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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Didn't one of the spoilers say

Bill discovers a new child

?  Because as I was doing dishes last night, it made me wonder if maybe

he finds out Caroline is his daughter?  That his sister adopted her? That would be very interesting, given CaRidge.

  I don't even know if it would be a reasonable retcon.

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I liked Katie's little speech to Caroline; it was mature and fairly classy. What I didn't like was the vibe I got that Ridge just can't help doing what he does because he's an ahhhh-tist. Rick doesn't get a pass on his nonsense because he still has emotional boo-boos from childhood, and Ridge isn't getting one because he's purportedly possessed by creative passion.


Given that I (somewhat unwillingly, since I am not a shipper by nature) am on the CaRidge ship, I hope this means that Ridge has been an arrogant, egotistical jerk but now is showing some character growth by having him connect on a real level with Caroline.  If they have to use their connection as "ahhhh-tists", then okay.  That works for me at the moment.  Because even if they do have something real (other than physical chemistry) there will be lots of complications.  They are at different points in their lives.  Maybe go "A Star is Born" by making Caroline the design star on the rise.  And on the personal front, she's going to want kids, not sure Ridge is going to want a third family. 


ETA:  I don't know if it's JY or what but as great as his performances have been, I just don't care. I might have if he hadn't used the company to lash out so viciously.  You can't sell me on his dedication to it by showing me he was willing to endanger it to get revenge on Ridge and Caroline.  Or maybe if I had been around for Raya 1.0. Now I think Maya should get a clue as to what's in store for her if she ever gets on his wrong side.

Edited by tessaray
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Oh Bill, never stop bringing the lulz. It may not be Maya's living room, but it's not yours either. I did like the bit with the phone and the portrait. He could lose his little jabs about Maya's former socio-economic status any day now though.


Ally and Oliver really are cute without being cloying.


So I need some therapy or something, because I cheered for Liam before I realized what I was doing. I know he was getting his caveman on and the ladies can handle themselves, but damn, Waffles popped out of his toaster like a boss. On a serious note, Rick's behavior at the meeting actually shook me up, because my last job was under a boss just as awful as him. Meetings were nothing but torrents of verbal abuse, outbursts of rage, belittling and humiliating us peons in front of each other...I suppose I should applaud JY's performance, because he captured the essence of a petty tyrant flawlessly. And honestly, pissing on Ally's efforts is like kicking a puppy.


Regardless of what happened in the past, I don't see how Rick has the right to ask Caroline if she's still kissing Ridge when he's shacking up with Maya in the family manse. The hypocrisy is quite glaring. I am with Rick on one thing; I am tired of hearing people say he loves Caroline. That's not love.


Rick seemed a little unhinged sprawled out on the floor there. The whole episode, even the parts that unnerved me, was quite intriguing.

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It's only been a week and this show is sharply slipping to my bad side.


Ridge is head designer, doesn't show up for a design meeting and Rick's supposed to be cool with that?  I feel like it sounds like I'm defending Rick.  I'm kinda not; he's an asshole, but he's not wrong on so many things.  Ridge should be at design meetings, and for him not to show up is ridiculous.  Aly just shows up with some sketches and Rick is supposed to give her a shoe line?  If Eric didn't, why would Rick?  Is neophyte a derogatory word?  Last I knew, Ivy was a beginner and didn't even want to model in the first place.


Ivy just needs to get out of their business!  Continuing to defend Caroline does no one any good.  Caroline just told her that she's entering into something new with Ridge, but Ivy's still telling Rick that he's still in love with her and needs to forgive her.  So now Caroline's in a position of being defended and having words put in her mouth that are the exact opposite of her actions of making out with Ridge.


Firing Caroline...well that was stupid.  She should have just left, though.  No way would I stay in that hostile working environment.


Liam, Liam, Liam.  I don't even know how I feel about that.  On one hand, good for him for finally developing a spine.  On the other hand, bruh.


Rick looked crazy when he was laughing on the floor.  This is so interesting.  You can see him struggling to keep it together, but the more people keep telling him this and telling him that, the more he is clearly losing it.

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First off, props to NinjaPenguins, as I think I might be falling in love with you! Seriously, you are my MVP poster in both this forum & the Y&R forum! Please don't ever leave me for my dirtier-yet-hotter, more artistic non-sibling-but-kinda-sibling.


Now, to the show at hand…I don’t usually condone violence, and I rarely like the caveman thing, but Liam was hotter in that knock-Rick-to-the-floor scene than he was in every second of every Hopeless scene they could ever mash into a montage combined. I keep repeating this, but KM leaving just gave this show such a breath of fresh air! Everyone is so much better with Hope gone (again, my condolences to Wyatt & DeaQuinn, who fail to exist out of the Hope-vaccum).


Bill snapping pix of Maya's matriarch-esque pic was just so classic Bill. DD was just such a grab for this show and is so much better than drippy Brad Carlton ever was.

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Rick is going to have a serious mental breakdown, and when you surmise that the gun in the nightstand is there for the taking, I'm guessing that Rickster is going to shoot Maya accidently. Either that, or someone else is going to enter the bedroom during Rick's serious break with reality, and that person will get shot.  Maybe Brooke?  But today's episode, after just being pushed by Liam, he really did remind me of Jack Nicholson in the Shining.  I don't blame Liam for busting in there because when he was standing outside the door, it really could have sounded like Rick might get physical with either Ivy or Caroline.  But did you notice that once Rick realized that Caroline was up to something with Ridge, that's when he went bonkers.

