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S06.E13: Tell-All Episode

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This "doing it for the kids" is a lot of crap.  Last night's little slip that Jessup himself had brought up Kody adopting the kids proves it.


I'm side-eyeing this for the simple reason that outside of the move to LV, everything that seems to drastically change the dynamic of the family seems to be everyone else's idea but Kody's. Mostly Meri's though. Seems like adding every single wife was Meri's idea. The divorce and subsequent marriage to Robyn was you guessed it ... Meri's idea. I just don't believe it. I don't know if he is using Jedi mind tricks, planting the idea via some type of Inception like technique or just plain old bullying but he really has a knack for pointing the finger at someone else and getting them to agree.  Thank goodness he is too concerned with 'lil Kody to be dangerous a la Jim Jones. 




*Meri's spin on the catfish thing. I'm not saying Meri wasn't a victim in any way. What JO did was despicable. But it seems like Meri is trying to downplay how invested she really was - that it was more about the catfish making her do and say things, threatening her. I mean, does anyone really believe that when she was talking about "flying free" it was from the snare of her horrible catfish and not from this life???? 


It is hard to pick among the lies which was the biggest crop of bullshit and the greatest insult to people of moderate intelligence, but I have to say her saying that the catfisher made/coached her into leaving voicemail messages telling him all types of intimate shit like ILU is damn near inspired. 


The Browns just catfished their way into at least 3 more seasons. 

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Why was Christine so hesitant to say what she was jealous about?  She's flat out said it on camera, years ago.  Kody spends too much with Robyn.  In S2 Christine flat out says she thinks Kody cater's to Robyn, and it's not fair.


It's obvious Kody iced her out because of those comments instead of taking that into consideration, and makind sure Christine got her fair share of time, and their kids together were not short changed, compared to others.  It seems obvious to me that Christine was punished by voicing that she had issues with Kody's favoritism towards Robyn, and Kody thinks Christine's kids are annoying.

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"Tell All" and "Reunion" shows are never satisfying, and usually just more infuriating if you're looking for actual truth or having legitimate, if tough, questions posed (and followed-up until answers are given).


Everyone on that stage serves the same master and none of them are going to bite the hand that feeds them.


The true "reality" behind these shows (and especially this one) is like the stars that astronomers can't see directly but that they know are there based upon how nearby objects react.  


We all know the truth.  And no matter how much B.S. comes out of the T.L.C. machine, the best thing we can all do for our sanity and our blood pressure is come here and snark the fuck out of these people.

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I don't know -- I still think that this catfishing thing might have been fictitious for ratings!  I know, I know...  but, I can't get over Robchin's connection to the JYD, and the JYD's connection to the catfish!   Plus, have charges been brought?  Have law enforcement been involved at all for extortion, etc?  Or is Meri just going all Joan of Arc on all vaguely identified internet predators?  Plus, the constipated looks on all of the adults' faces during that segment -- something seemed off!  


Additionally -- not telling the older kids until the day of filming????  Come on!!  I CALL BULLSHIT!! 

I thought Meri said that she had just told the kids "a few hours ago" that no matter what she was never going to leave them. I didn't take that to mean that the kids had just been told that day about the whole catfish business.


Anyone have an idea on why they never mentioned names in the catfish segment? No Sam, Lindsay, Jackie, it was all this person, or him, and his female friend, and every time one of them said "him" or "he" or "this person" in reference to Sam they would take a pause first or say it with a weird inflection / tone. Is there a legal reason they wouldn't be able to name names?

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Additionally -- not telling the older kids until the day of filming????  Come on!!  I CALL BULLSHIT!! 



Obviously the older kids knew the same day we did.  However, I can believe that that day was the first time Meri saw/spoke with them.  She’s probably been hiding out and/or discouraged from contact with any of the kids.  I wouldn’t put it past Kody to tell them all that she wants to be left alone right now while taking away her internet, cell and house phones under guise of “protecting” her from the backlash. 


So yeah, I can believe it was the first time she had to face them down, though I’m sure they were anxious to comfort her.  Whatever the foibles of the parents, these kids are remarkable.


I think a big part of the divorce may also have been advanced planning for the next bankruptcy.  He’s already declared it with Meri – is there some legal advantage to declaring it with a new partner?

