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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I really hate to say this, but did Katherine Kelly Lang become an even worse actor during her hiatus? Those scenes between her, Sean Kanan & Rena Sofer were particularly deflating. I feel like we've been spoilt in these last few weeks. But Brooke & Maya were good for a laugh, KMos in particular did a great job.


I missed Wednesday's episode, which apparently was a good one? Oh well.


Bill has a photo of Maya's portrait and it can be woven into a pretty damaging story about FC.

There's good and bad with that:

If $Bill and Liam savage Rick in their publications it damages the entire Forester brand and Forester family.

Should they tar and feather Rick, they also soil the careers of the people they allegedly want to protect.

I've been thinking about this, too. There needs to be some way to incorporate Spencer Publications getting involved in what's happening at Forrester Creations to keep the two sides of the B&B story cohesive and co-operative. But as you've pointed out, Cupid Stunt, it's a zero-sum game. Way back when Ridge's "disability" was exposed to Katie, Bill & Brooke, I had hoped of a storyline wherein Bill exposes Ridge to the world through Eye on Fashion, but I couldn't figure out a smart way for him to do it without implicating himself in Ridge's injuries in the first instance.


One possibility is that SP promotes Ridge & Caroline's new design house over any promotion for FC, which would support Caroline (and Ivy if she were to jump ship) and allow FC to tank all on its own, but that would also mean that Bill would have a vested interest in whatever Ridge is doing, which I don't think he'd be happy about.


Where is Bill living now, anyway? With Ridge in the invisible apartment?

Now here is a show I would watch all day long.

Me too. Could they also wear invisible clothes?


Additionally, if people own Forrester stock, then it has shareholders, and the CEO has to answer to them.

Yeah but the majority shareholder signed away irrevocable control to the CEO just recently, so... I don't know. This whole thing is a mess. I've stopped trying to follow who's right/who's wrong, both corporate and otherwise, in this storyline because it's impossible.


I didn't watch B/B back in the Eric CEO days, but I am guessing he didn't put up with random employees who may or may not be relatives dissecting his love life, his intentions and his decisions.

I wasn't watching then either, being all of six years old, but from what I've seen in clip form putting up is exactly what Eric did, at least when he was involved with Sheila Carter. His whole family gave him flak about marrying that nutjob and the most he did was yell at Stephanie and Lauren when Sheila left him at the altar. I think it was only when he was married to Donna that he fired Stephanie from FC and she went to work for Jackie M, but again I think that was really because she was a rumourmonger and a busybody trying to get him involved with the Rick/Steffy/Phoebe thing (or whatever it was at the time), and he'd had enough of it, rather than because she was pestering him about who he was sleeping with. Any of our 7000-episode veterans want to jump in on this to clarify?


blackwing, to add to your location table:


Kristen - Florida
Massimo - Salem (haha just joking - I think he might actually be MIA, someone mentioned last time how Massimo just "disappeared")


RIGHT?!? Holla BACK! ; )

Virtual high five, Gemini ;)


It's not a mocking nickname to me, it's just descriptive.  Though, to be fair, most of the nicknames we use here are mocking.  Chickenhead, Mushmouth, Waffles.

Eh, maybe I'm just being sensitive. I forget that Ivy/AB is still "new" and "exotic" for you guys ;)
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Maya looked great in that red lingerie, except for the stockings. From the camera angle, they made her legs look short and stocky. I think that Ivy and Aly should draw a cartoon mustache on Maya's portrait.

If Rick shoots Ridge, he can shout "Gusher!" There's got to be at least a couple of barrels of oil in there.



Oh the snark grisgris...thank you!


A lot of buildup for a hallucination, I think it's real.



I said in an earlier post that I thought it was a dream sequence, but on second thought, I think you are correct. I remembered a spoiler I read that said, 

Caroline and Ridge threaten legal action if Rick doesn't step down.

I was baffled about that, but now it makes perfect sense. 

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Catching up and really enjoying this mess. I laughed out loud when I saw the label on the scotch (?) bottle. "Heureux", which is happy in French. Rick took a huge enough glass of that happy liquid, that's for sure.

