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Brain Bleed: The Shows We Hate & The Reasons We Hate Them

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The Big Bang Theory was a decent show for about half its run.   I am not sure if it was the guys getting wives/girlfriends (this is the one time adding females to the cast didn't really help)  or if it is just that the show has gotten a little stale.  Shows even funny ones don't have to go on forever.  

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20 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

The Big Bang Theory was a decent show for about half its run.   I am not sure if it was the guys getting wives/girlfriends (this is the one time adding females to the cast didn't really help)  or if it is just that the show has gotten a little stale.  Shows even funny ones don't have to go on forever.  

My theory is that it got too far away from its premise.  Sit-coms are "situation" comedies and, once the situation doesn't hold, the show starts to fall apart.  The premise of TBBT was a group of nerdy single guys.  So, yeah...they're all still nerdy, but only one of them is still single and that really changes the dynamics of the thing.  I don't think that adding the wives/girlfriends were necessarily a detriment, but rather they were a way of closing down the show...and that has not happened (although isn't next season supposed to be the last?).  

I liken it to Friends.  Friends was fabulous for 8 seasons when it was 6 single friends in NYC.  Then it was 4 single friends and a married couple in NYC and it just wasn't the same (and I'm saying this as someone who loved Monica and Chandler together).  Personally, I've always felt that the show should have ended on a high note with Chandler and Monica's wedding (and no Ross/Rachel baby!)

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I know it's all about the almighty dollar, and if Friends and BBT were/are making millions for the networks, the people in charge would rather die than call an end to the series. However, for the sake of quality, I would like shows to end when they need to end. Friends with Monica and Chandler's wedding, The Office when Michael Scott leaves, you get the jist. That would just never happen because networks love their money.

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On December 27, 2017 at 12:07 PM, Hanahope said:

I'm really hoping OUAT is cancelled after this season.  I don't care for the show anymore, but my youngest daughter loves it, so I watch it with her, for her.  But I grit my teeth through it.

You got your wish, and I'm happy too.

I used to love SVU but I finally stopped watching this season because it's gotten so bad. Mostly because of St. Olivia. And maybe it's because of all the real life sexual harassment cases that influenced my choice; I'm so burned out on the real creeps that I can't watch fictional ones anymore. And a lot of the new episodes involve victims that were lying all along and I'm so sick of that crap. We don't need thIs right now. Especially now.

I was actually FALLING ASLEEP during the show. That's when I knew it was over. I don't even care about catching the reruns from back when the show was even good.

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On 2/17/2018 at 7:04 AM, For Cereals said:


I gave up This Is Us this season.  It  was too “very special episode” every episode.  

I loved the first season of This is Us, so the second season was a massive disappointment. God above, I was yanking my hair out by the roots and grinding my teeth to powder slogging through vacuous, entitled, charmless, punchable Kevin's idiotic, "poor me" storyline. I have to say, "The Fifth Wheel" is one the most infuriating, disgusting, downright hateful TV episodes I've seen in many a moon. The ambush in the doctor's office as Kevin blandly, smugly, without a sliver of self-awareness or reflection blames his family for his fucking problems. Seriously, it was Game of Thrones level of emotional violence as he reduced his poor mom to tears without a pang of remorse. Worst of all? Kevin keeps getting rewarded for his shitty behavior! Yup, Randall forgives him for treating him like shit as a kid and endangering his daughter, Rebecca lets him move in with her and dotes on him, Kate is as slavishly devoted as ever, and Toby can't wait to be his brother-in-law! Kevin doesn't deserve a movie role or a new girlfriend... Kevin needs to be disemboweled by zombies and his remained eaten by fire ants. He's basically George Costanza and Bojack Horseman rolled into one.

Oh, and I don't like Deja. I am officially done with This is Us.

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I know some people who watch this and I don't understand why. It's not funny and seems to be 30 minutes of angry people yelling at each other.

Ugh. Life is too short to watch stuff like that.