Edited by kassa
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The fact that Meri has come out and said she was threatend and catfished, and basically "terrorized" is in stark odds with the Meri that spent so much time on the phone with who she thought was a man, the very same person she proclaimed her love for and who she wanted to meet and who's children she wanted to have.   Its not that I dont think this person did anything wrong, its wrong to catfish people, you play on their emotions and its a horrible senseless thing to do.   However, Meri has completely downplayed her role in all of this, and with her familiy's permission.   Its one thing to say, I did this, I was in a very lonely vulnerable place,  I allowed the relationship to continue, but thats not what she did, she did not own up to her part of it 100 percent.  Instead she played the victim card.   Is she a victim of being catfished yes it would appear she is, is she a victim of anything else, in my opinion  NO.  People that engage in a relationship outside of their marriage are not blameless.  If you really feel threatned you have options.   Make no mistake if this person was not a woman, she would have met him, "harmless flirting" now Kody??   Developing an relationship outside of your marriage, one that makes you feel fulfilled, where your partner was not, is not "flirting" that is dangerous territory.   If you don't understand this and recognize it you will be in danger of making the same mistakes again.  

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I remember the comment one of them made while  Robyn and Kody was courting, that they were glad Robyn was coming into the family,  he deserved a pretty wife.   I was so taken back by the comment, such little self esteem to say something like that and then the other two "wives" bobble head in agreement with her.   Yikes...

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Seems like adding every single wife was Meri's idea. The divorce and subsequent marriage to Robyn was you guessed it ... Meri's idea. I just don't believe it. I don't know if he is using Jedi mind tricks, planting the idea via some type of Inception like technique or just plain old bullying but he really has a knack for pointing the finger at someone else and getting them to agree.


I bet it's something along the lines of Kody passively dropping little hints and then letting the wives, in most cases Meri, come to HIM. So it's as if THEY came up with it, and they're all proud of themselves because they think it will garner them more favor with the king. But he was the one really behind it, and they're too delusional to see. 

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The fact that Meri has come out and said she was threatend and catfished, and basically "terrorized" is in stark odds with the Meri that spent so much time on the phone with who she thought was a man, the very same person she proclaimed her love for and who she wanted to meet and who's children she wanted to have.   Its not that I dont think this person did anything wrong, its wrong to catfish people, you play on their emotions and its a horrible senseless thing to do.   However, Meri has completely downplayed her role in all of this, and with her familiy's permission.


Exactly. It's well established that Meri's catfish is crazy, but I don't think any substantial threats took place. Because real threats would be reported to the police. What was the catfish going to do, hack into My Sister Wife's Closet and lower the price of colada rings? Then Robyn would tell Meri to pack and ship the colada rings, cutting into Meri's precious self tanning and social media time? I do feel empathy for Meri re: the catfisher. I wouldn't wish that situation on anyone, but she needs to grow up and stop playing the innocent victim card.

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I bet it's something along the lines of Kody passively dropping little hints and then letting the wives, in most cases Meri, come to HIM. So it's as if THEY came up with it, and they're all proud of themselves because they think it will garner them more favor with the king. But he was the one really behind it, and they're too delusional to see.



I've been working that angle with my monogamous wife to try to get a PS4 for Christmas so I can play Star Wars Battlefront.


Don't hate the player; hate the game.

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Bottom line - the women will never, ever be able to express themselves safely as long as they remain sealed (yuck) to Kody.


It's a hierarchy of women.  It's a competition.  They don't support each other.  They are secretly thrilled when one of them screws up because it means they get more time and attention from Kody  They pretend to be loving and supportive but it's total crap.  They say they confide in one another but I don't buy it - because if one of them badmouths The King, the others will run to him and tattle, thereby lowering the unhappy wife to a lower status on the ever-changing totem pole of wives.  It's a sickening way to live, because in every marriage there are trials and tribulations - but the Brown wives have no one they can really trust within their own family.  They certainly can't express sadness with Kody himself - we've all seen what happens when they try.  He has the option to skip on over to another house.  The wives have to remain alone with their sadness, knowing full well what is going on in the bedroom across the cuddle-sac.  The wives made this unhappy bed by choosing Kody.  Now they have to lie in it, as uncomfortable as it is.


This is what I saw during the tell-all.  The women all said a lot of words, but nothing really lucid came out of their mouths.  They are all experts at talking much but saying nothing.  There are so many elephants living with them in the cuddle-sac, they must step in crap every single time they walk out the door.

Edited by laurakaye
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Bottom line - the women will never, ever be able to express themselves safely as long as they remain sealed (yuck) to Kody.


I think the women have expressed themselves, and Kody just ignores it. Like when Christine said she hated polygamy (or was it marriage?), and instead of addressing her feelings, Kody gave her the long term silent/shut out treatment to shut her up. Or when Christine stated pretty clearly what she wanted to build out of those rocks on the beach. Or when Robyn told Kody the first time how she wanted the adoption celebration to go, and later he acted like he didn't remember.  Or when Meri told both Robyn and Kody she was struggling and didn't want to attend the marriage ceremony, and Robyn turned it around and made it all about her own needs.


