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S03.E12: Dirty Laundry


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  On 11/11/2015 at 8:24 PM, yourmomiseasy said:

Rocky trying to get a high five from Emile over her conquest and him saying no was magical.  She has no regard for his feelings at all and wails when Eddie shows her the same lack of respect.  





Exactly. This is why I'm perplexed why there's a poster here who finds our dislike of Rocky's actions "depressing." 

  • Love 10
  On 11/11/2015 at 8:45 PM, esperanza said:

Ugh, the Rocky hatred on this board is really depressing. To me she just seems like an emotionally fragile immature twenty something. Why are people defending Eddie and blaming her? If you have sex with someone, you should treat them with enough respect to tell them in person and kindly why you no longer want to do so. Easy. You don't ignore them and treat them like scum; unless you're a woman hating misogynist like Eddie.

I don't think anybody here is defending Eddie in fact many hold them both accountable for their part in Fuckgate. Many are holding them accountable for their actions towards others. Rocky doesn't get a pass just because one is a emotionally selfish, narcissistic, emotionally stunted, possible bi-polar ADD, lazy, irresponsible, drama queen, tease with little regard for anyone else. Her parents should be slapped for coddling her because now the rest of the world has to deal with their self absorbed, entitled snowflake who can't take criticism.

She treated people horribly in this series. Even if she was certifiable she still should be held accountable and not be coddled.

Eddie isn't a misogynist, he gets along great with every other woman on the boat. Leon couldn't get along with anybody and was disrespectful towards the female crew in particular. Eddie is mad at himself for getting involved with a whack job for sex. He followed his prick and it got him into trouble.

After 6 weeks of slack assery and subjecting everybody to her version of a psycho nightmare, I hope she takes her salary and $13,000 in tips she didn't deserve and gets some heavy duty counseling and meds.

But wait, it's Rocky...It's everybody else's fault. They need the help not her.

  • LOL 1
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I feel like Ben can throw quite the tantrum, in that way Leon was calmer, but Leon was calmer in a "I have no fucks to give" kinda way. Ben gets what seems to me at least to get a little too worked up, but he is also very aware that of anyone on the boat he has one of the biggest impacts on the tip, and takes that very seriously.

Addmitedly, I am hard on Rocky, but I also previously stated as far as the hooking up goes I hold both of them equally responsible, nobody was an innocent bystander that was sucked into the drama, they both actively contributed. Someone said it much better than I was able to, but they said that it seems like Rocky is trying to say she wasn't sure about the state of Eddies relationship with his girlfriend so she wouldn't seem like a home wrecker. I think it may seem like I'm easier on Eddie, mostly because a) he's not necessarily leaving it open for criticism because he's not the one now telling everyone in the boat b) he said it happened in the talking head and he regretted it... But in real time on the boat he is taking Kate's advice from last season of "lie lie lie, deny, deny, deny" but I don't by any of his excuses either, I think he was an ass for what he did too. I just don't necessarily by the story that Rocky was led on, for me it's not about necessarily that they were hooking olio in the laundry room, but more that it was a guarded secret, that's usually a huge red flag that you were the side piece, and other than the hooking up it didn't seem like they were hanging out or anything to get to know each other, maybe Rocky didn't realize it, but the writing was on the wall, I don't think she was deceived, I think she chose not to see it.

I totally forgot about Rockys "the whole time" comments regarding the hooking up...yeah... I don't generally quantify 4 times in 6 weeks as the whole time, but what do I know.

And the "I haven't done anything I love in 6 weeks" what the actual fuck!? Welcome to being an adult. When you get to do something you love as a career that is a huge plus, but. Many many many people have to do jobs they don't love because they enjoy commodities like food, ac, water, etc. This is also why I personally think it seems like people, including myself are harder on Rocky, she opens herself up to it more than anyone else, I think when Leon was there he was the same way.

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 11
  On 11/11/2015 at 8:45 PM, esperanza said:

If you have sex with someone, you should treat them with enough respect to tell them in person and kindly why you no longer want to do so. Easy. You don't ignore them and treat them like scum; unless you're a woman hating misogynist like Eddie.


