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S06.E06: Hamptons, 90210

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Kim indeed has been on for a lot of seasons and put the ladies through a lot of grief. I don't expect them to self-impose a gag order on account of Kyle. However, if Kyle asks them not to talk about Kim around her then of course they need to respect that. IMO if Kyle asked them not to talk about Kim on camera because of all of the stress it puts on her extended family, they owe her that as KYLE'S friend as opposed to Kim's victim. Kyle isn't saying don't talk about Kim ever--she's saying don't talk about Kim with me on camera. If Kyle wants to do it...well, she's a hypocrite. But she's family, they're not.


The problem is Kyle keeps bringing up Kim on camera.  She brought up Kim at the White Party to the women.  How does she expect people not to talk about Kim on camera when Kyle herself brings up Kim on camera when talking TO the Ho's?  If she thinks no one is going to ask about Kim's arrest after Kyle brings it up, she's pretending to be offended for the sake of keeping peace with Kathy and Kim. 

  • Love 9

In Yo's case, I take it with a grain of salt because I am over her dramatics.


It's gotten to the point for me I gotta put Yo on mute.  I just have no patience for her whining anymore.  I'm actually finding her bullshit is making me angry cuz I think of friends/relatives who died from cancer & other serious ailments.  I also think of people who don't have her wealth that get thru their lives & have physical challenges much, much, much more difficult than she does.  Any sympathy I may have had for her is used up long ago & gone.


Oh, I knew it wouldn't take long, but phony-baloney Kyle is back in town, eh?  Poor you, Kyle.  Boo-hoo over being asked about Kim.  Listen, hun, if you really cared about Kim, you'd shut your fuckin' trap about her.  And Kyle, if you really cared about Kim, you'd say to Satan Andy, "Listen, you fucking heartless asshole, stop using my sister for ratings & a slimy storyline for this show.  Leave her alone or I'll quit this show forever."  But would Kyle do that?  No way, Jose.  Kyle has waited for this shit her whole life & she ain't never gonna give this show up.  Sure, Kim can keep running back to the show if Satan Andy asks her to & throws the Bravo dough at her.  But Kyle could take a stand against it with Satan Andy.  Sorry to those who love Kyle so much, but I just don't buy her bullshit when it comes to Kim.


Oh no, Satan Andy.  Bethenny?  Really?  Isn't it torture enough you have to subject me to her ugly mug & nasty bitchery on NYC?  I have to look at that starved-out mug on this show too?  Thanks a fuckin lot, Satan Andy. Hopefully it's just next ep & that's it.


Honestly, I thought it seemed oddly out of place to showcase the Hamptons on this show, but I always like looking at Hamptons house porn.

  • Love 10

The rooms had probably been comped with an implicit understanding that famous people would be seen on tv occupying them, their patronage was the payment. Even if they needed to sleep elsewhere, they probably should have at least pretended to stay there. Kyle and Eileen moving out and taking the cameras with them probably cost Lisa some goodwill and credibility with the fawning magazine industry.

This! If you factor in all of production interference and 4th wall motivations, then you understand why Lisa and the women were crosstalking. The rooms were almost certainly comped. The hotel expected the usual footage that we see when any of the franchises travels: tours of the beautiful rooms, shots of the pool, and sweeping views. We got none of that.

Also Lisa, knowing full well that scenes with more wives are more likely to air, was pissed because the rest of them are in a house offsite. Lisa probably thought that dumb hijinks at the house would stay in and her magazine cover party would get short shrift because the women show up late.

Finally, Kyle and Eileen probably failed to call or text Lisa because they assumed that the location producer would call Lisa or Lisa's line producer to let Lisa know about the change. But of course that didn't happen because keeping Lisa in the dark is instant drama.

  • Love 16

The problem is Kyle keeps bringing up Kim on camera.  She brought up Kim at the White Party to the women.  How does she expect people not to talk about Kim on camera when Kyle herself brings up Kim on camera when talking TO the Ho's?  If she thinks no one is going to ask about Kim's arrest after Kyle brings it up, she's pretending to be offended for the sake of keeping peace with Kathy and Kim. 


I agree. Kyle should keep her yap shut about Kim.


However, her supposed friend, Lisa V is going for Kim's throat.  And Kyle's, too, by the way she talks about it.  Even though Kyle is the one that mentioned it first.


