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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I have to echo the sentiment that Aly death a horrible waste of a good legacy character. I know I don't get to watch every episode of this show some weeks, but her change from cute young woman with lovely hair and clothes to fundy puritan was rather abrupt wasn't it? Her whole storyline for the last month was so jarring, and handled very poorly. I mean, her whole family was too dense to catch her downward spiral early on? Ivy? Pam?

Anyway, the show is kind of a drag right now.  Which ladies are not related to Thomas so they can jump on that? Caroline, Ivy, Maya, Nicole, Quinn. Maybe Brook for a little Mrs. Robinson action?  Forgive me if I include any family members, this family tree on this show is so fucked.

MEEEE!!!! I perved him first.

  • Love 6

I fired up the DVR this evening, and now I wish I'd lit it on fire. Liam needs rehab ASAP because chasing jagoff pills with douche juice is high-risk behavior. Rolling up on Ivy with that self-centered breakup bomb at her best friend's funeral cemented his status as a legendary player in the fuckwad game. Truly amazing. Then he breaks out a classic waffle maneuver by telling Steffy that Ivy dogged her character, cause life ain't sweet for Liam unless he can get two women fighting over him.

Watch your back, Rick Forrester. There's a new contender for alpha douche, and he's come packing enough oblivious self-regard and contempt for decency to knock you off the throne.

Thomas is a little smarmy, but I'll give him a chance.

  • Love 13

I've watched this show off and on since the premiere...when it's been awesome, okay and just plain old stinky awful. Aly's death is the worst offense yet. If she had been sacrificed to create a viable storyline, that would be one thing. Far as I see, it's a sorryass attempt to: a) give Steffy depth and vulnerability (no, no and Hell no) b)serve as justification for Liam/Steffy 2.0 c) ruin Ivy and d) further eliminate Thorne from the canvas.


e) and to erase most all traces of Rick and Maya's cruel assholery, by getting rid of the girl who was the object of their contempt and ridicule.



I have to echo the sentiment that Aly death a horrible waste of a good legacy character. I know I don't get to watch every episode of this show some weeks, but her change from cute young woman with lovely hair and clothes to fundy puritan was rather abrupt wasn't it? Her whole storyline for the last month was so jarring, and handled very poorly. I mean, her whole family was too dense to catch her downward spiral early on? Ivy? Pam?


They really are a stupid bunch.  A dramatic change in appearance is the most easily recognizable indicator that someone has gone off the rails.  Even if they didn't know that, though, Aly gave plenty of verbal evidence that she was obsessing and fixating on Steffy, Rick, and Maya.  None of them were concerned enough about it to get her some counseling, but instead thought it enough to chastise her for not liking cleavage and "California freedom."

  • Love 9

Is the show going to morph into the Marone/Spencer/Logan/Avant one half hour?


Think this was asked by RunTheTable earlier.  It has kind of already done so.


Forrester Creations was a Forrester/Douglas enterprise.  It took Eric's talent, but Stephanie's money to bring into being.  Of course, Kristin and Felicia are still around, but never on the show.  And of the two of them, the only child with both Forrester & Douglas blood is Dominick.  Of the folks still on the show, Eric, Thorne and Aly are the only ones with a true blood line.  Rick & Bridget can't count because they are Forrester/Logan.  Even if an exception can be made for Rick, he and Maya will have to adopt their children.  Ivy doesn't count either because she is only related to Eric, not to Stephanie, and didn't grow up in the firm.  


If you only go by who owns the firm right now, it"s 50% Marone, 37.5% Forrester, and 12.5% Spencer.   They are the owners of FC.



  • Love 2

I don't understand why Steffy would be lying. There's a ton of physical evidence that points to Steffy's self defense claim. There's the collage, Aly's fingerprints on the nail, rock, and tire iron, the tire tracks showing Aly's car coming to a halt. Yeah, the video that Ivy took looks bad for Steffy but it's taken out of context. The writing of Aly's death has been so bad.

I've watched the video many many times and you can't tell if Steffy actually made contact with Ally. It looks like Steffy swong and missed and Ally in avoiding contact slipped and fell. Steffy was in shock so it looks like she didn't remember everything that happened but it looks like Steffy is starting to remember more and more. What she is going to do about it is another story.