In my own world, I have to remind myself that Rick is not an alcoholic because I still associate JY so strongly with JR Chandler, who was definitely a raging alcoholic. Rick is just raging.

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I agree that the Brooke/Deacon scenes fell flat, even flatter when Quinn entered the scene and Brooke basically growled at her and she practically went catatonic. Quinn is much more fun with her claws exposed. Maybe Deacon can give her a little of the Cher Moonstruck "Snap out of it!" slap treatment.


And really, Brooke, having a drink with alcoholic Deacon? 


The scenes with Maya were better. I LOL'd at Brooke's "what the HELL???" Although it still bothers me to no end that Brooke would give one fuck over Stephanie's portrait, considering this is the same woman who tried to kill her, take away her children, and orchestrated her rape. But I digress.


I also had to give props to KM, who just had to stand there, a little scared but mostly non-plussed, in her lingerie. 


Caroline and Ridge - since I guess they can't take this somewhere else, what with them being homeless and all (aren't there hotels/rentals/the park where Ridge and Katie fell in wuv?), at least shut and lock the damn door. 


Ivy and Liam - I like them together and they've got good chemistry, although what's with taking off your shirt and most of Ivy's clothes and your pants AND shoes are still on? But go on Waffles, get yourself some.


The last scene with Rick - that was straight out of a cartoon.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Where is Bill living now, anyway? With Ridge in the invisible apartment?


Now here is a show I would watch all day long.



Me too. Could they also wear invisible clothes?



...as the Naked Odd Couple. Haha! I think I'd like to see that show, too.

Edited by SweePea59
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Maya said it was from the Brooke's Bedroom collection so it's new not previously worn, that'd be major grossness.

I'm reminded of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry tries to talk dirty and says to his date, "you mean the panties your mother laid out for you?"

'Nuff said.

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Yesterday's episode was kind of strange.  I'd forgotten how low energy Brooke is.  Quinn was way too subdued, too.  Neither one gave Deacon much to work with but I did like how he was protective of Quinn.  That scene should have had at least a little sizzle but didn't.  


And dang, you know an actress is passive when the most interesting part of a scene is the expressions on Maya's face. At least it was nice to see her getting to do something other than smug (or strident, "my man is CEO"). 

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When Brooke asked Deacon what he was drinking, I kind of thought she was going to question him about falling off the wagon. But I guess she's seen him drinking in other situations, like at Hope and Wyatt's informal wedding reception at her house. (That could eventually make a good SL; Deacon and Rick bonding over alcoholism.)


I had a dream last night that KKL and I were coloring our hair together (??) and she damaged her's so badly that she hacked it all off. It was sort of in the style she was wearing during Throoke days. (I guess it was from reading these posts and the fact that I'm thinking of highlighting my hair....) She'd definitely look better.

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And dang, you know an actress is passive when the most interesting part of a scene is the expressions on Maya's face. At least it was nice to see her getting to do something other than smug (or strident, "my man is CEO").


 Maya had expressions??? I will have to re-watch because I never see those.  Maybe I was distracted by a 12 year old plastic doll wearing Brooke's underwear.


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I had a dream last night that KKL and I were coloring our hair together (??) and she damaged her's so badly that she hacked it all off. It was sort of in the style she was wearing during Throoke days. (I guess it was from reading these posts and the fact that I'm thinking of highlighting my hair....) She'd definitely look better.

KKL had a shorter 'do back about three years ago during the Thomas boinkberry thing. Not a pixie like she had in the late 90s, but certainly more flattering than what she has now.

I mean, if TPTB want her with long hair, there are options out there to help fill out the body of it, like extensions.

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I think the shooting part was fantasy and I don't think Rick's going to shoot anybody. But there is security footage of him wandering around with the gun outside of Eric's office, (let's call it what it is)(and Rick won't last as CEO for a year, either), so somebody might get shot with that gun by somebody else. Could be a possibility. And a chance for Charlie to get some screen time. :)

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I think Brooke has aged fairly well.  I'm struck by how young Windsor Harmon looks, and in comparison, how fat and puffy and old he looks now.  His dyed blonde hair looks ridiculous on a 50 year old man, just as ridiculous as the look that Prick Marone had for a man of his age.

