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S31.E08: You Call, We Haul

Tara Ariano

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Why would they grovel to them? Great as the idol play was, Ciera, Wentworth and Abi are still a minority of three and now a minority of three without an idol. Which again was exactly why Wentworth was wise enough to say she wasn't going to throw names and call people out who she may need to work with again if she survived the tribal council. The fact is they still need some people willing to flip with them to have any chance.


Wentworth now needs to drop Ciera like a hot potato and try and find a way to use Savage's absence to her advantage. I have faith in her!



If the three girls convince Joe, Wiggles and Spencer (who already know they are on their bottom of the majority alliance and till now have been used only as a vote) they have the 6 majority and they can pick the strong people out one by one. How sweet would that be? Wiggles needs to justify her existance in this game, now is the great time to do it!




Or this! Now that Savage is gone, Spencer and Joe might be a lot more likely to go with the other side than they were last night. And what about Keith? I see him being more loyal to the girls and Joe, but I just don't know. 



Ahhhh, that's why I'm loving this season. It could really go any way. 

  • Love 3

What I don't get is why Jeremy is considered to be playing an amazing game by basically doing ... nothing (not winning, not strategizing, just being in a big alliance) while Kimmi (who in my eyes has played the exact same game with the addition that she protected her bayon alliance by ousting Monica who was plotting against it) is being seen as a goat who is being dragged to the end. Jeremy has done nothing extraordinary. He sure has the strategy to be Stephen's LJ and keep Joe as a shield but Kimmi can have the same strategy keeping Jeremy and Joe as HER shield and we know nothing about it. I mean, the editors choose what we see right?

  • Love 6

Savage's "Survivor gods" speech was strange. I know there is great variation in beliefs about whether God cares about Survivor at all, and if so, when and to what extent. But Savage seems to literally believe there is a group of deities dedicated entirely to Survivor.

Earlier when he spoke of the "Survivor gods", I assumed he meant it metaphorically, the way people talk about the "baseball gods" favoring players that play the game right.

  • Love 4
Nine million times people discuss splitting the vote and it never matters. The one time they don't discuss it and they get bitten in the ass.



And the worst part is, they had the numbers to pull of the split-vote!  Contestants have shown themselves to be so risk-averse when it comes to HII's, it's inconceivable to me that there wasn't enough of a consensus within that 9-person alliance to insist on a vote-split.


Why would they grovel to them? Great as the idol play was, Ciera, Wentworth and Abi are still a minority of three and now a minority of three without an idol.



I agree that while last night's play protected Kelly short-term (read: last night only) it still leaves them down 8-3.  The 8 can still split their votes next week and ensure that one of the 3 go home.  


Granted, even buying yourself 3 more days is not nothing.  But I think the smarter play might've been to wave that HII around and hold out the possibility that she might give it to Ciera or Abi.  At least that might have forced the 9 to reveal more of the pecking order during the TC.  And even if Kelly ended up losing an alliance-mate and her HII, she still might've exposed enough cracks in that 9-person alliance to give herself something to work with.


Elsewhere . . . Someone needs to explain to Ciera that "not being willing to risk themselves to save your useless ass" does not equal "not playing the game".


I don't think Stephen was correct about this season being so incredibly different from all others.  But I do think it's interesting that within the "alphas" within the 9-person alliance seem to know they're targets, and the people at the bottom of that alliance seem to know they're at the bottom, but feel that they'll still have sufficient numbers to get out the targets once they clear out Wentworth/Abi/Ciera.  They may not be right.  But I don't think they're being irrational.

  • Love 3

I love Joe winning and foiling everyone's plans and I also just love Joe in general.


I love Joe too, and for the longest time, I was trying to figure out why.  Yes, yes, I know the whole eye candy aspect, which, while it cannot be ignored, just isn't my standard operating mode.  But this episode, I figured it out...Joe is like the recent winner from "Face-Off" - Nora - he is unflaggingly positive, doesn't gloat when he wins, seems to genuinely like interacting with all of the contestants - whether in his alliance or not - and seems to be in it for the pleasure of playing the game, rather than winning a $1,000,000.  So, go Joe!  (And please don't prove me wrong by acting like a dickwad in the next episode.)

