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S06.E01: Life's A Pitch

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I agree with most of this, but why does Kyle want to continue to air it?  And why do any of us, who pleaded for Bravo to take Kim away, want to hear about her?


I want to hear about it because I am genuinely interested in seeing Kyle deal with her codependency issues - especially if there is a third sister, Kathy, being cruel to her. I think that is compelling real life drama. That does not mean I want to see Kim trashing up this show with her drunken antics and compulsive need to blame. To me, it's apples and oranges. Seeing Kim self-destruct is not that compelling to me at this point, seeing Kyle deal with the fall-out of Kim's addiction is compelling to me. Obviously, MMV!

  • Love 14

Morris apparently, according to Kyle, helped Kim financially.  He should now say, "My bad.  Fool me once..."  and move on.  Kyle should do the same.  The second Kim's name was brought up in the kitchen I rolled my eyes and maybe groaned.  Continue talking about your business, Kyle.  Your day. Your children.  Just not the one named Kim.

I thought they did cut Kim off financially?



But we heard Morris and Kyle agree that they hadn't heard from Kim.  At all.

Kim has avoided Kyle and her family like the plague. I think the last straw was the dog bite matter. That doesn't mean Kyle hasn't messaged her or tried to contact her via phone with no response from Kim. Then, there is the matter of Kim's kids, including Chad, who still have their relationship with Kyle and Mauricio. If Kyle chooses to mention that aspect of her life with them this season, so be it. It is what is going on in her life.


I just want Kim off my screen. I want her to go away for good. I hate that Bravo brought her back even if it is just friend status. That little bit of screen time will allow her to play the victim once again. She and her bestie, Brandi, will sit there and continue this farce that Kim has played season after season. That doesn't mean Kyle cannot discuss what is going on in her life as it pertains to Kim. It doesn't have to be the only topic she talks about, but it is a part of her reality, just like YoFo's Lyme. What I don't want to watch is KIM and hearing what she has to say. That is the Kim talk I loathe. I will snark on her life as it plays out in the media as she continues on her "road to recovery" in her thread.


I also agree with the poster on the previous page who won the steak dinner. No matter what Kyle says about Kim or doesn't say, she will get slammed for it. She is either hiding the truth or bringing attention to herself for daring to talk about how Kim's life is affecting her and her family's life.

Just like the lies that Kyle said YoFo was repulsive-looking. She said YoFo looked good. How does that translate into her saying YoFo is looking horrible? Things get twisted up in here.


Did anyone notice the pan to sober Harry drinking beer? I guess there is something going on with his sobriety. When will this come up? Unless he is one of those sober alcoholics who only drinks at fancy BH parties. 

But I still am really interested in why Harry was drinking beer. After she gloated about how her husband was sober and how his brothers killed themselves with alcohol last year, it makes me wonder if his drinking was a story line attempt, since it seems pretty obvious to not drink after your wife just insisted you were sober around the people she told you were sober too

Excuse me but, there are non-alcoholic beers available. There are also plenty of non-alcoholic drinks.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 17

I agree with most of this, but why does Kyle want to continue to air it?  And why do any of us, who pleaded for Bravo to take Kim away, want to hear about her? 


If Yolanda and Kim (via Kyle) are the main focus this season, it's going to be a long one.  Especially for those suffering from Lyme or addiction.  Or those who love persons with Lyme or addiction.

Sadly, there are Kim fans who want updates and one thing Kyle has always reinforced is Kim's popularity as a child actress.  No excuse for bravo to continue to air brandi.


I lost some sympathy for Kyle in the reunion episode where they talked about the dog bite.  Kyle defended the tweeting/instagram photos and argued that she didn't say whose dog did the biting.  Kim responded that it didn't matter, everyone knew that it was Kingsley, and that when she asked Kyle to stop the tweeting, Kyle refused.  How hard would it have been for Kyle to stop publicizing the bite?  It's a simple thing to do to shut Kim up.  Yeah, Kim made herself out to be a victim, but Kyle enabled that.


First off there may need to be a timeline in order here.  Kim, Kyle and Mauricio all went out together for Halloween-maybe Monty as well.  So after filming had stopped in early October all was well with the Richards sisters. Then Alexia got bit.  There were pictures of Alexia with a bandage on her hand walking around BH in the press.   A couple of days later she was hospitalized for the ensuing infection.  At the time Kyle had been spotted in the hospital by TMZ or some media outlet and the coming and goings of various family members-Kathy Hilton to be exact.  The original photos were of matching pjs and a sleepover at the hospital on Kyle's Instagram.  Kathy Hilton was posing for the pictures so she is just as culpable as Kyle in the photo department.   Kyle never confirmed Kim's dog bit Alexia but Kim did go on a blame the her niece instead of the dog campaign.  Not once was there ever an expression or get well wishes from Kim, she just got angrier and angrier.  So Whitney calling Kyle and asking her to take the photos down was probably at Kim's request.


It was not too long after that the other woman posted the really bad bite injuries that had occurred in March.  Kim's anger was misdirected at Kyle.  Alexia is certainly entitled to describe her life on social media.  This family never learns that hiding or denying or refusing to comment just doesn't work.  The other woman's attack became the negative publicity that went on for months with lawsuits and whatnot.  The elderly woman was someone who was directly quoted disparaging the Richards family in the House of Hilton book.  So that dog bite became the center of the Kingsley controversy.  

Just so I can be clear. When Kyle and Mauricio were having that conversation filmed Chad was living with them. So once again Kyle -- rather privately apparently -- is taking care of Kim's son, but Kim and Kathy are being crappy to her. Have I got it right?


Yes, Chad was living/staying with Kyle because he was not well and Kim had bolted from the wedding in Mexico and was playing cat and mouse with rehab.  Kathy and Rick did not go to the wedding in Mexico. 

But that's you -- a normal person -- not Kyle, someone who constantly claims that she has Kim's back, supports her, would never do anything to hurt her.  It would have been a small thing to take the photo down, keep it among family.  The vibe I got from Kyle was "Here's my sister, hurting the family again -- see what I have to deal with?" 


I'm not defending Kim.  I think she's toxic.  But removing the photos would have gained points for Kyle, in her arguments that she really cares about Kim.  Kim was in the wrong, making it all about her, but Kyle could have taken the high road. 

I did not get that vibe and I follow Kyle's twitter with regularity.  They were cute pictures of this young woman with her family gathered around.  Kim was tweeting pictures of herself from the hospital after Poker Night.  So I don't see the big deal.  This family seems to like to tweet hospital pictures.  Kim tweets pictures of her daughters visiting her in rehab.  There was no high road to take.  There is some sort of competition vibe Kim tries to throw into things.

  • Love 14

So, am I the only one who thinks Kyle needs to lighten her hair and cut it?  It's dragging her face down.  

