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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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Yes.  Frump is in style this year, so Meri is envied by legions of fans.  Edgy doesn't equal your frumpy clothes, Meri.  Most normal people in Flagstaff are no doubt mortified that she hashtags #flagstafffashion, or whatever she calls it.  

Brainwashed Stepford Wives make the best $ from LuLaNoWay.  Just ask Drudge.

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3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Not sure if they sell hats, but I do know that at one point, LLHellNo was trying to make "leggings wrapped around the head as a scarf" happen.  So sad that trend didn't catch on.

I googled the bolded and low and behold it's a THING!  Links to teach you how to do this.  https://4hatsandfrugal.com/2017/03/wear-leggings-head-wrap.html  https://www.pinterest.com/pin/218987600614774969/

Is there a name/stage for AFTER COL?  Cause I may need to be called THAT.  

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3 hours ago, CouchTater said:

I actually do think the the crazy-patterned leggings look better as head wraps, at least the ones demonstrated at the links above.

I would agree there.  The pictures all seem to showcase women of color using the leggings to make ethnic turbans and other ethnic looking head wraps.  Taking into account that some of the LLN patterns are pretty um, colorful, and you can’t tell that they are leggings once they are artfully wrapped about the head, this actually works.  No, I’m going to have to say that this is a much better use for these rags than on your legs.  I thought all the models looked nice in the head wraps.  I guess it’s a thing.

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Humble brag much? Will Blair/what's his name be joining the festivities? She should've traveled one day early to adjust her clock, it's not like she doesn't have enough PTO in her account. Not the best photo, thought it was a guy until I scoped the raccoon liner.

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She pulled an "all-nighter" and flew all day, and yet - her eyeliner and brows are just as sharply drawn as ever?  Hmmm....she wouldn't have, say, gotten to her hotel, spent 30 minutes on her makeup and THEN taken the picture?  No, that would be disingenuous.  Haha, sorry, never mind. 🙄

And that's quite the come-hither pose, Mer.  I take it BlairMichael will be joining you shortly - or, more likely, you'll finagle him into posing with you so you can craft a vague, inside-jokey type post to make your followers get all fluttery?  Have fun!

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2 hours ago, CocoPuffs said:

LulaNo is Meri’s sole identity. Besides the money, it helps her to not have to focus on her family  relationships. When the Lula ship goes down, I’m sure she’ll pour her identity into the Parowan house (if they still have it by then). 

Anything to keep from facing the fact that Kody is only interested in Robyn, her sisterwives really don’t care for her nor she for them, and her daughter is a spoiled, pretentious brat.

I’m surprised Meri doesn’t drink. Or does she?




I agree and must add (and it’s rare for me to compliment her) good for her. Why would she want to be anywhere near them anyways? They’ve “let her go”—or so we’re led to believe—there’s nothing for her in Flag but painful reminders. 

Here’s my problem with this version of Meri: she still shows herself “hanging on”, still “with” the family. It’s incredibly unauthentic, we all know how she feels. IMO it would be more interesting if they showed Meri being like, f-you assholes, I’m out. As it is they aren’t exactly selling their lifestyle, it’s been a disaster. 

I’m all in if this happens. 

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38 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I bet the Brown clan feel like Meri is that pesky nat that never goes away - keep swatting

Right, it's like - we've cut you off, Meri.  We've turned our backs on you, now go away - except we need you to come back when the cameras start filming us for season 47 because we can't sell our narrative if you leave the fam'ly - even though we rilly want you to do just that.

They want her to leave but they need her to stay.  

Is it possible that ol' Mer holds all the cards right now??  

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24 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I bet the Brown clan feel like Meri is that pesky nat that never goes away - keep swatting

Or like gum on the sole of their shoe.

I have a strong suspicion that Meri is doing everything she can to arouse interest from Kody.  From her pathetic jealousy attempts with Blair Michael, to depicting herself as this blithe spirit gallivanting gal, to astute business person, she is trying to formulate an image of a perfect, desirable woman.  I don't think she really cares what her sister wives think of her, aside from smug satisfaction that she has a lifestyle they don't, her goal is to have Kody come to his senses and beg her to return.  IF this would occur, I could see Meri saying 'kiss my fanny, you had your chance and blew it' and sail off with whatever wealth and investments she has accumulated.  

