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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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Disclaimer #1 said don't make black folx labour for you, that is not their job; yet "action" #3 says engage black women and pay them for their labour.  Which is it?  Black, Indigenous and persons of colour (BIPOC is an acronym, so CAPITALIZE it you lazy twit) own businesses, some of which involve labour, so that does make it their job.  We already hire them, pay them and tip them well and have been doing so since long before Mariah was born, so we don't need a lecture from her.  In one of her discussions when she engages with them, she should ask if they like being called "folx".  And some of the Blackfoot, Stoney and Dene people I know don't like being called "Indigenous", a word commonly used to describe native species of animals and plants and too broad/generic a term to convey how they (not you) identify themselves.

Edited by deirdra
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Is she personally going to DO something to protect BIPOCs during the riots she advocates with no crowd control?  She might want to read up on the riots of 1965-1969 and talk to people who were actually there.  Many of the burned businesses belonged to people of the same race as the rioters and it took a long time for the survivors to rebuild from scratch.

Edited by deirdra
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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

"i pray on my feet with my actions"

Huh?  What the hell is she talking about?  The only action she's ever apparently done is some rainbow march and that was only for the photo op.  Texting garbage is hardly action "on my feet".

By all means, let's abolish all police departments and let chaos reign.  She really is a piece of work.

I take offence to what she’s saying as prior LE. Of course what these officers did was wrong and they should be prosecuted. But we aren’t all like this.

People like Mariah lump us in as all bad when we’ve risked our lives protecting and rescuing people like Mariah. Talk about hypocritical—stereotype much, Mariah? 

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If this is inappropriate to post here I apologize and will delete it, but yesterday I listened to this podcast and was reminded of Mariah (and stydentz like her) the entire time.    If you have two hours to kill I highly recommend it.  Three scholars essentially trolled academia by writing the most outrageously woke (false) papers they could, and the papers were not only published but celebrated.  It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.  One of the professors described such academic woke folx as "angry" and "underaccomplished." If that's not Mariah to a T I don't know what is.  Plus, they go into BIPOC which apparently Mariah has also now adopted.  (Warning:  language is NSFW and politics are touched on.)


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23 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

I take offence to what she’s saying as prior LE. Of course what these officers did was wrong and they should be prosecuted. But we aren’t all like this.

I was a work comp nurse for a time and had many LE officers injured in the line of duty include two hit by snipers. Nobody hears those stories or what they do to go back to their jobs. 

When I was an ER nurse we were a top priority for the local police if anything happened in the ER and we needed help.  They saved our bacon more than once.

Stop painting everyone with a broad brush, you supercilious ass.

I wish more than life itself for some BIPOC to hit her upside the head.

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47 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Disclaimer #1 said don't make black folx labour for you, that is not their job; yet "action" #3 says engage black women and pay them for their labour.  Which is it?  

So I can't hire an African American man as my lawyer, accountant or any other professional capacity?  I assume then, as an employer, I can hire an African American woman for anything but not a black man.

I have to go now because I need to cancel my dentist appt. with my black dentist.  In Mariah Land, it is not ok for me to have a highly educated African American man accepting pay for working on my teeth even though being a dentist is his chosen profession.

I picture her brothers and sisters reading this shit and laughing their asses off.



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@toodles, I think what Mariah meant in her first point is not to ask POC To educate you (the general you, not you specifically of course) about racism and how/what you should be doing to combat racism. Basically, don’t ask them to do that work for you. It’s obviously Mariah’s job to tell you what to do 😉

Edited by MargeGunderson
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42 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

@toodles, I think what Mariah meant in her first point is not to ask POC To educate you (the general you, not you specifically of course) about racism and how/what you should be doing to combat racism. Basically, don’t ask them to do that work for you. It’s obviously Mariah’s job to tell you what to do 😉


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Pretty ironic that this (supposedly, I am still disbelieving it) graduate student posts verbal garbage that is so mangled that there is a debate on what she actually means. 

Not that it matters in the long run.  It's all just diarrhea of the mouth anyway.