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20 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

od above, I was yanking my hair out by the roots and grinding my teeth to powder slogging through vacuous, entitled, charmless, punchable Kevin's idiotic, "poor me" storyline.

I actually haven't watched the last several episodes because its just so hard to like this character.  Just his whole poor "white, tall, built, handsome, male with so many advantages" story line.  Ugh!  Sure tells me something about the writers.

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2 hours ago, Hanahope said:

I actually haven't watched the last several episodes because its just so hard to like this character.  Just his whole poor "white, tall, built, handsome, male with so many advantages" story line.  Ugh!  Sure tells me something about the writers.

FINALLY!! Someone agrees with me! Oh, the poor, wealthy actor whose career survives quitting a show in the least professional way possible! Poor Kevvie, getting the lead in a play despite giving a shitty audition! Oh, doesn't your heart break at how Kevin's ex-wife takes him back despite the fact he cheated on her during their marriage and basically catfished her 12 years after the fact! Dawwwwww, Kevin gets hooked on pills, endangers his niece, gets a DUI, and is not only instantaneously forgiven by his family, but this doesn't hurt his burgeoning movie career in any way, shape, or form! Get me a life preserver, 'cause I'm drowning in my fucking tears!


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On ‎03‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 6:13 PM, WritinMan said:


I know some people who watch this and I don't understand why. It's not funny and seems to be 30 minutes of angry people yelling at each other.

Ugh. Life is too short to watch stuff like that.

There have been funny things in some episodes.  I don't make a habit of watching it, but sometimes it's on while I'm doing something else.  But I get what you mean.

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I recently dropped Grey's Anatomy.  I had watched that show from the very beginning and really thought I'd be there to the last day, but the last 2 seasons--and some casting decisions--convinced me to drop it.  And, really, I don't miss it.....

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I'm in the midst of dropping The Flash for good (just half watching until the end of this season, because I at least want to finish what I started) and I am pretty sure I won't be coming back next season, which is a huge sigh of relief.

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3 minutes ago, 17wheatthins said:

I like Negan as a foil for Rick, but it turned into a “mine is bigger than yours” competition that just never stopped. And so many stupid decisions!! Ugh. 

Yea that's where I was at, but it got very old. 


3 hours ago, 17wheatthins said:

I dropped it after the mid-season premiere. Sick of the whole wash rinse repeat of it, and sick of Gimple and the network’s garbage. I still read the graphic novel, though. 

I'm tired of that as well. Such soapy writing.

Edited by AntiBeeSpray
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1 minute ago, 17wheatthins said:

I'm usually a series completionist, but I just can't justify giving ratings to Gimple and AMC after all this nonsense. :-(

Yea that's me as well. They've crossed the line with this baloney.

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On 4/22/2018 at 12:01 PM, Ohwell said:

I've been doing some teevee housecleaning and just drop-kicked Fear the Walking Dead, Atlanta, and Claws.  I feel so much better now.

Interesting. Why those three?

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10 hours ago, topanga said:

Interesting. Why those three?

Fear the Walking Dead:  I just got tired of looking at Madison, lol.

Atlanta:  While I liked Darius, I'm old and just couldn't relate to the characters and their lifestyle.  For example, I had to look up what "stunting" meant. 

Claws:  Those nasty fake fingernails!  Ugh.  No way would I eat any of these women's food.  I've actually resumed watching on occasion but it's not must see tv. 

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On 7/10/2018 at 10:32 AM, Ohwell said:

Claws:  Those nasty fake fingernails!  Ugh.  No way would I eat any of these women's food.  I've actually resumed watching on occasion but it's not must see tv. 

Funny, I just deleted this off my DVR list. I love Niecy Nash, and last season. It was great to watch a show with a black female lead. But this season feels too much like a soap opera. 

On 7/10/2018 at 10:32 AM, Ohwell said:

Atlanta:  While I liked Darius, I'm old and just couldn't relate to the characters and their lifestyle.  For example, I had to look up what "stunting" meant. 

