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S01.E07: Sent On Tour

Tara Ariano
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The team face a menacing criminal at a remote location, and the case may expose Mayfair's secrets. Meanwhile, Jane and Weller's strained relationship is tested; and Patterson violates the rules in order to figure out a tattoo puzzle.


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I'll admit, I fully thought that Patterson's bf (David?) was foul and working for someone else, and this episode would expose him.  But I was pleasantly surprised at their interactions together, and it was genuinely sad that Patterson dumped him.  This is a romance that I would be invested in because it came off naturally; the actors have a very sweet chemistry, and their relationship feels real.  Their little investigation in the library felt more honest than any long gazes that Jane and Weller have shared over the past several weeks.  It turns out the writers can do romance.  They're just forcing it in all the wrong places.


A nice touch in the beginning was Reade's story about his days at Michigan and Jane's encouraging look to him when he was cut off by Zapata.  I'll give her that; even though Reade is (rightfully) doubtful about the whole situation, Jane still wants to earn his trust and be his friend.  She desperately wants some connections besides Weller, and one of the show's few strengths is when they separate the two, and let Jane interact with the others.  I was relieved that Weller didn't comfort Jane on the plane ride to Daclyn, because it seemed so obvious, but he did it on the way home.  Figures.


Of course Jane can fly a helicopter.


The COTW was ok, but at least we're getting closer to learning about Project Daylight.  Anyone else think the Sheriff was doomed once he said he would hold off the rest of Saul's army?


Hey, Tree Guy made an appearance!  And he spoke!

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I was really hoping nosy boyfriend would get killed. Patterson repeatedly tells him it's classified FBI information and he just barrels ahead pushing into business he knows nothing about. He was so annoying that I would have cheered if he had inadvertently walked into a criminal conspiracy and gotten killed for his trouble.

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I'll admit, I fully thought that Patterson's bf (David?) was foul and working for someone else, and this episode would expose him.  But I was pleasantly surprised at their interactions together, and it was genuinely sad that Patterson dumped him.  This is a romance that I would be invested in because it came off naturally; the actors have a very sweet chemistry, and their relationship feels real.  Their little investigation in the library felt more honest than any long gazes that Jane and Weller have shared over the past several weeks.  It turns out the writers can do romance.  They're just forcing it in all the wrong places.


The Weller/Jane romance is so dull. The forced looks and worrying about each other is so stupid. Is Jane 16? She seems to be a highly trained assassin or whatever and she went full in to that guy's baiting for Weller being dead. My eye rolling with those two is going to give me a headache. 


I agree Patterson and her boyfriend actually had chemistry and were much more natural together. I did think his eager beaver shtick meant he was evil, but he appears to just be a fellow secret code nerd that didn't care that he could've gotten his girlfriend fired. It's too bad she broke up with him but he didn't know how to stop and that puts her job on the line and could endanger a lot of people. 


I'm still more interested in what happened to Jane for the past 25 years more that Super Jane herself or the tattoo case of the week. The sex dream tree tattoo guy is helping her somehow and he's already more interesting than Weller. 

Edited by Sakura12
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The Weller/Jane romance is so dull. The forced looks and worrying about each other is so stupid. Is Jane 16? She seems to be a highly trained assassin or whatever and she went full in to that guy's baiting for Weller being dead. My eye rolling with those two is going to give me a headache.


That's all they have, Weller is just stiff and him going after Jane because she may or may not be his long lost neighbor he obsesses over is creepy.

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Patterson repeatedly tells him it's classified FBI information and he just barrels ahead pushing into business he knows nothing about. 


That stuff was the only part I didn't like about that plot, so thankfully it got better.  They both screwed up, though.  David had no business looking at FBI information, but why was Patterson plastering those photos on the walls of their apartment?  It's one thing to tuck them away in a book, but in glaring view for anyone to see?  She had to have known David would see them, he basically lived with her.



