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Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions


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Carpe, I just caught the end of today's rerun and YES! there was Arthur. Made me think of all yous guys here. Heh.


The artist self-portrait category was a walk-through for me, but that might have something to do with my BFA and five years of art history. No way would I get that category if I were ever on the show. (Not that I have to worry about that.)

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One difficult thing about these tournaments is in the first week the contestants don't really go for the win much of the time.  They are just trying to get enough money to qualify, and they don't even know how much money that will be.  I was surprised how little Greg and Kristin wagered in Final Jeopardy.  That turned out to be a good thing for them because they missed FJ, but I wonder if their totals will be enough to come back next week.  And even if they had got FJ right it's not clear they would qualify.


Also, glad Kristin lists her occupation as stay-at-home Mom.

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I remember now that I wasn't a real fan of either Kristin or Brennan. I also remember that Alex was, and continues to be, astounded by how old Brennan is.

I did not know FJ.

It WOUNDS me, how they all start in the middle. And it bit Greg right in the ass.

Dan had $14000 yesterday so he's still in the running for a slot.

Matt vs. Alex tomorrow? Interesting.

Edited by mojoween
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It WOUNDS me, how they all start in the middle.


Kristin especially bugged me with this tactic.  She would start in the middle, then get the answer wrong.  To make matters worse, she would go on to a more difficult clue in the same category.  If she couldn't answer the easier clue, why in the hell would she go on to a harder one?  Did she play like this the first time around?  Kristin got both DJ's but it didn't help her in the end.

  • Love 5

On FJ, my mind immediately went to the "Era of Good Feeling", which I remember from my high school history book.  But I didn't know what president that era was associated with.  I guessed van Buren.

I thought of the "Era of Good Feeling" too, but couldn't remember the president, so my next thought was George Washington. "Felicity" seemed too old-fashioned a word for anybody recent.


They didn't do so well with the "Feminist Nicknames" category. When I saw the category name, my first thought was, "Well, there's 'feminazi,' and..." It was kind of an odd assortment of clues. It took a moment to realize "Lizzie" and "Vickie" were the nicknames. I did not know Simone de Beauvoir was "The Beaver." (I thought that was Jerry Mathers, ha ha). 


Otherwise, another good and close game! Everybody has done well so far; it'll be interesting to see who the wild cards are.

  • Love 4

The three DDs seemed relatively easy. I even got the one Brennan missed. I also got buffalo and the Tower of London.

I was sorry Greg didn't win, but Brennan's okay. I didn't remember Kristen at all. Her picking the clues bugged me, too.

I hate the starting in the middle of categories. Very annoying.

I had no clue on FJ again. I would have answered, "Who's a twinkle-toed hippy?"

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I remembered Kristen because she's married to another TOC contestant, whose first name I can't recall--but he looked a lot like Howdy Doody and was always smiling.


I knew the reference in FJ had to be to the Era of Good Feeling, but I'm always mixing up Madison and Monroe, and I ran true to form again today.  But I'm saying I redeemed myself by knowing "terza rima" when none of them did.  I doubt the judges would agree with me.

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I thought of the "Era of Good Feeling" too, but couldn't remember the president, so my next thought was George Washington. "Felicity" seemed too old-fashioned a word for anybody recent.


They didn't do so well with the "Feminist Nicknames" category. When I saw the category name, my first thought was, "Well, there's 'feminazi,' and..." It was kind of an odd assortment of clues. It took a moment to realize "Lizzie" and "Vickie" were the nicknames. I did not know Simone de Beauvoir was "The Beaver." (I thought that was Jerry Mathers, ha ha). 


Otherwise, another good and close game! Everybody has done well so far; it'll be interesting to see who the wild cards are.

I thought of "feminazi" as well! And, having read a bit about Ms. de Beauvoir (as well as slogging through "Second Sex" in Gender Studies!), I wonder whether "The Beaver" really had anything to with "being a hard worker"!

  I failed at FJ, in that I also went with FDR. They just seemed to be terms he would have used.

   Brennan seems like a nice guy, and I'm happy for his win,  but his speech pattern bugs me, just as it did when he was on previously.

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I had no idea about FJ, though I knew there were clues in there that I was missing. I've heard of the Era of Good Feelings, but I didn't connect it with this FJ, and even if I did, I never would have gotten the correct President.


When Alex read the clue, my right-wing BIL said with disdain, "Sounds like Carter." :roll eyes:

  • Love 4
I also remember that Alex was, and continues to be, astounded by how old Brennan is.


