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S06.E01: Life's A Pitch

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I'm not getting what these things have to do with each other or why it's weird that she didn't go to the dinner. Did she really say something about not leaving the house out of respect? Maybe Eileen already had plans for the night of Lisa's dinner. 

It was heavily implied Eileen was not coming because of her father-in-law dying. She said something about not being able to come and Lisar responded with of course they couldn't be there and started talking about "Dicky". Also Eileen sent a gift to the part and after Lisar opened it the guests at the party toasted Eileen and Vince and Dick.


Of course, who knows? Maybe they didn't come for any other number of reasons but it was edited to make it look like Dick's death was the reason they were not at the party.

Edited by Thick McRunFast
  • Love 4

I don't think psychosis or literally insanity, at least in the colloquial senses of the terms, is inherently unreasonable a conclusion vis-a-vis Yolanda's contentions. This is a woman who stated not once, not twice, but multiple times that a man physically assaulted her when the incident in question was captured on tape/film and actually showed *her* putting her hands on him. She refused to back down when confronted about the issue. If she earnestly believes that her disprovable account is what transpired, that is a pretty textbook illustration of "dissociation from reality." Furthermore . . . why does a woman who links Lyme to her daughter's decision to get behind the wheel of her car after guzzling enough liquor to blow. 14 when caught boast *any* credibility on, well, anything? I don't expect that every poster here has kept abreast of Yo's continuous, ostensibly sickly turns in the media but I have no doubt that her cast mates do, in fact, read her never-ending contradictions and that is the context in which Lisa and Co. are operating. Yolanda says she can't put pen to paper or even watch television. Well, I wonder why authored or dictated that lengthy e-mail upbraiding Bella for the DUI? Yolanda says she wants to hurl herself from her condo but she can work up the energy to give a damn - seethe, actually - about whether or not Lisa has huddled around her sickbed. Yolanda says she can't remember screaming "you're an asshole" in a public forum but, when it comes to her abuse fantasies about Ken, she has perfect recall. She says she has no energy but she can huff around about Lisa's superciliousness and "Beyonce"-like refusal to take Yolanda's criticisms with a smile on her face (she seems to spend an awful lot of time thinking about Lisa). Yolanda says she can't handle the visual diversity of her own home but jetting off to Amalfi and Istanbul appears to pose no problem. Yolanda says she hasn't been able to leave her bed for "eighteen months" between seasons . . . when there's actually only about three from reunion to commencement of filming. Yolanda says she can't muster the wherewithal to keep living but she can demonstrably compose color-coordinated Instagram self-portraits and attend red carpets. Sitting her ass on a set is only problematic when it's a reunion sofa and planning dinners for David's celebrity friends somehow is never too tall and order. Anyone see a pattern here? Because I sure do.

  • Love 22

I'm already tired of Yolanda.  Why would someone so sick sign on for another season?  She should be saving her energy (both physical and emotional) for getting well and for her family.


I wish her good health of course, but it seems clear she's intent on portraying herself as some kind of brave victim.  I can't feel sorry for her, I just can't.  Her priorities are all screwed up, and I've seen her as pretty phony from the very beginning, so this is not surprising.


eta:  I'm not saying she's not sick, just that I don't think anything is the way it appears when it comes to Yolanda.  She's all about image and facades.

Maybe she needs the money!!??

  • Love 2

Can I just say, this thread is fantastic.  I like to snark on a couple of the other P-TV threads and when I found this one, I clapped my hands with glee!


Oh, Yo.  I don't doubt for a second that she is struggling with a lot of issues.  I find it both disgusting and "karma" that her King is leaving her while in the midst of her health crises.  Her adoration of him was always rather squicky to watch.  If I called my husband "my love" 73 times a day, he'd have me committed. 


I am one that loves any and all Kim discussions.  I grew up with Kim and her movies, television shows, etc.  I keep hoping against hope that she'll sort things out, but I realize it's not likely.  I too have a weird obsession with the dynamics of the Richards sisters.  This is why I can't stop watching this show, the Kardashians, etc.  Family dynamics are so interesting, and RICH family dynamics take it all to a whole new level.


And the advice about menopause?  Priceless.  I myself have had two hot flashes while perusing these comments.  Thank you for letting us know that it does get better and that someday, I may again be able to sleep through the night!

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 10

My friend dresses in beautifully cut, button down, white shirts and black trousers, every single business day.  She always looks put together and switches it up with shoes and jewelry.  I'm a little jelly that I didn't think of it first. She must own 25 white button downs in cotton, linen, silk. I'm not a clothes horse any more and it just seems like a smart, elegant way to roll if you can pull it off.


LOL...Did you click through the slideshow of David and Yo that I linked?  David looks neither "smart" or "elegant" - more like sloppy and borrrring.  In every pic Yo is dressed gorgeously, and David can't even be bothered to tighten his tie properly.  I "get" what your saying about your friend's business uniform (b/c that's what it becomes) and, yes, some people can carry it off.  David isn't one of them.

  • Love 3

I hadn't realized David and Yolanda had only been married such a short time. He acted like they had been married forever and he was just over her. That's kind of sad, given how invested Yolanda was in him.