I hope they don't turn Ivy into a vindictive bitch because of her hatred for Steffy and that ass hat Liam. I sure hope that Ivy does not start seeing a floating head of Saint Ally. I also don't want to see another love triangle between Ridge, Caroline, and Thomas.

  • Love 11

UGH-hate the new Thomas--a dweeb with bad hair and he is here only to ruin Caroline and Ridge and while I hated RonnMoss Ridge forever I will always be in Tks corner and this guy is sorta a weasel and if Caroline goes for that I will be done with her too---sigh---may be done with the show---never want to see TK with KKL either so unless they have a plan B----also hate everything that has to do with Waffles and I liked him once upon a time on GH but now---asshat---ugh

  • Love 9

So I've given up on this insulting mess of a show for the foreseeable future, but my mom has a stronger stomach than I do and has kept with it, somehow. Thus I learned that today Liam dumped Ivy at Aly's funeral. Now my last remaining wish is that NuThomas would pick Waffles up and stuff his head down a toilet. Yep, that's right, this horrible show has reduced me to a middle-schooler.


Here's hoping Ashlyn Pierce gets a great new gig on some awesome new project, and makes B&B regret ever letting her go.

  • Love 19

RuntheTable, on 28 Jul 2015 - 06:06 AM, said:


Ivy said she didn't want Liam on false pretenses, so she better not come at Steffy with some type of friggin blackmail about that damned video.


ByTor quote

Agreed...although I would enjoy the hell out of watching Steffy squirm.


I don't see much reason for Ivy to lower herself to the Spencer's level. Liam has finally gotten around to making a decision, at Ivy's expense and after Ally's funeral. He's a vacillating twerp, with terrible timing  and has been manipulated by Steffy for her benefit ... again. The Waffle get's exactly what he deserves in that manikin.


Steffy told the police one story. Ivy didn't refute that story at the scene -- Why she's waiting around, demanding probity or scruples from the likes of Steffy, Liam or Wyatt is ridiculous; they have all proven their worth numerous times.


All Ivy has to do is go to the police with her phone and let the chips fall. It's up to Steffy to explain her actions on PCH, but the longer Ivy hesitates the more she will have to clarify her hesitation. If Ally was her Best Friend, what is Ivy waiting for?

  • Love 10

Well I am out for a while. That rushed living room funeral (where they didn't even have enough CHAIRS, just the sofas pushed together) was insulting enough. It's like they all woke up the day after the Roadside Incident and decided "lets throw a funeral! I'll make some punch!" But the fact that Thorne didn't get to be the last speaker at his own child's funeral was just too much for me to digest. That struck such a discordant note with me that I don't want to see any of these people for a good long while to avoid a rage blackout. 

Liam can just be consumed by one of his tight suits or infest  that scraggly facial hair with lice. But he needs to shut up forever, about everything. 

Ivy is looking stunning. Too bad Show seems gung go about making her insufferable. 

I guess Fun! steffy is down to just one or one and a half "cha's" since she has Serious Lady Pulled Back Hair, instead of going Full Barbarella . 

Edited by smartyshorts
  • Love 12

Liam is an insensitive jackass. When Ivy was going ballistic on Steffy's (lack of) character and morals, I was all "Go Ivy! Go Ivy! Go Ivy!" She definitely deserves than that waffling tool Liam.

Liam is a fool, and Ivy should know that by now.  I hated Ivy running down Steffy's character and morals because it made her look jealous and vindictive.  She's classier than that.  Besides it made her look like it was over the loss of Liam, and I hate when women blame the other woman rather than the fool who made the promises to them in the first place.  I wish she had just laughed at him, and said that she had already moved on.




All Ivy has to do is go to the police with her phone and let the chips fall. It's up to Steffy to explain her actions on PCH, but the longer Ivy hesitates the more she will have to clarify her hesitation. If Ally was her Best Friend, what is Ivy waiting for?