Is Jane 16? She seems to be a highly trained assassin or whatever and she went full in to that guy's baiting for Weller being dead. My eye rolling with those two is going to give me a headache. 


Yep.  The Jane/Weller stuff brings the show to a grinding halt every time.  I RME so hard when Jane smacked Guerrero.  Of course he's going to say mean stuff like that, dummy.  He's trying to get in your head.  And I noticed that she only reacted when she thought Weller was dead, not Zapata.  She even repeated it to Reade "He's not dead."  


Guess Zapata doesn't count.  Not a good look, Jane.

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Mayfair, if whatever you're about to tell Weller only three other people know I'm pretty sure Weller shouldn't know it. And what happened to the benefit of being the boss? Patterson tattles on her to Weller and then he comes demanding answers and she just caves, whatever. Then again Jane is still out in the field running amuck asking people if they know her in the middle of shootouts.

No Reade don't go to the darkside!

Edited by miracole
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Lou Diamond Phillips alone probably makes this my favorite episode so far.  The way Sal kept getting on everyone's nerves amused me greatly.  And he seemed to be channeling at least a few of the viewers with his disbelief over how the tattoos work.  Like how the tattoo apparently help lead to them to a care package, that happened just enough guns and vests for all four of them.  How did the tattoos account for that?!  Or was it just dumb luck?  Had the tattoos only thought three would be there, I guess someone was shit out of luck (oh, who am I getting?  It would be poor Reade who wouldn't get a vest.)


There was a moment when Patterson was showing everyone the "turtle shell' at the beginning of the episode, and Kurt had this look of awe on his face that cracked me up.  Not because it was really a bad thing, but I it was because it was the only time where I felt like Sullivan Stapleton was actually showing emotion other then anger/constipated/stiffness.  I knew he had it in him!  Too bad it was short lived.  And there was even more annoying Kurt/Jane scenes that are not only stupid, but really getting creepy because I feel like Jaimie Alexander (who I normally love), is going way overboard to the point that she is almost childish, so it makes Kurt come 

off like he's one Chris Hanson visit away from starring in his own "To Catch a Predator" episode.


Speaking of Patterson, I enjoy her, but really, I'm surprised it took it this long for things to blow up in her face.  She and her boyfriend were way too obvious with the way they were handling supposed classified documents, pictures, and stuff.  Although I still laughed at Mayfair being all "How dare you?!", because lets take a look here.  We've got Zapata, who has a gambling addiction that is so bad, that she is now a mole for the CIA.  You've got Kurt, who is clearly letting his emotion get the better of him and letting it control how he operates. And then Jane herself, who is not trained in anyway, and yet is allowed to carry gun and shit, and is pretty much uncontrollable on the field.  So, really, Mayfair: outside of Reade, your entire team is off their rockers.  But considering all the shady shit you seemed to be involved in, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.


Surprised it took them this long to find a scenario where Jane has to strip off her clothes in the field, to decipher a clue.  At least it was with Reade, so he seemed to be more "Whatever: I've pretty much seen all that there is.  Lets get too it!" about it.  Had it been Kurt, he no doubt would have made it awkward and embarrassing.

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The Mayfair-Weller dynamic REALLY needs to be fixed. It is just all sorts of wrong.  The FBI has a strict hierarchy; just because Weller is played by the lead actor doesn't mean he gets to throw his weight around and be the boss.


Jane's anxious attachment issues with Weller are extremely off-putting.  I want to hope that the fact that the combination code was 'Kurt' instead of 'Shaw' -- the one person Tree Dude definitely expected to be at the station (see: helicopter) -- is a big clue to Jane's non-Shaw identity, but I'm not that lucky.


And while we're at it, we can lay off the Reade As Skeptic button, too, or change it up so his concerns turn out to have merit. All the character beats are ramped up to 11 on this show.