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Jacob Young is knocking it out of the park lately. Usually he has to play catch up when he performs against other actors, but now everybody is trying to keep up with him. He's bringing so much rage and off-kilter intensity I felt worried for Caroline, and I hate her dishonest, cheating ass!

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Speaking of Katie, I do want to ask: before the Heather Tom recast, did she ever have a good relationship? She was kinda with Rocco who was panting behind Carrie Mitchum!Donna back as a teen,


All I remember before Katie was recast was she was the low self esteem little sister.  I remember her having a story about acne.  Basically she was just Rick & Bridget's babysitter before Brooke hired Amber to babysit a teenage Rick and little sis Bridget.


Did Rick ever get in trouble for shooting Grant Chambers? I guess not, since I don't think Thorne ever got in trouble for shooting Ridge in the head.

Edited by drivethroo
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Rick is going to have a serious mental breakdown, and when you surmise that the gun in the nightstand is there for the taking, I'm guessing that Rickster is going to shoot Maya accidently. Either that, or someone else is going to enter the bedroom during Rick's serious break with reality, and that person will get shot.  Maybe Brooke?  But today's episode, after just being pushed by Liam, he really did remind me of Jack Nicholson in the Shining.  I don't blame Liam for busting in there because when he was standing outside the door, it really could have sounded like Rick might get physical with either Ivy or Caroline.  But did you notice that once Rick realized that Caroline was up to something with Ridge, that's when he went bonkers.


JY is doing a good job burning every bridge Rick has to cross while strutting to the abyss.



Liam is finally a real Spencer, with or without the corporate crown. He's infected by the same Master of the Universe virus $Bill suffers with. Liam pretending he's a boss of anyone at Forester is a tactical error that will blow back on to Ivy.

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Loved, loved Liam giving the Little Dicktator the smackdown. I've worked for shouting, demeaning bosses too, and would have loved to see that happen to the douches I worked for.

To reshoot spreads of Ivy with Maya instead would be like replacing filet mignon with chipped beef.

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Bill coming back to her. With no interference from anyone else


I'm going to agree with this. I don't think Katie was in love with Ridge as much as in love with the idea of bugging Brooke with Ridge. I like Katie and Bill together. I think DD and HT have a really nice chemistry and they banter well. Plus, Katie actually smiles!



but mostly the actress gives me nothing. No, not true, she does smug well but IMO that's about it.


Agreed. She doesn't seem to give much to her scene partners either, I mean beyond that wide eyed blank look. I'm not sure she does smug all that well either.



Regardless of what happened in the past, I don't see how Rick has the right to ask Caroline if she's still kissing Ridge when he's shacking up with Maya in the family manse. The hypocrisy is quite glaring. I am with Rick on one thing; I am tired of hearing people say he loves Caroline. That's not love.


Yep, Rick lost the right to ask those questions and get upset with the answers the moment he started shacking up with his mistress. He told Caroline to move on and now she's finally made the decision to do so. And as tired as I am of other characters insisting Rick still loves Caroline, his reaction to her moving on is telling. But still it's time for the Greek Chorus to shut up already.



The weird thing is the show has been so great lately, it's going to be a buzzkill when Brooke shows up again. It's been refreshing without all of her repetitive "man dramas."


Agreeing with this too! Actually getting away from Brooke AND Hope and their man dramas has been great for this show. Sadly, Brooke is returning. I do want the writers to finally have Brooke grow up. I don't need that to mean she can't have any romance, but it would be nice for them to drop the 'destiny' nonsense and have her be an adult. I could deal with a Brooke like that. In fact, have Brooke reunite with Thorne. I liked them years ago and it might give Thorne something to do!

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In fact, have Brooke reunite with Thorne. I liked them years ago and it might give Thorne something to do!

I was taking one of my breaks from this show when Brooke & Thorne were together. I really wish I'd been watching then, it seems like they were a popular couple.  From what I've seen on some of the boards, it seems that even people who dislike Brooke somewhat liked her then.

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From what I've seen on some of the boards, it seems that even people who dislike Brooke somewhat liked her then.


I am one of those. I cannot stand the character but when Brooke and Thorne were together, I could at least tolerate her if not almost like her! The folks in charge though inexplicably decided it was time for Brooke to grovel and chase after Ridge again (and I mean with really no warning or reasoning) and that brought an end to the Brooke/Thorne romance. I was sad.

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Yep, Rick lost the right to ask those questions and get upset with the answers the moment he started shacking up with his mistress. He told Caroline to move on and now she's finally made the decision to do so. And as tired as I am of other characters insisting Rick still loves Caroline, his reaction to her moving on is telling. But still it's time for the Greek Chorus to shut up already.

Here's how I see it: Should he have immediately jumped to Maya? No. Should he have gone to marriage counseling or something? Yes. But he made his choice and he's sticking to it come hell or high water, even though it hurts him. He told Caroline very clearly why he couldn't be with her, even though he still thinks of the life they planned and still wants to reach out and hold her; he knows that the "just a couple of kisses" meant more than Caroline is letting on and that's part of the reason he's so pissed off. Then on top of that, he's learning that Caroline was still making out with Ridge the whole time she was pleading her case (or so he thinks). Additionally, he has every single person in his family telling him everyday to get over it (and himself) because it's not that big of a deal. And maybe they're right, but it's clearly a big deal to him, but no one's gone over to see him out of concern for how he's feeling, only on behalf of Caroline. It's definitely why he's clinging so fiercely to Maya -- not sure why none of the characters are picking up on this.

