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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Wasn't Brooke the one who was attached to her egg during that whole insanely insulting storyline with Taylor ending up with Brooke's egg? I guess she forgot all about that.

Uggghh I should not have brought that mess up or thought about it again. More rage.

Brooke didn't find out about the mix up til a post delivery complication made it necessary for Bridget to tell her for that very reason.
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That's an excellent point. Would Brooke have wanted Hope to be someone's surrogate back when she was still a very public virgin and dating Liam?

Seeing as such an act would revolve around someone who wasn't Hope Logan, I doubt Brooke would ever ever hear of such a proposal. :p

I agree, though.

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Maya is the worst. What a selfish narcissist. Rick is no better.


Preach it. I just gag when I see these two on screen. I know, I know - the pairing is the best love story evah! Bah.



Maya would lose her mind.


It would be a very short trip but I would love to see this. Moreso if Maya was actually played by a semi-competent actress.

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 And in all probability, they will all be in the room to watch Nicole being incriminate. Nicole will lie between Maya's legs and Rick and Zende will be at the head of the table so Maya and Nicole can gaze into Rick's and Zende's eyes. Well at least Maya will be there to make sure the doctor is doing it right.


I've been trying not to think about Margaret Atwood since this idiocy started.

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UGH---I have been asked by others "have you quit that show" and I say YES---until I see something that is not about 

Raya the selfish or Nicole the stupid or the waffle or Ivy and Wyatt or really everything ---I guess I am done---so sad because there is some potential here but not now---


***I want to watch this show---I like the actors,  I like the sets but I just turn into a rage monkey and someone I don't like much when I see some of these storylines---sigh---so for now I will just keep reading here.

Edited by Oly
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Thank you for saying what I was thinking.  I wondered why no one had mentioned all the changes a pregnancy causes your body.  I know that it sounds shallow, but aren't most of us fairly shallow at Nicole's age?  Besides there are lots of changes besides just stretch marks and weight gain.


All her mother should have to say to her is "once you give birth to this baby, there will never be a day in your life where you cough or sneeze and don't immediately worry you're going to piss yourself a little bit."  Game over. 

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Just saw a clip on CBS' site, and the Avants are at the doctor's office pleading with Nicole to not do it because it will be a big mistake.

Nicole needs to see what childbirth is like and to realise that at the end, all she will get is pain, stitches (if tearing occurred or an episiotomy was needed), and no baby. Meanwhile, someone else is bonding with her baby and doing skin to skin immediately after birth.

I don't know where the writers are going with this. It would seem cruel for Bell to Bait Maya along and then bam...Nicole changes her mind. It would also be ten kinds of messed up if this was the only child the character could have. All roads lead to somebody potentially getting hurt.

They need to stop saying it's just a year. Pregnancy may only be 40 +/- weeks, but it takes awhile to feel like yourself again. Tell that to those mummies who are battling PND like Hayden Panettiere--who is seeking in-patient treatment 10/11 months after giving birth. The hormones get you, too. Are they going to ask Nicole to breastfeed? Bell doesn't believe in boundaries. But it's just a year.

Edited by AussieBabe
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Jack who?


Jack ain't coming back until RJ is aged up to a teen and Grandpa Marone is declared dead leaving some hidden fortune to his living grandchildren which will prompt teen Jack to gripe that RJ 'Isn't a real Marone! He's a Forrester (at heart)!' and the two of them (and their fathers) battle for the Marone cannolli. Or cheesecake. Or whatever Grampy Marone bequeathed.


You know what would be a great twist? Nick and Taylor got back together offscreen and she's become a legit mother to Jack so when all this ish comes down, Taylor's battling Brooke once again via their children AND Brooke's foaming at the mouth that the bio kid she left to be raised by Nick is now close to Taylor and so now she wants to get close to Jack- which will piss off RJ to no end-and she's snuggling up to Nick-which would piss off Taylor (and Bridget when she visits for the holidays).


Hey, it's better than Brooke being meddling, nosy Stephanie wannabe.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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All her mother should have to say to her is "once you give birth to this baby, there will never be a day in your life where you cough or sneeze and don't immediately worry you're going to piss yourself a little bit."  Game over. 

