel is not.


More than 'enough of Yolanda' I'm more about enough of jerky David.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 7

Of course, Bethany had to get in the dig at LVP's magazine cover, "Bella?  What's that?  That's a magazine?  I've never heard of it.  Is it in the Hamptons?  Never heard of it."


Reminded me of when Lu took one look at a Bethany magazine cover and said, "Oh, they did A LOT of airbrushing!"



Great catch. Beth may have adopted the Countless's approach to shade-flinging. Incorporating Lu's approach to pirate-humping is next.

  • Love 4

As long as LVP is on a fact finding mission could we get to the important issue?  Why kind of planes do the Girardis fly in?  Granted I am sure they are part of the firm, as it is common for plaintiff's firms to have private planes.  I just really want to know-Bravo is famous for flashing price tags.  I just want to know is it a Gulfstream 6 or a Lear?  This is a burning issue.


I was kind of hoping when they were standing around gabbing about Yolanda's breast implants LVP would ask Lisar and Eileen if they had any issues with theirs?  These are the type of invasive questions I would like answered. 

  • Love 11

Erika won last night for me.  I've always found that the best way to deal with a  mean girl, or shit stirrer is to just let them spin out of control  and reveal themselves to be just that.  Brava.


And we all know that Andy loves Lisa V and Bethenny, so that made it even tastier.

 Interesting to see how Bethenny fit in to the Kyle/Kim/Kathy Kraziness.  She was basically an employee, so the term "friend" is used pretty loosely, I'd imagine.


Lisa R.  just go away.  You had your choch waxed on tv, and you're calling out Erika for her video.  Girl, bye.

  • Love 12

What happened to Bethany's face, fillers gone rogue?  It looked so puffy, she almost did not look like herself.  She mentioned that her house never gets dirty, must be nice.  Remember last season on RHONY she made a big stink about leaving her child to attend a birthday party for Dorinda in the Berkshires but can appear on RHBH with no child in sight.


Hated Beth's outfit, all she needed with it was a scarf on her head ala Rhoda Morganstern.


Why was Lisa R. being all judgmental about Erika's video, she had clothes on which Lisa R. did not in Playboy and the whole orgy thing makes her uncomfortable, two things about that, Lisa R. should probably not partake of an orgy and she should also realize it's a video, pretend orgy and all, strange coming from an actress who plays different roles from time to time. Pearl clutching Rinna style. Get over it Rinna, you have had a waxing on TV!


Did I hear correctly that Erika said Yolanda is looking forward to showing her what came out of Yo's body?  Did the doctor put those old implants in a pickle jar full of formaldehyde as a souvenir? Yuk.

Edited by ParkCirclegirl
  • Love 11

What happened to Bethany's face, fillers gone rogue?  It looked so puffy, she almost did not look like herself.  She mentioned that her house never gets dirty, must be nice.  Remember last season on RHONY she made a big stink about leaving her child to attend a birthday party for Dorinda in the Berkshires but can appear on RHBH with no child in sight.


Hated Beth's outfit, all she needed with it was a scarf on her head ala Rhoda Morganstern.


Why was Lisa R. being all judgmental about Erika's video, she had clothes on which Lisa R. did not in Playboy and the whole orgy thing makes her uncomfortable, two things about that, Lisa R. should probably not partake of an orgy and she should also realize it's a video, pretend orgy and all, strange coming from an actress who plays different roles from time to time. Pearl clutching Rinna style. Get over it Rinna, you have had a waxing on TV!


Did I hear correctly that Erika said Yolanda is looking forward to showing her what came out of Yo's body?  Did the doctor put those old implants in a pickle jar full of formaldehyde as a souvenir? Yuk.

I picture those implants in the Lyme Disease war room at Yolanda's house in a tasteful crystal jar.