At this point, I don't even think she wants Kody back, but her giant ego needs this satisfaction.

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40 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

At this point, I don't even think she wants Kody back, but her giant ego needs this satisfaction.

In one sense, I think it's been long over for both Kody and Meri.  However, I suspect she still would like for him to give some kind of reaction to her new life that's full of activity without him.  I also feel fairly confident that control freak Kody is not happy that she has forged an apparently prosperous and (mostly) happy life without him.  I think he'd be much happier if she were more like Janelle, who sits in her house, doing nothing, with no prospects for anything beyond hanging around the "family" while he plays house with Robyn.  Or like Christine, who apparently continues to swoon anytime he gives her a crumb of attention.

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I would have some respect  for her if she was involved with an ethical company. LLN is a predatory MLM that has ruined thousands of women's lives while lying to them about independence and opportunity. She's a woman who makes money because she stands on top of other women while kicking them so fuck her.

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5 minutes ago, suomi said:

I would have some respect  for her if she was involved with an ethical company. LLN is a predatory MLM that has ruined thousands of women's lives while lying to them about independence and opportunity. She's a woman who makes money because she stands on top of other women while kicking them so fuck her.

You bring up an interesting point Suomi that has caused me to think about Meri's background.  I don't know how many full and half siblings were in her birth family or where her mother fell in the order of wives in their polygamous family, but if it was typically a family of 15-20 kids, her whole childhood must have been spent vying for attention from a benevolent😢patriarch of a father.  She then repeats the cycle by willingly engaging in a polygamous lifestyle for herself. 

This may be all she knows, she gained parental recognition and spousal affection by standing on top of siblings and sister wives and kicking them.  Fuck her indeed, and the lifestyle that promotes this scramble to the top of the heap.

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4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

She pulled an "all-nighter" and flew all day, and yet - her eyeliner and brows are just as sharply drawn as ever?  Hmmm....she wouldn't have, say, gotten to her hotel, spent 30 minutes on her makeup and THEN taken the picture?  No, that would be disingenuous.  Haha, sorry, never mind. 🙄

And she went to the trouble to filter the picture!  

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2 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

And she went to the trouble to filter the picture!  

The sleeves of the Irma were so tight, they were cutting off the flow of blood circulating to her brain so she wasn't capable of thinking through the optics of the photo.

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I think Meri posts these wild-and-free pics (including her gay guy friend) to poke at Robyn. She knows everything is over between her and Kody and that he doesn't give a rat's ass about her. But the Queen is younger than her, stuck at home for the next 15+ years with kids, has a failed internet business and is stuck with an aging, washed up surfer dude wanna-be/egomaniac. Her future is always up in the air because Kody can't sit still for two minutes. Meri is showing how much fun she is having, how younger, attractive guys actually want to hang out with her, and that she is making her own life without The Fambly, and more importantly, Kodouche.

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1 hour ago, MonicaM said:

In one sense, I think it's been long over for both Kody and Meri.  However, I suspect she still would like for him to give some kind of reaction to her new life that's full of activity without him.  I also feel fairly confident that control freak Kody is not happy that she has forged an apparently prosperous and (mostly) happy life without him.

I 100% agree with this.  I could write a thesis on these two, I swear.  They disgust me and fascinate me at the same time.

Meri is both swanning for Kody's attention and acting as though she doesn't need him with her posts - as in, "I am SO BUSY and I travel ALL THE TIME and LOOK KODY I have friends!  I don't need you!  But LOOK at how I carefully filter the crap out of my photos to look more attractive even though I don't CARE what you think!  And see how I artfully name-drop random men into my posts and share inside jokes with them in an effort to make you jealous, even as I make sure to fill my days with as much random travel as possible so as not to have to actually face you and realize that you crushed my soul by divorcing me and marrying the side-piece that I myself brought to you in an effort to get you to love me again because I couldn't fill your planet with our babies!"