Truer words have never been typed or read! I wish someone had told me that! Actually, Nicole, not even after you give birth, it also occurs during pregnancy for some, who shall remain nameless.


At first, I thought Nicole & Rick would end up bonding and fall in love, but I think if she does go through with it, and she does get pregnant with the Raya kid & not Zende's, there will be some complication and this will be the only child she'll ever be able to carry. That'd actually make for a great story, because everyone would be affected, and Papa Avant could strut like a peacock, inappropriate or not.


I have to say, I watch two other soaps, & B&B by far keeps their stories under wraps/spoiler-free better than the other two I watch. For example, no one that I read expected Maya to be transgender, but I knew last week that Carly on GH was going to be the first one to have proof that Jake/Jason are the same dude.

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I realize TIIC don't like mixing up the bubbles they keep their characters, but wouldn't this be a good time for Katie to talk to her new niece about PPD, or Donna to discuss the difficulties of giving up Marcus or Bridget's many, many attempts at live birth?

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Bridget had quite a few miscarriages and a stillborn. Wasn't there a surrogate involved who also had a miscarriage?

It would make for a different spin if something caused this to be the only child she could carry. The drama would be there, and I could see her struggling to give up the child or flat out refusing. Even if they don't go that route, they could say that any future pregnancies would be high risk for some reason. I don't want to watch another WTD storyline. They have one going on and for a 19 minute show, that's too much.

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What on earth is with Brooke saying today to Eric, "I had no idea that Nicole's mother felt so strongly about this." Had she heard one word of what was coming out of Viv's mouth while she was trying to talk some sense into Maya and Rick? It was a pretty impassioned appeal. In fact, I think Brooke & Eric's response was bordering on disrespectful to Maya's parents, giving the Avants' (very valid) concerns lip service but basically whatevering them.


And...we're back to more sperm talk! Rick's little swimmers have been washed and prepped, everybody! Aren't you so glad to be made aware of the status of his sperm sample? Ugh, this show. (But who knew that sperm had to be washed?!)

Edited by Shira
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I saw a lot of Monday's show and I swear Maya looked like she wanted to take a big old Vampire BITE out of her own sister's uterus.  I full expected her to grow fangs and start drooling she looked so delighted with herself that Nicole had fallen for this manipulation. It has been what 3 days in show time from the time they approached Nicole with the idea, and this appointment when she's about to be used as a walking incubator.

Give the poor girl a few weeks to think, breath, party like the young girl she is, talk to more than ONE person about this!

Shut up Brooke. "I approve", Of you zipping your lip

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  Three cheers for Mama Avant! What she lacks in balls (so to speak) she more than made up for good, old-fashioned common sense. As a mother herself, Vivienne knows all too well how much pregnancy changes a woman, inside and out, especially the first time. There's no way in Hell that Nicole's not going to bond with her baby-and it will always be hers, no matter what Maya and/or Rick say.  If Raya thinks for a second that once Nicole gives birth that she's just going to move on with her life like it never happened, then they're even more delusional than I thought.


 While Julius & Viv were the voices of reason, Brooke & Eric were not only pious and condescending, they were batshit crazy. If Hope were in Nicole's place, they wouldn't even consider saying yes, let alone do it.  Brooke & Eric need to have more seats than the Superdome and STFU, while they're at it.



Is Zende out waffling waffles?


  While Zende's flip-flop is disappointing, he'll never be more wishy-washy than Liam, as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by DollEyes
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I'm hoping that Rick's little swimmers can't actually swim. Wouldn't that be a hoot? That doctor ought to be sued for malpractice for even considering this a viable option for Nicole. She's too fucking young and inexperienced. Maya is a horrible, horrible person for not putting the brakes on this, especially after hearing her parents' arguments. Have a baby if you want, but using Nicole's body is just all kinds of wrong. Maybe a key part of Maya's "true, authentic self" is missing because her behavior is just heinous.And I, too, wish Vivian had asked that silly cow Brooke if she would ever have allowed a 19-year-old Bridget or Hope to do such a preposterous thing. 


Last night I was thinking: what if Rick started falling in love with Nicole as he watched her belly swell with his spawn. Eww!

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Cheers all around for Mumma and Papa Avant!

