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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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22 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Steffy can’t remember actually f*cking Bill? My ass she can’t! 

Does Justin wash his mouth out with soap after the ? he spews to Bill?

Bitch better not even try it.  How is that possible anyway since she was flashing back to Swill's fuck-fest at every waking moment?  When Liam was man enough to confess to kissing Sally, that bitch ranted, raved, and treated him like dog shit stuck to the bottom of her shoe.  She was sooooo traumatized that she just had to get out of there.  Of course, her fuck buddy was more than happy to make all the hurt go away.  Except the trifling bitch woke up the next day acting like a whole fraternity pulled a train on her.  And, with her Satan-in-law's stench all over her, she chose to renew her vows to a fool who repeatedly beat himself up for "betraying" her stank ass.  Sorry, boo, it's called learning how to sleep in the bed that you made--literally and figuratively!  I pray to the soap gods and will sacrifice a goat or whatever is required that Skankerella miscarries that hamster so we can be spared her angst for the next few months.  Otherwise, that baby would be better off being placed in the middle of PCH rather than having Skankerella for a mother.

As for Justin, it's sad, really.  We used to have a nickname for Y&R's Neil Winters--Kneel--because he seemed to have majored in "Yassa Boss! 101" while in college, particularly when dealing with ICKtor Newman.  And, in the not-so-proud tradition of Black men on Bell family soaps, Justin seems to have pledged the same fraternity.

Edited by MulletorHater
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If Steffy thought for one second that "I'm so sorry" was going to work then she must truly think Liam is a sap and a sucker. I realize these characters do some heinous crap to each other and seem to forget about it but day-um.  Banging your dad should not be forgotten or forgiven. 

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Standing ovation for @CountryGirl! This recap was even better than Tuesday's episode, & that was your best one ever (at that point)!

SC...I honestly had forgotten how really, really good he can be. Dude can act. I hope that TPTB can see that saddling him with partners that can't act is not good for anyone. If he wins the Emmy - he totally will win the Emmy for this week's performances - the show gets recognition. Write for him! Give him scenes with DD, & DB, & Sally, who's initials I haven't learned yet, people who can act!

I am salivating waiting these 25 minutes to get home, grab something I can scarf down, & start the show to see Liam & $Bill go at it. Seriously can't remember the last time I felt that way about any show, besides This Is Us, & I'm not sure I've ever felt that way about this show! SC deserves all the credit. 

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When SC won the Emmy this past year, the show smartly wrote a showcase for him that included DD and JMW. They're definitely trying to use him to help bring spotlight to the rest of the cast. If DD doesn't get a supporting nom, it'll be a crime. JMW I can see getting it off SC's reflected awesome.

It'll always be crazy that SC won for Captive Cabin and RS didn't even get nominated. Either she declined to submit the scenes or she was robbed. I hated that storyline and Quinn with the fire of a thousand suns, but RS acted her butt off. She deserved the accolades as well.

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Now that my emotions, and overloaded brain have calmed down a bit, I feel I can comment on yesterday’s show.

It sounds a bit…..out there…..but I spent some time trying to figure out how I would react if I found out the two people I love most in the world betrayed me “In the most evil way”; just one of many stellar lines given to SC. I came up empty, but after watching SC, I think he pretty much nailed it.

It was so fucking deep, I mean, Liam not only read Steffy for filth, he delivered a manifesto that called her on all her shit. It is an unfortunate truth that bewilderment, and pain, and disbelief, can give you moments of intense clarity, and that is exactly what happened for Liam. He remembered it all. That was the sweetest thing for me, that he talked about how Steffy supported Bill over him, about all their clandestine meetings, about her hypocrisy for walking around being a “broker” (loved that!) for peace between him and his dad. And then drawing the obvious conclusion that the guest house may not have been the first time.

Outside of that, was SC’s incredible delivery of EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. His facial expressions too, were something to behold. I was particularly taken with the following:

1.     When Liam was begging Steffy to tell him Bill had forced himself on her, or that Bill had drugged her. The sheer desperation for any version of events other than the obvious was so clearly telegraphed on Liam’s face. It shattered my heart, and this is when I grabbed for my box of Kleenex.

2.     When the dawning realization that Steffy willingly fucked his dad began to sink in. It was as if Liam withered within himself, and was completely alone in his living room. And the absolute mother of all death glares her leveled on Steffy as she blubbered on about being sorry? That look alone should win him the Emmy.

3.     When Steffy tried to gain some high ground by lamely comparing kissing to fucking, adding immeasurable insult to Liam’s injured heart and soul. His look of complete disbelief and disgust? It seared Steffy right down to the pile of crap she is.

4.     When Liam started asking the Bitch about how she saw him, and if she was like his dad? Did she see him as a sap or a sucker? How disturbing is it to learn that, deep down, Liam has always known this is how Bill feels about him, and that knowledge has almost allowed Liam to feel the same?

5.     When Steffy turns to the only weapon she has left; the baby, which is the one thing that will forever keep them apart.

6.     They way all Liam’s responses were coached in the past tense, “we had”, “we were”, “it was”.

7.     Which brings me to the bestest thing of all; when Liam turned the tables on Ms. ME!ME!ME!, and made her betrayal about robbing him of his dreams. About how parting her legs, and giving Bill access to the Marone Muffin didn’t hurt her, and didn’t deny her of her lifelong dream, but has taken everything from him. I found that much more powerful than your standard reactions of “you fucking whore!” Liam never went there, but the fact that he felt it in every fiber of his being was written all over him.


There have only been a few times I have been this excited about Show:

The battle for BeLief, and Brooke subsequently taking over FC’s

Brooke and Deacon

Brooke and Thorne

Sheila round one

Nick and Brooke

Taylor’s first death and her return from it


Let’s hope they can keep the momentum going

Edited by RuntheTable
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Anyone think Liam's stage direction said "knees buckle"?   SC was good, I enjoyed the full on emotion.  But bummer man! I'm home now with the East Coast snow and the news is covering the snowage instead of running regular programming.  I was looking forward to it live.

Found it on YT -   The Bold and the Beautiful 01/04/18 - Jan 01,2018

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SC today was completely different from SC early in the week. Today, Liam was almost ice-cold, emotionless, unfeeling, except when he spoke about his mother, & his desire to have a nuclear family to raise his child. The way he was so chilly with $Bill from the moment he hit the door was a dead-giveaway that he knew, & I think that's when $B started scrambling, calmly, but still scrambling. SC barely registered any emotion (total acting choice, it's not that he's not capable, just to be clear) until the very end. At this point, I think Liam is just absolutely numb, & SC played that perfectly. I've said it before, but I completely forgot how really, really good SC is. He deserves all the accolades that are coming his way after this storyline.

It was pretty obvious about halfway through the show that there was going to be something physical, because the camera kept pulling back. I fully expected Liam to hit $Bill, so I was surprised when $Bill took him down in a bearhug, or whatever we're calling that. It was so strange. 

The only thing I side-eyed, wouldn't Steffy have broken her fingers to text $Bill & tell him that Liam knew & had left the house, likely coming for him? That wouldn't have fit the confrontation today, where Liam knew, but $Bill didn't know that Liam knew, it was just a WTF moment for me. 

JMW/Steffy was 10,000 times better in her scene with Katie today than she has been all week with Liam. She plays much better off of women than men. Maybe that's an avenue TPTB need to explore.

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I like the complexity of SC performances this week. Many lesser actors would have shown devastation and shock, which is watchable and entertaining. But he also underpinned the despair with disgust, hatred, and less shock instead more contemplation. Given Liam's optimism and idealization of Steffi it makes complete sense he would be revolted. Bill has always criticized his personality and character plus they just came off a rivalry so he's gonna feel like this is an attack on his very sense of self. And he's always been a thinker and attempts to find meaning in small things so he's gonna instantly try to suss the motivation and ramifications of this bullshit. 