  • Love 21

Kelley's play was similar to Hali's play last year. I don't think that it changes Kelley, Ciera or Abi's position in the game. I think the real difference is that these are returning players and that the scheming within the top five, Andrew, Joe, Stephen, Jeremy and Tasha has been pretty active.


I think the Joe/Stephen split is very evident and is something that is going to prevent the easy vote out of Ciera, Kelley and Abi. Joe sees the three of them as votes. Jeremy knows this, it is why they targeted Kelley (secret scene). Stephen is not going to let it go and it is going to blow things up.


I think Jeremy gets more props then Kimmi because of how he is seen. Jeremy helped put together a strong alliance and he has been able to shift the vote from the people that he likes pretty easily. He protected Stephen tonight and Joe a few weeks back. People bring Jeremy information and include Jeremy in the initial strategy conversation. We have not seen people bringing information to Kimmi or discussing strategy solo with Kimmi. Kimmi is normally involved in group discussions. That tells me that Jeremy is the one calling the shots and Kimmi is one of his trusted lieutenants. I also think Jeremy is tanking challenges when he feels safe but is doing a ton in other challenges. He carried a box all by himself in the reward challenge. Kimmi does not have the same type of strength and is less of a challenge threat then Jeremy could be.


I think losing Andrew is going to shack things up at camp. Right now the numbers are 8 - 3 but it is a lot easier to shift 3 votes now then it was to shift 4 votes when it was 9 - 3. All that really needs to happen is for Stephen or Joe to decide that they want to work with the three and target someone else.

  • Love 7
And kudos to him for calling it a tuk-tuk correctly.  He must watch The Amazing Race too.  (Damn now I'm starting to like Ol' Spitter a little).


Except that at first he said "what are they called?" and someone (Kelley?) said "Tuk-tuks" and he said "yeah, Totos" and this apparently merited its own hashtag.  By the time he was driving it he'd figured it out or had been corrected off-camera.

This also despite the fact that they were feasting at the "Tuk-Tuk Cafe," welcomed to the Tuk-Tuk Cafe by name, and over the cafe was a picture of a tuk-tuk and the name Tuk-Tuk Cafe.

(Or as Jeff Probst likes to call it, "Survivor Cafe.")



I love Joe too, and for the longest time, I was trying to figure out why.  Yes, yes, I know the whole eye candy aspect, which, while it cannot be ignored, just isn't my standard operating mode.  But this episode, I figured it out...Joe is like the recent winner from "Face-Off" - Nora - he is unflaggingly positive, doesn't gloat when he wins, seems to genuinely like interacting with all of the contestants - whether in his alliance or not - and seems to be in it for the pleasure of playing the game

Someone upthread wondered about the appeal of Joe too, and for me, this is it.  He loves the camp life stuff, and he is unfailingly a kind person.  I think he does have a sense of humor, but it's subtle and low-key like the "no collar" person he was pegged as, and same for his personality.  To me, having a through-and-through kind and positive personality goes a long way.  And yes, he is good-looking too.

Unlike Savage, who makes snap judgments about people's moral worth (which strangely somehow seem to parallel how useful to his game they are), Joe seems to approach each person on their own merits, whether or not he's allying with them.  

Edited by Jobiska
  • Love 20

The reading of the votes was so epic that it moved all of Peachy's references to "Joe's Balls" to the back burner. How much did Probst love that phrase, anyway?


And why these rocket scientists did not split the vote between Wentworth and Ciera, or Wentworth and Abi (DAMN!!!) is beyond me. Wow. Rule #1 when you know no one has played an immunity idol, yet? 

And GOD PLEASE STOP the Fishbach whining/obsession with Joe. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 4

Except that at first he said "what are they called?" and someone (Kelley?) said "Tuk-tuks" and he said "yeah, Totos" and this apparently merited its own hashtag.  By the time he was driving it he'd figured it out or had been corrected off-camera.

This also despite the fact that they were feasting at the "Tuk-Tuk Cafe," welcomed to the Tuk-Tuk Cafe by name, and over the cafe was a picture of a tuk-tuk and the name Tuk-Tuk Cafe.



Thanks.  Shows how much I pay attention to Keith I didn't even notice those flubs earlier.