I disagree to an extent. If they had matched on tinder, met up and fucked in a bathroom without even learning the other's last name, he could easily get away with the slow fade. But he can't ignore her and call her nutzo when they are confined to live and work together in 150 sq ft. I agree, he owes her a conversation, but at this point it's too late and given her unpredictable behavior, who's to say if it wouldn't have made things worse.


  On 11/11/2015 at 9:10 PM, rainsmom said:

It's pretty clear that they're BOTH culpable, and they're both immature. He's an ass, and she's a certifiable loon. He treated her like shit. She is blowing it up way out of proportion and seeking attention in the most narcissistic way possible.


She's 27, BTW. Old enough to know the difference between a hook-up and twoo wuv. She needs to grow the fuck up. She also knew he had a girlfriend and does NOT get a pass on that.


He's a cheater, a liar, and a douche. What I do NOT think he's guilty of is leading her on. He wanted a hook up. He got it. He was an IDIOT to think she would keep her mouth shut about it -- or that the cameras didn't catch it.


When she met him five weeks prior he had a girlfriend. Even if they had a clean break, anyone with half a brain knows that's way too soon for him to jump into a new successful relationship. Sadly she's probably not the only 27yo to make that mistake.


Two idiots who deeply deserve each other.

  • Love 5

Rocky makes me uncomfortable and annoyed for various reasons, but I don't think she's got a nasty core. Keeping in mind I understand things could have been edited out or aired in non-chronological order, from what we saw Eddie told his girlfriend she should be more appreciative because a lot of girls where dying to be with such a great guy. Then he revenge fucks Rocky to prove what a catch he is (....). He goes into this knowing Rocky's personality is, to put it kindly, all over the place. He continues to pursue her until he gets sick of it and rather than letting her down gently and begging his girlfriend for forgiveness, he drops her, bad mouths her, calls her crazy, blames her for seducing him, shades her for going for a taken man as if she had his dick possessed by a demon for which he bears no responsibility, and lies to his girlfriend as if he didn't screw someone on TV to get back at her AND THEN TALK ABOUT IT IN AN INTERVIEW.

Not once did he say he was SORRY for cheating on his girlfriend--he said he was sorry he hooked up with crew, and that it was Rocky, both of which contributed to him getting caught. He didn't show any actual anxiety or remorse.

In conclusion, Rocky is crazy but decent(ish), Eddie is sane and rotten.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • LOL 1
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  On 11/11/2015 at 11:44 PM, The Mighty Peanut said:

Rocky makes me uncomfortable and annoyed for various reasons, but I don't think she's got a nasty core. Keeping in mind I understand things could have been edited out or aired in non-chronological order, from what we saw Eddie told his girlfriend she should be more appreciative because a lot of girls where dying to be with such a great guy. Then he revenge fucks Rocky to prove what a catch he is (....). He goes into this knowing Rocky's personality is, to put it kindly, all over the place. He continues to pursue her until he gets sick of it and rather than letting her down gently and begging his girlfriend for forgiveness, he drops her, bad mouths her, calls her crazy, blames her for seducing him, shades her from going for a taken man as if she had his dick possessed by a demon for which he bears no responsibility, and lies to his girlfriend as if he didn't screw someone on TV to get back at her AND THEN TALK ABOUT IT IN AN INTERVIEW.

Not once did he say he was SORRY for cheating on his girlfriend--he said he was sorry he hooked up with crew, and that it was Rocky, both of which contributed to him getting caught. He didn't show any actual anxiety or remorse.

In conclusion, Rocky is crazy but decent(ish), Eddie is sane and rotten.


I agree with some of your conclusion but the rundown of what happened vis a vis Rocky and Eddie left out one thing.  She stripped down and jumped off the friggin' boat and was gone for 7 hours.  She didn't plan to come back and said (in a TH?) that she really couldn't go anywhere without money and her passport.   And when she came back, she did not say one word to anyone.  Not a 'sorry that you were worried about me',  not a 'I was upset and overreacted', not a 'sorry I left you to do all my duties today.'  Not a  'I know what I did was a little crazy but I would like to come back and work with you all - I will even try to make this dinner work to patch things up with everyone.' Nothing except how her feelings had been hurt.  I think any sane person (and this includes Eddie) would back away slowly from this mermaid powder keg.