My thoughts are Steffi has lied to him in the past several times. Also he's had a crack at a good girl and rejected her for Steffi. I mean she's trash but like you had clues.  Also I hope he goes full dark and no stars. I hope he decides he's tired of being a human fuckover mat for Puffy and his father. If he forgives her and raises the baby as his (like she thought, she's so presumptuous) he would be his own brother's step dad (cue Deliverance banjo) 

SC steps up when he has meaty material so I hope the run with this and allow some new developments. I hope Sally finds out since Botox made her grovel and kiss her ass over a dumb crush and smooch. 

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SC and DD pure gold. Stuffy's sorrow and reflection, pure lead.  I'm just a little disappointed that Liam only push Bill back and didn't punch him.  But as Liam said, he's not his father.  


Katie is a better detective than Lt Hot Dog. She's like Colombo in ferreting things out. 

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37 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

I like the complexity of SC performances this week. Many lesser actors would have shown devastation and shock, which is watchable and entertaining. But he also underpinned the despair with disgust, hatred, and less shock instead more contemplation. Given Liam's optimism and idealization of Steffi it makes complete sense he would be revolted. Bill has always criticized his personality and character plus they just came off a rivalry so he's gonna feel like this is an attack on his very sense of self. And he's always been a thinker and attempts to find meaning in small things so he's gonna instantly try to suss the motivation and ramifications of this bullshit. 

My thoughts are Steffi has lied to him in the past several times. Also he's had a crack at a good girl and rejected her for Steffi. I mean she's trash but like you had clues.  Also I hope he goes full dark and no stars. I hope he decides he's tired of being a human fuckover mat for Puffy and his father. If he forgives her and raises the baby as his (like she thought, she's so presumptuous) he would be his own brother's step dad (cue Deliverance banjo) 

SC steps up when he has meaty material so I hope the run with this and allow some new developments. I hope Sally finds out since Botox made her grovel and kiss her ass over a dumb crush and smooch. 

Well said.  Daytime is known for bad actors and B&B was one of the worst.  But SC is on another level.  He brings so many layers to his performance that I think it's always a pleasure to watch him.  And when he's given material like this to work with....

When Hauxdi was sitting on the beach staring into the ocean, I wondered if she was thinking about all the people she had hurt and realizing that the way she was feeling was the way they had probably felt.  When Hope was trapped in the gondola watching the man she loved marry her stepsister/worst enemy, she must have felt the way Hauxd's feeling.  When Katie found out that her husband was cheating on her, she must have felt the way Hauxdi feels.  But who am I kidding?  Hauxdi has never thought about anybody but herself.  That's why she and $Bill are made for each other.

After Liam left, it was clear how alone Hauxdi is.  She has no friends.  Her mother is thankfully somewhere in Paris, doing who knows what.  Her brother is in New York thanks to a lie Hauxdi's boyfriend told.  Her father is nearby but he's as selfish and self-absorbed as she is, so she can't really count on him for much.

I'm not a Katie-fan but I have to give her credit for kindness and generosity when she embraced Hauxdi.  She's a better woman than Hauxdi is and a much better woman than me.  I would have laughed in Hauxdi's face and run off to tell the world about Hauxdi's downfall.

It's a good thing that $Bill got Liam in a submission hold.  Liam would have killed his father and he doesn't deserve to go to jail.  Watching $Bill express remorse is like watching a dog talk.  Unbelievable.  $Bill felt so bad about fucking his son's wife that the second he woke up after their ONS, he instantly started making travel arrangements and plans for their life together. 

I really resented the time spent on Wyatt and Katie.  Poor Wyatt missed the window of time where people would have given a shit about him and Katie.  Nobody's going to give a fuck about who he's fucking NOW.  Katie will probably forget about  him; there's way more interesting shit going down!!!!

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Katie is a better detective than Lt Hot Dog. She's like Colombo in ferreting things out. 

Didn’t the Steffy’s phone ring and once again that damn paternity test was nearby out in the open next to her phone. I actually think Steffy wants people to find out. Next time, she should just send out a press release.

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Watching Katie comfort Steffy was uncomfortable to me. Wonder if Katie will want to take that hug back after she learns the whole story?

What is $Bill's problem? In what universe is tackling someone to the ground the way to make an apology? Must be a guy thing.



Unless your name is Maya and you're trying to break up Rick's marriage so you can nab him yourself.

I'm thinking SC can just submit CountryGirl's posts from this week and he'll have the Emmy on lock.

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I liked the slow build to the reveal, and then Liam said, Yes, dad, my wife is pregnant, and she says the baby is not yours.  Boom!  That was perfectly written and delivered.

I also enjoyed Liam's indignation when Bill told him he had Kombucha stocked for him.

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So with Liam giving Steffy the cliff house....where is Liam gonna bunk? With Wyatt at the beach house? Or would Brooke take pity on him and let him stay at her guest house? He sure as hell ain't going to the Forrester guest house or over at Katie's. She's full up with Thorne and Will.

Guess it's either Steffy's old pad with the bathtub or Thomas' or loft.

And honestly, I could believe Liam has his own money from some old app he wrote or wisely inevested his mom's insurance money. I'm looking forward to how he reinvents himself now that he's thrown off the Spencer shackles. Hoping Liam Cooper forges his own computer empire and leaves Steffy and Bill in his rear view mirror.

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7 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

As for Justin, it's sad, really.  We used to have a nickname for Y&R's Neil Winters--Kneel--because he seemed to have majored in "Yassa Boss! 101" while in college, particularly when dealing with ICKtor Newman

I thought it started because he expected every woman he played Captain Save-a-Ho to was supposed to worship at his eet when he'd inevitably look down on them.

But that said, agreed. What a waste with Justin in particular. 

7 hours ago, thewhiteowl said:


If Steffy thought for one second that "I'm so sorry" was going to work then she must truly think Liam is a sap and a sucker. I realize these characters do some heinous crap to each other and seem to forget about it but day-um.  Banging your dad should not be forgotten or forgiven. 


True, but then Liam has forgiven and forgotten (literally with case about Wyatt/Steffy) every heinous stunt she's ever pulled, so why not this one?

I wish Hope laughs in her puffy face next week.

3 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

'm not a Katie-fan but I have to give her credit for kindness and generosity when she embraced Hauxdi.  She's a better woman than Hauxdi is and a much better woman than me.  I would have laughed in Hauxdi's face and run off to tell the world about Hauxdi's downfall.

Katie laughing at Puffy would have been not only in character to her typically sourpuss character, but very much earned. I guess Wyatt mellowed her out a lot. ??

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51 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

So with Liam giving Steffy the cliff house....where is Liam gonna bunk?

With Ridge ??

Also, I thought Liam owned that place anyway, he's been living there since the Aspen wedding anyway. Why would Bill wait till they were starting a family to do that (current guilt aside)? Steffy was pregnant before and Hope had that scare where she wasn' sure which was the father IIRC.

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6 hours ago, nkotb said:

The only thing I side-eyed, wouldn't Steffy have broken her fingers to text $Bill & tell him that Liam knew & had left the house, likely coming for him? That wouldn't have fit the confrontation today, where Liam knew, but $Bill didn't know that Liam knew, it was just a WTF moment for me. 

She probably would have if she hadn't cried herself to sleep on the sidewalk, and then deal with Katie all up in her business.


4 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Katie will probably forget about  him; there's way more interesting shit going down!!!!

Especially now that Thorne is back in town.


1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

So with Liam giving Steffy the cliff house....where is Liam gonna bunk?

With Sally or Hope.