Today will go down in history as the the time I said a second nice thing about Kyle. I like the color of her hair. It's very dark and dramatic and (clearly dyed) but I think it suits her. I think for sure she could do with a hair cut though. I'm not at all a fan of how she waves her hair around like it's a flag indicating how young and hot she is. I don't think women need to have short hair by a certain age but I think Kyle is past the age where the main description of hair should be "long". But I like the color. Not everyone could pull off it off but I think she does.

  • Love 8

Today will go down in history as the the time I said a second nice thing about Kyle. I like the color of her hair. It's very dark and dramatic and (clearly dyed) but I think it suits her. I think for sure she could do with a hair cut though. I'm not at all a fan of how she waves her hair around like it's a flag indicating how young and hot she is. I don't think women need to have short hair by a certain age but I think Kyle is past the age where the main description of hair should be "long". But I like the color. Not everyone could pull off it off but I think she does.

Yup. I have always been of the opinion that on the show Kyle is the best looking woman. Were some of them prettier then Kyle at different times in the past? Probably. But at this stage of their lives I think she is hands down the best looking. I actually find her to be a stunning looking woman. The hair though.... Do something! I love the color and I actually like the length on her, but the cut is awful. It's almost a non-cut, like she's Beverly Hills from the scalp down, but Dugger up top. A sleeker cut with more shape around the face would look so great. I'm not even talking about taking length off, just getting rid of the hippie/cult/I've never had a haircut look.

  • Love 7


This family seems to like to tweet hospital pictures.  Kim tweets pictures of her daughters visiting her in rehab.  There was no high road to take.  There is some sort of competition vibe Kim tries to throw into things.


The high road would have been Kyle removing the photos after Whitney or Kim asked her to.  Not because posting the photos was wrong -- because it wasn't -- or because it would stop the stories going around -- because it wouldn't -- but because she was asked to take them down. 


I'll stop beating this dead horse now.  :-)

  • Love 3

The high road would have been Kyle removing the photos after Whitney or Kim asked her to.  Not because posting the photos was wrong -- because it wasn't -- or because it would stop the stories going around -- because it wouldn't -- but because she was asked to take them down. 


I'll stop beating this dead horse now.  :-)

Giving in to an addict when they are demanding and over the line, is never the right way to go.

  • Love 21

Yup. I have always been of the opinion that on the show Kyle is the best looking woman. Were some of them prettier then Kyle at different times in the past? Probably. But at this stage of their lives I think she is hands down the best looking. I actually find her to be a stunning looking woman. The hair though.... Do something! I love the color and I actually like the length on her, but the cut is awful. It's almost a non-cut, like she's Beverly Hills from the scalp down, but Dugger up top. A sleeker cut with more shape around the face would look so great. I'm not even talking about taking length off, just getting rid of the hippie/cult/I've never had a haircut look.

Dugger up top! 



*Fucking DIES*

  • Love 8

But that's you -- a normal person -- not Kyle, someone who constantly claims that she has Kim's back, supports her, would never do anything to hurt her.  It would have been a small thing to take the photo down, keep it among family.  The vibe I got from Kyle was "Here's my sister, hurting the family again -- see what I have to deal with?" 


I'm not defending Kim.  I think she's toxic.  But removing the photos would have gained points for Kyle, in her arguments that she really cares about Kim.  Kim was in the wrong, making it all about her, but Kyle could have taken the high road. 

Tweeting photos of her, her other daughters and other family members supporting and cheering up the injuried daughter had nothing to do with Kim. NOTHING!


Did anyone notice the pan to sober Harry drinking beer? I guess there is something going on with his sobriety. When will this come up? Unless he is one of those sober alcoholics who only drinks at fancy BH parties. 


Posting pics of her daughter in the hospital definitely backfired. It made Kyle seem passive aggressive and bitter.


Lisa R. I did notice the armpit skin. I think that it's just because she's older and losing skin tone and elasticity, plus, she has no body fat to plump her skin out a bit, is a sign of her age. I've noticed this myself that my skin sort of is starting to sag or pull where it hangs off the bone because of gravity and just the fact the skin isn't as young and healthy as before. Maybe BH will invent a full body facelift where the skin all over gets pulled and tucked. I think Lisa R would look a lot younger if she gained a bit of weight. I think that is why Kyle looks so good (to me, she is incredibly beautiful, go figure) is that she has a nice amount of body fat to plump out her skin and keep it from sagging and looking old. 


But I still am really interested in why Harry was drinking beer. After she gloated about how her husband was sober and how his brothers killed themselves with alcohol last year, it makes me wonder if his drinking was a story line attempt, since it seems pretty obvious to not drink after your wife just insisted you were sober around the people she told you were sober too

LisaR never said that Harry was an alcoholic himself, so maybe he decided that HE can have a beer once in a while OR it was a non alcohol beer. They do make them and many resturants offer them to customers.


The high road would have been Kyle removing the photos after Whitney or Kim asked her to.  Not because posting the photos was wrong -- because it wasn't -- or because it would stop the stories going around -- because it wouldn't -- but because she was asked to take them down. 


I'll stop beating this dead horse now.  :-)

 Those photos had nothing to do with Kim, did not mention Kim/Kingsley at all, so there was NO 'high road' for Kyle to take. Maybe Kim should have taken the 'high road' and gotten rid of a dog that had already bitten several people, including an elderly woman that had to to go the hospital by ambulance when she was bitten by Kingsley. The photos were about Kyle's daughter, NOT Kim.

  • Love 11

I like Kyle, even though it's taken me awhile to get there, mostly because I think she's relatively down to earth, and I love her family. But I definitely don't think she's the best looking, now or ever. I feel like she looks like Demi Moore, but at the same time, she wishes she looked like Demi Moore. With Kyle, something about her nose is weird. I can't believe she's already had a nose job. She has an underbite, and she's aged somewhat since the beginning of this show (as she should, clearly). I can't stand the color of her hair. She needs to look at the cut and style of S1--layers and medium-brown, not black. Also, does it have to be flipped over her shoulder in every TH she's in, and most of her time on the show??? Stop it. That is just too much. In S1, Kyle objected to Camille being a bikini while they were at a pool setting. She thought Camille was trying to show off her body. I feel like Kyle is doing the equivalent every time she wears her hair in front of her shoulder. We see it--wow! You know who had good hair? Joyce. In fact she won a Housewife award for it over Kyle. So...boo-yeah.

Speaking only from an aesthetic perspective, I think that if you look at the Housewives on this franchise overall, bodies included, Camille, Brandi, Joyce, and Yolanda have been consistently better looking than Kyle. There have been times that Kim, Eileen, Rinna, and even Taylor have given her a run for her money (call me crazy. I love Taylor's high forehead, and love her sans makeup). The only ones I think Kyle has a significant advantage over are Lisa V (whom I think looks like wax), and Adrienne (ditto). I kinda forgot what Carlton looked like.