And for me, it really doesn't matter how much of an ass the addled addict, Kim, was to Lisa.  Lisa is down in the mud now.  Maybe she should have brought home that pot bellied pig from Ohio.  She would have someone to roll around with.

  • Love 10

I got to hand it to Kyle.  She did the right thing.  She ditched the lame motel (boutique joint my ass) & rented a place.  THAT's the way to do the Hamptons if you've got limitless buckets of dough.  Some will ask, how could you get a place at the last second, especially in season -- which I assume they were there in?  Look, for enough money, you could get an incredible place out there -- and Kyle did.  I'm curious how she did it.  Did Mo help her, or did Bravo peeps handle it or was it just a matter of a single call/text/email to the right Hamptons broker?  And did Kyle pay for it or did Bravo?  Hmmmm, questions, questions & no answers.


Lisa saying it was "rude" to leave the hotel gave me a giggle.  Yeah, rude.  Still chuckling over that one.  That noisy joint (OK, it wasn't the Bates Motel, but still) or that stunning place they ended up in?  Real difficult choice.  Oh man, that house, that incredible house -- everywhere you looked inside or out, it was excruciatingly & exceptionally beautiful.  Wowza!  Idk about anyone else, but I only live that way in my dreams.  Thank you for that house porn, Satan Andy.  Now that's why I watch this show.

  • Love 13

Bella Magazine had to book the event with Lisa's publicist.  That is what I meant by booking the event.  It takes at least two parties.


Lisa didn't want a phone call she wanted them to wait until she arrived.  They decided to get another place and get relaxed and ready for Lisa/Bella's party.  Eileen asked Lisa to call so she could get the particulars.  My guess is when Lisa and Ken arrived there was little doubt with the blaring music why the women left.  You keep saying it is rude, not to me, if none of the room business had anything to do with Lisa then why are the other women so rude to leave?   At some point, even though you don't think Lisa had to stay at the motel, someone clued the rest in that it would not be appropriate for Ken and Lisa to go to another place before the party.   Lisa had Ken, it is not as if they left her high and dry and alone.  You leave a note and ask someone to call so it is done at their convenience.  This way Lisa could choose to have the cameras or not, it would not interrupt her photo shoot, helicopter ride or anything else.  The phone call becomes at Lisa's convenience.

Lisa was booked by the magazine, she had nothing to do with the choice of venue/hotel, the entertainment, the food.....nothing. That was all done by the magazine. Kyle did not discuss leaving the hotel with anyone, even Eileen, she made the decision on her own and left out Lisa, which is why they were all in the Hamptons in the first place. Kyle could have called her and filled her in on the problems or she could have waited until Lisa/Ken arrived then talked to her about it. It is not as if they went to the house and slept, they got there and changed their clothes in order to go back to the hotel/party, would waiting at the hotel have made any difference, IMO, NO. It WAS/IS rude to make changes in group plans and leave out members of the group from that discussion. I don't think Kyle or Mauricio would have appreciated Lisa/Ken leaving and booking a different house in Tuscany without a heads up first, which is what Kyle should have done with Lisa, give her a heads up. You only leave a note if you are not near a phone, Kyle has a cell phone, Lisa has 1 and so does Eileen.

I thought Erika looked stunning in the restaurant with her husband. Go with that look all the time honey.


I like Kyle, Eileen and Lisar much more than I like Lisa V, but they were just rude IMO. I understand why they didn't want to stay in that hotel. According to Eileen in her blog, it was not a great place to stay.  This is what she had to say about it:


"The hotel we were supposed to stay in was lovely, except for the fact that our rooms were right off the pool. The pool where the club tracks started playing promptly at 9 AM! Not only was there no room service, the one restaurant available didn’t even open until 1 PM. No food before 1 PM. is not OK. There wasn’t even a Jack-in-the-Box close by. Kyle was definitely feeling my pain, because with equal enthusiasm we escaped from the hell of the town’s “biggest and baddest nightclub experience.” No. Thank. You. The happiness I felt being in that beautiful home (thanks, Mauricio!), where I could sleep in peace and be in the vicinity of a fully-stocked fridge was unparalleled. Lisa R. felt the same way after her five-hour drive.