David provided me with one of my favorite moments from this series. Remember the dinner party where he played the piano and all the guests sang non-copyrighted songs? And then David told Taylor to stop singing? It was all so ridiculous and staged and unnatural. I mean, who among us hasn't attended a dinner party only to break out into a rousing rendition of "When the Saints Go Marching In"? It was sublime.


I won't be sad to not see Yolanda's fridge any more. That thing just pissed me off. Sure, it's great if all you have in your fridge are artfully arranged lemons and artichokes but what about those of us who use our fridges for food? I wouldn't want my leftovers and slightly wilted celery on display. Plus, with the glass doors there's no way that thing was actually energy efficient. Never before has an appliance bugged me so much.

Edited by Thick McRunFast
  • Love 16

I have to call BS on Yolanda's claim she is doing no make-up or hair color-looks like a highlight job and mascara to me-and she is flying commercial..  https://www.instagram.com/p/9xpLqLos0D/?taken-by=yolandahfoster


I still haven't heard or seen where Yo said she gave up make-up.  If it was said on the show last night, my apologies.  Half paying attention.


Anyway, that instagram picture.  WHO took it?  Is it a selfie? If it is, isn't that kind of odd? I always thought the instagram pics of her and My Love snuggled up in bed, taken from across the room were strange.  But taking a selfie while feigning sleep? 

  • Love 6
I hadn't realized David and Yolanda had only been married such a short time. He acted like they had been married forever and he was just over her. That's kind of sad, given how invested Yolanda was in him.



I think they had been dating for 5 years before they married, so together for 9 years total, 3 of which Yo was brain dead.  Yeah, I think he had plenty of time to be over her.

  • Love 12

I still haven't heard or seen where Yo said she gave up make-up.  If it was said on the show last night, my apologies.  Half paying attention.


Anyway, that instagram picture.  WHO took it?  Is it a selfie? If it is, isn't that kind of odd? I always thought the instagram pics of her and My Love snuggled up in bed, taken from across the room were strange.  But taking a selfie while feigning sleep? 

She made that statement AFTER they found the silicone leak and removed the implants/cleaned up the leakage in Aug. this year, so after this episode was filmed.

  • Love 5

Yolanda decided to make her illness her main storyline this season, not the other women. Funny how she was too ill to do the most of the reunion last season and said that she didn't think she could return THIS season, yet here she is. Some how, Yolanda always "recovers" just enough to be able to film each and every season.

As I said, I think it's always been suspect, but I assume what the women do and target is the result a feedback loop between them and production.  I also think sketchy illness has proved to be a great storyline for OC and Yol's has been right under their nose for awhile.  But the narrative reach seem desperate regardless of how much I don't like Yolanda.  And believe me, I would be teeming if Yolanda's suffering proved bullshit - I LOVE fake illness as a plot point - but I think it's the diagnosis itself (as chronic) that is debatable not whether she's a liarface.    Idk, just feel weird about it.  Also, I'm not hip to the current chatter around foster divorce, etc. and other incentives.  I think I'm missing Kim. YES, THATS RIGHT  

She made that statement AFTER they found the silicone leak and removed the implants/cleaned up the leakage in Aug. this year, so after this episode was filmed.

I'm so confused! Does she have Lyme's or did this just make it worse?

  • Love 3

I still haven't heard or seen where Yo said she gave up make-up.  If it was said on the show last night, my apologies.  Half paying attention.


Anyway, that instagram picture.  WHO took it?  Is it a selfie? If it is, isn't that kind of odd? I always thought the instagram pics of her and My Love snuggled up in bed, taken from across the room were strange.  But taking a selfie while feigning sleep? 

Here is one story-it was about a month after the make-up free dinner.  http://www.realitytea.com/2015/08/17/yolanda-foster-vows-live-toxic-free-return-authentic-self/

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4

Yolanda never apologized to either Lisa or Ken about lying that Ken "manhandled" her, ever and she never retracted that statement on the show or in any interviews....ever. That is not something anyone I know would let go of until apologies were made and a statment to that effect given to anyone she told the lie to given. JMO YMMV

Be that as it may, it doesn't make it ok for them to question her illness and make catty remarks about her appearance as a result of said disease.

  • Love 5

Lisa VP throwing out the first pitch was an honor but the stadium was practically empty.  Ken looks much better this season, more robust.


At Dodger Stadium there tends to be more than one celebrity there to throw out a pitch. It is not just one person. That is why you saw very few people in the stands. She was likely one of the first people to throw out a pitch. Not to mention, many people are not in their seats because they are at the bars, the restaurant, or any of the other food stands that are there at Dodger Stadium. I know, I go there a lot during baseball season.


I was having a flashback to when YoFo was ingesting all of those vitamins. She has no clue how some vitamins should not be ingested with other vitamins. Some are not effective when taken with other vitamins or medications.


Anyway, that instagram picture.  WHO took it?  Is it a selfie? If it is, isn't that kind of odd? I always thought the instagram pics of her and My Love snuggled up in bed, taken from across the room were strange.  But taking a selfie while feigning sleep?

Just like that photo where her son was carrying her and it came off as a child carrying his ill mother. Then, the other photo came out showing the front side of that photo and we see YoFo laughing and the insinuation that it was all fun and games.

  • Love 9
Of course, who knows? Maybe they didn't come for any other number of reasons but it was edited to make it look like Dick's death was the reason they were not at the party.