The women already know how to express themselves. They need lessons in packing their bags and moving themselves and their kids out of the compound.

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Its not that I dont think this person did anything wrong, its wrong to catfish people, you play on their emotions and its a horrible senseless thing to do.   However, Meri has completely downplayed her role in all of this, and with her familiy's permission.



I think the "wrong" that they're talking about is the threat to publicize the catfishing and publicly shame Meri for her infidelity (assuming it is infidelity, which is what I think most of the sane-world believes it is).  


The bind that Meri found herself in is that, unlike someone threatening to post stolen photos or videos of celebrities, threatening to reveal a relationship (however superficial or lie-based it was) is not a crime.  So the fact that no one went to the police doesn't say much to me.  I don't think there was much the police would/could/should do in such a case.  And, going to the police would likely result in precisely what Meri was trying to avoid, which is publicity for her cheating.


She got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.  But she will never admit it because playing the victim is easier.  Kody has no incentive to call her on it because he would acknowledging that he not only nearly got cuckolded, but nearly got cuckolded by a complete fraud.  And the other wives are happy to sit back and watch Meri implode, all the while putting up a facade of concern.  TLC has no incentive to blow things up because they want the option of keeping this shit-show going, and falling back on a Meri spin-off if/when the house of cards fall apart under the weight of its own bullshit.

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Kellyee...good points, all.  I guess what I wanted from the tell-all, knowing I'd never get it, would be for just one wife to say that things were good before Robyn.  Robyn is the dividing line between what I saw as a fairly functional family in the beginning, to a completely dysfunctional one now.  But they can never say that as long as Robyn is Wifey Number One to Kody.  It's interesting in polygamy, and I've heard this before - the first wife has a tendency to treat the other wives any way she chooses, usually badly.  Meri used to do this, wielding her power over Janelle.  Now we have a role-reversal, with Robyn doing the wielding.  It's just a sick way to live, having to kowtow to a woman who is not only sleeping with the man you all share, but can basically say or do whatever she wants, knowing the husband will support her.


How, again, is polygamy supposed to make each of them better?!

Edited by laurakaye
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She got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.  But she will never admit it because playing the victim is easier.



Hence "the bitch set me up!" defense.


Wondering if I'm the only one here old enough to remember the origin of that!

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The catfisher has certainly given them more seasons of this show.  I do not think this was some great master plan by the Browns but it may give them other ideas for keeping the show going.


Kody should treat this mess as a huge wake-up call.  It's time for him to pay attention to all of his wives and get back on that schedule of his.  He needs all of them to stay, and may have to work a bit harder than is his custom.  It can't be easy to keep four women happy, and the time has come for Kody to understand this.  It was his choice to live this "lifestyle" and there is a price to be paid.  He has better get with the program and learn to understand the emotional needs of his wives.

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So the fact that no one went to the police doesn't say much to me.  I don't think there was much the police would/could/should do in such a case.


I think it's been pretty well legally established that what you post on social media can't be prosecuted.  If you are stupid about what you do then it's your own idiocy for all the world to see.  The police can't arrest stupid.

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Kody should treat this mess as a huge wake-up call.  It's time for him to pay attention to all of his wives and get back on that schedule of his.  He needs all of them to stay, and may have to work a bit harder than is his custom.



What he really needs to realize (if he hasn't already) is that a show about Meri, Janelle and Christine breaking away would be a better bet for the network than them leaving and Robyn and Kody keeping on.   


They are in the driver's seat, should they choose to accept it.  Imagine if the three wives still had checks coming in to pay the mortgages that are in their single woman names, and Kody/Robin didn't?  And they all still lived in the cult de sac?


Heck, even a show where they checked out and he and Robin remained together and everybody stayed on the show would still be interesting (for one season, anyway).  No interaction among the adults except the women, and Kody would be persona non grata at the other households, so the kids would have to visit his house ALL THE TIME.  Especially when the women took vacations together and left the kids with him and Robin.  Which she would love, because she's all about how they should have been hers from the beginning.  

Edited by kassa
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What he really needs to realize (if he hasn't already) is that a show about Meri, Janelle and Christine breaking away would be a better bet for the network than them leaving and Robyn and Kody keeping on.   


They are in the driver's seat, should they choose to accept it.  Imagine if the three wives still had checks coming in to pay the mortgages that are in their single woman names, and Kody/Robin didn't?  And they all still lived in the cult de sac?