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I've always liked SC (including his time on GH) and this story line has been done well - I'm surprised at how quickly Steffy was found out. Certainly not excusing Steffy and Bill's ONS, but this show has a history of sweeping such things away with everyone happy-go-lucky and interacting as if there was no big deal. I'm waiting for the show wrap this up in its usual bow. Brooke slept with Ridge while married to Eric and didn't know which had fathered Rick; ditto for her pregnancy with Bridget. She also had an affair with her daughter's husband resulting in the Hope pregnancy. Siblings swap spouses at an unbelievable rate, and the family trees are beyond ridiculous, even for a soap. While this may indeed be the end of Steffy and Liam, I don't necessarily want her to lose the baby. In fact, there may be more soapy goodness in having the baby. It would be a page right out of B&B's playbook to have Bill and Steffy get together with Bill the stepfather to his grandchild.

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i'm not a Katie-fan but I have to give her credit for kindness and generosity when she embraced Hauxdi.  She's a better woman than Hauxdi is and a much better woman than me.  I would have laughed in Hauxdi's face and run off to tell the world about Hauxdi's downfall.

I actually am a Katie fan (probably the one and only around these parts) and I did like how kind she was to Steffy. Although, I hope she changes that stance a bit when she finds out all the dirty doings. I could have done without the endless montages of Steffy staring at the ocean. It's really too bad the show wasted this much drama and good writing on such a subpar 'actress.' She is terrible at crying (though I thought her scene with Katie was better than any of her scenes with Liam).

Did I just watch $ Bill wrestle his son to the floor?!? Umm what?!? How is that going to make any of this better? I want to see fireworks with Bill and Liam not wrestling. That was just ... bad.

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Stayed home today due to the snow, so of course all my soaps were pre-empted for weather coverage.  Just found and watched today's episode.

In agreement with everyone about Scott Clifton's amazing performances these past two days.  He has finally graduated from Younger and Supporting categories to Lead Actor status.

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1 hour ago, hypnotoad said:

I actually am a Katie fan (probably the one and only around these parts) and I did like how kind she was to Steffy. Although, I hope she changes that stance a bit when she finds out all the dirty doings. I could have done without the endless montages of Steffy staring at the ocean. It's really too bad the show wasted this much drama and good writing on such a subpar 'actress.' She is terrible at crying (though I thought her scene with Katie was better than any of her scenes with Liam).

Did I just watch $ Bill wrestle his son to the floor?!? Umm what?!? How is that going to make any of this better? I want to see fireworks with Bill and Liam not wrestling. That was just ... bad.

I was getting annoyed at the flashbacks while Steffy was sobbing on the beach, but thankful that they didn't include any of her screeching and wailing. 

I also thought it is weird that she really has no one she can turn to except for Ridge, but she didn't call him.

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I think Ridge is the last person Steffy would turn to for comfort after being dumped over her "indiscretion," just because he would immediately leave her sorry ass on the beach getting soggy from damp sand and rush over to decimate Bill. (Which I think is coming shortly.) I really think that Sludge would find it more important to go tear Bill's face off -- just because it's an excuse to get in Bill's space -- than support his daughter.

Steffy has nobody to blame but herself for her lack of friends. I briefly thought of Caroline, but that seemed more of a faux-ship hastily thrown together out of convenience/necessity. (I thought that Fauxdi didn't like Caroline for a very long time, especially regarding Rick vs. Thomas, then Calduge.) What would she say anyway, "Hi. Your cousin just left me because I cheated on him with your uncle."  Anyway ... It really is a good thing that Taylor isn't around because I can't imagine the indignation and blaming. Somehow, I think that poor Sally (and as always, Brooke), would ultimately be blamed. Sally was "interfering" in Steam and Brooke was a horrible disloyal wife and walked out on poor Bill.

That's besides the point. I didn't find the Steffy/Katie scene that different, acting-wise. I just figured it was one of those instances where HT was able to pull something (not much) our of JMW. Maybe HT was generous and spent some extra time in rehearsals and readings to work with her a bit. I've mentioned that I'd watched a lot of old B&B during the holiday break and noticed the same pattern. Those two seem to pair well together. JMW with KKL, HTy, etc., not so much.

Katie was being very generous with Hauxdi. Yeah, I also wished she'd waved that paper in the tramp's face and laughed, "Well, isn't that rich?" Wait until she finds out who the "other sample" came from. We still might get our wish.

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Unfortunately, any anger, shock, shade Katie and Wyatt might want to throw at Bill will be mitigated since Wyatt is banging his ex-stepmother. Neither will feel they can judge even though Watie is WORLDS apart from Still's affair.

Same with Brooke. She's engaged and sleeping with Ridge so she can't really play the betrayal card with Bill. Brooke may even say to Katie as they gossip 'Well we always knew there was something between them....' and both will tsk tsk that Liam was the one caught up in it but not be all that indignant on his behalf. Katie may commiserate with Liam initially as having been in his shoes but again since she has her own secret she'll be pushing forgiveness. Not so sure Bill will get the thrashing he deserves from anyone but Ridge- and that will be on Steffy's behalf.

Steffy's pregnant so Sally and Hope can't do much more than point, laugh, and roll their eyes lest they be bullies.  

Liam giving up on the cliff house to Steffy underscores that the man lost him home and his place in his life and his identity. Forget Steffy, he loved Bill warts and all and wanted him to be better but never turned his back on him until Bill started setting fires and putting people in danger. The women in Liam's life would flit in and out but Bill was actually always there, having his back, whacking him on the back of the head and calling him a dumbass but loving him all the same. He was his rock, the one person he could depend on after his mother's death and now Bill has so thoroughly and deliberately cut Liam to his core their relationship is irrevocably changed. Liam knows his father. What Bill did was no accident. There is no excuse. Bill does what he does and owns it which means Bill did this to his own son. His love for his son did not stop him from sleeping with his wife. It's no wonder Liam hates him so much and felt murder in his heart. Bill's betrayal was a devastating one. 

Edited by TobinAlbers
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1 hour ago, grisgris said:

I think Ridge is the last person Steffy would turn to for comfort after being dumped over her "indiscretion," just because he would immediately leave her sorry ass on the beach getting soggy from damp sand and rush over to decimate Bill. (Which I think is coming shortly.) I really think that Sludge would find it more important to go tear Bill's face off -- just because it's an excuse to get in Bill's space -- than support his daughter.

Yep, that's pretty much a given. 

I feel like given all that Steffy has put people through, she has long since earned a moment not unlike what Stephanie got at Nick and Bridget's second wedding attempt when the fake heart attack came out. Everyone read her the riot act as Stephanie tried her Whatabout routine with everyone and she ended up alone.

But by that point, the writers had positioned her as more villain than misguided heroine. TIIC have been selling Steffy as a good girl since Hope left the picture and no one is buying that. With Ol' Girl returning and Sally and Ivy, Stelly can go back to being the bitch we always knew her to be, or t least something resembling a redemption arc. Either/or.

37 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Unfortunately, any anger, shock, shade Katie and Wyatt might want to throw at Bill will be mitigated since Wyatt is banging his ex-stepmother. Neither will feel they can judge even though Watie is WORLDS apart from Still's affair.

They have plenty of reason to feel like hypocrites--Katie's affairs with Nick, her fake heart attack to fuck up Bridge, the borderline stalkerish behavior towards Hope in the beginning and him sharing the bed with Steffy that lead to everything that happened in 2016--but this is not one of them. After you've fucked your nephew by marriage and chased every woman your brother has shown interest in, you can only go up. 

But as mentioned before, who is gonna give two shits about them once this story comes out?