That's what I figured. Granted, I wasn't paying extremely close attention but I didn't find it weird that someone couldn't attend one of these people's many, many dinners, death or no death.

Also, thumbs up to your user name.

  • Love 3

Warning: heavy sarcasm ahead

Yolanda and David Foster announce their divorce on December 1, 2015 - Mark that date down on your calendars y'all because it was the day that love died. If you  do a google search on the word love after this date you will probably come up with 404 – Not Found errors. If a 6' tall Scandivian ex-model who treats her husband like a king and caters to his every need and whim while baking him chicken in lingerie can't make it work what chance do we mere mortals have?


But seriously, does this mean the end of Malibu beach house with ocean views, stunning pool area and glass fridge porn? Gotta say I've got no use for Yolanda outside of house and travel porn.


I don't believe Yolanda is faking illness for the sole reason that it serves no purpose. Frankly, it does the opposite by throwing a monkey wrench into being in service to her King. She can't travel with him, can't be his plus 1 at events, can't host events and has become a burden. Something someone in the game as long as she has been knows is not in her best interest. Sure it may garner his attention but the negatives seem outweigh the positives in my estimation.


As I said I don't doubt her illness I just hope her diagnosis is correct because I understand that Lyme Disease is a tricky illness and hard to diagnosis. I also side eye her treatments. I don't fault her for seeking answers outside of western medicine but I don't see how it is a good idea to be doing ALLLLLLL the  alternative treatments at the relatively same time.  I mean seriously, within the span of 1-2 months the woman is shown in a hyperbaric chamber, getting stem cells, immunotherapy, IV's full of this and that,  flying off to some Asian country to get some treatment. If she was getting better (or worse) she wouldn't even know what worked or what didn't. She needs to pick a course of treatment and stick with it long enough to see if it works or not.


Yolanda has said in a captioned selfie:


'People assume you aren't sick unless they see the sickness on your skin, like scars forming a map of all the ways you are hurting...'



So yeah, I think the not wearing of makeup is purposeful here. She is either trying to draw attention to herself or convince others of her illness. Hell, I am a makeup lover, it is on very rare occasions that I don't wear makeup, but frankly, I am more disturbed by some of the other women (and Ken) thinking it was such an abhorrent idea that she would attend an event sans makeup. Yolanda was likely being dramatic but she showed up bathed and not funky (I assume) and in clean clothes. I just kinda resent that makeup is part of the required dress code for women.


Lawd, Kyle is going to the Kim well again. I had no illusions that Kim would be mentioned and part of the show somehow based on the previews but Kyle kinda exhausts me. She was shocked, SHOCKED!#@!!! by Kim's arrest for public drunkenness at some hotel! Really, Kyle. Really!! Isn't she tired of being shocked and surprised by Kim back sliding in alcoholism. Has she been Al-Anon or Betty Ford to learn to deal with addicts?  She and Mario just don't strike me as educated in addiction, but they do seem slightly better this season but after how many decades, that ain't much of a compliment. 


Kyle has obviously lost some weight and feeling a lot more confidant about her body and not hiding being Mrs. Roper mumus anymore. She looks great! But no to that lace shorts jumpsuit. Nope!


Many differeniate between the Lisas by calling them Lisa V or Lisa R. Me I just call Lisa R, Extra Lisa because that chick is always "ON" and doing too much. Her daughters, especially the blond one, are beautiful but why she would want to parade her under 18 girls around in swimwear on TV is beyond me.


Lisa V's first pitch stuff put me to sleep.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 14


I'm so confused! Does she have Lyme's or did this just make it worse?

She still claims NLD, even though she was up and about quickly, feeling much, much better after the implants/leaked silicone were gone. Even if it was proven medically that all of her symptoms were caused by the silicone leak, I don't see her ever giving up the claim of NLD.....ever.


Just like that photo where her son was carrying her and it came off as a child carrying his ill mother. Then, the other photo came out showing the front side of that photo and we see YoFo laughing and the insinuation that it was all fun and games.

This is another reason I question how honest Yolanda is about her illness and her claims that Bella/Anwar also have NLD, as he was also suffering NLD at the time that photo was taken according to her statement after her LD award!

  • Love 9

Bravo could edit out any and all scenes about Yolanda's health but I suspect that she wouldn't be in many episodes then. I also think Andy loves Yolanda because of David and the people he brought to the show each season, their dinner guests/artists, and his love affair with her may now decrease due to the divorce. I really believe that Yolanda made this decision to feature her health problems as her main storyline, going so far as to film her talking to her kids and mom that we saw in a preview for this season and I believe she did so because the pending divorce was already in progress before filming began.

So true! I think she has Lyme among other things that come along with her age and situation. The articles I've just read that interview or quote her all have her saying that she wants to bring attention to this disease. She really wants to be the face of it. Its an investment and probably not a bad call on her part. If she had found out about the leaky implants first that would be her platform. But for now she's on the hard sell of Lyme and is using it to advance whatever is her personal agenda.

  • Love 1

Be that as it may, it doesn't make it ok for them to question her illness and make catty remarks about her appearance as a result of said disease.