Heck, even a show where they checked out and he and Robin remained together and everybody stayed on the show would still be interesting (for one season, anyway).  No interaction among the adults except the women, and Kody would be persona non grata at the other households, so the kids would have to visit his house ALL THE TIME.  Especially when the women took vacations together and left the kids with him and Robin.  Which she would love, because she's all about how they should have been hers from the beginning.  

I'm going to be very very sad if this doesn't happen.

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I remember when Christine was in the hospital giving birth to Truely, Kody was out on a date with Robyn at the time. Later Kody and Robyn stopped by the hospital. The guy was a rude ass back then. Christine is feeling her worst and in walks Robyn with her hair and makeup done, wearing her nice outfit she picked out to impress Kody, and Kody beaming with pride that he's got Robyn on his arm in front of Christine. I would have kicked "little Kody".

Any husband/father who would choose his new girlfriend over his wife bringing his while into the world - ESPECIALLY since she's supposed to have had a really dangerous pregnancy/birth experience is selfish and vile. Any new girlfriend who is ok with her boyfriend ditching his wife/child during labor, even in polygamy, is also selfish and vile. Then, when exhausted from giving birth, he brings her in to show her off? Delusional, selfish, vile, etc. I don't know how Christine didn't kill them both and blame post partum hormones.


Why was Christine so hesitant to say what she was jealous about?  She's flat out said it on camera, years ago.  Kody spends too much with Robyn.  In S2 Christine flat out says she thinks Kody cater's to Robyn, and it's not fair.


It's obvious Kody iced her out because of those comments instead of taking that into consideration, and makind sure Christine got her fair share of time, and their kids together were not short changed, compared to others.  It seems obvious to me that Christine was punished by voicing that she had issues with Kody's favoritism towards Robyn, and Kody thinks Christine's kids are annoying.

Christine would just be told that this is the sacrifice she has to make as a polygamist, and any jealous is her problem she has to overcome.  Christine was absolutely iced out and punished for being honest. If Kody thinks Christine's kids are annoying - does he not understand THEY'RE HIS KIDS, TOO. That one daughter is a mini Kody and I don't think I could stand being in a room with either her or Aurora for more than a few minutes. Don't care if they are teens. They're still annoying.


The biggest common thread I've picked up on from all of these polygamist shows - from fictional shows like Big Love, to all the reality shows on TLC with various families - is that the women are in constant competition with each other, and the men seem to enjoy it. No one is treated fairly. No wife receives equal time, attention or money. The women learn quickly to be very passive aggressive, manipulative, and conniving. It's far worse in the situations where there is extreme poverty or they're all living in one shack, but the fight for who is Head Bitch In Charge is always there. Always. Some are worse than others, but at least one wife is always scheming, and at least one wife is always hurt. 


Show any of these families for five minutes, and I can tell you who is Wife #1, who's the brood mare who gets no love, who is desperate for her husband's attention and an emotional wreck, who can't connect that polygamy is the problem and isn't a fairy tale, who is the trophy wife, who's the favorite wife, etc.  



I've been working that angle with my monogamous wife to try to get a PS4 for Christmas so I can play Star Wars Battlefront.


Don't hate the player; hate the game.

You just have to tell your monogamous wife that you're going to find another wife who will buy you a PS4, and you're not going to invite her to play Star Wars when you get your planet. She'll either buy you the PS4, roll her eyes, or set you up a Match.com account and kick you to the curb.

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Perhaps we are forgetting that this "life of plural marriage" is a calling.  And it's based on their religious teachings. I know that I criticize a lot, but most of the time, it's about the hypocrisy of the wives, who claim it's great and makes them better people.  If I really saw a little of that claim being true, then I might be better able to wrap my brain around it.  But, I"m so distracted from the misery, sadness, lack of cooperation, pettiness, selfishness and lies, that I keep forgetting that this is their religious teaching.  I don't view Kody as being any less genuine as the wives.  In fact, he's more genuine to me, because he admits a lot of the crap that goes on and I think he does put the family first...something the women don't, IMO.  I also see him talking about prayer, guidance, and God's will.  The wives don't seem that into those things.  


Maybe, I'll look into it a little more.  I think it was Logan who said that he had not received the calling for plural marriage.  Do men and women receive the calling?  I guess it can happen down the road, so you get it AFTER you marry your first wife.  


I do think the fact that none of the older kids support ;plural marriage for themselves is a poor commentary on the Brown marriages.  He won't admit it, but Kody must be devastated.  It's the one thing that he is the most proud of and yet it means nothing to the kids, except for their history.  Oh my....I wonder what the future holds for them.  Sadly, I don't think it will be bright.....not for all 4 wives, that is. 