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I find it interesting that she doesn't seem to have even a single original discussion point for any of her many many causes.  EVERYTHING she posts are standard talking points for today's social justice warriors.  All she does is parrot the rally cries of others.  In fact, more than once I have recognized almost word for word reiterations from other activists. So all she is doing is trying to pretend other's words are her own.

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1 hour ago, CocoPuffs said:

Mariah has serious identity issues. She is a walking stereotype. She tries to be what she thinks she’s “supposed” to be. When she first identified as to a lesbian, she wore trucker hats, flannel and Birkenstocks. When she began to identify with the woke crowd, she grew her pit and leg hair. When she decided her identity would include that of a hipster influencer (ha!), she decided her favorite meal was avocado toast and fancy mochas. So original. I’ve said this before and I believe it now more than ever, this girl has no idea who she is. When you know who you are, you don’t become a stereotype to prove that’s who you are. You just are, and you don’t have to change to be that thing (which is seriously hypocritical in and of itself). You don’t constantly try to force your views down everyone’s throat. And you certainly don’t block “haters” and delete comments just because of an opposing view. 

Also, any race can be racist, including my own. It’s just a fact, unfortunate as it is. 

These are really astute observations Cocopuffs.  I had been sort of waiting for someone on this board with a psychology background to weigh in because if I cared for Mariah, I would be worried that she may have slipped the shackles of sanity.

With or without a psych. background, you have analyzed her thought process to one that makes sense.  Thank You.

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41 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

These are really astute observations Cocopuffs.  I had been sort of waiting for someone on this board with a psychology background to weigh in because if I cared for Mariah, I would be worried that she may have slipped the shackles of sanity.

With or without a psych. background, you have analyzed her thought process to one that makes sense.  Thank You.

Yeah, I  think we may be witnessing that in progress... girl done lost it!

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I agree that Mariah has no clue who she is.  It is not surprising because neither of her parents and none of her sisterwives know who they are either. Her father tries on various religions, businesses, homes and has been running around like a chicken with its head cut off for 50 years with no plan.  Meri tries on eyebrows, polyester tinyjackets and relationships with online scammers.  The ones who got away, and developed a plan to support themselves while finding themselves (Logan, Hunter, Garrison, Paedon) and are planning not to have children until they can afford them (Aspyn & Mykelti) have better chances for good futures. The attention whores (Mariah & Maddie) will descend into oblivion when TLC dumps them; for their sakes they will need Caleb & Audrey to stay with them, stay healthy and support them.  Caleb has marketable skills and Audj has artistic talent. Maddie & Mariah go where the wind blows them.

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3 hours ago, CocoPuffs said:

Mariah has serious identity issues. She is a walking stereotype. She tries to be what she thinks she’s “supposed” to be. When she first identified as to a lesbian, she wore trucker hats, flannel and Birkenstocks. When she began to identify with the woke crowd, she grew her pit and leg hair. When she decided her identity would include that of a hipster influencer (ha!), she decided her favorite meal was avocado toast and fancy mochas. So original. I’ve said this before and I believe it now more than ever, this girl has no idea who she is. When you know who you are, you don’t become a stereotype to prove that’s who you are. You just are, and you don’t have to change to be that thing (which is seriously hypocritical in and of itself). You don’t constantly try to force your views down everyone’s throat. And you certainly don’t block “haters” and delete comments just because of an opposing view. 

Also, any race can be racist, including my own. It’s just a fact, unfortunate as it is. 

So true.  Prejudice comes in all colors.  I think Mariah is perpetually stuck in that adolescent phase of trying on identities but never really settling on one that is really HER.  She is also one of those people that thinks she can atone for her "sin" of being white by shaming other white people into admitting that they're as racist as she really fears she is deep down in her heart of hearts.  She can then feel like she's absolved herself of the white guilt she has inherited from her racist forefathers.

I don't believe I've ever seen Mariah with any POC.  Has she ever even lived within several miles of one?  It amazes me how she can push this message when she herself probably doesn't even KNOW anyone who isn't white much less push herself as the voice to defend them.  Again with the hypocrisy.

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15 hours ago, deirdra said:

 She might want to read up on the riots of 1965-1969 and talk to people who were actually there.  

