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Maddie Brown: Seeking a One-Woman Man


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On 9/15/2021 at 2:44 AM, Cetacean said:

Weren't there postings about his cavities a while back?  Maybe letting him suck a pacifier for years on end isn't such a great idea.

Both my daughter and I are currently wearing braces (brackets) and I learned quite a bit about orthodontics and teeth in general because of it.
Apparently, the biggest damage in pacifiers and thumb sucking that you develop bad tongue habits (called tongue pressure) and learn to swallow the wrong way. Both habits make the tongue constantly push against the front teeth which causes the misallignment and/or overbite. (This is why I had to start again with braces after 25 years! I am now trying to change those tongue habits, which is so hard!)
Pacifiers don’t cause cavities but may cause issues with speech development. Again, because you train your tongue, jaws, lips and cheeks in the wrong way.

The rotten teeth in young kids has 3 big causes: one is starting with candy and cookies at a very young age (I’ve seen 8-month-old babies sucking popsicles!). Then there’s bad dental hygiene (parents thinking that you don’t brush teeth with infants and toddlers) and lastly the worst of all: offering juices in sippy cups or bottles and even put them to bed with those… Axel is no exception with his teeth unfortunately….

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17 hours ago, LilyD said:

Both my daughter and I are currently wearing braces (brackets) and I learned quite a bit about orthodontics and teeth in general because of it.
Apparently, the biggest damage in pacifiers and thumb sucking that you develop bad tongue habits (called tongue pressure) and learn to swallow the wrong way. Both habits make the tongue constantly push against the front teeth which causes the misallignment and/or overbite. (This is why I had to start again with braces after 25 years! I am now trying to change those tongue habits, which is so hard!)
Pacifiers don’t cause cavities but may cause issues with speech development. Again, because you train your tongue, jaws, lips and cheeks in the wrong way.

The rotten teeth in young kids has 3 big causes: one is starting with candy and cookies at a very young age (I’ve seen 8-month-old babies sucking popsicles!). Then there’s bad dental hygiene (parents thinking that you don’t brush teeth with infants and toddlers) and lastly the worst of all: offering juices in sippy cups or bottles and even put them to bed with those… Axel is no exception with his teeth unfortunately….

I had a cousin who had to have all of her child's baby teeth filled, then when the new ones came in, all those were filled.  Yes she gave her bottles with juice or soda and let her have candy.  I don't know if she brushed her teeth or not.  

The always low-key complaining, cryptic type of bullshit she posts annoys me. It's as though she thinks she's "settled" for this (two cute kids and a lovely home, how rough for you, Princess).

I'd like to know what earth shattering things Ms. NeverCompletesAnything believes she'd be doing if she wasn't "saddled" with these darn children.

She's the female equivalent of that jock you knew in school who has made nothing of his adult life, but continually reminds you that he "coulda gone pro if it wasn't for my bum knee."

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I think it's interesting that even at her young age, Evy has learned to cover her right hand in pictures.  That's the hand that had surgery to unfuse the fingers and make them into a useable "pincer".  She always looks so happy and well cared for, and is such a cutie.  I'm glad she seems to be doing so well.  Especially since health care seems low on the Brown list.

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On 10/19/2021 at 1:30 PM, ginger90 said:




What is your "stereotype," Maddie?  A "mom?"  Do moms have a stereotype?  Are you saying all moms are supposed to love decorating for fall?  But I'm so glad to know that you're "fine" that your kids didn't notice the work that went into the decorating of your porch.  Typically kids don't notice that stuff, just saying.  And I can follow most of your inane hashtags except for "peakaxelandeviespumkpins."  Are you saying the "pumkpins" are at their peak?  Or did you mean "peek?"  Neither one makes sense so why don't you go back to studying to be a brain surgeon or whatever your latest career choice is, put down your phone, and stop low-key throwing your kids under the bus.  


  • Love 16
37 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Screenshot from a video, in which Maddie says, he begged and begged for a bag of frozen strawberries.