Edited by DEM
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Not much of an episode.  It takes them 2 minutes to nab Henry Standing Bear, and his bad-man performance was weak, weak, weak. They escaped because a secret box of small-arms was buried where they could find it, and an entire m*th*rf*ck*ng helicopter was parked under a tree for godnoze how long, and none of the Jed Clampetts spotted it while out 'coon huntin' or looking for a cell tower to sell?


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Patterson has wallpapered her apartment with giant, classified, blowup photographs of every little, tattooed, crack and crevice of Jane's body, presumably warning too-good-to-be-anything-but-shady boyfriend not to look at them like he's obsessed.  But obviously, he is obsessed, because he takes a classified photo out on the street, waving it around in full view of... The Entire World.  And when Patterson finds out, she doesn't slap him silly and take back the photo.  Instead, she joins him in his adventure, where they are caught by Bethany Mayfair in the middle of a liplock, surrounded by the classified info.  


I'd have probably found it more entertaining to close my eyes and listen to the rain on the roof for an hour.

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This is a romance that I would be invested in because it came off naturally;



If they were in a rom-com? Yeah, I'd buy that, but...

Patterson repeatedly tells him it's classified FBI information and he just barrels ahead pushing into business he knows nothing about.


...we're in a suspense/action/conspiracy- thriller, so no. Arrogantly sure-about-the-inherent-danger-involved boyfriends not vetted by the FBI, who push and push and push and push, whine, wheedle, and play on the obvious insecurities they've noticed/ have been told  aren't cute. Dude was pushing so hard on the let-me-have-a-key-already point, it should have raised red flags for Patterson. Not just due to the job, but for her, personally. A guy that's supposed to "not be like the others" should know that pressuring Patterson wasn't the way. The incredulous look of surprise as he realized Patterson was done with him was amusing. It seemed like as long as Dude wasn't arrested, things were going to pick-up right where they were left.  I hope that was because he was sent to infiltrate the Bureau through Patterson ( because NerdGirl = sexless and desperate) and the incredulity was that she wasn't that apologetic over dumping him for a hard but personally rewarding job. She obviously cares/d for him, but she loves the job more. Patterson is indeed the poo and I love her to bits.  I hope Mayfair gets over the initial anger and WTFery of Good Girl Patterson going off with someone and gently keeps tabs. She can keep tabs on Dude as roughly as she sees fit, imo.


Speaking of folks being disappointed, Bulldog from Fraiser Crane's radio station has really fallen on hard times if he's a militia man, lying to Feds and in an arms dealer's pocket!  Also, the team seeming to miss the blood trail Guerro leaving for his henchmen/stooges.


I liked the team interaction, as Amethyst noted. I wasn't a fan of how Weller "comforted" Jane on the plane ( it looked like he was grabbing at them, as opposed to trying to gather them). IA with the verbage of "he's alive" not being too great. A 'they're alive" would have short-circuited the attempt to game them that way and shown a stronger team mindset, even if it is a little faked at this point. They are working on trying to be a team, some, so Guerro didn't have to be told. That can be placed on the writers.  I was hoping that they would at least kiss tonight because I am tired of the supposed build-up.


I liked that Zapata got to say what we've been thinking, in regards to Jane being treated like something to protect- as opposed to the apparently more expendable teammates from the actual Bureau. I hope that that gets addressed by midseason. Hopefully, Jane leads off the intervention and Reade ends it. They are the four in the field, so Mayfair doesn't have to be in on it, as it's team biz.  If Weller can't deal, then maybe another talk with Mayfair should be had, but not just yet.


I am curious as to who would be able to be that kind of mole for the Feds and have access to pre-Jane.  Has Tree Man's tree been identified? At least a few more tats have been used for tonight's case, so that's a few more that don't need ciphering, right? Wait, don't tell me-- they also figure into other cases. *sigh*


Lou Diamond Phillips is still quite a looker! ( Thirty years ago was La Bamba 's premiere! )

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Lou Diamond Phillips is aging well.