I'm not saying I agree with what Eddie has done post jump off the Good Ship Sanity but I do understand.

Edited by rehoboth
  • Love 8

rehoboth: yeah, I think I keep unintentionally blocking out the jumping off of the boat because it's too crazy for me to retain. I still think Eddie bears 99% of the responsibility in this situation, but that 1% is a mofo.

biakbiak: I have to agree to disagree. I feel Eddie is calculated when he mistreats people, whereas Rocky is oblivious. It doesn't excuse her by any means, and honestly I'm kind of repelled by Rocky when she's on screen to the point where I change the channel until her scene is over, but I don't get that same sense of malice from her I do from Eddie. YMMV, of course.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 4


For me, with Rocky, it's less the actual sleeping with Eddie and more all the drama. Kate asks her to do her job: "Kate's the WOOOOOOORST, Kate's HORRIBLE! I don't feel THE LOVE." Amy spends a day teaching her how to do stuff: "[melodramatic flop to bed with sobbing]."  Emile won't take a hint: "[shows letter to everybody]." (In this case, I have no problem with her writing the letter, but she made a big production in letting everybody know what was in it.) Leon leaves: "Fuck y'all, I'm swimming to another both and spending 7 hours on it." Eddie no longer wants to sleep with her: "Emile, I was with Eddie! I have evidence! We fucked like THIS! It was going on under your nose the whole time! Amy, Amy's Towel, I was with Eddie! I wanted to marry him! Here is the number of times and locations in which we fucked! Girlfriend Amy, I am following you on Instagram! [bursts into tears in front of Amy] [bursts into tears on the deck] [lays in bed while everyone else is working]" And it was amazing to see her going from clearly relishing dishing all the details of the relationship to Amy and Emile to bawling and back again.

This. So much of this. Also, someone mentioned upthread that when Eddie disagreed with her about the firing of Leon, she thought he was just so mean and he should side with her even though several hours before she jumped off the boat, left everyone (mainly Kate and Amy) to do her work instead of taking it like an adult. Oh and not apologizing to any of the crew, just Captain Lee.

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 5

All this from Rocky and she fed oysters with grenadine to people?  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/below-deck-rocky-dakota-culinary-cooking-background


I really think her mind is being taken up by other matters entirely that have nothing to do with cooking or being a stew or any of that.  It really does seem to me she needs to see, at the very least, a therapist but definitely a psychiatrist.  

Edited by Eater of Worlds
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  On 11/11/2015 at 9:19 PM, AttackTurtle said:

I don't see a whole lot of people defending Eddie. We're just not letting Rocky off the hook for her role in this. Eddie was a total asshat for how he started/ended things, but I find it equally offensive that Rocky made the move of following his g/f on Instagram. Rocky plays games with people and she just happened to be the one that got burnt in the game with Eddie.

I wont give Rocky the out of being an emotionally frail girl when she's really just been shown to be an entitled & lazy pain in the ass. Seriously who else would say " I havent done any of the things that I love in six weeks"! Mind you this is the same girl who surfed in the Bahamas, flirted with every guy on the boat (slept with one), & collected tips for work she didn't do. Kate had her number when she referred to Rocky as the special little snow flake. Rocky sucks, but she's been entertaining.

Actually, I am defending Eddie.  Not that I don't also think that both are responsible for the fall-out from their hookup. But I don't see how Eddie is that big of a dick just for getting involved in this thing and I don't think he has any obligation to publicly acknowledge what happened.  The entire event was slimy on both sides and if he wants to walk away, he can.


In a world where both players were sane, this is exactly what would have happened, similar to the other random one- or two-time sexual encounters between crew members in past seasons.


If Rocky hadn't totally gone off the rails, complete with crowing about her conquest to Emile (because Eddie got her and Emile didn't!) and to Amy (because she got Eddie and Amy didn't!), and continually demanding to be the center of attention, all of this would have been left in the laundry room.

Edited by RemoteControlFreak
  • Love 9

My biggest irritation with Eddie is not that he cheated or that he didn't discuss the change in the status of their naughty parts tetris. My biggest irritation is that he's trying to maintain this fiction that Rocky seduced him. Like excuse me?!?! Seduction takes work. What Emile is trying to do to win Rocky over is work. It's not working, but it's work. All of Rocky's endless flattery of chef Leon was work. All Rocky did was lift up her skirt and flash Eddie her choni. That's not seduction. And if it is, it's the laziest seduction I've ever heard of and Eddie is the laziest dumbest heaux for falling for it.