  • Love 19

On the brief clip for the upcoming episode next week, it showed the newest addition to the housewives, Katherine Edwards. Lisa Rinna said to her 'O.J. comes to mind'. So, I did a little poking and found this article regarding Katherine Edwards, Faye Resnick and the late Nicole Simpson Brown connection. I've paraphrased some of the article


"According to a recently released episode synopsis, Edwards will confront Faye Resnick, a longtime friend of Kyle Richards (and Kris Jenner), about a 20-year-old grudge.

it was Resnick's controversial book, Nicole Brown Simpson: The Private Diary Of A Life Interupted, which led to their feud.

In the book, Resnick mentioned Edwards' former husband, Kansas City Chiefs running back Marcus Allen, and accused Allen of having an affair with Nicole after she had separated from O.J. Simpson, who was reportedly one of Allen's close friends. Resnick went on to claim the alleged affair took place during Allen's engagement to Edwards, and continued after the couple wed at the Simpson's home."  



The photo of Katherine Edwards in the article reminds me of Aviva Drescher of RHoNY.

  • Love 6

I didn't think I would based on the pre-show hype, but I LOVE Erika. This lady is completely comfortable in her skin and has fun and frolic with her alter ego and refuses to apologize for what needs no apology. Okay ladies you were shocked etc. or whatever at her video but here's your $10 clue -- you aren't her target market.

  • Love 11

Ah Bethenny.  Bitchy and manic no matter what franchise she's on, eh? Erika completely owned her simply by having an appropriate, adult, real-life (non-reality show) reaction to her rude, unsolicited comments.  Loved it. 


I feel like most of the Housewives (on any franchise) would have taken that Bethenny moment to "act" hurt and offended and angry so as to assure themselves more camera time. I think Erika already knew she was getting camera time simply because the women seem kinda taken by her because she is so different than them.  So there was no need to act up and act out. 


Also? I think Erika's hair is actually all hers.  Perhaps she wears some clip in extensions for her performances and whatnot.  But in those scenes at the Hamptons it looked all real.


And while I'm talking about looks, can I be superficial and catty for a second?  That scene where Beth and Kyle are sitting in Beth's sunroom talking about Kim and the Hiltons? Beth looked a good 15 years older than Kyle.  Her dry, parched hair and face also really highlighted how smooth and dewey Kyle's face looked and how shiny and healthy her hair is, too. To be fair, I think that Beth was at a bad angle as far as the sun was concerned. 


princelina, on 13 Jan 2016 - 02:08 AM, said:

Thank you - that's what I've been wondering for years.  Of course I quickly realized that these ridiculous conversations are what keeps this franchise popular and growing, but since we are all supposed to pretend that these silly confrontations are natural and organic, I will say "Bad advice, Rinna!"  Once Eileen "got it off her chest" to you, that was all that needed to happen.  The likelihood of LVP apologizing sincerely is about equal to the likelihood of her wearing appropriate clothing that fits properly :)


Exactly.  In the real world, most people would simply call or text somebody if they wanted to have a private conversation.  But being that these confrontations are more or less the "bread and butter" of the RH franchise, I guess they can't really do that.  It does come off as so fake and forced though.

  • Love 10

When Ken left to 'have dinner with a friend' I for SURE assumed it was Giggy. I don't really recall seeing Ken with any guy friends in all these years on TV.


We've seen Ken's friend Martin, the guy that they introduced Kim to back in season 1 at Mo's house.  And of course, there's Mohammed. 


Also, I think Ken and Mauricio are actually friends and play golf together.

  • Love 5

I'm normally a big fan of Eileen's but geez she was over the top on taking offense with LisaV tonight. I didn't find their conversation out of the ordinary for a conversation between two girlfriends. I certainly didn't find it any different than any conversation that I have with my girlfriends when we're out having cocktails. If the conversation was so uncomfortable for her she should have said something she certainly has had no problems expressing herself in the past and now she acts like a wallflower? Nah, take a seat Eileen.


I agree.  I didn't really see much wrong with the conversation, either.  When Eileen was telling LisaR that she was offended by Lisa was that Eileen is making her storyline for this season.  