I found it odd that Lisa V has seemed to consistently refuse to wear a bathing suit on camera, but she casually changed shirts at Dodger Stadium. Her body didn't look awful, but I think it would have looked better had she been lying down in a bikini, which is something she never does. Learn your angles, girl.

I still like Rinna, although I see why people find her annoying. I think she has a good heart. But, with her girls, at the clothing store, saying "I'd kill to have an ass like that," was a little creepy, reminiscent of YoFo in prior seasons waxing fetishistic to her trainer about the beauty of her children's bodies, and last season on the cruise with Kyle, Kyle telling her daughter she is adorable, and Yolanda chiming in about young people and how cute "der bottz" are. It's a little pervy.

I thought this episode was extremely boring. Someone said it's normal for the first episode to be a catch-up, but I disagree. Where are the likes of the S2 premiere, with Taylor having a nervous breakdown in a hot tub and a suitcase, luxuriating in Vail (or is it Aspen?) house porn? Didn't season 3 begin with a booze-fueled bonding trip to Ohai, including cartwheels with thongs and same-sex kissing? This is the fun stuff I want to see. Bring on the new girls! (Though I can live without seeing Bethenny). I don't care about YoFo's condition (as a storyline; of course I wish her well), nor am I really interested in the state of Kim (though I understand the necessity of discussing her as her life unravels in real time), nor do I care for an extremely calculated conversation between Kyle and Lisa V (though I like them much better as allies than enemies).

With regard to the previews (I believe the mods said we could do that here), does anyone know whom it is toward when Lisa V ominously says, "Are we good? Because we need to be really fucking good"? I've never really seen that wrath from her. I wonder who is the poor soul on the receiving end.

  • Love 3
(call me crazy. I love Taylor's high forehead, and love her sans makeup).


I don't think you're crazy; I actually think that, many times (and probably caught at the exact right angle and light or whatever), Taylor looks fabulous, if overdone in makeup/style/tan/surgery, etc. While I know nothing about plastic surgery, and while I do think her mouth does look a bit out of order, her lip job is far, far far from the worst I've ever seen, especially when compared to Lisa Rinna's mess (I usually think any lip job is an atrocity; it is 2015--why has this procedure not been perfected yet?!). To me, Taylor's look like they could be "real" lips that just happen to be big, and had she foregone whatever her last cosmetic procedure was, she'd be beautiful...sort of like that Coco Chanel "before you leave, take off one accessory" rule; she pushed it just a little too far.


I also just liked Taylor in spite of her shortcomings. I thought she was funny.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 3


I feel like she looks like Demi Moore, but at the same time, she wishes she looked like Demi Moore.

I hope not. I never found Demi's long hair to be a good look on her. Her short hair look was extremely beautiful and it worked well with her face. Kyle has always had the long hair. Kyle's long hair on her works very well, depending on how she styles it, She can carry that pony tail look and as well as other styles. Demi's long hair? That is how she seems to have it all the time with no styling.


I too think Taylor has a good look at times.


I love Lisa R's eyes, I just think she can tone down the eye make-up at times.


As for the mouths, Lisa R and YoFo take the prize as the worst lips/mouths of these women. Why do they think that looks good? Lisa R has that butthole look, most definitely. Then, there is YoFo with her gaping hole on her upper lip that doesn't ever seem to close when she brings her lips together. I swear, when she is on screen, my eyes get fixated on that hole. It is ugly x100. I saw the photos of YoFo before she had that done to her lip. She fucked up her beautiful lips.

Giving in to an addict when they are demanding and over the line, is never the right way to go.

Exactly. Never give in to an addict. Something I learned long ago from a therapist when dealing with an addict.

  • Love 2

I thought it was kind of Brave for YO to go make up less, and loved that it was a giant talking point in the talking heads. Shows you a little insight to BH culture. I think she has lyme disease and I am really tired of illness chat after OC. I really dgaf if she is playing it up or not. If I want to watch sick

Exactly.  It's just not entertaining,  (especially on the heels of Crooks cancer/not cancer)  which is why I watch. 


When I saw this episode I had no idea Yo and MyLove were divorcing but I wasn't a bit surprised.  Yo said she was holed up in that condo for the PAST NINE MONTHS because she "couldn't handle her big house"? but what's to handle?  It's not like she cleaned the place herself and really isn't your own home where you want to be most when you're sick?   I knew there was trouble in paradise with Daveed but what I don't get is why he isn't living in the condo and she stays in her house?  Part of a pre-nup maybe?? 


I have no idea why she's doing this show unless she is just as big of a famewhore as every other ho-wife.  


Yolanda was just another Hollywood trophy wife for David Foster. Maybe she realized that quickly after marrying him.


David Foster wants a sexy, young (healthy) woman on his arm at social functions and to show off. He doesn't want, or need a wife. David needs a beautiful woman to exhibit to others, one that stays home and entertains her rich friends while he's off traveling most of his time. He doesn't want his wife to question him about where he is or what he's doing.  He will always have a wife to conceal his philandering lifestyle and to feed his narcissistic needs. I don't think David Foster will be a bachelor for very long.

Yo was Wife #4.   It can't be much of a shocker that the marriage wouldn't survive a rough patch much less a lengthy illness.   I agree there will be a Wife #5 in no time at all.  


Why are these new ho-wives coming on board?   As long as Eileen is on, I'm in.   I think she is one of the most genuine people in all the ho-wives shows. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 3

There is so much here that we don't know or understand. Maybe Kim does want to be "fixed". Maybe behind the scenes Kim is begging Kyle to help her. Help her financially, help her find a place to live, help her get work. Maybe she isn't, but clearly there are major issues between the two, and apparently with Kathy too. I said last season after Kim was arrested that the reality was we were not done with Kim, no matter what Bravo might be saying or implying, no matter how much we hoped it would be otherwise. There was no way in the world that with all that happened with Kim (the arrest at the hotel, then at Target) that we wouldn't hear about her this season. How would that even be possible on a reality TV show? The entire last half of the season last year was about Kim and her addictions. It was all about was she or wasn't she still using. Relationships ended and were tested based on this one question, and yet all was confirmed literally the day after the reunion aired. How could we hope or expect for Kyle to not talk about this at all on her reality TV show, when she was going through it at the time of filming? 




And I'm sure Bravo wants/encourages Kyle to talk about Kim.  Viewers are talking about it, and as you said, it was a huge part of last season.  Bravo knows that people want to know what's going on, if rifts have been mended, etc.