ChicksDigScars, go several pages back for exact quote where someone posted what Stephen said on twitter about this vote.  It's been mentioned a lot since the first post too.  Something about how they didn't trust Andrew and Joe not to jump ship on them so they thought a split vote wouldn't be safe. 


Of course Stephen didn't mention in that twitter posting that he was responsibile for this fiasco for his side by going after Joe to start with (and before the IC besides) thus splitting off Joe and Andrew to an extent that they couldn't be trusted, d'oah.  (Stephen is only "strategic" in his own head). 

Edited by green
  • Love 4

Per Ciera's Twitter, Joe told her, and she, in turn, told Kelley.  That's how she was ready for the vote.

Thanks for the info!

I am really pleased that Kelley Wentworth didn't tell a soul about her idol, not even her alliance mate. How cool was that? So many times they tell someone, and that person tells someone else, yadda yadda. Or an alliance mate pressures them into letting them use it. Kelley handled it like I expect more of them to, but they never do!

  • Love 7
I think losing Andrew is going to shack things up at camp. Right now the numbers are 8 - 3 but it is a lot easier to shift 3 votes now then it was to shift 4 votes when it was 9 - 3. All that really needs to happen is for Stephen or Joe to decide that they want to work with the three and target someone else.



I believe the seeds are already sown for Joe to align with Wentworth/Ciera/Abi.  And a 7-4 split is alot different than an 8-3 split.  Especially when the 7 consist, for all practical purposes, of sub-alliances of 4 and 3.

  • Love 2

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around not being tight enough to split the vote.  If you don't trust say 3-4 people enough to vote for Ciera, why are you any safer telling them to vote for Kelley?  If they're going to flip on you, they could flip under either scenario.  I can kind of see it if Kelley was some universally hated and feared player and Ciera was loved, but they feel about the same from the edit.  


I agree.  It seemed like everyone of the 9 had an incentive to get rid of either Wentworth or Ciera and no had apparently had any incentive to defect at that point.  (I think the pre-existing alliances that always exist with returnee-seasons comes into play on that issue as well).


There was approximately zero risk that enough votes would've defected to give Wentworth/Ciera/Abi a majority.  Worst-case-scenario would've been Joe defecting in retaliation for Stephen targeting him.  But that still would've resulted in a 4-4-4 tie that would've been taken care of on the tie-breaker

  • Love 1

There had been serious discussion of getting rid of Stephen and Joe. Joe was obviously safe but Joe and Andrew wanted Stephen out. All it would take was Joe and Andrew agreeing to split the vote and then get with the three on the bottom and say they were voting for Stephen. I am pretty sure that Joe could have gotten Spencer to vote with them as well.


Honestly, I think everyone is very well aware of the tensions in the larger alliance and that they did not want to risk one of those groups splitting. Granted, that split could have happened without splitting the vote but I think they saw it as risky.


The bonus clips, secret scene, and Andrew's exit interviews indicate that they were leaning towards believing that there were no immunity idols. Neither Jeremy or Kelley told anyone about their idols and no one had found a clue for an idol. They had been looking but not finding anything made them think that there were no idols. Jeremy did not think Kelley had an idol because he knew were he had to find his and how tricky it was and he didn't think Kelley could pull that off.

  • Love 3

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around not being tight enough to split the vote.  If you don't trust say 3-4 people enough to vote for Ciera, why are you any safer telling them to vote for Kelley?  If they're going to flip on you, they could flip under either scenario.  I can kind of see it if Kelley was some universally hated and feared player and Ciera was loved, but they feel about the same from the edit.  

If you split the vote, someone wanting to blindside a member of their own alliance can do so more easily by bringing in the underdogs, who would be grateful to go along with your plan.  So Joe could get the girls to help him and Savage take out Stephen, for example.  (Joe's failure to do something like this was probably what Wentworth meant by his failure to grow a pair.)

Edited by Cricketoo
  • Love 7

Stephen was really foolish to start selling the blindside of Joe BEFORE the immunity challenge. He had plenty of support and it seemed like most had the same idea. But knowing how great Joe is in challenges he should have waited until Joe lost one.

There would still have been plenty of time to vote out Joe, as eventually he would have lost a challenge.

Heck, maybe Stephen could have won if they did a poetry challenge or one where you have to fill up a bucket with your own tears.