Yes, Bulldog Briscoe has fallen from where he was on Frasier.

Patterson's friend David looks kinda like a teenage Jeff Goldblum. Glad they haven't written Patterson to be a female Gil Grissom. If I were 30 years younger, I'd find Patterson quite adorkable, but her poor judgment with case materials is cringent.

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A scavenger hunt "organized" six months before leads to supplies for four and an helicopter that Jane knows how to fly. I'm beginning to think that tattoos are somehow linked to time travel, for the people who did it are so spot on with timing and details. Oh, show, don't ever change.


Lou Diamond Phillips was great as the thorn in the side/pain in the ass, I hope he's recurring.


The playful/childish Patterson/David quest was a nice counterpoint to the "trapped in the woods" plot, it made for a good balance imo.


I was glad for all the interactions inside the team. The first Mayfair/Patterson first scene cracked me up, the kids are busted and "I'm FBI".

I liked that Jane and Reade got to work together, it allowed him out of his eternal  naysayer role; it was nice to see them agree on how they should go back and wait for the others -Jane emitting the idea and Reade agreeing, IIRC. I also liked that Zapata got to say her piece. I liked that Weller didn't move during the first plane trip, and that he did during the second. I liked the Jane and Weller scene there, he was allowed to smile. He should smile more, it looks good on him.


 And I noticed that she only reacted when she thought Weller was dead, not Zapata.  She even repeated it to Reade "He's not dead." 

Guess Zapata doesn't count.  Not a good look, Jane.

This isn't exactly how I'd interprete it. She said "They're alive", the first time, when Guerrero began to taunt her about Zapata and Weller. Then he went on about her expression when "Kurt" didn't choose her, and hoped she could witness when he'd decapitate him, that's when she reacted, Reade intervened and there she said "He's alive". So one could argue that the conversation had already rolled away from Zapata, and it isn't Jane who took the initiative of excluding her.

I do think it was intended to show a particular worry for Weller (not solely for him) but personally I only find it normal. Weller is the only one whom Jane has an emotional connection with so far, and after she said he's her starting point, so basically all she has, so I'm not surprised that she is more sensitive to what happens to him. Being upset about Reade, Zapata and Patterson is logical, she works with them and obviously wants to be friends with them, but I wouldn't understand how it could strike a nerve with her at this point.

And I was glad to see that she's protective of Weller and attached to him the way he's to her.


The Mayfair-Weller dynamic REALLY needs to be fixed. It is just all sorts of wrong.  The FBI has a strict hierarchy; just because Weller is played by the lead actor doesn't mean he gets to throw his weight around and be the boss.

It doesn't fit with what we've seen of Mayfair so far, on top of it.

I think it could reflect the fact that Mayfair feels trapped/guilty because of Daylight. I hope that it will be played in universe, with Weller telling her that he did it on purpose, as a test, and that her reaction only confirmed that she was lying/there was something fishy.


I don't know if I should hope it's the last we see of David. He's such a cutie, I wouldn't want to see him dead or a bad guy. I was a bit puzzled at Patterson's sudden break-up speech, though, it had so many shades of Oliver Queen's trademark "Because of the life I lead".

Edited by Happy Harpy
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I'll admit, I fully thought that Patterson's bf (David?) was foul and working for someone else, and this episode would expose him.  But I was pleasantly surprised at their interactions together, and it was genuinely sad that Patterson dumped him.  This is a romance that I would be invested in because it came off naturally; 

Since no one else is mentioning it, maybe I'm thinking of another show, but I could have sworn we saw a scene (can't remember which episode) with David on the phone & he was obviously working for someone. Am I just confused?

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I liked this episode a lot. It seemed like a bit of a departure from the formula in that for once the FBI was actually driving rather than chasing. I know the central concept of the show is that they are always two steps behind but it is nice to see them functioning as competent law enforcement officers once in a while.