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I do think the fact that none of the older kids support ;plural marriage for themselves is a poor commentary on the Brown marriages.  He won't admit it, but Kody must be devastated.  It's the one thing that he is the most proud of and yet it means nothing to the kids, except for their history.  Oh my....I wonder what the future holds for them.  Sadly, I don't think it will be bright.....not for all 4 wives, that is. 

Kody Brown ‏@realkodybrown  · Nov 22 

No disappointment that kids aren't pursuing plural marriage. I don't need that validation. I love for them to find their path.


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I'm not believing in the polygamy - religious connection. Kody and the Kodettes have all said that their religion does not require it, and that is why they don't care if the kids don't choose it.  They also throw out this 'called or not called' line.  If you can stay in their church and still be monogamous, then it's not a religious requirement.-  Remember the couple who had been in their church for years, married for  years, but was thinking of being polygamysts, so they came to Vegas to consult with the Kody Brown family?  G*d doesn't require certain people in the same church family to commit to something like this to be saved and go to heaven  while not requiring others.  Therefore, it's something they make up similar to other cultures who mix cultural traditions and customs up with their religious requirements.  People feel called to be priests, pastors, nuns, or missionaries.... but they don't believe that saying no prevents them from going to heaven.


So, I don't think the Kody Brown family thinks their monogamous children won't go to heaven.... but I would like to know if Christine is going to allow her younger children to associate with the older children who will now be monogymous 'sharks' - remember when Janette wanted to allow her kids to attend a Protestant youth group when they first moved to Vegas? Will they treat their monogymous offsoring and their spouses as somehow LESS than them as they treat their television viewers?

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She didn't think it was weird because that's what Kody has been doing to her for years.  Kody and Meri would get upset with each other, ignore each other and one of the other "sister" wives would tell Meri to contact Kody.

very good insight!

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Does anyone remember the question Tamron Hall asked toward the very beginning, to which Robyn replied something like, "now you're offending me"? It had something to do with legal marriage I think. I just remember thinking SHUT UP Robyn with your self-righteousness. It brought me back to that panel they were on that time, with Robyn being all, "honey, DO NOT make me a victim." OMG, just shut up.

I thought Janelle's hair looked pretty. It is so obvious Janelle is the damage control mouthpiece for the family. No need to have your lawyer present--Janelle is here!

Poor Christine looked worn out and wrinkly, like she's dehydrated or something. I thought Aspyn looked really pretty, but Ysabel was really a show-stopper. That child is turning out to be gorgeous, like child-model level gorgeous. Brianna is also pretty. I feel bad that all these little girls may have damaged self-esteem down the line, cause their dad can't be bothered to tend to them.

Is that huge brother--is that Paedon?--purposely emulating Kody with his hair style? God, I hope not. These kids have always seemed to know better, like Logan, but damn, what is with the long, blond flowing locks with a center part? It's not a good look buddy!

Dayton is the smartest one there. I'm really rooting for him.

But what do I know? I'm just a monogamist.

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Perhaps we are forgetting that this "life of plural marriage" is a calling. 


Maybe, I'll look into it a little more.  I think it was Logan who said that he had not received the calling for plural marriage.  Do men and women receive the calling?  I guess it can happen down the road, so you get it AFTER you marry your first wife.  


That's a tough call - no pun intended - to determine if they're actually 'called' or just born into it and believe this is the only option to please God. Kody started off normal LDS and says he was 'called' to polygamy a few years after his family joined the AUB and his dad took multiple wives. Meri was born into it, and honestly, I think if Kody told her to slaughter the whole family and he'd love her forever, she would do it. Janelle, who also was not born into it, I think had a  calling. Christine has never known anything else, or that anything else was an option. She grew up polyg royalty more directly related to some of the recent crazies than the rest of them. She fully believes they're God's chosen people, monogamists are shallow and ungodly, and is basically brainwashed. Robyn - I can't decide. She actually appears to me to be a little more religious than the other wives, but in her first marriage, she was monogomist for nearly a decade, and I think she agreed to be 4th wife in this family, because she knew she could easily swoop in and rule the roost, and because she had bills she needed someone else to pay. She's manipulative, but she's also paranoid and terrified outside of their circle, uneducated, doesn't seem to have any intelligence or job skills, so she worked with what she had and earns a Brown paycheck now.

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Personally I think those kids want nothing to do with plural marriage in part because they lived the huge family life and it was off putting to them in some ways growing up.  Kids that come from large families, unless the parents are doing it right, often wind up having to help raise their siblings.  Now dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with kids helping out, doing chores, etc.  BUT, they did not give birth to these children, they did not have any say so as to how many siblings were brought into the family, they are just there for the duration.   I have seen it firsthand and also read about how often the older siblings resented having to change diapers, babysit, feed, etc on a daily basis.   With a family that large you need all the help you can get.   I personally do not think parents can give enough of themselves to each child when they have such a huge family.   I also think the Brown kids see the struggles their moms have, with jealousy, loneliness, etc and do not want any part of that.   