  • Love 9

Oh, gee, Eddie. How could you think that Rocky couldn't keep a secret? Everything she does is trotted out for public consumption. Her "Oh, my gosh. I told Emile a secret and now he's running off to defend my honor to Eddie!" was priceless. Poor, dumb Emile. He fell right into that one. Rocky cannot hide her glee at the "secret Eddie fucks" becoming common (and I do mean "common") knowledge. And, just in case everyone's attention wavers for a moment, she makes sure to pull on that tired mermaid costume and roll around on the beach in front of the guests. God, she's embarrassing. Last season Kat's "off-duty" behavior was pretty sketchy, but at least she did her job. Rocky is just pathetic and useless.

  • Love 10

I find Eddie more at fault since he was so vocal about his GF cheating (and that data is murky how exactly did she cheat?) then went and did the same thing he condemned her for and since he's always presented himself as responsible and honest. Also he's in a supervisory role and had sex with a subordinate on the ship. It doesn't matter if she doesn't report directly to him. He's still held to a higher standard imho. The whole "don't shit where you eat" thing.

Outside of the work thing, when an adult has have sex. Even casual sex- one should vet their potential partners. If they seem sketchy, unstable, emotionally needy or dire.... because its asking for trouble. If there's a shit storm it's on him. Make better choices.

And I recall he sent her the text out of the blue coming on to her sexually. It doesn't matter if she's showing her ass around the ship.

Also I think Ben has a lot going for him. I like how he can be fair. Like, obviously he has a relationship with Kate (professional and personal) but doesn't automatically just co-sign all her shit or show her favor. In fact, at the beginning of his return he said (paraphrased) of course she has some enemies that's how she rolled and laughed it off but didn't judge her or bring a bias to those she dislikes. He can be blunt with critique to even his allies. I have always thought from past seasons he has flaws as a charter chef and Leon did this yr too. I believe they actually are pretty even as far as ability because many guests raved slightly more about Leon's meals but Ben is no slouch in his items. Ben seems to be more affable and clowning with the team. Leon is more cut and dry and that's not awful either. Leon based on guest feedback and what was shown may have more raw talent that leant itself to making delicious meals. Ben had more charter experience which makes his charters dinners go well. So in my book even.

  • Love 5

Rocky presented the persona of her being an eccentric, live for today, crazy go by the seat of your pants person, who seemed willing to sleep with whomever today and someone the next day.  She really wants a long term relationship.  I had a friend who acted the same way years ago in her twenties.  She'd act like she was willing for whatever came, but as soon as she'd be with anyone, they were engaged (or engaged to be engaged - that bs) within two weeks.  Most guys bailed long before two weeks, btw.  Eddie probably thought they were going to be in a friends with benefits deal, never imagining that she really wanted him more permanently.  He never should've gone after anyone on the ship, let alone doing it as breakup revenge sex (did he really break up with his girlfriend?).  He saw that Kat and Ben hooked up with no repercussions, but I think they both had sort of the same intentions or neither didn't think it'd be more than a fling (for the time being at least).  Eddie wasn't prepared for Rocky's meltdown, let alone her telling people about the hookups, and he's handled it badly.  Had he just said yeah, we hooked up, it was a bad move, and maybe talked with Rocky one on one it would've ended up better.  Now he looks like a total douchebag.  Rocky doesn't get a pass from me; I think she could be playing it up a little as she wants her revenge on Eddie.  I think she's so self centered that if someone doesn't get on Team Rocky, she'll find a way to get back at them (she's just that juvenile).  It could also be she wanted her screen time.


If she really wants to be taken as a serious chef, why not continue training or working with experienced chefs?  Her tv appearance just makes her look flaky, unreliable, and unstable.  Not sure what reputable restaurant or chef would hire her now.  Can you imagine a meltdown at dinner rush?  Plus the licking of her fingers when she made the quesadilla was just unbelievably unprofessional.