 I thought it was going to be that she gave him a couple. No, she gave him the bag, and he went outside to eat them on the slide they are going to put on a swing set.

Am I just cranky, or is this sad?


Who gives a small child an entire bag of frozen strawberries?!?!

and why is he begging and begging for frozen strawberries?… I mean I guess they’re ok but not something I’d want to eat by the bag full….Is he having sugar cravings or something??? Oh wait stupid me they’re all on plexus and don’t have strange cravings. 🙄

  • Love 15
5 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Screenshot from a video, in which Maddie says, he begged and begged for a bag of frozen strawberries.

 I thought it was going to be that she gave him a couple. No, she gave him the bag, and he went outside to eat them on the slide they are going to put on a swing set.

Am I just cranky, or is this sad?


What’s going on with that window frame all the paint is peeling off… I hope it’s not lead paint.

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2 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

Puppies...Awwww so cute! I hope they take good care of them.

Why does she have to say the snarky comment about Axel's dirty face? What is wrong with this woman??

Knowing Social Media, she says that to let people know she is fully aware that his face is dirty to try to stop anyone from needing to point it out.  However, people always do anyway.

Its nice to see him happy with the puppy.  I very much hope that she guides him to care and properly treat a dog/puppy so it isn't a free for all "MY DOG" kind of thing.

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Harkening back to our conversations of Axel riding on dad's lap on the lawnmower...my next door neighbor has a tractor/backhoe thingy that when his grands come over they either ride in his lap driving it or sit in the bucket raised a good 6+' off the ground. 2 or 3 little kids side by side in the bucket driving around the yard. It scares the carp out of me, if one of those little kids fell out they would be run over before he could do anything! It just boggles my mind how irresponsible some people can be.

Edited by Gramto6
wrong word, sorry grammar police! :)
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2 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

Harking back to our conversations of Axel riding on dad's lap on the lawnmower...my next door neighbor has a tractor/backhoe thingy that when his grands come over they either ride in his lap driving it or sit in the bucket raised a good 6+' off the ground. 2 or 3 little kids side by side in the bucket driving around the yard. It scares the carp out of me, if one of those little kids fell out they would be run over before he could do anything! It just boggles my mind how irresponsible some people can be.

People are terrible.  Not all people but....

re the puppies,  I hope they'll train them properly. I doubt they will, but dogs need to know their place in the family so they can relax. 

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Am I the only one who is cringing about the puppy news?? Sorry, but I already seriously doubt some of her parenting skills (especially with taking the easiest/least resistance/laziest route as in give them what they want to prevent any form of tantrum) and now she doesn’t take just one, but two puppies??

Key words when raising puppies are consistency and a lot of attention. I give it a year at best and then they’ll be gone. Mark my words. …

  • Love 15
57 minutes ago, LilyD said:

Am I the only one who is cringing about the puppy news??

Nope, I was appalled.  She has no business getting a puppy with the issues she has with her kids.  Puppies are a HUGE amount of work and, has been said, need discipline and consistency.  I can just imagine her tossing a bag of dog treats out in the yard to keep them busy and out of her hair.

  • Love 21
13 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

  I can just imagine her tossing a bag of dog treats out in the yard to keep them busy and out of her hair.

Standard operating procedure for Maddie.  She tosses her son outside with a whole bag of frozen strawberries simply because it was easier than explaining to him---

a) The waste when he could not consume the whole bag, and

b) There are some digestive issues even Plexus cannot fix if he ate enough of them. 

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She's already screwing it up. The puppies eyes in the first pic looks to me like they're really scared. She should be comforting them and keeping things low key to help them acclimate. Instead, I see Axel reaching to grab one from above/behind. 

eta: how soon will the complaints and snarky comments start with the puppies on her SM? I don't like how she trashes and complains about her own kids already.