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I don't think the Watie secret is a big deal to anyone except Dolla. They are unattached adults. Same with Bridge. Brooke is so far in Dolla's  rear view mirror he can't recall her name. No one is lily white nor do they need to be to see the wrongness of what Steffy and Dolla have done to Liam and the child. JMO

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7 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

TIIC have been selling Steffy as a good girl since Hope left the picture and no one is buying that. With Ol' Girl returning and Sally and Ivy, Stelly can go back to being the bitch we always knew her to be, or t least something resembling a redemption arc. Either/or.

I.KNOW! Apparently Steffy vs Aly and Steffy vs Ivy was supposed to be stories of a strong woman being pulled at and blamed erroneously by crazy people with unintended tragic results.Then they tried to soften her with Wyatt being the agent of change for BeachSteffy! to contrast her with the pants wearing sex bomb she supposedly was with Liam. And NOW for the past few months this woman has literally has been this weeping, crying, damsel in distress starting with the her breakdown over Liam's kiss betrayal and peaking with her catatonic hump on the stallion and now in a spiraling sleeve clutching hair pulling tummy rubbing constant wiping away of tears.

Steffy is not, should not, doesn't work as THIS type of heroine. That's a Brooke or a what Hope should've been. Her grandmother NEVER would've played all this out the way Steffy has. I think we're supposed to believe this is Steffy at her lowest so JMcW can then have her turn at bat at the rise of Steffy over vengeful Liam and Bill.

Basically I think we're in for how Steffy got her groove back. She's gonna make a turn into no more apologies sooner or later with Liam. But unlike his waffling sins of the past, ain't no getting around a woman sleeping with her husband's father. Ya did wrong, Steffy. Ya knew it. Deal with the consequences like a woman.

7 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

They have plenty of reason to feel like hypocrites--Katie's affairs with Nick, her fake heart attack to fuck up Bridge, the borderline stalkerish behavior towards Hope in the beginning and him sharing the bed with Steffy that lead to everything that happened in 2016--but this is not one of them. After you've fucked your nephew by marriage and chased every woman your brother has shown interest in, you can only go up. 

Ssssshhhhhhh! They don't want us to remember this. It was years ago? Nick, who? Wyatt? A stalker and a bit unhinged like his mother? Naaaaaah.

And Liam had his opening to throw the Statt bed sharing in Steffy's face saying this isn't the first time she's betrayed him and also give context as to why he'd believe Wyatt was the one she turned to that night as she had done it before. Instead, nada. The show wants us to forget until they can 'surprise' us later with them dropping it in.

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And to think this is just the beginning.

Watching Liam and Bill was like cutting into a freshly baked apple pie; sweet and tart and comforting. Bill knew something was off from the moment Liam arrived. Who is this closed off, shut down, coldly disembodied person standing in my office? And Liam’s pain and disillusionment were leaping off my tv screen. Scott Clifton has been given the material this week, but it is how he has chosen to deliver it that is amazing. My favorites from yesterday’s show:


Liam “Does that seem like a fair trade to you?”


Bill “Oh, I see. Is it some kind of sad anniversary for you?”

Liam “No. No. That’s next year.”


Liam “My mother was wrong, I thought to myself. You’re loving and fiercely dedicated to family, isn’t that right? I mean, we never saw eye to eye. You hit me, manipulated my relationships, and blew up the Spectra building with me inside, almost killing me in the process, but I forgave you. I forgave you and forgave and forgave, because……I believe in goodness maybe? I believe that everyone….everyone has good in them. Oh, I was wrong.”


Liam “You know, there were times in our relationship where I loved you and times where I hated you. Either way, I never wanted to be like you. The sad irony of all of this is that I’m… I’m about to become just like you.”


Bill “Steffy’s pregnant”

Liam (With slightly crazy eyes) “You’re wondering aren’t you? Does Liam know? Has he heard something?”


Liam (after tapping Bill’s chest) “Hey! What’s going on with you? Normally you’re walking around with your chest all puffed out, proud as a peacock. You’re not doing that now. Why is that dad?”


Liam “Yes dad…my wife is pregnant. And she says the baby’s not yours”


I don’t know who has been writing this stuff, but they need to put this individual on full retainer for like forever.


Scott Clifton has shown so much range this week; watching him run the full gamut of emotions, from shock and disbelieve, to heartbreak and anger, to acceptance and resignation, has been amazing and highly entertaining. In actuality, I am angry that Show has deprived us of what SC can bring. When I think of some of the ridiculous SLs Liam has had; waffling between two girls for years? What a waste of an incredible resource.


Of all the people I would expect to comfort Steffy; Katie isn’t one of them. And I guess I will be out on that island all alone when I say that I think JMW was vastly improved in those final scenes with Liam; when she was on the ground begging. I also enjoyed those scenes with her on her own; letting her memories role in. I am big proponent of self reflection; feeling it is sometimes the only way to work stuff out. I found it completely natural that Steffy would be thinking back to happier times, with those memories culminating with what had just transpired between her and Liam. I also found it all out of character for Steffy too. Normally she would have been hightailing it somewhere or speed dialing someone. But she chose instead to walk down to her and Liam’s beach and reflect. I thought it was perfect. But still, I think Steffy is going to have a rough road ahead. She has no friends to support her. No sister. No brother or mother in sight. A self centered father, who is busy getting his Bridge on. Brooke didn’t have much either after Deacon, and of course there was Stephanie looming large in her rear view mirror, but she did have her sisters, and she did have Megan. And there is also the fact that Eric and Ridge really just kinda side eyed the whole Deacon thing, and weren’t really all that hard on Brooke. I don’t see that with this situation, because Bill has been such a brute, and a thorn in Eric’s side for years. I can’t imagine him or Ridge having any understanding how this could happen after everything Steffy manipulated went thorough to get Liam as her own.


And as mad and disgusted as I am with him, Bill brought me to tears too. But not until the end of his confrontation with Liam. I found it so sad that Bill’s desperation to keep Liam in his life had him resorting to the only tactics he knows; threats and strong arming and physical violence.

Edited by RuntheTable
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9 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

They have plenty of reason to feel like hypocrites--Katie's affairs with Nick, her fake heart attack to fuck up Bridge, the borderline stalkerish behavior towards Hope in the beginning and him sharing the bed with Steffy that lead to everything that happened in 2016--but this is not one of them. After you've fucked your nephew by marriage and chased every woman your brother has shown interest in, you can only go up. 

I couldn't agree more.  I think their thing they have going on is a bit squicky, but it's not wrong...they're both single & not hurting anybody.

9 hours ago, thewhiteowl said:

No one is lily white nor do they need to be to see the wrongness of what Steffy and Dolla have done to Liam and the child. JMO

It's my opinion as well. 

45 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

I guess I will be out on that island all alone when I say that I think JMW was vastly improved in those final scenes with Liam; when she was on the ground begging.

I'll join you, I thought she was pretty good.  I did, however, have to laugh at how they covered up that JMW cannot cry by smearing her eyeliner...she looked like a damn outfielder!

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25 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I'll join you, I thought she was pretty good.  I did, however, have to laugh at how they covered up that JMW cannot cry by smearing her eyeliner...she looked like a damn outfielder!

Make that a table for three.  JMW is a terrible actress but SC was so good, he made her better.  And even while I was gloating during 'Hauxdilox on the Beach', I did notice that JMW managed to hit the right note.  Hauxdi was so alone that for a microsecond, I felt a twinge of pity.  I also noticed the smeared eyeliner.  Sad.

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

Basically I think we're in for how Steffy got her groove back. She's gonna make a turn into no more apologies sooner or later with Liam. But unlike his waffling sins of the past, ain't no getting around a woman sleeping with her husband's father. Ya did wrong, Steffy. Ya knew it. Deal with the consequences like a woman.