I just couldn’t get I to this one, though I tried several times. I used to feel guilty as a black person for not supporting the show. But aim over that now. 

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3 minutes ago, topanga said:

I just couldn’t get I to this one, though I tried several times. I used to feel guilty as a black person for not supporting the show. But aim over that now. 

I know what you mean about "black guilt," lol.  I just decided that if I don't like a show, I'll drop-kick it and not let race be an issue.

I love Niecy Nash, too, especially in Getting On (HBO canceled it, dammit)--just not in Claws. 

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On 4/23/2018 at 11:24 AM, Lady Calypso said:

I'm in the midst of dropping The Flash for good (just half watching until the end of this season, because I at least want to finish what I started) and I am pretty sure I won't be coming back next season, which is a huge sigh of relief.

Don't blame you. I regret ever getting into it in the first place, because it's frustrating watching Barry Allen be a worthless screw-up over and over.

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30 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

I fell into the whole hype of This Is Us during the first season and enjoyed it a lot. Then I got to the second season and watched maybe two episodes, still kept recording it but not watching. I was saving it for binging. And there I was in the spring of the second season, remembered that it was turning kind of sappy from the episodes I did catch and one day I just deleted the whole season. I hate when a show I start out liking, turns sappy, preachy, too something I can't define. So I now hate This Is Us.



I'm definitely on the TIU-hate bus.  I thoroughly enjoyed the pilot and there were episodes in the first season that I felt had been done well.  However, I started having concerns about halfway through the first season when I realized that we were getting zero growth from any of the characters and the whole thing seemed too preoccupied with how Jack died which, frankly, doesn't even really matter (I mean, the important thing was he was dead, not how he died).  I did push through the first season and had what I considered realistically high expectations for the second.  Unfortunately, it all just seemed to fall apart in the second season and I abandoned it at the winter hiatus and never looked back.

The thing is that TIU is a show I really should like--it has all the ingredients for what I want in a show, but--keeping the cooking metaphor going--never came together into an actual dish.  The only new show I'm looking forward to in the 2018/2019 season seems a bit too derivative of TIU, but I'm hoping that it ends up working better and, if it does, I hope it steals away some of TIU's (unearned, IMO) acclaim.

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32 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

OT: What is the show you are looking forward to seeing? I won't discuss to get off topic, just interested. 


A Million Little Things .  I've heard that it is "lighter" than TIU and it focuses on friendships, not family....which gives me some optimism, despite the marketing campaign that is very clearly trying to make it the next This is Us .

Back to the hate, though...a bit more on what drove me crazy about TIU.  I'm someone who cries pretty easily and, oddly, I like shows that move me to tears.  However, I cried exactly twice in TIU--the pilot made me mist up and I cried when William died (which happened to air the week my own mother died, so I can't even say that my tears were for the show).  My dry-eyes wouldn't be a problem, except Dan Fogelman and the cast were saying every chance they got how TIU would make the audience cry their eyes out.  First of all, unless the name of your show is Call the Midwife , you can't say that your show will definitely make me cry.  Secondly, if I'm told--repeatedly--that an episode is going to make me cry and then it doesn't, no matter how well written, performed, and/or directed that episode is, it is a failure because it didn't deliver what it promised.  I think if they had just cut the "you will CRY!!!!" crap, I might have actually made it through season 2.

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I still enjoy TIU but I think the writers have fallen into a rut using the same emotional buttons for two seasons.  We all know what baggage each character is carrying, the writers need to move on something different in season 3.  They can't keep recycling the same issues just because it succeeded in making the show a hit.

Edited by Haleth
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I could only get through one episode of A Series of Unfortunate Events. I used to like the books, but they've made the adults even stupider in the show -- even the bad guys. Don't get me wrong, I love NPH (and the kids and Patrick Warburton are great) but I can only take so much stupid in a single show, and these morons make the citizens of South Park and Springfield look like Stephen Hawking!