I don't think they are questioning if she is sick or has an illness, I think they quite frankly, like many of the people posting here don't understand her shotgun approach to treatment.  She has had a lot of different treatments over the past few years and no just recently introduced she elected to have a leaky breast plant removed, teeth removed and forgo many different beauty products.  I doubt they just discovered the leaky implant as she has seen over 100 doctors since 2012.  Last spring it was that she could not eat fish because she had extremely high metal counts in her blood.  I don't know who set the standard if it is a Western medicine standard or Tijuana standard, another place she was receiving medical treatments with laetrile.  To me there is a difference between questioning because of disbelief and questioning out of confusion. 


As far as the catty comments-I think Yolanda is aware of the fact her appearance is one of that of a person who is not enjoying their health.

  • Love 6

Anyway, that instagram picture.  WHO took it?  Is it a selfie? If it is, isn't that kind of odd? I always thought the instagram pics of her and My Love snuggled up in bed, taken from across the room were strange.  But taking a selfie while feigning sleep?



I know!!!!!  This absolutely killed me, too!  I never saw it coming that Yolanda would one day pull a "Bae caught me sleeping LOL!" Instagram pic.  I would have bet all my money against those odds and lost.  Someone needs to add her to this site:  http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/caught-me-sleeping-bae-caught-me-slippin

  • Love 8

Part of the confusion is that Yo has been functional and looked fine and participated in all kinds of events, until recently.  So if it was LD, how come it's so much worse NOW than it was before?  Why has it taken 3 years for her to lose her brain?  Why is she so sure it's CLD and NLD when those aren't even accepted medical diagnoses?  So, maybe it wasn't LD, but something else, like all the "natural" crap she's been ingesting and IV'ing that have made her sick (natural does not mean healthy; hemlock is also natural), plus her lemon and almonds diet with no nutrition that doesn't come from a "natural vitamin pill," plus whatever other drugs she is taking that all have side effects  Does she even know what her "naturopath" (i.e., non-medically trained practitioner of woo) is feeding her in her IV's?  Maybe it's a combo of that and the leaky implant.  Maybe, maybe, maybe, and it all adds up to questioning wtf is going on with her.


I think it's a fair question, especially since she herself is putting it out there and making this her main story.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 18
sistermagpie, on 02 Dec 2015 - 12:49 PM, said:

I forgot to mention that--it cracked me up. The smash cut from Ken saying she looks great to him explaining "I said she looked great because it would make her feel bad to know how terrible she looked, but really she looked terrible. Like really terrible. You guys don't even know. Wow did she look awful." Scarlett O'Hara would be impressed at Ken's shade-throwing ability.


Also forgot I loved Eileen realizing she had played the love triangle storyline 30 years ago where she was the daughter.


I loved how Eileen looks just as good now as she did in that clip in 1983.  Or, dare I say, better? I think she always had a mature-look about her, and that look seems to fit her better at her present age.  Does that make sense, or am I nuts?


beaker73, on 02 Dec 2015 - 2:43 PM, said:

I love how Brandi is wearing her "it's not fun to be sober" t-shirt while on a picnic with her addict BFF, Kimmy.  What a fucking twat.


She is the literal embodiment of The Worst. 


Anyway, that instagram picture.  WHO took it?  Is it a selfie? If it is, isn't that kind of odd? I always thought the instagram pics of her and My Love snuggled up in bed, taken from across the room were strange.  But taking a selfie while feigning sleep?



4 excellent questions!  I have to believe it's a selfie but... WTF?  So weird. 

  • Love 17

So true! I think she has Lyme among other things that come along with her age and situation. The articles I've just read that interview or quote her all have her saying that she wants to bring attention to this disease. She really wants to be the face of it. Its an investment and probably not a bad call on her part. If she had found out about the leaky implants first that would be her platform. But for now she's on the hard sell of Lyme and is using it to advance whatever is her personal agenda.

I don't think anyone, cast or viewer, is saying she is faking being ill but are questiong her treatment choices. AND not just because she went the Eastern/Holistic approach over traditional Western Medicine but because she flits from 1 treatment to another without giving any treatment time to work. I also think that is a bad/dangerous example for others to follow no matter the chosen approach to an illness. I also believe that Yolanda wants to be the "face" of something, anything, be it a "lifestyle" guru, a top designer (home decor), example of THE perfect wife or the "face" for some hard to diagnose/treat illness, she craves fame/recogination most of all IMO.

  • Love 11

I actually really enjoyed the first episode.  I don't miss the missing two at all.  I like Kyle - I just do, she seems like she just wants people to like her but screws it up from time to time.  I am fascinated by her relationship with her sisters so I enjoyed Mauricio telling her Kim needed tough love.  She is so pretentious but then does something really dorky and I like that.


I loved the way Ken threw shade at both Brandi and Yolanda - they treated him and his wife like shit last year and I am glad he said what he said.  I love that Lisa V. so holds on to that grudge with Brandi because most people are like that.  Brandi was mentioned twice (3 if you count Ken telling Lisa to pretend it was Brandi which made me lol) so not that much and I am good with that.  It would have been weird if they never mentioned her at all.


I like Eileen - I look forward to seeing her more.  The previews indicate a huge fight between her and her husband - just hope that is editing as I sort of like them together.


Lisa R - who I have always liked was just too "on" for me and hope she tones it down.  I think her daughters are rather homely - so much so that when she was saying that it is tough for people like her girls in this town - I thought she was going to follow with because they aren't pretty....not that they didn't have enough money.