Despite being exhausted from traveling, work, and not sleeping, the three of us got all dressed up and went to the white party to support Lisa V.’s cover of Bella Magazine. I didn’t think moving would be a problem. I agree with Lisa R.--it shouldn’t matter where we are sleeping, we showed up! I guess I was wrong. Plus, I was always taught it was polite to leave a note!"


I get it all, but they should have done more than just leave a note. They should have called her - or at least left her a voice mail - and told her that the hotel sucked and that they were thinking of getting a house. Would she be interested in joining them? To completely exclude her was just rude. 






Did Lisa ever thank them for traveling such a long distance just to go to a party to celebrate her cover? I wonder if travel expenses were free and if getting a home sitter (not that they need one) was factored it? Was it a vacation or a work event? Either way, you would expect a quiet room and available food. I'd get a migraine with all the sleep deprivation, lack of food and noise.

It was work for ALL of them as they all got paid by Bravo.

  • Love 11

Am I the only one who has no Giggy love? Can't stand the little rat. Damn thing can't walk because he's held all the time.

I love dogs so I really try with Giggy. It's hard though.

(Much of my Giggy issue is because of the constant coddling by Ken and Lisa. I believe that you should let dogs be dogs. Mine has run of the house and yard and sometimes he runs around the house with his toys like a crazy dog and sometimes comes in from the yard all dirty - and I smile and clean him up because he's a dog, he has fun doing what dogs do)

  • Love 11

I really could have lived my whole life without seeing Dr. Chef Boyardee and that removed implant. Or Yolanda's boob as she was preparing to remove a slab of skin.

The sweater Lisa R was selling was super cute. She does seem to be a perfect fit for QVC with her over the top personality.

The fact that the Surgeon noted all the old leaked silicone attached to the newer implant makes me wonder what Dr removed the ruptured implants 10 years ago and missed all of the silicone to begin with. IMO, Yolanda needs to find legit, reputable Drs and stop with the quacks she has gotten accustomed to. 

  • Love 13

Loved seeing LisaR traveling to Philly.  The duster she wore was fabulous.  And her clothes seem good and reasonable.  I'll echo the poster way back on page 1 or 2 that gave her props for knowing the names of her driver, assistants, etc. 


Watching YoFo fawn/idolize her King is painful.  He seems affected or somewhat checked out but maybe he's not natural on camera.  Or maybe knowing the outcome is prejudicing me.  I think the reason YoFo called Gigi is because Gigi was staying at the house with Bella and Anwar.  Maybe she thought no reason to call each kid independently.


I wasn't sure about Erika but damn, I like her now.  She looked stunning at that lunch with her husband, with the lighter makeup and hair.  Her dress, eh.  But she looked so much better there than she does in her THs with the pink shirt.  And yes!  Eat that chocolate cake and admit you eat sweets.  Finally! 


Seems to be tension between Eileen and Vince but I hope not. 


Loved Kyle's comment about how Lisa VP probably doesn't deal with a hanging rod falling down in her closet.


I don't blame Eileen wanting to decamp the hotel.  Nothing makes me crazier than partiers/noisy people keeping me awake.  I would leave too.  I get that Lisa VP was expecting to see her friends at the hotel when she arrived but she's got to understand why they left.  Not like they blew off the party.


The Hamptons rental house was all kinds of gorg. 

  • Love 5

I love dogs so I really try with Giggy. It's hard though.

(Much of my Giggy issue is because of the constant coddling by Ken and Lisa. I believe that you should let dogs be dogs. Mine has run of the house and yard and sometimes he runs around the house with his toys like a crazy dog and sometimes comes in from the yard all dirty - and I smile and clean him up because he's a dog, he has fun doing what dogs do)


We have a small Maltese that had health problems when he was a pup, we rescued him from a pet store, and it is really easy to pamper them, so I get it. Giggy has a host of health issues aside from his Alopecia that make it hard for him to be a "normal" dog. We also have a 150 lb. Newf that has developed health problems later in life and you would be surprised how much we baby/pamper him. Of course we do not carry him around, LOL, but we do assist him getting into/out of the house, have a Chiropractor come to the house once a week to adjust him, give him medication twice a day and we have arranged his beds so that he can stretch out in all directions, which in turn makes the living room harder to navigate for us. LOL  

Loved seeing LisaR traveling to Philly.  The duster she wore was fabulous.  And her clothes seem good and reasonable.  I'll echo the poster way back on page 1 or 2 that gave her props for knowing the names of her driver, assistants, etc. 