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In my own world, I have to remind myself that Rick is not an alcoholic because I still associate JY so strongly with JR Chandler, who was definitely a raging alcoholic. Rick is just raging.


Same here.  JY is really good at playing a raging drunk, so my mind kind of just goes there when I see him take a drink. 

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I liked the 7000th episode.  I see Lauralee was up in there.


All of the actors seem super nice and my favorite part was hearing them talk about the force that was Darlene Conley.  But you mean to tell me that they couldn't get the actors that play Thorne, Darla, CJ (I mean, isn't the lady who plays Darla married to the guy who plays CJ?  She was at that party), Bridget, Hector, Sheila, Morgan, etc to do interviews?  I see most of these other people talking every day.

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This 7000th episode episode sucks.  I would much rather have seen the fallout from yesterday.


It was mostly padding and rah-rah for Bill and the brand.


I cried when I saw the Darlene Conley scenes ... "MISTer Deacon Sharp!" -- Sally Spectra is my totem animal.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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TK looked better on the 7000th special than he does on the show. What's up with that? SK was really skinny back in the day and now he's a lot heavier. It happens....to all of us. John McCook & KKL were amazing looking in the beginning. McCook looked like a movie star when the show started. He was stunning........for a guy. LOL!!!!! It was also interesting to see how they had the rubber steps over the real steps for Hopes tumble. I had no clue. Oaky, let's get back to the cliffhanger on Friday. I'm guessing it had to be a dream sequence. It would be a little hard to get away with shooting people right in the lobby. LOL!!!

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Enjoyed today.  Nice to see the old clips.


I watched yesterday's ep this afternoon.  Today is Mr. Songbird's day off and he walked into the living room as Maya opened the door in her lingerie...."Hello!" says he.  He watched for a bit then asked me...."why is she just standing there in her underwear?  Not that I'm complaining but doesn't she have a robe or something?"


Quinn was really subdued.  I want her to get her scheming bitch on.


St3phForrester I love Aussies!  Have a penpal in Victoria who has the same name as me.  Cool gal.  Think I'll ask her about 'Cousin Koala'.

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I cried when t sI saw the Darlene Conley scenes ... "MISTer Deacon Sharp!"


I'm going to own up to getting a little teary eyed myself. Love me some Sally Spectra/Darlene Conley. That story SK told was pretty funny.

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Actually, Rick's actions and words would fall under the "reasonable person/woman" standard.  In Ellison vs. Brady (1990), the court set the precedent "which stipulated that harassment cases should be evaluated based on the perspective of the harassment or stalking victim. And harassers saying that they "meant no harm" does not discount the experience of the harassment target, or any damage that may have occurred because of the harasser's behavior."  (Oddly enough Rena Sofer played Ellison in a TV movie about the case).

But Ellison v. Brady was a sexual harassment claim and "sex" does fall under the EEOC's list of protected classes. Ellison was being harassed because of her sex so it was a "hostile" work place in the legal sense. "Person" serves to acknowledge that women aren't the only sex that can be harassed.


A hostile work environment claim does not require that the hostility be based on sex, religion, race, etc.  A hostile work environment can be created in any number of ways, including management doing things in an effort to force an employee into a situation where they feel they have to quit.  Basically, any behavior, especially on an ongoing basis, that significantly and negatively changes the employee's work environment can qualify.  And there have thousands of hostile work environment lawsuits; it is a very real thing that happens in the real world. 

I started managing employees recently I've been reading quite a few management blogs.  One of my faves, Ask A Manager, actually has a post on this today.  I know some states have more lenient laws but I can't recall ever reading something by an HR manager/employment lawyer stating that you are legally protected from a bully. I'd genuinely be interested in reading examles of non-EEOC protected classes winning a harassment suit.   And at this point, Rick's a rather equal opportunity bully.  


Heck, even shooting someone probably isn't an employment matter.  It is a criminal matter, though. 


I enjoyed today's show.  B&B isn't really a show I watch regularly and it was fun to see everyone from so long ago. 