Oh goodness, no.....she's not going to actually READ anything about those riots.  Now what she WILL do is gather some titles and covers and post them to her IG and tell her FOLLOWERS to read them.  But Pudge herself?  Never gonna happen.


18 hours ago, ginger90 said:


If someone could please inform me how one "screams into her radical silo," I would appreciate it.  It makes about as much sense to me as "I am going to yell into my onion paper clip" or "I am going to rage into my fountain of muffins."  Nothing but woke word salad, signifying nothing.

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What happened to the bee's Mariah ?  She needs to STFU and get off her faux organic soapbox while she is nestled in a community of where white folx make up about 93% of the population because she thought it would be fun to leave Chicago in the midst of the stay at home order and find solace in her mothers bosom  cinnamon buns.  She doesn't practice what she preaches at all.  Did she ever tip the young Indonesian girls that cleaned her room or made her bed or washed her towels? Does she personally go back into the kitchen of her woke cafes and personally thank the cooks ?  She is a hypocrite in the worst way and probably smells too

Edited by Mahamid Frauded Me
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Maybe Mariah needs to study Human Cultures and Anthropology instead of Social Media Justice Warrioring. Understand that we are all humans, but we are all vastly different.  Different isn't bad, wanting to remain within your own culture isn't racist.  Humans are very complicated animals....but yes, we are animals.  I've got a book for Mariah "The Naked Ape" by Desmond Morris. 

I have learned so much about humans by just observing my chickens.  Just try to introduce a black feathered chicken into a flock of all white feathered chickens.  IF the poor thing survives it mostly likely will fizzle to death from depression. Some complacent breeds might accept it, but it will never be fully one of them.

I agree with CocoPuffs...Mariah is more and more like Kody every day.  I'm a fundie mormon!  This is what I do and how I act!  I'm a college student!  This is how I act!  I'm a lesbian!  These are my clothes so everyone knows! I have always compared Kody to Michael Scott, but Mariah is getting there too.  When Michael had no clue how to behave when he found out his old boss (who he really never liked) died...he went through bizarre motions of "this is how I should behave based on the television and movies that I have watched". Mariah grew up in a tiny little highly controlled bubble.  Now she has embraced Grand PooBah of Pontification. 

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14 hours ago, CocoPuffs said:

Mariah has serious identity issues. She is a walking stereotype. She tries to be what she thinks she’s “supposed” to be. When she first identified as to a lesbian, she wore trucker hats, flannel and Birkenstocks. When she began to identify with the woke crowd, she grew her pit and leg hair. When she decided her identity would include that of a hipster influencer (ha!), she decided her favorite meal was avocado toast and fancy mochas. So original. I’ve said this before and I believe it now more than ever, this girl has no idea who she is. When you know who you are, you don’t become a stereotype to prove that’s who you are. You just are, and you don’t have to change to be that thing (which is seriously hypocritical in and of itself). You don’t constantly try to force your views down everyone’s throat. And you certainly don’t block “haters” and delete comments just because of an opposing view. 

Also, any race can be racist, including my own. It’s just a fact, unfortunate as it is. 

All of this. How long will it be before she figures herself out? 

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

If someone could please inform me how one "screams into her radical silo," I would appreciate it.  It makes about as much sense to me as "I am going to yell into my onion paper clip" or "I am going to rage into my fountain of muffins."  Nothing but woke word salad, signifying nothing.

She is a self-described "radical" and fighting injustice all by herself (in a silo).  But her screaming on SM is about as effective as if she found an empty grain silo in the middle of nowhere, went inside and screamed her "radical" purloined talking points. Stop talking/typing - get out there and start DOing something to help the oppressed!

1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

What happened to the bees Mariah ? 

Murder Hornets are here, Mariah, and killing the bees!  What have you been doing since that 30-second photo op at Wrigley Field (I think that is where she stumbled upon the poster) a couple of years ago?

Edited by deirdra
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Why is it that Mariah responded to her fellow man with scoldings first?  It gives the impression that she is in an elevated position to meet out justice to the unwashed masses, just assuming they don’t care at all.  Her social media platform affords her an opportunity to change minds and appeal to our shared humanity, not spank everyone and slam the castle moat.  I understand she may feel triggered because she endured her own brand of persecution due to polygamy, but one guy’s freedom to have sex with multiple partners and their daughters is not to be compared with what has just happened in this country.  And her silence on the victimization of so many women and girls around the world by that same polygamy gives the impression that in fact there’s something she herself doesn’t care about at all.  Should we just assume that and scold her?