Liam and Katie in the bonus scene.


Edited by kia112
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Rick may not owe Caroline love or forgiveness, but he does owe her, Ivy and the rest of the FC employees a non-threatening, non-hostile work environment.  I worked for a boss who was a functioning alcoholic CEO and verbally abusive to his employees, reducing them to the point of tears (including myself).  His wife also worked for the company and she was no prize either. 


So who is Rick going to end up shooting as the lead-in to February sweeps because he's gone completely bonkers.  Ridge? Caroline?  Brooke?  Maya? Himself?


I heard a terrible rumor that

Brooke and Ridge face a health crisis with RJ. I can just see Bradley going there and having Rick somehow shoot him while gunning for Ridge.

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Rick may not owe Caroline love or forgiveness, but he does owe her, Ivy and the rest of the FC employees a non-threatening, non-hostile work environment.  I worked for a boss who was a functioning alcoholic CEO and verbally abusive to his employees, reducing them to the point of tears (including myself).  His wife also worked for the company and she was no prize either.


And see, I just saw this as Rick giving as good as he got.  Well, except when he got in Caroline's face at the beginning.  That was overkill.  He didn't start yelling until Caroline yelled at him, and even then, he dismissed everyone else so they could listen at the door and mull in confusion at the meaning of neophyte.

Edited by kia112
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kia112, I agree with you wholeheartedly and I think that is my BIGGEST issue with the way this story and the narrative of this story has been told (other than the way Maya has been painted). It's like these writers decided that we have to minimize whatever is going on with Ridge and Caroline by making Rick this walking, talking lunatic with a split personality. Not one of his so called family members have tried to see his side and frankly, the writing has been so horrific for him that it makes it perfectly reasonable that NO ONE is on his side--he's a raving lunatic who is lashing out--he doesn't deserve any sympathy or understanding. Every single person starts off with 'Well Caroline was confused, but RICK...' how is that a way to tell a story?


At this point, they should just have text bubbles pop up and direct the audience. 

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Liam has balls. I didn't know that. Although, they are baby balls, cause he didn't gut punch a bitch like he should have. And maybe throw in a few kicks too. Just for good measure.


Maya actually thinks she can contend with Bill? Sure, she can talk her game, and try to look fierce, but still.......And Maya needs to remember that a bully is always more dangerous when they are walking away, than when they are in your face. Did Bill have any right to be there? Nope, but it was just a lesson for Maya about what to expect going forward. I was really entertained though, as I listened to her going on about Eric and Stephanie's home being "her's" now. And Maya needs to start mixing it up a little; how many times do we have to hear her talking about "supportin" her man, and having his back and whatever else nonsense she has been spouting. She is starting to sound like a Stepford Wife.


So glad to see Caroline speaking up for the team; someone needs to, cause Rick is about to run FC's right into the ground. Only an idiot messes with what is working. I don't think Ivy or Maya are model material, but if the people like Ivy, then that is what a good CEO goes with. Not who is sucking his dick. But, it is all just more of the same. Ivy saw Rick and Maya kissing, so she must pay for the rest of her life. Caroline kissed Ridge, so she also, must pay for the rest of her life. It was very telling today, that Rick's insanity only ramped up after he decided that Caroline and Ridge had been kissing some more. Has Rick forgotten that he told Caroline to move on? Has Rick forgotten that Ridge asked him several times about his feelings for Caroline? That is what happens to losers Rick; they lose. Now, go pound several yards of sand into your piehole.


It is nice to see Caroline getting her snark back, but she reverted there at the end, to being meek as a mouse. All I can say is, she is a better character than me, cause no one would ever be talking to this old girl like that. Not unless they wanted their head spinning around. And Rick fired her! How friggin awesome is that? The scenarios that one action open up are really exciting, but I doubt any of that whole other fashion house business will be happening. So, I am sure somehow Caroline will get her job back.


It was really nice to see Oliver!

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Did I miss the episode when Katie went to Rick to commiserate or empathize over the ending of his marriage?  If that never existed, then Katie's comments about Rick being out of control is just more ridiculous piling on by the writers.  Would it be too much to at least have the people who're blood relatives of Rick's give a damn about him, if only for one episode?  Instead, this episode has more blaming Maya, Rick, and literally everyone else except for "Poor Caroline" (gags).


Rick is 100% correct in questioning whether Caroline was truthful about her feelings for Ridge the entire time she was begging him to come back... she obviously wasn't.  But that conversation has nothing to do with business and firing her is dead wrong (as well as opening FC up to a lawsuit).  However, my growing hatred for the Propped-up Princess is so high that I'm honestly just sick of seeing and hearing about Poor Caroline and the logic gymnastics that characters must engage in to absolve her of any blame for her current situation. 

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I'm sorry, but having worked for someone who behaved like Rick, I cannot see him as doling out righteous justice. Oh, he surely sees himself that way, as all workplace bullies do. Everyone around them is just so incompetent that they have to seize absolute control and belittle any and all efforts made by underlings. Rick was certainly well within his rights to reject a new footwear line, but he clearly did it because Caroline praised Ally's designs, not because it was a bad idea per se. Sure, Ivy is a beginner in the world of modeling, but Maya had no training either and Ivy is getting good feedback. There are plenty of other fashion items for Maya to model. Again, Rick is lording it over Ivy because of something personal. Now, I agree that Ivy needs to butt out of his broken marriage, but he can deal with that hot mess outside of the boardroom. I will admit that I am probably taking this too personally, but when you've been on the receiving end of a Rick-like rage, you really never forget it and it's uncomfortable to watch, even with fictional characters.