Loved seeing Lou Diamond Phillips as the snarky villain and I hope we see him again. However, I take issue with the idea of this area being redneck central but the person they're willing to give their lives defending is a Mexican.


I just figured Patterson out. She has ADD! When she described her boyfriend as a distraction it made perfect sense. Poor impulse control, the ability to hyperfocus, casual disregard for procedure, inability to maintain a romantic relationship... Get this gal some Ritalin, she's going to need it.


Let me get this straight: whoever tattooed Jane knew where this bad guy was, knew where there was a buried cache of weapons, knew that the floorboards would creak just so, knew that Jane would be willing to peel her pants off in front of people she barely knows, knew there would be a party of four, et cetera. I am starting to think the upthread theory about time travel is correct.


We have entirely abandoned the one tattoo leading to another concept. They are now being investigated completely at random.

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That was a kind of fun episode to me. Probably because my Lou Diamond Phillips love helped counteract my aversion to Weller. I don't know Jaimie Alexander from anything else, but I am coming around to the idea there's a good actress in there. I think they are way overdoing her helpless child persona whenever she's with Weller, but when she's with others I kind of like her. Every scene with just her and Weller loses me though, I get zero chemistry and I know I'm going to be forced into watching their relationship "blossom."


Yes, Patterson letting her boyfriend see and investigate tattoos was completely wrong. I'm still sad they were found out though, because those two were so cute together. Patterson is still my favorite character. I want her apartment and board games and her cute Peter Pan collar dress.

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She seems to be a highly trained assassin or whatever

She may have the technical skills and muscle memory to perform the tasks, but her mind does not have all the characteristics due to the mind wipe. Her mind is still a somewhat blank canvas.

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A scavenger hunt "organized" six months before leads to supplies for four and an helicopter that Jane knows how to fly. I'm beginning to think that tattoos are somehow linked to time travel, for the people who did it are so spot on with timing and details.


It might as well be with how plot convenient it is.

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Since no one else is mentioning it, maybe I'm thinking of another show, but I could have sworn we saw a scene (can't remember which episode) with David on the phone & he was obviously working for someone.


That wasn't another show; you were watching my dreams.

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I am starting to think the upthread theory about time travel is correct.


I have long concluded that there must be time travel or parallel universe sci-fi explanation for Jane and her tattoos.  How else could the tattooer(s) know all this stuff?

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I'm still so confused as to why the FBI only sends out 3 agents (and Jane) on these missions. Odds are if they are outnumbered, they most likely aren't coming out alive, never mind being injured. These people are in a massive gun fight every fucking day and then just go about their business like nothing happened. Solve some fricking tattoos without having a shoot out. It's getting old.


That being said, I still like the show, but change it up a bit. Sheesh.

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The FBI on this show are not being shown to be too bright, except for Reade who is the only one questioning following the tats. But you'd think they'd be more interested in the fact that Jane obviously was sent by someone or was working with someone prior to her memory loss. And that someone has future knowledge of crimes that haven't been committed yet. 


It seems they are too set on this being a paint by numbers procedural show instead of show based on magical future crime tattoos on an amnesiac that may or may not be a girl that was abducted 25 years ago. That's the more interesting mystery, not the generic crimes. 

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Chrissie Seaver needs a spanking.  Are you going to tell me that after working there for what's clearly been a while, she doesn't know a single person in the entire FBI she could talk to in confidence about her ideas over a coffee?  So she needs to share top secret info with a random guy because hey, what could go wrong?

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Yes, Patterson letting her boyfriend see and investigate tattoos was completely wrong. I'm still sad they were found out though, because those two were so cute together. Patterson is still my favorite character. I want her apartment and board games and her cute Peter Pan collar dress.


IA.  Blindspot doesn't do logic well, if at all.  Weller shouldn't be in charge.  Jane shouldn't have a gun and be allowed to shoot people like she's an agent.  Reade can't be the only skeptic, but he's forced into that thankless role.  Yet they've done it for weeks now and expect the viewers to accept the nonsense.  