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Kody Brown ‏@realkodybrown  · Nov 22 

No disappointment that kids aren't pursuing plural marriage. I don't need that validation. I love for them to find their path.


Thank you for beating me to it! I had a dual reaction to this tweet: 1. So typically Kody Brown to assume that the question about the kids not choosing plural marriage is about HIS VALIDATION. 2. If the adults are convinced that plural marriage, no matter it's pain and sacrifice, is the way to attain the most desirable eternal outcome, how can they NOT be disappointed (or concerned, or sad, or worried) if the kids don't want to take that path? Don't get me wrong--I'm really glad that the Brown adults allow their adult kids to make that choice with no judgement. It just doesn't compute to me. If my religion said--and I wholeheartedly believed--that the ultimate path to the afterlife included eating black jelly beans every day, then I would feel deeply concerned if my own children rejected black jelly beans. (Gawd, I think I just concocted a really terrible religion!)

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I know that Meri was playing the victim card to negate her (very obvious) involvement but watching this I definitely do see her as a victim of her upbringing which most likely caused her to think she's only good enough for part of a husband. How sheltered her life has been! She thinks if someone puts their phone on hers, it can get all the info. I'm not excusing her but I do pity her. Maybe now that it's out there that she would have left, a real guy will show up! I know a few people that grew up in very sheltered, religious families and it made them an easy mark for predators. I watched a crime doc recently about this person who went on a bunch of depression forums and goaded people into killing themselves (a few did!) and it was not illegal. Meri's catfish sounds like this level of psycho but maybe without the sophistication. I do think the goal was to ridicule/ ruin Meri and that is pretty messed up.

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Maybe, I'll look into it a little more.  I think it was Logan who said that he had not received the calling for plural marriage.  Do men and women receive the calling?  I guess it can happen down the road, so you get it AFTER you marry your first wife.


I remember Maddie saying it on this Tell All. I think the kids saying that they haven't "received the calling" is a cop out. And I don't mean that in a negative way. I think it's an easy way for them to deny plural marriage without hurting their parents feelings. "Nothing against polygamy, and I love how I was raised, but for whatever reason God has not called me to this life". It's a personal statement and one you can't really judge them for. It's not like one of their parents could step in and say, "Oh yes you were called!" So it's safe for them. To be fair, I don't think the Brown parents are Duggar level - controlling and brainwashing them. I just think that the kids genuinely don't want to hurt their parents. 


I thought Janelle's hair looked pretty. It is so obvious Janelle is the damage control mouthpiece for the family. No need to have your lawyer present--Janelle is here!


She really is. She is clearly the smartest of the adults, so it usually falls to her to articulate her way out of whatever pile someone has stepped in. 


Dayton is the smartest one there. I'm really rooting for him.


I love that kid. He is very mature. I enjoyed then he told all the other hyper kids to simmer down and speak one at a time. 

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Thank you for beating me to it! I had a dual reaction to this tweet: 1. So typically Kody Brown to assume that the question about the kids not choosing plural marriage is about HIS VALIDATION. 2. If the adults are convinced that plural marriage, no matter it's pain and sacrifice, is the way to attain the most desirable eternal outcome, how can they NOT be disappointed (or concerned, or sad, or worried) if the kids don't want to take that path? Don't get me wrong--I'm really glad that the Brown adults allow their adult kids to make that choice with no judgement. It just doesn't compute to me. If my religion said--and I wholeheartedly believed--that the ultimate path to the afterlife included eating black jelly beans every day, then I would feel deeply concerned if my own children rejected black jelly beans. (Gawd, I think I just concocted a really terrible religion!)

The problem with your analogy is that you are attempting to use LOGIC.  This is not a part of the Brown religion (Kody's make it up as you go along version).  Hell, it probably isn't even in their vocabulary if I'm honest. 

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Meri gave the impression that JO hacked her phone, and I do not believe that. It is actually quite difficult to hack an iPhone and even though I think JO does have some limited technological computer skills, I do not think that unemployed, obsessed, Wackadoo has those kind of advanced skills. If she had done it, I believe that would be a federal offense, and even more ammo for Meri to turn over to the authorities. Their story of Meri being a victim shows how naive they are and how stupid they think their viewers are. Their public image would be so much better if Meri had come clean with the truth, and instead of using the story as bait for ratings, turned JO in to the authorities, and gotten a lawyer on the case. Viewers would forgive her making a huge mistake, especially if she attempted to prevent it from happening to other people- they would probably champion her cause, but they will not like being lied to.