I don't care if Yolanda is sick or not, or that she is going through a divorce - we all have stuff and I think she is just a nasty person and oh well like happens buttercup - suck it up and move on.  She should be thankful that she has all this money to go flouncing around the world looking for a cure.


Lisa V and Ken - don't love them - don't hate them - they make me laugh. 

  • Love 6

Are they really gonna spend the season doubting Yolanda's illness?  Seriously, really?  My mom had this same thing 25 years ago.  She went to dozens of doctors before she was finally diagnosed correctly & was somewhat helped.  Mostly, it just takes time to get over it.  The symptom that's most noticeable to others is the tiredness.  I get why Yo didn't wear make-up.  It was NOT to be dramatic.  I'm sure of that.  This disease wears you out terribly, so you're often just not up for doing anything & it changes your moods, often shifting to depression.


Lurker leaping out.  As someone with a neurological disease myself, when I was sick (prior to diagnosis and treatment) putting on makeup was the last thing I had energy for and spent a year without it.  Didn't care how it made others feel because it was an accomplishment to be awake for more than 3 hours at a time.  It took everything I had just to shower and then I needed a nap.  I looked healthy as a horse otherwise.  People didn't believe me including one jackhole doctor.  Took a physicians assistant to think maybe an MRI was necessary.  If I had had her resources I would have tried everything.  So it bugs me to hear people say she doesn't LOOK sick and she should make others feel less icky by putting on some damn makeup.  This is supposed to be a reality show.  This is her reality.


  • Love 7


Are they really gonna spend the season doubting Yolanda's illness?  Seriously, really?  My mom had this same thing 25 years ago.  She went to dozens of doctors before she was finally diagnosed correctly & was somewhat helped.  Mostly, it just takes time to get over it.  The symptom that's most noticeable to others is the tiredness.  I get why Yo didn't wear make-up.  It was NOT to be dramatic.  I'm sure of that.  This disease wears you out terribly, so you're often just not up for doing anything & it changes your moods, often shifting to depression.


Lurker leaping out.  As someone with a neurological disease myself, when I was sick (prior to diagnosis and treatment) putting on makeup was the last thing I had energy for and spent a year without it.  Didn't care how it made others feel because it was an accomplishment to be awake for more than 3 hours at a time.  It took everything I had just to shower and then I needed a nap.  I looked healthy as a horse otherwise.  People didn't believe me including one jackhole doctor.  Took a physicians assistant to think maybe an MRI was necessary.  If I had had her resources I would have tried everything.  So it bugs me to hear people say she doesn't LOOK sick and she should make others feel less icky by putting on some damn makeup.  This is supposed to be a reality show.  This is her reality.



I had LD for nearly two years before it was diagnosed by a Specialist.  In the meantime, my family doctor prescribed a variety of medications, including some for depression, which just made me less able to cope.  I slept twenty hours a day, everything ached/was sore.  When I did try to rise to the occasion, I looked like Yo.  Heavy duty antibiotics finally kicked it out of me, but it took another year & a half.  I'M VERY LUCKY my LD didn't turn CHRONIC as I believe Yo's did.  For doubters, Google LD & it's symptons.  It's a bitch!!!  The good news is that I finally kicked the LD, but came out the other end of the tunnel with COPD.  Lovely!!!  (I look strong & healthy, but .....)

Edited by Medicine Crow
  • Love 9

I don't think they are questioning if she is sick or has an illness, I think they quite frankly, like many of the people posting here don't understand her shotgun approach to treatment.  She has had a lot of different treatments over the past few years and no just recently introduced she elected to have a leaky breast plant removed, teeth removed and forgo many different beauty products.  I doubt they just discovered the leaky implant as she has seen over 100 doctors since 2012.  Last spring it was that she could not eat fish because she had extremely high metal counts in her blood.  I don't know who set the standard if it is a Western medicine standard or Tijuana standard, another place she was receiving medical treatments with laetrile.  To me there is a difference between questioning because of disbelief and questioning out of confusion. 


As far as the catty comments-I think Yolanda is aware of the fact her appearance is one of that of a person who is not enjoying their health.

I also want to add that your upthread observation regarding as to how some of these HW get their information - i.e.,  media coverage versus actual conversations with Yolanda versus actual conversations with Mohammed may be adding to the overall confusion.  Lisa and Ken could possibly be getting a different version of the extent of Yolanda's illness from Mohammed, their longtime friend.  No one really knows whether Yolanda had a history of drawing out illness (e.g. broken back) during her marriage.  Maybe she has a history, maybe not.  Clearly Lisa and Ken enjoy a much warmer relationship with Mohammed than they do with Yolanda and I would wager that they would take Mohammed's version of events over Yolanda's version of events in a New York minute .


I thought Lisa and Kyle's comments about Yolanda were tasteless and tacky, but then again, isn't that why we watch them and snark?  What is important to us is clearly not important to them.  The comments from Ken didn't surprise me or offend me - he's been pretty consistent with his comments and IMO he is holding a grudge and is a crabby little man. 


The relationship that the Richards sisters have is so twisted that it's going to take years to unwind.  I always surmised the chill between Rick and Kathy Hilton and Mauricio existed because Mauricio left their agency to form his own.  I don't think the viewers will ever escape the Richards Sisters drama - it will always be part of Kyle's storyline.  IMO it's boring.