This.  I don't get that Wyatt thinks it shouldn't get out.  Ivy should be turning this in right away.  It's not going to make her popular with Liam or Steffy, but what does she care about that.  I think even Ridge would understand.   She can certainly explain her feelings to everyone, and they have to respect that.

  • Love 6

Steffy was in shock so it looks like she didn't remember everything that happened but it looks like Steffy is starting to remember more and more. 

That's an interesting take on it, I didn't see that at all. I saw Steffy intentionally lying to the authorities and everyone else. And I see Steffy being fearful that she will be found out.

  • Love 6

So, I am actually feeling a little bit better today, because it appears that Ivy is coming from a good place of actual concern about what happened to her friend. Her dialog indicates that all she wants is for Steffy to tell what really happened. I have gone back and watched the "tire iron" segment, slowing it down, and I don't believe Steffy actually hit Ally, but that Ally moved to avoid being hit and fell. Of course in the real world, it would have been noted if Ally had two head wounds, one from the tire iron and one from the rock. I would also imagine that there would have been skid marks from Ally's car, and of course, evidence of a struggle with all the foot prints. But the show has set this up to encourage sympathy for Steffy, and to make Ivy look like the kook Aussie cousin who is so jealous of Steffy, that she would make some shit like this up. I am annoyed and insulted with the entire mess. This show has tried to dumb me down on so many occasions. but this has been the worst.


Liam. WTF? Of course any discord between Steffy and Ivy was about you. What a pontificating little pongless ping pong ball you are. Did it never occur to Liam, in all his ginormous doofishness, that maybe the ladies were upset because they both witnessed their cousin dying? And that is right Ivy, tell him to keep his filthy hands off! Dude probably has cooties crawling all over him. 


I am liking new Thomas. Looks good, has a nice voice, and looks like he could be TK's kid, and I wasn't all that disappointed with his acting. All the same, he better keep his sexy paws off of Caroline. 

  • Love 8

My DVR has once again stopped recording this show. I'm going with it's out of respect for Aly and AP because seriously show, you can fuck right off with killing Aly, a legacy character and Thorne's only child.


It's not enough that Thorne is relegated to the basement or offscreen entirely, was the background to Ridge's foreground for his entire life, got Ridge's leftovers including his wife's killer (Taylor) and lost not one but two women he loved (actually three if you count his first wife, Caroline I) and now his only daughter is dead???


I enjoyed Aly immensely, detours into the kooky and certifiable notwithstanding, and if any character deserved to go, it should have been Steffy. What poetic justice it would have been for Aly to take that waste of space out on the same highway where Steffy's mother ended Aly's mother's life.


But of course it was not to be. Probably because if it had been Steffy's face to be smacked with the tire iron or her head landing on the rock, it would have bounced right back into place, good as new. 


And because i can't say it enough, show...



  • Love 13


I am liking new Thomas. Looks good, has a nice voice, and looks like he could be TK's kid, and I wasn't all that disappointed with his acting. All the same, he better keep his sexy paws off of Caroline.


I hope we're getting a bait and switch and have it that Thomas is gay and finally comes out and becomes a regular gay character on the show.  You could even tie it in with the photos of Ridge at the pride parade in Paris being about his support of Thomas and Thomas could've realized it was okay to come home with his news seeing how accepting of Maya the family is. And Ridge's hesitance about Thomas being home could be some leftover friction from the initial bumps in their relationship of Thomas coming out and Ridge being protective of Thomas' open status. He may be accepting but he's worried about how others will treat him.


Thomas' relationship with Caroline could be more of she understands the hardships he's having due to her parents and is going to be his coming out buddy. And set him up on dates.

  • Love 5

Waldo13, on 28 Jul 2015 - 8:10 PM, said:


Steffy was in shock so it looks like she didn't remember everything that happened but it looks like Steffy is starting to remember more and more.


SweePea59 Quote

That's an interesting take on it, I didn't see that at all. I saw Steffy intentionally lying to the authorities and everyone else. And I see Steffy being fearful that she will be found out.


I'm not interested in Wyatt or Liam's selfish needs or opinions about Ally's death. I'm not interested in what Steffy's fetid brain remembers or doesn't remember, what her intentions were or are before/during/after the PCH Incident -- Ivy should have given the police her video when she was interviewed at the scene at PCH.