Now Joe knows Stephen is out to get him and will likely try to orchestrate a flip to the girl's alliance.

  • Love 5

Does anyone else yell "Come on in GUYYYS!" with Jeff like I do?  Maybe it was the alcohol talking.


I wish I could understand the Joe appeal. I love a pretty boy with a man bun as much as the next girl, but he seems to have zero personality or sense of humor. Pretty on its own does't cut it. I am open to other opinions if someone has seen something I've missed.


I've been so into sports this summer that I realized I never prefer the amazing athletes where everything good comes to them and they seem to have no flaws.  I prefer the personalities or even better, the guys who don't look like athletes yet definitely have their particular skills.  Joe is so Golden Boy so he's nowhere near my favourite contestant but he is such a good guy.  It could all be editing, but he's been edited as not only an amazing participant in the challenges -- always pulls through to win even/after factors work against him -- but also such a sweet, smiling dude.  I think he's almost too good-looking -- not his face mind you, but his body.  His body doesn't look real.  It looks way too good.   I wonder how he got it being such a 'no-collar'.  Does he move furniture or something.


I'm probably being old-fashioned, but I found all the middle fingers to be unnecessary and inappropriate.    The show airs here at 8 pm, a time when a lot of kids are watching TV with their families.   And I know a lot of kids watch this show.


But they were blurred out, yes?  So then the censors feel exactly like you do and no harm, no foul.


Savage's "Survivor gods" speech was strange. I know there is great variation in beliefs about whether God cares about Survivor at all, and if so, when and to what extent. But Savage seems to literally believe there is a group of deities dedicated entirely to Survivor.


LOL, this is so LOST.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 4

Spencer is probably smart enough to realize he is not near the top of the alliance. I wouldn't be surprised to see him and Joe and either Kimmi or Keith join the girls alliance next week.

You're giving Kimmi way too much credit there. Someone needs to smack her with a clue by four and make her realize that what Ciera is saying is correct...she's playing for 5th at best.

  • Love 5


That being said, I was frustrated with Jeremy saving Stephen tonight...I wonder if he regrets that now.

I don't think that was a bad move on Jeremy's part, his primary interest in Stephen seems to be being his new JT. Plus, Stephen's not much of an immunity threat.


Back to Ciera, she can pontificate all she wants and Savage is annoying but he is right, she would not be acting the way she is if she wasn't on the bottom which okay, you're fighting and playing the game. But don't make it seem like it's because no one else is and you're just enlightening them to that. Because if that were really the case, how easily she jumped on the Fishbach blindside when that seemed likely because she was just glad it wasn't her. She didn't try to float Savage's name which is clearly who she really wanted out.

No, she was wiling to go with Fishbach, even after she was willing to work with him to go for Joe, because that's where the numbers were at the time and it meant she was safe. So isn't that what people like Spencer, Keith, Tasha, etc. are doing? And she decides it means they're not playing. Girl can't get booted fast enough as far as I'm concerned.


I don't really think Ciera really believes that the others aren't playing, that's just the strategy she's using to work her way out from the bottom of the pile. 


Yes, Savage's point about her playing that way because of her position is true, but kind of a Captain Obvious statement as well. Of course someone on the bottom is going to want to create a groundswell to change up the levels where someone sitting on top of the heap is going to want to keep everything the same. 


I think she's trying to play to the Spencers and the Fishbachs of the group who pride themselves on strategy and who are sitting kind of in the middle. If she can hang in long enough, she could pull them in and topple the alliance. 


Kelly Wigles, Joe, and Keith might be open votes.


I would love to know what Wiglesworth is thinking/planning for the future of the game. She truly seems to be floating along aimlessly.


You can see how well of a game Jeremy is playing by how quickly he shut down the Fishbach boot. He easily has the most allies and influence at this point.


He seems to be able to sit back and let people come to him without anyone noticing that everyone is circling around him. I bet Savage is kicking himself for letting Jeremy shut him down on the Fischbach vote, as it completely cost him the game. 


I'm not sure why they all go for Wentworth in this situation.  I mean, if you are going to be dumb and not split it, Ciera is more disruptive and has  the bigger mouth.