Small rant here: I just went to the Sister Wives FB page, and it is pathetic how women post these long heartfelt messages saying how much they love them, and telling their own tales of woe. I want to scream " they don't read these, and they don't care"!!!!! Ok, sorry, rant over.

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Wow sounds like a doozy of an episode, thank you for the detailed comments. I scheduled a recording of it but it was stopped to record the AMA show for my teen. I guess I'm not going to be able to see it. There are no more SW on demand and its 1.99 on YouTube.

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Meri gave the impression that JO hacked her phone, and I do not believe that. It is actually quite difficult to hack an iPhone and even though I think JO does have some limited technological computer skills, I do not think that unemployed, obsessed, Wackadoo has those kind of advanced skills.

Do you know if Meri has an iPhone? Maybe she has an android/smart phone--those might be easier to hack? I read somewhere that Meri thought Lindsay, who she'd met at one of her LIV sales events, covered Meri's cell phone with hers and thought she might have obtained personal info that way. I remember seeing Samsung commercial's showing phones doing that, so I wonder if that's the type of phone she has?



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I also missed the Tell All and was very sad at first because the previews made it look so juicy! But after reading the entire thread here I am all caught up and realize I did not miss anything of substance. Love all the comments here, so many great observations and I had to laugh out loud at some!! It is obvious that Kody is failing in his relationships with Christine and Meri and how these folks think we will buy their whole facade after Meri herself admitted she was so desperately lonely that she decided to pursue an online affair with someone she knew was sketchy is beyond me. I'm very disappointed in the dishonesty. I guess anything to keep the gravy train going huh. I did catch a clip of Tamron asking them about jealousy being highlighted more this season and Kody had his usual clueless expression on. For goodness sake, Meri talked about leaving and Christine discussed not being able to see a silver lining. Forget jealousy Tamron, these people are miserable! The only thing they have going for them is great kids. Kody obviously turns a blind eye to most of it and likes it that way. I'm honestly relieved to hear Mariah is not so gung-ho about plural marriage. By the way, did she come right out and say she isn't going to choose polygamy?

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What he really needs to realize (if he hasn't already) is that a show about Meri, Janelle and Christine breaking away would be a better bet for the network than them leaving and Robyn and Kody keeping on.

They are in the driver's seat, should they choose to accept it. Imagine if the three wives still had checks coming in to pay the mortgages that are in their single woman names, and Kody/Robin didn't? And they all still lived in the cult de sac?

Heck, even a show where they checked out and he and Robin remained together and everybody stayed on the show would still be interesting (for one season, anyway). No interaction among the adults except the women, and Kody would be persona non grata at the other households, so the kids would have to visit his house ALL THE TIME. Especially when the women took vacations together and left the kids with him and Robin. Which she would love, because she's all about how they should have been hers from the beginning.

That would be brilliant! Oh please, TPTB. Someone tell Jackie to write fan fiction about this.

Kody is not doing a fantastic job at keeping his perfect polygamist family together. I am not against polygamy but this family and the Williams are not doing polygamy any favors. I think they've discouraged everyone who watches their shows.

It is clear that the only relationship Kody is concerned with is his and Sobbyn's. He is neglecting everyone else - wives, children, friends, etc.

Edited by NotRealYet
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I read here that Meri told Sam/JO/Lindsey she wanted to "have his baby". Seems particularly strange since she has complained all these years that she can't have any more children, but she goes and tells Sam that she wants to have his baby! You mean you've been lying to us, Meri? Lying to Kody? Or, just lying to Sam? I hope Kody heard about this part of the story. That's not "innocent flirting".

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In regards to the children picking polygamy (or not as is actually the case) I have a theory, it seems while the mom is in Kody's favor the child is ok with potentially living polygamy, but then when they fall out of that favor they change their mind. Obviously Mariah is the only example at this point, but I think it'll be interesting to see what Robyn's girls say as they get older. If I remember correctly wasn't one of Christine's girls also on the fence about it? I'm not sure if it was Aspyn or Mykelti, but I thought one of them said they would consider it, and is now in the firm no camp. To be fair even when they said they would consider it, I think it was more in a not ruling it out way, not that they were actively looking.

I don't like to speculate on the younger girls who are too young and shouldn't even be make big this kind of a decision, but I have a feeling that since they get a lions share of the attention at this point Robyn's girls are going to be all about polygamy, I don't think Dayton will thoughz

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Thinking about the older kids - most of them did have a great upbringing. They were raised by two mostly functional parents - Christine and Jenelle. Kody was there, but truthfully not really a parent. The kids do feel fortunate to have their "moms," though I would argue Meri wasn't really a part of that. They were also mostly grown by the time Robyn came into the picture.