Ally is dead and Steffy was involved, and no one with any other agenda than determining the cause of Ally's death should be deciding what happens to the evidence.





This.  I don't get that Wyatt thinks it shouldn't get out.  Ivy should be turning this in right away.  It's not going to make her popular with Liam or Steffy, but what does she care about that.  I think even Ridge would understand.   She can certainly explain her feelings to everyone, and they have to respect that.


 I don't understand why he's so adamant that Ivy bury the video and the PCH Incident. Were I to guess, maybe Wyatt thinks he can maneuver Steffy away from Liam by using the video for his own selfish purposes; if Ivy gave the video to the LAPD, Wyatt wouldn't have anything to use as leverage to blow up their already fucked up relationship.


I can't believe Wyatt is trying to protect Forrester Creations and the new California Freedom campaign, or Steffy and Ivy from a new scandal. Wyatt always thinks of himself first in any situation, personal or professional.



Lucky Cat say Hi, Sayla Vee!



Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 9


I am liking new Thomas. Looks good, has a nice voice, and looks like he could be TK's kid, and I wasn't all that disappointed with his acting. All the same, he better keep his sexy paws off of Caroline. 


*shrug* Too soon to tell for me.


He's 6 -7 inches taller than TK and 2 feet taller than Caroline -- what he going to do with her, wear her in his buttonhole? And the Macklemore woman-repellant haircut leaves a lot to be desired. The actor carries himself well and looks good in a suit, and has good instincts with the dialog.


Nu-Thomas' scene announcing his move back to Los Angeles and return to FC was thick with testosterone and tension, so the stage is set.


As the saying goes, "If they'll do it (cheat) for you, they'll do it (cheat) to you."

  • Love 3

As much as I loved Aly, she's more responsible for her death than Steffy is. Steffy acted in self-defense, pure and simple. Ivy's video was taken out of context and the cover-up makes no sense at all.

I also don't understand the obsession with blood ties. Ridge, Thomas, and Steffy are all Forresters. So are Rick and Bridget. Zende? Forrester. Even Mushmouth is a Forrester, since Eric adopted him even though he has a biological father and another adopted father (Carter's dad).

Edited by Snaporaz
  • Love 11

I have gone back and watched the "tire iron" segment, slowing it down, and I don't believe Steffy actually hit Ally, but that Ally moved to avoid being hit and fell. 

Maybe I'm a tad bit more cynical, but I just attribute things like that to acting. Some good Three Stooges sound effects would have helped the scene.

  • Love 4

I don't understand why Steffy would be lying. There's a ton of physical evidence that points to Steffy's self defense claim. There's the collage, Aly's fingerprints on the nail, rock, and tire iron, the tire tracks showing Aly's car coming to a halt. Yeah, the video that Ivy took looks bad for Steffy but it's taken out of context. The writing of Aly's death has been so bad.


They did a similar story on GH a few years back or so.  A character killed the woman who had kidnapped his pregnant mother (who then went into labor and delivered her baby) and was going to take off with the baby.  He clocked her over the head to stop her and she died.  It was a pretty clear "in defense of others" case, but his father and uncle were in the mob and of the "the police can't be trusted!" mindset and set about covering it up.  His father ended up on trial for her death, and he came in at some point during the trial and confessed.  The judge ended up throwing him in jail for the cover up (and basically as a "fuck you" to his criminal family for the cover up). There's a tiny little fear in me that, since they seem intent on trashing Ivy to prop FUN!!!Steffy, we'll get a twist on that where, after Ivy has kept the video secret for a while (I assume) holding it over Steffy's head, somehow the truth comes out, and the judge throws the book at Ivy for withholding evidence, blackmail, and basically just not being as awesome as FUN!!!Steffy.  The judge will likely also kiss Steffy's FUN!!! ass, telling her how brave and lucky she was to have survived her unhinged cousin's attack on her.  

  • Love 4

Can someone screen shot or link to Nu-Thomas. I'm intrigued now. I only read recaps since I can't watch.

Ivy needs to turn in that video asap.