If Patterson got in trouble or fired, I would understand because letting a civilian get involved and solve the tattoos was completely out of line.  But after being force fed the boring and charmless Jane/Weller stuff for weeks, I found this b-plot refreshing.  I'm glad it didn't ruin her career.

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This was the first episode that had multiple tattoos all pointing, or working on the same crime. Those derricks were a pretty big one too (in terms of Jane-based real estate). I'm going to guess that Episodes 8-13 are going to tie off project Daylight to the extent that they can. Once the show settles into the balance of its full season order beyond that I'll be interested to see the route it will take.


So here's my question. Was Tree guy the guy we saw putting Jane under to start the tattooing in the pilot? Who also visited the Chinese National in the hospital killing him? The person Weller was so intent on figuring out, but has since forgotten about.

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I'm willing to suspend disbelief about the entire ridiculous tattoo set-up.

But Patterson having multiple live-in BFs? Nope sorry. I draw the line there.

Also, Standard Oil, which became Esso, which became Exxon, started in Ohio. So Michigan isn't that far-fetched.

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"Patterson having multiple live-in BFs? Nope sorry. I draw the line there."

I agree, but only because I think she'd have gotten married at like 23. The writers are probably kicking themselves for not having married her off to David in the first place; Lord knows I wish that's how they'd done it.

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The FBI on this show are not being shown to be too bright

Between this show & Quantico, we are lucky if the FBI can find a terrorist even if they're standing in front of the White House with a sign that says "I'm a terrorist". Neither show is giving me confidence in our safety.

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I actually liked the idea of Patterson having had several live-in boyfriends.  It reduces the cliche of "nerd-girl-inexperienced-at-relationships" to nil.  She's not socially awkward or giggly or flustery (not a word).  She's a woman who's had serious relationships in the past.


However, while I liked the casual mention of more than one live-in, she is pretty young.  Maybe I'm old-fashioned (I am) but that seems like a lot of "almosts" to me. Would feel the same way if a man were saying it.  When she kept referring to her past live-in boyfriends, I thought "good for you" and "really, dude?" at the same time.

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So Tree Tattoo left the hidden box of guns and vests in the Ranger station?  I'm assuming he also left the helicopter?  Why?  Makes zero sense to me at all when they don't bother to give us even an iota of explanation.  At this point, it's like they're making it all up and loosely tying together whatever story they want to write with the tattoos.


Sorry, but I'm not a fan at all of Patterson's boyfriend.  I was hoping that somebody would jump out of the library stacks and kill him.  He seems particularly effeminate, but the show seems to write him as if he is her actual boyfriend who has been sleeping at her apartment every night for months.  


However, while I liked the casual mention of more than one live-in, she is pretty young.  Maybe I'm old-fashioned (I am) but that seems like a lot of "almosts" to me. Would feel the same way if a man were saying it.  When she kept referring to her past live-in boyfriends, I thought "good for you" and "really, dude?" at the same time.

She looks to me like she could be about 30.  Even if she were 26, with a track record of getting rid of one live in per year, she could easily have had 4 live ins at her age.  I don't see anything unusual about it.
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Well, things happened this episode.  However, I'm been nursing a bad case of irritated back gums for several days, so I really wasn't invested in this episode.


We did find out that Jane is scared of flying but is (more-or-less) able to fly a helicopter with the proper coaxing.  It's almost like there are two women inhabiting the same body, which is intriguing.


I'm guessing the remaining militia members surrendered when The Feds showed up at the end of the episode.  I'd hate to think that our heroes left a bunch of government agents to get slaughtered by a pack of un-American domestic terrorists.


I hate that Tech Girl had to break up with her boyfriend, but they were playing a dangerous game, like Not CCH Pounder said or, at least, implied.  But Tech Girl has become my most favorite character, even though I can't remember her name, so I hope she sticks around and isn't some character created just to be killed off because that would be dirty pool.