I'm sure that Kyle in her real off-camera life doesn't sit around and discuss Kim all the time.  She's a wife, a mother, has a young daughter, lots of friends, and a business.  So there are plenty of other things to keep her occupied and lots to talk about.   Especially in the first episode of a season - when things are recapped and brought up to date - it makes perfect sense that Bravo would want new viewers to be caught up and old viewers to  know the status of their relationship.  It would have been very odd if Kim hadn't been mentioned, as though she had never existed.  I don't think this is going to be a main focus this season.  What I got from Kyle's conversation with Mauricio is that she's dealing with the Kim situation in a better way.  She's her sister and the aunt of Kim's kids, so of course it will always impact her life in one way or another.  But I don't think she wants it to dominate her life and I don't think it does.

  • Love 11

Exactly.  It's just not entertaining,  (especially on the heels of Crooks cancer/not cancer)  which is why I watch. 


When I saw this episode I had no idea Yo and MyLove were divorcing but I wasn't a bit surprised.  Yo said she was holed up in that condo for the PAST NINE MONTHS because she "couldn't handle her big house"? but what's to handle?  It's not like she cleaned the place herself and really isn't your own home where you want to be most when you're sick?   I knew there was trouble in paradise with Daveed but what I don't get is why he isn't living in the condo and she stays in her house?  Part of a pre-nup maybe?? 


I have no idea why she's doing this show unless she is just as big of a famewhore as every other ho-wife.  


Yo was Wife #4.   It can't be much of a shocker that the marriage wouldn't survive a rough patch much less a lengthy illness.   I agree there will be a Wife #5 in no time at all.  


Why are these new ho-wives coming on board?   As long as Eileen is on, I'm in.   I think she is one of the most genuine people in all the ho-wives shows. 

The house has been on the market almost since she joined the show. Also, they rented it out and it recently sold for way less than the asking price. There are rumors that they had some money issues, Yolanda's treatments all over the world would have cost a fortune and it would have all been out of pocket. Can you imagine how much they pay for her suppliments/holistic treatments each month alone after seeing that closet full of suppliments/treatments/meds? Oh, and I don't think Yolanda owned the house herself but that they BOTH owned it.

  • Love 4

My issue with Yolanda going sans make-up to the birthday party is due to the fact that I don't believe she would do so if it were a party for someone connected to her "love" David or for say Kris Jenner. I think she went to the party that way to put the ladies on notice that she was fragile and should be treated with kid gloves. I don't fault the ladies for thier comments.

Her blog really bothered me. The comparison to the AIDS crisis in the 80's and that Lyme somehow warranted the same/if not more attention is ridiculous. I remember being scared shitless in the 80's of AIDS and I was still in grade school. I'm sure Yolanda is suffering; however I think any AIDS patient of the 80's thru the present would gladly trade places with her.

I'm very happy that Kyle is addressing the issues she has with both of her sisters. Anyone keeping up with these woman since April is aware that a lot of drama was going on, for her not to address it would be ridiculous. I'm rooting for Kyle to eventually grow & have a storyline that is separate from Kim, but I get why Kim figures so prominently in the story now.

Edited by AttackTurtle
  • Love 11

The house has been on the market almost since she joined the show. Also, they rented it out and it recently sold for way less than the asking price. There are rumors that they had some money issues, Yolanda's treatments all over the world would have cost a fortune and it would have all been out of pocket. Can you imagine how much they pay for her suppliments/holistic treatments each month alone after seeing that closet full of suppliments/treatments/meds? Oh, and I don't think Yolanda owned the house herself but that they BOTH owned it.

Thanks WireWrap, I didn't know the house was for sale.  I wonder why Yo wouldn't just say the house was on the market but I know these ho-wives love to front.  Was MyLoveDaveeed living in the condo with Yo or does he have his own love nest?  


I'm sure Yo's illness has been expensive but on the other hand it's not like she wasn't married to another old rich guy before David.   She must have some coin stashed.  

  • Love 3

My issue with Yolanda going sans make-up to the birthday party is due to the fact that I don't believe she would do so if it were a party for someone connected to her "love" David or for say Kris Jenner. I think she went to the party that way to put the ladies on notice that she was fragile and should be treated with kid gloves. I don't fault the ladies for thier comments.



I agree.  She didn't go to the birthday party without makeup because she didn't feel well enough to bother or because she was too sick to care.  She did it because she was establishing herself as a sick person in the eyes of the other women and in the eyes of all of us.  There was talk last year that she didn't look as sick as she claimed to be and that she was picking & choosing when she felt fine and when she didn't.  (As well the infamous, "I didn't leave my house for 18 months" when clearly that was untrue since she was filming a lot during that time period and participating in stupid gossip, petty drama, and all the rest of the regular HW things, joining in on trips and activities, etc.)


So I think she deliberately did not wear makeup, just as someone playing a glamour girl in a play would put on huge false eyelashes and exaggerate eyes and lips.  IMO Yolanda wanted to present herself in the role of sick victim, and that's what she did.  Complete with calling attention to herself and her illness (which is something that ill people generally try very hard NOT to do, especially at a party in honor of a friend.)


And I completely agree - A posh, David Foster-related event certainly would have had her all made up, hair done, big smile on her face.  

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 18

Thanks WireWrap, I didn't know the house was for sale.  I wonder why Yo wouldn't just say the house was on the market but I know these ho-wives love to front.  Was MyLoveDaveeed living in the condo with Yo or does he have his own love nest?  


I'm sure Yo's illness has been expensive but on the other hand it's not like she wasn't married to another old rich guy before David.   She must have some coin stashed.  

I'm not so sure she had much stashed at this point. I think the up keep on the Malibu house, getting her kids set up in NY with their own apartments (furniture and all) and putting God knows what in her body as she traveled from 1 snake oil salseman in a foreign country to the next one in leased jets/planes with beds may have depleted a lot of it. This has been going on for 3 years now and that adds up quickly unless you have billions stashed somewhere and they did not. IMO, that IS 1 of the reasons David had to work/travel as much as he did, to pay for all that and more.

I agree.  She didn't go to the birthday party without makeup because she didn't feel well tough to bother or because she was too sick to care.  She did it because she was establishing herself as a sick person in the eyes of the other women and in the eyes of all of us.  There was talk last year that she didn't look as sick as she claimed to be and that she was picking & choosing when she felt fine and when she didn't.  (As well the infamous, "I didn't leave my house for 18 months" when clearly that was untrue since she was filming a lot during that time period and participating in stupid gossip, petty drama, and all the rest of the regular HW things, joining in on trips and activities, etc.)


So I think she deliberately did not wear makeup, just as someone playing a glamour girl in a play would put on huge false eyelashes and exaggerate eyes and lips.  IMO Yolanda wanted to present herself in the role of sick victim, and that's what she did.  Complete with calling attention to herself and her illness (which is something that ill people generally try very hard NOT to do, especially at a party in honor of a friend.)


And I completely agree - A posh, David Foster-related event certainly would have had her all made up, hair done, big smile on her face.  