As Countrygirl pointed out, Steffy was nearly always the third wheel in his waffling escapades, all the way to the very beginning of their relationship. She was the ne who accepted Hope's ring. She was the one who begged him not to get that wedding annulled. She was the one who threw a shot fit when Liam married Ivy, the woman he'd been with for months and came between them for no other reason than she thought it was their time. And she was the one who came between Thomas and Sally which was the only reason the latter even gave Liam the time of day.

Steffy can stuff it with any "You owe me" rubbish that the writers ave planned. That dog don't hunt.

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I'll make it an even table for 4. The delusional, desperate, panicky and begging Steffy was an appropriate change from her usual arrogant self.  I did feel like JMW was channeling Scarlett O'Hara a bit much but at least she was trying.  

I've been watching SC for many years and knew he was capable of more than the show was giving him so this week has been very satisfying.  

Also a special shout out to @CountryGirl for the riveting recaps. I probably wouldn't have watched if I hadn't read them. CBS media should put you on the payroll. 

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41 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Steffy can stuff it with any "You owe me" rubbish that the writers ave planned. That dog don't hunt.

From the show's (i.e. Brad Bell) standpoint it's the Forresters' world, the Spencers and Spectras simply revolve around them. Although this entire week has had one Forrester male (Rick) in the mix. It's been pretty much SC's week.

Steffy is the Forrester in this mess so she's the 'hero'. Liam and Bill may be the stronger characters with Liam the male lead of the show, but ultimately Steffy is the one the show is invested in getting us to root for to get what she wants. She'll get her time to rise and tell both men to kick rocks - even though her actions contributed to this mess - and she'll get to dictate the outcome ultimately.

If Liam's theme song at the moment is 'Cry Me a River', Steffy's gonna be ( or should be) 'No More Drama' in a few weeks/months. But, no, she ain't as cool as Mary J.

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12 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Why would Katie give a flying f*ck about Puffy’s feelings? I wish she had laughed in her face.

See, that's where am.  Now, one could claim that Katie is a better woman than they could be under the circumstances, but it's more of the inconsistent writing designed to prop a lying, selfish, duplicitous, basic bitch with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.  At the very least, Katie should have given Stuffy her trademark smirk and remarked, "Welll...isn't that special?!"

So, according to Stuffy's apologists (shockingly, she does have them), evidently, Liam "deserves" what he's getting because he's a serial cheater.  I have no dog in this fight, but that's hilarious particularly when one considers that Stuffy was the skank he was cheating with!

All this propping is exactly why I want her to miscarry that thing she's carrying.  No way should this mess drag on FOR MONTHS.  SC and DD brought it yesterday, but what has me seething is that yet another relationship had to be destroyed at the altar of She Who Must Be Propped.  Brooke...Brill...Bill...and Bill and Liam's father-son relationship.  Honorable mention goes to Thomas and Sally, with a lot of help from Bill.  Unfortunately, Brad & Co. didn't attempt to recast Thomas after PF left so the impact isn't that great.  I just sat there yesterday and counted all the costs and realized something.  That stank ho has the Midas Touch in reverse:  everything and everyone she touches turns into absolute shit. 

What's next?  Hope groveling at Stuffy's hammer-toed feet and declaring that Stuffy is, indeed, "the better woman?"  Or, will Thorne thank the trick for accidentally killing his child because, you know, it was a blessing anyway since she had mental health issues.

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Recap for Thurs. Jan 4, 2018.

We open right where we left off...at the Malibu beach house and Steffy kneeling down on the sidewalk looking every inch the jackass she is.


Steffy: "This isn't the end for us." Please, God, let it be the end for Steamless and free Liam from this albatross, once and for all.

Liam, dully: "Go back inside." He doesn't add, "you look pathetic," but I'm sure he's thinking it. I know I was.

Steffy: "There's nothing there for me!" That's your own fault, Duck Lips.


Liam gives her a look: "Well, you have a child to think about."


Steffy, suddenly remembers what she assumes is her get out of cheating free card and clutches her non-existent bump: "Our baby. Our baby!" She's gonna catch flies with her mouth hanging open like that. 


Liam is quick to tell her that card has already expired: "No. No. No, that's...that's over now."


Steffy: "No... no!" Yes, bitch. Yes.


Liam, surveying his surroundings, has a ghost of a smile.


Liam: "I loved this place, you know? I loved our life here. And most of all...I loved you." Past tense. 

He starts to walk away and she grabs onto him.


Steffy: "Liam, no! Liam, please don't go. Please, please, don't go. Please don't leave me. Please don't. Please! No, no, no! Liam, please don't -- no! Liam!"


Doesn't this bitch realize he's already gone?

He shrugs free and she looks so damn ridiculous right now.


Wonder if she did it doggy-style with Bill? Why am I wondering? Of course she did.

Liam walks away with what dignity he has left.


Hauxdi just keeps on crying as if that will make him change his mind and turn back around.


Oh and then she goes in to hold her bump - um, he's not there to see you. Also, JMW, why are you clutching a handful of your sweater? She can't even get the simplest things right. But it's hysterical to watch.


There's this overhead shot of her, all sad sack on the walkway and I suppose it's meant to show us how very much alone she is and all I can say is: "Good! Bitch deserves it!"


There are some throwaway scenes with Katie and Wyatt, canoodling in bed at Katie's place.


Wyatt reveals that Bill's aware he's seeing "someone" and intends to find out who. Katie seems to shrug this off and really, with everything else going on, Bill has much bigger fish to fry right now. 

He shares that Bill is handing out multi-million dollar gifts, still grousing in his mind over the favortism of Liam, and Katie, knowing Bill pretty darn well, thinks he must feel guilty about something and wants to know who's he bestowing said gifts on.

Wyatt, pouting: "Just Liam." He shares that Bill gifted Liam with the beach house and surmises that Liam needs Bill more than he does right now and Liam's giving Bill something Wyatt can't at the moment. I wonder if Wyatt ever thinks about the son he and Hope lost?

Katie quickly catches on: “Are Liam and Steffy pregnant?” No, they are not pregnant, just the heifer. As an aside, it irritates me when people say "we're pregnant." Because, no, there's no WE in pregnant.

Wyatt tries to backpedal but Katie just laughs: "It's written all over your face." It's actually kind of sweet how excited Katie is for them. "Does Bill know he's about to be Grand$ Bill Spencer?" As a matter of fact, yes.

Wyatt confirms it's the reason Bill is signing over the house to Liam, saying: "It's a good time to be a Spencer." I think Liam would beg to difer. In fact, I think he's mulling over reclaiming the Cooper surname.

Katie tells Wyatt that she has a meeting with Steffy later and since Steffy's working from home, she's meeting her at the beach house. She teases that she'll get Steffy to spill the tea...you don't know the half of it, honey.

Wyatt: "Hey, you didn't hear anything from me, remember?"

Katie laughs at him: "Of course! How could I possibly have heard anything from you? We don't hang out." She gives him a wink and it's kind of a cute moment.

Wyatt: "Exactly. I mean, do you even like Steffy that much?" I had to snicker at this line. 

Katie pulls a face: "I will admit that there's a lot of water under that bridge, but she's family. And maybe she needs a girlfriend to talk about pregnancy stuff. It seems like all of her friends are men." Uh huh...I know one of this show's biggest shortcomings (and that of the other three still on the air) is the lack of female friendships. Save the Logan and Avant sisters, whose friendships teeter totter quite a bit, there really haven't been any friendships in some time. That having said, I highly doubt Hauxdi would have gal pals in real life. I've pegged her as one of those women who claim they can only get along with men. 

Wyatt: "Yeah, that's true. I wouldn't be surprised if she said Dad was her BFF." I almost choked hearing those words. BFF. Fuckbuddy. Same difference.