Totally with Kate when she was griping about how Rocky hadn't done a thing the entire season.  As someone who's always had to pick up the slack on work teams, you get beyond pissed having to cover for people or at least finish what they left unfinished, while most bosses just look the other way.  

  • Love 8
  On 11/12/2015 at 12:29 AM, Eater of Worlds said:

All this from Rocky  and she fed oysters with grenadine?  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/below-deck-rocky-dakota-culinary-cooking-background


I really think her mind is being taken up by other matters entirely that have nothing to do with cooking or being a stew or any of that.  It really does seem to me she needs to see, at the very least, a therapist but definitely a psychiatrist.

What is Rocky's obsession with infusing dishes with dessert? First Oreo cookie crumble salad, now a calamari cookie? Ew! Her being a line cook and working for a food truck doesn't necessarily mean she's a great chef. The pic posted of those eclairs, she didn't specifically say that she actually made them. I'm still not buying she knows how to cook her way out of a paper bag.

  • Love 3
, from what we saw Eddie told his girlfriend she should be more appreciative because a lot of girls where dying to be with such a great guy. Then he revenge fucks Rocky to prove what a catch he is (....). He goes into this knowing Rocky's personality is, to put it kindly, all over the place. He continues to pursue her until he gets sick of it and rather than letting her down gently and begging his girlfriend for forgiveness, he drops her, bad mouths her, calls her crazy, blames her for seducing him, shades her from going for a taken man as if she had his dick possessed by a demon for which he bears no responsibility, and lies to his girlfriend as if he didn't screw someone on TV to get back at her AND THEN TALK ABOUT IT IN AN INTERVIEW.



This is how I feel about Eddie  now, regardless of how much I also do not like Rocky. He's a cad, especially for the way he treated her afterward. He's also shown himself to be dishonest (claiming to Dave he'd never hookup on charter) and a smooth liar according to the previews. Gross.


ETA: The Captain's Blog - I really did not need to read the phrase "hide the bologna" or hear it in Capt. Lee's voice ... ew, LOL!

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 7

Rocky has a screw loose. If you have never dealt with a bunny boiler like this, then your life is not complete. She is a victim and yet participates in her victimization. Everyone else is at fault...they might be, if they knew the extent of her pathology. But they don't ; they're just working on a boat, in close quarters. Eddie took what was offered and it doesn't make him look good, but Rocky is a dangerous person. Loves the drama, loves being the victim, loves being the star, loves being the mermaid. People need to move away from Rocky, because THERE WILL BE DRAMA. Big, big drama.

  • Love 12

Rocky assumed that Eddie and his girlfriend were done, yet she followed her on instagram? That makes about as much sense as the rest of her victim act.

Emil was right to apologize to Connie and needs to learn to control his emotions and reactions. Connie also should have apologized to Emil for calling him a little bitch and saying no wonder Rocky got over you. Connie couldn't have known what was happening with Rocky's confession to Emil, but it was an unkind thing to say regardless of the timing.

Eddie needs to own his actions. Both his cheating girlfriend and his drama queen fling deserve better than him.

  • Love 5

From the Captain's blog:




Connie, love the way you handled the insult you received from Emile. No screaming or overreacting at all. Just all business. Well done there, but tell me what did you do to get called up to the bridge by me and with a witness present? Sounds ominous, but I guess we will have to wait until next week to find out why.


Uh oh.  I wonder what happened.  Now I'm nervous for her.

  • Love 1
  On 11/12/2015 at 3:10 AM, Sai said:

From the Captain's blog:



Uh oh.  I wonder what happened.  Now I'm nervous for her.

I am not, I think it's very tongue in cheek both he and the first mate were smiling.

I don't think Connie owes Emile an apology. He was acting like a whiny little bitch ignoring Dave, Eddie and her when they were trying to help him at various times after he heard about Rocky and Eddie. Connie was not acting like a whore.

  • Love 6
  On 11/12/2015 at 12:12 AM, The Mighty Peanut said:

rehoboth: yeah, I think I keep unintentionally blocking out the jumping off of the boat because it's too crazy for me to retain. I still think Eddie bears 99% of the responsibility in this situation, but that 1% is a mofo.biakbiak: I have to agree to disagree. I feel Eddie is calculated when he mistreats people, whereas Rocky is oblivious. It doesn't excuse her by any means, and honestly I'm kind of repelled by Rocky when she's on screen to the point where I change the channel until her scene is over, but I don't get that same sense of malice from her I do from Eddie. YMMV, of course.