Edited by WhatAmIWatching
1 hour ago, Cetacean said:

.  I can just imagine her tossing a bag of dog treats out in the yard to keep them busy and out of her hair.

Now I’m thinking about the huge amount of dog poo in the yard…. She doesn’t seem like the dog walker type, much less someone who picks it up and gets rid of it. Imagine Axel and Evi having to play in that yard…


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27 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

I hope at least Caleb has a heart for animals, and can explain things to the kids about caring for them.  These pups look like they'll get big.  Yes, it would have been better IMO to get an adult dog.  Maddie the whiny whiner is going to do nothing but complain about them, seems to me.

Is Ysabel still living there??

she’ll probably be tasked with puppy duty

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Those look like Labradors, and while they are great dogs they will get big FAST, and many of them are a combination of stubborn and dumb that makes training them difficult.  Having not just one but two big untrained dogs who each have roughly the pulling power of one of those tractors they so love will make things really, um, interesting.  Hopefully Caleb knows what he got into getting them, and doesn't rely on Ysabel or Maddie (or the kids!) to train them.

As for snarky comments, I suspect within a week they will start (and the cynical part of me says "tomorrow").

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39 minutes ago, Fosca said:

Those look like Labradors, and while they are great dogs they will get big FAST, and many of them are a combination of stubborn and dumb that makes training them difficult. 

Yes, they’re labradors but labradors. Actually, they’re  incredibly smart (hence their use as guide dogs for instance) And smart is a way bigger problem than dumb and stubborn. If these dogs aren’t properly trained, exercised and challenged, they’ll develop their own pastimes with disastrous consequences.


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I’m hoping Caleb has a clue and knows how to train dogs, he had his longtime hunting dog that just died a year or so ago and from what I saw he seemed to really love that dog (I could be wrong but that’s the impression I got from pictures etc)
I’m guessing that he wants to raise the pups up to be his new hunting dogs.


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36 minutes ago, Elodia said:

Maddie certainly didn't find out about Littermate syndrome. Maybe it would have been better if she had informed herself in advance. But, hey, Plexus will also handle this problem. 

Oh yes…. If they develop litter mate syndrome, (they probably will) it’s going to be fun! So, a lab x german shepherd mix eh? Well, as a former breeder of shepherds I have to say that I don’t see it. Maybe when they’re bigger. If this is true, the puppy show is going to be great fun! German shepherds are amazing family dogs but need an experienced and consistent boss. Btw…one of ghe smartest breeds there is.

let the show begin…..

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1 hour ago, Elodia said:

Maddie certainly didn't find out about Littermate syndrome. Maybe it would have been better if she had informed herself in advance. But, hey, Plexus will also handle this problem. 

I had never heard of Littermate syndrome and Mr. Google helped me out with that, thanks for leading me to this information. 

Raising littermates apparently presents a challenge for even experienced trainers and 2 females even more so.  Maddie and Caleb should have done some readily available research before purchase but fingers should also be pointed at the breeder that allowed this potentially dangerous situation to present itself in a family with 2 little kids.  There is NO WAY Maddie and Caleb will follow the mandates for successfully raising littermates with regard to separate crating, feeding, walks and playtime. I fear for those puppies.

I doubted very much this was a planned breeding, until I discovered that a "Sheprador" is apparently a thing.  The owner of the mom was still probably glad to find them homes and probably didn't know about littermate syndrome either.  I suspect they'll have the puppies do everything together because it's so cute, until it's too late.

I didn't know Caleb was a dog person; I figured they bought them from a pet store, hence the comment about their not being bright (puppymill labs are not bred for their intelligence, which my sister found out the hard way).  

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A couple of years ago, quite a few cars in the UK were sporting stickers with “Dogs are for life, not just for Christmas.” Which is spot on.

I have a gut feeling Maddie went out for groceries, accidentally bumped into puppies and bought them instead. If she’d been seriously planning,I’m sure her SM would have been full of preparations, maybe a puppy count-down or whatever.

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