And Kodork?  He sucks.  He needs the TLC gravy train to run until Arabelliola graduates from college to even have a snowball's chance in hell to pay off his 18 mortgages and various plots of empty land - and for that, he needs MERI.  After all, as he fluffs at the beginning of each episode, "love should be multiplied, not divided."  And yet, he and Stealth Wife have divided Meri right out of the family.  You can't have it both ways, Caveman.  Either Meri's part of your narrative or she's out - and if she's out, you can't keep pounding your chest and proclaiming how great polygamy is, OR that you even have four wives.  You have one, and two side-pieces -- actually, one side-piece and a lump on a couch.  That is the truth.

These people.  But I won't stop watching until the last eye-booger has been wiped away because I keep hoping against hope that someone in this family will finally come out with the truth.  

Edited by laurakaye
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She looks hideous in this photo.  I don't know how she thought it would come off, but every time I see her pics I think "just NO, Meri" - the clothes, the hairdo, the LulaNO.  all of it.

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4 hours ago, Sandy W said:

Or like gum on the sole of their shoe.

I have a strong suspicion that Meri is doing everything she can to arouse interest from Kody.  From her pathetic jealousy attempts with Blair Michael, to depicting herself as this blithe spirit gallivanting gal, to astute business person, she is trying to formulate an image of a perfect, desirable woman.  I don't think she really cares what her sister wives think of her, aside from smug satisfaction that she has a lifestyle they don't, her goal is to have Kody come to his senses and beg her to return.  IF this would occur, I could see Meri saying 'kiss my fanny, you had your chance and blew it' and sail off with whatever wealth and investments she has accumulated.  

At this point, I don't even think she wants Kody back, but her giant ego needs this satisfaction.

I agree, she is mentally like that 17 year old that is trying to make the guy that dumped her all jelly . In her mind she is this world traveler, entrepreneur that Kody should lust after, not the teets sagging Robyn baby maker, the very bad singking Christine and the lazy slug Janelle.  I normally am supportive of hard working women or womxn as her loser turd daughter says, but sorry she is a whiney, self absorbed waste of space. I can guarantee she would not be selling at her level without fans who probably started buying from her due to her own pity party. 


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I love you people.  Your posts emphasize to me, over and over, how we know these dickweeds much better than they will ever know themselves.  And how the original premise of this shitshow was to shine a sparkly light over the mess that we know, is polygamy.  And how dismally they have failed to show us anything really positive about their chosen lifestyle.  It's stunning how seemingly well some of the spawn have turned out.  Others just suck, but that could have happened in monogamy as well.  I'm with those of you that will keep watching and snarking until the bitter end.  If only we could all get together IRL and just enjoy ourselves. ❤️

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1 hour ago, xwordfanatik said:

I love you people.  Your posts emphasize to me, over and over, how we know these dickweeds much better than they will ever know themselves.  And how the original premise of this shitshow was to shine a sparkly light over the mess that we know, is polygamy.  And how dismally they have failed to show us anything really positive about their chosen lifestyle.  It's stunning how seemingly well some of the spawn have turned out.  Others just suck, but that could have happened in monogamy as well.  I'm with those of you that will keep watching and snarking until the bitter end.  If only we could all get together IRL and just enjoy ourselves. ❤️

So agree with this. I really enjoy the insights all my COL armchair psychologists above provided, great comments. These Brown’s are both endlessly tedious, yet endlessly fascinating at the same time. It’s what they don’t say and what’s going on that they clearly don’t delve into, or even know about themselves; I just find them psychologically intriguing and I too will continue to watch their terrible show purely for that, I find entertainment in it, in a ‘watching a car crash happen’ kind of way🙈 😉

Edited by Sofa Sloth
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8 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I agree, she is mentally like that 17 year old that is trying to make the guy that dumped her all jelly .

You're giving her way too much credit.  17 is FAR older than Meri is mentally.  I'd say more like 13-14.

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Meri looks like the outlier in both of the pics above:  in age, style, makeup, hair...

There's nothing wrong with having younger friends, of course.  I certainly do.  It just stands out that all the ladies in the first pic seem to be 15-20 years younger.  And they're styled for 2019, not 1987 like Meri (at least from the necks up.  who knows about the LulaNo tragedies that are out of camera range).  Maybe she's trying to recapture the youth that Kody "stole" from her?

The 2 guys in the 2nd pic look like tools.