Watching YoFo fawn/idolize her King is painful.  He seems affected or somewhat checked out but maybe he's not natural on camera.  Or maybe knowing the outcome is prejudicing me.  I think the reason YoFo called Gigi is because Gigi was staying at the house with Bella and Anwar.  Maybe she thought no reason to call each kid independently.


I wasn't sure about Erika but damn, I like her now.  She looked stunning at that lunch with her husband, with the lighter makeup and hair.  Her dress, eh.  But she looked so much better there than she does in her THs with the pink shirt.  And yes!  Eat that chocolate cake and admit you eat sweets.  Finally! 


Seems to be tension between Eileen and Vince but I hope not. 


Loved Kyle's comment about how Lisa VP probably doesn't deal with a hanging rod falling down in her closet.


I don't blame Eileen wanting to decamp the hotel.  Nothing makes me crazier than partiers/noisy people keeping me awake.  I would leave too.  I get that Lisa VP was expecting to see her friends at the hotel when she arrived but she's got to understand why they left.  Not like they blew off the party.


The Hamptons rental house was all kinds of gorg. 


Actually, Gigi was in Australia. I am not sure where Bella was if she wasn't back in her apartment in NY and Anwar was/still is living with his father. After all the "I need my Mommy" crying from Yolanda, why no call to her mother before surgery?

  • Love 14

Lisa to Ken in the helicopter "Ken? Is Giggy okay darling? Is it too noisy for him or is he alright?"  DUH Lisa, it's a damned helipcopter. What if it was too noisy for Giggy, what's the alternative? I got it.... open the door and drop him out on the tarmack, there you go.



Yeah they don't actually care if it is too noisy for him, or if he is too hot, or uncomfortable in those ridiculous velvet outfits.  It is so gross how they treat that poor dog, like he is an accessory, not an actual living thing.  He seems to be in distress most of the time, why do they do that to him?  Leave him home to relax - stop acting like he enjoys the red carpet!  I assure you he does not.

  • Love 6

The thing is when Kim showed her ass in Mexico at Brooke's wedding Mauricio and Kyle cut her off. I think they gave the scoop to TMZ or someone close to the family did. It seemed true since Kyle wasn't on Twitter debunking anything false when it was released.


How come I don't see an article about Kim when I open this?

When my aunt had surgery earlier this year she was given something before the general anaesthetic that made her really combative. She was screaming "fuck you" at the staff and trying to beat them up. She had to be restrained. They went ahead with the surgery though, and she died on the table. She was not very healthy anyway, but I've wondered since if her freak out prior to the surgery had anything to do with her demise. They said not, but I still wonder. I miss her so much.

  • Love 8

I'll probably sound like an ass saying this, but Yolanda's baby voice when she's on the phone with her kids drives me nuts. They're not 4, Yo. Gigi's an adult.

Yolanda talks like a baby in person sometimes too - and uses very idealized language, like "my love." For some reason (experiences/dynamics in childhood or later maybe), she seems to feel that she has to try very hard with those close to her. It also seems, though, that her children love her and care about her. Edited by nexxie
  • Love 2

The problem is Kyle keeps bringing up Kim on camera.  She brought up Kim at the White Party to the women.  How does she expect people not to talk about Kim on camera when Kyle herself brings up Kim on camera when talking TO the Ho's?  If she thinks no one is going to ask about Kim's arrest after Kyle brings it up, she's pretending to be offended for the sake of keeping peace with Kathy and Kim.

But usually Kyle is talking about how SHE feels because of something Kim has done - Kyle is sad, overwhelmed, confused or whatever - and the other women want the latest dirt rather than to offer Kyle sympathy or understanding. I have a feeling that's the story of her life - Kim engages in some new assholery and nobody ever bothers about how it impacts Kyle.
  • Love 18
I don't think Kyle or Mauricio would have appreciated Lisa/Ken leaving and booking a different house in Tuscany without a heads up first, which is what Kyle should have done with Lisa, give her a heads up. You only leave a note if you are not near a phone, Kyle has a cell phone, Lisa has 1 and so does Eileen.