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It's like these writers decided that we have to minimize whatever is going on with Ridge and Caroline by making Rick this walking, talking lunatic with a split personality.


Writers take sides every single day in books, tv shows, movies and plays. Writers choose the direction a story will take and how the characters will act and yes they do steer an audience in a certain direction. Now perhaps not always quite as obviously as in this storyline, but still writers have biases and take sides.


Since I've always thought Rick is an asshat, this behavior doesn't strike me as a big change. He's always made poor decisions, has always tended to be a whiny baby and has anger issues.


Should his family members at least understand why he is upset with Caroline? Absolutely. Does he have the right to be upset and hurt? Again yes. But the thing is, he ends up losing sympathy because he lied and schemed to get the company. He used Caroline rather than standing up to daddy.


Rick's continued whining about his childhood and Ridge being at fault for this and that is also tiresome. Perhaps he should take an honest look at his mommy instead. She is the one forever chasing her destiny and she willing participated in Ridge's waffling. That doesn't mean I don't understand Ridge's part in all of it, but come on.



He didn't start yelling until Caroline yelled at him


True, but he was being a dismissive asshole, throwing his 'ultimate power' around for no good reason. Rick was rightfully unhappy that Ridge skipped the meeting, but take it out on Ridge not everyone else.



I don't think Ivy or Maya are model material, but if the people like Ivy, then that is what a good CEO goes with. Not who is sucking his dick.


Exactly. If I'm supposed to believe that the public is that involved with Forrester and the Forrester models, then I think the company should be going with the person who the public is responding to.



Has Rick forgotten that he told Caroline to move on? Has Rick forgotten that Ridge asked him several times about his feelings for Caroline? That is what happens to losers Rick; they lose.


Hee. Yep, the man-child needs to shut the hell up. Also? I don't really think it's legal for him to fire Caroline because she kissed Ridge again and Rick doesn't approve. Of course, this is soap opera land so it might be perfectly okay at Forrester!


Ally and Oliver are really cute!

Edited by hypnotoad
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Does Don Diamont not have hair on his hands?

He looks like the kind of guy who would be familiar with all aspects of manscaping.


Note to Bill, didn't that threat to Maya fail once before ?


The way people switch viewpoints and personalities on this show I'm wondering if B&B stands for The Bipolar and the Beautiful.


I was hoping Liam would defenestrate Rick.


Rick needs to get up and fight back, it was embarrassing enough when Thomas beat him up.

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I may not always love what Bill does, but I do always love him, for some unidentifiable reason.  


Re: TK not looking the part, I'm convinced that if they gave him a short back & sides and checked the stubble beard he'd suit playing classical Ridge much better. I think TPTB liked the untidy look of TK and kept it to reflect the character becoming a little darker and more emotional. As always, YMMV.


I like to think that he's been unhappy or searching for something or whatever, and now he's going to be happier because of Caroline and so he'll clean up a bit.  I'm really enjoying Ridge & Caroline but I wish he could be scruffy without looking dirty.


I loved Maya's sister's snarks about the portrait and about the lines around the Lead Model's mouth. How stupid is Maya for questioning her sister's major and career path? Not everyone can get their hooks into a rich guy.


I thought Maya was just trying to be sweet and funny. Like the long-lost big sis who was being motherly and protective of her little sister.  I know I've talked that way towards my younger sister before and we live two miles away from each other!


Once again, I think the actress's inability to convey any emotion or interest makes her scenes more confusing than they should be.  I kind of thought she was being honestly stupid about the computer science stuff, but that doesn't make any sense.  How could a woman her age who seems to be at least a functioning adult human and probably has actually been out in the world on occasion not understand at least some of what her sister was saying?

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I can't stand Ivy.  She has done nothing but meddle ever since she showed up.  Why is she even still here?  Rick's issues with Caroline have nothing to do with her.  At some point there is a huge difference between standing up for your friend and becoming an interfering busybody.


I loathe Liam.  He had absolutely no right to barge into that meeting.  I know Spencer Publications owns Forrester Creations (I think it still does, right?) but clearly Forrester is autonomous, as evidenced by Rick being CEO and Bill not being able to do anything about it.  If I were Rick, I'd have security escort him out.


I don't think either Rick or Caroline is more right than the other.  Rick is sleeping with Maya, Caroline is still carrying on with Ridge.  It is both of their choices.  Rick doesn't have a right to demand that Caroline stop seeing Ridge but neither does Bill have any right to barge into what is now Maya's home and make demands.

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Did Rick ever get in trouble for shooting Grant Chambers? I guess not, since I don't think Thorne ever got in trouble for shooting Ridge in the head.

Rick had no memory of the incident; in a rare selfless moment for Ridge, he took the blame after Grant told him what really happen....hence, we got Stephanie trying to frame Nick for Shane's shooting, 'Cuz Ridge would've gone directly to jail without passing Go and collecting 200 dollars.

Okay, so can ANYONE on this show spend like, I dunno, ten minutes in a therapist's office (not Taylor, obviously) to work out their anger issues? Rick shot someone before, dated Steffy for months with the purpose of fucking with Ridge, during which point Thomas took a torch to both Rick's house and car. Storm's nickname was derived because he was such a hothead, and Stephanie's violence has been covered in length. The list goes on and on. All these people are certifiable, except maybe Ivy if she got to do something besides play office gossiper.