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Well, things happened this episode.  However, I'm been nursing a bad case of irritated back gums for several days, so I really wasn't invested in this episode.


I may need a root canal in a few days, so I feel your pain.  Literally.


(high five)

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Amethyst, on 03 Nov 2015 - 5:50 PM, said:

I may need a root canal in a few days, so I feel your pain.  Literally.


(high five)


(receives and returns high five)


Oh, it's nice to have an oral suffering friend.

Edited by bmoore4026
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Of course Jane can fly a helicopter.


Okay, but can she write a coherent plotline for a script?  Toughest challenge yet.


Patterson wasn't really in trouble for showing photos to her boyfriend.  The boss was upset because the arches were next week's tattoo plot.


I wonder at what kind of militia/gang Guerrero had assembled.  Sorry, but when your loyalty is paid for, it only goes as far as the last check.  As soon as those guys saw two or three of their buddies go down, it should have been obvious that the agents were not the kind to be standing around yelling "Halt! Drop your weapons!"  I'm guessing that they would decide right quick that Guerrero wasn't worth the risk and fade back into the bushes and brambles, anti-government philosophy be damned. 


What kind of business jet shakes and rattles like that during minor turbulence?  The FBI needs to confiscate better equipment from the drug busts.

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I hate Patterson's (ex) boyfriend. He's just an annoying cliche for me. He's just too much. I just want to tell him to chillax. Also I hate how Patterson thought it was OK to post classified stuff on her wall. If you're gonna break the rules, at least be discreet and encrypt the files.

I loved Lou Diamond Philips! I didn't know he'd be in this show so that was a happy surprise.

I want to punch Jane and Weller whenever they have their feeling talks at the episode end. At least I got to see them partner with someone else. Also what was up with Weller bossing bosslady around? Also, don 't tell Weller your secrets, you know he can't handle the truth!

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Hey, Tree Guy made an appearance!  And he spoke!


And he's cute!


The Weller/Jane romance is so dull. The forced looks and worrying about each other is so stupid.


There's a romance?


Is Jane 16?


Apparently, because when Jane kept asking Lou Diamond Philips' character questions when they were walking in the forest, everytime she did, Weller would chastise her with a "Jane, not now." or a "Jane, be quiet". He's talking to her like she's a child, which then creeps me out, because he's obsessed with her (still have no idea why **), yet there seems to be some chemistry, but at the same time, he always dimisses her like a child. Creepy.


** No slam on Jane. I still don't really get why a 10-year old would be so obsessed with a 5-year old's disappearance.  Part (most?) of it is that I have zero recollection of my childhood. But unless you had an eidetic memory, most people would forget the details of that. Kids move in and out of neighbourhoods all of the time. Friends come and go - so Weller's obsession really borders on creepy.


I did love Patterson and David solving the tattoo clue together, and sad she got caught. But that is probably what would happen in real life. Too bad about the bf - he was so adorable, but Patterson (don't know her first name) really wasn't into him. Her little speech about many men moving in, then they move out. schtick was sad, but when you see her basically not paying attention, or getting annoyed with the bf, or just being off in a different place, you can see why. Yes, she's dedicated to her work, but simple courtesy doesn't take much effort. She treated him poorly. No wonder they left.

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What I didn't understand was Patterson has in previous weeks, chastised her BF for looking at their pics of the tats because they are "classified". However, this week, we learn that the BF "practically lives there" and she has now plastered the walls with ALL of the secret pics. So, what changed between last week and this one?

The case of the week didn't really keep my attention as I fell asleep during the original airing.

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What kind of business jet shakes and rattles like that during minor turbulence?  The FBI needs to confiscate better equipment from the drug busts.

Weller: How did those BAU dickheads get a Gulfstream?????

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I liked the Jane and Weller scene there, he was allowed to smile. He should smile more, it looks good on him.