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The UK show Merlin which lasted five years mainly due to the turning of Morgana. The absolute annoying thing is they had establish the perfect reasons and way for Morgana to turn against Camelot. One she had magic which was banned and magic users were repeatedly murdered on orders of her guardian Uther even children. Gaius knew she had magic and rather then help her he instead kept drugging her even though he'd end up going to bat for Merlin the entire series who also had magic. She was often drugged, confused and very scared. Especially from the nightmares she kept having not realizing until later that was sign of magic. The other reason was learning she wasn't Uther's guardian but his daughter. He had an affair with her mother said nothing not even after both of her parents died and he took her in to raise. They easily could have used both as reasons for her turning against and waging war against Uther. Instead she's kidnapped by her sister, gone for a year after Merlin tried to kill her (he poisoned her because she some spell or something that was putting everyone to sleep which Morgana was unaware of) she comes back as a mustache twirling villain ready to murder and hurt anyone and everyone with no real reason. Just cause. She constantly smirking but no one seems to notice except Merlin. Merlin and Gaius have this one very annoying scene where Merlin is hurt Morgana has turned and Gaius is all she made her choice. EXCEPT she didn't know there was any other choice. Because Gaius chose to keep her in the dark and Merlin went along with his advice. There were a couple times Merlin considered it and then Gaius talked him out of it or the Dragon who he ignored about everything except Morgana and Mordred. It would have at least been something if Merlin felt guilt about not trying to help her. Its the reason she goes to the Druids first because they have magic and help her. The only reason she trusts Morgause is she gives her something to help with her dreams. Morgana's sudden hatred of Arthur, Guen and Merlin makes little sense. If she was coming from being angry that they kept defending, saving and protecting Uther despite how horrible he is and how much he deserves even to how crap he's treated all three of them. That might make sense. Nope, she suddenly wants to murder them to be Queen.

The dealing with Mordred who ends up being the murderer of Arthur. First of all he's a kid. A magical kid, who's parents and everyone he knows was murdered by Uther. Merlin wants him dead mostly on what the Dragon said. There really isn't any sign Mordred's bad except people keep trying to kill him. 

In the beginning of the series it makes more sense of Merlin working hard to protect Arthur even if it means helping out Uther who creates most the problems from his policy of murdering all magic users including their children which leads most magical people still alive to target him. But as the series goes on its harder and harder to understand why. Uther is horrible to everyone. There's zero signs of him letting up and learning from his mistakes or changing. 

Guinevere is mostly just there. She's a nice character but doesn't do much. Her romance with Arthur they don't bother to develop suddenly they are in love. Also, it makes no sense that she's still at Camelot after her father is executed for a crime he didn't commit. She doesn't even show any signs of anger or sad. She just gets over it and remains a servant in Uther's castle. Why?

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The Simpsons. The show has become unbearable and every year I wonder why Fox still keeps it going on when both quality and ratings have declined. I have grown to really despise Marge and this season drag queen episode where she pretends to be one but instead of getting called out for her cultural appropriation gets to play the victim AGAIN and blame Homer for everything AGAIN really shows how tone deaf and trite the writers are.

I have decided to officially quit cold turkey, not even watching the reruns anymore. It's going to be difficult but if I can drop SVU and WD then I can do this.

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At the moment: Manifest. I stopped watching, because the writers are more concerned with love triangles, than focusing on what could be great story lines, including: what happened to the f'king plane?? 

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2 hours ago, SirFilligryFlirt said:

Hell's Kitchen- Has been the same for years. Tried this season, couldn't get past episode 1. 

South Park- Have been there since the premiere, and am trying as hard as I can to stick with it. But, I am not a fan of the past few seasons. I like stand alone episodes.

Modern Family- Tired of watching Cam and Mitchell be such whiny, hypocritical, twats every episode. 