The weird thing is the show has been so great lately, it's going to be a buzzkill when Brooke shows up again. It's been refreshing without all of her repetitive "man dramas." I wish they'd just stop with all of that nonsense and let her mature beyond this caricature of a woman who's always chasing some inappropriate man for "DESTINY!!!" When she was on her way to Italy, she said something about finally trying to live her life the right way, having learned from her mistakes, and I hope that meant they're going to downshift her from a romantic lead and make her into more of a matriarch figure. That's what Stephanie was telling her to do, so I wonder if--and really hope--they'll go in that direction.

I hope so too, in the way that I play the lotto and hope I can at least get the dollar or two I paid back.

I honestly believe the repetitive writing for Brooke is why KKL has yet to win an Emmy in 28 years. I mean, she's not Meryl Steep,but it's hard to stand out when all your SLs amount to begging the same loser waffle to choose you over the other one year in and year out. At least when Brooke first started going after Ridge, she was proactive rather than wringing her hands behind him (although I gotta say, even the early days of Bridge leave me cold as well).

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I was taking one of my breaks from this show when Brooke & Thorne were together. I really wish I'd been watching then, it seems like they were a popular couple. From what I've seen on some of the boards, it seems that even people who dislike Brooke somewhat liked her then.

The funny thing was in the retro episodes on YouTube, Ridge attempts to distract Thorne from eyeing Caroline I by having her bring her newest best friend Brooke Logan by for a pool party. In classic Ridge fashion, he's not subtle about this.

The funnier part: KKL and the gut playing Thorne at the time had enough chem together to have actually pulled that off, IMO. Too bad we had to wait eleven years for it to happen,but the back history makes me understand why people cheered for them to be togetger--and why some all but tuned out when it got torpedoed because, Ridge. :/

I'm sorry, but having worked for someone who behaved like Rick, I cannot see him as doling out righteous justice. Oh, he surely sees himself that way, as all workplace bullies do. Everyone around them is just so incompetent that they have to seize absolute control and belittle any and all efforts made by underlings. Rick was certainly well within his rights to reject a new footwear line, but he clearly did it because Caroline praised Ally's designs, not because it was a bad idea per se. Sure, Ivy is a beginner in the world of modeling, but Maya had no training either and Ivy is getting good feedback. There are plenty of other fashion items for Maya to model. Again, Rick is lording it over Ivy because of something personal. Now, I agree that Ivy needs to butt out of his broken marriage, but he can deal with that hot mess outside of the boardroom. I will admit that I am probably taking this too personally, but when you've been on the receiving end of a Rick-like rage, you really never forget it and it's uncomfortable to watch, even with fictional characters.

Being in the military,I've seen and heard of my share of bully bosses and incompetent leaders. At least these folks can flip Rick the bird and walk away without arrest from the situation, but I agree it's a horrible situation to have to work in.

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Just curious - how far is it supposed to be from the Spencer offices to FC? 


Finally got to see today's episode.  It was extremely uncomfortable watching most of it. Last week Rick was pretty nasty but he never seemed hysterical or OTT crazy.  Yikes.

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Finally got to see today's episode.  It was extremely uncomfortable watching most of it. Last week Rick was pretty nasty but he never seemed hysterical or OTT crazy.  Yikes.


It was very unsettling to watch, but I do like how JY was able to make Rick seem completely unhinged, or damn near close to it, without chewing the scenery.


I think the confrontation between Rick and Caroline would have been more entertaining if Caroline had been allowed to engage Rick without Ivy running interference. There's so much drama to be mined out Rick and Caroline right now, but only if they're allowed to be raw with each other. Instead Caroline is written to be so inertly passive that it doesn't give JY anything exciting to act against.

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I think the confrontation between Rick and Caroline would have been more entertaining if Caroline had been allowed to engage Rick without Ivy running interference. There's so much drama to be mined out Rick and Caroline right now, but only if they're allowed to be raw with each other. Instead Caroline is written to be so inertly passive that it doesn't give JY anything exciting to act against.


Yeah, for a minute there, when it looked like they were going to go one on one, sparks were really flying.  Caroline showed a little backbone, at least. I'm confused by her guilt-stricken looks though. If she really wants to be with Ridge, she needs to own it.  At first, she could claim confusion by her feelings but now, not so much. 


I think Rick hasn't gotten much sympathy mainly because the day after the bombshell, he was flaunting Maya in everyone's face and then a few days later (more or less), he was fake reconciled with Caroline, so there wasn't a point or an opportunity. And now, after deceiving everyone to get control of the company, he's back to flaunting Maya again. It just feels like he is using her.


That's one of the issues I've had with them since Maya moved in on Rick when he was drunk.  There were a few spots when you could tell he was uncomfortable with what happened, until Caroline showed up and he more or less hid behind Maya.  He's done that a lot. Stood by and let Maya blast everyone while he just smirked. I know they tried later to make it seem like they were bonding over his crappy childhood (in his dad's bed, yuck) but by that time I sure didn't care. 

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Ah great, so they're throwing Rick under the bus for this entire storyline. Bah! He's losing his entire damn mind, all of it. Frankly if I were him I were rather deal with Caroline than that egomaniac Ridge so I don't get where he was coming from there at all.

Secondly Caroline may be annoying  and bitchy as hell but Ridge is no boss of hers, he needs her more than she needs him for damn sure. So that episode was basically to show how Rick went entirely mental in 30mins. Wonderful /sarcasm.