ITA, she didn't wear makeup on purpose to garner sympathy from the viewers and to set the stage for going against Kyle and LisaV for Brandi/Kim.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 7

I'm not so sure she had much stashed at this point. I think the up keep on the Malibu house, getting her kids set up in NY with their own apartments (furniture and all) and putting God knows what in her body as she traveled from 1 snake oil salseman in a foreign country to the next one in leased jets/planes with beds may have depleted a lot of it. This has been going on for 3 years now and that adds up quickly unless you have billions stashed somewhere and they did not. IMO, that IS 1 of the reasons David had to work/travel as much as he did, to pay for all that and more.


I wouldn't worry too much about Yolanda or David money-wise.  Yes, they've had a lot of major expenses, but certainly they have a lot of investments as well.  IMO there's no way with all of that money that they have not used the services of financial advisors and have not protected what they have.  They likely could live very nicely off the interest alone.  I don't think David has to work at all at this point, and I always thought the "David is traveling" thing was a big fat excuse for not attending HW events and spending time with Yolanda.


On another note, I wanted to say that you and I have strongly disagreed on several HW threads this past year, and for some reason we're pretty much on the same wavelength on this one!   And that's nice.  I really enjoy agreeing with you for a change.  :-)

  • Love 6

IMO, I believe Mohammed Hadid may have assisted his children moving to NY financially also. By now Yolanda's daughters have earned plenty of cash to pay their mom back anything she spent on them. In addition, I believe King David may have invested in Yolanda's health treatments and transportation also.

I doubt we'll ever find out exactly what caused them to move apart from each other. All we see is the aftermath and they both seem to have made peace with it.

  • Love 6

IMO, I believe Mohammed Hadid may have assisted his children moving to NY financially also. By now Yolanda's daughters have earned plenty of cash to pay their mom back anything she spent on them. In addition, I believe King David may have invested in Yolanda's health treatments and transportation also.

I doubt we'll ever find out exactly what caused them to move apart from each other. All we see is the aftermath and they both seem to have made peace with it.

Exactly.  Yolanda acts as if she was the only one paying for the kids.  Mohammed was paying $30,000.00 a month in child support and $10,000.00 a month in spousal support until she married David. 


Here is a story about Gigi's digs-http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3159350/Gigi-Hadid-listed-luxury-New-York-apartment-2-45million-obsessed-man-successfully-got-place.html So she bought early on. 

  • Love 3

I'm not so sure she had much stashed at this point. I think the up keep on the Malibu house, getting her kids set up in NY with their own apartments (furniture and all) and putting God knows what in her body as she traveled from 1 snake oil salseman in a foreign country to the next one in leased jets/planes with beds may have depleted a lot of it. This has been going on for 3 years now and that adds up quickly unless you have billions stashed somewhere and they did not. IMO, that IS 1 of the reasons David had to work/travel as much as he did, to pay for all that and more.

ITA, she didn't wear makeup on purpose to garner sympathy from the viewers and to set the stage for going against Kyle and LisaV for Brandi/Kim.


I work in the music biz in LA and have longer than many are old. Guessing not many here understand how music royalties work. Not sure people understand

David Foster has been making millions a year for decades. He's not the Guidices, faking and lying their way into upper middle class. He has a talent, these type people work forever. They love what they do. Its totally different than putting 30 years in at the post office and getting a pension.  

IF the Fosters have financial issues, it'll all be fine in a few weeks when he gets his quarterly checks from Itunes, Amazon, Other download services, Sound Exchange, Other streaming services, Spotify, BMI, ASCAP, AARC, etc.  Never mind the checks he gets from song usage in the TV or Movies. OH and then there is his concerts. (Venues pick up all expenses, even if he uses his own jet.)  And his music is played around the WORLD which means more royalty checks. As the writer/producer even if someone sings his songs in another language, he gets paid.  And this goes on for decades. He gets paid 24/7 for stuff he created decades ago. Not many businesses work this way. Which is why businesses with IP's (which is what music ownership is.) are so valuable.  

Richard Carpenter who hasn't done anything since the early 80's, still makes millions a year off the songs he created with Karen. 30+ years ago! 

Edited by This2getsold
  • Love 15

Exactly.  Yolanda acts as if she was the only one paying for the kids.  Mohammed was paying $30,000.00 a month in child support and $10,000.00 a month in spousal support until she married David. 

$40,000 a month?!? Holy crap. I don't want to admit how much of my annual income that is but wow.


I'm sure Yolanda is doing just fine financially. Seeing 100 doctors and flying all over the world for "medical" "treatment" doesn't come cheap.A person hurting for funds could never do most of the things she has done while pursuing a cure.

  • Love 4

Ah yes, making millions is all well and good, until the IRS comes a knockin'. I think plenty here know about royalties and how they work. There have been quite a few stars who have earned millions on top of millions for their work but, they have also had financial woes due to their SPENDING ways, bad investments, etc.  Just because someone earns a lot of money, it doesn't mean they aren't spending it as fast as they earn it. Richard Carpenter? Sure the guy earns a pretty decent living from royalties, but he also isn't living life where he has to pay spousal support to four ex-wives and child support to children to those ex-wives. He lives a different kind of lifestyle than David. Anyone else remember the mess Michael Jackson found himself in due to his spending? I don't know David Foster's financial matters. I don't know how he spends his money, He might be sitting on a couple of decent bank accounts. I am also sure he covered his ass and had YoFo sign a pre-nup.



Yolanda acts as if she was the only one paying for the kids.  Mohammed was paying $30,000.00 a month in child support and $10,000.00 a month in spousal support until she married David.

The thing about spousal support is, that is taxable income. Only child support is tax free money.


I don't see YoFo being in any financial dire straits. I do think she won't have as much at her disposal like when she was with David. They didn't have any children so, there won't be any child support. I do think Mohamed would likely be YoFo's cushion if ever she needed help.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3

Exactly.  Yolanda acts as if she was the only one paying for the kids.  Mohammed was paying $30,000.00 a month in child support and $10,000.00 a month in spousal support until she married David. 


Here is a story about Gigi's digs-http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3159350/Gigi-Hadid-listed-luxury-New-York-apartment-2-45million-obsessed-man-successfully-got-place.html So she bought early on.

Great find ZM. Looks like Gigi does pay her mom's trust back when the apartment is sold and Gigi pockets the the difference. I was wondering if she was renting or purchased her city digs. Now we know.

  • Love 2

I work in the music biz in LA and have longer than many are old. Guessing not many here understand how music royalties work. Not sure people understand

David Foster has been making millions a year for decades. He's not the Guidices, faking and lying their way into upper middle class. He has a talent, these type people work forever. They love what they do. Its totally different than putting 30 years in at the post office and getting a pension.  