Nicole's face and demeanor changed when she learned that her mum was against it. The colour just about drained from Maya's face when they stood as one against her. And I love how she was speaking for Nicole like she doesn't have a voice. She cannot stand that her parents are right. No matter what she does, that baby will always be Nicole's and Rick's. If she thinks she'll just toss the child like a basketball and walk away, she's truly out of her mind. Mothers don't just get on with life. They lost Maya years ago, and they are still there because they love their child and have that bond. They cannot deny that it's there, and for them to just expect Nicole to carry on like she has no bond is asking for trouble.

This would be a prime moment for the doc to pump the brakes on this. Read the room lady and more importantly read Nicole's face.

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Boy if looks could kill Papa Avant would be a pile of ashes right about now. Maya was eyeballing him like, "How dare you try to stop me from getting what I want, how I want it, and when I want it?! I am Queen Maya! Off with your head!"

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Why are they moving so bloody fast? Nicole was literally at the doctor's office like yesterday/a couple of days ago in on screen time because she apologised to Zende for leaving so abruptly last night/other night. If I'm not mistaken, he called while she was at the doctor's office and asked her to meet him in his room that night. She had about 24-72 hours to prepare? Yet they keep saying no pressure.

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Boy if looks could kill Papa Avant would be a pile of ashes right about now. Maya was eyeballing him like, "How dare you try to stop me from getting what I want, how I want it, and when I want it?! I am Queen Maya! Off with your head!"


The reason no one is listening to him is because he's been exposed as a shitty parent and shittier person.  The fact that neither of his daughters will listen to him, regardless of the validity of what he's saying, is no one's fault but his own.  He can't even claim a moral high ground since he's willing to practically push Zende on top of Nicole to stop this.  Why should Maya like him, respect him, or even acknowledge his opinion at all?  

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Well, I think the kind of parent Papa Avant may be is beside the point. His past mistakes don't change the fact (IMO) that Maya is taking advantage of Nicole and won't listen to anyone who tries to tell her so.

Again, I'd be really curious to see what would happen if Rick changed his mind about using Nicole in this way. Is he ever going to be allowed to disagree with the matriarch?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Well, I think the kind of parent Papa Avant may be is beside the point. His past mistakes don't change the fact (IMO) that Maya is taking advantage of Nicole and won't listen to anyone who tries to tell her so.

Again, I'd be really curious to see what would happen if Rick changed his mind about using Nicole in this way. Is he ever going to be allowed to disagree with the matriarch?

Thank you. What the hell does his parenting skills have to do with the fact that this young girl is in no way ready to have a baby?

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It has been what 3 days in show time from the time they approached Nicole with the idea, and this appointment when she's about to be used as a walking incubator.

Give the poor girl a few weeks to think, breath, party like the young girl she is, talk to more than ONE person about this!

Or take some pre-natel vitamins.

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So Eric...Vivienne can't express how she feels because she has an overbearing husband? You SERIOUSLY didn't think all of the concerns she's been expressing are genuine???  I suppose, though, that when Vivienne was talking all Brooke and Eric heard was "wah wah wah" like Charlie Brown's teacher, since Brooke said she had no idea Vivienne was so concerned.  What is wrong with these people???

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What on earth is with Brooke saying today to Eric, "I had no idea that Nicole's mother felt so strongly about this." Had she heard one word of what was coming out of Viv's mouth while she was trying to talk some sense into Maya and Rick?


This is what I imagine is going on in both Brooke and Eric's head while anyone else (besides Saint Maya and Rick) are speaking:




Again, those two are beyond useless.



It would seem cruel for Bell to Bait Maya along and then bam...Nicole changes her mind.


It's a lot more cruel to allow this story to go on as it is. Nicole is far too young for any of this. It's just stupid. I think poor poor Maya and Rick could figure something else out. Like I don't know ... adoption?!? I would think Maya may have given some consideration to things like this when she got involved with Rick and he said stuff about having children.



if Rick changed his mind about using Nicole in this way. Is he ever going to be allowed to disagree with the matriarch?


Somehow I doubt he is. It would be a far more interesting story if the writers went there.