They showed a secret scene where Spencer, Joe, Tasha, and someone else (maybe Kimmi?) discussed Wentworth vs Ciera and the possibility of a split vote, which they dismissed pretty quickly with nothing more than an "I don't think she has an idol, she would have tried to use it last vote." So good for Kelley keeping that under wraps. 


What I didn't really understand was why Ciera was SO excited immediately after Kelley showed her idol. 90% of the time, the vote is split and in fact, was split the week before with Ciera as the 2nd target, so she could very easily have gotten bounced because of the idol. 


I know I was shocked to see the unanimous Wentworths show up, it's been a long time since I've seen such a cohesive vote. 



  • Love 5


Does anyone else yell "Come on in GUYYYS!" with Jeff like I do?  Maybe it was the alcohol talking.


Yes, Ms Blue Jay, we do.  My family waits for it every challenge and we do it together (Husband, twin 7 year old boys, and myself).  If we miss it, we rewind to make sure we get it.  LOL I thought we were the only ones.  Thanks!

  • Love 3

I think Kimmi knows she is in fifth but is counting that the stronger players will decide that they are better off taking the other strong players out and not going to the finals with them. I am guessing that Stephen and Kimmi are counting on Jeremy, Joe, Andrew and Tasha to target each other and that they would be valuable votes to take out one of the other Alphas. Then they count on bad feelings leading to people not wanting to vote for Jeremy/Joe/Tasha/Andrew at the finals.


I have not seen Kelley as playing under the radar because she has had to hustle to make new connections and try and build something. She was not able to work her way into the main group because she was not on a tribe with one of the lead Alphas. She went to Ta Kao 2 with Keith, Kass, Joe and Ciera. Joe is one of the Alphas but he is not calling the shots and he has had to be protected by Andrew and Jeremy. Spencer ended up on Bayon 2 and was able to bond with Jeremy, a shot calling alpha, and Stephen, a trusted lieutenant. Jeremy caught onto the connection between Joe and Kelley and wanted her out because of that.


Kimmi is playing more under the radar then Kelly. She is riding with the larger alliance, bring info back when she needs to and voting how the group decides. She is not naming names and helping to decide who should go. Her game is based on moving on with Stephen and Jeremy.


I don't think there are too many people playing for second but I think Kimmi would be fine with that. I have no clue if Wiglesworth cares where she lands. Stephen wants to win so badly it hurts and he is going to be crushed when he is booted. Spencer is floating along because he knows that he has a bit of a target on his back and wants to minimize that target. I can see him moving only if he thinks it puts him in a power position otherwise he will keep on floating. Floating will not win him this game.


Tasha has been active and called voting shots but she has burned bridges. There is no way Tasha gets votes from Kass, Ciera or Kelley if she makes the final three. Stephen is seen as playing too hard and scheming too much.


Jeremy and Joe are in great shape. Jeremy has been calling the shots and not pissing people off (so far.) Joe has been winning and talking to outcasts after the merge which will help him if he makes it to the final.


Abi is playing for whatever position she ends up in. She cannot win, she has flipped too often and has been a pain in the ass on the island. Ciera and Kelley are fighting to stay but I don't think they have a chance in hell of staying. If they do, Kelley could win (idol play, not naming names, and a decent social game). I think Ciera has pissed off people with the tribal behavior and her comments at the reward challenge. People don't like being called stupid or being told they are playing a bad game.


Keith is fun and a nice guy and has not shot at winning this game. He might be less active then Kelly Wiglesworth.

  • Love 6
Spencer is floating along because he knows that he has a bit of a target on his back and wants to minimize that target. I can see him moving only if he thinks it puts him in a power position otherwise he will keep on floating. Floating will not win him this game.


I think Spencer is an amazing position, maybe even second to Jeremy, but way up there.


Tribal was very telling.  Kelley and Ciera calling out the Controlling 4-5 did not even name him.  Kelley, Ciera, and Abi all seem to trust and like Spencer for some reason.  Kelley, Ciera, and Abi may distrust/resent Jeremy and Stephen for being the so called Shot Callers of this game.

Jeremy and Joe also seem to trust and like Spencer.

Tasha, Kimmie, and Stephen all do not seem to have any reason to have something against Spencer.  I forgot Keith existed.  Kelly Wigles too.  