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21 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

Imagine eating Thanksgiving dinner with her at the table!

It could be a low-cal dinner for most of the people there, as most of the calories would have been spooned onto her plate before the serving platter got passed.

Girl needs to cut back on the cinnamon rolls and avocado toast.

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3 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

It’s not that Mariah doesn’t bring up important topics, it’s that she brings them up, pontificates, and wants everyone else to do the hard work.  She could use her “fame” and platform to help bring about change.  If she is, I never hear about, and something tells me I would be beaten over the head with it.  I’m sure she and old Mer would tell us how she righted centuries worth of wrongs, while suffering persecution as the daughter of a frizzy-haired polygamist and luluroe saleswoman.


Nailed it

standing ovation GIF

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4 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

...The problem with Mariah is that she is tone deaf.  It’s fine to make people aware of white privilege; however the problem comes when you enjoy the benefits of it, and expect others to see you as a savior because you put down your avocado toast long enough to type a post.  That’s right, you took 30 seconds out of your day to post a blurb in between your poorly-executed yoga postures..

...It’s not that Mariah doesn’t bring up important topics, it’s that she brings them up, pontificates, and wants everyone else to do the hard work.  She could use her “fame” and platform to help bring about change.  If she is, I never hear about, and something tells me I would be beaten over the head with it...


Great post! These points right here are perfect 👌🏼 That’s exactly it! She’s nothing but a showboat (like her dear dad) who wants to stand on her pedestal spouting off while others actually do the hard work, but yet she wants to take credit for it and be part of that movement. Honey no. 
Actually reminds me of the time there was that polygamist march protest in Utah, that Joe Darger arranged and Kody showed up with the teevee cameras and some wives and kids in tow,  and basically pretended it was pretty much all his idea and his fight. He was doing basically nothing to change the laws except running away from Utah and crying about persecution on television. Old man Darger was quietly putting in the political work; organising the protests and the lawsuits, while Kody got to run around like a peacock, pretending he was fighting the government and so much above those plygs in hiding (not on a teevee show). Lazy poser coward like his daughter. Man, I hate that guy!

4 hours ago, Just Wondering said:

Why is it that Mariah responded to her fellow man with scoldings first?  It gives the impression that she is in an elevated position to meet out justice to the unwashed masses, just assuming they don’t care at all.  Her social media platform affords her an opportunity to change minds and appeal to our shared humanity, not spank everyone and slam the castle moat.  I understand she may feel triggered because she endured her own brand of persecution due to polygamy, but one guy’s freedom to have sex with multiple partners and their daughters is not to be compared with what has just happened in this country.  And her silence on the victimization of so many women and girls around the world by that same polygamy gives the impression that in fact there’s something she herself doesn’t care about at all.  Should we just assume that and scold her?

Yes! 👏🏼 

Some of her responses to people innocently questioning her posts or ideals  are awful. How is she ever going to be a social worker with that sanctimonious asshole attitude? 
One person (now deleted of course) simply stated that ‘she had so much empathy but could there be a better way than fighting violence with violence’. This was the reply: 51A9FCB8-2885-4429-ABCE-6C79ADA3CB9C.jpeg.23ebf6a7adcacfe2e6bdcefd6231520d.jpeg

another tried to comment on the protests and got this response: 

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1 hour ago, Sofa Sloth said:

Great post! These points right here are perfect 👌🏼 That’s exactly it! She’s nothing but a showboat (like her dear dad) who wants to stand on her pedestal spouting off while others actually do the hard work, but yet she wants to take credit for it and be part of that movement. Honey no. 
Actually reminds me of the time there was that polygamist march protest in Utah, that Joe Darger arranged and Kody showed up with the teevee cameras and some wives and kids in tow,  and basically pretended it was pretty much all his idea and his fight. He was doing basically nothing to change the laws except running away from Utah and crying about persecution on television. Old man Darger was quietly putting in the political work; organising the protests and the lawsuits, while Kody got to run around like a peacock, pretending he was fighting the government and so much above those plygs in hiding (not on a teevee show). Lazy poser coward like his daughter. Man, I hate that guy!