I do like the Lisa - Kyle friendship vibe (hanging head in shame) much better than the frenemies vibe.  Hope they make it through Italy.

  • Love 6

If Yo has been sooooo sick for soooo long why is she always said to be pushing a reality show for her and her kids? Wouldn't she be to "sick" for that? For that matter where does she get the brain capacity to put together a pitch for a show ? Or to fly to her kids runway shows? Or to attend every BH party? Or have dinner parties at her house whilst harvesting lemons? This woman is NOT SICK....what she is is mentally ill...

  • Love 8

I had LD for nearly two years before it was diagnosed by a Specialist.  In the meantime, my family doctor prescribed a variety of medications, including some for depression, which just made me less able to cope.  I slept twenty hours a day, everything ached/was sore.  When I did try to rise to the occasion, I looked like Yo.  Heavy duty antibiotics finally kicked it out of me, but it took another year & a half.  I'M VERY LUCKY my LD didn't turn CHRONIC as I believe Yo's did.  For doubters, Google LD & it's symptons.  It's a bitch!!!  The good news is that I finally kicked the LD, but came out the other end of the tunnel with COPD.  Lovely!!!  (I look strong & health, but .....)


This is EXACTLY what happened to my mom 25 years ago.  Treatment was very much trial & error and consisted of various combinations of antibiotics, which finally kicked it out of her system after 2 years and that was it.  These various alternate treatments Yo has sought makes me wince   I hope we don't see her calling Suzanne Somers for a cure.  Ugh.


Ken's comment about Yo looking terrible made me wince -- as did Lisa's & Kyle's comments about their "shock" of seeing her with no makeup.  I am a bit surprised at the lack of tact from Lisa, but maybe I shouldn't be.  And Kyle being a mean girl?  Oy, have we just met Kyle?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 4
I loved how Eileen looks just as good now as she did in that clip in 1983.  Or, dare I say, better? I think she always had a mature-look about her, and that look seems to fit her better at her present age.  Does that make sense, or am I nuts?



I thought the same thing. Maybe the 80s look wasn't as nice for her but I think she looks even better now!


Ken's comment about Yo looking terrible made me wince -- and Lisa's & Kyle's comments about their "shock" of seeing her with no makeup.



I feel like just saying it's surprising to see someone with no make up isn't necessarily catty. That statement I take to be more just drawing attention to the fact that Yolanda is really feeling poorly because in Beverly Hills it's shocking to see anyone without make up. I could go out without make up now and nobody would care but they're always going to be asked about specifically BH stuff. I'm sure they were pushed to say exactly how weird it was to do this in BH so they can push the whole glam lifestyle thing.


Though I think Lisa went beyond that saying she should have put some on. And Ken, of course, with his hilarious TH's that completely undo any good he did lying to her. Like, "Now that we're alone I can tell you the truth about Yo...on television."

  • Love 9

This is EXACTLY what happened to my mom 25 years ago.  Treatment was very much trial & error and consisted of various combinations of antibiotics, which finally kicked it out of her system after 2 years and that was it.  These various alternate treatments Yo has sought makes me wince   I hope we don't see her calling Suzanne Somers for a cure.  Ugh.


Ken's comment about Yo looking terrible made me wince -- and Lisa's & Kyle's comments about their "shock" of seeing her with no makeup.  I am a bit surprised at the lack of tact from Lisa, but maybe I shouldn't be.  And Kyle being a mean girl?  Oy, have we just met Kyle?

Same with me, Medicine Crow and Scoobie - Lyme is the gift that keeps on giving.  I will comment more over in the Yolanda thread.  It was very alarming to see that posterboard full of medications.


Like I posted upthread, Ken's comment didn't bother me.  Lisa and Kyle's comments?  They were tasteless, tactless and once again (for me at least) showed how shallow they are.  Yes, BH seems like a really competitive town, but WTH?


IMO Yolanda (or her proxy) made the wrong decision to return.  She seems to have plenty of money. 

  • Love 3

I thought the same thing. Maybe the 80s look wasn't as nice for her but I think she looks even better now!



I feel like just saying it's surprising to see someone with no make up isn't necessarily catty. That statement I take to be more just drawing attention to the fact that Yolanda is really feeling poorly because in Beverly Hills it's shocking to see anyone without make up. I could go out without make up now and nobody would care but they're always going to be asked about specifically BH stuff. I'm sure they were pushed to say exactly how weird it was to do this in BH so they can push the whole glam lifestyle thing.


Though I think Lisa went beyond that saying she should have put some on. And Ken, of course, with his hilarious TH's that completely undo any good he did lying to her. Like, "Now that we're alone I can tell you the truth about Yo...on television."


What's bothering me is the lack of tact, let alone the incredible & enormous lack of empathy & sympathy, to say on camera that a sick person looks terrible.  Says quite a lot about who Ken is -- and Lisa & Kyle too,  Ew, yuck, ick, feh & blech to this bunch.

  • Love 6


Are they really gonna spend the season doubting Yolanda's illness?  Seriously, really?  My mom had this same thing 25 years ago.  She went to dozens of doctors before she was finally diagnosed correctly & was somewhat helped.  Mostly, it just takes time to get over it.  The symptom that's most noticeable to others is the tiredness.  I get why Yo didn't wear make-up.  It was NOT to be dramatic.  I'm sure of that.  This disease wears you out terribly, so you're often just not up for doing anything & it changes your moods, often shifting to depression.