So far, so good I say.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 9

I thought it was interesting that Kelly Wig was there on the beach with Ciera, Joe and Kelley while Joe was spilling the beans about how the majority was voting.  He must trust her.  She's probably one of the ones Ciera is frustrated with for not voting against the majority alliance.


It's known that Kelly's with Andrew so he would trust her with that information.


I'm not sure why they all go for Wentworth in this situation.  I mean, if you are going to be dumb and not split it, Ciera is more disruptive and has  the bigger mouth.



 As per secret scenes: Jeremy was trying to clip one of Joe's wings. Stephen wants to work with Ciera and Joe's an idiot. I think everybody else got rid of her because she's the bigger physical threat.


Joe had an actual in with those girls and he blew that up last night.

Kimmi's not close to jumping. She's close to Stephen and probably Jeremy. And Jeremy hasn't done anything to convince her that he's not loyal to her.

If we follow Kelly's trajectory, I'd assume that she goes to Joe next but the girls should definitely target her vote after this tribal.  Other votes the girls should target is Spencer and Tasha. Keith is a lost cause at this point and nobody else has a reason to jump.

  • Love 2
Joe had an actual in with those girls and he blew that up last night.
I don't think he did. If he'd voted against Abi, maybe. But I don't think Kelley/Ciera would hurt their own game over a TC grudge. I actually think the best thing for Kelley/Ciera/Abi would be if Joe loses immunity next competition. If that happens, I see two potential good outcomes. Jeremy's forced to draw a line in the sand about who he values that could drive Stephen away or Joe is forced to work with Kelley/Ciera/Abi to protect himself from Stephen. 


What I don't get is why Jeremy is considered to be playing an amazing game by basically doing ... nothing (not winning, not strategizing, just being in a big alliance) while Kimmi (who in my eyes has played the exact same game with the addition that she protected her bayon alliance by ousting Monica who was plotting against it)


Others have addressed the issue of what Jeremy is doing compared to Kimmi, but I think you do raise a good point that Kimmi has good reason to see herself as part of the core 5 or 4 of the alliance.

  • Love 3

I can't figure out why Savage and not Jeremy.  Not that I am complaining but still, why wouldn't you want to get rid of someone who is a legit threat to win the game.  Instead of a guy who would probably have little to no chance of winning if he were to make it to the end.


Because Abi and Ciera are mad at him for voting against them, or suggesting that they be the decoy vote?  And Kelly was in "anyone but me" mode.  And Andrew was pulling strings and trying to run things. 


Why wasn't the title "Joe's balls are moving" ??????

  • Love 6

Because Abi and Ciera are mad at him for voting against them, or suggesting that they be the decoy vote? And Kelly was in "anyone but me" mode. And Andrew was pulling strings and trying to run things.

Why wasn't the title "Joe's balls are moving" ??????

I was rooting for Joe, but part of me was disappointed that we didn't get to hear Probst exclaim, "Joe's balls have dropped!"

  • Love 9

Krass:  The game and the show are no longer about you (thanks be to whatever):  STFU.

Ciera:  Give the eyerolls a rest.  You remind me of Eliza with her phony jaw-drop every time a vote was read.  Or a Reward revealed.  Or treemail read.  Or a wave hitting the shore.  Stop begging for camera time.

Wents:  Nicely done.  The first person you tell that you have the HII is Jeff at the moment you use it.


The rest of you:  You got 9, they got 3.  Split the vote 3-3-3 against their 3. Plan your tiebreaker vote.  Flush the idol.  2 of them and 1 of you don't vote on the revote.  8 - 1.  If you trust each other.

Edited by Gentian root
  • Love 4
I love Joe too, and for the longest time, I was trying to figure out why.  Yes, yes, I know the whole eye candy aspect, which, while it cannot be ignored, just isn't my standard operating mode.  But this episode, I figured it out...Joe is like the recent winner from "Face-Off" - Nora - he is unflaggingly positive, doesn't gloat when he wins, seems to genuinely like interacting with all of the contestants - whether in his alliance or not - and seems to be in it for the pleasure of playing the game, rather than winning a $1,000,000.  So, go Joe!  (And please don't prove me wrong by acting like a dickwad in the next episode.)