Here's a pic of him:





As I previously posted, I haven't been watching since Aly died so not sure how he plays on screen, but I don't know. I'm not sure I like the looks of him. 


I really liked Adam Gregory.

  • Love 1

Don't like the new Thomas. He's trying hard, but his Australian accent keeps creeping in. Why are these shows hiring so many actors from Australia? Not enough unemployed actors here in the US? I agree with others who find nu Thomas a little skeevy.

With no disrespect to Australians and Canadians, but they are in vogue when it comes to music and actors.

Is Ivy's version of Ally's floating head staring at her picture? Why has everyone forgot that Ally was the aggressor in the confrontation and it was Ally who set her death in motion? Ivy, you know I love you but videoing the fight instead of rushing out, of the car, to help your friend would have been a wiser move. Like other posters, I'm in total agreement that Ivy should have turned the video to the police, at the scene, causing a corone's inquest into Ally's death. Than we would no for sure if Steffy actually hit Ally with the tire iron. In addition, why did Ivy collaborate Steffy's story only to feel bad about it later on? Ivy is suppose to be about truth, justice, and the American way.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 4

Ivy, you know I love you but videoing the fight instead of rushing out, of the car, to help your friend would have been a wiser move. Like other posters, I'm in total agreement that Ivy should have turned the video to the police, at the scene, causing a corone's inquest into Ally's death. Than we would no for sure if Steffy actually hit Ally with the tire iron. In addition, why did Ivy collaborate Steffy's story only to feel bad about it later on? Ivy is suppose to be about truth, justice, and the American way.

It was weird that Ivy stayed in the car, considering that she was chasing down Aly in her car, so to speak. Who goes out driving around looking for someone and then when they find them outside of their car in the street - stays in their own car? Then not coming forward to the police with the video? Then, being in the same room with a distraught father who is wanting to know what really happened? Three strikes you're out! I have nothing but disgust for Ivy - unless she shows that vid to Thorne. What, does she like Cousin Steffy better than Cousin Thorne? Not that any father should have to see the second to the last moment of their child's life, but still, it's not like she's withholding it out of compassion for him. I'm beginning to think that Ivy, more than Steffy, deserves Waffles, in all of his waffletude. (He is quite the booby prize.)

  • Love 1

NuThomas isn't working for me. Their something weird with his lips. Like he doesn't have a bottom one when he smiles. Maybe, it's just me. LOL!!! He's really is too tall for both Ridge & Caroline, too. Also, the show is so young guy heavy as it is. I really don't think he was needed. I probably wouldn't care as much if Adam Gregory had returned. I'm guessing he wasn't asked back because he resembles Ronn Moss more than TK, right?

Windsor Harmon looks amazing. His workout regime is doing gangbusters for him. Too bad he is the red headed step child of the show. Odd! Since, he's been there much longer than a lot of the cast. Also, Ivy looks awesome in her mid drift that you can't see blue dress. She has real style whereas Steffy doesn't. IMO!! The wardrobe department must love Ashley Brewster.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 5

Uh I think I with the others in checking out for a while.

I love B&B and in fact would rank this my favorite soap in terms of quality and interestingness this past 12 months. But I'm really fucking pissed so I'll read the thread and maybe comment only if its something relevant.

I was kind of hoping Aly would become this shows version of Sydney from Melrose Place or Rachel from OTL. A crazy bitch who ya kinda sorta understood their vulnerability and had humorous quirks. Or maybe got more confident, stable, stronger while being still being a goof ball and representing in the Forrester family and business. Whatever though.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 9

Petunia13, that is exactly what I liked about Aly.  She had a fluctuating level of crazy, but she was also sweet, vulnerable, and funny, and until recently she wasn't murderous like Quin.  B&B really screwed up by killing her off. 


I've also checked out but will come back here from time to time to see what's going on.

  • Love 6

Wyatt, buddy, you are skating on some mighty thin ice. I think you think you're still going to nail Steffy. No. She likes gormless fucks with all the sensitivity of a cheese grater, babbling ninnies with the sexual prowess of a throw pillow, and indecisive dingleberries with all the social savvy of a fundamentalist preacher handing out purity pamphlets at a swinger's convention. If that's you, Wyatt, please do stay the course. It just won't be intercourse.