IF the Fosters have financial issues, it'll all be fine in a few weeks when he gets his quarterly checks from Itunes, Amazon, Other download services, Sound Exchange, Other streaming services, Spotify, BMI, ASCAP, AARC, etc.  Never mind the checks he gets from song usage in the TV or Movies. OH and then there is his concerts. (Venues pick up all expenses, even if he uses his own jet.)  And his music is played around the WORLD which means more royalty checks. As the writer/producer even if someone sings his songs in another language, he gets paid.  And this goes on for decades. He gets paid 24/7 for stuff he created decades ago. Not many businesses work this way. Which is why businesses with IP's (which is what music ownership is.) are so valuable.  

Richard Carpenter who hasn't done anything since the early 80's, still makes millions a year off the songs he created with Karen. 30+ years ago!

Thanks This2getsold for explaining how "in another world" successful entertainers are. It sounds like David is doing very well which in the end will benefit his 5 daughters. After his death I guess his heirs continue to reap the benefits of their dad's work.

  • Love 3

But a lot of that is surely Kim demanding they do that too, imo. And yes, they could have been strong and avoided it, but for Kyle especially that was going to be hard, especially since she's been raised since birth to see Kim as special and needing extra attention. Part of what's so creepy/fascinating watching the whole dynamic is, for instance, the fact that last season Kim wasn't really rejecting Kyle as a person who tried to interfere in her life, she was punishing her for not taking care of Kim the way Kim demanded to be taken care of. So she found Brandi to console her about how everyone was mean to her and of course she was handling her problems really well. Brandi's a great example for what Kim wants Kyle to be--she impresses everyone with vague dire references to how on the edge Kim is because she's so stressed and never thinks of herself, but also backs Kim up when she says she's not drinking and other people need to butt out and stop talking about interventions. As I think a recapper described her that night at Eileen's, she's the drunk girl defending the drunker girl and making scenes.


There's just no way given what we've seen of Kim that Kyle and Mauricio just decided to play Mommy and Daddy and pushed themselves into her life. Kim regularly turns up at things babbling about some crisis she's having, she's got kids who are often not being taken care of, she no doubt misses payments on her house that she shares with her kids and probably gets into car accidents etc. Getting other people to feel responsible for her seems to be one of the main ways she supports herself.

True - Kyle was raised in a family sick with narcissism to be caretaker and secret-keeper, and we've seen how she is bullied and trashed ("bad sister") when she doesn't play the role she was assigned. I hope Kyle outs her fucked-up family through her new show, and, more importantly, I hope she has finally disconnected from them emotionally.
  • Love 11

But that's you -- a normal person -- not Kyle, someone who constantly claims that she has Kim's back, supports her, would never do anything to hurt her.  It would have been a small thing to take the photo down, keep it among family.  The vibe I got from Kyle was "Here's my sister, hurting the family again -- see what I have to deal with?" 


I'm not defending Kim.  I think she's toxic.  But removing the photos would have gained points for Kyle, in her arguments that she really cares about Kim.  Kim was in the wrong, making it all about her, but Kyle could have taken the high road.

maybe there is just a little bittie part of Kyle that that is so tired of Kim that she is really not caring that much any more.....a horrible thing to say I realize, but I do believe this can happen......it happened in my family....I think she is just so tired of looking after a sister who seems to not care much about anybody but herself...she is a typical alcoholic....JMHO

But that's you -- a normal person -- not Kyle, someone who constantly claims that she has Kim's back, supports her, would never do anything to hurt her.  It would have been a small thing to take the photo down, keep it among family.  The vibe I got from Kyle was "Here's my sister, hurting the family again -- see what I have to deal with?" 


I'm not defending Kim.  I think she's toxic.  But removing the photos would have gained points for Kyle, in her arguments that she really cares about Kim.  Kim was in the wrong, making it all about her, but Kyle could have taken the high road.

maybe there is just a little bittie part of Kyle that that is so tired of Kim that she is really not caring that much any more.....a horrible thing to say I realize, but I do believe this can happen......it happened in my family....I think she is just so tired of looking after a sister who seems to not care much about anybody but herself...she is a typical alcoholic....JMHO
  • Love 6
But that's you -- a normal person -- not Kyle, someone who constantly claims that she has Kim's back, supports her, would never do anything to hurt her.  It would have been a small thing to take the photo down, keep it among family.  The vibe I got from Kyle was "Here's my sister, hurting the family again -- see what I have to deal with?"



I don't even know if Kyle is really doing that anymore. I mean, she still sees herself as always having tried to help her, which I think is true in a general sense, even if sometimes her martyr complex was behind it. But she doesn't exactly present herself as somebody who always rushes to give Kim whatever she needs. In this situation she was openly angry at Kim for being irresponsible and owned the fact that she wasn't going to cover up for her or do whatever she said. Her attitude seemed to be upbeat in the picture (slumber party in the hospital) and regarding the actual incident open anger at Kim for not taking responsibility for the injury--which of course also brought up the fact that Kim never does. Iow, it was different from the second season where Kim was kind of making her grovel and Kyle was trying to be oh so sensitive to Kim.

  • Love 5


I'm not defending Kim.  I think she's toxic.  But removing the photos would have gained points for Kyle, in her arguments that she really cares about Kim.  Kim was in the wrong, making it all about her, but Kyle could have taken the high road.


I thought Kim was the one who was always on the "High" road. Isn't that her whole storyline?

  • Love 6

I am not always a Ken fan but I think he feels he is being nice by telling her she looks good. Kind of like when he wanted everyone to give Brandi a pass because she was a single woman and didn't have a man to fend for her. Outside Yolanda's presence he was trying to express concern for her condition. (Then there is the devil side of me that imagines Ken thinking-I could take that Amazon down now in her weakened condition,"you want to see manhandling, Dutchgirl-let's go." I don't really want to see Ken and Yolanda in a physical altercation. )Lisa and Ken have a separate pipeline of information about Yolanda via Mohamed and may not be getting the Yolanda story as she chooses to portray it. I do think in this instance Mohamed has some scintilla of right to know WTH is going on with Yolanda's health (not access to her medical records) because of Anwar.

Ken did not attend the dinner at Fosters last season so I don't think he is totally over Yolanda and her bogus accusations of battery. I wish I could make sense of her blog. I cannot decide if she is trying to say because she doesn't have scars or broken bones people can't see she is sick (everyone has commented on her appearance as being that of someone who is ill) or if she is mad because people are critical of her appearance. I believe people for the most part have been empathetic of her appearance not critical. At this point I don't think the others know what to say or do. it seems the only one to get it right was Eileen and she did so by not attending the party and sending a gift. I do believe the comments about make-up had far more to do with the vanity they live with in BH-not a condemnation of Yolanda's choice to discontinue wearing the make up. I noticed Yolanda is getting the "Invisible Disability Association" Inspiration award. So if nothing else she is bringing attention to her plight.