Katie: "Did you think they get together and do each other's hair?"

Wyatt: "Oh, yeah. Have you seen his hair?"

Katie: "Yeah, it doesn't move."

Wyatt: "No. He doesn't know that." They share a laugh and it's a nice moment of levity.

We have some sad sack scenes of Hauxdi have a pity, party of one, and the ONLY reason I screencapped any of this shit is because of how fucking awful she looks.

Here's her "Imma gonna lay on the sidewalk like a beached whale for a while."


Let me look soulfully off into the distance, cocking my ass to the side since it's SUCH a good angle for me.


Bill would LOVE this pose...oh wait, I'm supposed to be all sad and stuff. Lemme wipe the snot off my face.


I'll bet she's remembering when Liam told her to SHUT UP! right now. Hee hee hee!


She stumbles out to squat down on the beach and I suppose we're supposed to be moved by the sight of her black mascara tears. Well, I'm not. You reap what you sow, bitch.


Later, Katie arrives at the beach house. The door is unlocked so she just waltzes right it. It's what Katie does.

Steffy is nowhere in sight and Katie rolls her eyes, "Hope I didn't drive all the way out here for nothing." Oh, the drive will be worth your while, Katie. Trust.

She goes to call her and hears Steffy's phone ring nearby. She looks down and sees her phone on the coffee table and immediately spots the paternity test paper Liam left lying right next to it. Clearly, he doesn't care who sees it. 


She picks it up and I love HT's "oh shit!" expression here.


Having heard her phone ring, Steffy comes in then and sees Katie holding the paper.

Steffy snits: "What are you doing?"

Katie is still trying to process what she just read and mumbles that Pam said they had a meeting and that Steffy was working from home.

Steffy strides over to her: "Give me that. Give me that." She snatches the paper from her. Too late for that, sweet cheeks.

Katie, treading lightly, sensing Steffy's like a wounded animal right now: "The door was open, and I...I called for you. I was worried. I called your phone, and...you're pregnant?" She really does know how to cut to the chase, doesn't she? But there's no judgment in Katie's voice.

Steffy: "That's none of your business."

Katie: "Maybe not, but there it is. Are you in trouble?" Katie is quiet, gentle here, and I love HT's understated performance. Quite unlike the preachy histrionics I've typically come to expect from her. Although perhaps she's thinking back to when she was pregnant with Nick's baby while he was married to her niece, Bridget. Perhaps.

And here, I did see some nuance to JMW as Steffy stares back at Katie, clearly caught off guard, not expecting kindness from the woman she wronged without conscious years ago. It seems they've found a bit of common ground after all.


Gone is her haughty, entitled expression. 

Steffy, quieter now: "Just leave whatever you brought. We'll reschedule." She walks over to the kitchen, starting out at nothing.

Katie looks down at her storyboards and makes a move toward swooping her things up and bolting but she looks back at Steffy and sighs: "Paternity test." Does Liam know?" She approaches Steffy who turns around at the mention of Liam, real tears in her eyes.

Steffy: "Katie, I'm..." She dissolves into sobs here and I cannot believe I'm saying this but something about her lost, broken, fucked-up little girl touched me. Perhaps the recent scenes with SC raised her game somehow. I still don't feel the least bit sorry for her, but Jacquie made me want to feel something for her and that's good work on her part. 

Case in point, Katie can't help but be moved and walks over to her, taking her into her arms as Steffy cries, "I don't know what to do." I'm sure Katie can't help but think of the baby she's carrying and lying, cheating heifer or not, her hormones are on overdrive right now. A very scary place emotionally - and physically since what's affects the mind and heart takes its toll on the body.


Steffy lets herself be comforted by her one-time archnemesis and it's actually a very moving moment, where both women drop their guards. I'll be very curious to see where these two go from here. 


We end with the confrontation we've all been salivating over.

Bill is sitting in his office, staring out the window, smiling as he recalls a recent conversation with Liam: Dad...I love you. And when...if...if I am ever fortunate enough to be a father, I can only hope that I am as good and generous and forgiving as you've been to me." Of course, this was during the false reconciliation.


Bill looks up to find Liam standing in the doorway, his expression unreadable.


Bill: 'Hey. I've been looking for you." You can tell Bill is uncomfortable with being uncomfortable, with having a hint of a conscience, but he's striving for casual here.

Liam is playing it very calm. For now. He tells Bill: "Yeah, I was here earlier, and then I went home to check on my wife." His lying, cheating whore of a wife.

Bill furrows his brow: "Is something wrong with Steffy?" There's a LOT wrong with Hauxdi, but that's a topic for another day.

Liam: "Oh, she can take care of herself, she always does." He doesn't come in and I'm betting Bill's Spencey senses are tingling just a teensy bit right now.

Bill: "Why you standing there in the doorway? Come on in." He's shrugging off his Spencey senses for the moment, so confident his and Steffy's dirty little secret will stay exactly that. Liam shrugs as if to say "OK," and closes the door behind him.

Bill changes gears: "I have something for you."

Liam shrugs: "Why? Everything's yours."

Bill: "Not everything. The house. It's yours. Along with the property taxes, of course." He tries to smile, but there's no denying the uneasiness in the air.


Liam has the faintest of smirks on his face as he looks down at the paperwork.


Liam looks up at Bill: "Does that seem like a fair trade to you?" Whoooo boy.

There's a long moment where they stare at each other and you can see the wheels turning in each man's head. 

Bill, thinking, does he know?

Liam, thinking, does he know that I know?

The cat and mouse dynamic continues, building the tension masterfully.

Bill, fishing: "Something happen at home?" That's one way to put it.

Liam throws him off the scent: "Just thinking about my mother a lot lately."

Bill is clearly surprised to hear the mention of his mother: "Oh, I see. Is it some kind of sad anniversary for you?" 

Liam: "No. No. That's next year." I wonder what anniversary? He eyes his father closely. "Tell me about her."

Bill: "About your mom?" Whatever Bill was expecting, he wasn't expecting this.

Liam: "Yeah. Was she beautiful? I really thought she was beautiful."


You can see his mind think back to the mother he loved so much, only to lose her at such a young age. She was his world then and how much he must miss her.

Bill: "Yeah, she was gorgeous. Long, beautiful flowing hair, a smile that would light up the room."

Liam: "Kind of like Steffy." Uh oh...he's circling back into dangerous territory and Bill is back on shaky, uncertain ground.

Bill: "In a way."

Liam nods and muses: "We have the same type." I wouldn't call long hair (hell, I wouldn't call Steffy's wig "hair") and a nice smile a "type." That describes easily half the women, if not more, on the planet. But I know that's not Liam's point.

Bill presses his son: "Something bothering you, Liam?"


Liam is dictating how this is going to play out and avoids the question as he steps around Bill to play with an office tchotchke: "You know, I always wondered why my mom wanted to keep me from you at all costs, why she wanted to protect me." Bill's back is to Liam but he turns around at these words: "I mean, what could you have done that was so...horrible? And then when I found you, you were...flawed, but a good man. 'My mother was wrong,' I thought to myself." He laughs here. "You're loving and loyal and fiercely dedicated to family, isn't that right?" Bill seems to visibly relax for the moment, thinking they're okay here and DD is so very good at playing $ Bill's ever-changing emotions.

But it's all part of the plan as Liam continues: "I mean, we never saw eye to eye. You hit me, manipulated my relationships, and blew up the Spectra building with me inside, almost killing me in the process, but I forgave you. I forgave you and...forgave and forgave because... I believe in goodness, maybe?"


Liam looks at his father: "I believe that everyone...everyone has good in them." He pauses for effect. "Oh, I was wrong."