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I am loving Obba B. but I am madly in love with Anna Maria's portrayal of Vivienne. And I also think she has looked fabulous the last two days as she finally spoke up. To me, she was actually glowing. I hope both hang around forever !!  Great actors !

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I am loving Obba B. but I am madly in love with Anna Maria's portrayal of Vivienne.

They really are great.  Today they had these looks on their faces that seemed so distraught and desperate to do anything to knock some sense into their kid (tm Ridge).  They're the only saving grace in this whole story...ironic when it looks like the writers REALLY don't want us siding with them.

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Why are they moving so bloody fast? Nicole was literally at the doctor's office like yesterday/a couple of days ago in on screen time because she apologised to Zende for leaving so abruptly last night/other night. If I'm not mistaken, he called while she was at the doctor's office and asked her to meet him in his room that night. She had about 24-72 hours to prepare? Yet they keep saying no pressure.

Instead of a shotgun wedding we have a shotgun surrogacy. It seems the more the Avants objected, the faster the appointment was made.

No pressure, but with every conversation Maya has to confirm, to Nicole, how happy and grateful she for Nicole to give her this gift. I still say Nicole's decision is based solely on not wanting to disappoint Maya. Right now, for Nicole, fantasy is out weighing reality; but when reality finally sets in, Nicole will finally realize she got screwed.

Mr. Bell, unless Rick has one hell of a very expensive health insurance policy, invetro is not covered by insurance.

What else can be said about Eric and Brooke that hasn't been said? I think it has all been covered.

Edited by Waldo13
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I think it's a bloody awful SL, and if this is the writers attempt at being PC, they're doing a piss poor job. If there are trans individuals in the demographic, I have to wonder how they feel about this lunacy.

I think I'd be against it even it wasn't Rick and Maya. It's too much to ask of someone who hasn't had at least one healthy pregnancy. Anything can go wrong. When professionals are advising against it, is there any harm in slowing down?

I don't remember all the ins and outs of Bridget's surrogate, but that storyline wasn't as rushed. I wasn't outraged by that. Of course she didn't ask her sisters to do it for her, though. If Nicole was older, done having children, and had a support system that wasn't attached to any outcome, maybe then.

Julius isn't as small minded as I originally thought. He seemed pretty enlightened. He mentioned other methods and said they'd be happy to have a grandchild but not like this. He may be rough around the edges and not say everything in a PC way, but that doesn't mean he's wrong.

I can't say he was a questionable parent. Fact is, not everybody is always accepting of transgendered men and women. The immediate acceptance by the Forrester clan was highly unrealistic. Not every trans person comes from wealth or marries into wealth. A lot of them become sex workers to fund the operations and have to deal with losing entire families or deal with doctors refusing to prescribe medicines because they disagree with their choices. Candis Cayne--trans actress and activist--once described an incident with a gynaecologist who a) refused to give her hormones and b) told the person she was with to not bring "people like Candis" to his/her office. Julius' speech at their wedding was poignant. His father disowned him because of Maya, and instead of her softening and realising that she's not entitled to acceptance because she's her authentic self, she demanded that he leave. I'd say they're due for some therapy.

Edited by AussieBabe
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I am so glad I don't watch regularly anymore, this Gimme a Baby story is what rage blackouts are made for. I had my first and only child at 43! And once I knew he was there.. I couldn't imagine not being bonded to him.

I know families who have been given the gift of adoption, and those who have used other means. But the chance that the birthing mother will bond with and be unable to give up their child is very real and more probable than not.

I wish someone could at least delay Queen Maya's baby blood lust. Someone please suggest they wait three months... three Damn cycles, and revisit this insanity in the New Year. Why does this need to happen RIGHT NOW? Is someone dying?

Sorry, this was a lengthy rant from someone only keeping up with the show here, but I've seen how this kind of thing can and does backfire, badly for everyone. Plus I am loving the Parents Avant. Someone needs to toss a net over poor trapped Nicole and dork shuffle her off to an exotic locale. With REAL doctors and therapists, and REAL FRIENDS or experienced mothers to talk to and learn from.

So, Thomas was "banished" to Paris for the length of a serious TimeOut?

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I am loving Obba B. but I am madly in love with Anna Maria's portrayal of Vivienne.



They really are great.