Yes! 👏🏼 

Some of her responses to people innocently questioning her posts or ideals  are awful. How is she ever going to be a social worker with that sanctimonious asshole attitude? 
One person (now deleted of course) simply stated that ‘she had so much empathy but could there be a better way than fighting violence with violence’. This was the reply: 51A9FCB8-2885-4429-ABCE-6C79ADA3CB9C.jpeg.23ebf6a7adcacfe2e6bdcefd6231520d.jpeg

another tried to comment on the protests and got this response: 

She gets to be in charge.  She’ll let you know if your thoughts and opinions line up correctly on all points.  

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Good Lord “please do not degrade those who are hurting right now.”  Preachy, much?  I live and work on the outskirts of Minneapolis/St Paul, and it’s scary out there. So much destruction.  
Ugh she makes me so mad. 

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3 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Good Lord “please do not degrade those who are hurting right now.”  Preachy, much?  I live and work on the outskirts of Minneapolis/St Paul, and it’s scary out there. So much destruction.  
Ugh she makes me so mad. 

I wish there were an ANGRY icon! It makes me so mad too. What a colossal fktard she is.

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I'm an atheist. I think there was a community activist and preacher from Nazareth whose name was Jesus. There is a world of difference between an activist and a rioter. 

She lives to troll and incite. I hope her arrogant and ignorant life is filled with setbacks and hardships because she doesn't deserve anything beneficial or positive. Get out while you can, Audj. If there is any justice, a hard rain's a gonna fall. 

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23 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

Saying white privilege exists isn’t the same as accusing every white person of being a racist. Also, accepting that you might benefit from such privilege isn’t saying that you have never struggled in your life.  It means that, generally, you are given the benefit of the doubt by society.   You are not consistently asked to be the spokesperson for your entire race.  Most likely you are not automatically criminalized when you are the victim of a crime.  Generally speaking, if standing in front of a State building with an assault rifle, while screaming like a banshee or kicking people because you are protesting, you are not harassed by the police and arrested.  If you kneel at a football game, you are not called a son of a bitch by the President.  It is being allowed to walk into your own apartment building, and not have your neighbors assume you don’t belong there; even if they did assume you don’t belong there, 911 is never called.  It is being allowed to use a pool, and assumed that you did not wander by and trespassed to do it.  It is going to school and never having to wonder if you will learn anything good about the people of your race.  It’s never having to wonder if you will learn about them at all.  

This may be a controversial opinion but those videos of rich white women freaking out about a black man in Central Park or one entering their building even though he says he lives there are the product of the invasion and take over of NYC by rich privileged white people who come to live there from other places, usually the all white affluent suburbs.  No white person I know who grew up in NYC, whether rich or not would EVER act that way.  These freaked out women are people that have lived in a privileged "white bubble" all of their lives and don't know how to distinguish a harmless black person from one that might cause them harm.  White people that grow up in NY have the "street smarts" to be able to NOT assume that anyone is a threat just based on their skin color.  Growing up in NYC teaches you that. 

These young, rich white people grow up in a sheltered, prejudiced bubble away from the city and people of color, and bring their prejudices with them to NY.  They also make it bad for all white people because social justice warriors who have no clue (like Mariah) assume that this kind of privilege and prejudice is universal among white people just based on their white skin color.  I get very upset when I am told that I have this type of privilege and prejudice because I know I do not, and those videos sicken me beyond belief.  If I ever had any kind of privilege at all from being white I am certainly not reaping its benefits now that I am a COL and too old and too poor to have much privilege at all.  Being an older woman of limited means invalidates skin color any day of the week. 

Also, if I freaked out every time a black man tried to enter any of my former apartment buildings I'd be freaking out every day of the week!  And I am not so sure that either one of those women wouldn't have freaked out if a white man that wasn't dressed so nicely and perhaps looked a little "lower class" came across their path. 