Perhaps not malice, but Rocky strikes me as a survivor. Whatever damage she's gotten in her past, she keeps making the same mistakes and following the same ultimately detrimental behavior patterns, and she's learned how to deflect, deny, confuse, confound, and outright out-talk anybody else so she'll always remain the victim and not responsible for anything she's been a part of. (She is so like a friend of mine that her every move, down to the non waterproof mascara, has been eerily predictable. )

This is not to say that legit things couldn't or haven't happened to her, just, well, this would be one hell of an edit this round!

I put them equally to blame. Ah, Eddie, I hardly knew ye.

Edited by HouseofBeck
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  On 11/12/2015 at 3:50 AM, Lola43 said:

I agree. I don't even like Rocky and this is bugging me. I'm 46 now but I did what she did when I was in my early twenties I went out with and hooked up with a coworker who told me he was single (he had a girlfriend he neglected to mention), co-workers found out(i didn't tell anyone)and i was called a whore among other things. He was the second person I had ever slept with at the old age of 24, I really liked him and the whole thing was awful.

We don't know what Eddie might have said to her so I kinda feel for her. She is young and so immature. She will probably look back on this and be mortified by her behavior.

She followed his girlfriend on instagram. She told everyone what happened and no one has called her a who're, so I don't think the situations are at all similar.

  • Love 1
  On 11/12/2015 at 3:56 AM, biakbiak said:

She followed his girlfriend on instagram. She told everyone what happened and no one has called her a who're, so I don't think the situations are at all similar.

Not saying the situations are similar. I could have said it better but I get that she felt the way she did because I felt that way as well.

  • Love 1
  On 11/12/2015 at 1:51 AM, BogoGog24 said:

What is Rocky's obsession with infusing dishes with dessert? First Oreo cookie crumble salad, now a calamari cookie? Ew! Her being a line cook and working for a food truck doesn't necessarily mean she's a great chef. The pic posted of those eclairs, she didn't specifically say that she actually made them. I'm still not buying she knows how to cook her way out of a paper bag.


She's a child and has the palate of one.  Most children love sweets.  

  • Love 4
  On 11/12/2015 at 4:25 AM, yourmomiseasy said:

She's a child and has the palate of one.  Most children love sweets.  


I was just going to say that while I don't think her cooking experience would necessarily make her a great cook, but I would hope that it would expand her palate.  I'm just a home cook, but I've got an innate sense of what foods are going to taste good together.  For instance, every Thanksgiving I dry brine a turkey.  It comes out super moist, whereas if you put it in a liquid brine it can come out really watery.  Anyway, I change the flavor from year to year and last year I used a mix of herbs and lemon.  It was gobbled up,  Later my husband found a recipe online that was highly rated and pretty much the same as what I had used, though I didn't use a recipe or even consult one.  It's just from experience that I knew the flavors would be good.  I've been cooking like that since I was younger than Rocky, so she's had plenty of time to learn what taste good together especially since she took classes.  


I don't even think we can say she cooks like a child, because have you seen those Masterchef kids?  My friend cooks like Rocky.  When she doesn't have an ingredient, she substitutes something weird.  Like she needed parsley for a Mediterranean dish and subbed sage because it was...green.  THAT seems to be about how Rocky's brain works as she cooks.  I can't even figure out what she was planning to do with those filets, just put them in the oven without searing them?  That is steak 101, you always sear it first if you're finishing it off in the oven.

  • Love 2


If she really wants to be taken as a serious chef, why not continue training or working with experienced chefs?  Her tv appearance just makes her look flaky, unreliable, and unstable.  Not sure what reputable restaurant or chef would hire her now.  Can you imagine a meltdown at dinner rush?  Plus the licking of her fingers when she made the quesadilla was just unbelievably unprofessional.

