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Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions


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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

Not often (or ever) that I get to say this in a TOC, but final was an instaget.

I would have been sunk without the Comedy of Errors component and yet I am not confident that if anyone had simply asked me where The Comedy of Errors was set that I would have immediately said Ephesus. Although I guess since the twins have the same name and are only distinguished by one being from Syracuse and the other from Ephesus, perhaps it would have come to the surface.


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Well, so much for my hope of Emily winning the whole thing (I like her [in general, and because some of her facial expressions remind me of the very funny actor Missi Pyle], plus she was the only remaining chance at it not being another all-male final [the third slot will be won by either Troy, Luigi, or Brian]).  At least I don't dislike any of them, so I'll mildly root for Ben, who's my favorite of the lot, and hope for great games.

The friendship bracelets gave me a smile; I noticed during the interview segment Emily and Yogesh seemed to be wearing the same thing, so was glad to get the information (and the Taylor Swift quip, which I would not have understood if not for comedian Kathleen Madigan attending a concert and reporting back on all the rituals) at the end.

Did any other Seinfeld fans answer papier-mâché in the style of George's pretentious girlfriend Patrice?  I did, and thanks to The X-Files, I am incapable of saying "cerulean" without imitating Modell.  It's good I had those things to entertain me, as the way I played was certainly not bringing joy.

I only ran suffixes in the first round.  I got all but one in Broadway and paper, and missed two each in leftovers and trails, but almost blew Literary Awards entirely, only coming up with Robert Frost, which was a semi-educated guess (a couple of others caused the V8 forehead smack when revealed, but did not come to me).

I didn't run anything in DJ.  I got all but one in blue and Y, but missed all but one in middle ages, three each in films and equator, and two in words.

No earthly idea for FJ.  Again.

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When Emily made that all-in DD (just because everyone else did, apparently), my heart sank. Too risky in such a high stakes anti-Yogesh game.  But she gave him a bracelet, so I guess she's ok with devil deal-making. 

The worst part about this Yogesh win is we'll have to see him two more times, whether or not he takes the championship.  Which means two more times of watching him throttle that poor, undeserving buzzer.  

26 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Did any other Seinfeld fans answer papier-mâché in the style of George's pretentious girlfriend Patrice? 

Absolutely. Since Seinfeld, it's the only way I can pronounce it. Just like I can't say genre ("jawwwn-hcreehh") without evoking the ghost of Alex Trebek.

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1 minute ago, 30 Helens said:

The worst part about this Yogesh win is we'll have to see him two more times, whether or not he takes the championship.  Which means two more times of watching him throttle that poor, undeserving buzzer.  

"Which means two more times of watching him throttle that poor, undeserving buzzer."

I keep looking for (and finding) a softer side of Yogesh.
But then he manhandles that poor defenseless buzzer.  😆🤣😂
They probably have to replace it after each of his games.


At least I guessed the same wrong answer for FJ as the other 2 [losing] champs.

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28 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I did laugh at his comment about slipping his screenplay to Ike...as long as he doesn't check in his bag before leaves. 😉

I don't often watch the interview segment, but was glad I tuned in for this one as that was perfectly delivered.  He also writes his name beautifully, which I somehow managed not to notice until this ToC and then failed to mention until tonight.

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

When Emily made that all-in DD (just because everyone else did, apparently), my heart sank. Too risky in such a high stakes anti-Yogesh game.  But she gave him a bracelet, so I guess she's ok with devil deal-making. 

The worst part about this Yogesh win is we'll have to see him two more times, whether or not he takes the championship.  Which means two more times of watching him throttle that poor, undeserving buzzer.  

Absolutely. Since Seinfeld, it's the only way I can pronounce it. Just like I can't say genre ("jawwwn-hcreehh") without evoking the ghost of Alex Trebek.

Yogesh. He sure cleaned up his act visually: new hairstyle & probably had some facial rejuvenation. But we know that petty, sour soul still lurks inside. Papier-mache...so strange that I didn't think of my favorite Seinfeld scene when I was dredging up that word. Remember the knitting needles in her hair? 😁

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On 3/7/2024 at 6:41 PM, Prevailing Wind said:

There's Yogesh...

More disappointed than angry.

On 3/8/2024 at 7:02 AM, annzeepark914 said:

Something that contestants are doing now is really bugging me. It's their "Oof! I knew that" reaction when their response is wrong and the correct response is given either by another contestant or Ken. Yeah...sure. How do we know they're not really trying to cover up their not knowing? 

Seems perfectly normal to me, as that's what I do very often (and it's always true, for me anyway). I'd be more suspicious in Celebrity Jeopardy where there are professional actors.

On 3/8/2024 at 4:01 PM, PaulaO said:

Stop with the “cute” quips after answering. So tired of contestants doing this.

I enjoy a good quip.

On 3/8/2024 at 8:25 PM, ams1001 said:

I did laugh at his comment about slipping his screenplay to Ike...as long as he doesn't check in his bag before leaves. 😉

That was pretty funny, and he made some other humorous  remark that I forget. And his thanking Emily for the bracelets seemed kind of (don't hate me) sweet. Still would have preferred Emily winning, but them's the breaks.