But they didn't rent a house or something like that together. Lisa was getting put up at a hotel because she has a gig in the Hamptons. The other women booked the same hotel for obvious reasons but then it was terrible so they left and are staying nearby. The only difference in Lisa's vacation, should she choose not to move to the house with them, is that they weren't at the hotel when she got there, which is not so different than if they'd been out shopping when she got there. With their access to transport etc., there's not that much difference. It's always been Lisa's weekend with the other women just tagging along making their own vacation to coincide with it. 

  • Love 4

But they didn't rent a house or something like that together. Lisa was getting put up at a hotel because she has a gig in the Hamptons. The other women booked the same hotel for obvious reasons but then it was terrible so they left and are staying nearby. The only difference in Lisa's vacation, should she choose not to move to the house with them, is that they weren't at the hotel when she got there, which is not so different than if they'd been out shopping when she got there. With their access to transport etc., there's not that much difference. It's always been Lisa's weekend with the other women just tagging along making their own vacation to coincide with it. 

I still say that the house rental was pre-planned by the show.  They are in the Hamptons longer than the white party, so for dramas sake, it makes more sense to decamp to a house vs. all staying in separate motel rooms.  The whole point is to throw the ladies together where they can't get away.  I think even Lisa V knew this was the plan, but had to play to the cameras that she had no idea because she was actually staying in a sponsored room. 

I think the only way Yo got out of the trip was by conveniently scheduling surgery.  Most of her season has not been spent with the other women, she'll show up for a dinner, but she'll only take trips with her husband or health advocate.

  • Love 4

In this day and age of technology, a note was left for Lisa? To borrow from another show, "That don't make no sense."  I don't think any of the other women would have wanted that if they were the ones in Lisa's position. Don't leave a note. Make a phone call.


Damn it, Kyle, STFU already about Kim!! You don't want to hear her name brought up, then stop mentioning her name to other people. When you open that door, people will walk in.


Kyle mentioned how she had a hard week and didn't get enough sleep. How about just sticking with the noise level outside your room instead of being dramatic about not having had enough sleep during the week, which seemed to be a fisher move for sympathy.



But usually Kyle is talking about how SHE feels because of something Kim has done - Kyle is sad, overwhelmed, confused or whatever - and the other women want the latest dirt rather than to offer Kyle sympathy or understanding. I have a feeling that's the story of her life - Kim engages in some new assholery and nobody ever bothers about how it impacts Kyle.

I understand. I agree. I think sometimes the ladies forget this and go for the obvious which is to ask about what Kim has done. However, I also think how Kyle goes about it almost comes off as if she is bringing up Kim indirectly. This is why I mentioned above Kyle could have just said that the noise level outside her door made it hard to sleep. When she felt it wasn't a sufficient enough reason for Lisa, she then mentioned in a somewhat dramatic way about not having slept well that week. That is how I remember the scene. I could be wrong.


I think Lisa should have accepted the reason that was given and I also think Kyle shouldn't have to go into more detail in order to appease Lisa.


I am with those who can't stand the baby voice Yolanda uses. It grates.


Loved the moment when Chief Beck was shown. He is a staple on our local news shows.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

I spent most of my life in Cleveland so I instantly recognized where David and Yolanda were in the car. Funny, at one point if they had made a left, they would of been on the street where I used to live.

          The doctor's office is in Pepper Pike, but growing up my dad always called it Pecker Pike so I never knew it was really Pepper.    Its a fitting name though, lots of needy, rude and obnoxious people in that area so the doctor is used to people like Yolanda and her assistant. 


Small world! Ohio native here and lived in Chesterland until I was 17. Then we moved to the OC, which is why I started watch RHOC.


On topic? Eh...it's already been said by everyone else!

  • Love 3

When my aunt had surgery earlier this year she was given something before the general anaesthetic that made her really combative. She was screaming "fuck you" at the staff and trying to beat them up. She had to be restrained. They went ahead with the surgery though, and she died on the table. She was not very healthy anyway, but I've wondered since if her freak out prior to the surgery had anything to do with her demise. They said not, but I still wonder. I miss her so much.

There is actually a very controversial diagnosis for people who are highly agitated and die while in restraints. It's called excited delirium. The individuals are usually combative, hyper aggressive, disoriented, and incoherent. It is also associated with multiple drug toxicity. It is still controversial to call it an official condition. It's not recognized by most clinicians.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 3

The leaving of the hotel was a bit confusing but what I think happened is that Kyle couldn't sleep so she went someplace else for the night - probably Beth's house.  When she talked to Eileen in the morning, she said called her husband to see if he could find a place for them to stay.  They both arrived at the house together. 