Edited by CouchTater
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A pimp and her stable.

I hope they are planning to work full time because skipping a few nights on their knees will wipe that predatory grin off her mug right quick and they'll find out who she really is and what she really wants from them.

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2 hours ago, CouchTater said:

The 2 guys in the 2nd pic look like tools.

I managed to watch a video of the guy on the right and his wife (I think she's the blonde in the photo) - well, I got through about 20 seconds.  He was holding up random LLN dresses and singing and dancing.  His wife was doing the same.  It was disturbing on so many levels.

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

I managed to watch a video of the guy on the right and his wife (I think she's the blonde in the photo) - well, I got through about 20 seconds.  He was holding up random LLN dresses and singing and dancing.  His wife was doing the same.  It was disturbing on so many levels.

It would just be easier to have a real JOB.

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

I would love to know what goes on at a LLN "Leadership" conference.

Actually.....maybe some things are better left unknown. 

Probably starts with “Brainwashing 101: How to Convince Women to Invest in Ugly, Overpriced, Cheaply Made Clothing”

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So dear Meri has become the creme de la creme of a hopefully-to-go-under shitty clothing scam, and apparently has convinced enough of her worshipping adorers to sign on.  How nice (for her) and sad (for many other suckers.)

Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back, Drudge.

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7 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I managed to watch a video of the guy on the right and his wife (I think she's the blonde in the photo) - well, I got through about 20 seconds.  He was holding up random LLN dresses and singing and dancing.  His wife was doing the same.  It was disturbing on so many levels.

My thought when watching it was - did he know that he is gay when he married a woman?  Not that there is anything wrong with it, if the wife is OK with it.

Edited by deirdra
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The Duggars also call people "sweet friends," Meri.  You polygamists might want to come up with another term, to differentiate from the fundies.  

It's like Meri has to continually convince herself that she has a life and has friends.  Her whole existence has become LuLaCrap and Sludge/Pudge.  

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Meri is by far the least attractive of the wives. Her facial features are masculine and the shake-n-bake orange tan does her no favors. Her layered hair always looks frizzy, and she really needs a make-up tutorial. But what bothers me most is her taste in shoes!  I’m a shoe girl, and it’s one of the first things I notice. I have literally never seen her in a decent pair of shoes. She wears either clunky man-boots, or clunky sandals. Get rid of those clodhoppers!

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2 minutes ago, Phoebe70 said:

Meri is by far the least attractive of the wives. Her facial features are masculine and the shake-n-bake orange tan does her no favors. Her layered hair always looks frizzy, and she really needs a make-up tutorial. But what bothers me most is her taste in shoes!  I’m a shoe girl, and it’s one of the first things I notice. I have literally never seen her in a decent pair of shoes. She wears either clunky man-boots, or clunky sandals. Get rid of those clodhoppers!

True, true and true again.  When you are a stout person, the things she wears only accentuate that even more..  And if you have cankles wearing skirts, shorts with chunky shoes and gladiator sandals only brings more attention to them.  I'm short so I avoid wearing skirts below my knees or capri's, which make me look even shorter.  

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11 hours ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

True, true and true again.  When you are a stout person, the things she wears only accentuate that even more..  And if you have cankles wearing skirts, shorts with chunky shoes and gladiator sandals only brings more attention to them.  I'm short so I avoid wearing skirts below my knees or capri's, which make me look even shorter.  

Cuffed jeans, too, which is a thing again. If you’ve got short legs or are a bit big, cuffed jeans only make it worse. Just because something is a trend doesn’t mean it works on everyone. 

11 hours ago, Phoebe70 said:

Meri is by far the least attractive of the wives. Her facial features are masculine and the shake-n-bake orange tan does her no favors. Her layered hair always looks frizzy, and she really needs a make-up tutorial. But what bothers me most is her taste in shoes!  I’m a shoe girl, and it’s one of the first things I notice. I have literally never seen her in a decent pair of shoes. She wears either clunky man-boots, or clunky sandals. Get rid of those clodhoppers!

She does have a manly look and it’s worse now that she’s heavier. Watching her walk in recent seasons, she lumbers with rounded shoulders, like a giant sequoia with feet. There’s nothing feminine about her. 

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