Bill's back on unstable ground again and he knows it.


Bill: "Well, you're obviously worked up about something." He tosses the house paperwork onto the desk as if it's of no consequence: "You want a kombucha?" Really, Bill? Delaying the inevitable?

Liam looks at him, disgusted that he is still trying to con him: "What?"

Bill: "I mean, you love that stuff, right? So I had it stocked for you in the lounge." I don't think he gives two shits about that right now, Bill, and you know it.

Liam scoffs at that: "You know... there were times in our relationship where I loved you and times where I hated you. " He gives him a searing look as he says the word "hated." Bill also notes the past tense version of the word "love."

Liam continues: "Either way, I never wanted to be like you. The sad irony of all of this is that  I'm about to become just like you. All I ever wanted was for my son or daughter to have what I didn't have growing up: two biological parents living under the same roof, tending to any needs, driving to school, having dinners together, that kind of thing. I just...I wanted that more than anything." His body language is calm but his eyes, his dull voice, tell a different story.

Bill, stating the obvious: "Steffy's pregnant."

Liam's eyes flick to him as the temperature drops in the room.


Liam moves in, his chess piece checking Bill's king, his voice oh-so-cryptic here: "You're wondering, aren't you?  His voice is an eerie whisper now: "Does Liam know? Has he heard something?" SC's Liam comes off a just a bit unhinged here and I love it. 

Bill, stalling: "Is this about the Spencer Tower, Liam? I mean, is that why you're talking this way?" Liam is not the same gullible young man, trusting and loyal...you ruined that part of him, Bill, as did Steffy.

Liam laughs in his face: "You think -- oh, man. Money and power. Money and power, man. It's just...it's intoxicating, isn't it?" He sits on the edge of Bill's desk, seemingly so casual. "It just makes you feel like you're...skating above it all. There's nothing you can't take if you just want it badly enough, right?" He gives his father a long look, signaling that the jig is up but playing it out a little longer: "Hey!" He taps his father in the chest, still playing the father-son game.  "What's going on with you? Normally you're walking around with your chest all puffed out, proud as a peacock. You're not doing that now. Why is that, Dad?" Bill swallows. "I've been thinking about you lately, all that you've done for me. The father my mother never wanted me to meet." Bill just keeps swallowing. He's unnerved in a way we rarely see. "And yet, here I am, working at Spencer, living in that beautiful house overlooking the ocean. So many blessings just...just so many blessings. And yet, all I really wanted was a simple life." I absolutely believe that. "It's funny, I mean, I would have been just fine as an IT guy, but then I found you and I came here and I fell into this...this life of privilege, and it feels good. It feels really good."


Oh, he's mocking Bill now and his father just stands there and listens. "Still never wanted to be like you. Too late. Now this unlucky child...I mean, I'm not gonna be a complete absentee, but I'm not gonna be raising a family under one roof, either." His eyes lock on Bill's. "Yes, Dad..." He spits the word. "My wife is pregnant. And she says the baby's not yours." 


Check and Mate.


Bill, his mind racing, scrambles for words: "Liam... you have to try and just-"

Liam, mocking him again: "Just...just try and what? Explain? Explain how you slept with my wife? Explain that?"


Bill is on quicksand now: "Oh, my God. You have...you have every right, but Steffy..." Always thinking of that heifer.

Liam: "Is there nothing...nothing that you don't think is yours? Nothing that you don't think you can put your hands on and take?" He pushes at Bill's chest for emphasis and he is just dying to take a swing at his father.

Bill: "She doesn't love me! She couldn't run the other way fast enough!" As if that makes it all okay. "You can't blame Steffy. It was me. It was all me." No, it was not. Steffy was a very willing participant and had been for weeks. Liam is not going to let his father fall on the sword for her and the fact that he's attempting to shows just how much caring he has for her and how little for his son.

Liam: "You have no idea what you've done to me, do you? You think you own the world, but you don't own me, and you're never seeing me again." He moves to go around Bill and head for the door.

Bill screams out: "No, no, no, no!" He moves to stop him.

Liam warns: "Don't-don't!" He is thisclose to knocking Bill's lights out.

Bill puts his hands up, knowing he's dealing with a caged animal. One he created: "You can't leave. You can't leave. There is a child on the way and that has to come first." What about YOUR child, Bill, the one standing in front of you? Why didn't HE come first?

Liam is having none of this bullshit: "Don't you dare give me the Spencer blood speech." Blood clearly met nothing when he fucked his son's wife.


Bill: "It's not-"

Liam sneers: "Don't you dare!"

Bill: "It's not that. It's not. It's not Spencer blood. It's your's." DD breaks my heart for a nanosecond as his voice breaks and tears brim in his eyes. 


Bill pleads with Liam: "You can't walk out on your daughter or your son." But my sympathies only extend so far. Don't you dare preach to Liam after what you've done, you hypocritical sonofabitch!

Liam: "Why not? You did. " Oooh, burn his ass. His voice is that scary whisper again: "And, no, I won't do that. I will provide for my child. Step number one: keep them the hell away from you."

He tries move around Bill once more.

Bill is begging now: "Liam. Liam. Please, son. What I did, what happened... it is the greatest regret of my life. I cannot tell you how much I regret it." I don't believe him. This is similar to the speeches he gave Liam when he learned about the arson, the demolition and you can see the flicker of recognition on Liam's face. I think he regrets getting caught, just like Hauxdi. And regret is so very, very far from remorse and the fact that Bill kept flashing back to that night, plus the other memories of their moments together tells me he regrets nothing. "But, son, it can't end like this. It can't. Please." He blocks Liam's path again.

Liam: "The hell it can't. Get out of my way, Dad."


Bill sidesteps, continuing to block him: "No, no, no, no."


Liam: "Get out of my way! Get out of my way!" He shoves Bill, hard. Both men breathing hard.

Liam's hand is on the door.

Bill: "You're the best of us. You have the most spectacular wife on the planet." The most spectacularly AWFUL wife on the planet.

Liam, through gritted teeth, charges toward his father, his finger in Bill's face: "Don't...don't you talk about her. Don't talk about her." He heads for the door once more and Bill comes up behind him.

Bill: "I'm not letting you walk out on me." Bill grabs him in a wrestling hold, taking them both down to the ground, and WTF to him putting his hands on Liam yet again.

Liam: "You don't deserve me!" He's 100% right here.

Bill, panting: "Liam." 

Liam, struggling to break free: "No! Get off me! Get off me, Dad!"

Bill, struggling to hold on: "You're not leaving."

Liam: "Get off me! Just--"

Bill, tightening his hold: "Listen to me. The stakes are too high! You have a baby on the way, and you're not going anywhere! You hear me?"

Liam doesn't answer, he's too focused on trying to get away, and Bill is seriously pissing me off right now. He has NO right to tell Liam anything, ever, much less literally strong-arm him into listening to his "advice."


Bill: shouts out: "I'm sorry! I am so sorry." If he was truly sorry, he'd let his son go to lick his wounds and start the healing process, far, far away from him.

While I absolutely loved the slow burn and build up to the father-son confrontation, with SC nailing it once again, DD came off as kind of campy-manic at the end. I could practically sense him wanting to crack up and it took me out of the scenes a bit. I'm kind of waiting for someone to set these scenes to the Benny Hill theme. LOL. I mean, I guess Liam could just lie his way out of the hold and say, "Oh yes, wise sage Pa-pa, I will go back and resume my prison sentence life with Steffy and our spawn." It's just a bit ridiculous. I think the wrestling to the ground direction was the wrong one to take so I'm hoping Friday's show brings back the emotional gravitas the rest of this week's scenes have had.