When the show has Weller smiling, he seems more human and more approachable and I feel like he genuinely cares for Jane and wants to help her.  I have to admit to also cracking up when he tells her to stop talking to the bad guy/suspects and in the previous episode, he has to tell her to put down the dangerously explosive bomb--it's like he has to remind her what is proper behavior because when she lost her memory, that means she's also lost her common sense.  Rather strange.


Re:  Patterson and her multiple live-in boyfriends--I don't think it's emotionally healthy to keep rushing into living with someone because it's like a marriage without the true commitment and that never works out as we can see from Patterson's past.  it actually speaks well that she realizes that if she can't put her all into a relationship, then the man deserves better.

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What kind of business jet shakes and rattles like that during minor turbulence?  The FBI needs to confiscate better equipment from the drug busts.


Actually that's pretty accurate. Smaller jets weight less, therefore are much more susceptable to turbulence in air. In fact, a smaller jet flying close behind a really large jumbo jet is going to feel buffeted by the wake turbulence of the larger jet's engines. A larger jet flying behind a smaller jet won't feel it nearly as much (if at all) due to its size and weight. It can't be thrown around as easily. There was a case a few years ago from LAX, when a smaller jet took off too soon after a larger jet, and it crashed due to the wake from the big jet.


I don't doubt that Jane knows to fly a helicopter, but the moment from her going "I don't know how to fly this" to her getting the bird in the air was so fast, I was like whut?


I assume LDP is going to be in a multi-episode arc?

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I thought David was going to either end up being a spy of some sort or dead by the end of the episode, so I'm happy neither of those things happened. It made me said they broke up though. Sniff.

I know I am in the minority but I like the connection between Jane and Weller. I think they have chemistry. In this episode it was even more apparent since Weller wasn't so INTENSE! all the time.

I like Reade saying he had Jane covered. He is right to be apprehensive of her but when it comes down to it, he has her back.

Lou Diamond Phillips made the episode! Although I couldn't stop yelling "Ritchie!!!" every time he popped up. Drove my fiance crazy :)

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I never thought David was evil, but I did think he was being manipulated by someone who recognized his inability to keep his damn mouth shut as a potential goldmine of FBI information. Still not totally abandoning this theory, although after this episode I'm concurring with Actionmage on his general red-flag-ness and thinking it's more likely that he's just a pushy creepy dude in his own right. I'm glad he's (potentially) gone, honestly; I never found him charming, just a 'nerd love interest' cliché played by a guy who brought nothing special to the role.

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There are so many mysteries going on but this episode felt more focused. I enjoyed it, whereas I haven't been that interested (in doing anything but laughing) since maybe the second episode. If they just followed the Guerrero and Tree Guy stuff, I think I'd be happy.


While I understand Patterson's reasons for not wanting David to move in, I wish she had said it earlier because when she said it at the end, it gave him a reason to feel superior when really, he shouldn't have been surprised that he was being dumped. He was super pushy and nosy, and nearly cost her her job. If he makes another appearance, I hope it's because he kept digging for information and got into trouble with some baddies (not that I hate him but he kinda deserves it)... or else, I'm not sure what his purpose was (other than to humanize Patterson, but she didn't need it as much as other characters do). If he was cleared, I guess that means he's not a spy... but maybe he's super underground.


Weller smiling at Jane in the end was a nice change. If they reeled in his obsessiveness and showed him being friendlier with her, it could help sell this impending romance. That, and Jane not being treated like a child.


I wish they'd established that Mayfair and Weller went way back, like she was his mentor when he first started out... it would help explain why she talks to him like an equal rather than as his boss ("It's time to discuss you stepping down from Jane's case" as opposed to, "you're off her case, deal with it #bye"), why she's telling him about Daylight.


Liked Reade's humor and Zapata telling Weller what was up. The actor who played Guerrero was very entertaining.


And count me in on the time travel possibility.

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