So glad we didn't see too much of Yolanda's recuperation.  We better not hear her bitching about "no one checking up on her" anymore.  LVP sent flowers and made a phone call.  (I don't know if any of the others, except Erika did)  But, again, David shows what a douche he is with the comment about Ken now "having bigger tits" than Yolanda.  I seriously cannot stand that man, and am glad that we won't see him anymore, since the divorce is happening!!  And, why isn't he bringing his wife home from this surgery trip?  Don't the Fosters own/lease their own plane?  Why does Erika have to pick Yolanda up on the way back to California?  


Bethenny -- wow!  She doesn't usually bother me that much on RHNY, but last night, she was grating on my last nerve.  WTF?  So, now, she is an expert in all things, including music videos?  


I will say though, that her house and grounds is absolutely, stunningly gorgeous!  So much for being "homeless"!!!  We should all be so lucky!! 

  • Love 7

Also? I think Erika's hair is actually all hers.  Perhaps she wears some clip in extensions for her performances and whatnot.  But in those scenes at the Hamptons it looked all real.


It would be hard to believe considering how much processing/damage happens to keep it that blonde, but I had the same thought last night.  From the back, nary a track mark was seen. Even when she was moving her head around.


Or it could be that she has really good hair to begin with that is better at blending with the very best extensions money can buy, than say, Yolanda's or Adrienne's.

  • Love 6

I agree.  I didn't really see much wrong with the conversation, either.  When Eileen was telling LisaR that she was offended by Lisa was that Eileen is making her storyline for this season.  


So glad we didn't see too much of Yolanda's recuperation.  We better not hear her bitching about "no one checking up on her" anymore.  LVP sent flowers and made a phone call.  (I don't know if any of the others, except Erika did)  But, again, David shows what a douche he is with the comment about Ken now "having bigger tits" than Yolanda.  I seriously cannot stand that man, and am glad that we won't see him anymore, since the divorce is happening!!  And, why isn't he bringing his wife home from this surgery trip?  Don't the Fosters own/lease their own plane?  Why does Erika have to pick Yolanda up on the way back to California?  


Bethenny -- wow!  She doesn't usually bother me that much on RHNY, but last night, she was grating on my last nerve.  WTF?  So, now, she is an expert in all things, including music videos?  


I will say though, that her house and grounds is absolutely, stunningly gorgeous!  So much for being "homeless"!!!  We should all be so lucky!! 

Fosters charter and apparently sponge of friends for their private flights.

  • Love 4

Exactly. As if Bethenny wouldn't have been all over that cover like salt on a Skinnygirl margarita if her PR person had contacted her first.


Didn't Bethenny do a cover shot and photo layout for some other little start-up Hamptons lifestyle magazine (no longer in publication, I think) several years ago?  With some woman who tried to make a name for herself on another short-lived Bravo reality show?  

  • Love 6

Come on, Eileen. Really?


I can't believe someone actually married and procreated with Beth.


Come on, Eileen, oh I swear what he means.  At this moment, you mean everything...


Oh, yes, someone did marry her, but he is on his way out. 



I have typed three responses and lost them.  Shit.  I'll be brief.  

David is a massive asshole.  Yolanda, I'm glad you're free of him.  He may feel the same way, but you still won big on that loss.

LVP is a cold, calculated ice queen.  She likes to think she's the queen bee, and her insecurity about holding on to the nonexistent title shows more and more.  



Yes, exactly.  She likes to THINK she is the queen bee.  She looked more like the bee-keeper with that stupid hat on at the White Party.





    Not walking distance to the beach

    Not walking distance to sites in the Hamptons

    No television or telephones



Wait, the Capri Hotel (motel, really) doesn't have phones or tv?  I thought there was a federal law that all hotel phones must have a phone.  Or is that a state-by-state thing?

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 2

Is it really that big a deal in the wealthy, sophisticated  Beverly Hills circuit to be married 3 times? Or have an affair? Lisa's so interested in something that Eileen did 13 years ago. How about we at least concentrate on this decade.  


I wish I could learn to keep my cool at all times like Erika. That is an art in itself. 