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I thought today's special was just kinda meh...I agree that it would have been nice to have heard from some of the past characters. Joanna Johnson (Caroline 1.0/Karen) would have been good. I also noticed not a glimpse or mention of Taylor. She was a pretty important character for almost as long as Eric, Ridge and Brooke. Same could be said about Bridget and Thorne.


I was shocked because yeah, TK looked like the difference between night and day. Same to be said for Ally Mills, but to the contrary. She looked pretty rough.


I would have preferred to have seen a continuation from yesterday.  Oh, well. Brad Bell just needed to feel important.

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I liked the special episode, but felt it could've been longer and had more people in it. I like seeing the behind the scenes stuff, so the "day in the life of" and the green screen bits were cool. But maybe there could have been more interviews with the cast, like the one with John & Kelly kia112 posted above. Anyway. I loved seeing Kelly's screentest with John (with his pre-dyed hair and his cute little sweater vest, oh gosh), and I loved catching him standing on set with Alley Mills in his socks, that made me laugh. He & Eric really are different people.


And TK saying "There are people watching; I have enough trouble doing this at home" - I love his sense of humour.


wandering around with the gun outside of Eric's office, (let's call it what it is)

It irked me a little the other day when Ivy called it "the Forrester office". Always and forever, that set will be "Eric's office" to me. It's my wish that they leave his desk & chair empty when he departs for good, out of respect and rememberance; and that asshole characters like $Bill will sit in it to piss off the Forresters if and when required. A bit like this "Stephanie's Portrait" business.


I'm hoping Ivy has a beefy brother who moves to L.A. soon!

You guys don't get Home and Away in the States but that show has a lot of beefcake on it. Like, a lot. (It's a soap set on a beach, of course there's gonna be beefcake.)


Same to be said for Ally Mills, but to the contrary. She looked pretty rough.

Well, she is in her 60s now. That said, she's the same age as Laurette Spang and Mrs McCook looks more like 45. You win some, you lose some.
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A lot of the cast was live tweeting along with today's episode and I absolutely love it when SC gives his all to the Twitter game.
Sample dialogue:




Apparently, he and Rena Sofer have also toyed with the idea of Quinn and Liam hate sex.


Speaking of which, I thought that a fun way to dedicate this 7000th show to the fans would have been to scour message boards/social media/etc to see some of the more outlandish/oft repeated things that people post and make a special, one-off, non-canonical show that had a bunch of that stuff in there.

Edited by kia112
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Not a long time viewer but I did enjoy the special.  And both KKL and Kim Matula came off much better than their onscreen counterparts.  


After seeing the international stuff, maybe they should have played that when people were criticizing Colleen Bell's ambassador appointment.  (Not that I approve of the way the US has used ambassadorships over the years, but Obama isn't the first or last president to do it.)  Producing a show that airs in over a hundred countries has to be just as relevant as some more traditional qualifications. :-)  Loved seeing some of the dubbing done in different languages.    

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I thought today's special was just kinda meh...I agree that it would have been nice to have heard from some of the past characters. Joanna Johnson (Caroline 1.0/Karen) would have been good. I also noticed not a glimpse or mention of Taylor. She was a pretty important character for almost as long as Eric, Ridge and Brooke. Same could be said about Bridget and Thorne.

I was shocked because yeah, TK looked like the difference between night and day. Same to be said for Ally Mills, but to the contrary. She looked pretty rough.

I would have preferred to have seen a continuation from yesterday. Oh, well. Brad Bell just needed to feel important.

What???!!! Today's Special was AWESOME!! Jeff and Jodi and Muffy the Mouse. How could you! ;) Edited by slayer2
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The only thing I didn't like was the time lapse of them doing e show. I thought they were going to show them filming scenes but they sped it all up. Maybe, they like to keep that a mystery but they started to talk about and then poof I was over in a second on top speed. The one thing they did fail to mention was that Brad Bell really wanted Susan Seaforth Hayes as Stephanie. It was only when she turned it down that it was offered to Susan Flannery. Minor quibble. Flannery really was really stunning in those early years when she was thinner and wore dresses. I couldn't stand her pant/jogging suits and running shoes. It didn't scream rich to me.

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Apparently, he and Rena Sofer have also toyed with the idea of Quinn and Liam hate sex.



You have made my whole entire year with that one statement kia112.