Regarding Kyle's TH's about Kim questions -  the problem with TH's is that the viewer doesn't know what question is being asked of the housewife.  They could be responding to a totally different question and situation.  For example, on RHNY last season they used the same Dorinda TH in response to two different situations.  So, I always take the TH's with a grain of salt.  In this season of Million Dollar Listing San Francisco, they included the producer's question in the TH's.  I liked that so much more even though I didn't really care for the show.


Oh, I love, love, love Lisa's pink coat...  She's worn that before, no?

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 2

Gigi looks like THAT when she's been woken up in the middle of the night?  Bitch.  


I can understand why Kyle is reticent to discuss Kim's issues.  One, she and Kim are in a TERRIBLE place right now in terms of their relationship.  Last season, she didn't have any idea until the reunion that Kim was okay with that.  Just the idea of being so at odds with a loved one when they're clearly going through a rough time is difficult.  Two, when Kim was on the show, she was making the choice to make her personal life a public display, so perhaps Kyle respects that fact and doesn't want to overreach.  I mean, really, if she says ANYTHING about Princess Kim, it seems like both Kim and Kathy are even more horrible to her, so I could see her trying to avoid more conflict where possible.

  • Love 4

I think with the Hotel vs. House situation the women are actually talking around the 4th wall and production. If this weren't a reality show, and the women were travelling to support their friend, most likely they would have waited at the hotel or called her to say the hotel is not what they expected and they were going to make other plans. Or, they would have texted her that they weren't checking in and have her meet them at a restaurant or bar to discuss other arrangements. But because this is a reality show, common courtesy is being ignored in favor of anything that might cause petty drama. 


And when i say that, I mean that production most likely encouraged them to leave a note rather than call. Of course they can't tell Lisa V. that. They have to say it was too loud and we just wanted to get some sleep with no explanation of why they didn't call or text her. 


Lisa on the other hand has a right to be pissed but, again, can't elaborate on all of the reasons why she is pissed. She knows that the magazine put her up in the hotel fully expecting the hotel to be filmed as part of the compensation package. The women leaving the hotel means there is much less of a shot of the hotel receiving complimentary footage. The women describing their accommodations as "less than" also hurts the arrangement when it comes to the hotel's publicity. 


She also most likely was hurt because they didn't bother to call her to tell her before she arrived, and only left a note for her to find when she was expecting to meet up with them. I can imagine being hurt or disappointed and I am no where near as sensitive as any of these women are. I'd feel a bit embarrassed and like my friends ditched me - in front of a film crew. So i get bot sides of this. 

  • Love 10

Wait, just watching - Kyle was the one who brought up Kim, so is she honestly expecting the other ladies not to ask questions?  I don't get it.   She could have simply said "Its been awful, and if you don't mind, let's not talk about it now".  They would all have gone along with it.   Instead in her TH she goes on the attack!  Makes no sense. 


Yo - what can I saw.  Drama, IV's, drama.   Part of me wonders if the first Dr. - 10 years ago - recommended not replacing the old silicon implants with the same thing, or at all, and due to vanity, Yo just wanted those big boobs.   I have no doubt she has some form of LD, but the leaky silicon and menopause explains most of her symptoms - along with her marriage falling apart.   I'm just tired of it, and didn't need to see the old implant to believe it was ruptured.  I would have taken her word for it.     And today, on IG, there she is with another IV!!!  I think she's addicted to them.

  • Love 4

I still say that the house rental was pre-planned by the show.  They are in the Hamptons longer than the white party, so for dramas sake, it makes more sense to decamp to a house vs. all staying in separate motel rooms.  The whole point is to throw the ladies together where they can't get away.  I think even Lisa V knew this was the plan, but had to play to the cameras that she had no idea because she was actually staying in a sponsored room. 


It's possible the house rental was pre-planned.  I didn't get that impression, but that could have been on purpose.  Look, EVERYTHING on the show is probably tightly planned & scripted by Satan Andy & his minions.  Still, I think Satan Andy allows for some improv & deviation from the planned & scripted, and a kinda/sorta natural flow from unexpected happenings/reactions.  That's where interesting, fun & even memorable stuff can occur.  I don't disagree about the house rental being pre-planned, but I'm saying it's possible (or at least somewhat believable) Kyle & the others wanted to go elsewhere.