She will only have a meltdown if she isn't praised consistently. If she gets critiqued then said meltdown will occur complete with mascara tears, staring at the ceiling, possibly diving into the nearest fountain or any other water source (bonus if she puts on her mermaid tail and flops around, while staring at the guests)  and a crying call to her parents. Everyone else will be soooooooo mean. They will also, think she is crazy, but she just does not understand why.

  • Love 3

I always do a wet brine and then smoke it, but I don't use a lot of water.  I start out with a cider and molasses base and use a bunch of fresh herbs.  I then do a dry rub before smoking it apples, garlic, more herbs, and onions in the cavity.  I use a combo of apple and cherry wood for the smoke.  One year I took orders and smoked a bunch for coworkers.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 1
  On 11/12/2015 at 3:20 AM, biakbiak said:

I am not, I think it's very tongue in cheek both he and the first mate were smiling.

I don't think Connie owes Emile an apology. He was acting like a whiny little bitch ignoring Dave, Eddie and her when they were trying to help him at various times after he heard about Rocky and Eddie. Connie was not acting like a whore.


Exactly!!!!  And, this is why I think Emile calling Connie a whore was misplaced and misdirected anger.  I think what he really wanted to do was call Rocky a whore, but even thought he was hurt by her admitting (bragging-????) about hooking up with Eddie, he still had feelings about her.  I think that Emile, when sober, is really a kind of old-fashioned guy, in spite of some of his stupid sexual comments, which sounded more like bravado than actuality, so he didn't have the nerve to call Rocky a whore to her face.


ETA:  I don't personally think that Rocky is a whore, I just think that was what Emile may have been feeling about her.  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 1

Let's face it.  Rocky is a coddled immature child.  She can't handle it so she jumps off the boat.  She's so upset so she has to stay in her bunk instead of doing her job.  She hooks up with someone and isn't getting the attention she feels she deserves.  She 'hates' her job.  Well Rocky, welcome to the real world of adults where it isn't all about you and your damn feelings.  I'm sure when the season ends, mommy and daddy will make it all better for you.  They probably have all your life.  Yeah, I know that's harsh but that's what I see.


BTW,  they did the reunion in Miami instead of the club house.  Yay.  Interesting seating arrangement.  The captain is not next to Andy....




And here's a preview of Ben cutting his finger.  Got to give Eddie credit for handling it:



  • Love 3
  On 11/12/2015 at 5:19 AM, Eater of Worlds said:

Well, I'm not that good at this but basically the captain told Emile to not be impulsive.  He understood it was first thing in the morning and it's sometimes better to not react so fast and wait for help.  Better to damage the boats than to damage himself.  Emile's TH - no worries because Emile knows what he's doing.  Sorry Emile but what happened could have had serious consequences to you.  OK.  I gave my biased opinion. 

  • Love 1
  On 11/12/2015 at 5:30 AM, biakbiak said:

It also appears Leon doesn't show to the reunion.

Thanks for pointing that out.  Is anyone surprised given his opinion of himself?  I'm sure the excuse is that he's back in Australia, yada, yada.


I forgot to add that doing the reunion outside the club house is a big deal.  TPTB are really liking this show. When has a non housewives' show done this?  BTW, I really like the show as well.

  • Love 3
  On 11/12/2015 at 5:48 AM, breezy424 said:

I forgot to add that doing the reunion outside the club house is a big deal.  TPTB are really liking this show. When has a non housewives' show done this?  BTW, I really like the show as well.


It's kind of interesting to see how Below Deck has basically risen in stature with the network. I've been watching since around the fourth episode of season 1, and the show kind of felt like an after-thought.


The ratings have been up as well, so they have to be happy with that. I do think they have a pretty solid premise, though- when you've got a bunch of people trapped on a boat in the seas, tension is inevitable.

  • Love 4
  On 11/12/2015 at 5:19 AM, Eater of Worlds said:

Captain Lee tells Emile not to rush into a situation (jumping to secure the tender) without planning it out because he could get hurt.  He repeats that Emile's health is more important than the health of the yacht and jumping between boats is never a good idea. Emile then snots to the camera that Captain Lee over-reacted because he (Emile) is too good to make a mistake.  Then, as you saw, we see a replay of Emile falling in the water.

Edited by RemoteControlFreak
  • Love 1

On a more pleasant (and by that, I mean "non-Rocky") note, I re-watched last night with a friend, and it brought back to mind something I wanted to mention yesterday, but forgot to...