Edited by CountryGirl
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I have to say, I thought HT was perfect in her scene with JMW.  The reading of the paternity test, the utter lack of defensiveness at being caught, the uncertainty as to how to have any sort of conversation and, finally, the physical embrace of someone who has just fucked up.  (Royally, once she finds out the other possible father was $Bill).  That all seems actually in-character to me.  Katie has had a lot of time to move past, or at least bury, her enmity towards Steffy.  She's been her stepmother-in-law twice and they've had to put their differences aside for the sake of family.  Much the same way Stephanie I came to see Brooke as more of a "daughter" than a rival, it makes sense that Katie has moved on too.

I think JMW was good in their scene too.  Righteous indignation at Katie the Snoop followed very closely by realization that the jig is up and that having Katie know is the least of her problems.  And, finally, the collapse in tears into Katie's arms.

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11 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

No, they are not pregnant, just the heifer. As an aside, it irritates me when people say "we're pregnant." Because, no, there's no WE in pregnant.

UGH you & me both!

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33 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Now this unlucky child...I mean, I'm not gonna be a complete absentee, but I'm not gonna be raising a family under one roof, either.

I will provide for my child.

I have to say, I didn't much care for those lines.  Not going to be a complete absentee?  He will provide?  Liam, you may hate the mother, but this is still your child.

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6 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I have to say, I didn't much care for those lines.  Not going to be a complete absentee?  He will provide?  Liam, you may hate the mother, but this is still your child.

I think that's just the anger and hurt talking...especially because Steffy and Bill have set up an untenable situation where he won't be able to be a full time hands-on dad like he'd always hoped and dreamed unless he gets full custody and not even then since Steffy would presumably get visitation.

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1 minute ago, CountryGirl said:

I think that's just the anger and hurt talking...especially because Steffy and Bill have set up an untenable situation where he won't be able to be a full time hands-on dad like he'd always hoped and dreamed unless he gets full custody and not even then since Steffy would presumably get visitation.

I hope this is what he meant!  A custody fight is what I'm hoping for.

Edited by ByTor
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2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

If Liam's theme song at the moment is 'Cry Me a River', Steffy's gonna be ( or should be) 'No More Drama' in a few weeks/months. But, no, she ain't as cool as Mary J.

Nah, that no-crying heifer is "down with a discount." Her theme song is 'O.P.P.'

SC and DD killed it today, but WTH was up with Lottie, Dottie, and E'rebody putting the blame on Two-bits$Bill? Bill's a no-good, SOB, but Katie knows Still's history; no way in hell should she have immediately assumed it was all on Bill. It's not like he tripped and accidentally fell in Steffy's cooch. She welcomed him with open thighs and loved every minute of it.

Show better have Hope read that trick for filth, or else all the soapy goodness of the last 5 shows was for nothing.

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40 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I hope this is what he meant!  A custody fight is what I'm hoping for.

Yeah, Liam wanting to be a hands on father is the only reason I could see him going for full custody, but unless Steffy has a complete breakdown ala Taylor in the courtroom or Brooke when she was cradling dolls on the beach, Liam really has no leg to stand on unless he tries to use Aly's death and Ivy's electrocution against her which just won't fly.

Liam would never come out the winner. Hell, he'd never get anyone's support. Evvvvveryone will be hounding his ass to go back to Steffy and be with his child's mother because it's best for the child (nevermind that Steffy crippled the foundation of their relationship) and if he doesn't then they won't support him in going for custody and say he's the selfish one.

Ridge, Eric, Quinn, Brooke, Katie, Wyatt, and Bill will all side with Steffy.  I can't see any of them on TeamSingleDadLiam. In fact I'd bet Bill would consider interfering criminally so that he could be Steffy's hero and get back in her panties.

Sally will want to support Liam but will be vilified for supporting a man taking a child away from its mother.  Hope will be the women they hope 'gets through' to Liam since he's being 'vindictive and unreasonable'. Nevermind Bill kidnapped Will from Katie and Katie threatened to keep Will from Bill.

In all honesty and reality, Liam should be looking to do a twirl out ala Hope and leave LA for a bit to shake all this shit off. Come back in 6-8 months as Liam Cooper and Spencer goatee free when the baby arrives and the divorce is final. 

24 minutes ago, bittersweet4149 said:

Nah, that no-crying heifer is "down with a discount." Her theme song is 'O.P.P.'

For the win, LOL.

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9 minutes ago, bittersweet4149 said:

Nah, that no-crying heifer is "down with a discount." Her theme song is 'O.P.P.'

SC and DD killed it today, but WTH was up with Lottie, Dottie, and E'rebody putting the blame on Two-bits$Bill? Bill's a no-good, SOB, but Katie knows Still's history; no way in hell should she have immediately assumed it was all on Bill. It's not like he tripped and accidentally fell in Steffy's cooch. She welcomed him with open thighs and loved every minute of it.

Show better have Hope read that trick for filth, or else all the soapy goodness of the last 5 shows was for nothing.

Bittersweet4149, would you like to place a small wager on whether or not She Whose Ugly Ass Must Be Propped will be held accountable for any of this?

Stuffy is not only the sum total of both her parents, but she also evidently inherited their Teflon coatings.  The excuses and justifications will come fast and furious, ranging from "Oh, she just fell on the dick and couldn't get up" to "She was so dickmatized that she just couldn't remember what happened."  Didn't the heifer already liken this to an out-of-body experience?  We've already seen the "Bill took advantage of a distraught wife" excuse trotted out by those who were disappointed that the Swill animal sacrifice wasn't as romantic and sexy as they had feverishly hoped it would be.

In the writers' haste to sell Swill as a "love story," they inundated the audience with soft porn flashbacks by both of the perpetrators of this dirty deed.  Stuffy was so "traumatized" afterward that she couldn't stay away from Bill.  In fact, she proudly accepted his praise for bringing his family together on Thanksgiving Day.  Yet, they had an impromptu and secret meeting right there in PawPaw's house that day.  She was drawn to Bill like a moth to a flame--or like flies to shit, in retrospect. 

Oh, and of course, Stuffy is "stubborn like Bill."  An odd observation for Katie to make given that the same thing used to be said about her and Bill.  Come on, writers.  I see what you did there.  Please, don't do that, i.e. using the very character, who had her history with Bill obliterated, to prop Swill.  #DoBetterBitches

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24 minutes ago, bittersweet4149 said:

Nah, that no-crying heifer is "down with a discount." Her theme song is 'O.P.P.'

SC and DD killed it today, but WTH was up with Lottie, Dottie, and E'rebody putting the blame on Two-bits$Bill? Bill's a no-good, SOB, but Katie knows Still's history; no way in hell should she have immediately assumed it was all on Bill. It's not like he tripped and accidentally fell in Steffy's cooch. She welcomed him with open thighs and loved every minute of it.

Show better have Hope read that trick for filth, or else all the soapy goodness of the last 5 shows was for nothing.

Took a break from compiling year end numbers (OH! the joy!) and read this. 

Shit put a smile right on my face and I was like "Hi, ho, Hi, ho, off I go back to number crunching"

Thanks so much @bittersweet4149!

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Good show this week, mostly. In a sea of good scenes and interesting things I found the most interesting the fact that the first thing Steffy did was to protect Dolla and the first thing he did was to protect her.  Steffy actress pulled this off so much better than I expected, DD, OTOH, did not. He looked like he was holding back laughter when it was not a good time to do it and the overly dramatic "What have I done!" was laughable.  Steffy is indeed Teflon when you can't count on Katie to be Katie and get judgey with her. And I like Katie but I was not expect her to "there, there" the little tramp. Dolla seems ready to accept all the blame and that's disappointing. Steffy made the choice she's been salivating over and deserves her share. I enjoyed the play of emotions on Katie's face as she figured it out. 

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