Well, I do know, from being extremely familiar with the Hamptons, that staying in a motel ain't the way to go -- even if it's some jazzed up, renovated joint like this one.  If you've got tons of dough, you rent a place out there.  And we see why.  Cuz it buys you the awesome gorgeousness of the place we saw.  And that stunning house was not even unique for the area.  There are many, many places just as exquisite for rent nearby.  Why anyone would choose the jazzed up Bates joint over that, if he/she is wealthy, makes absolutely no sense.  But then, it makes perfect sense if the motel (oh yeah, boutique joint, sure, sure) gave Bravo free rooms for plugs & Lisa wanted to push her magazine crap.  Ah, the behind-the-scenes Housewives machinations, eh?  You & your minions are quite the crafty devils, Satan Andy.  Ah, but keep showing the house porn & I really don't care much about the manipulations & fakery & scripted nonsense.

  • Love 3
I am going to re-watch the episode, because my initial reaction was that David was thinking the health ordeal would finally be over.  Also, I am in the minority as I wasn't offended by David grabbing Yo's boob in the limo -- felt as though he was trying to lighten the mood or ease her anxiety.  IMO


It definitely felt like he was trying to lighten the mood a bit at first, and I even chuckled. But then he just wouldn't let go! It went on so long that I began to get the impression that he was really going to miss those boobs.

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Loving Erika so far.  To me she has all the makings of a great Housewife: Insanely rich, outspoken, no-nonsense, flashy and smart.  Too bad she's tainted by Yolanda.  Can't wait to see her interact more with the others.  She and LVP could either be bffs or sworn enemies, I'm leaning towards the enemies part.  I don't think Lisa is necessarily jealous of Erika but she seems somewhat threatened.  Lisa has always been about the LGBT community, that was her "thing". Now comes along a new housewives who's basically a drag queen incarnate, I can see why Lisa would not be too happy about that (but I don't agree with it).


If they become enemies over that, I will roll my eyes.  They could both use each other as assets since Erika is a successful dance singer and Lisa damn near runs West Hollywood with her restaurants.  People on social media are slowly but surely liking Erika and she's growing popularity.  LVP has always been popular since the day since she's been on RHOBH.  They can still share the same fanbase and also make that money at the same time.  But hell what do I.  


I personally think LVP is "feeling out" Erika.  She's never been big on making new friends since BH started.  The only people she's ever been closest too is Kyle and before that Yolanda.  Once LVP thinks one "checks out" like Eileen and Lisa R last year than she considers you a friend or at least a close acquaintance.  

  • Love 3

Wait, just watching - Kyle was the one who brought up Kim, so is she honestly expecting the other ladies not to ask questions?  I don't get it.   She could have simply said "Its been awful, and if you don't mind, let's not talk about it now".  They would all have gone along with it.   Instead in her TH she goes on the attack!  Makes no sense. 

But I think it's more about the fact that Lisa V launched into pretty much specific detail with just one line opening up the dialogue beyond Kyle's impact of it all. It was the whole "you can't just walk into Target and steal $600 worth of toys". Like damn, with one quick flick of the wrist and a sentence she pretty much caught me up with the latest on Kim. Hell I didn't even know about the arrest and with that one sentence she pretty much covered it and presented it open ended which begged for more to be said and questions to be lobbied by the others as well. Clever, clever and pretty unnecessary. There wasn't any sort of smooth segway into that comment what so ever. It's was like oh how are you how's Kim... "you can't just walk into target........." like take a breath, give the fake concern a chance to settle and maybe just maybe seem genuine before launching into that maverick maneuver. Geez Louise. Messy, messy and not stealth at all. It was all rather heavy handed I must admit. However it is a bit comical how Kyle is learning that she can't use Kim to pimp that Martyr badge without it backfiring on her big time. It's time to hang that sad famewhoring angle up cause it ain't getting you the attention you crave for the price YOU want to pay. The stakes are up and so are the prices so it's best that she give it up and stay clear although I also find it comical that NOW she seems to feel the prices are too dear. I mean after the first pound of flesh what's a few more ounces right? LOL!