There was something Kyle said last night I thought interesting-she mentioned she saw David Foster at Kris Jenner's 60th birthday party on November 5th and Yolanda did not attend because Gigi was in the Victoria Secrets fashion show on November 11th. Kris was at the Victoria Secret fashion show. So Yolanda must have been intentionally avoiding David. Oh and good for Yolanda being able to travel again.

I have to call BS on Yolanda's claim she is doing no make-up or hair color-looks like a highlight job and mascara to me-and she is flying commercial.. https://www.instagram.com/p/9xpLqLos0D/?taken-by=yolandahfoster

Who took that pic of Yo and why? I'm always puzzled at her need to post these "oh so causal" (staged) pics. Edited by imjagain
  • Love 5

Is all Kyle's hair hers?


I think it's all hers. Most women who add hair make the mistake of adding it to the bottom of their scalp, without making their overall head of hair thicker, which is a give-away. I've included links to pictures so you can see what I'm talking about. I'm sorry, I can't figure out how to post actual photos.



In addition, I've found that women with fake hair can't seem to help but switch it up every so often. Kyle has consistently enjoyed full, luscious hair since day one, so I think it's real. Kim, on the other hand? In season one, she had thin, wispy hair that barely reached over her shoulders, but in season five, at Eileen's famous poker party, she had a thick mane that reached halfway down her back. I don't believe a woman in her late 40s-early 50s who is routinely malnourished grew that hair on her own in four years. If anyone has been there and I'm wrong, please correct me.


I hope not. I never found Demi's long hair to be a good look on her. Her short hair look was extremely beautiful and it worked well with her face. Kyle has always had the long hair. Kyle's long hair on her works very well, depending on how she styles it, She can carry that pony tail look and as well as other styles. Demi's long hair? That is how she seems to have it all the time with no styling.

Yes, probably another bit of proof that Kyle's hair is real. A lot of women with weave tracks can't pull their hair up in a ponytail. Maybe that's Demi's issue. But leaving the hair aside for a moment, you don't think Demi, at 53, looks better than Kyle? How about that amazing bone structure? And her flawless body (when she eats)? I think Kyle is a very handsome woman, but to me there is no contest.


I'm so jealous how well Kyle rocks the heels. I scrolled down that article and there was a picture of them all at last season's reunion, and Kyle looked so, so good. I just don't like her styling choices between then and now. I've changed my mind--I think Eileen and Rinna are over-all better looking than Kyle. Despite her imperfections, I think Kyle is pretty in the face, as they all are. But she suffers where her body is like an 8 (on a scale of 1-10), while theirs are nines. It's not her fault that she's short, and there's nothing she can do about it. It also seems like she's lost about ten lbs since this series started. She does not need to starve herself and lose any more. I think LisaR and Eileen are naturally long, lithe, and lean. If they weren't, they probably wouldn't be working actresses. I don't think everyone should aspire to look that way, Beverly Hills or not. Life is too short.

I think Kyle is quick to forgive, and quick to hear the other person's side of the story. This may be why it looks like she's enabling Kim. I think she overestimates the logic Kim uses in making her day-to-day decisions. It seems like Kathy is picking up where Brandi left off in validating Kim's choices. She needs to make the tough decision that her primary family now consists of Mauricio and her kids, not her sisters. It would be the most healthy thing in the world if Kyle could just distance herself from her sisters emotionally. Her relationships with their children shouldn't be affected, because every single one of them is an adult now, no? If Kim or Kathy tried to prevent their spawn from having a relationship with Kyle because they are feuding with her, it would be about the most selfish thing In the world.

  • Love 5

I would be interested to see the particulars to the Fosters' wealth simply because I think that many of the housewives are not as plush in the finances as we might think.  Or were at the start.  In fact the only two I can honestly say are as rich as the show wants me to believe is Kyle and Camille.  Kyle because I have a friend who knows what kind of money Mauricio is pulling in and her conservative take is the Umanskys might be the richest cash wise on all the shows.  And as much as she annoys me, I kind of take pleasure from this because I like that, while they have indugled themselves as their wealth has (rather significantly) increased over the seasons, they hae kept the same house which I find lovely and nicely unique in a family home kind of way.


The other is Camille because we got the financials of her divorce and she got a pay out chunk for her kids of her sleazy ex' production company which still does really, really well.


The rest I have no idea simply because they are so fame hungry that it distracts from the smoke and mirrors aspect.  There are a lot of nice trappings these women show off.  But how much is really theirs?  How much is paid for?  How much is a thin veneer of luxury trying to hide the dry rot of bad investments, paying out as fast as money pays in (this is a Western economic ideology that covers the full range of wealth to poverty studies have found), dipping into the principle of your investments once too often (and it does not take much, look at Nicholas Cage), treating your wants as your financial needs.  Even before 20085 there were some severe bumps in investments that could have sucked up some of these normally wealthy individuals who still had the trappings but found the BRAVO checks have made a difference in keeping it.  It would not surprise me in the slightest to hear Adrienne, the Fosters or even the Vanderpumps having a smaller gap between money in and money out; how much cash they have on hand and what the depth, range, stability and profitability of their investments.


And on a "how do I look in green (wth envy), I'd ike to know what Mauricio's real estate holdings now look like.  One of the things I heard really has Nepotism Hilton so peeved is that Mauricio bought big properties that had a slight slow sell rate and then really cashed in when the economy pretty much surged back to even higher than it was pre-2008 (not that the luxury home market took that much of a hit but still, he made some big profits and seems to have held on to some for leasing to some particular Chinese billionaires if what I have heard is correct).


Which brings me to the fact that Mauricio seems to finally stop being quietly supportive of whatever Kyle thinks, rightly or wrongly, is the best for Kim.  If Kim is coming back I would love Mauricio to pull up an itemized account of what the Umanskys have paid to keep Kim Improbable afloat, including what they have done for her kids.  Petty and crude I know.  But I wonder just how much has gone her way that she simply thinks is her due.  I don't say this to laud Kyle and Mauricio at all.  I just think Kim is a disgusting suck on life for anyone who has the misfortune to come into contact with her.  And she strikes me as the type that would loan you a dollar and keep collecting as she reminds you over and over on that 'favor' and never caring she has been paid back way over what little she offered you or even consider it a return.  Simply her due.

  • Love 10

David would have a steady income from music royalties, plus a ton already accrued.

Yolanda and Mohamed's divorce settlement gave her "ownership of the Santa Barbara mansion, a $6 million dollar Malibu property, an Arabian horse, sole ownership of Hadid Interiors, several bank accounts, a Range Rover and an Escalade.

Yolanda also received a one-time cash payment of $3.6 million dollars and receives $30,000 a month in child support for the three children they had together: Jelena, Isabella and Anwar."