He needs someone to take him to a psychologist (not Taylor) so he can talk it out and sort it out. I kinda understand how easy it is to go round the bend with everybody up in your business like that but they really needed to do a better job with the writing, heavy-handed as fuck and depression and anxiety are more than a plot point. I guess I should thank my lucky stars it isn't a DiD storyline (glaring at you Ron)

Also Dear B&B, watching Bill browbeat women is NOT FUN. Ever. The only thing less fun is watching that drone Katie sit smugly about it and discuss the destruction of her nephew as though she were having tea. Faithless idiot. I change my loyalties it's a personal choice really. Team Brooke, I hope she rips everyone a new one then gets her son some counselling, if Cousin Koala were so concerned then she'd be pushing him towards that instead of badgering him about Maya and Caroline.

The only one that had a right to bitch today was Caroline. Bill, Katie, Liam, Ivy, Take a seat, NOW!

Also, how "interesting" that B&B says that internationally people are responding better to the white model who isn't a model when studies have proven that on an international level multiculturalism boosts sales.

Wonder who Jacob Young pissed off in the writing department to get this story. KM too, every 5mins some asshole character comes to tell off Maya like their life depends on it, yet Caroline always gets away scott free and Ivy calling it a couple of kisses after what Caroline told her? Girl, bye. Was it relevant at the meeting? no, but can we please finally dispense with the notion that they only "fooled around" a few times? They fooled around and fell in love Cousin Koala and you know it so just shut it. Rick needs to get over it and move on with his life, count it as a blessing you found out so early in the marriage that Caroline isn't dirtyman-proof, then move on with your damn life before it kills you.

Edited by slayer2
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Wow you guys, I'm a little bit freaked out right now. That last scene, good sweet lord, I'm gonna hafta sleep with the lights on to stop seeing Rick's demented face in my dreams. The scenes between JY & LG are getting better and better each episode; if they don't win Emmys for the work they've been doing in this storyline it'll be a crime.


I thought Bill & Maya was a bit lame. Although, and I forgot to mention this yesterday, I like that Bill referred to the Forrester mansion as "Stephanie's home" (in yesterday's episode). Bill always respected Stephanie and she did him, and DD & SF worked really well together as two villians scheming against each other. Sigh. Now I'm all nostalgic.


I think the confrontation between Rick and Caroline would have been more entertaining if Caroline had been allowed to engage Rick without Ivy running interference.

Totally agree. Obviously there are no winners in this game but if it's good enough for Rick to carry on the way he has about Maya, why can't Caroline be allowed to own her feelings for Ridge and move on? If Rick says he's no longer interested in Caroline, he can't expect her to cling on forever. Ash Brewer's my girl and I realise Ivy only piped up so that Liam had a good reason to barge in later, but I would have preferred it if the episode ended with just Rick & Caroline ready to murder each other with their bare hands than having Rick yelling freely at everyone and Ivy butting in to repeat the same old story.


Wonder who Jacob Young pissed off in the writing department to get this story.

I argue the complete opposite. Think about everything that JY's done in this story from go to woe, all the emotions he's played throughout (love, hate, anger, hurt, elation, power, bliss, arrogance, blind rage, and now instability), and all these meaty scenes he's had with LG, TK, JMC, KMos... sounds like an actor's wet dream to me.


I like Katie and Bill together. I think DD and HT have a really nice chemistry and they banter well.

I agree; I like that Katie doesn't buy into Bill's bullshit and makes fun of him for it. Hopefully Brooke's return doesn't ruin it, but it probably will.


I know Spencer Publications owns Forrester Creations (I think it still does, right?)

No, FC is its own company. Bill owns 12.5% stock, but that's it. (Not that being a shareholder seems to count for anything anymore.)


Does Don Diamont not have hair on his hands?

He looks like the kind of guy who would be familiar with all aspects of manscaping.

More's the pity; I like a man with a bit of fur on him.


St3ph, your love of Eric is just too darn cute! :)

Ain't nothing cute about the daydream I had this afternoon can I get a what whaaaaat


Did someone call Ivy that on the show? Xenophobe much?

No, but I've heard it around.  I actually think Cousin Koala is hilarious, but if it bothers you, St3phForrester, I'd be happy to refrain from it.  Not that I've used it, but I thought about it.

To be fair, I've never heard anyone use either of those names until I read them on here. I guess it's just a bit odd, reading someone being made fun of because they're Australian, particularly when their nationality has nothing to do with what's wrong with them. Normally we would just make fun of people because they're indecisive/they sleep around/they are idiots generally. Also, I thought everyone loved Australians?????????
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Wonder who Jacob Young pissed off in the writing department to get this story.



I argue the complete opposite. Think about everything that JY's done in this story from go to woe, all the emotions he's played throughout (love, hate, anger, hurt, elation, power, bliss, arrogance, blind rage, and now instability), and all these meaty scenes he's had with LG, TK, JMC, KMos... sounds like an actor's wet dream to me.



I agree 100% St3phForrester. It is my opinion that this SL is what has put B&B back on the soap opera map, and I would think all of the principles would be over the top to be a part of it. And I think that is evidenced in the A game everyone has been bringing. 


Obviously there are no winners in this game but if it's good enough for Rick to carry on the way he has about Maya, why can't Caroline be allowed to own her feelings for Ridge and move on?