I don't like Bethenney's short hair cut. It doesn't agree with the hot, humid Hamptons summers. I liked her shiny hair with the long extensions.  


Again, too much Ken. Why? He is just awful. He needed to be in the limo ride to Bethenny's for what reason? To walk behind Lisa carrying flowers to give to Beth? He doesn't belong at all. I can't figure the production angle on him being around so much this season. Must be one of Lisa's demands to keep the old man busy.  

  • Love 5

Didn't Bethenny do a cover shot and photo layout for some other little start-up Hamptons lifestyle magazine (no longer in publication, I think) several years ago?  With some woman who tried to make a name for herself on another short-lived Bravo reality show?  


Yes.  That was when Bethenny was just starting her business and she understood the word 'gratitude'.  She might have even had an ounce of humility back then, too.


Erika's hair looks real. Gorgeous.


  • Love 7

Didn't Bethenny do a cover shot and photo layout for some other little start-up Hamptons lifestyle magazine (no longer in publication, I think) several years ago?  With some woman who tried to make a name for herself on another short-lived Bravo reality show?  


YES that horrible Devorah Rose.  She either had a show or was trying to have one. 




Again, too much Ken. Why? He is just awful. He needed to be in the limo ride to Bethenny's for what reason? To walk behind Lisa carrying flowers to give to Beth? He doesn't belong at all. I can't figure the production angle on him being around so much this season. Must be one of Lisa's demands to keep the old man busy.  


Yeah I really don't understand why she drags him around all the time.  She walks him around like a dog, which is funny because he drags the dog around.  He is a strange man, he seems like a loser. 

  • Love 6

Beth's face looked so greasy.

Eileen needs a trim or new conditioner.

Hey LisaR, when you leave a party feeling sick, both ends as she mentioned, please don't kiss your friends good-bye. Lord have mercy she looked horrible while talking to Eileen.


I was wondering if she had a touch of food poisoning (perhaps from Bethenny's scallops??)....apparently, Ken also thought that could have been the case, because he commented something similar to LisaR, as well.

  • Love 4

The Bethenny/Erika stuff felt like Bethenny and production thought they were going to get another Bethenny/Sonja moment from last season of RHONY, where Bethenny offers sage advice to do a dim blond who yells and screams her delusions and makes Bethenny look like the wise gal. But Erika was calm and didn't give a fuck about Bethenny's opinion so the harder Bethenny tried to offer advice and provoke a reaction, the more it didn't work.

  • Love 21

Bethenny is an asshole! I can't stand her. Erika didn't ask for your advice. So shut up! I totally see it as insecurity, trying to make another woman feel /look like a bimbo, who needs the great Bethenny advice? Calling Erika, ho , by night, and bambi was so freaking rude. Just because Erika is comfortable with her sexuality, doesn't make her a ho.

Someone mentioned up thread that LVP talks to the cast of VanderPump rules the way she was drilling Erika and Eileen, I can see that. Lisa was being rude to Eileen, yeah, I know it's out there about Eileen and Vince's affair, but why did LisaV need to know every detail right then on camera with a room full of people? Lisa and Eileen were not alone just because LVP says they were. I wish Eileen would've shut her down(shrugs).

I skipped Yo, I don't really care. I wish her the best. The best for me, would be if she left my TV screen.

I felt bad for Ken, if I was him I would have stayed home.

Did Erika stay at the hotel with LisaV? We saw her arrive at the house, but then she was riding in the limo with LisaV to meet Beth.

Yes, in an interview Erika said that the owner of the hotel is a friend of hers.

  • Love 3

I was wondering if she had a touch of food poisoning (perhaps from Bethenny's scallops??)....apparently, Ken also thought that could have been the case, because he commented something similar to LisaR, as well.

I've had food poisoning twice from scallops and won't touch them. It was the first thing I thought of when Lisar said she didn't feel well. But to be fair to the scallops the whole group would have been sick and it probably wouldn't have hit them until the middle of the night.
  • Love 9

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