The audience knows Steffy acted in self-defense. Steffy knows it. Ivy only knows what she saw when she drove up on the scene and what's on the video. I don't think she means to take it out of context, and the way she recoiled at Liam's touch yesterday, I'm hoping that he's not her motivation. I don't know if she had a lot of time to intervene in Steffy and Aly's situation; maybe she could have laid on the horn to distract them. I think Ivy would believe self-defense, as she saw Aly's collage and seems to understand that Aly tried to run Steffy down or at the very least frighten her with the car. Ivy's problem seems to be Steffy not admitting what happened and that Aly didn't deserve to die. She should just turn the damn video over. Of course there'd be an investigation, the evidence would vindicate Steffy, and everyone could start processing and move on. But that kind of logic bores Brad Bell, who insists on beating a droplet of sympathy for Steffy out of us with flawed storytelling.

  • Love 9

I keep wondering if Aly is really out. Obviously, Steffy did hit with a tire iron but I just think it's weird that they had Harmon come back after the fact. So, say that Ivy does show the video to the police and then what? There's a trial for Steffy? I'm not sure where there story is going. Also, all the hemming and hawing by Wyatt and Liam is so annoying. Those two guys are the worst bugged eyed actors ever. I simply don't understand how they are the "leading men" of this show. It boggles my mind!!

  • Love 7

Don't like the new Thomas.  He's trying hard, but his Australian accent keeps creeping in.  Why are these shows hiring so many actors from Australia?  Not enough unemployed actors here in the US?  I agree with others who find nu Thomas a little skeevy.  


Pierson Fode (Nu-Thomas) is from Seattle, Washington.

  • Love 4

Yesterday's show was a prefect illustration of my rant the other day. Here we have Thorne, a core/legacy character, getting solace for his daughter's death from Quinn, Wyatt and Ivy. Really show? Quinn? The woman who tried to push Ally over a railing into moving traffic? Wyatt? The guy Ally disliked with such a visceral hatred, that she physically assaulted him and stalked him? Ivy? A relative yes, but a distant one, and someone Thorne has never been close to, at least not that we have ever seen or heard. That solace should have been coming from Eric, and Ridge, and a very absent Felicia and Kristen, who apparently were too busy to come to their niece's funeral. Brooke also, should be someone we see giving Thorne comfort, and I am talking more than her and Eric's brief appearance in Ally's room. And just as I predicted, this is going to deepen the rift between Ridge and Thorne. Why can this show ever let siblings just get along and love each other? I understand the need for drama and angst, but sometimes it is just too much. 


I truly believe that Ivy only wants Steffy to tell what really happened, and I also believe that Ivy wants to downplay how bad Ally's state of mind was. She keeps saying how Ally was "troubled' and 'in a bad place", when in reality, Ally had gone off the proverbial deep end. What I can't believe is that Ivy would actually think or believe that Steffy wanted to hurt Ally, so this is where my issues begin. Is Ivy deliberately downplaying Ally's condition, and refusing to believe that Steffy was only defending herself because it is Steffy? If it were Caroline, or Maya, or Rick, or anyone else, would she be so adamant about what is on that video? Or would she be willing to listen and process the events in a sensible manner? I don't know. But I do believe that Ivy is conflicted about what to do, the fact remains however, the longer she waits to reveal that video, is the worse it can be for her too. Ivy is withholding evidence, and that is also a crime.


And I also believe that Steffy is in a state of shock, and doesn't really remember exactly what happened. Trauma will cause you to black things out you don't want to remember.


Geesh, they are writing nu-Thomas as a total tool. Reminding Ridge about the 5% he owns in FC's? Hey, Bucko, who did you get those from? Oh, that's right, from dear old dad. Then, trying to make him feel old? You are a hottie Thomas, but I don't have to like you. Dickhead. 


I absolutely felt more than a little something when Wyatt kissed Ivy. She looked like she did too. 