  • Love 4

It's irritating that Kyle all of a sudden doesn't want to talk about Kim when in past seasons that's all she did was talk trash, fight and bitch about her sister.

^^^Thank you. We see you, Vyle. You FLOVED barking, squealing, and squawking, "YOU'RE AN ALCOHOLIC!" at your sister on national tv, so puh-leez staaawp with the loyalty/conflicted routine. There's a reason your sister got A LOT more acting jobs than you. You're not fooling anyone. You're a vapid, boring, dimwitted fame-whoring ape; therefore, everyone gets to see the Kim parts of your life as well as the Tuscan vacation part...which isn't really all that appealing when you spend the majority of the time either screeching about a mosquito or clomping around the same stores we have here in the US. Moron.

  • Love 9

Speaking of mental illness, Rinna says she has OCD. Do you think she really does or is that just her hilarious (/sarcasm) way of saying she likes things really clean?

I believe it when she says she's OCD, but Lisa also strongly projects all the characteristics of a micro-manager and control freak. Lisa Rinna demands attention no matter what situation she's in, she has and exceptional need to have the spotlight on her. As we saw on QVC, she did an excellent job selling her clothes because she's the shining star of the moment and she's making tons of money. She actually glows like the sun when people are focused on her. Of course it's not unusual for celebrities to like being in the spotlight and the center of focus, but it seems that the older Lisa Rinna gets, the more intense her need for attention becomes. All the housewives in all the franchises love attention but I see that need in Lisa almost more than any other housewife.  Lisa will change who she is or what she believes so that someone who she really needs to be on her side will accept her rather than just be herself. She'll seek the acceptance of others by managing their impression of her. I saw that trait in Lisa in the episode where she was at Lisa V's house with Kyle and Lisa spellbound with her impressions of Yolanda's illness. She was very cunning the way she planted the dark seed of doubt in Lisa V and Eileen saying that Yolanda might possibly have Munchausen disorder but that she 'heard it said by someone else' and she felt guilty that she was even part of that conversation.  If Lisa Rinna was really sincere and honest about it she would have come right out and said "I think Yolanda is faking her illness, but I don't want anyone to think I'm a horrible person believing that so I'll make up a story saying it was someone else that brought that belief up and I feel guilty buying into that."  (Is that 'guilt by proxy' by any chance?) Lisa Rinna MUST be liked, it's not as though she wants to be, she really HAS to be.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 5

I wipe things down, too, when we travel.  Especially door handles, toilet flushers, sink handles.  The remote control and phone are no-brainers.  And as soon as we step into the room, the bedspread comes off and gets put on a chair. LOL I have a canister of Lysol wipes just like hers.  One last thing - never use the in-room coffee makers.


I'm sure she was just being tongue in cheek because she's not the sharpest tack in the box.  She should spend more time reading.  I believe she's the one who, when she does something stupid she tells everyone how 'retarded' she is.  She just has no filter or smarts.  Or something.


My cousin's daughter has a cleaning service, mostly for rich people at a gorgeous vacation lake spot.  She began as a hotel maid in her teens, decided she could do it better and started her business with her husband a few years later.  ANYWAY, I had to go in for a medical thing, and we were checking into a very nice hotel near the hospital.


S--- immediately stepped up and said she wanted to see the rooms first.  The first thing she did was go to the mattresses, and checked every single corner top and bottom.  That is apparently where you see bedbugs at rest, little black dots.  Those rooms were clean.  I started to make coffee and she shrieked.  "NO!  WAIT!"  She said "notice where the coffee maker is?  Right by the bathroom, now what cloths do you think harried maids use to wipe that down, they are on a schedule.  Yup, the same ones they used in the bathroom."  She had wipes, dishsoap, etc. and re-cleaned the room.  Ha.  I learned a lot.  Yeah, I also immediately remove the bedspread.  Yuck.


Oh the anesthesia thing?  I don't think I yelled or cried, but who knows.  Apparently I kind of died on the table for a little while, I remember my surgeon's face and his saying "Do you remember anything?"  Me:  "No."  Him:  "Back to sleep then."  Anyway, I do remember what happened as the anethesia was taking effect.  I asked if this was really the operating room (looks nothing whatsoever like TV shows.)  They all said "Yes."  My drugged response?  "What a dump!"  ala Bette.  They all cracked up.  Anesthesia is very weird.


Edited by Umbelina
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