They are!  I only watch the episode if my cable description mentions these two characters.  Half the "actors" on this show could never get work anywhere else except Y&R, DAYS or GH.

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Is Zende out waffling waffles?

 While Zende's flip-flop is disappointing, he'll never be more wishy-washy than Liam, as far as I'm concerned.


Zende's hardly been on Show, but it's still early. So far he's proved to not have much of a personality, voice or backbone.



An article in the Atlantic on a similar theme:


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The writers seemed to be foreshadowing with Nicole and Rick having a moment. It would serve Maya right if they bonded and ended up together. I can just see them having another moment over the spawn kicking. Icing Maya out may be the silver lining in this stupid arse storyline.

And if they could read the room, they'd see that she wasn't happy or celebrating like them. That looked like an element of sadness and maybe some regret.

I wonder if the writers are trying to groom Nicole to take Maya's place. You know the writers like when sisters share boyfriends, husbands, etc. Maya and Rick are in what I call the sunshine phase. As we all know, the happy phase comes to a screeching halt.

Edited by AussieBabe
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Today's episode reminded me of a plot line on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine where one of the characters was insta-pregnant with a child because of an attack on the ship rendered the birth-mother unable to carry the child to term. There was one episode where she and the bio dad began to get a bit too chummy for both their comfort...it was played as awkward for laughs, but it was still more thought put into that than anything revolving this current story.

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Saw some interesting speculation elsewhere that Mama Avant may have had a baby before she married Papa Avant which she was compelled to give up for adoption for whatever reasons. I think that would be an interesting twist to arrive while Nicole is pregnant.

I'm really at a loss to understand what point TPTB are trying to make with this storyline. Maya isn't going to be The First Transgendered Woman to Have a Child on a Soap Opera because the baby won't be hers biologically. If what I'm seeing on several soap forums is any indication, Maya is not looking like a heroine or leading lady in this mess and is instead fairly widely loathed. Are they trying to prop Nicole as a self-sacrificing ingenue? If so I'm not sure the actress is up to the task skill-wise since she seems to have only one facial expression--at the moment anyway.

Ugh, could Brooke and Eric be more patronizing?

Oh joy, Maya gets to have every one of her dreams come true! At her misguided sister's expense! Yay!

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Boy if looks could kill Papa Avant would be a pile of ashes right about now. Maya was eyeballing him like, "How dare you try to stop me from getting what I want, how I want it, and when I want it?! I am Queen Maya! Off with your head!"


She looks at everyone that way. Caroline, Ridge, Carter. I wish Stephanie were here for her to try that eyeballing crap with her. Maya would drop those eyes with a quickness.


Actually, Brooke's narrowed 'Are you kidding me?' eyes ain't nothing to shrink from either. It's too bad she's 'Rah Rah,Baby!' and not showing a bit more resistance to the rush. They did just get married afterall -right on the heels of his divorce from Caroline AND a lot of turmoil. Why can't Raya just Netflix and Chill for a bit?

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It's obvious that the writers haven't done their research with regards to surrogacy. I just took 15 minutes and looked at a number of surrogacy organizations, and pretty much across the board they have rules stating any surrogate must be 21 to 41 years of age and must have had one successful birth on their own. Hospitals and clinics are legally bound by these rules. Isn't Nicole 19 or 20, and I doubt she's given birth. I also didn't know that surrogacy is illegal in some states, punishable by a large fine and imprisonment.

I can see a number of scenarios with this pregnancy-----Rickster falling for Nicole, Nicole refusing to give Maya the baby because she falls in love with the child, or the worst scenario of Nicole dying in childbirth.

I really dislike Maya and her self absorbed, selfishness. Plus, her single acting talent of the wide eyed, doe in headlights look is wearing thin.

Will someone please tell these long haired women that when they part their hair down the back of their heads, and then pull it all forward to make their hair look all thick and full from the front, that it really looks bad from behind, as evidenced by Brooke when she was "flirting" with Eric today.

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Brooke when she was "flirting" with Eric today.