This is a lot of the reason why I like Joe as well - his positive attitude. He just really seems to appreciate the entire experience. I remember how grateful he was on his first season, and he always seemed to want to stop and take it all in. That really stuck out to me. He doesn't appear to have a mean bone in his body, so it's a pleasure to watch him play. 

  • Love 14

My husband is only a casual observer of Survivor and when he saw that scene where Savage was holding court from the hammock, he called a Savage boot. Funny.

These people are crazy if they don't see Jeremy as a threat but we never see him mentioned with the same fear as Joe. I love that Jeremy is content to hide behind the Joe Shield.

Joe is straight beast-mode.

I could've done without all the blatant celebration at Tribal after the blindside but that was well-played by Kelly. Shut up, Ciera.

  • Love 1

Yes, Ms Blue Jay, we do.  My family waits for it every challenge and we do it together (Husband, twin 7 year old boys, and myself).  If we miss it, we rewind to make sure we get it.  LOL I thought we were the only ones.  Thanks!

I do this too! I also say, "Survivors ready?" and "Want to know what you're playing for"!

  • Love 5

Why did Jeremy and Abi laugh when Kimmi dropped her balls?


I don't know, but I didn't appreciate her pawing my TV boyfriend.  Seriously though, I don't think Jeremy was being mean spirited.  It seemed he was laughing appreciatively at how hard Kimmi tried, and Abi clapped before realizing it looked bad.  If Jeremy secretly hates Kimmi, there's no way he would confide it to Abi.


Is Jeremy throwing challenges?  He does great when it's a group effort, but not when it's individual.  He's really reminding me of Derrick from Big Brother.  When Savage wanted to vote out Stephen, Jeremy validated the thought, pointed out why it wouldn't work, then sat back and let it digest.  I hope he wins.

  • Love 5

Wow. Fantastic episode!!!!!

Got to say was so happy to see Savage go. I just couldn't listen to anymore of his sanctimonious hypocritical bullshit! Like seriously does he not get that he blatantly lied to Spencer yet when Steven lies to him he's despicable. God I hate that crap. Its right up there with the "this person deserves to be there / this person doesn't deserve it!"

Love Kelley and loved Abi's parting shot. One of the best tribals ever!

  • Love 5

"Joe's ball are starting to move."

"Joe's balls keep moving continuously!"

"Joe's balls are moving independently now!!"


How did that get filmed without everyone being reduced to giggles?!?  They had some long shots of the contestants watching the Keith-Joe Balls showdown and I think Spencer had a smirk on his face every time JP said "Joe's balls." 


In contrast, I noticed, he said, "Keith is starting to move."  "Some movement for Keith."  And stuff like that.  I guess he doesn't want to invoke Keith's balls as much as he does Joe's.


This message has been brought to you by a 12-year-old boy.

  • Love 17
Four words: "Stick to the plan!"  That's all you need to know about Keith's strategic chops.  Everyone who watched San Juan del Sur will know what I'm talking about. ;)


Haha, I know exactly what you're talking about. Poor Keith. This is "Second Chance", though, so maybe we should hope he learned his lesson? He hasn't blatantly given any plans away, yet, has he? But yea, I just found it comical how dumbfounded he looked while the others were discussing strategy. They're considering taking out big threats and he wants to ride tuk-tuks. 

Granted, even buying yourself 3 more days is not nothing.  But I think the smarter play might've been to wave that HII around and hold out the possibility that she might give it to Ciera or Abi.  At least that might have forced the 9 to reveal more of the pecking order during the TC.  And even if Kelly ended up losing an alliance-mate and her HII, she still might've exposed enough cracks in that 9-person alliance to give herself something to work with.


I think there were too many in the majority alliance to make showing the idol a good strategy.  If she had told them and threatened to give it to Ciera or Abi, then the majority would have split the votes and one of the three would have gone home.

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Kimmi's "move" was ridding herself of Monica. but what else is she doing (and side note -she went gaga over lox? so i guess she IS vegetarian, but not vegan,)


With her being apparently gaga over lox Kimmi must actually be a pescatarian. They eat fish. 


Wentworth now needs to drop Ciera like a hot potato and try and find a way to use Savage's absence to her advantage. I have faith in her!


It would be very stupid for Kelley to drop Ciera. And she's not stupid, so she won't.