I know, right? Especially since he's 22 (if I remember correctly, or maybe 24), which means he's fresh from some years in college studying all sorts of subjects and maybe even being on a college quiz bowl team. I don't have a clue why Trebek is so fascinated by his age. He's old enough to drive AND vote, and be drafted if we had one of those.

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In reruns this week they are showing last year's TOC and today I saw the quarterfinal that Julia Collins was in.  She finished in second place with 9100.  Yet that was enough money to get her into the semi-finals.


I wonder if this year's contestants watched that and concluded they only need to get to 10,000 in the first week game to get into the semi-finals.  That is not going to be true this year.  So far (3 days) the non-winners have finished:


Vaughn - 16,599
John - 15,000
Dan - 14,000
Kristen - 12,800
Greg - 11,500
Jennifer - 3800


Only 4 non-winners get to advance to the second round.  So even Greg at 11,500 is out.  And there are two games left.  You take a risk when you play it safe and think you have enough money to coast to the next round.



I didn't get FJ today either, although in hindsight it makes sense.

Edited by Roaster
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That $600 Veterans clue with an actual photo of Ronald Reagan was ridiculous as a Tournament of Champions question.  That was barely a teen tournament question.


Debugging as the DD -- come on. That was too simple.  As was the 'this man introduced iMovie 3' clue -- what the hell clue writers ?


This President went 4-0 -- hmmm, who could it be ?  These are way too easy for ToC questions.


I had no idea about FJ, so I don't feel so bad that none of the contestants got it either.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 10

I was actually rooting for Matt which I did NOT see coming at all. I even found his "groan" to be amusing.

I didn't know how much the awful Jennifer won who I had never seen so I was so nervous that tonight was her. But this Jennifer was nice and not annoying.

That pic of Reagan was horrific. And I thought the three name combo of stop, drop and roll should have been the first clue, not the last one.

  • Love 4

I call so much bullshit on Final Jeopardy, and I even got it! That was a ridiculous "definition" of PC.


And yet I said UPC, thinking "un politically correct" to fit the second part of the clue.


I really enjoyed the game even if some of the questions were super  easy.  At least it moved right along.


I also like Matt and I'm glad he won.

Edited by Trey
  • Love 1

I was actually rooting for Matt which I did NOT see coming at all. I even found his "groan" to be amusing.

I didn't know how much the awful Jennifer won who I had never seen so I was so nervous that tonight was her. But this Jennifer was nice and not annoying.

That pic of Reagan was horrific. And I thought the three name combo of stop, drop and roll should have been the first clue, not the last one.



I call so much bullshit on Final Jeopardy, and I even got it! That was a ridiculous "definition" of PC.

I agree with both of these. Seriously, ID'lng Reagan from a picture? And I could have thought about FJ for an hour and not gotten it. I thought of "ditto" but that's not an abbreviation. "Ibid." also crossed my mind, although I was sure it was wrong. I don't know how I would define "politically correct" in a non-sarcastic way without giving the whole thing away, though. 


Mojoween, can you describe "the awful Jennifer" in more detail? I can't think of the one you mean.

  • Love 4

Apparently I'm the only one who still finds Matt insufferable. I had to stop eating my dinner because I was actually getting nauseated watching his rude, barking self. Ugh.

I'm going to stop rooting for people. My fave, Jennifer, didn't do well.

John answered "que-lottes" for culottes. WTF?

The debug DD and picture of Reagan were ridiculous.

FJ was bizarre.

  • Love 8

Apparently I'm the only one who still finds Matt insufferable.


You're not the only one.


Am I misremembering, or could John have put the game away if he'd wagered bravely on that DD he got correct?  When a DD is in the second position, odds are it's going to be pretty easy.  That was a gift, and he blew it by being ridiculously cautious.  That's how women usually wager.  (I'm allowed to say that, since I am one.  I've spent several decades screaming at female contestants to bet big.  I think some of them finally started to listen.)  

Edited by Mondrianyone
  • Love 2

I didn't get FJ again...but I was not alone! Mondrianyone, you are correct, but he wasn't willing to go all in. Say what you will about Matt, but he is not a hesitant player! I thought he played a great game, but, yes, some clues were ridiculously easy. I was hoping that Madonna's clothing line with her daughter would have been "Like A Virgin". Guess she, too, has mellowed with age.

  • Love 3
Am I misremembering, or could John have put the game away if he'd wagered bravely on that DD he got correct?  When a DD is in the second position, odds are it's going to be pretty easy.  That was a gift, and he blew it by being ridiculously cautious.

First-round-tournament players may be more cautious, because they're playing with the wildcard slots in mind and not just for the win.