These are people that are also prejudiced against other white people based on perceived social class.  I myself have been snubbed and snooted up by these young rich white people, especially after turning 50, most of it probably because I was an OLDER person with a NY accent who wasn't wearing expensive trendy boutique clothing.  And note that this is a relatively recent phenomenon that has been getting progressively worse in the last 12-15 years as the city has become invaded by these trust fund babies who "regentrified" Brooklyn and other places.  This was NOT the case with young transplants to NYC from earlier generations.  I have been angry for years about what has been going on in big cities that have been descended on by these people and have changed the very character of them for the worse.  And now not only did they take over and ruin my city but I have to be lumped in with them and bear the price of their white privileged prejudice by rubes like Mariah too!  GREAT.

Also, some of the "privilege" is afforded to all women just based on being women.  I am SHOCKED when I hear from my husband and other white men about how many times they are routinely pulled over by the police just for driving late at night.  It has happened to my husband a lot being a limo. driver.  And the cops aren't so nice to him either - granted, they have never pulled him out of the car and arrested him for no reason, but he almost was set up last Fall by a state trooper in NJ while taking a client to the airport.  The officer claimed he was doing 90 miles an hour when he was observing the speed limit - the only thing that saved him is his client was a very rich man who vouched for him and said he was on his way to Washington DC for a government meeting (which was true).  The cop realized he couldn't get away with it and let them go.  After that hubbie had to buy a GPS device that tracked and generated speed reports to be able to prove that he wasn't speeding.

So to make a long story short, any kind of position on privilege that lumps white people together based on skin color is IMHO just as prejudiced and racist as any privileged white person who assumes that any black man in her midst is there to cause harm.  And sorry, Mariah, but you are too much of a naive rube who knows nothing about the situation to know WTF you are talking about.  So just STFU and go back to Utah to your lily-white culture.

Edited by Yeah No
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Mariah, in the words of Bugs Bunny, “ahhh, shaddup!”

Without getting too into religion, the story of Jesus and the temple merchants has absolutely nothing to do with the riots now taking place. 

If Mariah wants to talk about racism, police brutality and the riots, fine. But she should try to say something thoughtful and intelligent rather than just opening her “woketionary” and picking out random words.

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33 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

This may be a controversial opinion but those videos of rich white women freaking out about a black man in Central Park or one entering their building even though he says he lives there are the product of the invasion and take over of NYC by rich privileged white people who come to live there from other places, usually the all white affluent suburbs.  No white person I know who grew up in NYC, whether rich or not would EVER act that way.  These freaked out women are people that have lived in a privileged "white bubble" all of their lives and don't know how to distinguish a harmless black person from one that might cause them harm.  White people that grow up in NY have the "street smarts" to be able to NOT assume that anyone is a threat just based on their skin color.  Growing up in NYC teaches you that. 

These young, rich white people grow up in a sheltered, prejudiced bubble away from the city and bring their prejudices with them to NY.  They also make it bad for all white people because social justice warriors who have no clue (like Mariah) assume that this kind of privilege and prejudice is universal among white people just based on their white skin color.  I get very upset when I am told that I have this privilege and prejudice because I know I do not, and those videos sicken me beyond belief.  If I freaked out every time a black man tried to enter any of my former apartment buildings I'd be freaking out every day of the week!  And I am not so sure that either one of those women wouldn't have freaked out if a white man that wasn't dressed so nicely and perhaps looked a little "lower class" came across their path. 

These are people that are also prejudiced against other white people based on perceived social class.  I myself have been snubbed and snooted up by these young rich white people, especially after turning 50, most of it probably because I was an OLDER person with a NY accent who wasn't wearing expensive trendy boutique clothing.  And note that this is a relatively recent phenomenon that has been getting progressively worse in the last 12-15 years as the city has become invaded by these trust fund babies who "regentrified" Brooklyn and other places.  This was NOT the case with young transplants to NYC from earlier generations.  I have been angry for years about what has been going on in big cities that have been descended on by these people and have changed the very character of them for the worse.  And now not only did they take over and ruin my city but I have to be lumped in with them and bear the price of their white privileged prejudice by rubes like Mariah too!  GREAT.