What I don't get is why Jeremy is considered to be playing an amazing game by basically doing ... nothing (not winning, not strategizing, just being in a big alliance) while Kimmi (who in my eyes has played the exact same game with the addition that she protected her bayon alliance by ousting Monica who was plotting against it) is being seen as a goat who is being dragged to the end. Jeremy has done nothing extraordinary. He sure has the strategy to be Stephen's LJ and keep Joe as a shield but Kimmi can have the same strategy keeping Jeremy and Joe as HER shield and we know nothing about it. I mean, the editors choose what we see right?


I wish I believed Kimmi was playing as good a game as Jeremy. I wanna root for her so bad. But Kimmi is either very naive, very stupid, or possibly biding her time to make a big move. I am fairly sure it's one of the first 2. And she's almost definitely not playing at Jeremy's level. Jeremy is currently controlling every vote and he's doing it without anyone knowing. He is playing the best game. I just hope the person playing the second best game, Kelley, can take him out.


Jeremy did not think Kelley had an idol because he knew were he had to find his and how tricky it was and he didn't think Kelley could pull that off.


It fills me with so much pleasure to see Jeremy's underestimation of Kelley bite him so quickly. I really hope she can outmaneuver him.


Did this set the record for most votes nullified?


I believe it did. It at least tied it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5


He doesn't appear to have a mean bone in his body, so it's a pleasure to watch him play.

I love, love, love Joe, and I'm totally rooting for him (and Spencer and Wiglesworth), but did anybody catch him blatantly shove the other team's canoe with his paddle when they were turning the corner in the reward challenge? He's got a nasty little streak in there somewhere. 


I think the thing I loved most about TC was that everyone seemed genuinely shocked, but most of the reactions I read were almost respect. I saw Joe and Jeremy flat-out smiling, almost like, "Well, look at that!" I even liked Ciera's reaction. Most people who have an alliance mate keep an idol from them act indignant and betrayed (*cough* Russel *cough*), but I think she actually said, "This is my favorite moment." I like when people show respect for a big move as opposed to righteous indignation.

  • Love 12

I love, love, love Joe, and I'm totally rooting for him (and Spencer and Wiglesworth), but did anybody catch him blatantly shove the other team's canoe with his paddle when they were turning the corner in the reward challenge? He's got a nasty little streak in there somewhere.


I saw it. And it was the most I ever liked Joe.

  • Love 5
I love, love, love Joe, and I'm totally rooting for him (and Spencer and Wiglesworth), but did anybody catch him blatantly shove the other team's canoe with his paddle when they were turning the corner in the reward challenge? He's got a nasty little streak in there somewhere.


I'd have to watch again, but I thought it was at least partly to fend off a collision, which would have been bad for both teams' progress.  


...yep, just rewatched...in my opinion it was mostly to fend off an almost head-on collision, and you'd have to push quite hard to make sure the courses weren't still bound to meet (at least the "paddle spread" if not the hulls), and he pushed a little harder than that even, but there was no time to judge (and yeah, as long as he has to push anyway might as well do it hard).  I don't see that as nasty.  If he had somehow sabotaged them in some way without the factor of the imminent collision, then yeah.  So I'm still not seeing a mean bone in him.

Jeez, I'm as bad as Probst...pushing hard, bone....eek!

Edited by Jobiska
  • Love 3

Aw. I was sad to see Andrew Savage go. I will really miss his talking heads, complete with teeth flash. I guess we will see more of Spencer, as they need someone intelligent to narrate the show - so that's good .


I was really hoping it would be the whiny Fish, or Jeremy to get the nasty surprise.


Don't give a fig about Wentworth or Cierra, but hope they can help keep my favourites in a bit longer. That's about it.

  • Love 2

"Joe's ball are starting to move."

"Joe's balls keep moving continuously!"

"Joe's balls are moving independently now!!"


How did that get filmed without everyone being reduced to giggles?!?  They had some long shots of the contestants watching the Keith-Joe Balls showdown and I think Spencer had a smirk on his face every time JP said "Joe's balls." 


In contrast, I noticed, he said, "Keith is starting to move."  "Some movement for Keith."  And stuff like that.  I guess he doesn't want to invoke Keith's balls as much as he does Joe's.


This message has been brought to you by a 12-year-old boy.

/Beavis & Butthead.  ;-) 

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