Edited by Clanstarling
because humerus and humorous are not the same thing.
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4 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I enjoy a good quip.

Rather than copy Clanstarlings whole post... I think, sometime in the Covid protocols Jeopardy, the contestants started bonding a bit more than they used to. There were weeks/months when the only appreciation they were getting were other contestants who were sitting where previously the audience sat. Combine that with a greater online presence and contestants rallying behind other contestants that were 'bullied' or trolled online and I think we have a different climate for bonding. This kind of bonding in turn leads to the hugging we've been seeing and a relaxation in competition that leads to the quips and the 'oh, I knew that' kind of responses.  That's what my musing about this has come up with anyway.

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I enjoy witnessing the contestants supporting each other in any way... and I am a hug promoter. We should get 7 per day for optimum health, and they should be genuine... i.e., don't feel forced to hug someone with whom you feel (what I call) negative energy. You'll know it when you feel it.

Hugs are so amazing - very healing - and they're free!

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3 hours ago, Bliss said:

Hugs are so amazing - very healing - and they're free!

They can be too much. I think a lot about the Temple Grandin biopic where I learned she made herself a hugging machine in order to get the comfort without the human contact. I don't want to judge anyone for not being on hugging terms even with positive people.

  • Like 12
3 hours ago, Bliss said:

I enjoy witnessing the contestants supporting each other in any way... and I am a hug promoter. We should get 7 per day for optimum health, and they should be genuine... i.e., don't feel forced to hug someone with whom you feel (what I call) negative energy. You'll know it when you feel it.

Hugs are so amazing - very healing - and they're free!

Omg 7 hugs a day is my nightmare scenario! I guess we’re all different. But please ask before you hug me!

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12 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Omg 7 hugs a day is my nightmare scenario! I guess we’re all different. But please ask before you hug me!

Until I had grandkids (not my kids) it was a really bad year if there were 7 hugs involved, still is if the huggers are adults & my wife's family have learnt after 6 years to not even try it. 

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17 hours ago, Bliss said:

I enjoy witnessing the contestants supporting each other in any way... and I am a hug promoter. We should get 7 per day for optimum health, and they should be genuine... i.e., don't feel forced to hug someone with whom you feel (what I call) negative energy. You'll know it when you feel it.

Hugs are so amazing - very healing - and they're free!

I'm not much of a hugger. When we went to a church that had a hugging circle, I would always stand between my husband and kids so I didn't have to hug the people I didn't know very well. 😄


Edited by Clanstarling
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On 3/8/2024 at 7:59 PM, Prevailing Wind said:

I am gobsmacked that I got FJ, when I missed so many in the rest of the game.

I am the least religious person I know, so imagine my surprise when I remembered Paul's epistles to the Ephesians.  I did at least know that Ephesus was in Turkey, thanks to the ancient Temple of Artemis.

Of course fucking Yogesh won.  🤬 If only Emily had heard me yelling "Prussian blue!", it wouldn't have been a runaway.  Of course, she did get FJ wrong so . . .

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19 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

Of course fucking Yogesh won.  🤬 If only Emily had heard me yelling "Prussian blue!", it wouldn't have been a runaway.  Of course, she did get FJ wrong so . . .

I do believe we need to prepare ourselves for Dr. Gloom winning this tournament. It's odd that Ray, Cris & Emily returned to Jeopardy & folded.  And yet Yogesh returned knowing every damn clue.  

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Of course he did. I'm sure some contestants return home and are told that their behavior, attitude, appearance, whatever was not good. Jake returned & presented himself as an adult, not a rambunctious child. Right now I can't think of other examples, except for Yogesh. As far as I know, he was the worst...an OTT sore, bitter loser, attacking Jeopardy, lashing out. So someone gave him advice. IMO, it's an act. It'll be interesting to see how he behaves if he loses the TOC.

Edited by annzeepark914
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March 11:

47% / 60% / 52%

Ugh. Missed one in Renaissance Women and On Wheels, two in Resistance is Futile, three in Reality TV, four in Anagrams (enough with the anagrams!!!!), and all five in Down in the Valley.

DJ was better but not great; missed one in Nature and It's Curtains, two in The Civil War (I got Gatling gun thanks to a 'Historian Rates Civil War Movie Scenes' video I watched about 20 minutes before the game started), World of Lit, and "AI", and four in Behind the Music.

Did not get FJ. I also thought of pragmatic; I didn't think it was right but I couldn't think of anything else.

TSes: (J had 5; DJ had 0) I got ...none.

I was torn between rooting for Luigi or Troy, so I didn't actually pick one; I'm just glad one of them won.

Edited by ams1001
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I noticed that Troy is sort of a come from behind contestant in his games.  He needs to be aggressive from the beginning if he is going to beat Yogesh because the minute Yogesh answers his first question, he's a buzz saw.  There was a category that he didn't seem to know in his last game.  Was is popular music or something like that?  I'm rooting for Troy, so I guess I just jinxed him.  

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Monday, Mar. 11 FJ:

    A radical in an 1833 failed uprising in Germany, Ludwig von Rochau coined this term for acts taken for practical reasons not ethics

    What is Realpolitik?