The really interesting thing will be in 10 years when the younger kids discuss their family and if they will be polygamists.

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I'm not saying that JO isn't a liar or a catfisher or a manipulator. We all believe that about her.

But even in the worst of lies and deception, I truly believe there is some truth in lies..just to make it seem believable.

If you read the batman blog, listen to the texts, you actually get a better sense of what is true, than from watching the Tell All episode. In the blogs at least you see a timeline that adds up. Meri never answered a direct question and her hemming and hawing made it seem like she was evading the truth.


One thing that is very apparent, is that although Meri was victimized by JO, she was also an active participant.  She spent hours talking, texting, with "Sam". She sent him pictures, wrote letters, shopped for Batman underoos...none of that was coerced. JO may have played Meri to get her to say some things, but there is no way anyone can make another person do all those things unless they want to.

Meri clearly must have lied to someone to get away for the Disney trip and obviously  made  plans to leave the family. Her possibly leaving the family was discussed in the Alaska trip episode. So with that information it is pretty hard for her to claim to be a totally innocent victim.

Her fear that JO would destroy the family? I think that had to do with the truth of this all coming out and them having issues with TLC.

Like someone said, maybe they feared something similar to what happened to the Duggars and them being cancelled. If they really felt threatened, they would have called the police.

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Was Robyn's ass that big with King Sol, or is age/metabolism/chocolate pie catching up with her?



Probably just karma catching up!


One thing that confused me....I didn't ever read any of the emails between Meri and the catfish and am appalled if she really sent nude pictures...but why did she continue to say "he" during the Tell All sessions?  Why didn't she clarify that it was a woman posing as a guy.  It was all very sketchy and let to interpretation.  I am assuming that is one of the reasons that Kody is blasé about it...if there wasn't a man involved and only a woman (despite intention) he can somehow justify it in his twisted mind.

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I think this is ok to post here, because Tamron did include their tag lines in the discussion:

What is Meri's tag line? I can't remember it, or find it on the Internet.

In fact, I'd be really appreciative if someone could provide a link or something, because I forget Janelle's too (something about polygamy making everyone better)? Yeah, ok, my eyes are rolling out of my head.

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me out.

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Do you know if Meri has an iPhone? Maybe she has an android/smart phone--those might be easier to hack? I read somewhere that Meri thought Lindsay, who she'd met at one of her LIV sales events, covered Meri's cell phone with hers and thought she might have obtained personal info that way. I remember seeing Samsung commercial's showing phones doing that, so I wonder if that's the type of phone she has?

My hubs is an IT guy. As in, a super smart, can hack anything but doesn't, been in IT for 25 years, been there done that. Let me tell you...he is NOT impressed by the fish's threats. Chances are, Meri let slip what her password was, or uses something easy like Kody123. Mariah123?

The threat of tracking by IP address? Every site out there can track by ip. That's the nature of the 'net.

Bunch of bull, talking big. Stupid. Empty threats by a small minded person trying to scare people.

Edited by Moooeymoo
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I'm pretty sure the tag lines for the wives were pretty close to this:

Meri: I believe in living this life, it just makes each of us better.

Christine: I wanted the whole family, I didn't just want the man.

Janelle: I like sister wives, I wouldn't want anything else.

Robyn: it's like destiny, like we shoulda' all been together from day one.

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I was thinking, with Janelle's apparent change of heart I have a theory. I'm aware it's a little twisted, but I tend to be meaner to those I really love, and nicer to people I don't like, hear me out... When I love someone and feel secure in the friendship/relationship I trust them enough that even if I say something I may regret, or if I'm being mean in a joking sense I know they will still be there, even if they get a little mad at me. But when I don't like someone, I'm nicer, because I don't necessarily want them to catch on that I don't like them, so I'm more cautious about what I say.

Bringing me to my point, I wonder if Janelle has a touch of that. I'm completely speculating, and we've even seen her not trying to hide her disdain... I'm just kinda wondering if Janelle already had an enemy in Kody's first legal wife, and in a lot of ways may have gotten the shorter end of the stick because of it, so she could be ensuring this doesn't happen again with now Robyn being the legal wife.

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I think the women stay because of honest religious belief.  As I recall, they are called by their husbands to join them in the planet afterlife after death.  So if they are not women who keep on Kody's good side, they stand a chance of not being called.  If that is your belief, you are stuck.


Hey, those are some great kids.  They are the most natural and normal kids I've ever seen on a reality show.  Kuddos to the adults who let them develop their own beliefs and branch out into the world of academia.  They are the winners.

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