PAREEEECH! I am so tired of this logic that Caroline must be penitent for the rest of her life, and never be happy again, and never be involved with anyone again; particularly Ridge. This is what Rick has been asking for; Caroline to leave him alone and move on. So, now that she has done that, she is to be punished more? Double standards simply rub me the wrong way, and that is why I have no problem with Ivy pointing these things out to Rick. Everyone else is too intimidated to say anything. Ashleigh Brewer is a package deal if you ask me, talented and beautiful. 


To be fair, I've never heard anyone use either of those names until I read them on here. I guess it's just a bit odd, reading someone being made fun of because they're Australian, particularly when their nationality has nothing to do with what's wrong with them. Normally we would just make fun of people because they're indecisive/they sleep around/they are idiots generally. Also, I thought everyone loved Australians?????????



Don't be sad St3phForrester; Australians are the bomb!

Edited by RuntheTable
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Wonder who Jacob Young pissed off in the writing department to get this story.

I hope he keeps pissing them off, because his acting has been top notch. I don't like Rick, but I applaud the way Young brings the menace and possible psychotic rage without making a buffet of the scenery. It would be very easy to go over the top with the kind of material he gets.

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I hope he keeps pissing them off, because his acting has been top notch. I don't like Rick, but I applaud the way Young brings the menace and possible psychotic rage without making a buffet of the scenery. It would be very easy to go over the top with the kind of material he gets.

Yeah they're not giving him any opportunity for layers that's for sure.

Cousin Koala or Outback Octopus as I quite enjoy is easy to love as a nickname as it outlines the fact that she's FOB yet still wastes zero time butting in everyone's business. She's been on another continent for all of the drama yet she wastes zero time choosing sides and butting in everyone from Wyatt to Maya's business and remains a judgemental asshole about it even when the end result benefits her (as is the case with Wyatt/Hope's shotgun wedding).

I like Outback Octopus because alliteration is my jam and I feel like Ivy's tentacles are reaching out everywhere but where they should be. Normally when you move into a new country or place you take some time to acclimatize, make friends and learn about past things you missed out on but this bitch just jumps in full tilt with no reverance or regard for what happened before her and as someone up thread mentioned, Caroline can fight her own damn battles she is rather overqualified in that department. Someone should send that memo to Bill as well because fuck.

Edited by slayer2
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To be fair, I've never heard anyone use either of those names until I read them on here. I guess it's just a bit odd, reading someone being made fun of because they're Australian, particularly when their nationality has nothing to do with what's wrong with them. Normally we would just make fun of people because they're indecisive/they sleep around/they are idiots generally. Also, I thought everyone loved Australians?????????


It's not a mocking nickname to me, it's just descriptive.  Though, to be fair, most of the nicknames we use here are mocking.  Chickenhead, Mushmouth, Waffles.


I think Rick hasn't gotten much sympathy mainly because the day after the bombshell, he was flaunting Maya in everyone's face and then a few days later (more or less), he was fake reconciled with Caroline, so there wasn't a point or an opportunity. And now, after deceiving everyone to get control of the company, he's back to flaunting Maya again. It just feels like he is using her.


To me, that really doesn't matter.  I can see how maybe Ivy and Aly were swayed because this probably their first scandal, but what about his aunts or his dad (ha)?  The ones who have been around and know the deal?  His being with Maya had little to no effect on them.  And, again, this is where the timeline gets loopy because we had Rick and Maya in the open playing out on our screen for a month before his fake reconciliation.  Surely they could have had someone swing by.

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JY was phenomenal in yesterday's show - every emotion you could think of to have someone play, he played - in spades.


ITA that I would have enjoyed his face-off with Caroline a million times more if Cousin Koala (LMAO!) wasn't there, running interference for Caroline, who can hold her own, thankyouverymuch.


Very interesting though, the anger on both sides and the fury both of them spewed at the other. Maya and Ridge would have been quite interested in this exchange, what with the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifferent theory. Rick and Caroline are many things right now, but indifferent to one another? Hardly.


Moving on to Liam, charging in to defend Caroline's honor. Yes, SC is quite different when he's not saddled with Dope (refreshingly so), but Caroline doesn't need defending from Rick. She can more than hold her own. And ITA with others who have said, maybe, just maybe, some of Rick's lashing out is because no one, not his father, not his cousins, not his aunt, has shown any real empathy for his situation - it's all about Caroline. Isn't it always? It doesn't excuse him taking things as far as he has, but who's to say if he had been shown some support and empathy from the get-go that he might not be in a better place or more receptive to reconciling with his wife. 


The Maya/Bill show-down. No contest here and Maya really needs to watch her back. If he could throw one gold-digger off a cliff, why not two? Although I can't believe I'm saying this but when Maya dressed down the dressmaker on Friday's episode, I kinda sorta liked her. I'm sure it's just a phase and won't last. 


Katie/Bill - I liked them the first go-round until Katie turned into an AWOL shrew. If I thought her feelings were sincere (i.e. she still loves him and wants to put their family back together), I might be willing to get on board the Kill wagon again. But I have the sinking suspicion that this is another revengemance in the making and that it has more to do with sticking it to Brooke than any real feelings for Bill. Plus - and I know I'm probably in the minority here - I liked Brill. I didn't like how they hopped in bed mere hours after Katie took her ring off, but the fact that they had feelings for each other for a good year before they ever acted on them shows that they did care about Katie and did everything possible to avoid crossing that line until Katie forced the issue. And this after several months of Katie pushing them to be together. I still wish they had waited longer, but with Brill, I saw two people who accepted each other, flaws and all, and didn't expect the other to change but they both grew in spite of themselves. Bill softened (look at how sweet he was with Hope and her miscarriage) and Brooke became more confident with Bill at her side vs the groveling, single-teared heap she always was with Ridge. 