I said "Expedient," which did not sound at all German in origin. (guessing Latin?)

My last 2 years of undergraduate studies (17 years after my first 2 years) were mostly Sociology courses, and now I can recall "Realpolitik" from a class lecture. But that was 35 years ago, so no way would I have remembered it for FJ, having not pursued that subject since then. 


2 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Today's game graph is kinda funny. Troy climbed a mountain and then they all fell off a cliff.


Thanks for posting the graphs, @ams1001.
Love your commentary! 😆

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Holy cow, poor Brian was practically an observer as Luigi killed it in the first round and then Troy made things very interesting in DJ landing on both the DDs.  I was kind of rooting for Luigi, but didn't have a strong interest, so I just enjoyed an exciting match-up.  I hope it's tight in the finals, too, where I will similarly be mildly pulling for Ben but just wanting a competition befitting ToC finals.

I blew reality TV entirely (which I am okay with, although it's nice when cultural osmosis helps me out), but if not for that I'd have had a good first round; I ran women and valleys, and got all but one the rest (well, maybe -- if VW bus would have been accepted rather than specifically a VW microbus, I got all but one in wheels, but if not I missed two there).

DJ was my usual-for-this-ToC disaster, though -- I missed all but one in Civil War (I hate war history, and it would be among the things I'd have to study if I was ever going to try out for this show), three each in nature, AI, and lit, and two each in music and curtains.

Unlike the contestants, I got FJ, so didn't I feel like a smartypants at the end. 😏

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21 minutes ago, Bastet said:

well, maybe -- if VW bus would have been accepted rather than specifically a VW microbus

I said VW Bus and it was acceptable in my house. 😉

Wikipedia says it's known "informally" as the Bus. I think they would have accepted it. Nothing in the clue called for the "official" name of the vehicle model.

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Aw, I missed the hugs conversation. I've never been much of a hugger myself, they tend to make me feel trapped rather than comforted. But I am happy to hug anyone who would feel better from it.

Hippie vehicle = VW minivan. Minivan = microbus. Either should be acceptable, IMO.

Yay, Troy! I was rooting for him. I think either he or Ben has a good chance of vanquishing Yogesh. Which I want to see because of principles, but also so I can laugh at the tantrum Yogesh will almost certainly throw.

I thought I was going to finally break my donut cycle with "pragmatism". But no, the answer was a word I've never even heard before. I think I've come to realize that TOC is a spectator sport. I'm not cut out to play it, but I can still enjoy and appreciate it. (And admire those who do well, unless they're named Yogesh. ;) )

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

I was kind of rooting for Luigi

I clapped so hard when he got his first DD and doubled his money that I hit a button on my remote that stopped the playback. I don't dislike Troy but I really liked Luigi and his pronunciation of Lucrezia Borgia and Dostoevsky.

The only clue I managed to get in the anagrams category was esoteric which I felt disproportionately smug about because it was a TS. Brian did pretty well in that category I think but I laughed in another category when he guessed penguin for the bird with the farthest migration. (I didn't know the right response but I had at least ruled penguin out.)

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I don't think I would have guessed penguins for that clue, but penguins do have a lot of travel to find food, though. I watched March of the Penguins and was awed by how hard they work.



Specific info about migration here:


I have a fondness for penguins. Also, I recently binged "Atypical" on Netflix and learned that Emperor penguins are endangered, which I am still upset about.

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18 hours ago, Trey said:

And yet, in his latest game, he came across as very personable.

Not to me.

16 hours ago, PaulaO said:

A nail biting game.   No clue as to FJ!  

I could've looked at that clue for hours and still not known the answer.

13 hours ago, Bastet said:

I blew reality TV entirely (which I am okay with, although it's nice when cultural osmosis helps me out),

I got Love is Blind only because I'd seen a commercial for it recently.  I should've gotten Ink Master because I've actually watched a few episodes, but no.  I console myself with having run Renaissance Women and The Civil War.

12 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Hippie vehicle = VW minivan. Minivan = microbus. Either should be acceptable, IMO.

I've never heard it called anything but VW bus or microbus.  I wouldn't have taken minivan as a correct answer.  Fun fact - my aunt & uncle had one they'd driven to 48 of the 50 states and had the back windows mostly covered with stickers from each state.  They even drove it up Pike's Peak, although they weren't sure they were going to make it without the engine burning out.  I was sad when they traded it in for a newer model which didn't look nearly as cool.

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2 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Yeah, I should probably recalibrate what I consider a decent or good game during the TOC.

Honestly, we should all ease up on ourselves just a little bit for the entirety of Season 40 to date, because the show has been in Tournament mode most of the season. (Maybe ALL of the season? Have we had ANY regular games since September? Second Chance, Champions' Wildcard; didn't it start right from Week 1?) Anyway, everyone who has competed has minimally appeared on at least one episode of Jeopardy!  As all the contestants have already had some experience with the game, I think the clues overall this season have been just a cut above, with the highest level of difficulty left for the TOC.Be kinder to yourselves!

Seriously, when was the last time the board wasn't cleared? It's been weeks, (maybe even months) already!

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