Any suggestions for a good clip?



Sally cutting Stephanie's hair while they are both drunk.

Stephanie barging into Sally's office and smashing the "diamond" ring Eric had given Sally.

Anything with Phyllis Diller (Gladys) and the "Beauty Parlor".

Stephanie pushing Sally into the water in Italy.

Sally dancing for Massimo Marone.

Stephanie confronts Sally about being pregnant by Jack Hayes just as they are preparing for celebratory sex.

Sally showing up at the Forrester Estate dressed as santa and singing for Stephanie.

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I really hate to say this, but did Katherine Kelly Lang become an even worse actor during her hiatus? Those scenes between her, Sean Kanan & Rena Sofer were particularly deflating.

I found myself being deflated as well, when she actually came back to the show because I was not missing her at all. I thought it odd that Susan Flannery didn't appear on the 7000 episode fiasco, but then maybe she was as let down as I was about it. Still, would have been nice to see her say a few words even though she isn't  on screen anymore. Gag, Hope???

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Watching Wednesday's show and it's effed up. Why is everybody soooooooooo understanding of Caroline's fetish with Ridge? Bitches ain't loyal. Too bad it wasn't Liam doing this to Hope instead then ohhhh the indignation! It's the wrong Logan, no one gives fucks about Rick. And it wasn't A COUPLE OF KISSES!! I notice Outback Octopus was decidedly silent when Liam said that, no mention of their burgeoning romance. Gah! Can't wait until 

Maya tells Brooke what time it is with CaRridge then Brooke can see her daughter-in-law for the duplicitous bitch she truly is.

Finally someone to step to her.



I really hate to say this, but did Katherine Kelly Lang become an even worse actor during her hiatus? Those scenes between her, Sean Kanan & Rena Sofer were particularly deflating.


I always felt that KKL was a fabulous actress, granted I haven't yet seen the scenes you're referring to (currently watching them) but I've always felt she was very talented and very good at what she does. She has a special knack for making me feel empathy for Brooke in situations where I really shouldn't. Sarah Brown has that talent as well, I wish they'd kept her on.


Woooow KM looks goooood in that red lingerie but Maya, girl you didn't just open the door like that WTF? Lord Jesus this fakakta show.


Awww the 7000 Episode episode was cute. I'm glad B&B survived the slasher film that was soap operas of this past 5 years. <3

Edited by slayer2
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Maya tells Brooke what time it is with CaRridge then Brooke can see her daughter-in-law for the duplicitous bitch she truly is.


Yeah because Brooke is certainly the character who should spend time judging anyone about their romantic entanglement choices. The mere idea makes me laugh and laugh. Also it would make Brooke the biggest hypocrite who ever hypocrit-ed. Because destiny and all that.



And it wasn't A COUPLE OF KISSES!!


It looked like a couple of kisses to  me. People are capable of being attracted to another person more than their spouse, but then pushing that attraction away for the sake of their marriage. I'd wager it happens every single day somewhere. Caroline wanted to work on her marriage despite that attraction to Ridge.



Why is everybody soooooooooo understanding of Caroline's fetish with Ridge?


I suspect they are understanding because every single character on this show has been through something similar! Furthermore, Rick's reaction was to act like a complete arsehole instead of dealing with the it like a grown up man. Plotting, scheming and stabbing your father in the back rarely engenders understanding or warm feelings. Just saying.



This is also the girl who (back in the 90's) used to wish she looked like Hunter Tylo.


Hey, I can't say that I blame you original recipe Hunter Tylo was absolutely gorgeous. What she's done to her face is a crime.

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It looked like a couple of kisses to  me. People are capable of being attracted to another person more than their spouse, but then pushing that attraction away for the sake of their marriage. I'd wager it happens every single day somewhere. Caroline wanted to work on her marriage despite that attraction to Ridge.


I agree. And at one point Caroline even suggested that they move to Paris (I think) so they could focus on fixing their marriage, You don't do that if you are serious about the infatuation.  


I may not have like the nasty fighting scenes last week but they did show that there is still something real between Rick and Caroline.  Maybe neither one wants to save it now but it's there.