I also feel that if KKL hadn't went to Italy, revisiting Kill wouldn't have been an option, but with Brooke's guilt (one of her constants) in play, who knows. I'd like to see Brill reunite and stop with the stupid triangles, especially for 50-somethings. And I still think HT/SC have too much chemistry to not test the waters there (sorry, Ivy!)

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That last scene was fantastic. Except for Ivy. Seriously, stop. If I have to hear her say "a few kisses" one more time I'm going to go all Rick on my television. 


I bet she wouldn't think the way Liam and Hope said goodbye was no big deal. 


And I can't wait until Steffy and her lips come back to town. Worry about your own life, Ivy. 

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Actors win awards for this types of storyline and all of them are probably jumping for joy to have something different to play rather than talk endlessly about Hope/Wyatt/Liam.  However, I submit that it's up to actor to show the audience the conflict and layers within themselves.  The writing is just words on paper


Jacob Young has come a long way from his "Shouty McYellerson" days on GH and he won an Emmy for playing JR (a similar type of character) on AMC. 

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That last scene was fantastic. Except for Ivy. Seriously, stop. If I have to hear her say "a few kisses" one more time I'm going to go all Rick on my television. 


I bet she wouldn't think the way Liam and Hope said goodbye was no big deal. 


And I can't wait until Steffy and her lips come back to town. Worry about your own life, Ivy. 


Thank you! Caroline's cheerleaders and Caroline herself would feel just as betrayed and hurt as Rick feels right now if the person they're in a relationship with kissed another person, especially one of their relatives. But instead they act like Caroline kissing Ridge--repeatedly--is the equivalent of spilling milk.


Their utter lack of empathy makes them all look morally and ethically bankrupt.


Actors win awards for this types of storyline and all of them are probably jumping for joy to have something different to play rather than talk endlessly about Hope/Wyatt/Liam.  However, I submit that it's up to actor to show the audience the conflict and layers within themselves.  The writing is just words on paper


Jacob Young has come a long way from his "Shouty McYellerson" days on GH and he won an Emmy for playing JR (a similar type of character) on AMC. 


Agreed, especially with that last sentence. By the time AMC ended I had really come to admire JY's work. JR was a mess, but JY consistently made him a beautiful mess to watch. When he came back to The Bold and the Beautiful I was glad because I thought he would bring the same level of acting and was disappointed when he didn't. It took awhile, but he's finally bringing it.

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Katie/Bill - I liked them the first go-round until Katie turned into an AWOL shrew. If I thought her feelings were sincere (i.e. she still loves him and wants to put their family back together), I might be willing to get on board the Kill wagon again. But I have the sinking suspicion that this is another revengemance in the making and that it has more to do with sticking it to Brooke than any real feelings for Bill. Plus - and I know I'm probably in the minority here - I liked Brill. I didn't like how they hopped in bed mere hours after Katie took her ring off, but the fact that they had feelings for each other for a good year before they ever acted on them shows that they did care about Katie and did everything possible to avoid crossing that line until Katie forced the issue. And this after several months of Katie pushing them to be together. I still wish they had waited longer, but with Brill, I saw two people who accepted each other, flaws and all, and didn't expect the other to change but they both grew in spite of themselves. Bill softened (look at how sweet he was with Hope and her miscarriage) and Brooke became more confident with Bill at her side vs the groveling, single-teared heap she always was with Ridge.

I also feel that if KKL hadn't went to Italy, revisiting Kill wouldn't have been an option, but with Brooke's guilt (one of her constants) in play, who knows. I'd like to see Brill reunite and stop with the stupid triangles, especially for 50-somethings. And I still think HT/SC have too much chemistry to not test the waters there (sorry, Ivy!)



Wordy, McWordy, Word to all of this. I took a lengthy hiatus from the show and missed all of Katie/Bill; I tuned back in when Ronn Moss was leaving, so all I really got to see was her PPD, and the never ending crying. Given that, I don't have a measuring stick for this go round; I still feel that KKL and DD where fab together. I loved Brill, and was disappointed they never really came to fruition. 


And there is no doubt about the energy between SC and HT; he also has great chemistry with RS. But the show insists he must be with a young "20" something, even though he lights up around the older ones.

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honestly believe the repetitive writing for Brooke is why KKL has yet to win an Emmy in 28 years.

She should win for the one tear eye thing if for no other reason! The show is pretty good right now, I just hope they don't mess it up by bringing Brooke back with a nonsensical storyline. She needs to move over and become the matriarch of the show where Stephanie left off. I think she's had more than her share of romantic triangles and Im not talking about age wise, just story wise.

Edited by godfreydaniels
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The Maya/Bill show-down. No contest here and Maya really needs to watch her back. If he could throw one gold-digger off a cliff, why not two?


Whaaaattt??  This must have been before I started watching.  Please, do tell!  


Agreed that JY is doing a great job with these scenes.  I think he's shown Rick as having many layers - he's hurting, he's angry, he's vengeful, he's still in love with Caroline, he's having some fun with Maya.  Most importantly, I think he's been depicting Rick the last few episodes as starting to realize he's contributed significantly to making this an even bigger mess and having no idea how to stop escalating it.  It's been fun to watch.


This show has become so much more enjoyable to watch since Hope left.  

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