Agree with you- except I couldn't even get through five minutes of South Park despite all the hype! 

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Most real estate shows. I can't stand the bland designs, the gentrification, the couple/exes hosts who bicker and snipe for most of each episode, open concept open concept open concept, the idea that if a house doesn't have a master suite that's half the size of the house then it's too small or dated, the clients who have only $175,000 but want a huge house with all the bells and whistles, the clients who are bitchy to the hosts because they can't have everything they want, the client's grown child who, instead of being supportive, tries to get their parent to buy a house the kid wants, etc. The fake house tours, the fake prospective buyers, just all of it. That new one that encourages lottery winners to blow their money on a house (which is such a bad idea)? Haaate.

I don't mind Good Bones or Rehab Addict.

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I like "The World's Most Extraordinary Homes" (Netflix) with Piers Taylor and the inimitable Caroline Quentin.  In the first episode of the first series they firstly visit the airplane house in California (made of parts of a Boeing 747 and known as the 747 Wing House), and then move on to a fabulously stupid concept house in the middle of the Arizona desert.  It's indescribably bad - none of the rooms connect internally, so you have to go outside to get to the next room; everything has windows or walls that open up hugely to the desert; you can't drive up to the house, so there is a hike; the approach to the front door has high "risers" and no railing; the desert may be hot in the day but it is also going to be freaking cold at night, so inside halls are generally a smart and people-friendly thing; the owner/builder-of-his-lifelong-dream-home-in-his-dream-location spent $$$$$$ (or possibly $$$$$$$) building it; when it was finished in the fall they went home for the winter and somehow didn't close doors and windows, so nature invaded over winter; and the owner and his wife were interviewed separately.  I had the feeling that the only reason the wife wasn't suing for divorce was because there were no funds left.

But kudos to the show for highlighting the stupid parts as well as the views and luxury baths.

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On 1/20/2019 at 11:25 AM, kassygreene said:

I like "The World's Most Extraordinary Homes" (Netflix) with Piers Taylor and the inimitable Caroline Quentin.  In the first episode of the first series they firstly visit the airplane house in California (made of parts of a Boeing 747 and known as the 747 Wing House), and then move on to a fabulously stupid concept house in the middle of the Arizona desert.  It's indescribably bad - none of the rooms connect internally, so you have to go outside to get to the next room; everything has windows or walls that open up hugely to the desert; you can't drive up to the house, so there is a hike; the approach to the front door has high "risers" and no railing; the desert may be hot in the day but it is also going to be freaking cold at night, so inside halls are generally a smart and people-friendly thing; the owner/builder-of-his-lifelong-dream-home-in-his-dream-location spent $$$$$$ (or possibly $$$$$$$) building it; when it was finished in the fall they went home for the winter and somehow didn't close doors and windows, so nature invaded over winter; and the owner and his wife were interviewed separately.  I had the feeling that the only reason the wife wasn't suing for divorce was because there were no funds left.

But kudos to the show for highlighting the stupid parts as well as the views and luxury baths.

I watched the same episode a few days ago. When I saw those ridiculous risers all I could think of was the time I spent 8 weeks in a cast and on crutches with a broken ankle and could barely manage the stairs to my 3rd-floor condo. What happens if one of the owners is injured, or has surgery requiring crutches or a wheelchair? What happens when it's monsoon season and you're trying to get a week's worth of groceries inside the house without everything getting drenched? What happens, as it apparently already happened to the homeowners, when every 4-, 6-, 8-, 100-, and NO-legged critter within 20 miles figures out that this structure is a source of food, water and shade and decides to move in? Stepping on a scorpion or rattler at 3AM when you're using the bathroom is NOT my idea of a good time. And can you imagine the paramedics answering the 911 call trying to get a stretcher with you strapped on it and every nerve on fire from the venom of whatever you stepped on out to the ambulance over those risers, or even out through one of the sliding doors and down that path to get onto the road?