Also, some of the "privilege" is afforded to all women just based on being women.  I am SHOCKED when I hear from my husband and other white men about how many times they are routinely pulled over by the police just for driving late at night.  It has happened to my husband a lot being a limo. driver.  And the cops aren't so nice to him either - granted, they have never pulled him out of the car and arrested him for no reason, but he almost was set up last Fall by a state trooper in NJ while taking a client to the airport.  The officer claimed he was doing 90 miles an hour when he was observing the speed limit - the only thing that saved him is his client was a very rich man who vouched for him and said he was on his way to Washington DC for a government meeting (which was true).  The cop realized he couldn't get away with it and let them go.  After that hubbie had to buy a GPS device that tracked and generated speed reports to be able to prove that he wasn't speeding.

So to make a long story short, any kind of position on privilege that lumps white people together based on skin color is IMHO just as prejudiced and racist as any privileged white person who assumes that any black man in her midst is there to cause harm.  And sorry, Mariah, but you are too much of a naive rube who knows nothing about the situation to know WTF you are talking about.  So just STFU and go back to Utah to your lily-white culture.

I answered in the off topic thread because my response had little to do with Mariah.

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15 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Good Lord “please do not degrade those who are hurting right now.”  Preachy, much?  I live and work on the outskirts of Minneapolis/St Paul, and it’s scary out there. So much destruction.  
Ugh she makes me so mad. 

I nearly blew my top when I saw this. So we shouldn’t be upset people are being violent? That’s like blaming a woman for rape: “Well, he was angry and he hates women. He was hurting so, don’t degrade his actions.” 

Wow, Mariah. Wow. What. A. Fucking. Cunt. 

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The idea of abolishing the police force is interesting to me...in theory only.  I'm trying to remember my criminal justice course correctly, that before we had the "modern-day" police force there were groups such as private forces, pay for individual "service rendered" forces, and the old standby, vigilante justice.  Am I to assume that Mariah is promoting a return to such policing choices?  Because I think that if the modern police force is somehow abolished the country most likely would go back to a mixture of those three.  If that's the case it's not going to go well for underserved, disadvantaged communities.  Ideas, anyone?

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I still would love to know what Mariah is doing to help solve on these problems besides posting IG or Twitter posts.  Also, does anyone know when she graduated or will graduate. I’m curious to see what type of job, if any, she will have.

Edited by Irate Panda
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Hoo boy, she will need to find a job that allows her to continue her SM bullshit ranting and raving. She is so full of herself and so full of anger that she would explode if she couldn't vent in public because venting in private obviously doesn't provide the necessary satisfaction.

But WTH type of job would come with that freedom? I can't see any reputable cause or employer taking her on even as a token spokeswomxn. 

Rest assured, somehow the shit show will go on long after the TV show ends.

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10 minutes ago, suomi said:

Hoo boy, she will need to find a job that allows her to continue her SM bullshit ranting and raving. She is so full of herself and so full of anger that she would explode if she couldn't vent in public because venting in private obviously doesn't provide the necessary satisfaction.

But WTH type of job would come with that freedom? I can't see any reputable cause or employer taking her on even as a token spokeswomxn. 

Rest assured, somehow the shit show will go on long after the TV show ends.

I picture her attempting to “write” a book that will solve ALL the problems in the world.  The book writing would consists of her going to different cafes and posting pictures of avocado toast and yellow legal pads of scribbled musings.  After taking the pictures she checks the notifications of her phone to see if Meri has deposited Lulu rags money into her account.  

Edited by Irate Panda
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6 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:

I hate to be a know-it-all, but I can help you with this. My interpretation, is that it’s a straightforward process of finding an elusive ‘radical’ silo (not your average farm silo - it must be ‘radical’ so an armoured Military one as it likely has the better acoustics for screeching silently into).  Firstly check the silo will fit her generous girth and then heave the woke one, face-first screaming in to it, before swiftly shutting the lid.


If only.

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What I don't get is where she comes off thinking she's so incredibly radical.  She's a white, middle-class snowflake who proclaims herself to be gay.  So what?  There are a million of those floating around.  She's not different, she's not special and her only talent seems to be re-posting crap she find on the internet.  Get over yourself, Pudge. 

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