Lurker leaping out.  As someone with a neurological disease myself, when I was sick (prior to diagnosis and treatment) putting on makeup was the last thing I had energy for and spent a year without it.  Didn't care how it made others feel because it was an accomplishment to be awake for more than 3 hours at a time.  It took everything I had just to shower and then I needed a nap.  I looked healthy as a horse otherwise.  People didn't believe me including one jackhole doctor.  Took a physicians assistant to think maybe an MRI was necessary.  If I had had her resources I would have tried everything.  So it bugs me to hear people say she doesn't LOOK sick and she should make others feel less icky by putting on some damn makeup.  This is supposed to be a reality show.  This is her reality.





I had LD for nearly two years before it was diagnosed by a Specialist.  In the meantime, my family doctor prescribed a variety of medications, including some for depression, which just made me less able to cope.  I slept twenty hours a day, everything ached/was sore.  When I did try to rise to the occasion, I looked like Yo.  Heavy duty antibiotics finally kicked it out of me, but it took another year & a half.  I'M VERY LUCKY my LD didn't turn CHRONIC as I believe Yo's did.  For doubters, Google LD & it's symptons.  It's a bitch!!!  The good news is that I finally kicked the LD, but came out the other end of the tunnel with COPD.  Lovely!!!  (I look strong & healthy, but .....)



This is EXACTLY what happened to my mom 25 years ago.  Treatment was very much trial & error and consisted of various combinations of antibiotics, which finally kicked it out of her system after 2 years and that was it.  These various alternate treatments Yo has sought makes me wince   I hope we don't see her calling Suzanne Somers for a cure.  Ugh.


Ken's comment about Yo looking terrible made me wince -- and Lisa's & Kyle's comments about their "shock" of seeing her with no makeup.  I am a bit surprised at the lack of tact from Lisa, but maybe I shouldn't be.  And Kyle being a mean girl?  Oy, have we just met Kyle?


I don't mean this post to be disrespectful, I really don't. But I have to ask . . . when you guys and your loved ones were suffering from Lyme, were you/they too fatigued to put on makeup yet simultaneously capable of mustering the energy to shoot hundreds of hours of tape/film; make not only the commitment necessary to participate in a full-time job but also enlist two of your/their friends to join you in said job; attend red carpets and other taxing social events; don cosmetics for your/their carefully curated social media presence; make transoceanic expeditions to farflung locales not just for treatment but also leisure; and undertake all the other ventures that Yolanda is while asserting that she's too weak to even process anything "beyond four white walls"?


From my perspective, the cognitive dissonance from Lisa and Kyle about Yolanda's self-presentation choices doesn't have as much to do with vanity or anti-feminist cultural ideas about a woman's obligation to wear cosmetics as much as it does with the, at this juncture, increasingly high mountain of contradictions between many of Yo's statements and conduct. (Although I do think Ken was intentionally making a dig; but, then, in my subjective opinion, Yo's efforts to malign him as a man who puts his hands aggressively on a woman is every bit as a bad as, say, a false accusation of racism.)

  • Love 21

She still claims NLD, even though she was up and about quickly, feeling much, much better after the implants/leaked silicone were gone. Even if it was proven medically that all of her symptoms were caused by the silicone leak, I don't see her ever giving up the claim of NLD.....ever.


This is another reason I question how honest Yolanda is about her illness and her claims that Bella/Anwar also have NLD, as he was also suffering NLD at the time that photo was taken according to her statement after her LD award!

These claims about the kids having LD have sealed the nail in the coffin for me. This is coming off as being so shady to me.  Someone here posted info from the CDC which showed there are no reports of any LD cases in Malibu, Beverly Hills or any of the surrounding areas. How can four people have LD and the CDC not be aware of it? I just can't with the whole I am blind, deaf, can't get out of bed, and I am mentally not here, talk from YoFo as she continues to do another season on a tv show that can't serve her any purpose other than the usual banter of "look at my beautiful daughter and my king" crap.


I am not doubting YoFo is ill with something. My thoughts are that it is definitely related to her silicone breasts, menopause, and POSSIBLY LD. Has she been confirmed to have LD? Or is it her belief she has LD?



I don't mean this post to be disrespectful, I really don't. But I have to ask . . . when you guys and your loved ones were suffering from Lyme, were you/they too fatigued to put on makeup yet simultaneously capable of mustering the energy to shoot hundreds of hours of tape/film; make not only the commitment necessary to participate in a full-time job but also enlist two of your/their friends to join you in said job; attend red carpets and other taxing social events; don cosmetics for your/their carefully curated social media presence; make transoceanic expeditions to farflung locales not just for treatment but also leisure; and undertake all the other ventures that Yolanda is while asserting that she's too weak to even process anything "beyond four white walls"?



YoFo not wanting to wear make-up due to her being ill is her reality. Well, it is reality that people will sometimes say not so nice things about you behind your back or to your face and will sometimes question what is going on with your health especially when you show up to an event after claiming you are too ill to step out of your bubble. Either you are too sick and tired or you are not. Now, if it was required of YoFo to attend Lisa's celebration due to Bravo, then I have no compassion for her because she signed up for this shit of her own free will. Or, will she claim her LD mind was at fault?