Anyone crazy enough to build a house like that without thinking of the kind of problems Murphy's Law has proven over and over again can happen has bricks for brains. And any architect who would design and build it has the same, and serious ego problems as well.


Other than that, I'm enjoying the series, although so far there are only one or two houses that I'd enjoy living in. And I don't care if they affect the view, the idea of windows that open but don't have screens is incomprehensible - don't any of those countries have mosquitoes? Flies? Wasps?

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16 hours ago, Hyacinth B said:

Anyone crazy enough to build a house like that without thinking of the kind of problems Murphy's Law has proven over and over again can happen has bricks for brains. And any architect who would design and build it has the same, and serious ego problems as well.


Back in the mid 80's I had a friend/co-worker who had had this master plan for his life since he was a small child: marriage, first child to have a certain gender-neutral name, and to live in a house of his own design that he would build (well, oversee), all before he was 30.

And by gum he did it.  He never had the money, and wound up being his own general contractor, which among other things meant that the guys he hired would take real jobs from real GCs whenever they occurred, and he had no leverage over that; and also meant he really didn't have the experience to order the right supplies and materials, so he had at least one "skylight" window that had a crank and could be opened, if they brought in a 30-foot ladder; and also that he had a general (and fairly standard) house layout with enough differences to be impractical as well as difficult to build; and also that the only lot in the area he wanted to live in was the cheapest in the neighborhood, and that was because it was a flagpole lot - where the driveway is the pole (two hundred yards, 10 degree incline, and a dogleg halfway up, bordered by tall and unyielding trees, and the house lot was the flag, and three feet too narrow for his house plan); and also meant that he wound up with a kitchen built over an unheated garage with the sink and water pipes on outer walls - at 7000 feet of altitude, so pipes freezing and bursting were a recurring thing.

But hey!  He got 'er done before his 30th birthday!  Five years later mutual friends of ours bought an actually built with proper permits and by god finished house in a subdivision which had the rational version of his floor plan for many $$$$ less.  And the pipes in that house never froze.

Probably part of why that Arizona house bugged me - a guy gets an idee fixe, and the rest of his family is supposed to shut up and help.  In my family that attitude is also known as Grounds For Divorce.

(I'm 62.  I may have lived on my own a bit too long.)

Edited by kassygreene
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I've been on an "Honest Trailers" kick today, including the one for Friends.  I wouldn't say I hate the show other than the Ross and Rachel relationship, but I never got into it because a lot about it bugged me, pretty much all of which is covered by the Screen Junkies folks:


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7 hours ago, Bastet said:

I've been on an "Honest Trailers" kick today, including the one for Friends.  I wouldn't say I hate the show other than the Ross and Rachel relationship, but I never got into it because a lot about it bugged me, pretty much all of which is covered by the Screen Junkies folks:


I love Honest Trailers! They are always so hilarious!

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2 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

I love Honest Trailers! They are always so hilarious!

I've been going through and watching some this evening. Some of them have had me in tears, I was laughing so hard. 

That one about "Friends" was fun. I'm not super familiar with the show, either - I had no idea Phoebe's backstory was so freaking depressing!

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17 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

I've been going through and watching some this evening. Some of them have had me in tears, I was laughing so hard. 

That one about "Friends" was fun. I'm not super familiar with the show, either - I had no idea Phoebe's backstory was so freaking depressing!

I've watched most of them. Many of them from shows and movies I've never seen. I love the Cinderella one that calls her stepsisters Kardashians and the murdering mice song. The live action Mulan Honest Trailer is also hilarious. 

Yeah, Phoebe's backstory really was really depressing. How she wasn't more messed up. I don't know.  

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12 hours ago, andromeda331 said:


Yeah, Phoebe's backstory really was really depressing. How she wasn't more messed up. I don't know.  

Let's not forget the theory that she is still living on the street and on drugs, watching these attractive young people in the coffee shop and imagining herself as one of them.😭


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