Personally, I find both Kate and Ben a hoot individually. I enjoy Kate's dry sarcasm, and Ben is just plain fun. But I absolutely ADORE them "together." I don't mean as a couple, just when they're in the same room and playing off each other. They're just so playful together, all the time, and even (maybe especially) when they're disagreeing on something and frustratedly bickering with each other, it's just so obvious that they're enjoying the hell out of it.


Kate often carries around kind of a dead-eyed gaze (part of the Bitchy Resting Face, and I don't hold that against her, I actually find it amusing in its own way) but her face just lights up whenever Ben is around. I don't think she can help it. Even when she was giving Ben the score re: Rocky and she seemed genuinely and rightly pissed off that Ben would defend Rocky even though he hadn't been around long enough to have the slightest fucking clue what they've been putting up with from her, it was still just worlds different from her usual Active Bitchy Face. You could almost see the twinkle in her eye and a smile just below the surface.


Anyway, I don't "ship" and I couldn't care less if or when they end up fucking (again) or whatever, but I do find their playfulness and genuine affection for each other (maybe despite themselves) to be one of the more pleasant aspects of the show on a week-to-week basis. It's amusing what those two do to each other.

  • Love 11
  On 11/12/2015 at 5:31 AM, breezy424 said:

Well, I'm not that good at this but basically the captain told Emile to not be impulsive.  He understood it was first thing in the morning and it's sometimes better to not react so fast and wait for help.  Better to damage the boats than to damage himself.  Emile's TH - no worries because Emile knows what he's doing.  Sorry Emile but what happened could have had serious consequences to you.  OK.  I gave my biased opinion. 


  On 11/12/2015 at 10:45 AM, RemoteControlFreak said:

Captain Lee tells Emile not to rush into a situation (jumping to secure the tender) without planning it out because he could get hurt.  He repeats that Emile's health is more important than the health of the yacht and jumping between boats is never a good idea. Emile then snots to the camera that Captain Lee over-reacted because he (Emile) is too good to make a mistake.  Then, as you saw, we see a replay of Emile falling in the water.



Thank you both!  I hate that I have to ask to get this additional information that hearing people have online, but the powers that be are too cheap to caption things like clips so I have to rely upon the altruism of others.  

  • Love 6

I don't care if Eddie cheated on his girlfriend. I just ... don't. They're in their 20s, they're away from home, nobody's married, so whatever.

I do think it's remarkably shitty of him to capitalize on Rocky's reputation for insanity to gaslight the hell out of her and feign total innocence. She certainly seems to have read far more into their hookups than was actually there, and I get that he's embarrassed both by her behavior and his own; but he doesn't get to paint her as the instigator and a fool just because he wants to save face.

  • Love 14

I think every female crewmember from every season has mentioned that Eddie's a prize, too bad he has a girlfriend.


If he called it quits on the girlfriend, he could have had his choice of partners.  And we've never seen anyone in boatworld condemned for some basic tension-relief sport fucking, no strings attached.


But Eddie's chose to keep the girlfriend on the line (while guilt-tripping her about cheating on him.)  Then he goes for the low-hanging fruit and fucks the useless nutball a few times, standing up in the laundry room . . .but doesn't want anyone else to know.  Then he decides to give her the brushoff and piles on with the others who are laughing at the person no one respects.  When that hurts her feelings and she outs him, he flatly denies anything happened between them. 


I think he believes he can get away with that because he's Eddie and she's just Rocky, the unstable mermaid tail ditz.  And he almost can--even some people here are suspicious Rocky made the whole thing up, which is crazy.  Eddie isn't angry at Rocky because she lied, but because she told. When they're alone, he's blaming her for flashing him and coming on to him.  He can't be expected to have any control over his own dick if the panties are off!


No question Rocky has a whole lotta wrong going on.  A lot.  But Eddie treated her very poorly.  The "used Kleenex" analogy is so crude, but apt.  I don't see him trying any of that with anyone who wasn't the complete and unanimous campus joke.


[And neither here nor there, really, but I suspect Rocky was trolling Girlfriend's Instagram for information about her breakup with Eddie.]

  • Love 13

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