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Your think Caroline is a duplicitous bitch. Say hellooooo to Steffy.


Straight up truth! Bow down bitches. But what I like about Steffy is she owns it. Someone calls her out she doesn't care, she knows what she is.


Frankly, the fact that Brooke has been promiscuous doesn't mean she never gets to stand in defense of anyone ever, c'mon that's a bit silly.

Edited by slayer2
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Frankly, the fact that Brooke has been promiscuous doesn't mean she never gets to stand in defense of anyone ever, c'mon that's a bit silly.


I didn't say that just because she's been promiscuous. I said that because Brooke has been the cheater and always excuses her nonsense because of destiny. She's hardly the character to hold anyone accountable for cheating. I didn't say she wasn't allowed to stand in defense of someone. Her judging Caroline or anyone for cheating? Hilarious. Her defending someone? Sure why not. 


Though in the scenario spelled out by the spoiler, who exactly is Brooke defending?!?

As per the post, the idea instead seems to be that Brooke is going to be going after Caroline for being a cheater. Sounds potentially judgy not defending.

But perhaps being silly, I misread that.

Edited by hypnotoad
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Say hellooooo to Steffy.

Do I have to? She is a bundle of annoying quirks passing as a personality. She rides motorcycles - what a rebel! Never mind that women operating motorcycles hasn't been rebellious in quite some time. Steffy is some privileged, sheltered dude's idea of what a bad girl/free spirit is, and it isn't very clever.

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He did look different--even better, if that's possible. It's funny--I know that looks are 100% subjective, but I find TK so ravishingly attractive that it's a bit of a shocker for me to believe anybody finds him unattractive--lol! But then again, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Russell Crowe, and (more to the point) Ronnnn Moss (young or old) do absolutely nothing for me--to the point of almost being unattractive--so there you go--it's all subjective!


Yeah, that was adorable. I have such a schoolgirl crush on him--I can't believe I'd never seen this guy before this show. Years wasted! (lol)



I mean, JEEZUS H! I cannot believe this guy!


Shira, have you seen the old AMC Kendall/Zach scenes?  The scene where Zach tells Kendall he loves her...TK is just... Damn. 


Do I have to? She is a bundle of annoying quirks passing as a personality. She rides motorcycles - what a rebel! Never mind that women operating motorcycles hasn't been rebellious in quite some time. Steffy is some privileged, sheltered dude's idea of what a bad girl/free spirit is, and it isn't very clever.


Steffy was on before I started watching, so I can't vouch for her whole run, but what I've seen of her run, it seemed like her entire purpose in being was to be the opposite of Hope.  She wasn't portrayed as a character in her own right, just an assortment of qualities that made her the anti-Hope.  It was so lazy. 

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She wasn't portrayed as a character in her own right, just an assortment of qualities that made her the anti-Hope.  It was so lazy.


Though, to be fair, Hope wasn't much of a character either! It seemed to me both were brought on in attempt to continue the Taylor/Brooke war. Only Brooke's daughter was more like Taylor (and by that, I mean early Taylor. Not the Taylor who slept through slept through the whole Forrester family just like Brooke. I think Taylor, in the beginning, was supposed to be the opposite of Brooke. Unfortunately, she ended up just like Brooke but never got called out on any of it) and Taylor's daughter was like Brooke. Oh the irony. Or something. And then of course, they had to be in a triangle with a waffler. ZZZZzzzzz.

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Shira, have you seen the old AMC Kendall/Zach scenes?  The scene where Zach tells Kendall he loves her...TK is just... Damn. 



Steffy was on before I started watching, so I can't vouch for her whole run, but what I've seen of her run, it seemed like her entire purpose in being was to be the opposite of Hope.  She wasn't portrayed as a character in her own right, just an assortment of qualities that made her the anti-Hope.  It was so lazy. 


They truly are the Betty and Veronica of the show, Hope and Steffy and Liam is Archie. He's not hot, he's not interesting and there's never been any real explanation as to why these two otherwise attractive broads would be so koo-koo for his coco puffs.


ETA I thought the guy who played Ridge seemed rather attractive in the 7000 ep as others have said. What the hell are the wardrobe and make-up people doing to him?

Edited by slayer2
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