I've changed my mind--I think Eileen and Rinna are over-all better looking than Kyle. Despite her imperfections, I think Kyle is pretty in the face, as they all are. But she suffers where her body is like an 8 (on a scale of 1-10), while theirs are nines. It's not her fault that she's short, and there's nothing she can do about it. It also seems like she's lost about ten lbs since this series started. She does not need to starve herself and lose any more. I think LisaR and Eileen are naturally long, lithe, and lean. If they weren't, they probably wouldn't be working actresses.

Lisa Rinna looks about half as wide as former models Eileen and Yolanda. I can only imagine what she looks like in the flesh. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 2







And on a "how do I look in green (wth envy), I'd ike to know what Mauricio's real estate holdings now look like.  One of the things I heard really has Nepotism Hilton so peeved is that Mauricio bought big properties that had a slight slow sell rate and then really cashed in when the economy pretty much surged back to even higher than it was pre-2008 (not that the luxury home market took that much of a hit but still, he made some big profits and seems to have held on to some for leasing to some particular Chinese billionaires if what I have heard is correct).


Which brings me to the fact that Mauricio seems to finally stop being quietly supportive of whatever Kyle thinks, rightly or wrongly, is the best for Kim.  If Kim is coming back I would love Mauricio to pull up an itemized account of what the Umanskys have paid to keep Kim Improbable afloat, including what they have done for her kids.  Petty and crude I know.  But I wonder just how much has gone her way that she simply thinks is her due.  I don't say this to laud Kyle and Mauricio at all.  I just think Kim is a disgusting suck on life for anyone who has the misfortune to come into contact with her.  And she strikes me as the type that would loan you a dollar and keep collecting as she reminds you over and over on that 'favor' and never caring she has been paid back way over what little she offered you or even consider it a return.  Simply her due.

My belief is that in addition to the money laid out on Kim's behalf it has to really burn that Kim has gone after Mauricio since the Season 1, "you stole my goddamn house moment."  She has never apologized, brought it up again and in one of the uglier moments of the real Kim, was her out and out lie of the selling of Kyle and Mauricio Palm Springs home.  It takes brass balls to ask for an out and out gift to give Brooke a commission off of the Umansky home.  Does anyone think for one moment Brooke ever showed the house or brought a client out to see it? Umanskys lost money on the house but there was Kim with her hand out.  If it were so important to Kim she could have bought the home, probably less commission.  If Kim's erroneous contention is that Kathy received more money than she did why isn't she angry at Kathy instead of Kyle?  I think the final straw was when Brandi went on one of her campaigns to discredit Mauricio by claiming he "stole" his Rick Hilton's clients to open his own agency.  That is happening in real time right where this episode leaves off.  Give Kim a round off applause for that betrayal.  For she and Kathy to claim they want matters private they didn't hesitate to employ the unfiltered truth cannon in their battle.  Here is the story:  http://www.inquisitr.com/2251226/kathy-hilton-kyle-richards-husbands-are-at-odds-over-business-deal-gone-wrong-report/  Kyle and Mauricio left for Europe at the end of June so this is what is going on right before they left. 


Kathy, bitch that she is invited Brandi to her 2014 Christmas party and Brandi made sure to rub it in that Kyle and Mauricio weren't there.  I actually think they lucked out on that one-who would want to see Brandi? 


If I am client of a firm be it a law firm or real estate office and my attorney or agent leaves the firm it is entirely up to me to decide if I want to stay with the firm or go with my agent or attorney.  So in my opinion you really don't steal clients, clients decide.  These are the feuds that fuel the wars between the Richards sisters.

  • Love 11

My mother was a mommy dearest..... cruel, mean spirited, abusive, narcissistic and manipulative. I see at least two of these traits in YoYo.

Shame on her for bringing up her children as a reason for not killing herself..that is so typical of a narcissistic, manipulative mother. No kid or adult not should have THAT kind of burden on them.

I doubt she's all that sick...well, maybe mentally.

Would you rather have a mother attempt suicide and fail than the comment? Or attempt again and have her reason to stop and try to live---not be the child, but something else that matters more than how it would affect them?

I don't think what Yolanda said and feels would be the most cutting thing, to the offspring. I think it would be really hard to deal with having a parent kill themself or find them doing it. Or being told they weren't a consideration after and still aren't but they found a reason to quit. That I think might be hard to know.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 2

Would you rather have a mother attempt suicide and fail than the comment? Or attempt again and have her reason to stop and try to live---not be the child, but something else that matters more than how it would affect them?

I don't think what Yolanda said and feels would be the most cutting thing, to the offspring. I think it would be really hard to deal with having a parent kill themself or find them doing it. Or being told they weren't a consideration after and still aren't but they found a reason to quit. That I think might be hard to know.

Maybe, she could just keep that information to herself, a good therapist/psychiatrist, off camera and out of interviews and away from her childrens ears and off their shoulders.

  • Love 20

I finally watched this week's episode tonight but I still haven't read through this thread so I'll keep my comments brief (for now).


It was a pretty boring episode but the HW's season opener is usually uneventful.  The only part of the episode I enjoyed was watching LisaV prepare for and then throw out the first pitch at Dodger Stadium.   It might be because I haven't seen the BH crowd in a while but LisaV seemed to be exaggerating her "English accent" a bit.


One thing I did notice that I thought was interesting and that was seeing Harry Hamlin drinking a beer.  Didn't he swear off alcohol last season?

  • Love 1

What did you guys think of Lisa V flirting with the Dodgers catcher by joking that she was a sexual athlete? Do you think he thought that it was funny, that it was gross and she's a dirty old woman, or that it barely registered with him?

I actually do think Yolanda is physically ill, but at the same time, I really don't think she looks so bad. She's what? 51? 52? No makeup? I think she looks pretty good.

Lisa R's upper lip is the problem. Her bottom lip could pass for natural.

Kyle's tag line is pretty dumb. Why didn't she ask her family for suggestions?

Only one new housewife is in the opening.

  • Love 6

Maybe, she could just keep that information to herself, a good therapist/psychiatrist, off camera and out of interviews and away from her childrens ears and off their shoulders.


Yes, that was my reaction too.  Declaring it so publicly is completely inappropriate.  Feeling that way is one thing, but advertising it so that all of America - and her children - know about it is entirely different.  Completely unnecessary, and clearly intended to garner sympathy. 


She should be sharing that information with a friend, working through it with a therapist, etc.  Off-camera.  She doesn't seem to understand that not everything has to be put out there on national television, every IV treatment doesn't need an album of photos documenting it, and every thought doesn't have to be expressed publicly.  What she said is so intensely personal, and yes - she absolutely put something very difficult on their shoulders.  She knew very well that there were cameras present, that they were filming, and that her children would hear her say that.  IMO she's revealing herself to be exactly what a lot of us have thought all along.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 9

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