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 19
Like I posted upthread, Ken's comment didn't bother me.  Lisa and Kyle's comments?  They were tasteless, tactless and once again (for me at least) showed how shallow they are.  Yes, BH seems like a really competitive town, but WTH?



I get thinking they're being tacky and tactless but how is Ken so much less so? It's possible I just remember his more because they said more.

  • Love 4



No worries, my dad was a shit heel also.

My mother was a mommy dearest..... cruel, mean spirited, abusive, narcissistic and manipulative. I see at least two of these traits in YoYo.

Shame on her for bringing up her children as a reason for not killing herself..that is so typical of a narcissistic, manipulative mother. No kid or adult not should have THAT kind of burden on them.

I doubt she's all that sick...well, maybe mentally.

Edited by The Real Real
  • Love 9

 My thoughts are that it is definitely related to her silicone breasts, menopause, and POSSIBLY LD. Has she been confirmed to have LD? Or is it her belief she has LD?




To answer this question: only Yolanda herself knows. Her narrative has been, since the season 3 reunion, that was she diagnosed with Lyme in 2012. According to her, she was unaware that she had it through much of filming the previous year. This handily helped to explain why she screamed "you're a real asshole" at Taylor at a cocktail party after policing the manners and etiquette of her cast mates - she was unable to articulate herself more diplomatically due to the Lyme.


Filming for season 4 commenced, as it always does, some 3 or 4 months after the reunion for season 3. According to Yolanda, she was, in defiance of temporal metrics and physical laws, laid up in bed for "eighteen months" during this period and unable to leave her bedroom. Lisa did not visit her extensively. This was one of her primary grievances against Lisa throughout season 4, during which she serendipitously regained the ability to express herself at length.


I don't recall if the Lyme was always chronic per her account or if it evolved; I believe it is the former. But what was chronic Lyme for multiple years has suddenly shifted into neurological Lyme recently.


According to the CDC and the majority of American medical practitioners, "chronic Lyme" does not exist. There is debate among professionals about whether the infection is still present in those who suffer symptoms post-treatment or if, as is more commonly accepted, they have post-Lyme syndrome ie are just experiencing residual effects from toxicity building up in their tissues. In any case, most cases of Lyme are eradicated by antibiotics.


Yolanda did not mention Bella and Anwar in this saga until a month or two ago. Her deference could not have been due to their legal privacy because Anwar is still a minor. She and Bella are now publicly suggesting that Lyme caused Bella's DUI and the decline of her equestrian career.


There were 62 reported cases of Lyme in California in a recent year per statistics that another poster shared. None occurred in LA county. The odds of all 3 Hadids having Lyme - not even chronic Lyme - are astronomical multiplied by astronomical because all three were initially asymptomatic. We're talking 1 in tens if not hundreds of millions. This is scientifically equivalent to zero.

  • Love 23


I have to call BS on Yolanda's claim she is doing no make-up or hair color-looks like a highlight job and mascara to me-and she is flying commercial..  https://www.instagram.com/p/9xpLqLos0D/?taken-by=yolandahfoster 

OMG, just went to her Instagram..she must be eating up all this attention, the narcissist that she is :-O

  • Love 3

I get thinking they're being tacky and tactless but how is Ken so much less so? It's possible I just remember his more because they said more.

My opinion only - Ken Todd checked out of the RHoBH Academy Good Manners two or three years ago.  Between his health issue with his hip and his wife being the target of various HW, he began speaking his mind.  Add to that the unresolved issue with Yolanda over Ken's alleged abuse of her, I expected no less of Ken, therefore his TH did not surprise me.


IMO if Ken had his choice, and Bravo didn't wave a paycheck, he wouldn't be on camera.  Bravo seems to love the unresolved issue between Ken and Yolanda.

  • Love 10

So what exactly is the point of Ken telling Yolanda that she looks good to make her feel better about herself if he is just going to say she looks terrible on camera as soon as she leaves? Like obviously she is going to see that. It just shows that deep down Ken's intent is not nice.


I don't like Ken, but this was hysterical to me! "The kind thing to do was to lie and tell her she looked good even though I will now negate it by going on and on and on and on and on about how shitty she looks on national TV!"

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 15

Well, this already looks like a bore. There's only one thing more grating than Kyle and Kim, and that's Kyle talking endlessly about Kim. Look, I am all over a recovery story that never lands but I need both sisters present. Maybe part of Kyle's own recovery (and perhaps OURS too) will be her coming to terms with how humdrum she is outside of the greatest sister clash in fake-celebrity history.

Also, does Lisa need to be weird about Yolanda's lymes? I love that it's already been compared to a murder mystery, like the question of Munchausen syndrome is Bravo's contribution to the recent ballooning of that genre. I have always found Yolanda's Lymes suspect, but I also find anything "chronic" suffered by a white lady already obsessed with her body and the pretence of perfection ALWAYS SUSPECT. So, I don't know. I think even if she isn't sick, she feels sick, and I am uncomfortable with targeting her storyline because last season's pathologies have been fired.


I don't understand what Yo being white has to do with her illness.  Is Lymes like Sickle Cell where it is more prevalent in one ethnicity? 

  • Love 4

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