For some reason I felt like they were chem testing Quinn and Thorne, a pairing I have never even considered. I kind of like that. Although it would be terrible for Deacon, but I have noticed he hasn't been around much, and on the B&B, that usually spells doom and gloom for that character's romance or current SL. It would also stick a fork in my long held desire for Liam/Quinn hate sex. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 10

Geesh, they are writing nu-Thomas as a total tool. Reminding Ridge about the 5% he owns in FC's? Hey, Bucko, who did you get those from? Oh, that's right, from dear old dad. Then, trying to make him feel old? You are a hottie Thomas, but I don't have to like you. Dickhead.

I would choose Ridge over Thomas any day of the week and twice on Sunday !!!!!!!!!! 


ETA:  that is really just my TK love talking - yowza ! ...../fans self

Edited by SiouxB
  • Love 6

I absolutely felt more than a little something when Wyatt kissed Ivy. She looked like she did too.

I felt my dinner trying to come back up. Chicken head with his perpetually open mouth and Beady eyes are both bland and/or asexual. How they are so called "leading men" on this show is a head scratcher to me.

  • Love 6
Well, as Liam said, all of this is, after all, Aly's fault.  If she hadn't had the nerve to be mentally ill, Forrester would have had the show, everything would have been great, and poor Steffy wouldn't have to feel so bad. *rage!!!*

IKR? All I could think was, "Is this muhfuh seriously blaming the dead victim because his girlfriend has been too distraught for the past 48 hours to give him some?" Why yes, apparently he was.


Geesh, they are writing nu-Thomas as a total tool. Reminding Ridge about the 5% he owns in FC's? Hey, Bucko, who did you get those from? Oh, that's right, from dear old dad. Then, trying to make him feel old? You are a hottie Thomas, but I don't have to like you. Dickhead.

Isn't that pretty much the same way Steffie reacted at first? Thomas may come around--or not. It was oddly aggressive of him, though. I guess we're to assume that he'll be making another run at Caroline since there aren't any other romantic options for him in the vicinity unless you count Nicole. Ugh, IMO that'd be kind of a nasty turn for Caroline to take: "Ooohhh, Thomas, your father does not do it this way. At least not until the Viagra kicks in."

  • Love 4

For some reason I felt like they were chem testing Quinn and Thorne, a pairing I have never even considered. I kind of like that. Although it would be terrible for Deacon, but I have noticed he hasn't been around much, and on the B&B, that usually spells doom and gloom for that character's romance or current SL. It would also stick a fork in my long held desire for Liam/Quinn hate sex.



Deacon hasn't been around because unfortunately he doesn't have a kid whose story he can be involved in.  I mean if it wasn't for Wyatt Quinn wouldn't be around as much as she is.  Bill wouldn't have the airtime he has if it wasn't for Liam and Steffy; and Brooke would have nothing at all if it wasn't for Rick.  Deacon's getting shit to do but his contemporaries aren't getting much more.


Not that I wouldn't be surprised if they take away his romantic interest and then write him off.  Been there done that.

  • Love 2

I had to watch Liam break up with ivy at the funeral. Right in front of the memorial table of flowers and pictures. Because I guess I was morbidly curious if Show could get any worse than Ridge trying to upstage his Thorne at his only child's funeral. And you know what, it did. It got worse.  I was with ivy when she kept asking that drifter in a suit " You want to do this NOW?  Like, RIGHT now. Do you see the flowers and the photos?" Because he couldn't even wait until the next day.. or at least go to another location so he wasn't breaking up right over Aly's figurative casket when he KNEW his relationship with Steffy was a trigger for poor Aly. Nope, had to be done, I guess he figured this is one time Aly couldn't yell at him about it. I wish one of those photos had mysteriously flown across the room and hit him right upside his soft head. . He is the absolute worst.  

Wyatt can have a seat in the TimeOut corner. Be quiet and think about the things you've said Wyatt. Fold your hands and face the corner, I will tell you when you can come out.

Thank the Lord for small favors that we haven't had to listen to Saint Maya and Deposed Emperor Rick talk to anyone or each other about lost troubled Ivy and how she so mysteriously went off the rails out of nowhere. And how her tragic death means they should probably go upstairs and have sex. 

  • Love 15

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