I've been thinking this for a while now, but it looks more and more (to me anyway) like Brooke & Eric are going to get back together.
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Well the deed is done. Rick's swimmers, after basking by the pool, finally got the chance to jump in. To take sort of a quote out of "Damn Yankees", Whatever Maya wants Maya gets. Or to quote Adm. Farragut, "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead". I'm now curious, after Maya saying that nothing will come between her and Nicole, how this will turn out. Those lines are always the precursor for disaster down the road. Just ask Wyatt when he told Quinn that Ivy is loyal to him. If Thomas keeps pursuing Ivy, I'm quite sure there is a sword with his name on it.

I thought the mansion only has a couple of bedrooms so how is their room for Brooke when there isn't any room for Eric. I guess Eric really meant that Brooke and him should sleep in the guest house.

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I can't see the writers killing the character of Nicole off. What I can see is Maya losing everything and not getting that fairytale ending. Aside from her father, she's never been face to face with opposition. I would love for Nicole to decide that she wants her baby. I just want to see if Maya will turn on her ever so close sister if she decides that. It would eat her alive to see her husband coparenting with her sister and raising the baby she was sure she'd have.

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I can see a number of scenarios with this pregnancy-----Rickster falling for Nicole, Nicole refusing to give Maya the baby because she falls in love with the child, or the worst scenario of Nicole dying in childbirth.


Nicole will have complications in childbirth and won't be able to have any more children while Rick and Maya bill and coo at Nicole's only child.


Zende blandly stands outside of the continued Avant/Forrester baby kerfluffle, "I support your decision, Nicole."



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Aside from her father, she's never been face to face with opposition.

Caroline was opposition in the beginning.  I also recall Dayzee not liking Maya very much, pretty much saying Maya didn't "deserve" to be with a Forrester.

Saw some interesting speculation elsewhere that Mama Avant may have had a baby before she married Papa Avant which she was compelled to give up for adoption for whatever reasons.

Knowing these hacks, it would somehow end up being Zende.
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I just want Maya to end up with a nice slice of humble pie and for once to not get her way. I hope these hack job writers wouldn't have Nicole happily giving up her baby and then everyone praise Maya for her courage and bravery. The boot licking and bum kissing is sickening.

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I've been thinking this for a while now, but it looks more and more (to me anyway) like Brooke & Eric are going to get back together.

At this point, why the hell not? I'd prefer this over yet another round with Ridge or poaching men from her female relatives. Just as long as it doesn't become another triangle that Taylor gets involved in.
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Does Rick even want this kid? Ridge (love it!) He's acting so passive about the whole thing. He does realize that his role is going to expand beyond sperm donor, doesn't he?


The way Maya patted and kissed Nicole on the head and whispered "thank you" is what I do to my cat when she doesn't try to stick her nose in my bowl of ice dream.


Other than Steffy, there hasn't been a character on this show that I've despised as much as I do Maya. Whether you think KM is a good actress or not, she's sure stirring up the hate waves.

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Wtf line of the day: "You can't practice something that you've never done before." -Nicole

Poor little tink tink has no idea what she's done. This isn't like taking tennis lessons or playing the piano. The writers have written it like she doesn't even remotely comprehend that she's giving up her first baby. It's like no one wants to address the rainbow coloured elephant in the room. This isn't like she got pregnant after birth control failed, and she knows the child would be better off with more stable parents.

What was that look on her face when they were hugging and crying? That wasn't happiness and confidence in her decision. The moment for concern wasn't AFTER Rick's DNA had been injected into her uterus. She had the time to leave with her parents or to ask for more time. I want to see how it plays out.

Edited by AussieBabe
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UGH--i am getting so maybe it would be better if I did not come here to see what awful thing happened now with Raya or anyone else---I really like some of these characters (not Raya or thomas or maybe even Bill) but still I hate how awful it all is---makes me sad---even though my B&B viewing has been sporadic over maybe 20 years I cannot ever remember it being as icky (yeah I know Taylor etc) as it is now with Raya and Thomas the slitherin---so sad when there are so few shows to choose from and this one chooses to be whatever the ick it is now-----USE Rena Sofer and some of the real talent you have and not the dweebs--how hard can that be? 

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Again I just have to say that there are really some good characters and actors and great sets and all the rest so why can't this show shine? Especially when the competition is what it is? I do not understand---the bar is not that high and they KNOW how to be better---sigh.

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