I got these guys! c1CIHcP.jpg

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I was also surprised by one of the TS but I cannot remember for the life of me what it was.




I got caught up talking to a neighbor, so I missed most of the game; I came back inside just in time for the copyright TS, and was surprised none of them got it.  I wouldn't expect any of them to specifically know that's a law (I didn't, and I'm a lawyer, although not an intellectual property one), but I thought the wording of the clue pointed pretty clearly to copyright.


I got FJ, but I agree it was a poorly-written clue because "conforming to orthodox opinion" is a dumb definition of political correctness.  But somehow that stupid definition combined with the year did get me to PC, and when that also fit the first part of the clue, I figured I had it. 

  • Love 3

   Well, I'm totally still loving Matt.....loved the jazz hands........loved the groan..

   The first 2 days of this tournament were real snoozes, so I was really pleased that this one was more lively and a good battle between the 2 guys.

   I have to confess to being totally confused about one category.

Something having to do with presidents and their having a 4-0-0 or something like that.  What was this about? 

  • Love 1
Well, I'm totally still loving Matt.....loved the jazz hands........loved the groan..


After suffering through the nightmare that was JOSH!, I'm suddenly quite fond of Matt. His only-slightly-less-creepy smile and rudely talking over Trebek to get to the clues quickly is suddenly endearing. Matt for the win!


Something having to do with presidents and their having a 4-0-0 or something like that.  What was this about?


It was presidents' win-lose records, for their electoral races. FDR was 4-0, having won each of the four times he ran.


Just perusing the Tournament of Champions site again, it appears once a contestant is out of contention for a Wild Card spot their image becomes a static black-and-white with no gif animation. Rude.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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Oh man, dude in the middle, why didn't you bet big on that DD?  It would've made Matt have to bet big on the FJ and he might've lost.  I was thinking "10,000, bet 10,000" and then it was a elementary school level clue!!!!!  (Yeah, I know, easy to say that while sitting on the couch.)


Based on two games, I have to say that the questions seem really easy for a Tournament of Champions.  I ran more than one category, and almost ran Dinosaurs (stupid made-up dino in movie I haven't seen!), and while I'm pretty good at regular Jeopardy, I don't expect to do so well in the TOC.

  • Love 3

The clue basically asks for a famous French feminist and none of the three can come up with Simone de Beauvoir?  “Nicknames” was a rather stupid word to use in that category title.

I was thrown off by the date - I've heard of Simone de Beauvoir, but somehow imagined her as being more in the 50s, like a contemporary of Betty Friedan.  I did get the rest of the category, though.

  • Love 1

Oh how I missed Matt. I am glad he won. I really missed his getting to clues quickly. I love his Alex snark, because I snark on Alex from my couch, so it never bothers me when someone is rude to Alex. I have seen Hamilton a few times now and loved Lin-Manuel Miranda since In the Heights, so nice that Matt got a shout out from him.


Yeah, I did not get FJ. The wording completely threw me off.

  • Love 6
Also, in a move sure to bother the PreviouslyTV crowd, Matt did "jazz hands" during the introductions and then Alex came on stage also doing jazz hands.


Because I knew Matt and the Jazz Hands would annoy many here, I'm posting a tweet that Alex Jacob sent on Nov. 4:

"Happy to do what I'm told, but I still don't see why we ALL had to do jazz hands on camera"


Because I was "in on it," having seen Jacob's tweet back when, I thought Matt was funny doing it on camera. It was the SHOW'S idea, he just kept with it. 


About the Wild Card scores, Jacob tweeted this in reply to a question about them:

"Players are sequestered in the green room before they play, so no one has any knowledge of scores"


He also tweeted this, about how players are picked for each match: Question: "Is it a random draw to determine who plays who?"

Alex: "No, they pick the match-ups. It's not an accident that Matt, Greg, me, and Kerry are all in different games"


Clare, so sorry you missed Matt. Watching him yesterday made me realize how much I like him and MISS him. I could watch him every single day, from now until the end of the show. I love his play, his humor, his smarts ... everything. While I like Alex Jacob, I'm rooting for Matt. But can't wait to see them play each other, if that happens.

  • Love 8

Matt makes everyone else seem so boring now.  And I loved his "groan' back to Alex.  Who has ever had the nerve to do that!  Go Matt.  Although I do like Greg, the chef, and I hope he has enough money to get into the finals.


Oh, I just reread the standings that Roaster provided and I guess Greg is out.  Boo Hiss, as Alex would say (haha).

Edited by SierraMist
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